·this file passed·
                        _ _____        ___   ______
                               )_  __ _| (___) _  )_
                              __/__) (_    |   |___/
                       _ ___  |   |___|    |__
                         c!|______|MSS|____| |______ _
                     ____       ____      _____      ____
                  ___\  (_   ___\  (_   __\_  (_   __\  (_
                 _) _/   /___)  _   /___) _/   /___)   _ /__
                /   \      /    \_    /   \      /     /   /
                \___       \_____/    \____\     \___  \   \
                  \ ________\   /______\    \ ____\ \_______\
                   \/      <(·tHE YARd·)>    \/ lOCATED iN gERMANY!
    [·aMiGA·aLL cONSOLES·gRAFFiTi·aSCii·liNUX·hiPhOP··mP3·pC/iBM·cLASSICS·]
         [· rUNNiNG oN 8 nICE nODES · 2 iSDN/2 aNALOGUE/4 tELNET ·]
           [· sTAFF < zANEr · diPSWiTCH · hAsH · cRAZY > sTAFF ·]
         [· aHS wHQ · b-GiRL wHQ · aRCADE wHQ · sRZ wHQ · lP! gHQ ·]
           [· pNK gHQ · sOiA gHQ · oMEN gHQ · mCE gHQ · pPH eHQ ·]
                       [· hOME oF tHE aSCii cHARTS! ·]

- -- --- ^ addys abowe ^ ------------ -  -   -    -     -      -       -
                               .... ::  :: ....
                               ::   ::  ::   ::  _
                               ::   ::  ::   ::  /
                  ___    ______ :   ::  ::   :: /\     ___
                 /   |___\   _/______ ___ _____/  \ __(__/___
               _/    |    \____     /   _/     /   \        /
               \_____|_______ /    /____\_____/     \ ______\
               ------------- /    / ------- /        \ ------
                            ·    ·  ::  :: /__________\ diP/a!
                     __         __  ::  _____    ______    ______
       _____ ______ _\ \___ ___|  \__ __\_  /___ \    /__ _\   _/______
       \   _/     /   \    \   |    /    /     /       _/   \____     /
       /___\_____/___ /____/___|___/_____\_____\ ______\ ______ /    /
       ------------------------------------------------------- /    / -
                               ::   ::  ::   ::               ·    ·
                               ::.. ::  :: ..::

                     ÷  t A B L E  o F  c O N T E S T S  ÷

                                 0. diSCLAiMER
                1.  cOLLY rEViEWS (gUEST rEViEWER: nEURODANCER)
                         2.  rELEASE liST oF tHE mONTH
                                 3.  cHARTS'99

------\ 0 \----------\ d i s c l a i m e r \- -  -   -    -      -

     The oppinion of single authors is not always the oppinion of the tAC.
                      (P)+(C)tAC'1999, Cologne, Germany.
        This file may not be altered in other ways than adding bbs ads.
       For questions, interviews etc.: dipswitch@losendos.ourfamily.com

                                 Author tags:
                        diP/a! = diPSWiTCH/a!^aHS^1oo%
                          nD/1oo% = nEURODANCER/1oo%

     The promised interview with aVENGER\bM will follow in the next issue.

------\ 1 \----------\ r e v i e w s \------- -  -   -    -      -

   __   ____             __     ____ ____
__|  \__\_ /___ _ ____ _|  \____\ _/.\  /__
  |    / /    / _/   /  |    /   /  |  _/  \        fiLENAME: a!-tlns.txt
__|___/__\____\ \___/___|___/\___\ _|__\___/            dATE: 30/04/99
.------------------------------------------.          aRTiST: Zaner
| 30th/april/99 - zANEr of aRCADe presents |             tAG: zNR/a!
|   · t h e  l a t e  n i t e  s h o w ·   |           gROUP: Arcade
|_________                              ___|   hiS cOLLY nO.: 3
 dip/a! )/------------------------------\(          fiRST oN: The Yard

After a while, Zaner is presenting us another colly at his new home after
killing dKB, Arcade Inc.  Compared to his last Arcade production, which was
not very brilliant, he gives the Ascii society a very nice one. He's got a
completely new style, something between Danzig and Trivial (No, no, this is
*NO* rip occusion!!!). All in all very nice, although the S's and the Z's are
too trivial-like...But if Zaner would do bigger collies, they were absolutely
burners...! ;)
- diP/a!

----------\ nEXT cOLLY \------- -  -   -    -

a small party report of vouck/dft/                  fiLENAME: a!party.txt
                                                        dATE: 06/04/99
                                                      aRTiST: Vouck + cP!
                                                         tAG: vK 
                                                       gROUP: Arcade
                                               hiS cOLLY nO.: ?
                                                    fiRST oN: The Junction

I'm really fucked of about your releasing manners, Vouck ! If you are at
Arcade now, why not take some Arcade diz ? And the file format for Arcade
products is a!-xxxxx.txt !  Vouck, this is ridiculous !  Well the logo style
is a bit better than in his last one, but still there is a big lack of crea-
tivity. Vouck, remember your really great styles in Altern and Looker House ?
Why not kick that style in Arcade, too ? Come on !
Well, I was very surprised to see my old dKB mate cP! as guest artist. Hehe
guest artist ? he made more logos then Vouck himself in the colly... His logos
were earlier made for the coop with Mess, Zaner and me. Very nice style, mate !
Can I use one of your bear figures in a colly ? ;)
By the way, the colly was done live at Mekka/Symposium'99. Unfortunately,
I was not there...;(  But see you all at Evoke'99 !!!
- diP/a!

----------\ nEXT cOLLY \------- -  -   -    -

 _____ ____   _____ __  __  _____ ____ ____
_\ _ /_\  /t!r\ _ /_\ \/ /__\ _ /_\ _/_\  /_        fiLENAME: e!-dw.txt
\ ___\\  |  /\ ___\\ \  / /\ ____/ /   /  _/.           dATE: 14/04/99
|___\ /_____\/___\ /__\/__\/___\/__\___\__\ |         aRTiST: The Risk
+-<< the ELEMENT crew presents you today >>-+            tAG: tr/e!
|                                           ·          gROUP: Element
|   · D I F F E R E N T  -  W O R L D S ·   .  hiS cOLLY nO.: 3
:                                           :       fiRST oN: Restricted Area
.  a new askii collection by The Risk \ e!  |
·                                           |
`--( date: I4/O4/9g )--( t!r )--( nR: o5 )--'

Never heard of this dude before, ahem. :) He claims to do "old school"
ascii. Well, whatever. The introduction and stuff sounds as if he's just
found out the effects of smoking dope and has to let the world know about
it <sigh>.
The collection is about styled quite okey I'd say. In many collections the
logos look like shit once you've extracted them from the surrounding colly
and look at them as they are... compared to that, The Risk's work is ok: he
has those little extra lines, boxes or dots around his logos to make them
look "fuller", and I do like that.
It seems as if he's varying at least two different styles, but I have to
admit that one does, despite its very good readability, actually look as if
the finishing touch is missing and the other is far too nested and cryptic
for my old eyes, and totally unreadable, sorry (I needed five attempts to
get the "Arcade" logo right, errrrrrm). The logos look nice but if it
wasn't for the headers that show whats written in the logo I'd stood there
and say "nice, and what does it read?!" :) with many of them ...besides
that, the pseudo 3D effect on some of the logos is really ugly IMO :) - I
just picked out this character:
     ___  _______
     \  \/    / /
     /  \\  _/ /
     \__/\___\ \

OAAH. Btw. anyone out there who guessed this ought to be an "X"? :)
Oh yeah... hmmm, some of the logos do look at lot like the incredible small
3 (+1) line style that Treach/AC did long ago... I don't wanna blame The
Risk for ripping its just a coincidence I think, but it came to my mind.
OK thats all I had to say, just one thing: A FILE_ID.DIZ IS max. 44 COLUMNS
WIDE AND NOT 45 YOU NERD!!! (aaaaah, that was good ;-)
- nD/1oo%

Only a few words. Riskie, your new style is very nice ! I personally liked
your Arcade logo... But stop using your old style ! It's not worth it !
Btw why you changed to Mimic ?
- diP/a!

----------\ nEXT cOLLY \------- -  -   -    -

._:_______________________. ___         __          fiLENAME: e-steady.txt
| : r o c k  s t e a d y _|(  /________( .              dATE: 01/04/99
| :......................................|..          aRTiST: Kayozz
|    _____________      _____            | o             tAG: ozz
|    \           /     /  __/___        _|_            gROUP: Element
|   __\__       /    __\___    .\.......\\/    hiS cOLLY nO.: ?
|  _\  _//     /__  _\   |/    : \     : |          fiRST oN: Milan BBS
|  /___|          \ /          :  \_   : |
|_____ |           \ __________:___/ __:_|
.......|____________\..........:..    .:.
: kayozz - element productions :       :

Above is what the file_id.diz of the collection looks like in correct 44
columns wide format!!! Dudes I can tell you if the ranking of a release
drops 50% below level right from the start its because the NERD who did the
file_id.diz, after more than 10 years of the existence of this "standard",
still can't figure out the correct width of the damn thing!
The next thing that makes me drop this collection right into the dustbin is
the headers: most of the time that fucking thing above each and *every*
logo is bigger than the logo itself!!! What is this bullshit all about?!? I
removed all that crappy header shit and ended up with 26kB instead of
38kB... 12kB of pure redundance, well yeah, makes the collection grow for
higher self esteem or what?
The artwork itself is again of the nearly unreadable sort, it mostly looks
like a mixture of Grimlock/Gdm/whoever stuff and has nothing to impress me.
Faint and small logos between to much surroundings that nearly drown the
writing itself.
- nD/1oo%

I ave a completely another oppinion of this colly. Yeah, Neurodancer is
completely right about the fucked file_id.diz and the too big dividers. But
when it comes to lettering, so i think Kayozz is one of the big ascii hopes
on PC. His stuff is for me more impressive than e.g. Hiro's. Ok, the style is
nothing extraordinary, but i can not say that it were extremely unreadable
and ugly. But well, you can't quarrel about taste...
- diP/a!

----------\ nEXT cOLLY \------- -  -   -    -

   _________    _______  __________
   \________\  /\______\ \_________\                fiLENAME: esc-tsl.txt
  _/\_  ____/_/ /  ____/_/\_       /                    dATE: 18/04/99
 _\_/   __|__\_/\____  \\_/   |---(_ _                aRTiST: Escuma
!__\_______ / \________/ \ ________/__;                  tAG: esc
.\/--------Y---presents---Y---------\/.                gROUP: Independent
| ESCUMA © |              |  117.478  ¡        hER cOLLY nO.: 1
|          |      THE     |   bytes   |        ¯¯¯  fiRST oN: Punishment Inc.
!aSCII aRTs| SECURE LEVEL |52 ascii`s |
           \\  18.o4.99  //

What we're having here is the first collection from a female ascii artist
in the male-dominated ascii scene. "Escuma" is the girlfriend of Hawkwind,
proud :) and lazy member of the 1oo% club.
Her style and collection design looks to me like some of Hawkwind's work,
but I think its pretty obvious that you, starting with ascii, are largely
influenced by other artists and what they do with all those crappy chars.
:) - and in this special case... well, I think you can't come closer to an
ascii artist (except Escuma will marry Hawkwind one day, haha!). :)
The style and logos itself are very good for a "first try" collection, and
in my personal humble opinion many of the newbies in the ascii scene that
go out bragging with their first works could take a look at this one...
I won't go comment it any further since I'm inflicted with 1oo% myself
somehow... uhhhhm... :)
- nD/1oo%

----------\ nEXT cOLLY \------- -  -   -    -

                                                    fiLENAME: k0-na4li.lha
                                                        dATE: 12/04/99
                                                      aRTiST: ?
                                                         tAG: ?
                                                       gROUP: K0re
                                               hiS cOLLY nO.: ?
                                                    fiRST oN: The Sect

OK, readability check... first 50 lines of the collection, quickly looked
at, read: "Acid more end memfy smndance satume mez azzaro blaze remu zabora
mball lunerr".
Hmmm. I suppose its polish like the rest of the collection. Unfortunately,
I do neither speak nor read or understand polish, so thats all about this
- nD/1oo%

I could not view this colly at all because of the hidden files in the archive.
My Lha couldn't handle that. Sorry.
- diP/a!

----------\ nEXT cOLLY \------- -  -   -    -

  __.._____ ____. ____ ____    ____
  \_||_   //   /|/   //   /____)_  \_..__           fiLENAME: kkz-alo.txt
   vol/   /    _.    /    _.   ____/_||_/               dATE: 10/04/99
. __./    \    \|    \    \|   \    \ .__ .           aRTiST: Jaw
:  //____/ \____\___/ \____\_________\:\  :              tAG: jaw
:   ¡                                 ¡   :            gROUP: Killkrazed
:   |   presents       colly named    |   :    hiS cOLLY nO.: 1
:  _¡_     aloitus!  by jaw          _¡_  :         fiRST oN: The Yard
: _\|/_______________________________\:/_ :

Sorry, this is so fucking unreadable and looks so fucking crappy, I can
only imagine that this guy is using some sort of different font/size or
whatever, it can't be like this, no way... I mean... my mother would make
better ascii. NO, she *does* make better ascii... why? She doesn't make
ascii, thats why. This collection (and I have no problem saying that)
sucks. NO, if it sucked it would be good for something! :)
- nD/1oo%

Crappiest shit i've ever seen. Well you can always discuss about letter styles,
but in this case discussing is senseless, because there's no style at all.
The only nice thing is the file_id.diz by Volatile. Jaw, go do something else !
Ascii seems to be nothing for you... Or change your "style" radically...
- diP/a!

----------\ nEXT cOLLY \------- -  -   -    -

  __.._____ ____. ____ ____    ____
  \_||_   //   /|/   //   /____)_  \_..__           fiLENAME: kkz-rock.txt
   vol/   /    _.    /    _.   ____/_||_/               dATE: 22/04/99
. __./    \    \|    \    \|   \    \ .__ .           aRTiST: Dwarf
:  //____/ \____\___/ \____\_________\:\  :              tAG: dwf
:   ¡           killkrazed            ¡   :            gROUP: Killkrazed
:   |     dwarf     -    the rock     |   :    hiS cOLLY nO.: 2
:  _¡_                               _¡_  :         fiRST oN: The Yard
: _\|/_______________________________\:/_ :

I've never seen more unreadable stuff in my life. The below example of
somehow (accidentally? randomly?) linked characters should read "info".
"Aha!" I hear you say. Well, same goes for me.
                                  .         :
                                  |         |
                                  |         |
         _____._________________  :         :  _____________________
        |           |          /_______________\      __\           |
        |___________|_________'_      /        _`________\____._____|

                                  :   dwf   :
                                  |         |
                                  |         |
                                  .         :
I think that *maybe* I'm getting too old for all this... I mean... yeah,
damn, it looks stylish... but... what the hell, is it supposed to look good
of should the beholder of that divine art also understand something of the
logo? I mean... if I'd requested a "Neurodancer" logo from Dwarf he could
also make it read "asshole" (and I suppose he'd do it after this review,
hehe), I wouldn't even notice it - and why bother, it looks stylish. Thats
good enough? Or maybe not?
Or here: "Polar 666" - REALLY?! Ha-ha good laugh.
                          .                        .______
                          :   __________           |      \     _________
_ ________._______________.___\        /___________|       \.___\        \
          \               |    `      '     /______.        |    `     _._)_
   _ ___.__)______._______|________________/       |________|_________)     \
_ _______\        .       .                        .            dwf \________\
 . .. ....................:........................:............... .. .
                  6       :                        6
                  .       6                        .
OK a last one...
__ _____________________________________________.________________________
     __/____  __/          \        /----.      |     __/___   __/    __/____
- --  ______\ __\_____   _._)____________/______|_______ _  \  __\---  ______\
_ _____/  \______\   \________\.                       \_____\____\_____/
                               |.                         .
It reads "services"... did you find out? Its part of the "1981 internet
services" logo in the collection.
I could add nearly every logo of the collection to this... so, if you want
a real challenge for your eyes, your patience and your imagination *and* a
good laugh at the same time, download this one, you won't regret it!
- nD/1oo%

----------\ nEXT cOLLY \------- -  -   -    -

|   / ·\   /   |---------------------[1/2]-·        fiLENAME: lp!-lork.txt
|  /   \\ /\   |  low profile spy trilogy. |            dATE: 24/04/99
|_/______\/\___|         _____ _           |          aRTiST: Trivial
./  _   /______ . · .   /   _///           |             tAG: t^/lp!
|  //  /  _   /·     ·__\_  \              |           gROUP: Low Profile
|  \___\  /  //·  _  ·  _/   \main producer:   hiS cOLLY nO.: 50 ?
|____\/   \_____·_/ ·   |\    \  trivial   |        fiRST oN: Bustin Loose
:    /_____\     /_____________\           |
|_ _return of the lorque!·motion picture_ _|

Its really as if someone flipped the "ascii reality" switch. At first I was
very sceptic because of that utterly long story and the ascii's really
starting only at 33% of the collections size... but then again... this
whole damn thing is the artwork, not only the logos.
At first the stuff is pretty tuff to read... but you quickly get used to
it, and also the "S" and "R" character kept puzzling me :) its really a big
stylish mother. Some ideas are just so funny and brilliant... I love it.
The "fill me up, bitch!" as an upload-logo for BBS usage... heheheh!
Well, what can I say? Thanks Trivial for showing me, after I reviewed tons
of crap during the past few days, that real ascii art and real fun and
style haven't died yet. You're an inspiration, and I hope you're inspiring
the ascii world out there so that the number of releases that are fun to
look at will increase again. Respect where respect is due.
- nD/1oo%

A real masterpiece ! The great letter style that only a graff writer could do,
the old House Of Style - Low Profile crazy story tradition, the great sound-
track (lp!-lork.lha) by the way... I may say I was really happy about this one.
By the way the colly was really huge, >250kb! Klotzen, nicht kleckern! ;)
That's the way...
- diP/a!

----------\ nEXT cOLLY \------- -  -   -    -

 L ô W P R ô F i L ë.____ _       ¡   /             fiLENAME: lp!-ssfm.txt 
   ............._,-' `-......... _!/// __               dATE: 25/04/99
__::::::___ _  /      ) \_     :(....)   |            aRTiST: Mortimer Twang
  ::::::      ( ______\_ (     ::::::::  |               tAG: ©Mt^lp!
_ ......_      \(     \`   lP! .:·:::·   |             gROUP: Low Profile
   .    /______ )\\ !  )_(      · ·      |     hiS cOLLY nO.: ?
  /    /   _   \ _`¬.-'__ SOULSURVIVORS  |          fiRST oN: Spaced Out
 /    /_  /    ///(__//_(_   PART TWO    |
/ ©Mt  / /    / (     )/ / LOWPROSOUL FM |
\_____/ _____/   )     \ ) BEATS & SKITS |
__ /____\  _____/       )___________ ____|
 /_________\                       //__ _

Very nice one. No doubt. Although i have problems reading some of the logos,
the great funky figures are just the best. Mortimer is simply the king of
really fly asciimen. Also a very funny idea, the story with the radio show...
Rock on !
- diP/a!

----------\ nEXT cOLLY \------- -  -   -    -

               ____               .__.
_____  __._____\  /___   ______ __|_ |____          fiLENAME: m's-pule.txt
\    \/  | ___ \\//  /__   ___ \   / |   /              dATE: 25/04/99
 \  \  / | \/  / _\____ \  \/  /  /  |  /___          aRTiST: Mark Ryder
 _\  \/  | /  /  \   _\  \ /  /  /_  | /_  /             tAG: mR\m'S
\\\\__\ _|___/ dZG\______/___/\______|____/+           gROUP: Mo'Soul
|                                          |   hiS cOLLY nO.: ?
|     MARK RYDER / MO'SOUL BRINGS YOU:     |        fiRST oN: Spaced Out
|                                          |
|_         . ... NO REMORSE ... .         _|

When you start to view this colly, you think 'Whoah, great design, again a
great Mark Ryder supreme production...'. But then... What the fuck ?
Only 4 logos ? FUCKING 4 LOGOS FOR 60k OF DESIGN ??????????????????????????
What's THAT shit fake ? Ridiculous...
- diP/a!

----------\ nEXT cOLLY \------- -  -   -    -

___________   _____________  ____________
½½½½½________ ½½½½½   ½½½½½_________½½½½½           fiLENAME: sea-dobm.txt
 ___    ½½½½½ ½½½½½___½½½½½½½½½½    ½½½½½               dATE: 07/04/99
½½½½½___½½½½½ ½½½½½______  ½½½½½____½½½½½             aRTiST: Azzaro
-----------------------------------------                tAG: az0!/sea
  sati\/e mea  ascii collection release                gROUP: Sative Mea
-----------------------------------------      hiS cOLLY nO.: 56
         "dobermann" by azzaro/sative mea           fiRST oN: The Sect
      experimental brutalism. no trespass

I love it. I don't know what language this is supposed to be, czech or
polish or smorebrod or whatever, I don't speak it. I can't read a thing of
the intro except tons of strange characters that remind me of *really* old
"elite" BBS scene days. :)
The collection is styled funny. The creator must be an insane shithead from
mars. Between each and every logo there's the *complete* index of the
collection. Thats a way to make a collection grow, too. Hey, does it make
your dick get harder if the collection is over 100 kb this way? Stupid, no
regret to say that. I think if this would be left out the collection would
be about 40kB instead of 130kB or so.
The logos itself would be quite nice, they're all using a very strict set
of characters that have much of a "font" feeling, but then again, the style
has so many sharp edges and ruff corners that it looks very unfinished to
All in all: darn fucking foreign texted bullshit. Forget it.
- nD/1oo%

----------\ nEXT cOLLY \------- -  -   -    -

                                                    fiLENAME: sea-kore.txt
                                                        dATE: 17/04/99
                                               aRTiST: Azzaro/Acid/Kempy/Zabora
                                                         tAG: -
                                                       gROUP: Sative Mea/K0re
                                               hiS cOLLY nO.: -
                                                    fiRST oN: The Sect

Hmmmm... its just as if I re-loaded "sea-dobm" or is my harddrive
- nD/1oo%

Big big 400k pile of unstylish shit. Nearly all logos are extreme ugly and
I wonder how someone like Azzaro draws since the early 90's and still have
such a style. The only thing i like are the old Acid logos at the front.
- diP/a!

----------\ nEXT cOLLY \------- -  -   -    -

|)                     (|                           fiLENAME: sub-vol1.txt
¡    Sublime Design     ¡                               dATE: 16/04/99
:       Volatile        :                             aRTiST: Volatile
.                       .                                tAG: vol
¡_    "TWISTED WAR"    _¡                              gROUP: Sublime
|/_____________________\|                      hiS cOLLY nO.: ?
                                                    fiRST oN: The Yard

OK, this guy has a pretty stylish drawing style, most of the logos look
pretty good... but once again: what the fucking hell does it read?!? :) My
favorite one is the "Element" logo... I can only guess where one character
stops and the next one begins. Looks to me like the twisted ascii paranoia
of an alien that had no sex for 676.1 lightyears after leaving the M100
galactic nucleus (get the pics at http://www.nasa.gov).
And all in all... its way too short. 7 full size logos (included title and
header) and 2 file_id.diz' don't make a collection - at least not for me
(hey, its easy for me to say that, I have about the same amount of logos
rotting on my HD for a while now and I'm *not* doing a collection, hehe).
- nD/1oo%

Congrats, Volatile ! It's too small, ok, but you improved your style big time!
I really love your diz design, and they now have the right size, hehe...
The style is also quite readable imho, but take care, it's on the edge to be
too unreadable. Hey, you should do more file_id.diz's ! It's what the scene
needs ! What about doing a colly with diz's for the ascii scene in your new 
style ?
- diP/a!

----------\ nEXT cOLLY \------- -  -   -    -

  _____.  __________.  __________. __ _____
 /     |_/    __    |_/    __    | \//    /
 |     ||      /    ||      /    |  /    /          fiLENAME: 1oo-vs.lha
 |     ||           ||           | /    /__             dATE: 18/04/99
 |____/¯|__________/¯|__________/¯ \___/ \/           aRTiST: Hawkwind
  ____________p_r_e_s_e_n_t_s____________                tAG: hd
._\                                     /_.            gROUP: 1oo%
|        v i r t u a l   s p a c e        |    hiS cOLLY nO.: 5
|                                         |         fiRST oN: City Of Mystery
|    196.991 bytes     over 122 ascii`s   |
|                                         |
|      +3o coloured board style logos     |
|______________ _____________ __________ _|
 hawkwind/1oo%//             \\18.o4.99//

Yo, the 1oo% crew strikes back! Well, I'm not going to say much, since
I'm affiliated with 1oo% by myself...
Some criticism: do the letters in a equal width ! It looks ugly if a letter
is five times as wide the others in the logo !
It'are the diz's i liked most in this colly. Like the 'Nuance' diz...
- diP/a!     btw: finally an amiga ansi pack ! havent seen them for long...

------\ 2 \----------\ r e l e a s e  l i s t \---- -  -   -     -

.-- mARCH 1999 - -   -     -
| filename     | colly title                | artist    | crew    | date     |
| e-steady.txt | rock steady                | kayozz    | element | 01.04.99 |
| a!party.txt  | party report               | vouck&cp! | arcade  | 06.04.99 |
| sea-dobm.txt | dobermann                  | azzaro    | sea     | 07.04.99 |
| kkz-alo.txt  | aloitus                    | jaw       | kkz     | 10.04.99 |
| k0-na4li.lha | ?                          | ?         | k0re    | 12.04.99 |
| e!-dw.txt    | different words            | the risk  | element | 14.04.99 |
| sub-vol1.txt | -                          | volatile  | sublime | 16.04.99 |
| sea-kore.txt | live at ratiborsz'99 (?)   | -many-    | sea&k0re| 17.04.99 |
| 1oo-vs.lha   | visual space               | hawkwind  | 1oo%    | 18.04.99 |
| esc-tsl.txt  | the secure level           | escuma    | -       | 18.04.99 |
| kkz-rock.txt | the rock                   | dwarf     | kkz     | 22.04.99 |
| lp!-lork.txt | return of the lorque       | trivial   | lo'pro  | 24.04.99 |
| lp!-ssfm.txt | soul survivors II          | mortimer t| lo'pro  | 25.04.99 |
| m's-pule.txt | no remorse                 | mark ryder| mo'soul | 25.04.99 |
| a!-tlns.txt  | the late night show        | zaner     | arcade  | 30.04.99 |
 totally ca.1250kb (+- bbs ads) in 15 collections !

------\ 3 \----------\ c h a r t s ' 9 9 \---- -  -   -     -

             -  /  -     c   h   a   r   t   s   '   9   9  -  /  -

                   1.  arcade (a!)           -  12  collections  (1)

                   2.  sative mea (sea)      -   7  collections  (2)

                   3.  low profile (lp!)     -   5  collections  (4)

                   4.  kore (k0)             -   4  collections  (5)
                       remorse (r)           -   4  collections  (3)

                   5.  element (e)           -   3  collections  (6)
                       phunk (pnk)           -   3  collections  (4)
                       save our souls (sos)  -   3  collections  (4)
                       style (se)            -   3  collections  (4)

                   6.  faction (ftn)         -   2  collections  (5)
                       killkrazed (kkz)      -   2  collections  (-)
                       linear (la!)          -   2  collections  (5)
                       mo'soul (m's)         -   2  collections  (6)
                       tasg/tesg             -   2  collections  (5)

                   7.  1oo% (1oo)            -   1  collection   (-)
                       black maiden (bm)     -   1  collection   (6)
                       die kranken bomber (dkb)  1  collection   (6)
                       extreme arts (ea)     -   1  collection   (6)
                       mimic (m)             -   1  collection   (6)
                       shrimps design (shd)  -   1  collection   (6)
                       sublime (sub)         -   1  collection   (-)
                       up rough (up!)        -   1  collection   (6)

----- -  -   -     -       -

! t H E  a S C i i  c H A R T S  0 4 / 9 9 !
:_ __ _          fEATURiNG:          _ __ _:
\_\\_\\\\     ÷ cOLLY rEViEWS ÷    ////_//_/
:                ÷ cHARTS ÷                :
:__   ÷ gUEST rEViEWER nEURODANCER ! ÷   __:
 /    -/-  1  2  /  0  5  /  9  9  -/-    \

        .                    _____: . O  o                               O
   _____|_____.      _____  .)    |____o [ t . H . E  - y . A . R . d ]_o .
 _|      /   .|_____/_   /_ : _   |                                       :
 \      /    |/      /   _//  \    . ahs . bgirl . arcade . srz . tac .   |
  |____/|____/      /__________\  . lp! . soia . pnk . omen . mce . pph . |
            /______/     _ _:   _____          ______  __________ ________:
                         \\\.  /    /__________\_   /_/  _      //  ._   /.
  consoles.amiga.graffiti   ! /    /|    /   _      \    /     /    |/    |
  ascii.hiphop.mp3.ibm/pc   |/_____     /____\_______\___\________________|
  classics.drugs.linux/dd   :_  t^/____/   _.  zANEr/diPSWiTCH/hAsH/cRAZY |
                             (_____________)| ___________ _______ _ ______:
  one of the finest in +49             _ _ ___)         (_)               :
                              #1 33k6.  #2 28k8.  #3 64k isdn #4 64k isdn
                              #5 telnet #6 telnet #7 telnet   #8 telnet