@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ .-=====================================-. | .c.e.n.t.u.r.i.o.n./.p.r.e.m.i.e.r.e. | | .p.r.e.s.e.n.t.s. | | | | CONSOLE RELEASE CHART FOR JULY/94 | | | | Download it and let me know what you | | think ! //Centurion | `---------------------------------------' @END_FILE_ID.DIZ __ . _____/ \_______________ _______________________________|_____________ ______ \____. \_ __ / \| __ __ | ____ _ \_ |_ ._____ \| _/ / |\___/ _)___/ \ \/ |/ | \/ / _/ |/ | \/ \ \ _/ |/ \_ \| \_ \ \_ | | \_ \ \_ _/ | \_ \ \ \___________/____ /___|\_____/__|__________/ |\____/_\___________/ |\_____/ \___/ | \______|sc/dezign \______| . [==============================================================================] R.e.l.e.a.s.e. .c.h.a.r.t. .f.o.r. .J.u.l.y. .!. Hi there all console freaks ! Centurion speaking ! I was sitting behind my SNES and was extremly bored and listened to Wildfire`s ripped off music from JiM POWER , Then it felt in my mind that no one have done a CONSOLE CHART in a very long time. I decided to do one myself I`m not telling you guys I`m the ultimate gamer/reviewer etc, but i just felt doing a chart since no one else released one in a while. This chart may seem a bit late , but since there`s not so many cool games out these days i guess you don`t mind taking a look at this ! Between the group releases i decided not to write about the group , just their releases ! The releases included in the chart is what I`ve seen on Menace II Society and if it wasn`t uploaded then it`s probably missing. I decided to rate the games in three different cathegories, 1) PLAYABiLiTY, 2) MEGS & 3) RELEASE VALUE. Something like this. PLAYABiLiTY : Rated from 1 - 5 points , Depending how fun it was and if the game grabbed my attention when i first played. It`s *MY OPINION* , Remember I don`t care what you say about it, this is simply what I thought about the games this month ! MEGS : 32 MEG : 5 24 MEG : 4 16 MEG : 3 12 MEG : 2 8> MEG : 1 Ok , I know you shouldn`t rate the game of it`s size , but i decided to do that anyways. Because the groups/persons wich release "Jap-Crap" games can`t get any points on any other way. That`s why i think it`s fair to rate the releases with the size aswell ! RELEASE VALUE : If it was an long-awaited game a game wich surprised everyone then it`s getting good points here. If a game already have been out in Japanese it won`t get as good point as a game which hasn`t! NOTE: Jap Crap games are VERY hard to rate. I mean you have to be a Jap. speaking dude to understand them. I bet there`s a few dudes out there wich really like Mah-Jong, But the Major part of us scene-folks want to see them burn in hell. So do I. Thats why I am just giving them 1 point each. And I have to add that I really do give EVERY game a chance (As long as it`s not a Mah-Jong or Pachinko game). I really like playing Japanese role playing games if they are good enough. So I give them pretty good ratings if I think they have potential. **iMPORTANT** **iMPORTANT** **iMPORTANT** **iMPORTANT** **iMPORTANT** THiS iS MY CHART AND I DON`T TAKE ANY RESPONSABiLiTY WHAT THiS CAN CAUSE! I DO THiS FOR FUN, SO DON`T BLAiM ME FOR RATiNG THE GAMES DIFFRENTLY FROM WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE DONE ETC. BUT I REALLY APPRECIATE OPiNiONS SO PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THOUGHT ABOUT THiS CHART. iF YOU DiDN`T LiKE iT, PLEASE LET ME KNOW PERSONALLY ! **iMPORTANT** **iMPORTANT** **iMPORTANT** **iMPORTANT** **iMPORTANT** LET THE CHART BEGiN ! [=============================================================================] .______/\___________ /\__________________/\ | __ \__ \ ____ \/ _ ______/__ \ ___/ | |/ / / _/ _/\| | | _/\ / _/ _/\ || |__/. \ \_ \ \/ | ||. \ \ \_ \\ |__| |__|\__/___/__||__|__|_____/_|\__/___/ [=============================[ SUPER NiNTENDO ]==============================] [ NAME ][ LANGUAGE ][ MEGS ][ PLAYABiLiTY/MEGS/RELEASE VALUE ] [=======================][==========][======][================================] [ ELiTE SOCCER ][ USA ][ 8 ][=====[ 4 ]====[ 1 ]===[ 2 ]=====] [ SUPER STREETFiGHTER 2 ][ USA ][ 32 ][=====[ 5 ]====[ 5 ]===[ 4 ]=====] [ ESPN SPEEDWORLD ][ USA ][ 16 ][=====[ 2 ]====[ 3 ]===[ 2 ]=====] [ JEOPARDY DELUXE ][ USA ][ 4 ][=====[ 2 ]====[ 1 ]===[ 2 ]=====] [ TECMO SUPER BASEBALL ][ USA ][ 16 ][=====[ 3 ]====[ 3 ]===[ 3 ]=====] [=============================================================================] [===[ TOTAL SNES ]========[ 42 POiNTS ]============[ 16 ]===[ 13 ]==[ 13 ]====] [ ] [===============================[ MEGA DRiVE ]================================] [ NAME ][ LANGUAGE ][ MEGS ][ PLAYABiLiTY/MEGS/RELEASE VALUE ] [=======================][==========][======][================================] [ HARDBALL 94 ][ USA ][ 16 ][=====[ 3 ]====[ 3 ]===[ 3 ]=====] [ SUPER STREET FIGHTER 2][ USA ][ 32 ][=====[ 5 ]====[ 5 ]===[ 5 ]=====] [ STREETS OF RAGE 3 ][ USA ][ 24 ][=====[ 3 ]====[ 4 ]===[ 4 ]=====] [ BUBBLE & SQUEEK ][ USA ][ 4 ][=====[ 3 ]====[ 1 ]===[ 3 ]=====] [=============================================================================] [===[ TOTAL MD ]==========[ 42 POiNTS ]============[ 14 ]===[ 13 ]==[ 15 ]====] [=============================================================================] [===[ TOTAL SNES/MD ]=====[ 84 POiNTS ]============[ 30 ]===[ 26 ]==[ 28 ]====] [ ] [ Premiere had few but very strong releases this month , But also a big disa- ] [ pointment : Streets of Rage 3 on the MD, Which I hoped would be better than ] [ the last version , but only a few improvments are made. ] [ Also bubble and Squeek wasn`t as cool as I thought it should be . ] [ But who cares when Super Streetfighter 2 is released the same month ? , the ] [ best of the best when it comes to fighting games. Also Elite Soccer was cool] [ enough to grab my interest , but ESPN Speedworld was one of the worst racing] [ games I`ve ever played , let`s hope Nintendo will bring out Mario Kart 2 or ] [ something like that to make all of us racing fans happy ! ] [=============================================================================] ________/\________ /\_____ ________ ____ \_____ \ \_____ \/ \___ \/ \ | / / ___/| \| / / | \ | \ | \ / Mb/ | _ \ \ \ _ \ \ / \ / |___| \_|\__\_| \___/___/___| \ /_____|---|____\------|____\-PRESENTS-|____\ [=============================[ SUPER NiNTENDO ]==============================] [ NAME ][ LANGUAGE ][ MEGS ][ PLAYABiLiTY/MEGS/RELEASE VALUE ] [=======================][==========][======][================================] [ WiLD GUNS ][ JAP ][ 8 ][=====[ 5 ]====[ 1 ]===[ 4 ]=====] [ TETRiS FLASH ][ JAP ][ 8 ][=====[ 2 ]====[ 1 ]===[ 3 ]=====] [ DORAKKi LEAUGE SOCCER ][ JAP ][ 12 ][=====[ 4 ]====[ 2 ]===[ 2 ]=====] [ BATTLE ZEQUE DEN ][ JAP ][ 12 ][=====[ 2 ]====[ 2 ]===[ 2 ]=====] [ SUPER F1 CiRCUS 3 ][ JAP ][ 16 ][=====[ 2 ]====[ 3 ]===[ 3 ]=====] [ SFC SAiLORMOON ][ JAP ][ 4 ][=====[ 2 ]====[ 1 ]===[ 2 ]=====] [ SUPER GENJiN ][ JAP ][ 12 ][=====[ 4 ]====[ 3 ]===[ 4 ]=====] [ KEEPER ][ JAP ][ 4 ][=====[ 2 ]====[ 1 ]===[ 2 ]=====] [ ZERO 4 CHAMP RACiNG ][ JAP ][ 16 ][=====[ 1 ]====[ 3 ]===[ 2 ]=====] [ JiGSAW PARTY ][ JAP ][ 8 ][=====[ 2 ]====[ 1 ]===[ 2 ]=====] [ WOMAN FiRE PRO WREST. ][ JAP ][ 16 ][=====[ 1 ]====[ 3 ]===[ 3 ]=====] [ HATRiCK HERO 2 ][ JAP ][ 8 ][=====[ 3 ]====[ 1 ]===[ 3 ]=====] [ KOUSHiEN 3 BASEBALL ][ JAP ][ 12 ][=====[ 2 ]====[ 2 ]===[ 2 ]=====] [ LOADRUNNER TWiN ][ JAP ][ 8 ][=====[ 3 ]====[ 1 ]===[ 2 ]=====] [ ULTRA BASEBALL 2 ][ JAP ][ 4 ][=====[ 2 ]====[ 1 ]===[ 2 ]=====] [ FATAL FURY SPECiAL ][ JAP ][ 32 ][=====[ 4 ]====[ 5 ]===[ 5 ]=====] [=============================================================================] [===[ TOTAL SNES ]========[ 105 POiNTS ]===========[ 41 ]===[ 31 ]==[ 43 ]====] [ ] [===============================[ MEGA DRiVE ]================================] [ NAME ][ LANGUAGE ][ MEGS ][ PLAYABiLiTY/MEGS/RELEASE VALUE ] [=======================][==========][======][================================] [ SAiLORMOON ][ JAP ][ 16 ][=====[ 2 ]====[ 3 ]===[ 2 ]=====] [ PULSEMAN ][ JAP ][ 16 ][=====[ 4 ]====[ 3 ]===[ 3 ]=====] [=============================================================================] [===[ TOTAL MD ]==========[ 16 POiNTS ]============[ 6 ]====[ 5 ]===[ 5 ]=====] [=============================================================================] [===[ TOTAL SNES/MD ]=====[ 121 POiNTS ]===========[ 47 ]===[ 36 ]==[ 48 ]====] [ ] [ Paradox is definitely the biggest group when it`s comes to Japanese quality-] [ games , They lined up with some of the hottest titles of the summer : ] [ Wild Guns , Super Genjin , Fatal Fury Special and the totally fabulous ] [ Pulseman on the Mega Drive. But of course Paradox brought some ] [ disappointments like all the other groups has , For example Tatris Flash ] [ wasn`t as cool as I hoped it would be , Since Tetris Battle Gaiden and ] [ Bombliss are two of the best puzzle games available for the Snes I really ] [ expected this one would to be equally good ! ] ] [ NOTE : I gave both Paradox and CyberForce the points for Fatal Fury Special ] [=============================================================================] _______________:\___________________/\ m (___) _/ _/ ¦ \ _______) \ \ \ R / \ |/\ |/\ | \___ \/ \ T \ \ \ V/ \ / \ / \ \ \ \ \· \ \ \ /_______\___/____/____/____/_____\___/__\__/ [=============================[ SUPER NiNTENDO ]==============================] [ NAME ][ LANGUAGE ][ MEGS ][ PLAYABiLiTY/MEGS/RELEASE VALUE ] [=======================][==========][======][================================] [ FiEVEL GOES WEST ][ USA ][ 8 ][=====[ 3 ]====[ 1 ]===[ 4 ]=====] [ SOCCER KiD ][ USA ][ 10 ][=====[ 2 ]====[ 2 ]===[ 2 ]=====] [ SUPER ADV. iSLAND 2 ][ USA ][ 12 ][=====[ 3 ]====[ 2 ]===[ 4 ]=====] [ SUZUKA 8 HOURS ][ USA ][ 8 ][=====[ 3 ]====[ 1 ]===[ 3 ]=====] [===[ TOTAL ]=============[ 30 POiNTS ]============[ 11 ]===[ 6 ]===[ 13 ]====] [ ] [ Illusion also got some pretty cool releases , like the long awaited Super ] [ adventure Island 2 , Which I think sucked bigtime while some of my friends ] [ loved it, Suzuka 8 hours and Soccer Kid was already released in Japaneese ] [ and there`s no big difference between them. Let`s hope these dudes can ] [ release some cool Mega Drive games aswell ! ] [=============================================================================] /\ ___________/|_______/\______________ / \/ _ \ _ / | \ __ \ _ \ | SP/ / | \ / \/ / | / |/ / | \ | / / _ \/ / / _ / / \ | / _ \ /___| \__/__/____|_\___\____\____/ |___\ |_____\ /____| [=============================[ SUPER NiNTENDO ]==============================] [ NAME ][ LANGUAGE ][ MEGS ][ PLAYABiLiTY/MEGS/RELEASE VALUE ] [=======================][==========][======][================================] [ MORTAL KOMBAT 2 ][ USA ][ 32 ][=====[ 5 ]====[ 5 ]===[ 5 ]=====] [===[ TOTAL ]=============[ 15 POiNTS ]============[ 5 ]====[ 5 ]===[ 5 ]=====] [ ] [ With only one release Anthrox still got rised to the skies because of this ] [ more than excellent release ! , And they didn`t make us disappointed, ] [ Mortal Kombat 2 was one of the coolest and most good looking game I`ve ever ] [ seen on the SNES. But hey Anthrox !, Where are all the other releases ? ] ] [=============================================================================] ____________ _____________ \__ ______\__ _____/ -C Y B E R- / |_____ / ___/ / | \/ \ -F O R C E- \___________/\______/ [=============================[ SUPER NiNTENDO ]==============================] [ NAME ][ LANGUAGE ][ MEGS ][ PLAYABiLiTY/MEGS/RELEASE VALUE ] [=======================][==========][======][================================] [ FURi FURi GiRLS ][ JAP ][ 8 ][=====[ 1 ]====[ 1 ]===[ 1 ]=====] [ FEDA ][ JAP ][ 24 ][=====[ 0 ]====[ 0 ]===[ 4 ]=====] [ ASCi WiZAP ][ JAP ][ 16 ][=====[ 2 ]====[ 3 ]===[ 1 ]=====] [ SPONi ][ JAP ][ 16 ][=====[ 1 ]====[ 3 ]===[ 1 ]=====] [ KiWAME 2 ][ JAP ][ 4 ][=====[ 1 ]====[ 1 ]===[ 1 ]=====] [ FATAL FURY SPECiAL ][ JAP ][ 32 ][=====[ 4 ]====[ 5 ]===[ 5 ]=====] [=============================================================================] [===[ TOTAL SNES ]========[ 35 POiNTS ]============[ 9 ]====[ 13 ]==[ 13 ]====] [ ] [===============================[ MEGA DRiVE ]================================] [ NAME ][ LANGUAGE ][ MEGS ][ PLAYABiLiTY/MEGS/RELEASE VALUE ] [=======================][==========][======][================================] [ DOMiNUS ( FULL ) ][ JAP ][ 8 ][=====[ 2 ]====[ 1 ]===[ 2 ]=====] [=============================================================================] [===[ TOTAL MD ]==========[ 5 POiNTS ]=============[ 2 ]====[ 1 ]===[ 2 ]=====] [=============================================================================] [===[ TOTAL SNES/MD ]=====[ 40 POiNTS ]============[ 11 ]===[ 14 ]==[ 15 ]====] [ ] [ And what do we have here ? , two excellent releases from a wellknown trainer] [ group , Feda and Fatal Fury Special . To bad they really screwed things up ] [ with the Feda release wich didn`t work more than 2 levels ! And that`s only ] [ one thing pointing on that the console scene is getting lame. And i can`t ] [ understand why nobody released a fix or something for this game , even "Jap ] [ crap" games can have some playability , just give it a try ! That`s why i ] [ gave Cyber Force only points for the release ! ] [ All the other releases from CyberForce were boring Jap-Crap games without ] [ any playability at all , Sad but true ! ] [ NOTE : I gave both Paradox and CyberForce the points for Fatal Fury Special ] [=============================================================================] tHe____________________:______________:_____ / __ / / / / / / / \_____/ \_____/ / / /_____/____/_________/_________/_________/ *============-> MuLaToRS! <-============f!* [=============================[ SUPER NiNTENDO ]==============================] [ NAME ][ LANGUAGE ][ MEGS ][ PLAYABiLiTY/MEGS/RELEASE VALUE ] [=======================][==========][======][================================] [ SUPER DANY ][ USA ][ 8 ][=====[ 3 ]====[ 1 ]===[ 3 ]=====] [=============================================================================] [===[ TOTAL ]=============[ 7 POiNTS ]=============[ 3 ]====[ 1 ]===[ 3 ]=====] [ ] [===============================[ MEGA DRiVE ]================================] [ NAME ][ LANGUAGE ][ MEGS ][ PLAYABiLiTY/MEGS/RELEASE VALUE ] [=======================][==========][======][================================] [ DAViS CUP TENNiS ][ ??? ][ 16 ][=====[ 3 ]====[ 3 ]===[ 3 ]=====] [=============================================================================] [===[ TOTAL MD ]===========[ 9 POiNTS ]============[ 3 ]====[ 3 ]===[ 3 ]=====] [=============================================================================] [===[ TOTAL SNES/MD ]======[ 16 POiNTS ]===========[ 6 ]====[ 4 ]===[ 6 ]=====] [ ] [ Not much to say here , Both releases were good. The Accumulators dudes seem ] [ to like Beta`s :) , When Accumulators are releasing something, you know ] [ it`s something good ! ] [=============================================================================] ___________ ____________ __________ \ ____/___ \ ____/__ / ____/_ // \ _\// / _\\______ \ // _\_ // / // _/ // \_____________/______________/____________/: >-->geRmaN<----->c0nSoles<---->sYnDicaTe<--> [=============================[ SUPER NiNTENDO ]==============================] [ NAME ][ LANGUAGE ][ MEGS ][ PLAYABiLiTY/MEGS/RELEASE VALUE ] [=======================][==========][======][================================] [ YOGi BEAR ][ USA ][ 8 ][=====[ 3 ]====[ 1 ]===[ 4 ]=====] [=============================================================================] [===[ TOTAL ]=============[ 8 POiNTS ]=============[ 3 ]====[ 1 ]===[ 4 ]=====] [ ] [===============================[ MEGA DRiVE ]================================] [ NAME ][ LANGUAGE ][ MEGS ][ PLAYABiLiTY/MEGS/RELEASE VALUE ] [=======================][==========][======][================================] [ THE iNCREDiBLE HULK ][ USA ][ 16 ][=====[ 3 ]====[ 3 ]===[ 3 ]=====] [=============================================================================] [===[ TOTAL MD ]===========[ 9 POiNTS ]============[ 3 ]====[ 3 ]===[ 3 ]=====] [=============================================================================] [===[ TOTAL SNES/MD ]======[ 17 POiNTS ]===========[ 6 ]====[ 4 ]===[ 7 ]=====] [ ] [ Not bad at all for a group like GCS , Yogi bear was a very good looking game] [ to bad it has not as great playability as Grafix but still, a good release !] [ I hope to see more from this group with their cool leader Guliver ! ] [=============================================================================] ________/\__________ /\__ _______ ________ | ___ \__/ _ \ |\__/ / ___ | \_ __/ | __/_\ \ | _|/ / || |/ _/__| _ | |: | |/ \__ \| \_ \_ / \_/ \_ | | | |: | \___| \__/ |\__/____/\___| |__|__| || |__|<-------|__|--PRESENTS---|__|-----|__|' [=============================[ SUPER NiNTENDO ]==============================] [ NAME ][ LANGUAGE ][ MEGS ][ PLAYABiLiTY/MEGS/RELEASE VALUE ] [=======================][==========][======][================================] [ SUPER DRAKKHEN ][ USA ][ 16 ][=====[ 4 ]====[ 3 ]===[ 4 ]=====] [===[ TOTAL ]=============[ 11 POiNTS ]============[ 4 ]====[ 3 ]===[ 4 ]=====] [ ] [ Ehum ? What is this , From nowhere Fairligt pops up with one of the greatest] [ american roleplaying game in a long long time. To bad the 3D scenes sucked !] [ But still a good try from the programmers to do something different ] [=============================================================================] ._______ .______. :___.___. /:_____./ | ___/ | | / / |_____. -TuG | :----.| : / / ;____/-\_.__.:___.___:| . /\ / |.__|_ : | | : « / \ / | | | | | תש-*--שת| /\ \ ;____| : |_____. ; .__/ \._.\ [=============================[ SUPER NiNTENDO ]==============================] [ NAME ][ LANGUAGE ][ MEGS ][ PLAYABiLiTY/MEGS/RELEASE VALUE ] [=======================][==========][======][================================] [ SPiKE MC FANG ][ USA ][ 16 ][=====[ 4 ]====[ 3 ]===[ 3 ]=====] [===[ TOTAL ]=============[ 10 POiNTS ]============[ 4 ]====[ 3 ]===[ 3 ]=====] [ ] [ A strange game from a strange group ! I think this is one of the first of ] [ all their releases not to being nuked on any board ! ] [ NOTE : Elitendo fixed this game down to 8 megs and made it to work ! , Thats] [ why I`m giving both of the two groups points for it ! ] [=============================================================================] _________/\_____________ _______ ____ \ ____ \__/_ __ ___ \| _____ \/ \ / _/_| |_ || |/ _/_| | |\ \ /\_ \ / \/ \_ / \|| / \/ \_ \ | |/ \\_/ \ \______/___/||__\______/ |\__|______/_____/ *--------|__|-PRESENTS|__|----------------* [=============================[ SUPER NiNTENDO ]==============================] [ NAME ][ LANGUAGE ][ MEGS ][ PLAYABiLiTY/MEGS/RELEASE VALUE ] [=======================][==========][======][================================] [ SPiKE MC FANG (FiXED) ][ USA ][ 8 ][=====[ 4 ]====[ 3 ]===[ 3 ]=====] [===[ TOTAL ]=============[ 10 POiNTS ]============[ 4 ]====[ 3 ]===[ 3 ]=====] [ ] [ Elitendo - Not especially known for releasing games. But this month they got] [ Spike MC Fang to work , Thats why I`m giving the game extra point on Megs ] [ NOTE : Elitendo fixed this game down to 8 megs and got it to work !, Thats [ why I`m giving both of the two groups points for it ! ] [=============================================================================] !eNf_______________________ ________/\_____ __\ _______/_ _ \__\ / / /_______ / / / ___/ /. / // / // / \_ /_____________/____ /_____/______/\______/ ------------------\/-----------------------> [=============================[ SUPER NiNTENDO ]==============================] [ NAME ][ LANGUAGE ][ MEGS ][ PLAYABiLiTY/MEGS/RELEASE VALUE ] [=======================][==========][======][================================] [ OPERATiON EUROPE ][ USA ][ 12 ][=====[ 3 ]====[ 2 ]===[ 3 ]=====] [ KiNG OF MONSTERS 2 ][ USA ][ 16 ][=====[ 3 ]====[ 3 ]===[ 2 ]=====] [ iNCREDiBLE HULK ][ USA ][ 16 ][=====[ 3 ]====[ 3 ]===[ 3 ]=====] [ SOCCER SHOOTOUT ][ USA ][ 12 ][=====[ 4 ]====[ 2 ]===[ 3 ]=====] [=============================================================================] [===[ TOTAL SNES ]========[ 34 POiNTS ]============[ 13 ]===[ 10 ]==[ 11 ]====] [ ] [===============================[ MEGA DRiVE ]================================] [ NAME ][ LANGUAGE ][ MEGS ][ PLAYABiLiTY/MEGS/RELEASE VALUE ] [=======================][==========][======][================================] [ WORLD HEROES ][ USA ][ 16 ][=====[ 3 ]====[ 3 ]===[ 3 ]=====] [ JUNGLE BOOK ][ USA ][ 16 ][=====[ 4 ]====[ 3 ]===[ 4 ]=====] [ MORTAL KOMBAT 2 ][ USA ][ 24 ][=====[ 5 ]====[ 4 ]===[ 5 ]=====] [=============================================================================] [===[ TOTAL MD ]===========[ 33 POiNTS ]===========[ 12 ]===[ 10 ]==[ 11 ]====] [=============================================================================] [===[ TOTAL SNES/MD ]======[ 67 POiNTS ]===========[ 25 ]===[ 20 ]==[ 22 ]====] [ ] [ The latest addition to the scene, With Fallen Angel and Dragon Avenger as ] [ the main suppliers nothing can go wrong , And that`s shown here . 8 quality ] [ releases in less than 20 days ! They made all Mega Drive owners happy when ] [ they released the fab. Mortal Kombat 2 and Jungle Book,two of the best games] [ available for the Mega Drive actually. They also released the great Soccer ] [ game Soccer Shootout from Capcom. Also for strategy fans Operation Europe is] [ a really good game ! We`ll definitly see more from this group in the future.] [=============================================================================] _________ _________ \______ ¬\ \______ ¬\ /. __ __/ /. __ __/ // /¡G // /ALLZ /_______ / /_______ / ¬\/ ¬\/ [=============================[ SUPER NiNTENDO ]==============================] [ NAME ][ LANGUAGE ][ MEGS ][ PLAYABiLiTY/MEGS/RELEASE VALUE ] [=======================][==========][======][================================] [ FiSHiNG NEiL ][ JAP ][ 8 ][=====[ 3 ]====[ 1 ]===[ 1 ]=====] [===[ TOTAL ]=============[ 5 POiNTS ]=============[ 3 ]====[ 1 ]===[ 1 ]=====] [ ] [ Don`t think I`m crazy now , But this game was really cool, I`ve spent a many] [ hours struggling with the big fishes on 10 CM fighting like they are big ] [ Pikes. But who cares, as long as it is fun. ] [=============================================================================] תתתת______ __ _____ _____ _____ _____ '94/ __ // / / __ / ____/ __ / ___ \ תת/ / / // / / / / / /___/ / / / ___/ / ת/ \ \// /_/ /~/ /___ / /~/ / /~~\ < /____\_/_____/ /_/_____/_/ /_/_/ L \_\ [===============================[ MEGA DRiVE ]================================] [ NAME ][ LANGUAGE ][ MEGS ][ PLAYABiLiTY/MEGS/RELEASE VALUE ] [=======================][==========][======][================================] [ BODYCOUNT ][ ??? ][ 8 ][=====[ 4 ]====[ 1 ]===[ 3 ]=====] [=============================================================================] [===[ TOTAL MD ]===========[ 8 POiNTS ]============[ 4 ]====[ 1 ]===[ 3 ]=====] [=============================================================================] [===[ TOTAL SNES/MD ]======[ 8 POiNTS ]============[ 4 ]====[ 1 ]===[ 3 ]=====] [ ] [ What a game ! Enemies *EVERYWHERE* , It was impossible to finish a level ] [ without being hurt. This is what I call Action ! ] [=============================================================================] __ ____ __ _ _ _ ____ __ / / / / / / / / / / __/ / __/ / __/ / / _ / _ / / / \ / / / / / / __/ / __/ / __/ / / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ [===============================[ MEGA DRiVE ]================================] [ NAME ][ LANGUAGE ][ MEGS ][ PLAYABiLiTY/MEGS/RELEASE VALUE ] [=======================][==========][======][================================] [ THE HYBRiD FRONT ][ JAP ][ 16 ][=====[ 2 ]====[ 3 ]===[ 2 ]=====] [=============================================================================] [===[ TOTAL MD ]===========[ 7 POiNTS ]============[ 2 ]====[ 3 ]===[ 2 ]=====] [=============================================================================] [===[ TOTAL SNES/MD ]======[ 7 POiNTS ]============[ 2 ]====[ 3 ]===[ 2 ]=====] [ ] [ A Japanese strategy game , seems pretty good but almost unplayable in Jap. ] [=============================================================================] ________________ _________________ / / / \ __/ \ / __/ \_ / /_ / / / / / / / /_/ / / / _/ /_/_ // /_ / / / / / / //__ /&/ // /___//__/_/ / \__/ /\_\__/___/\_\/______/\________/ed! +-/_/-------/_/[PRESENTS]--------------+ [=============================[ SUPER NiNTENDO ]==============================] [ NAME ][ LANGUAGE ][ MEGS ][ PLAYABiLiTY/MEGS/RELEASE VALUE ] [=======================][==========][======][================================] [ WORLD HEROES 2 ][ JAP ][ 24 ][=====[ 3 ]====[ 4 ]===[ 3 ]=====] [===[ TOTAL ]=============[ 10 POiNTS ]============[ 3 ]====[ 4 ]===[ 3 ]=====] [ ] [ I`ve never liked World Heroes, And this game didn`t grab my interest for ] [ for more than 30 minutes , I mean : When there are games like SSF2 and MK2, ] [ why even bother programming a game like this ? ] [=============================================================================] T H E B O S S [=============================[ SUPER NiNTENDO ]==============================] [ NAME ][ LANGUAGE ][ MEGS ][ PLAYABiLiTY/MEGS/RELEASE VALUE ] [=======================][==========][======][================================] [ SANSA 2 ][ JAP ][ 12 ][=====[ 1 ]====[ 2 ]===[ 1 ]=====] [=============================================================================] [===[ TOTAL ]=============[ 4 POiNTS ]=============[ 1 ]====[ 2 ]===[ 1 ]=====] [ ] [===============================[ MEGA DRiVE ]================================] [ NAME ][ LANGUAGE ][ MEGS ][ PLAYABiLiTY/MEGS/RELEASE VALUE ] [=======================][==========][======][================================] [ DEViLISH MAHJONG TOWER][ JAP ][ 8 ][=====[ 1 ]====[ 1 ]===[ 1 ]=====] [=============================================================================] [===[ TOTAL MD ]===========[ 3 POiNTS ]============[ 1 ]====[ 1 ]===[ 1 ]=====] [=============================================================================] [===[ TOTAL SNES/MD ]======[ 7 POiNTS ]============[ 2 ]====[ 3 ]===[ 2 ]=====] [ ] [ I hope you don`t mind when I say it , but these two games were two of the ] [ worst releases this month. Both of them were unplayable unless you liked Mah] [ Jong or were an expert in the Japanese language .. No .. Not even then you ] [ would find these game exciting. ] [=============================================================================] F A B i O B A G G i O [=============================[ SUPER NiNTENDO ]==============================] [ NAME ][ LANGUAGE ][ MEGS ][ PLAYABiLiTY/MEGS/RELEASE VALUE ] [=======================][==========][======][================================] [ KABUKi RiCHi MAHJONG ][ JAP ][ 4 ][=====[ 1 ]====[ 1 ]===[ 1 ]=====] [ SFC SWORD WORLD 2 ][ JAP ][ 16 ][=====[ 2 ]====[ 3 ]===[ 1 ]=====] [ PACHi KURU SENYU ][ JAP ][ 4 ][=====[ 1 ]====[ 1 ]===[ 1 ]=====] [===[ TOTAL ]=============[ 12 POiNTS ]============[ 4 ]====[ 5 ]===[ 3 ]=====] [ ] [ Like THE BOSS this man released some really unplayable games , Not much to ] [ say about them other than I`m impressed over how stupid the Japs are when ] [ they are actually buying this shit ! Who the hell want to spend $50 on a ] [ worthless Mah-Jong or Pachinko game when they all look the same ? ] [=============================================================================] R Y G A R [=============================[ SUPER NiNTENDO ]==============================] [ NAME ][ LANGUAGE ][ MEGS ][ PLAYABiLiTY/MEGS/RELEASE VALUE ] [=======================][==========][======][================================] [ ARETHA 2 ][ JAP ][ 16 ][=====[ 2 ]====[ 3 ]===[ 2 ]=====] [ SLAPSTiCK ][ JAP ][ 12 ][=====[ 2 ]====[ 2 ]===[ 2 ]=====] [===[ TOTAL ]=============[ 13 POiNTS ]============[ 4 ]====[ 5 ]===[ 4 ]=====] [ ] [ These two games were actually really promising , Aretha 2 looked like a ] [ Role playing game from Square and Slapstick was an ordinary Roleplaying game] [ from ENIX with poor grafix. I hope to see both of these games in English ] [=============================================================================] Z E U S ^ Z O O L [=============================[ SUPER NiNTENDO ]==============================] [ NAME ][ LANGUAGE ][ MEGS ][ PLAYABiLiTY/MEGS/RELEASE VALUE ] [=======================][==========][======][================================] [ NiCHiBUTSU MAHJONG 3 ][ JAP ][ 16 ][=====[ 1 ]====[ 3 ]===[ 1 ]=====] [ SUPER PACHiNKO ][ JAP ][ 8 ][=====[ 1 ]====[ 1 ]===[ 1 ]=====] [ PACHiSURO STORY ][ JAP ][ 8 ][=====[ 1 ]====[ 1 ]===[ 1 ]=====] [ TESUHi NO UTA ][ JAP ][ 12 ][=====[ 1 ]====[ 2 ]===[ 1 ]=====] [===[ TOTAL ]=============[ 15 POiNTS ]============[ 4 ]====[ 7 ]===[ 4 ]=====] [ ] [ The revenge of Pachinko ?! , Aargh , what is this . When I plugged in one of] [ the 3 Pachinko games Z^Z released I got pretty upset, It featured a man ] [ sleeping in his bed , Then the clock became 09:00 am and the little man took] [ his car direct to the Pachinko place and started to gamble, I mean this must] [ influence the little Jap kids when they play this kinda shit ! ] [=============================================================================] R A M A D U L T S [=============================[ SUPER NiNTENDO ]==============================] [ NAME ][ LANGUAGE ][ MEGS ][ PLAYABiLiTY/MEGS/RELEASE VALUE ] [=======================][==========][======][================================] [ BEAUTY AND THE BEAST ][ JAP ][ 8 ][=====[ 3 ]====[ 1 ]===[ 2 ]=====] [===[ TOTAL ]=============[ 5 POiNTS ]=============[ 3 ]====[ 1 ]===[ 2 ]=====] [ ] [ Actually nothing to say here , Except that the game is still as boring as ] [ the BETA version from Illusion was. ] [=============================================================================] i N D E P E N D E N T R E L E A S E S [=============================[ SUPER NiNTENDO ]==============================] [ NAME ][ LANGUAGE ][ MEGS ][ PLAYABiLiTY/MEGS/RELEASE VALUE ] [=======================][==========][======][================================] [ SENSiBLE SOCCER `94 ][ MULTI ][ 4 ][=====[ 4 ]====[ 1 ]===[ 2 ]=====] [ SUPER TURRiCAN 2 ][ ??? ][ 8 ][=====[ 4 ]====[ 1 ]===[ 5 ]=====] [=============================================================================] [===[ TOTAL ]=============[ 17 POiNTS ]============[ 8 ]====[ 2 ]===[ 7 ]=====] [ ] [===============================[ MEGA DRiVE ]================================] [ NAME ][ LANGUAGE ][ MEGS ][ PLAYABiLiTY/MEGS/RELEASE VALUE ] [=======================][==========][======][================================] [ DOMiNUS ][ JAP ][ 6 ][=====[ 1 ]====[ 1 ]===[ 2 ]=====] [ SUPER CHAOS ENGINE 2 ][ USA ][ 8 ][=====[ 3 ]====[ 1 ]===[ 3 ]=====] [=============================================================================] [===[ TOTAL MD ]===========[ 9 POiNTS ]============[ 4 ]====[ 2 ]===[ 5 ]=====] [=============================================================================] [===[ TOTAL SNES/MD ]======[ 26 POiNTS ]===========[ 12 ]===[ 4 ]===[ 12 ]====] [ ] [ I joined all the independent releases into one ! Supper Turrican 2 looks ] [ very promising ( can`t wait to hear the music ) and Sensible Soccer is still] [ as booring as the Amiga/Pc versions , Chaos Engine II was a big surprise , ] [ even if it was a BETA I had a lot of fun with the game , But I don`t think ] [ It`s as fun in 1 player mode ! ] [=============================================================================] S O N S O F B O R E D O M [===============================[ MEGA DRiVE ]================================] [ NAME ][ LANGUAGE ][ MEGS ][ PLAYABiLiTY/MEGS/RELEASE VALUE ] [=======================][==========][======][================================] [ DUNE 2 ][ GERMAN ][ 8 ][=====[ 2 ]====[ 1 ]===[ 1 ]=====] [=============================================================================] [===[ TOTAL MD ]===========[ 4 POiNTS ]============[ 2 ]====[ 1 ]===[ 1 ]=====] [=============================================================================] [===[ TOTAL SNES/MD ]======[ 4 POiNTS ]============[ 2 ]====[ 1 ]===[ 1 ]=====] [ ] [ Ehum , German Speech , Text etc. cool like hell .. NOT ! ] [=============================================================================] T H E C R A C K i N G L T D [===============================[ MEGA DRiVE ]================================] [ NAME ][ LANGUAGE ][ MEGS ][ PLAYABiLiTY/MEGS/RELEASE VALUE ] [=======================][==========][======][================================] [ SCRABBLE ][ EURO ][ 8 ][=====[ 2 ]====[ 1 ]===[ 2 ]=====] [=============================================================================] [===[ TOTAL MD ]===========[ 5 POiNTS ]============[ 2 ]====[ 1 ]===[ 2 ]=====] [=============================================================================] [===[ TOTAL SNES/MD ]======[ 5 POiNTS ]============[ 2 ]====[ 1 ]===[ 2 ]=====] [ ] [ A pretty good kinda puzzle game , But didn`t really grab my interest. ] [=============================================================================] That was all the games released during July 1994 , A total of 56 releases ! 35 of the games were Japanese and the rest from US or Europe ! R.E.S.U.L.T.S. ( NO SPECiAL ORDER ) [==[ GROUP NAME ]=[ TOTAL ]=[ SNES ]=[ MD ]=[ PA ]=[ MEG ]=[ RV ]=[ GAMES ]==] [==[ PREMiERE ]=[ 84 ]=[ 42 ]=[ 42 ]=[ 30 ]=[ 26 ]=[ 28 ]=[ 9 ]==] [==[ PARADOX ]=[ 120 ]=[ 104 ]=[ 16 ]=[ 46 ]=[ 36 ]=[ 48 ]=[ 18 ]==] [==[ ANTHROX ]=[ 15 ]=[ 15 ]=[ -- ]=[ 5 ]=[ 5 ]=[ 5 ]=[ 1 ]==] [==[ SNEAKERS ]=[ 67 ]=[ 34 ]=[ 33 ]=[ 25 ]=[ 20 ]=[ 22 ]=[ 7 ]==] [==[ CYBER FORCE]=[ 40 ]=[ 35 ]=[ 5 ]=[ 10 ]=[ 14 ]=[ 15 ]=[ 7 ]==] [==[ iLLUSiON ]=[ 30 ]=[ 30 ]=[ -- ]=[ 11 ]=[ 6 ]=[ 13 ]=[ 4 ]==] [==[ ACCUMULATOR]=[ 16 ]=[ 7 ]=[ 9 ]=[ 6 ]=[ 4 ]=[ 6 ]=[ 2 ]==] [==[ GCS ]=[ 17 ]=[ 8 ]=[ 9 ]=[ 6 ]=[ 4 ]=[ 7 ]=[ 2 ]==] [==[ ELiTENDO ]=[ 10 ]=[ 10 ]=[ -- ]=[ 4 ]=[ 3 ]=[ 3 ]=[ 1 ]==] [==[ FUCK ]=[ 10 ]=[ 10 ]=[ -- ]=[ 4 ]=[ 3 ]=[ 3 ]=[ 1 ]==] [==[ FAiRLiGHT ]=[ 11 ]=[ -- ]=[ 11 ]=[ 4 ]=[ 3 ]=[ 4 ]=[ 1 ]==] [==[ BiG BALLZ ]=[ 5 ]=[ 5 ]=[ -- ]=[ 3 ]=[ 1 ]=[ 1 ]=[ 1 ]==] [==[ ZEUS^ZOOL ]=[ 15 ]=[ 15 ]=[ -- ]=[ 4 ]=[ 7 ]=[ 4 ]=[ 4 ]==] [==[ SONS OF B. ]=[ 4 ]=[ -- ]=[ 4 ]=[ 2 ]=[ 1 ]=[ 1 ]=[ 1 ]==] [==[ RYGAR ]=[ 13 ]=[ 13 ]=[ -- ]=[ 4 ]=[ 5 ]=[ 4 ]=[ 2 ]==] [==[ FABiO BAGG.]=[ 12 ]=[ 12 ]=[ -- ]=[ 4 ]=[ 5 ]=[ 3 ]=[ 3 ]==] [==[ QUASAR ]=[ 8 ]=[ -- ]=[ 8 ]=[ 4 ]=[ 1 ]=[ 3 ]=[ 1 ]==] [==[ PAPiLLON ]=[ 7 ]=[ -- ]=[ 7 ]=[ 2 ]=[ 3 ]=[ 2 ]=[ 1 ]==] [==[ THE BOSS ]=[ 7 ]=[ 4 ]=[ 3 ]=[ 2 ]=[ 3 ]=[ 2 ]=[ 1 ]==] ]=[ ]=[ ]=[ ]=[ ]=[ ]=[ ]=[ ]==] [==[ RAM ADULTS ]=[ 5 ]=[ 5 ]=[ -- ]=[ 3 ]=[ 1 ]=[ 2 ]=[ 1 ]==] [==[ CRACKiNG LT]=[ 5 ]=[ -- ]=[ 5 ]=[ 2 ]=[ 1 ]=[ 2 ]=[ 1 ]==] [==[ iNDEPENDENT]=[ 26 ]=[ 17 ]=[ 9 ]=[ 12 ]=[ 4 ]=[ 12 ]=[ 4 ]==] [==[ ORDER & ? ]=[ 10 ]=[ 10 ]=[ -- ]=[ 3 ]=[ 4 ]=[ 3 ]=[ 1 ]==] .T.O.P. .T.E.N. 1`ST PLACE = 10 POiNTS , 2`ND PLACE = 9 POiNTS 3`RD PLACE = 8 POiNTS ETC ETC [===========[ TOTAL ]=========================================================] ________/\________ /\_____ ________ ____ 1. PARADOX 121 p. \_____ \ \_____ \/ \___ \/ \ | / 2. PREMiERE 84 p. / ___/| \| / / | \ | \ | \ / 3. SNEAKERS 67 p. Mb/ | _ \ \ \ _ \ \ / \ 4. CYBER FORCE 40 p. / |___| \_|\__\_| \___/___/___| \ 5. iLLUSiON 30 p. /_____|---|____\------|____\-PRESENTS-|____\ 6. GCS 17 p. 7. ACCUMULATORS 16 p. iS THE BiG WiNNER WiTH 120 POiNTS 8. ANTHROX 15 p. ZEUS^ZOOL 15 p. 10. RYGAR 13 p. [=============================================================================] [===========[ SNES ]==========================================================] ________/\________ /\_____ ________ ____ 1. PARADOX 105 p. \_____ \ \_____ \/ \___ \/ \ | / 2. PREMiERE 42 p. / ___/| \| / / | \ | \ | \ / 3. CYBER FORCE 35 p. Mb/ | _ \ \ \ _ \ \ / \ 4. SNEAKERS 34 p. / |___| \_|\__\_| \___/___/___| \ 5. iLLUSiON 30 p. /_____|---|____\------|____\-PRESENTS-|____\ 6. ANTHROX 15 p. ZEUS^ZOOL 15 p. iS THE BiG WiNNER WiTH 104 POiNTS 8. RYGAR 13 p. 9. FABiO BAGGiO 12 p. 10. FAiRLiGHT 11 p. [=============================================================================] [===========[ MEGA DRiVE ]====================================================] 1. PREMiERE 42 p. .______/\___________ /\__________________/\ 2. SNEAKERS 33 p. | __ \__ \ ____ \/ _ ______/__ \ ___/ 3. PARADOX 16 p. | |/ / / _/ _/\| | | _/\ / _/ _/\ 4. ACCUMULATORS 9 p. || |__/. \ \_ \ \/ | ||. \ \ \_ \\ GCS 9 p. |__| |__|\__/___/__||__|__|_____/_|\__/___/ 6. QUASAR 8 p. 7. PAPiLLON 7 p. iS THE BiG WiNNER WiTH 42 POiNTS 8. CYBER FORCE 5 p. THE CRACKiN LTD 5 p. 10. SONS OF BOREDOM 4 p. [=============================================================================] [===========[ RELEASED GAMES ]================================================] ________/\________ /\_____ ________ ____ 1. PARADOX 18 p. \_____ \ \_____ \/ \___ \/ \ | / 2. PREMiERE 9 p. / ___/| \| / / | \ | \ | \ / 3. CYBER FORCE 7 p. Mb/ | _ \ \ \ _ \ \ / \ SNEAKERS 7 p. / |___| \_|\__\_| \___/___/___| \ 5. iLLUSiON 4 p. /_____|---|____\------|____\-PRESENTS-|____\ ZEUS^ZOOL 4 p. 7. FABiO BAGGiO 3 p. iS THE BiG WiNNER WiTH 18 POiNTS 8. ACCUMULATORS 2 p. GCS 2 p. THE BOSS 2 p. RYGAR 2 p. [=============================================================================] [==========================[ UNNECESSARY iNFORMATiON ]========================] [ CATHEGORY ]============[ NAME ]===============[ FORMAT ]======[ GROUP ]=====] [ BEST RELEASE(S) ]=[ SUPER STREET FiGHTER 2 ]==[ MEGA DRiVE ]==[ PREMiERE ]==] [ ]=[ MORTAL KOMBAT 2 - BETA ]==[ SUPER NES ]==[ ANTHROX ]==] [ WORST RELEASE(S)]=[ FURi FURi GiRLS ]==[ SUPER NES ]==[ CYBER F. ]==] [ ]=[ KiWAME 2 ]==[ SUPER NES ]==[ CYBER F. ]==] [ ]=[ DEViLiSH MAHJONG TOWER ]==[ MEGA DRiVE ]==[ THE BOSS ]==] [ ]=[ KABUKi RiCHi MAHJONG ]==[ SUPER NES ]==[ FABiO B. ]==] [ ]=[ PACHi KURUSENYU ]==[ SUPER NES ]==[ FABiO B. ]==] [ ]=[ SUPER PACHiNKO ]==[ SUPER NES ]==[ ZEUS^ZOOL]==] [ ]=[ PACHiSURU STORY ]==[ SUPER NES ]==[ ZEUS^ZOOL]==] [ BiGGEST GAME(S) ]=[ MORTAL KOMBAT 2 - BETA ]==[ SUPER NES ]==[ ANTHROX ]==] [ ]=[ SUPER STREET FiGHTER 2 ]==[ SUPER NES ]==[ PREMiERE ]==] [ ]=[ SUPER STREET FiGHTER 2 ]==[ MEGA DRiVE ]==[ PREMiERE ]==] [ ]=[ FATAL FURY SPECiAL ]==[ SUPER NES ]==[ CF / PDX ]==] [ LAMEST RELEASE ]=[ FEDA ]==[ SUPER NES ]==[ CYBER F. ]==] [=============================================================================] That`s it folks ! , Paradox "won" this month in 3 of 4 cathegory`s . Please let me know what you liked/disliked about this chart and give me some ideas. If you like it I`ll continue doing it and it will be coded to run on the SNES! You can reach me fast on the following boards : Blob`s Island , Synergy , M2S Ruins of Wisdom , Land Of Confusion , Wet Dreams or Flashback ! Just leave me a message ( CENTURiON ) SOME GREETiNGS COMiNG UP HERE NEXT : ( iN NO SPECiAL ORDER ) Winston : Hope you had a nice time in France , thank you for : bringing me into this scene , Even if it may suck a bit : sometimes. Talk to you later ! Sigma Seven : You`re always being greeted so here`s one greet from me too ! R/\\/e : Haven`t chatted with you in a while , Hope you catch me on : M2S when I call sometime Mymurth : My alltime favourite when it`s about writing messages ! : Keep on writing Cecil : Please come back ! Ice Cube : Havent really spoken to you so much , Looking forward to do it Slapshot : I hope you like Evolution ! Good luck with your board ! FA & DA : Dallas Stars will win Stanley Cup 95 ! Spike : We have one unusual thing in common , We love Jap-Rpg`s hehe : What did you think of FEDA ? , A little disapointment i would : say. Guliver : My friend until the end ! Taz Devil : I really like your group man , Keep up the good work. Talk : to you later ! Armando : Thanx for the heavy support from your side ! I`ll never : forget that. Fast greetings without comments : Alfatech , The M/\ster , Cruger , Twister , MDC , The Boss , TWK , Stealth Triaxal , Boozer , Ayatollah , Seven /\/\ , Cyberhawk , Icon , Dream Master , r2d2! , Elric , Psycho , Jericho , Tango , Sal-1 , eCs , Jive , Demax , Jade, Agressor , Moocher , Ken Buddha! , Nightshade , Warduke , Zanok , Avalon , //CENTURiON/PREMiERE Just one more word : Excuse my miserable grammar ! :) Here`s a lame BBS add for my board Blob`s ISland where you can reach me 24/h! .=============================================================================. | _ _____---. ____________ __ _________ ONE OF THE FASTEST CONSOLE | | |_____ \ | _ / ________ \\/ / ____/_ ONLY BOARDS iN EUROPE | | / /|__/ |/ \/ V \ /|__/ \/\__ \ | | / \| \ / \ : \ \| \ / / \ PREMiERE SHQ +46-8-351825 | | /_________\______\______/______\ /________/ SYSOP TEAM : CENTURiON/PR | | ___. : SiGMA SEVEN/PR | | ___ _______ _:_ _ _______ | |_____ : ALFATECH/CEN | | (___) ____ | _ / ____/ \| |___ \ : MOOCHER/FLT | | / |/\__ \ |/ \/ V \ _ \ _ | _\ \ : THE M/\STER/HLM | | / | / \ / \ _ \ \ \/ | /_\ \ | | / |_______/______\_/ \_\___|_______/ SOON TO BE RUNNiNG 2 NODES AND| | `--- -:- pS!/_____/ : THE NEW FATAL EXPRESS ! | | | `=============================================================================' @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ .-=====================================-. | .c.e.n.t.u.r.i.o.n./.p.r.e.m.i.e.r.e. | | .p.r.e.s.e.n.t.s. | | | | CONSOLE RELEASE CHART FOR JULY/94 | | | | Download it and let me know what you | | think ! //Centurion | `---------------------------------------' @END_FILE_ID.DIZ _________ __________________ _________ /\ /\/ \/\ /\/ \/\ /\/ \/\ /\ / \/ MYSTiC \/ +31-72-157682 \/ \/ \ / AMiGA \ < CONSOLE WHQ LAST OUTPOST > \ CONSOLE / \ /\ EURO HQ /\ +31-72-201182 /\ /\ / \/ \/\_________/\/ \/\__________________/\/ \/\_________/\/ \/ ____ ____________________________________________ ____ /\/\/ \/\/ \/\/ \/\/\ < <> UPLOADED: Tue Aug 23 23:20:33 1994 <> > \/\/\____/\/\____________________________________________/\/\____/\/\/