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 |_                   aSCII'aNSI oRDERINg - sPLITTEd cHAt - NewsGroups!     _|
 : )_______________________________________________________________________( :
 .                                                                           .


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 /  /    /  \  /  /   _  /   /   /   /     
(____   (___|\/  (____| (___(____   /vol.#10
    \__/ GoTE(____|   |_____)   \__/february
--[ The most complete scene e-mail list ]--
! Now compiled by by Ghandy/Gods & Syndrome!
Email your addy at:  Ghandy@Neuss.Netsurf.de
-[02:41:07]- -[ uP' dOWN ]- -[02-24-97]-
                                     /  \                ____
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`--------- -|      _/     _/_      |      \     _/\      |- --------------'
            |______\        /_____________/______________|
                    \      /
                     \    / SYSOPS:  ShAdOWER!
                      \  /           
                       \/            /\utopsy/ [hOODLUM]
                                     FURY/ [PReSTiEGE]
                                     ExOcEt/ [ANTHRoX/ARCLitE]


                             -* 10 NODES *-                        
                   MAIN RINGDOWN:  +1-8o1-779-4069

                          TELNET:  +

This File Had A One Night Stand At:
   _|____ /  _|_______________|_                                
    |\  //\___|__________/\___|__________/\______/\__________/\______
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     /_ _   \/|  /____ /    \/|  /____ /    \/       /____ /Sk!n\/
              |      \/       |      \/                  \/
      ________|________/\_____|____/\______    Aftershock Canadian HQ!
      \___________  _ /___/  _____// _____/    Royal      Canadian HQ!
          /   /  /  //   /\___  \/.  /_        Real              /XHQ!
         /___/__/  ./___/_______/____ //\ :    Food Distribution Site!
              |/____ /        |.    \//__\|_   
              |    \/       / ||    /_ _  |
              |            // |:       :
------------ -|---------------|- ----------------------------------------
 "CANADIAN MIST" - NODE#1--> (xXx) xXx-xXxX -> 33.6k V.Everything
                   NODE#2-4> (STA) TIC-IP!! -> Get On IRC
 A3000/040 -> 2.18 Gigs Online -> Lightning Quick Background File Checks
                            REFERRAL ONLY!
                       ONLY THE ELiTE NEED APPLY
------------ ------------------- ----------------------------------------
           uPPER: [-GHANDY-]                   tIME: 14:25:43        
     aFFILIATION: GODS & SYNDROME              dATE: 22-Feb-97        
                                nODE nUMBER [2]                    

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             \_  LOS ENDOS BBS <<-  (_)  ->> LOS ENDOS BBS  _/

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          |            (_____|                 |______)               |
      ____|______________________________________ __ _                |
      \   |                                                           :
       \  |                                                           .
        \ |                                             
          .    SCENERS' E-MAIL ADDRESSES & MORE (February 1997)

                     compiled by Ghandy of Gods & Syndrome

    based on the last list from Lord of Impulse & Absolute & Crimson Jihad!
  (from december `96) But as he didn`t reply any mails & didn`t release any 
              updates... I decided to take over his dirty job ;-)

  thanx to Zygote (asciis) - all non-valid addys were erased (thanx to Exon!)

            if your e-mail address isn`t present, has been changed,
         your location is wrong, contact me at Ghandy@Neuss.Netsurf.de

      Please mail me also if your FTP-server, Homepage or BBS is missing!
   (We will only include boards, which run 24hours with a static ip.number!)

                            Hint for any support: 
          Don`t write hUNl0H/HaUj0©© - Please write: Hunloh/Haujobb]


                       Where to get the latest updates:

                     Via E-Mail at Ghandy@Neuss.Netsurf.de
   via snailmail at Lars Sobiraj, Mindener Str. 5, 40227 Düsseldorf, Germany

           or call Los Endos BBS: ++49-2103-986247 <-- analog node 
                        ++49-2103-986251 <-- isdn node
             e- or snailmail me (or Exon) for the newuser-password


2Hot4u - Sedge                                  fredrik@ncp.se
7 - Archiologics                                k.plociennik@sieben.ruhr.de
A's - Sway                                      robert.pohl@mailbox.swipnet.se
A-Freak - Interactive                           a-freak@hysteria.dssd.sub.org
Aap - Acme                                      terheide@simplex.nl
Acbs - Ram Jam (Showtime Maineditor)            acbs@ssnet.it
Ace - Nerve Axis                                ace@13thhour.warp.co.uk
Acid - Alpha Flight & Grotesticle               acid@norconnect.no
Adt - Absolute!                                 adt@onvillage.net
Aerosoul                                        pete@rhein-neckar.netsurf.de
Act - Outlaws                                   johanvdb@innet.be
Action - Anadune                                action@inwar.kalisz.pl
Airon - Phase Distortion                        aronchce@sp.zrz.tu-berlin.de 
Akira - Pulse                                   akira@waw.pdi.net
Alias - Scoopex                                 cdcurry@diku.dk
Alien - Virtual Dreams of Fairlight             sami.arola@utu.fi
Allah - Parallax & LSD & Insane & Damage        ketola@iki.fi
Allanon - Depth                                 2eka5@meldal.vgs.no
Alta - ex-Rbs & ex-Tsl                          carl@funcom.com
Amok - Oracle & Ministry & Dynamics & Delirium  amok@berlin.snafu.de
Anadune (Group Email)                           anadune@geocities.com
Andraax The Mad - Darkside                      oivinds@studserv.osir.hihm.no
Andy - Banal Projects                           ankujanp@freenet.hut.fi
Anonym - Padua                                  poing@cs.tu-berlin.de
Anthony - Axis                                  anthony.donker@tip.nl
Antibyte - Scoopex                              e9225794@stud1.tuwien.ac.at
Antibrain - Bizarre Arts                        antibrain@people-x.people.de
Antitrack - Cosmos                              antitrck@freelove.tu-graz.ac.at
Apollo - Royal                                  apollo@introweb.nl
Archangel - Trsi                                ronnilse@sn.no
Argon - Extend                                  tastikai@kruuna.helsinki.fi
Armoric - Arm`sTech                             Frederic.Elisei@imag.fr
Array                                           array@xs4all.nl
Artifex - Complex                               henrijl@evitech.fi 
                                                or complex@hut.fi
Artisti - Karpo                                 mleh@lib.hel.fi
Aryan - Dive                                    dcm216@public.decam.se
Asti - Absolute!                                asti@hu.bonus.com
Astro - Cncd & Sonik Clique & TBL               cvschie@xs4all.nl
Atheist - Balance                               atheist@freenet.hut.fi
Atx - Anarchy (pc) & Shock & Mfc & Label0       atx@freeside.elte.hu 
                                                or pszi@e-franka.isk.huninet.hu
Axe - Independent                               danaxe@danaxe.tcp.co.uk
Azazel - TBL                                    azazel@orion.boden.se
Azlan - Iris                                    cj@cybernet.dk
Azure - Artwork & Bizarre Arts                  Azure@poet.shnet.org 
                                                or Azure@factory.dbn.dinet.com
Babbage - Nerve Axis                            babbage@babnet.foobar.co.uk
Bacchus - Fairlight                             pbg@hk.mobitel.telia.se
Baffle! - Honey & Abuse & Sidcrew & Grotesticle torst@ifi.uio.no
Bagder - Horizon                                daniel.stenberg@sth.frontec.se
Bakerman - Depth                                kasperh@image.dk
Bandit - Tex                                    bandit@hysteria.dssd.sub.org
Bandog - Parallax                               tommiih@evitech.fi
Barman - Capsule & Centolos                     marcos@redestb.es 
                                                or barman@redestb.es
Bartman - Abyss                                 bw005ns@munich.netsurf.de
Bax - Arise                                     bax@m-night.domino.de
Big-Rat - Abyss & Ethic X-Files Mained.         bigrat@fub46.zedat.fu-berlin.de
Billy - Mystic & Royal & Dat                    billy@irc.pl
Bird - Rebels                                   ekafe-ind@dk-online.DK
Bjoern - Prodigy                                bjoern@neuss.netsurf.de
Blade - Bomb Squad                              naked_sun@anon.penet.fi
Blitter - X-Trade                               blitter@pc23-c801.uibk.ac.at
Blitz - Halcyon                                 blitz@triplex.fipnet.fi
Blue Deville - Talent                           tpongrac@fly.cc.fer.hr
Bob - Censor Design                             robertg@algonet.se
Bod - Talent & X-Ikari & Talent & X-Hotline     darren@talent.demon.co.uk
Bodzio - The Edge                               zabinski@ae.katowice.pl
Boheme - Bomb Squad & Style & Euphoria & Abuse  asjohans@helsinki.fi
Boo - Talent (PC)                               uldahl@sn.no
Booger - Abstract                               glenszcz@us.edu.pl
Boogeyman - Passion                             dm95126@dec51.tietgen.dk
Boon - Legacy                                   istvan.horvath@informatik.tu-clausthal.de
Boosta - Session                                boosta@osnabrueck.netsurf.de
Braindead - Scoopex                             brd@icon.fi
Brainwasher - Eremation (Rage Coder)            106142.3110@compuserve.com
Brian - Graffity                                graf1974@ursus.bke.hu
Buckly - Infect                                 buckdcef@sp.zrz.tu-berlin.de
Buzz - Atlantis & Buzzami                       uc2_ins@mail.dds.nl
Bytekiller - Sca Productions                    bytekiller@badnews.idn.nl
Byter - ex-RamJam                               henryp@dircon.co.uk
Calf - Venus Art Team                           calf@dedal.man.szczecin.pl
Camel - Pulse                                   ks@ds2.pg.gda.pl
Candyman - Session & Crux                       janne.kotta@janus.swipnet.se
Cantona - Balance & United                      evesthei@sn.no 
Cap                                             Cap@casoconf.ohz.north.de
Carebear - Nerve Axis                           carebear@sci.fi
Case - Cncd                                     mphuhtam@kruuna.helsinki.fi
Cba - TRC & SCS                                 cba@utopia.hacktic.nl
Cedrix - Arise                                  cedrix@m-night.domino.de
Celebrandil - Phenomena                         celle@aristotle.algonet.se 
                                                or marten_bjorkman@mentorg.com
Celsius                                         ngaeggel@worldcom.ch
Celtic - Axis & Smellon Design                  celtic@dds.nl
Cesium - Session                                offpiste@stud.hivolda.no 
                                                or frodeer@sn.no
Chaos - Facet's Pussy of Desire                 primel@brb.snafu.de
Chaotic - Atlantis & [N*P]                      chaotic@online.fire.dbn.dinet.com
Chasm - Horde & Diverse                         chasm@klinja.fipnet.fi 
                                                or mental@freenet.hut.fi
Chicken - Fake That                             chicken@ezinfo.vmsmail.ethz.ch
Chief - Padua                                   tonyc@compnews.co.uk
Chip - Powerline                                chip@felix.polhem.educ.goteborg.se
Chris - Gods                                    chede@hol.fr
Chris - ex-NorthStar                            chris@speed.eik.bme.hu
Chris - Power Team                              kovacsl@toledo.koranyi.hu
Chris Meland - Noiseless & Scoop                cmaelan@online.no
Chrisse - Arise                                 chrisse@cbox.domino.de
Christine De La Queen                           Christine@dk-online.dk
Christopher - Scoopex (DK)                      cdcurry@diku.dk
Chromag - Essence                               Timm.Albers@stud.uni-hannover.de
Chucky - Virtual                                chucky@kd.qd.se
Cindy - Divas                                   cindy!@dds.nl
Clary - Drifters & Crux                         apagnotta@afair.fr 
                                                or smocker@worldnet.fr
Clawz - ex-Bomb                                 mathieu.berthaud@ace.epita.fr
Clotug - Royal                                  clotug@dds.nl
Cluster - Insane                                cluster@canit.se
Cockroach - Ex-Crux                             wdobmeie@mail.teleconsult.de
Cob - Quantum                                   csxprw@scs.leeds.ac.uk
Cobra - LSD                                     S.J.Atkinson@plymouth.ac.uk
Codex - Extend                                  terop@modeemi.cs.tut.fi
Codex - Steroid                                 homay@ludens.elte.hu
Coke - sys Virtual Trap                         coke@ajaur.ct.se
Colorbird - ex-Razor1911                        Johan@Funcom.no
Complex (Group Email)                           complex@hut.fi
Conan&Newton - Rebels & Kingdom                 nclarke@datashopper.dk
Confidence - Balance                            confidence@mailbox.kdtnet.se
Control - Trsi                                  control@trsi.de 
                                                or control@mcp.de
Cool T.J - Sapphire                             thomas.johnsrud@intermedia.bbs.no
Conqueror - C^Z                                 e5peter@etek.chalmers.se
Cork - Poro Productions                         cork@freenet.hut.fi
Corrosion - X-ZoNe                              corrosio@freenet.hut.fi
Crash! - Nerve Axis                             crash@crash.tcp.co.uk
Crash -	Polka Brothers                          CrashPolka@aol.com
Creon - Contortion                              bkamn95@tufvan.hv.se
Crest - Acme & Cellblock4                       O.Baertschi@BBrandes.Berlinet.De
Crew^one - Myth                                 pilon@cs.utwente.nl
Crisp - Bad Karma & Crux & Decision & Anthrox   crisp@tornado.be
Crom - Extend                                   crom@freenet.hut.fi
Crony - Origo                                   jpjuntun@snakemail.hut.fi
Crossbow - Crest                                toegelrd@trick.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de
Crown - Cryptoburners                           khaarla@helsinki.fi
Crusader - Mo'soul & Session                    janne.kotta@janus.swipnet.se
Cry - The Xperience                             cry4txp@aol.com 
                                                or s94tm1@fh7serv1.fh-bielefeld.de
Cueball - Ethic                                 101353.3634@compuserve.com
Curt Cool - Depth (Eurocharts Editor)           curtcool@image.dk
Cyber Pirate - ex-Cytax & ex-PMC                godwind@mbox.vol.it
Cybersonik - Alcatraz                           n.goossens@cws.rulimburg.nl
Cyberstarr - Ephidrena                          cyberstarr@east.no
Cybex - Shadow!                                 Cybex@shadow.utero.cuci.nl
Cycleburner - Contex & Megastyle Prod.          evens@ifi.uio.no
Cyclone - Abyss & Illusion                      cyclone@glenz.prima.ruhr.de
Cytron - Depth                                  6820@et.aarhus.ih.dk
d-fekt - Destiny and Twilight                   erik.drakenberg@voxnadalen.ovanaker.se
d-Orb - Sepultura                               j.l.gomez-dans@sheffield.ac.uk
Dab - Promise!                                  szitask@rs3.szif.hu
Daiz'l - Mystic                                 kenjon-6@sm.luth.se
Dalamar - Corrupt leader (Dreamcharts Editor)   dalamar@mailbox.sh.hik.se
Damion - Artwork (Generation Maineditor)        damion@paradise.fire.dbn.dinet.com
Dan - Lemon.                                    dan@nlights.demon.co.uk
Dangermouse                                     doneil@central.co.nz
Danny - TBL & Logic Design                      kalinda@dds.nl
Dansken - Access                                dansken@sdf.luth.se
Danzig - Arclite                                ib94_pjo@isk.kth.se
Dar Ek - Illusion                               nierada@usctoux1.cto.us.edu.pl
Dark - DCS & Anarchy                            t.l.mcgrath@herts.ac.uk
Dark Angel - 976 Ev!l                           T.R.Stubbs-94@student.lut.ac.uk
Darken - Haujobb                                nilsson@fiifo.u-psud.fr
Darkman - Triumph                               nilsco@ifi.uio.no
Darkness - Imphobia                             jeff.van.audenhove@infoboard.be
Dartagnan                                       scraggs@cynergy.com.au
Dataworld - Infect                              epgbc@cluster1.urz.uni-halle.de
Daze - Phuture 303                              sara.akerberg@amigabee.org.uk
Ddt - Accession                                 lennu@cute.fi
Debug - Parallax                                jussis@sci.fi
Decca - Lego                                    decca@people-x.people.de
Deck - Scoopex                                  deck@freenet.hut.fi
Deadbeat - The Sharks                           deadbeat@iwn.fi 
                                                or deadbeat@freenet.hut.fi
Deansdale - Shock!                              h532885@alfa.cab.u-szeged.hu
Deck - Scoopex                                  deck@freenet.hut.fi
Decker - Brutal                                 decker@sn.no
Decoy - Banana Dezign                           stianol@ifi.uio.no
Decoy - Passion                                 decoy@mailhost.net
Deejay Jones                                    bluehill@oden.se
Deelite - Balance                               deelite@freenet.hut.fi
Deep Freezer - Fuel                             han.welvaarts@ping.be
Del - Lemon                                     del@nlights.demon.co.uk
Delta TX - Ultima                               deltatx@dcandy.demon.co.uk
Deltaforce - Delirium                           pannozzo@uni-duesseldorf.de
Deluxe                                          deluxe@tnp.com
Demolee - Abuse                                 demolee@sci.fi
Demon - Black Souls                             Valek@fr.vsp.cz
Der Hm - Complex                                complex@hut.fi
Destino - Origo                                 trpeki@uta.fi
Destop - Cncd                                   destop@hybrid.org
Detector - Artwork                              hol_luem@bielefeld.netsurf.de
Devistator - Abyss                              Devistator@dcandy.demon.co.uk
Devotion - Fake                                 elev.1414@hule.harryda.se
Dexter - Abyss                                  100.17637@germanynet.de 
                                                or m.wodok@link-m.de
Diablo - Myth & Roadhogz & Accession            diablonl@xs4all.nl
Diesel8 - Razor 1911                            s94matjo@und.ida.liu.se
Diddle - ex-Sanity                              M.Vasters@Verkehrswesen.FH-Wolfenbuettel.DE
Dip - Lustrones                                 mdipieri@dsi.unive.it
Dire - Eremation                                nb@netdesign.de
DirkGent                                        dirk@master.fok.hu
Disney - ex-Alcatraz & Sanity                   farin@sbox.tu-graz.ac.at
Distance - Orange                               950918@hemuli.helbp.fi
Dixy - Independent                              hqm@hem.passagen.se
Dizzy - Cncd                                    jtkujanp@itu.cc.jyu.fi
Djiby - Nova                                    desnoues@email.enst.fr
Djmadness - Sca & Ratrecords                    dj.madness@badnews.idn.nl
Dooba - Steps of Change                         graemes@kcs.co.uk
Docent - Union                                  amuszyns@neutron.elka.pw.edu.pl
Dodger - Ex-Essence                             dodger@canta.gun.de
Dominator - Corrosion                           domin8r@galeb.etf.bg.ac.yu 
                                                or domin8r@crshq.crsn.com
Doxx - Noice & Swemix                           t94stebe@und.ida.liu.se
Dozig - Damage                                  dozig@otitsun.oulu.fi
Dr.Acid - Extend                                dracid@freenet.hut.fi
Dr.Awesome - Crusaders                          bjorn@team17.com
Dr.Crazy - Masquerade                           lew@bundy.hibo.no
Dr.Eher - Delon Dizayn                          homay@ludens.elte.hu
Dr.G - Ram Jam (The House BBS)                  gvitale@spin.it
Dr.Ice - Lisence                                kaarej@barentsnett.no
Dr.Outtasight - Crusaders                       espen.lyngaas@team17.com
Dr.Robotnik - Movement                          u950318@daimi.aau.dk
Dr.Skull - Virtual Dreams                       skull@freenet.hut.fi 
                                                or skull@icon.fi
Dreamer - Independent                           dreamer@zumzum.tky.hut.fi
Dreamfish - Mono & Dual Crew-Shining            dreamfish@dcandy.demon.co.uk
Droid - 2000 A.D.                               christ@apollo.roskildees.dk
Duce - Extend                                   duce@vskol.fi
DuffE - Sardonyx (Icing Party organizer)        duffe@one.se
Duke - Paragon                                  duke@triplex.fipnet.fi
Duncan - Damones                                chili@freenet.hut.fi
Durandal - Interactive & Decision & Ultima      durandal@asylum.domino.de
Dutchie - Chaos D-Sign                          marioh@fwi.uva.nl
E-Moon - Session                                ec94coda@bergslagsskolan.karlskoga.se
E$G - ex-Italien Bad Boys & 4WD & Delight       sturaro@araxp.polito.it
Easy Rider - Mystic                             abfri@medianet.com.pl
Echo - Lsd                                      echo@stevect.demon.co.uk
Echo - F.C.I.                                   sq3dzk@ampr-gate.netvision.net.il 
                                                or sq3dzk@gw.ab6qv.ampr.org
Ed - Exotic Men                                 trinne@cs.joensuu.fi
Edhellon - Resource                             edhellon@ludens.elte.hu
Eddieboy - Night Force                          Eddieboy@ThePentagon.Com
Eft - Impulse                                   regenyi@ludens.elte.hu (SUBJECT: EFT!!!)
Electric - Extend                               electric@freenet.hut.fi
Encore - Spoon                                  richard.ehlers@star.ct.se
Enex - Contraz & Klostir B.                     Enex@Infolink.no
Epics - Armaxess                                s_gpfarr@rzmain.rz.uni-ulm.de
Erno - Absolute!                                zalkae@rs3.szif.hu
Estrayk - Capsule                               calamo@ctv.es
Evrimsson - Illusion                            evrimsson@teucom.xnc.com
Exalt - Antic                                   Exalt@nevermind.ct.se
Excel - Balance                                 excelblc@freenet.hut.fi
Excelsior - Gus                                 gsal@posidon.servicenet.ariadne-t.gr
Exon - Riot & Da Jormas (Los Endos BBS)         exon@neuss.netsurf.de
Exorcist - Paragon                              exorcist@sip.fi
Facet - Lemon. & TBL                            martijn.vanmeel@student-kmt.hku.nl
Fajser - Rage                                   ma9430@maskin.ing.hb.se
Fary - Intensity                                bagj@labor.obuda.kando.hu
Fashion - Ram Jam                               fashion@fishtown.han.de
                                                or l11e@alf.zfn.uni-bremen.de
Fastjack - Haujobb                              fastjack@hjb.dinet.de
Fate - 100%                                     fxmts205@rz.uni-frankfurt.de
Fear - TBL                                      fear@penti.sit.fi
Felix - Massive                                 kafische@sn.no
Fenix - Royal & Appendix & Damage               feniks@nzs.sci.agh.edu.pl
Fish - Lsd                                      fish@stevect.demon.co.uk
Fishwave - Sardonyx (Seenpoint Maineditor)      Fishwave@t-online.de
Flake - Trsi                                    msch0091@rz.uni-hildesheim.de
Flame - Pygmy Projects                          flame@stekt.oulu.fi
Flash - Cellblock4                              flash@hardybox.gun.de
Flash - Radwar                                  flash@trade.gun.de
Flex - Frame 18                                 flex@bull.jozsef.kando.hu
Flite - Sceptic                                 flite@ozet.de
Floppy Robby - Royal & Eurotraders              robbyfun@xs4all.nl 
                                                or robbyboy@dds.nl
Floyd - Crusaders                               floyd@crusaders.no
Flynn - Energy                                  c950158@zipi.fi.upm.es
Fraction - Cncd                                 jhuuskon@cc.hut.fi
Fraggle - Moving Pixels                         fraggle@ncarrier.leine.de
Frame - C-Lous (No Sense Maineditor)            egoben@algonet.se
Franky - Purple Turtle                          Peter.Smets@ping.be
Freecaller - Royal                              oleg.khimich@bbs.tenet.odessa.ua
Fugazi - Giants                                 fugazi@algonet.se
Funky - Haujobb                                 funky@hhouse.owl.de
Fury - Prestige (Dial Hard BBS)                 m-30509@mailbox.swipnet.se
Fuzz - Trsi                                     fuzz@norconnect.no
Fuzzy - Death Row                               fzy@hoa.ping.dk
G.d.m - Looker House                            gdm@redline.ru
G.O.D - Da Jormas and Style                     Jpolkko@naantali.fi
Galax-e - Phonetics & Cellblock4                R.Harneit@BBrandes.Berlinet.De
Galvados - Jamm                                 galvados@triplex.fipnet.fi
Gandalf - Phantasm (Symposium Organizer)        gandalf@blackbox.dame.de
Gandalf - Pulse                                 yvon@sept.fr
Ganja - Nerve Axis & Abuse                      slice@xgw.fi
Gargoyle - Polka Brothers                       amor@funcom.com
Gary Copper - Mentasm                           gary@lmiindy0.univ-bpclermont.fr
Gato - Impulse                                  gato@moha.szikszi.hu
Geist - Balance                                 geist@thor.ins-france.com
General Lee - Freezers & Eltech & Factor        blomjoh@algonet.se
Genesis - Shock                                 szabonor@gandalf.gamf.hu
Genius - Palace                                 veli-matti.jokela@pcb.compart.fi
Gerdin - Ctrl H                                 k152351@proffa.cc.tut.fi
Ghandy - Gods & Syndrome (Jurassic Mag Ed.)     ghandy@neuss.netsurf.de
Gizmo - Ultima                                  gizmo@ultima.enta.net
Goa - CDI & Faculty & Mango                     yucca@szabinet.hu
Godfather - Fun                                 ah765@freenet.hamilton.on.ca
Gorbatschow - Arise                             gorbatschow@m-night.domino.de
Gothmog - Session                               ewiborg@netpower.no
Grace - Illusion                                grace@cs.Tu-Berlin.de
Graham - Oxyron & Ex-Artwork                    j.selck@flensburg.netsurf.de
Green-Beret - AFL                               fuzion@indigo.ie
Greenhouse - Excel                              grnhouse@pi.net
Grendel - Byterapers Inc.                       grendel@freenet.hut.fi
Grey - Crux (Ex-Rebels)                         grey@crazy.inka.de
Groo - Cncd & Coma (pc)                         groo@freenet.hut.fi
Gryzor - ex Dreamdealers                        gryzor@club-internet.fr           
Gt - Arise                                      gt@t-rock.domino.de
Guille - Syndrome                               guille@nucleus.fr
Guran - Censor                                  goran.granstrom@ffvaerotech.ffv.se
Guru - Sahara Surfers                           p153737@cc.tut.fi
Hamlet - Royal                                  hlt@hotmail.com 
                                                or hammy@dds.nl
Hawk - Infect                                   epgbc@cluster1.urz.uni-halle.de
Hawk - Giants                                   hawkgts@hem.passagen.se
Haze - Epsilon                                  jdm@europa.com
Hazor - Beyond Force                            hazor@niksula.hut.fi
HeatBeat - Cncd                                 aamikkon@freenet.hut.fi
Hellraiser - Fun                                warddr@muss.cis.mcmaster.ca
Hexagon - Puzzle                                hexagon@hoa.ping.dk
Hexorcist - Almagest                            sherberg@norconnect.no
Hijack - Parallax & Arclite & Insane            rt3097@bessel.tutech.fi
Hirvih - Da Jormas                              hirvih@sotka.tki.jklmlk.fi
Hoffi - Bloodsuckers                            hoffi@iwn.fi
Hollywood - Mono                                kah30@dial.pipex.com
Honcho - Corrupt & Euphoria                     gyi95rgr@blg.du.se
Hoot - Duplo                                    oskar@academy.bastad.se
Hornet - Alcatraz                               amalek@di.epfl.ch
Hotblack - Klf                                  i202@informatik.fh-wiesbaden.de
Hotwire - Twisted                               dmurphy@Dcandy.demon.co.uk 
                                                or chart@dcandy.demon.co.uk
Hst-Bullah - Da Jormas (Harddisk Cafe BBS)      te3uhuot@ramk.fi
Humanoid - Embassy                              apjhamal@cc.helsinki.fi
Hund. - Depth & Fnuque (adressed to: Til Brian) punch@internet.dk
Hybris - Beam                                   tkvam@infolink.no
Hydra - Andromeda                               okarlsen@krs.hia.no
Hydra - Insane & DD author                      hydra@freenet.hut.fi 
                                                or hydra@pato.vaala.fi
Hydra - LSD                                     dominicc@dircon.co.uk
Hype - LFO                                      hype@post3.tele.dk
I-go - TBL & Raw staff (Raw Online)             blahh@xs4all.nl 
                                                or I-GO@pi.net 
                                                or blahh@pi.net
Iggy - Hellfire                                 iggy@dcandy.demon.co.uk
Illuminator  - Accession                        illu@cute.fi
Illusion - Dylem & Accession                    illusion@logic.helvetica.ch
Immortal - Freezers                             geszymcz@kinga.cyf-kr.edu.pl
Incubus - Antic                                 fugazi@algonet.se
Index - Stellar                                 aijas@paju.oulu.fi
Infant - Session & New Age                      kvds@pi.net
Infusion - Corrosion                            inf@eunet.yu
Interphase                                      interphase@universal.nl
Insider - Defekt                                insider@spybox.shnet.org
Inqu - Stellar                                  alehtine@lut.fi
Intruder - Myth                                 af666@freenet.hsc.colorado.edu
Invoker - Maniacs                               jannilse@stud.unit.no
Isaac - Spoon                                   isaac@redleaf.bbs.no
Iso - Axis                                      christiaan.unck@student-kmt.hku.nl
It - Independent                                sindre@sn.no
Izi - Impact                                    izi@hoa.ping.dk
Jack - Mirage                                   pullens@cs.utwente.nl
Jacobs - Royal                                  jacobs@irc.pl
Jacool - Turnips                                turnips@zeus.polsl.gliwice.pl
Jaguar Speed - Ultra Sonix & Intensity          cyberwlf@wr.com.au
Jah - Gigatron                                  kp95nks@kp.hgs.se
Jam - Hellfire                                  jamhf@dcandy.demon.co.uk
Jam & Spoon - Nerve Axis                        kristjs@hengill.rhi.hi.is
James - Ubn & Bomb Squad                        jgrondah@cc.hut.fi 
                                                or Jan.Grondahl@hut.fi
Jare - Iguana                                   jarevalo@ran.es
Jawlog - Flood & Creed & Vodka & Sceptic        Jawlog@post4.tele.dk
Jazz - Impulse & Haujobb & Illusion & Smoke     jazz@haujobb.dinet.de
Jazz - Scoopex                                  cdcurry@diku.dk
Jean - ex-Chromance & ex-Scoopex, Absolute      jean@labor.obuda.kando.hu
Jedi - Hoodlum & Rebels & Swat & Shape          hanspet@oslonett.no
Jeffy (Stack.J) - CrimsonJihad                  kozso@mail.matav.hu
Jester - Pygmy Projects                         tripp@uni-muenster.de
Jhl - Complex                                   jhl@niksula.hut.fi 
                                                or complex@hut.fi
Jmagic - Complex                                japehe@kanto.cc.jyu.fi
Jobbo - Spaceballs                              9361441j@udcf.gla.ac.uk
Joe Forster - Sta                               sta@ludens.elte.hu
Jogeir Liljedahl - Scoop & Noiseless            jogeirl@online.no
Johnny Turbo - Digital Access                   John.Bus@syd.dcet.csiro.au
John Peel - Angels                              sjalo@138ppc20.tutech.fi
Joker - Tulou                                   Petter_Wallin@nhs.se
Jon - Crimson Jihad                             simon@tancs.isk.huninet.hu
Jozz - Dual Crew-Shining                        O.Doughty@plymouth.ac.uk
Jugi - Complex                                  jusaka@jyu.fi
Juggler - Xtacy                                 u940469@daimi.aau.dk
Juice - Phase Distortion                        juice@fly.cc.fer.hr
Juliet - Cncd                                   jtrasane@vipunen.hut.fi
Justin Case - Session                           kdj@sn.no
Kal - Astroidea                                 bgyenge@gtk.gau.hu
Kalikone - Crux                                 alain@logic.helvetica.ch
Karl - Nooon                                    modp5@cict.fr
Karo - KNS & Supplex & Extensors & Steel        karo@artcom.de
Karpow - Scoopex                                karpow@kauhajoki.fi
Kata - Balance                                  jgr@doc.ic.ac.uk
Keksi - Cool Productions & Wunderbaum           jpolkki@iwn.fi
Keldon - Giants (Nighttrain Maineditor)         keldon@hotmail.com
Ken - The Black Lotus                           ec94keek@vdg.malung.se
Khul - Ascii Unlimited                          whl20@hermes.cam.ac.uk
Killit - Void & Cybertek                        j.smith@shu.ac.uk
Killjoy - Banana Dezign                         royan@internet.no
Killraven - Mystic                              klr@xs4all.nl
King Fisher - Triad                             triad@df.lth.se
Kingpin	- Spaceballs (Checkpoint BBS)           kingpin@sn.no 
                                                or kingpin@netpower.no
Klorathy - Ram Jam                              martin@etxkm.ericsson.se
Knight - Extend                                 y93smimi@it2.kotakk.fi
Korbatz - Venture                               venture@felix.univ.szczecin.pl
Kostek - Royal & Insane                         kostek@puma.tu.koszalin.pl
Krion - Cydonia                                 krion@wr.com.au
Kris - Rebels (Miracle Maineditor)              kris@young.ege.edu.tr 
                                                or kris@young.bbs.tr
Kryptonite - Inhumans                           krave@ihug.co.nz
Kube - Cncd                                     kube@cute.fi
Kurgan                                          kurgan@www.ats.com.au
Lance - Progress                                lance@neuss.netsurf.de 
Lawnmover Man - Mystic                          lawnmower_man@hardybox.gun.de
Lca - Pulse                                     cbermond@serveur.dtr.fr
Leeroy - ex-Prestige                            leer0y@pobox.com
Legend - Parallax                               legend@avalon.merikoski.fi
Lemming - Orange                                lemming@solutions.fi
Lemming - Alpha Flight                          lemming@jybox.jyu.fi
LFO - Phuture 303                               paul.barker@amigabee.org.uk
Lion - Chromance                                lion@inf.bme.hu
Lithium - Gods                                  u96gs@alpha2.luton.ac.uk
Lizard - TBL & Spaceballs                       Lizard@netpower.no 
                                                or magnar@hsr.no
Looby - Insane                                  andersw@canit.se
Lord - Impulse & Absolute! & CrimsonJihad       lord@goliat.eik.bme.hu
Lord Helmet - Spaceballs                        bbrunes@waco.no
Lord of the earwigs - Matrix                    michael.pohle@e-technik.tu-chemnitz.de
Losiu - Anadune                                 losiu@hotmail.com
Louise - Nhl                                    Nagy_Lajos@bedrock.fido.hu
Lowlife - Axis & TBL                            angelob@domark.co.uk
Lawnmower Man - Mystic                          lawnmower_man@hardybox.gun.de
Loy - Crimson Jihad                             loy@goliat.eik.bme.hu
Lunkwill - Hysteric                             postmaster@sweetdreams.lahn.de
Mac - Stellar                                   kikkis@klinja.fipnet.fi 
                                                or mikoivis@eden.fipnet.fi
Macho - Skid Row                                macho@sn.no
Macno - Abnormalia                              macno@sarc.shiny.it
Madbart - Anadune                               MadBart.Anadune@p10.f22.n481.z2.fidonet.org
Mad Druid - Powerline                           druid.powerline@goteborg.mail.telia.com
Mad Jack - The Primary Design                   madjack@zumzum.tky.hut.fi
Madison - Trsi                                  Oliver.Kohl@Dortmund.netsurf.de
Maduplec - Buds of Nato & Crest                 spplemad@hp1.cbs.dk
Magic - Nah-Kolor & Balance (Showtime Ed.)      magic_mi@mail.dds.nl
Majkel - Venture                                czebotar@beta.ii.tuniv.szczecin.pl
Majic Mushroom - Tesko                          MJM@dcandy.demon.co.uk
Maksiu - Venture                                maksiu@safona.mech.tuniv.szczecin.pl
Mamba - Mystic                                  mamba@tup.nullnet.fi
Marc - Alpha Flight                             sc0044@uni-essen.de
Marley - Infect                                 marley@csmd.cs.uni-magdeburg.de
Mars - NahKolor & Mystic                        mars@panda.bg.univ.gda.pl 
                                                or mars@superlink.net
Marvin - Armbugz                                Marvin@Atlantis.DontPanic.Sub.Org
Marvin - Dark Star                              MARVin@Crazy.inka.de  
Marx - Insane                                   marx@canit.se
Mash - United Force                             mash@hydra.fido.hu 
Masterix - Diskcharge                           masterix@sam.canit.se
Matt - Scandal                                  T.Ernst@ping.de
Maverick - Independent                          bizzetti@mbox.vol.it
Maw                                             weichsel@uniwa.uwa.edu.au
Max Headroom - Tex                              maxheadroom@hysteria.dssd.sub.org 
                                                or s.pucino@fact.rhein-ruhr.de
Maxime - TheSpookyFellows                       maxime@webzone.it
MaxWood - Majic12 (pc)                          antala@rs1.szif.hu
Maz - Delirium                                  maz@bdec.ruhr.de
Mdb - Ex-Alcatraz & Ex-Bonzai Bros.             lewan@cww.de
Meegosh - The Movement                          jkavalef@alpha.hut.fi 
                                                or jkavalef@delta.hut.fi
Meeku - Illusion                                john.hankinson@digitec.co.za
Melan - Astroidea & Scenest'97 party            melan@hungary.net
Melkor - Haujobb                                melkor@haujobb.owl.de
Mentor - Rave Network Overscan                  mentor@dcandy.demon.co.uk
Mercenary - Extend                              jsiitone@niksula.hut.fi
Merlin - Sonik Clique                           mikkokn@evitech.fi
Merlyn - IceBird                                leppin@zfn.uni-bremen.de
Meson - Nerve Axis (Pressure Maineditor)        gary@batesg.demon.co.uk
                                                or pressure@batesg.demon.co.uk
Metal - Analogue                                vibrants@i4.auc.dk
Metal - Insane                                  metal@canit.se
Metal - Parallax                                stschuma@freenet.hut.fi
Metal Maniac - Dual Crew-Shining (C64)           etxmaip@acat10.ericsson.se 
                                                or etxmaip@nrk.ericsson.se 
                                                or mm@algonet.se
Mic Flair - Eltech                              eltech@warp.co.uk
Mickey - Puzzle                                 mickey@dk-online.dk
Mike - Crusaders                                mike@crusaders.no
Mike - Dual Crew-Shining                         mikael.koark@mailbox.swipnet.se
Mike - Mystic                                   mikemst@mail.freenet.hut.fi 
                                                or mikaila@freenet.hut.fi
Mindshadow - Foundation                         msd@p9.nevermind.ct.se
Miracle - 1oo%                                  miracle@toxic.franken.de
Mistral - Parallax                              sima@mimas.otol.fi
Mj - Massive                                    hbrede@online.no
Moby - Sanity & Noon (pc)                       fmotte@mindscape.com
Modem - Atome                                   granata@mail.caribusiness.it
Mood - Limited Edition                          moOd@abc.se
Moon - Abyss                                    thomas.mattel@telecom.at
Mop - Essence (Rom Team)                        mop@macatawa.org
Mortician - Shadow                              s.wichers@idi.nl
Motion - Balance                                lund@hoa.ping.dk
Motiv8 (Ex-Scoopex)                             gat14a@altenforst.su.nw.schule.de
Mount - Polka Bros.                             Tage.Majland@djh.dk
Mr.C - Subspace                                 oanhauge@telepost.no
Mr.Coke - Sunshine Productions                  micke@processit.se
Mr.Hill - Archiologics                          d.schalig@bbrandes.berlinet.de
Mr.Hyde - Andromeda                             slunoe-n@adh.no 
                                                or sverrelu@ifi.uio.no
Mr.Nobrain - X-Subacid                          mka@u.jt.jt-rd.dk400.dk
Mr.Pixel - Impulse                              pixel@bme.zpok.hu
Mr.Rox - Oracle & Nemesis & Ministry & Dynamics rox@berlin.snafu.de
Mr.Spiv - Complex                               jikorhon@cc.helsinki.fi
Mr.Wax - Chromance                              lion@eik.bme.hu
Mr.X - Apathy & Strange                         morten.bolstad@login.eunet.no
MSK - Tragedy                                   keyn@uz.kuleuven.ac.be
Muad'Dib - Mystic & Royal & Invasion & Crazy    muaddib@xs4all.nl
Mub - LSD                                       mub@stevect.demon.co.uk
Mud - Damones & Karpo                           mud@brahman.nullnet.fi
Mucsi - Muffbusters                             peter@netwizards.net
Muffin - Ambition                               muffin@another-world.com 
                                                or hansfl@powertech.no
Murk - Sonik Clique                             an942400@shsibm.shh.fi
Mystra - Ram Jam                                Kpeders@krs.hia.no
N.C.S - Legend                                  cerberus@wirehub.nl
Naksahtaja - Da Jormas                          nax@tikka.tki.jklmlk.fi
Nam - Melon Dezign                              nam@melon.fdn.fr
Napoleon - Ex-Dreamdealers (Rage Maineditor)    emmarnaud@avignon.pacwan.net
Neemo - Phase Disortion                         neemo@zumzum.tky.hut.fi
Nemesis1                                        aaj@itn.is
Nemo - Factor                                   sp94kask@egy.engelholm.se
Network (Group Email Addy)                      network@redestb.es
Neurodancer - 1oo%                              neurodancer@another.gun.de
New Design - Excess                             andydirr@inf-ga.uni-paderborn.de
Newlocal - Vip                                  newlocal@ursus.bke.hu
Newt - Abyss & Crux                             njut@freenet.hut.fi
Nexus - Magic                                   c93torni@und.ida.liu.se
Nigel - Impact DK & Insane                      nigel@post3.tele.dk
NightProwler - New Order                        np@norder.spb.su
Nik - Nerve Axis                                Mikael.Grahn@pp.itv.se
Nikdom - Morbid Visions                         nikdom@sgol.it
Nike - Trsi & Trsi Records & Craze              najk@freenet.hut.fi
Nimrod - Raw Staff                              sk@nvg.unit.no
Nino - Hellfire & Decision                      nINO@ibm.net
Nirvana - Contraz & Klostir B.                  ntv@Robin.no
No-Xs - Oxyron                                  M.A.H.VanDenBovenkamp@Student.Utwente.Nl
Noah - ex-Lemon.                                morten@funcom.no
Noname - Talent                                 pallo@pvv.ntnu.no
Noodle - Haujobb                                stefan.schipper@tip.nl
Nose - Stellar                                  jsaarinen@kone.fipnet.fi
Nosferatu - Offence                             geirsk@ifi.uio.no
Nuttin - PWA                                    jparrish@iol.ie
O'Neill - Psychic Link                          oneill@freenet.hut.fi
Obligator - Dual Crew-Shining                   mkolsi@cc.hut.fi 
                                                or markus.kolsi@hut.fi
Odie - X-Trade                                  ei944@el.haninge.kth.se
Odin - Gods                                     pilleux@worldnet.fr
Omani - Independent                             omani@Informatik.Uni-Bremen.D
Orb - Ultima                                    orb@enterprise.net
Orbis - Extend                                  pora@lut.fi
Orgasmatron - (Angel City BBS)                  fredde@lappower.se
Oriens -  Les Shadock                           kohlerc@esiee.fr
Oriol                                           osp@tinet.fut.es
Orlingo - Divine Stylers & Stoer & Nuttenlos    orlingo@trans.xs4all.nl
Otis - Dream4 Music                             perseus@xs4all.nl
Owl - Inferno                                   m-2284@mailbox.swipnet.se
Owl - Haujobb                                   timowl@sip.fi
Oxbab - Oxygene                                 oxygene@ace.epita.fr
P-Nut - DarkZone                                sveinma@cybernet.dk
Pace - ex-Complex                               pacepace@algonet.se
Paithan - Depth & Sidcrew                       paithan@interlink.no
Pan - Anthrox                                   paninaro@tnp.com
Papaj                                           g.taffi@fastnet.it
Paranoia - Pulse                                alex@distorsion.cnam.fr
Parsec - BioSynthetic Design (Rom Editor)       parsec@linux.infosquare.it
Patko - Reality                                 hrvoje.zlatar@public.srce.hr
Patrician - Crux & Da Jormas                    patr@toy.ic.jytol.fi
Patriot - Scoopex & Mentasm                     ses@progranet.com
Pazza - Lsd                                     pazza@stevect.demon.co.uk
Peace                                           bruehwilers@ubaclu.unibas.ch
Peachy - Haujobb                                peachy@inf-ga.uni-paderborn.de
Pearl - Passion                                 serup@rg.dk
Pekka Pou - Da Jormas                           deetsay@jyu.fi
Pervect - Topix                                 e.j.r.leyssens@student.utwente.nl
Petroff - Absolute!                             ecobit@mail.datanet.hu
Philipp Geiser - Fairlight & Myth & Royal       pgeiser@uniplus.ch
Phönix - CDI                                    phoenix@master.fok.hu
Phoenix - Quantum                               sah195@soton.ac.uk
Phonetic - Puzzle & Mystic                      sousa@dk-online.dk
Phuzzy Logik - Vipers                           phuzzy@corona.hobbiton.co.yu 
                                                or phuzzy@emc.co.yu
Piirakka Munalla - Da Jormas                    pam@tikka.tki.jklmlk.fi
Pike - Energique                                pike_energique@hotmail.com
Pink - Abyss                                    Manfred.Linzner@munich.netsurf.de
Pirat - Phase Distrortion                       pirat@phd.paradise.sub.org
Pirlaga - Independent                           pirlaga@ermes.it
Plastikman - Quasar                             Tarkan.kaya@acem.bbs.tr
Playboy -                                       corelli@udphvx.fisica.uniud.it 
                                                or adebbs@hydrus.cc.uniud.it
Poet - Abyss                                    simon.finkenstaedt@munich.netsurf.de
Pogi - Crimson Jihad                            pogi@goliat.eik.bme.hu
Poko - Lamer Crew                               poko@szabinet.hu
Point - Apathy                                  svgustav@sn.no
Pol Pot - Alpha Flight                          daver@tfs.com
Polarn - Sedge                                  marcus@grub01.physto.se
Posdnuos - TheSpookyFellows (Rom Editor)        tsf@sgol.it
Pot-Noodle - Anthrox                            leo.davidson@keble.oxford.ac.uk
Power Supply - Delon Dizayn                     h430827@stud.u-szeged.hu
Prefix - Royal                                  PreFiX@dcandy.demon.co.uk
Pride - Trsi (pc) & Twisted                     pride@trsi.de 
                                                or PRIDE@dk-online.dk
Probe - Virtual Dreams of Fairlight             dat96lel@lustudat.student.lu.se
Prophet (ex-Subject) - Impact & Passion         d96429@nt2.lyngbyes.dk
Prophet - Wizzcat                               j.georg@ping.de 
                                                or prophet@wizzcat.ping.de 
                                                or jgeorg00@marvin.informatik.uni-dortmund.de
Proton - Complex                                proton@kontu.bbs.fi 
                                                or complex@hut.fi
Psionic - Steps of Change                       psi@dtvm31.demon.co.uk
Psyche - Devious Dezigns                        terra@platypus.omen.com.au
Psyko - Insane & Abuse                          psyko@xgw.fi
Puh - Agony (Oepir Risti Maineditor)            alvar@one.se
Puzzle (Group Email Addy)                       puzzle@mailhost.net
Pyromaniac - Pexistence                         bragiel@students.uiuc.edu
Python - Anadune                                jacekska@zeus.polsl.gliwice.pl
Qen - Sunshine Productions                      qen@uno.canit.se 
                                                or qen@canit.se
Qla - Royal                                     qla@irc.pl
Qubix - Architects                              kircher@ph-cip.uni-koeln.de
Quido - Crazy Boys                              xzidek01@pal.fee.vutbr.cz
Qwe - Archiologigs                              holger_s@bbrandes.berlinet.de
Raatomestari - Da Jormas                        raato@jyu.fi
Rachy - BioHazard                               rachy@fsd.bdtf.hu
Rack - Absolute!                                pannon-mobil@posta.pgsm.hu (Subject:391000)
Radavi - Effect & Axis                          radavi@xs4all.nl
Radiators - Ex-Faith                            buzztone@aol.com
Rag - Dive                                      di94rgu@pt.hk-r.se
Rage - Phuture 303                              100667.1474@compuserve.com
Rahiem - Essence (Rom Team)                     rahiem@essence.dinet.de
Raider - LSD                                    gbowden@plymouth.ac.uk
Rainbow - Chromance                             rainbow@bull.jozsef.kando.hu 
                                                or sygma@bull.jozsef.kando.hu
Rally - Riot                                    fischerj@Informatik.TU-Muenchen.de
Ralph - Spectre                                 slundoe@krs.hia.no
Ramosa                                          ramosa@hoa.ping.dk
Ramses - Session                                nils@hsr.no
Ranx - Balance                                  dag@odin.funcom.no
Ratleto - Sidcrew                               ratleto@eunet.no
Ratman						ratman@mosogep.obuda.kando.hu 
                                                or ratman@alpha1.obuda.kando.hu
Razorblade - Balance                            Geir.Vestheim@osir.hihm.no
Raven - Nuance                                  raven@ul.german-online.de
Raver - Phantasy                                SJ50191@lanet.lv
Raw Style - Lego (Symposium Organizer)          RAWSTYLE@BLACKBOX.dame.de
Red Alert - Arise                               red_alert@m-night.domino.de
Red Devil - Dual Crew-Shining                   rob@edensoft.demon.co.uk
Redlight - Dreamdealers                         llaubin@soleil.dir.univ-rouen.fr
Reebok - Surprise! (pc)                         reebok@eleet.iddc.via.at
Relief - Puzzle & Twisted                       d@dsm.dk
Rendall - Impulse & Astroidea (pc)              regenyi@ludens.elte.hu 
                                                or fgm73@ursus.bke.hu
Repe & Ransu - Style & RRR                      karvakuo@klinja.fipnet.fi 
                                                or repe@xgw.fi
Reverend D - (Trespass BBS)                     jimmyh@algonet.se
Reward - Complex                                Sami.Vanhatalo@hut.fi
Rickz - Divine Stylers                          rk@bastad.se
Risque - KLF                                    i631@informatik.fh-wiesbaden.de
Robin - Steroid                                 robin@augusta.inf.elte.hu 
                                                or robin@csomavax.csoma.elte.hu
Rokdazone - Artwork (Generation Maineditor)     RokDaZone@factory.dbn.dinet.com
Roland - ex-Balance                             roland@kauhajoki.fi
Roman Soft - LLFB                               roman@www.esi.us.es
Roppe - Paradox                                 An941090@shsibm.shh.fi 
                                                or Robin.Lillandt@shsibm.shh.fi
RRR - Oxyron (C64)                              sw0484@uni-essen.de
Rubberduck - TBL                                d93jde@t.hfb.se
Rune - Talent                                   rchg@nvg.unit.no
Ruuvvi - Da Jormas                              hafonsel@jyu.fi
S.m.m                                           smyr@algonet.se
Samir - Prestige & Zenith                       sgherbi@di.epfl.ch
Saracen - Talent                                arstokke@sn.no
Saviour - Complex                               saviour@freenet.hut.fi
Saxon - The Exterminators                       saxon@wizard.art-line.de
Scandal - S2 & Void                             macron@cybercomm.nl
Scandic - Decision & Motion                     Scandic@ernie.mi.uni-koeln.de
Scarface -                                      scf@xs4all.nl
Scope - Balance                                 bergsoe4@pipmail.dknet.dk 
                                                or scope@hoa.ping.dk
Scorpie - Bruno Mastyn                          bmastyn@be.stortek.com
Scorpik - Pulse (pc)                            longsoft@mtl.pl
Scourger - Talent                               torkildl@pvv.unit.no
Scully - Planet Core                            a96parwa@ite.his.se
Sentinel - Unreal                               sentinel@bonus.fido.hr
Serkul - Cydonia                                kymtosh@smug.student.adelaide.edu.au
Shade - Trsi                                    shade@bowe.no
Shadow - Substance                              shadow@silesia.ternet.pl
Shadowwalker - Ambrosia                         113622@tek.herningts.dk
Shady - Crusaders                               Shady@Crusaders.no
Shaitan - Ultima & Data Division & Tribe        craig@dcandy.demon.co.uk
Shane - Crux                                    shane@netwings.ch
Shark - INC                                     inc@asu.edu
Sharon - Artwork                                spline@cs.tu-berlin.de
Shd - Mystic                                    heorsila@learnet.freenet.hut.fi
Sheffra                                         akins@osuunx.ucc.okstate.edu
Shocker - Drifters                              apagnotta@afair.fr
Siegel- Trsi/X-Innovation                       siegel@deadline.snafu.de
Siliconvention Party Email Adress               siliconvention@siliconvention.com
Silk - Digital                                  silk@dcs.warwick.ac.uk
Silver Eagle - Pygmy Projects                   silvere@freenet.hut.fi
Simm - Analogue                                 germans@cs.vu.nl
Simon - Aquafresh                               simon@simjohn.demon.co.uk
Simply - Parallax                               jjuhola@ratol.fi
Sir Monkey - Chrome                             k140734@cs.tut.fi
Sixpack - Gods (Jurassic PackMag Mained.)       terjjoha@sn.no
Size - Andromeda                                jopeders@sn.no
Skindiver - Ex-Abyss                            andreas.schwarz@x3network.net
Skjeggspir - Contraz                            skjeggspir@infolink.no
Skull - Eremation                               sauger@etu.unicaen.fr
Skurk - Hoaxers & Sidcrew                       skurk@interlink.no
Sky - Xography                                  sky@hhouse.owl.de
Slat - Lustrones                                slat@dei.unipd.it
Slice - Royal                                   slc@toaster.joy.se
Smack - Infect                                  epgbd@cluster1.urz.uni-halle.de
Smc - Abyss                                     101675.424@compuserve.com
Smeagol - Triumph                               carla@ifi.uio.no
Smt - Artwork                                   smt@blacky.mcnet.de
Snowman - Depth                                 ajcr@hoa.ping.dk
Snuskis - DCS                                   snuskis@mn.medstroms.se
Soldier - Waveriders                            Soldier_IMS@hotmail.com
Solnova - Movement and >(oo)<                   karsten@funcom.com 
                                                or karsten@funcom.no
Somewhere In Holland Party Addy                 sih@pi.net
Sorcerer - S2 & Void                            macron@cybercomm.nl
Soul - Movement                                 dave@ts.umu.se
Souri - Cydonia                                 souri@wr.com.au
Spaceman - Lemon.                               del@nlights.demon.co.uk
Spector - Eltech                                spector@mail.microserve.net
Speed-head - Byterapers Inc.                    damaskus@algonet.se
SpeedWolf - The Exterminators                   speedwolf@hysteria.dssd.sub.org
Spin - Abyss                                    grafp@ruf.uni-freiburg.de
Spiv - Infect                                   spiv@hgb-leipzig.de
Splash - Eltech & Megastyle                     jthorsen@netpower.no
Spockie - Tpau                                  spockie@giga.or.at
Sprocket - Depth                                madsjm@colargol.idb.hist.no
Stalker - Phuture 303                           guy.payne@amigabee.posnet.co.uk
Steeler - Phantasm (Symposium organizer)        steeler@blackbox.dame.de
Stelios - Axis                                  stilian2@gfx4.mdx.ac.uk
Sternone - Razor pc & Outlaws (Tribe BBS)       yves.soete@ping.be
Steve - Arise                                   steve@t-rock.domino.de
Sting - ex-Alcatraz & ex-Bonzai Bros.           Sting.cww.de
Störtebecker                                    101572.3347@compuserve.com
Stone - Matrix                                  stone@cs.tu-berlin.de
Storm - Cydonia                                 storm@ar.ar.com.au
Stranger                                        ihaaland@netpower.no
Strider - FairLight                             strider@fairlight.com
Stripe - Talent                                 andreld4@kihdata.kih.no
Strobo - Stellar                                mint@clinet.fi 
                                                or nikon@personal.eunet.fi 
                                                or nikon@reelart.fi
Style - Prodigy & Fairlight                     style@logic.helvetica.ch
Style - Romkids & Censor                        style@rmk.wupper.de
Styles - S2 & Void                              macron@cybercomm.nl
Substance (or Kuu) - Mono & Phuture 303         ccjova@tit.fi 
                                                or kuu@union.sci.fi
Suigen - (Bandits BBS)                          suigen@ctel.com.au
Sule                                            sULE@universe.bc.co.yu
Sumaleth - Pearl                                sumaleth@daemon.apana.org.au
Suny - Suspect                                  SonjaFelber@swol.de
Supernao - Lemon. & TBL                         supernao@xs4all.nl
Syntax - Sardonyx (Seenpoint coder)             syntax@one.de
T.D.K. - Ex-Melon                               maknight@mindscape.com
Tactica - Puzzle                                martin@diku.dk
Tai-Pan - Complex and Black Kangaroos           taipan@niksula.cs.hut.fi
Tango - Led & Ptl                               tango@academy.bastad.se
Tango - Nerve Axis                              tango@13thhour.warp.co.uk
Taskmaster - Fascination                        jumild@freenet.hut.fi
Tbb - Extend                                    hilipili@freenet.hut.fi
Tecon - Eremation & Devious Dezigns             tecon@online.no
Teevan - Ex-Axis & Ex-Rebels                    open-eyes-design@t-online.de
Teeze - Sedge                                   teeze@communique.se
Telemach - Psyba Solutions                      psyba@iprolink.co.nz
Ten - Massive & Pioneer Design & Element        tnygard@sn.no
TerraCom - Darkzone                             jorgen@skogstad.no
Terrox - Session                                df396krk@stud.hifm.no
The Baron - Defjam                              matsn@tripnet.se 
                                                or Mats.Nyman@tripnet.se 
                                                or thebaron@hotmail.com 
                                                or uvdman@datortek.educ.goteborg.se
The Dancing Fool- Epsilon                       idr@cs.pdx.edu
The Fugitive - The Nuzzels & Satanic Surfers    The_Fugitive@lindesign.se
The Gathering Party Series Addy                 tg97@crusaders.no
The Heavyweight - Broken                        hweight@sapphire.crystal.com.au
The Kerp - G.C.C.                               rkoerper@ezl.com
The Lawnmover Man - Suicidal Tendencies & XZone	jreyes@freenet.hut.fi 
                                                or lawnmover@hotmail.com
The Mad Guy - The Exterminators                 themadguy@legoland.aworld.de
The Party Series Party Email                    theparty@theparty.dk
The Ripper - (Rom Team & Generation Editor)     curzolo@mbox.vol.it
The Rival - Ravishing Records                   therival@xs4all.nl
The Swatch-man - Trsi                           schmhen@uni-muenster.de
The Ultimate Warrior - Indy                     bjarneh@ts.grenaes.dk
Thor - Extend                                   thor@freenet.hut.fi
Thoron - F.C.I.                                 thoron@ntp.alli.fi
Tiger - Spreadpoint                             Tiger@mirage.cvut.cz
Tim - TBL & Axis                                timkloos@sci.kun.nl
Tnt - Scoopex                                   tobi@vip.cybercity.dk
Toaster - Illusion                              t150137@cs.tut.fi
Tobias Jansson - Citron. & Sardonyx             d95toj@dtek.chalmers.se
Tomcat - Abaddon                                tomcat@rs1.szif.hu
TomSoft - None                                  Tomsoft@worldnet.net
Tom - Hoodlum & Da Jormas                       tom@ichliebedich.com
Tommy Schlott - Nerve Axis                      tommy@schlott.demon.co.uk
Tool - Accession                                tool@verbal.apana.org.au
Touchstone - Essence (Rom Team)                 t.jansen@wunsch.com 
                                                or jansen@athene.informatik.uni-bonn.de
Trajic - Shock                                  trajic@tigris.klte.hu
Transonic - Aero                                Transonic@hunter.anhalt.east.de
Trash - Mystic & Nah Kolor & Food & Appendix    s0410@goblin.pjwstk.waw.pl
Trauma - Royal & Phuture 303                    zavodnik@merkur.econ.muni.cz 
                                                or inovo@econ.muni.cz 
Traziie - Hitmen                                xxer@algonet.se
Trendy Dealer - Ram Jam                         trendy@fol.it
Trix - ex-Anarchy                               m4o@sofi.aalborges.dk
Troop - Chiparus                                bluenose@pi.net
True - Shock!                                   illes@gandalf.gamf.hu
Tsc - Shock!                                    tsc@master.fok.hu 
                                                or szabogab@gandalf.gamf.hu
Tsunami - Virtual Dreams of Fairlight           taila@snakemail.hut.fi
Tumor - Ethic                                   tumor@deadline.snafu.de
Turbo - Nerve Axis                              turbo@cyberspace.demon.co.uk
Turboboo - Cirion                               trboo@pcuf.fi
Twilight                                        linden@cs.uni-bonn.de
Twilight - Mono                                 lee@messiah2.demon.co.uk
Tycoon - Reality                                bernold@dds.nl
U-Gene - AGT                                    ugene@afrodita.rcub.bg.ac.yu 
                                                or ugene@utfbbs.utelfla.com
U-man - Arclite                                 u-man@kd.qd.se
Ukko - Live!                                    christophe.douy@ace.epita.fr
Ukulele - Banal Projects                        mleinone@tetra.ratol.fi
Unreal - Pulse (pc)                             podgorsk@alpha.ok.ae.wroc.pl
Uyanik! - Trsi & Trsi Records                   101557.2475@compuserve.com 
                                                or UYANIK@TRSI.DE
U4ia - ex.CryptoBurners                         jim.young@bris.ac.uk 
                                                or ccjy@cse.bris.ac.uk
Vamp - InterActive                              vamp@hysteria.dssd.sub.org
Van Helsing - Crux                              vampy@dcandy.demon.co.uk
Vandrup - Polka Brothers                        kvandrup@inet.uni-c.dk
Vauhtiveikko - Kanisteri                        neemo@zumzum.tky.hut.fi
Vega - Ram Jam                                  vega@sciacca.mediatel.it
Vegas - Outlaws & Supplex                       md95-lgr@nada.kth.se
Venom - AGT                                     mmilan@afrodita.rcub.bg.ac.yu
Venom - Nerve Axis                              venom@13thhour.warp.co.uk
Vention - <oo> & Fairlight                      martin@funcom.com
Ventor - Pici                                   celizna@fr.vsp.cz
Vesuri - Da Jormas                              vesuri@tikka.tki.jklmlk.fi
Vietcong - Inhumans & Divine Stylers            tobias-l@dsv.su.se
View - Andromeda                                fgill@hauk.adh.no
Villain - Reality                               villain@stack.urc.tue.nl
Vip - Equinox                                   lassesj@stud.idb.hist.no
Virne - Coma                                    virne@sci.fi
Visitor - LSD & Corrupt & Flood                 visitor@algonet.se
Vital - Mindkiller Systems                      Vital@pp.itv.se
Vivid - Mono                                    vivid@kosmic.org
Vodka - Saturne (Saturne Party organizer)       vodka@club-internet.fr
Vouck - Phase Disortion                         vouck@lava.east.de
W!G - Giants                                    wig@saru.ct.se
Wade - Gods                                     wade@dcandy.demon.co.uk
Walken - Is                                     walken@via.ecp.fr
Wanagi - Davinci                                Ott@DaVinci.EICS.COM
Ward - Enlightenment                            t_mort@ludens.elte.hu
Warthog - Parallax                              is94heju@mikkeliamk.fi
Wasp - Damones                                  wasp@jybox.jyu.fi
Wasp - Powerline                                wasp@felix.polhem.educ.goteborg.se
Wayne Mendoza - Masque                          wayne@msq.ruhr.de 
                                                or mwawro00@marvin.informatik.uni-dortmund.de
Weirdo - Network                                weekid@freenet.hut.fi
Werewolf - Eclipse                       	kaias@evitech.fi
Whale - Reality                                 whaley@dds.nl
Wheels                                          Wheels2@juno.com
Whirlwind - Royal                               s.ouissal@ict.hen.nl
Whyj                                            tylipaav@ee.hit.fi
Wide - Extend                                   wide@merce.tky.hut.fi
Wildcat - Visage & Scania                       M9415@hktecfs.hkr.se
Wildthing - Corrupt & Insane & Appendix         Wildie@opnt.optimus.wroc.pl
Willy - Silicon LTD.                            willem@stack.urc.tue.nl
Wintermute - Crimson Jihad                      turner@goliat.eik.bme.hu
Witness - ex Cryptoburners                      notteghe@supaero.fr
Wizard - Demos of the World                     jorgen_p@algonet.se
Wizard - Giants                                 giants@hem.passagen.se
Wizex - Oxygen                                  d94-ebr@nada.kth.se
Wolf - X-trade & Imphobia (pc)                  wolf@karkis.canit.se
Wowbagger - Session                             tbk@sn.no
Wox - TBL                                       d95mjo@Borlange.DU.SE
Wrec - Zymosis-Rraisut Homot                    zymosis@direktor.voima.jkl.fi
Xad - Nightfall                                 xad@fender.ing.uniud.it
Xfactor - Cheyens                               alstrup@ask.diku.dk
XXX - Haujobb                                   xxx@haujobb.owl.de
Yoda - Illusion Makers                          l36612@alfa.ist.utl.pt
Yolk - Parallax                                 yolk@kontu.bbs.fi
Youghurt - Spaceballs                           tomasan@sofus.hiof.no
Zaltor - NGC                                    caillaf7@cti.ecp.fr
Zanone! - Cellblock 4                           dr-oetker@hardybox.gun.de
Zapotek - Black Code Design                     u952487@hit.no
Zappy - Megawatts                               zappy@clinet.fi
Zarch - Passion & Royal & Hellfire              Matzen@dk-online.dk
Zaz - Dual Crew-Shining                         pontus@lysator.liu.se
Zelow - Contraz                                 Zelow@Infolink.no
Zenon                                           Hyped@malfunction.ct.se
Zeque - Complex                                 Kalle.Saariaho@kyyppari.hkkk.fi
Zero - Extend                                   hoikka@lut.fi
Zike - C & Z                                    zike@kuai.se
Zinko - Polka Brothers (Northern Palace BBS)    zinko@post1.tele.dk
Znit - Banana Dezign                            espen.skog@infolink.no
Znorro - Shape                                  ee41sn@ee.surrey.ac.uk
Zone - Nerve Axis                               zone@legend.co.uk
Zoon - Silicon                                  zoon@alpes-net.fr
Zuikki - Stellar                                zuikkis@sci.fi
Zulu - Crux (Ex-Rebels)                         vogel@sunwi1.ba-loerrach.de
Zygote                                          droden@plymouth.ac.uk

 ----------------------[ SOME GROUP / PERSON HOMEPAGES ]---------------------

 Homepage: http://www.sci.fi/~lagers

 Homepage: http://abyss.home.ml.org (Netscape etc.)
           http://home.ml.org/abyss (IBrowse etc.)

Acorn demos & scene infos
 Homepage: http://sidonie.imag.fr/AcornDemos

Alta - ex-Rbs & ex-Tsl
 Homepage: http://www.abc.se/~m9182/

Amicrawler Search index (to meet the old legends)
 Homepage: http://www.melizo.com/area52/amicrawler/search.cgi

 Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/1895

 Homepage: http://home.sn.no/~svgustav/apathy.htm

Armoric - Arm`sTech
 Homepage: http://sidonie.imag.fr/elisei

Artifex - Complex
 Homepage: http://www.evitech.fi/~henrijl/

Buzz - Buzzami
 Homepage: http://huizen.dds.nl/~uc2_ins/buzzami.htm?

 Homepage: http://rigel.deusto.es/~jarnesto

 Homepage: http://www.redestb.es/personal/marcos

Cesium - Session
 Homepage: http://www.sn.no/~frodeer

Da Jormas Group
 Homepage: http://www.jyu.fi/jormas

Danaxe - Nerve Axis
 Homepage: http://www.tcp.co.uk/~danaxe

Darkman - Triumph
 Homepage: http://www.ifi.uio.no/~oyvindfa/Triumph

Deadbeat - The Sharks
 Homepage: http://stekt.oulu.fi/~mysti/the_sharks

Dep - Dfx
 Homepage: http://www.canit.se/~dep

Depth - Bakerman/Depth
 Homepage: http://www.image.dk/~kasperh/depth.html

 Homepage: http://www.hem.passagen.se/hqm/

Dr.Awesome - Crusaders
 Homepage: http://www.team17.com/~blynne

Dragon - Incal & Hellfire (Brainfart Papermag)
 Homepage: http://hamburg.netsurf.de/~magnus.kutz

Dual Crew-Shining
 Homepage: http://www.hut.fi/~mkolsi/dcs.html

Dweezil - Complex (pc) & Cncd
 Homepage: http://www.evitech.fi/~marks

Easy Rider - Mystic (IO3)
 Homepage: http://www.medianet.com.pl/~abfri

 Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/6620/


Gods (Olympe)
 Homepage: http://linux.utc.fr/~phede/gods/

Hamus - Hungarian Amiga Users
 Homepage: http://spike.fa.gau.hu/amiga

Hungarian Scene Page
 Homepage: http://www.klte.hu/~turcsat

Hydra - Insane & DD author
 Homepage: http://www.vaala.fi/~hydra

Hydra - LSD
 Homepage: http://www.users.dircon.co.uk/~dominicc

Impact DK - The Amiga Scene Homepage
 Homepage: http://home3.inet.tele.dk/nigel/impact

In Medias Res (really worth visiting!)
 Homepage: http://www.kuai.se/~zike/index.html

Invoker - Maniacs 
 Homepage: http://www.stud.unit.no/~jannilse/

 Homepage: http://www.cybernet.dk/users/cj/

Jack - Mirage
 Homepage : http://wwwedu.cs.utwente.nl/~pullens

Jugi - Complex
 Homepage: http://www.math.jyu.fi/~jusaka/ 

Jurassic PackMag
 Homepage: http://home.sn.no/~terjjoha

Karo - KNS & Supplex & Extensors & Steel & Sub-0 & Unlimit Access
 Homepage: http://www.artcom.de/~karo/

Kata - Balance
 Homepage: http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~jgr

Lord - Impulse & Absolute! & CrimsonJihad
 Homepage: http://goliat.eik.bme.hu/~lord

 Homepage: http://stud2.tuwien.ac.at/~e9526353/hp2/welcome.html

Matt - Scandal
 Homepage: http://www.ping.de/sites/jetleg

Maxime - The Spooky Fellows
 Homepage: http://www.molisedati.it/~super/TSF.html

Msx Snaps
 Homepage: http://www.pi.net/~blahh/MSX/MSX.html

 Homepage: http://www.arrakis.es/amiga/trashcan

Nik - Nerve Axis
 Homepage: http://www.itv.se/~a1004/

Obligator - DCS
 Homepage: http://www.hut.fi/~mkolsi/

Orbis - Extend
 Homepage: http://www.lut.fi/~pora

Otis - Dream4 Music
 Homepage: http://www.xs4all.nl/~perseus

Pan - Gods Music HQ
 Homepage: http://www.cyber-espace.com/pan/

Phoenix - Cdi
 Homepage: http://www.fok.hu/~phoenix

Pekka Pou - Da Jormas

Piirakka Munalla - Da Jormas
 Homepage: http://www.tki.jklmlk.fi/~pam

Posdnuos - Tsf
 Homepage: http://www.molisedati.it/~super/TSF.html

Pride - Trsi pc & Twisted
 Homepage: http://www2.dk-online.dk/users/Palle_Jensen/index.htm

Prophet - Wizzcat
 Homepage: http://www.prima.ruhr.de/intern/homepage/wizzcat/

Relief - Puzzle & Twisted
 Homepage: www.dsm.dk/daniel/

Raatomestari - Da Jormas
 Homepage: http://www.jyu.fi/~raato

Ram Jam
 Homepage: http://www.algheronet.it/ramjam

Ratleto - Sidcrew
 Homepage: http://login.eunet.no/~ratleto/

Raver - Phantasy
 Homepage: http://www.10mb.com/raver/phantasy/

Raw Online
 Homepage: http://www.xs4all.nl/~blahh

Raw Style - Lego (Symposium Party Series)
 Homepage: http://www.szczecin.pl/~rawstyle/Sym97/

Reward - Complex
 Homepage: http://matserver.math.jyu.fi/complex/complex.html

Roland - ex-Balance
 Homepage: http://kauhajoki.fi/~roland

 Homepage: http://freeside.elte.hu/~tarby/shock.htm

Silk - Digital
 Homepage: http://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/~silk/

Somewhere In Holland Party Series
 Homepage: http://www.pi.net/~sih

Soul - Movement
 Homepage: http://www.ts.umu.se/~dave

Spiv - Infect
 Homepage: http://www.hgb-leipzig.de/projekt/student/spiv/opposite.htm

Splash - Eltech & Megastyle
 Homepage: http://www.netpower.no/~jthorsen/

Steps of Change
 Homepage: http://www.dtvm31.demon.co.uk/soc/

Stone - Matrix
 Homepage: www.cs.tu-berlin.de/~stone

Strider - FairLight
 Homepage: http://www.fairlight.com

Tanic - Orca
 Homepage: http://hem.passagen.se/tanic

The Baron - Defjam
 Homepage: http://bip.concept.se/user/thebaron

The Black Lotus
 Homepage: http://www.pi.net/~blahh/TBL.html

The Fugitive - The Nuzzels & Satanic Surfers
 Homepage: http://bean.lindesign.se/~fugitive

The Jungle (Diskmag) Online
 Homepage: http://pcwww.uibk.ac.at/s06user/csaa1298/welcome.htm

The Party Series
 Homepage: http://www.theparty.dk/ or

Tiger - Spreadpoint
 Homepage: http://mirage.cvut.cz

Trajic - Shock!
 Homepage: http://www.klte.hu/~turcsat

Trendy Dealer - Ram Jam
 Homepage: http://www.fol.it/~trendy

U4ia - ex.CryptoBurners
 Homepage: http://sw.cse.bris.ac.uk/public/u4ia.html

Valdimar - ex-Neuralgica
 Homepage: http://www.ifi.uio.no/~valdimar

Venus Art Team
 Homepage: http://dedal.man.szczecin.pl/~calf/venus_art.html

Vesuri - Da Jormas
 Homepage: http://www.tki.jklmlk.fi/~vesuri/vesuri.html

Villain - Reality
 Homepage: http://www.stack.urc.tue.nl/~villain/

 Homepage: http://www.vistv.com

Wanagi - DaVinci
 Homepage: http://therapy.eics.com/ott

Wasp - Powerline
 Homepage: http://felix.polhem.educ.goteborg.se/~wasp

Wizard - Demos of the World
 Homepage: http://www.algonet.se/~jorgen_p/dotw.htm

X-Files Diskmag 
 Homepage: http://userpages.fu-berlin.de/~bigrat

Zero - Extend
 Homepage: http://www.lut.fi/~hoikka/

Zoon - Silicon
 Homepage: http://www.alpes-net.fr/~zoon

 --------------------------[ OTHER USEFUL THINGS ]-------------------------

Newsgroup line (I-GO):
comp.sys.amiga.demos		All aspects of the Amiga demo-scene

Canadian Mist BBS (STATIC IP)   telnet: XXX.XXX.XX.XX (Amiga & PC)
24 Hours online, No New-Userpassword required! For access email to Ghandy!

     ( & ----------------------------------------------------------------- & )

               Remember to check out the IRC channels:

               #amigascne - meet scene people
               #amielite - meet the modem surfers
               #ascii - meet the ascii mates!
               #coders - no comment
               #amiga_warez - some good warez
               #demoscene - sometimes it's too empty :(
               #theparty - if it`s online?!
               #amiscene - also empty! [mostly]
               #amiga - Amiga owners worldwide
               #amiga(your countrysign) e.g #amigahu for hungarian sceners
               P.S.: #amigager sucks deep!!

     ( & ----------------------------------------------------------------- & )

               The Papa FTP-site containing fresh scene warez:
               ftp: auckland.ira.uka.de (i41s20.ira.uka.de)
               (Look in directory "Incoming")
               Check out Mama demo server, too:
               ftp: pc23-c801.uibk.ac.at (path is: pub/jungle)
               Funet.Fi FTP Server:
               Royal Ftp Server:
               Ask for an account at email: inovo@econ.muni.cz 

               P.S.: The Essence FTP Server will never go online!!

     ( & ----------------------------------------------------------------- & )

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This File Had A One Night Stand At:
   _|____ /  _|_______________|_                                
    |\  //\___|__________/\___|__________/\______/\__________/\______
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              |      \/       |      \/                  \/
      ________|________/\_____|____/\______    Aftershock Canadian HQ!
      \___________  _ /___/  _____// _____/    Royal      Canadian HQ!
          /   /  /  //   /\___  \/.  /_        Real              /XHQ!
         /___/__/  ./___/_______/____ //\ :    Food Distribution Site!
              |/____ /        |.    \//__\|_   
              |    \/       / ||    /_ _  |
              |            // |:       :
------------ -|---------------|- ----------------------------------------
 "CANADIAN MIST" - NODE#1--> (xXx) xXx-xXxX -> 33.6k V.Everything
                   NODE#2-4> (STA) TIC-IP!! -> Get On IRC
 A3000/040 -> 2.18 Gigs Online -> Lightning Quick Background File Checks
                            REFERRAL ONLY!
                       ONLY THE ELiTE NEED APPLY
------------ ------------------- ----------------------------------------
           uPPER: [-GHANDY-]                   tIME: 14:25:43        
     aFFILIATION: GODS & SYNDROME              dATE: 22-Feb-97        
                                nODE nUMBER [2]                    

                                     /  \                ____
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`--------- -|      _/     _/_      |      \     _/\      |- --------------'
            |______\        /_____________/______________|
                    \      /
                     \    / SYSOPS:  ShAdOWER!
                      \  /           
                       \/            /\utopsy/ [hOODLUM]
                                     FURY/ [PReSTiEGE]
                                     ExOcEt/ [ANTHRoX/ARCLitE]


                             -* 10 NODES *-                        
                   MAIN RINGDOWN:  +1-8o1-779-4069

                          TELNET:  +

                                                     [A¡RaDDer v3.4 By A¡Rcø]

   .--- - - ---    -   -------   . -  -   -  - ------- ---------- -- -  - .
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   |                                                                      |
  -|----- - - - -   ---- - - ---    -- -   ---  ------ - --  -- - ------ -:-
   :  sLAvE: zARD    mASTERS: BoZ/ArKhAm-Thorin/Melon Dezign-THC/HooDLUM  .
   :                                    .
   .  oCB wHQ - nGC hQ - sYNDROME wHQ   |    aMiGa aND PeCe sTUFFs        :
   :   sOLARIs wHQ - dELIGHt Dist       :    dEmOs, gFX, sFX, dOCs,       :
   :     x-pLORA fHQ - aRKHAM hQ        .    xXx rATED, /X sUPPORt.       |
   |   dARKNEsS hQ - aDRENALINE dIST    :   0-7 dAYs wARez (cTc tHc)      |
   |  SiLiCon dIST - PSyKotrope dIST    |   sCENERS-sWAPPERS-tRADERS      |
   |   aRTwORK fHQ - aNALOG dIST        |  fREEdL fOR aLL pRODs oF gROUPS |
   |          eARTHlORE dIST            ^                                 |
  -:------ -------------------- - -- --  --  - - ----- ------   -------- -:-
   |  oNLiNe oPTIONs:   sTYLEs (ANSI 16, RiP) - mULTI pROTOCOLS aVAIL -   .
   |  aNSWER mACHINE - vOTe aND rEQUESTEs - cHAT oN - fULLSCREEn! -       :
   |  aNSI/aSCII oRDERING - InterNet NewsGroups (Read/Post) - wHAT mORE!? |
   `---------- -- -      ------------ ---- --   -         - --    --------'
                                                          [-AquaAdder v1.0-]