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2. About this document

2.1 Author

The main author of the Linux IPv6 FAQ/HOWTO is Eric Osborne, with lots of help from Bradley Ward Allen.

2.2 FAQ/HOWTO Mirror sites

The FAQ/HOWTO is currently mirrored in all 4 hemispheres - please try and use the location closest to you!

North America:

South America:



For more information on setting up a mirror site, please contact Eric.

2.3 Stuff that's not in the FAQ/HOWTO that (should/will) be:

This section is for questions that I either don't know how to answer or that are very big questions. If anybody decides to answer these questions, please let me know so that I can put your answer here!

From [email protected]

"If possible, tell also how to do software for mixed environments. That is, software that can be compiled both on IPv4-only systems, and also on IPv6 with all these new fancy widget routines. I bet MOST of the applications fall on this category, at least for now... (And those systems don't have NRL libraries in them.)"

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