_____  ______       ___  ___
                           \  __  \    / \  _  \  \/  /
                           /____\ /----\ /___\ /      \

                       p    r    e    s    e    n    t    s  :

                       ........      ::::::      ........
                        ::::::       ::::::       ::::::
        _               ::::::      .::::::.      ::::::
      _| |_             ::::::                    ::::::
     |_   _|           .::::::.                  .::::::.
       | |                                                     _______
       |_|                           .......                  |       |
                                    .:::::::.                 |       |
                                 ...:::::::::...              |       |
                                 ::: ::::::: :::        ______|       |______
                                 :::  :::::  :::       |                     |
                                  ::.  :::  .::        |                     |
                                   :::. : .:::         |                     |
                                    : :: :: :          |______         ______|
                                       :::                    |       |
                                        :                     |       |
                                                              |       |
                                                              |       |
                                The way of Christ             |       |
                          ____                                |_______|
            _______    ___|  (___  ____      ____      _____
            \_\_   \_  \  |     /__|  (______|  (______|   (___
              \ \ \_ \__\_    _/    ___   \   ..   /          /
               \ \  \ \  /____\_____\ /____\______/__________/
                \ \  \ \_________________                       /\
                 \_\_   \_     \_________\_________________    /  \
                   \_\____\    /          \           \\|//___/__ /__ _  _
                    |                                   |____/__ /__ _  __ _
                    |                                   |   /   /
                    |         Hail thee Warrior         |   \  /
                    |   Who seek the truth of Universe  |    \/
                    |     Christ shall save thy soul    |

                       ____\                  /____
                 ______)                          (______
                _)::|     b a c k s l a s h # 3      |::(_
                \_::|                                |::_/
               ________  _________ ________ ________ ____
               \      /__\_      /_\_     /_\_     /_\  (___
                \____   _  \  .      \        \             \
                  ::.                                .::
                  ::|                                |::
              ________  ________    ________ ________|:______
              \     _/__\_     /____\_     /_\_    _/__\_   /_______
               \_____     \__         \  .     \____     \    __    \
                  :/_______\/__________\_|______\ /_______\___\/     \
                  ::.           _________            .::      /_______\
                  ::|    _______\:::::::/____________|\:
              ______))___\_______\:::::/_____________\ \___
              \:                                           |
              |\  Help us create the third reich of Christ |
              |       Come and worship at BackSlash #3     |
              |        [ http://backslash.galm.org ]       |
                   ____|  the  /___
                 __\/ _|      /_ \/__ _                         ___
                s| /_( creation )_\ |/s                         \  \__
                s| _______          /|s                          \  \ \
                s__)     (__         |s________                  /\  \ \
                s\         /_____    __)   ___(____              \/__/_/
                s|\_     _/     /____\_     )      \
                s| /_____\      __     \____________\
                s|      /_______\/      \
                s|    //        /________\      :
                s|                   |s        /::\
             _______                 |s      __\ :/__
    _______ _\   ._/___        ___________   \  \/  /     _________
   _\     /_\_  __     \_______\    .    /____\__  /______\_      /_______
   \          \_|/      \  ___/_\___|   /_)_   _(_/_       /___/ /        \
   /__//       \/________\  )     \ |__/\          /  ::  /   /____________\
     //_________\|    /____________\ |s \\________/\_____/  //
     /         __|                   |__
               \ |                   | /
               \\                     //
  ______________\                     /_______________________________________
 |                                                                            |
 | In the beginning God created the 0 and the 1.                              |
 | And the 0 was null and low; and the voltage was minimal and week,          |
 | and the Spirit of Galm moved upon the bytes of the bits                    |
 | And God said, Let there be irkk: and there was irkk.                       |
 | And God saw the code, that it was good: and God divided the rest fro       |
 | QuakeNet. And God called the rest Leet, and the QuakeNet he called a       |
 | kiddienet. And there was EfNet and there was DalNet, one gay.              |
 | Stop the scroll, lets fast forward                                         |
 |                                                                            |
 | And God said, Let the irkk bring forth forms of art after their kind,      |
 | code, and block, and ascii after their kind: and it was so.                |
 | And God made the ascii after their kind, and the code after their kind,    |
 | and everything that was blocky and ugly after its kind: and God saw that it|
 | was allmost good. And God said, Let us make sceners in our image, after our|
 | likeness: and let the have dominion over the ANSI, and over the chipmods   |
 | of the heavens, and over the code, and over all the earth, and over every  |
 | wild compo that creepeth upon the earth. And God created sceners in his own|
 | image, in the image of God created he him; male and non-female created he  |
 | he them.                                                                   |
 |                                                                            |
 | And God blessed them: and God said unto them, Be productive, and releas,   |
 | and replenish the warez, and leech them; and have dominion over the lamers |
 | of the net, and over the chixx on MSN, and over every living thing that    |
 | moveth upon the net. And God said, Behold, I have given you every code     |
 | you might, which is upon the face of all the web, and every BBS, in which  |
 | is the power to produce; to you it shall be for life: and to gamer,        |
 | and to sl*t, and to everything that sucks upon the earth, wherein there    |
 | is no brain, I have given Kazaa and VIP-tickets to dreamhack: and it was   |
 | so. And God saw one thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. |
 | And there was booze and there was party, the Xth day.                      |

                                 _______    _______
          _______    _______    _\    _(____\    _(_____________
         _|     (____|_    (____|_ ___      |____      |_   ___(______
         \    __      |_    ..   |_\/        |\/        |    )_      |_
       /\/____|/   ::  |    ::    |/_________|/_________|     |       |
      / /____ /________|__________| _________________ /_______|_______|__
     /_____ /_______________________\ _____________ /_________________| |
          /___________________________\           /_____________________|
      ____\                                                             |
     |                                                                  :
     |                                                                  .
     | Our personal slave, B. Ringholm will now tell you about the      |
     | happiness he found in Galm.                                      |
     |  - At first I was a bit sceptical when I started worshipping     |
     |     Jesus, but then The Lord visited me when I was ingesting     |
     |     the magical kräm. And The Lord spoke to me: “Thou shall not  |
     |     fear my child, for Jesus will save your soul and guide you   |
     |     on along the Arian Way.”                                     |
     |     As The Lord said, I began to sacrifice kittens in his        |
     |     honor, and after that, everything went all to well. I got a  |
     |     well paid job where I can fuck with the Swedish mob and      |
     |     pour money over my own kind.                                 |

            _________ ..    ..            ______________
         ___\    ___/____  ___________    \      .     /______
         |   \   \     \ \/   \    .__\____\_    |____/       \_______    .
         |   /__________\      \   ___       \___|   /_______\ \      \  .
        //         /____________\__\          \  __           \________\/
       //__                         \__________\ \/____________________/
      /   _\\_____________________________________\                   /|
         |                                                             |
         | Thanks to GÜran Phearson, who has done so little for sweden,|
         | but now its time for us to lead the people along the Way of |
         | Christ.                                                     |

                  _________\\            (_____
              ____)        _\   :... :     |vv/                 ___
              \vv|                 : :     |vv                  \  \__
               vv|       .         : :..   |vv                   \  \ \
               vv|______/                  |vv                   /\  \ \
            ______\    /_________________/ |vv _____             \/__/_/
            \         /    ____/_       /_____/   |________
            \\     \__\_/   )   //  /___\    /    |       /
             \______\  /________\-     \__________|   /___\
               vv.            /_________\  .vv   _//     \ \\
               vv|                         |vv  /_________\
       _______________               ________v
       \      \       \______      __\      /____    _________
       \\  ::  \____\  \     \     \__    __\   /____\_   ___/___
        \______|v.   \________\    /       \      __   \   )     \
               vv|                /_________\_____\/    \_________\
               vv|     _______             .vv    /______\            _______
               vv|   __\     /             |vv                      __\     /
  ______________v|   \__   __\    ________ |vv________    _________ \__   __\
  \_____\       \____/_     \_____\_  .__/____\__     \___\__  ___/_/_     \
  \\     \____\  \     \_____\  ___/___    __    \__\  \     \  )     \_____\
   \_____|     \________\   /    )     \___\/     \  \________\________\
               vv.        //____________\  /_______\
             __vv|        /   .            .vv__
             \ vv|)          /:\          (|vv /
             __\/         //:::::\\         \/__       /
        _____)           /:::::::::\           (_____//
        \               (   _    _  )               //
  ______\\               .    |    .               /__________________________
 |       \---------------           --------------/                           |
 |                                                                            |
 | Jesus reports:                                                             |
 |                                                                            |
 | Broadband lowers the amount of teenage parents                             |
 |                                                                            |
 | This is actually quite simple... if you only got a modem there is no       |
 | chance thet you will get hold of some porno, unless you rent, and then     |
 | everyone will stare at you. Therefore you will search for satisfaction     |
 | somewhere else. Examples:                                                  |
 |                                                                            |
 | 1. H&M Commercials                                                         |
 | 2. Kindergarten                                                            |
 | 3. Unprotected One-Night-Stands                                            |
 |                                                                            |
 | As you all probably figured out, the last is the worst. Here there is a    |
 | risk of both spreading STD and small drooling bugs that end up in point 2  |
 | after a few year. But if you had invested in some high quality broadband   |
 | you son would be dowloading just as high quality porno instead of screwing |
 | everything is sight.                                                       |
 |                                                                            |
 | Isnt peace of mind worth a few bags of toiletpaper and 30USD/month?        |

                      /\    .  __\               /__  .    /\
            ____________\           Teh Prophet           /____________
       _____)  _______   \/      ________               \/  ________  (_____
       \  _____)_   __\___     __)    -- \___    _______  __)__  __(__     /
        __)  --  \   __   \____\__    ___\\  \___)_  ___\_\_         /    /
        \     ___\\__\/    \  _  /____\  /   __    \  )     \_______/    \
        /_____\      /______\___/       /____\/     \________\
  ____________________________________       /_______\
 |                                  //_______________________________________
 | The Prophet.                                                              |
 | There shall be a prophet and he shall come the first day of the eleventh  |
 | month He shall appear in the city of the log, and he will wear no pants.  |
 | You will ask him for a number.                                            |
 | And he will not know.                                                     |

           .                   _)  g rim    (_                   .
                             __\   fandango  /__
     /     :  _______________|                 |_______________  :
     \_____|__\  _______   _______      ______ _______        /__|_____
      \    |    _|  ___/___|_ .__/______|____/_|_    /_____      |    /
       \\  |    \   \|      /   __    /         / _       /      |  //
        \\ |    /___       /__ /     /__       /__/      /       | //
          \:      //_______\  /______\ /_______\ /_______\       :/ \

  ________    ________   _______   _______   ________   ________   _______
 _|    __/____|_     /___|_    /___|_    /___|_     /___|_  ___/___|_    //___
 \     \   .   /    /     /  :.     /   .     /    /     /  \|      /  ..    /
 /_____/   |   \___/     /________\/__ /     /___ /     /___       /   ::   /
      /____|____\ /______\_________\  /______\   /______\ //_______\________\
  /____________                                                   ____________\
 |:           //                                                  //          |
 |                                                                            |
 |  What is this? Out whore… shipper Grim Fandango wants to make a shoutout.  |
 |   - Before I found Jesus, I used to worship Hanson, you probably remember  |
 |     them. Those cute little boys with long, blond hair. I used to jerk of  |
 |     while shouting “Oh Taylor!!! OOOOH TAYLOOOR!!!”. And when I thought    |
 |     no-one was listening, I used to sing mmmbop for myself. But then my    |
 |     mom caught me red handed with my trousers down, literarily. After she  |
 |     had smacked me with her belt, she sent me to Galm to learn how to love |
 |     Jesus Christ. And now everything is so much better, now I only dream   |
 |     wet dreams about Hanson, and worship Christ during the day. Too bad my |
 |     doctor told me I got syphilis and only 3 months left to live, but then |
 |     I will finally se Jesus Christ, The Lord Almighty, HALLELUJAH!         |
 |     Mmmbop…                                                                |

                              _______) |_
                             _\         |
                             |    ____  :
                             |   __\ |___   ____________
              .     ________ :  _|    ._/___|__        /__
               .   _|      /____\      __     |_  ::     /
                \  \            /______\       |________/
                /  /_____________\     /_______\\           .
 ____          /_____________:          :_____________/\  .
 \   ))________\            \____________/              \/____________________
 |                                                                            |
 | Hi everyone, this is uncle haklars speaking. Ever heard of the nice powder |
 | everyone calls anthrax? I have. Lately, there has been much talk about it  |
 | where i workm at irca ettan. However, it´s not so easy to get hold of.     |
 | I have been in contact with my friends from the years in Treblinka and     |
 | manage to get a big bag full of it. Let´s ponder about what you can do     |
 | with it. Everyone knows that there are certain groups of gay people that   |
 | doesn´t deserver to live, like cro, bafh and other scumbags. Retaliate     |
 | quickly, send them small bags of evil powder that will eat away their      |
 | flesh, i cant, i have ig <70.                                              |

                  __\       /__
                  |   t j c   |                                  ___
                 _|           |        __________                \  \__
                 | __________ |    ____\_       /____             \  \ \
                 | \        /______\    /            \\           /\  \ \
                 |  \__   __\\         /__/           \           \/__/_/
              ___|   /_____\ \\     \__\ /____________\\
             _\  |            \______\            |__
        _____)   |____ __     .                   | (____
   _____\\_______------//_____|                   :    //___________________
  |                                                                         |
  | Hi there, my dear Jesus Satellites! My name is Jallabert and I am       |
  | addicted to groupsex with girls named Lars. Why you might ask? Well, I  |
  | will explain it all to you! I have formed a special group for special   |
  | (handicapped) people called TJC. The basic concept of the group is to   |
  | gather crappy sceners into a single group instead of leaving them       |
  | groupless. So anyway, when you have been active in this group for too   |
  | long, like I have, you will automaticly turn into a weird looking       |
  | homosexual with a strange haircut in need of some badass cock. To       |
  | fullfill my needs, I prefer to sexually abuse girls (former boys) known |
  | as Lars, just because they "feel" more powerful and they remind me      |
  | about Haklars.                                                          |
  |                                                                         |
  | Therefore, I command you all to join TJC and feel some LARS-power!      |
  |                                                                         |
  |                                             HEIL JESUS!                 |
  |                                                                         |
  |                                                                         |
  | WE ARE!                                                                 |

                               [ g r e e t z ]

       ________  ________  ________  ________  ________  ________
      _|   ___/__|_  .__/__|_  ___/__|_  ___/__|_     /__|_     /______
      \    \|     |_ __     |_  )     |_  )     |_        |_  __      |_
      /_____|______|_\|      |  |      |  |      |__|      |__|/_______|
     /________________|______\\_|______\\_|______\\ |______\\ _________|

       _/\_                  \\\//                /    \
       \__/                 /(. .)\  -- zabu     --[][]--   -- moh
       /..\ -- woffel      ///\_/|\\              \ (_ /
       \o /                  _| |_                /____\  (thanks for the text
       /\/\                 ( ) ( )                ||||    about tjc)
       _/\_                 //---\\                 ||

       (      )               _ _                   /"
      --()-()--  -- lithis    o_o  -- xzipolito    ( o\   -- buzzie
       / /_   \              _\ /_                 / ._)
       \ .__. /              \_|_/                / \_ \
        |____|                _|_                 \    /
                                                  |_ |_
          \___/               _ -                  __
          <@ @>  -- retro     o O| -- jayzon      [__]
         _/(_)\_             ( - |                |__|   -- granma
          \___/               \__:               /-  -\
         _____                                  /minttu\
        / --- \                                 \______/             /\_
       @(.>-<.)@                  /(((\                             /\ \\
        \(   )/   -- datachild   //o O\\  -- theodore              //\\ \\
        /__(__\                   )_-_(                            \\// //
                                                _     _              \/
        \\||//                  ^^               \___/
       / o''o \ -- darksun     (((\\  -- ize     <0=0>  -- acggbg
       \.____./                |o_o|             | ´()
        -\__/-                  \_/              || ||
                                                 ´| |`
         ___                  _  |__|  _                   _^^^_
        Oo  \               _//_( oo )_\\_                 (o_o) -- Pogue
        \= ( ) -- insider   \\  \_--_/  //  -- stammie     |\ /|
         _/_/                                               | |

        _\\//_               _______                       (/()//
        )o  o(                (@.@)  /\                  _(_o_o_)_ -- chaleb
       /  --  \  -- penpen   _| _ |_/.\\ -- ^thaione^    \ \   / /
       |_~~~~_|              ||/ \|// \/                    \ /   (lodastio)
        \\\//                ´|   |     (and his axe)        |
          \//                (__|__)
                                 ____                 (()(!/#(()
           /\                   (____)__              ((78!#(((# --- algar
          (..)  -- hiphopbarzan /   o\o  -- darshi    )) o  o ()
         ( o  )                 \   -/                ))  (_  ((  (fuck tjc)
         _\--/_                 /_/\_\                  \____/
         _  _                                            .     .
        (.)(.)                   _~~~~~~~~_              |=====|
       / (__) \ -- beepdealers   \ o~~~~o / -- dansken  __/o o\__  -- psychad
       \_\__/_/                   \__--__/             ( /__O__\ )
         _||_   (chipdisk#2!?!)      \/                _\       /_

         _~~~_                      .- -.                 _     _
      __(.) (.)__                  | o o |                |\_ _/|
     (  .)___(.  )  -- ROLF. D     __- -__  -- negerkim   |_|.|_| -- LARS!
      \_\     /_/                -(_______)-            .-(_   _)-.
        (_ . _)                    \_____/             / /       \ \ (sinnpaj)
          | |
          / \

                             and  everyone at :

                          [ b l a c k b i r d i e ]
                ______   ______   ______   ______   ______ __
               _|    (___|_   (___|_   (___|_   (___|_   // /_____
               \          |_       |_ ..    |_       |_          |_
               /___/   ..: /_/      /_/      /        /_/         /

             ______      ____ ______   ______      ____ _______
            _|    (______|__(_|_ ._(___|_   (______|__(_|_  __(_____
       ___  \          |_      |_  _    |_   .   |_      |_  )     |_   .
         /  /___/   ..: /       /_/      /  .:    /       /_        /
        /      /________\_______\/_______\________\_______\/________\ /
       /__________________                                            \

 released at blackbirdie 6 nov2004           ascii by eleric, text by kaustic.
----------------------------------[ the end ]-----------------------------------                               _____               _______
                               _____               _______   
                   ________ ___\   (___        ____\     ((___
                  _\   ___/_\_   .    /______  \             /
                  |    |      \__:   /      /___\_ /______\ /
                 //____________\ |__//            \__/  \__/
                                    //_____________\        ( c )

                       [ w w w . g a l m . o r g ]