Wersja polska     GUST

6th GUST Annual TEX Meeting


Bachotek, 30.04-3.05.1998

30 April, Thursday

Opening. Presentation with the GUSTav award.

Bogusław Jackowski (e-mail: [email protected])
PostScript: a Remedy to Disobedient Graphics (tutorial)

Abstract: The basic kinds of discrete computer graphics will be presented (the black-and-white, the shadowed, the palette, RGB, CMYK and other kinds of graphics). Topics related to retrieving graphics on raster devices will be discussed (kinds of screen, Mo ire's effect, smoothing, etc.) together with the known ways of data compression. The lecture will be crowned with a survey of the most popular formats of graphics: PCX, GIF, TIFF, JPEG, with a stress on the capabilities of PostScript and how to use them for illustrations in TeX documents.

Ryszard Kubiak (e-mail: [email protected])
The Functional Language Haskell - Yet Another TOOL Supporting Work with TEX

Abstract: The users of TeX frequently come across situations when they must preprocess their data before these are passed to TeX. TeX itself, although its power is equivalent with the Turing machine, is directed towards generating an elegant typesetting and is not best prepared to serve in non-standard situations: the programs get overcomplicated
There is a custom that script languages, such as AWK or PERL, are used for the preprocessing. Especially AWK, thanks to its compact notation, effectiveness and port ability, has become quite popular. Of course, everybody is using such tools they are best acquainted with and which best suit their needs. The author of this lecture has gained some experience in using Haskell for generating TeX/LaTeX data.
The Haskell language belongs to the family of functional languages. The language does not have an assignment statement. It does not have any instructions at all. There are just expressions which can be evaluated. A typical functional program defines a ser ies of constants, functions in most cases. After loading such a program into the memory we may require evaluating a given expression.
The modern functional languages, and I include variations of ML and Haskell to this category , provide the programme r with a great expressive power and a notation close to the traditional, known from school, mathematical one. The expressive power follows from:
  • a type system: each expression has a unique type assigned to it, in most cases derived automatically, and the program is checked against the use of objects and their types before it can be executed;
  • functions are on equal rights with other objec ts in the program; a function may take another one as its argument and it itself can return a function as a result;
  • polymorphism of the type system: a single expression may be assigned not just one type but rather a family of types and it can then be used with each of the concrete types of the family, separately.
Thanks to the above features functional programs use to be elegantly modularized and are very concise. The lack of an assignment statement implies the lack of side effects which are co mmonly considered to be a source of many programistic errors.
The basics of the functional programming paradigm will be discussed and an example of how Haskell can be used to generate TeX data will be discussed.

Kees van der Laan (e-mail: [email protected])
Tiling in PostScript and METAFONT

Abstract: Drawing tilings by computer is discussed. Examples are borrowed from literature. New are their included METAFONT and PostScript programs, with sometimes a new variation of a picture.

Stanisław Wawrykiewicz (email: [email protected])
A presentation of TEXlive 3

Stanisław Wawrykiewicz (email: [email protected])
A discussion on new programs in EX environment

Marcin Woliński (email: [email protected])
Groch z kapust± (gar¶ć ciekawostek około TEX-owych)

Marcin Woliński (email: [email protected])
LaTEX2e and the Polish Language (tutorial)

Abstract: The stage of the development of LaTeX: what we have there and what is missing; why we love PLaTeX (and not babel); (a brief) handbook on how to install PLaTeX; PLaTeX User's Manual; NFSS - what it is and what it means for polonizing TeX; on th e magical abbreviations OT1, T1, OT4, CM, PL, EC...; and the Polish fonts Type1.

Adam Dawidziuk, Piotr Bolek (email: [email protected], [email protected])
SGML a New Stage in the development of TEX

Abstract: In the era of multimedia publications there is a need to write documents in a form independent on the final medium of presentation. So far, SGML is the only reasonable approach to the problem, being already introduced as a standard at a few p laces in the world. A natural consequence of the existence of the standard is a need for tools able to convert a structured text to a form allowing for a paper print-out. A batch system would be th best (if such a one is possible in this case ). In the Polish reality, taking the level of "polonization" into account, a choice between troff and TeX seems not to exist.
We come to the stage of "SGML" thanks to the general development of hardware and software. On machines of the AT class, typesetting a few dozens of pages long brochure required a highly optimized style based on plain.tex. LaTeX 2.09 might bloc k the machine immediately being, in principle, unmodifiable. With an advent of a 486 processor and with an upgraded version of LaTeX2e the "lazy" users have began to enjoy more comfort. Linux, LaTeX2e, METAPOST, X11, perl 5.0, SGML, emacs and a 166 Mhz Pentium + 32MB RAM + 2GB HDD allow for a comfortable work in real-time with documents exceeding 40 printed sheets. Inputing t he text by an author is simple, a conversion to TeX is automatic, "TeX-ing" is reduced to designing a layout which is what in using TeX is the nicest part. Such a way of preparing documents enforces a more precise design of layouts and dis courages from digging in the sources. We gain a good deal of flexibility as far as creating the final layout of the printed version of a publication is concerned.

1 May, Friday

Ryszard Kubiak (e-mail: [email protected])

Abstract: AUCTeX is an Emacs package supporting introducing TeX texts, their compilation, previewing and error correction. After loading a TeX file into the editor we get access to two groups of commands. The first of them accelerates inputting the text: a single keyboard key may mean inserting a whole TeX command or a LaTeX environment. The other group allows to call compilation from the level of the editor. Facilities exist to support work with multi-file documents. On operating systems with mult i-processing we may experience an almost WYSYWIG effect: one window contains the text edited and another one allows for instantaneous previewing.

Piotr Bolek (e-mail: [email protected])
LaTeX2HTML (tutorial)

Abstract: The LaTeX2HTML package offers a quite specific, and advantageous at places, way of creating hypertext documents allowing for a conversion of LaTeX documents to the format of HTML. The installation and the configuration of the package will be d iscussed together with examples of converting documents of various kinds ("plain text" documents, illustrated documents, documents with mathematical formulae). Additionally, it will be shown how the default settings of the package can be changed to influence the layout of the HTML documents generated by the package.

Adam Kolany (e-mail: [email protected])
Strap your shoes using an ascaris; in other words, a fish, an ankle or a stick with a piece of string

Abstract: TeX data bases (in particular it will be shown how, one may easily achieve various effects by approaching the same data with various packages of macros, not too difficult to develop). Multi-source processing. PostScript insertions (effects such as putting background colour, rotating, mirroring). Cooperating with AWK. Cascade processing.

Włodzimierz Macewicz (e-mail: [email protected])
Spell-Checking Tools for the Polish Language - the Current State, Expectations and the possibilities of Development

Piotr Chrz±stowski (e-mail: [email protected])
SYBISLAW - TEX bibliographic data base

Abstract: The SYBISLAW system (a SYstem for SLAVistic BIbliography) is an information system designed by Piotr Chrz±stowski and Marcin Engel by the order of the Institute of Polish Slavistics of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The goal is to create an en vironment making the introduction and editing of data for a Slavistic Dictionary possible. The system has been implemented basing on LaTeX.

Petr Olsak (e-mail: [email protected])
TEX in Czech and Slovak environment: problems and solutions

Abstract: Czech and Slovak typography standards; Czech/Slovak diacritics; fonts (virtual fonts, problem of various encodings, CS fonts, PostScript fonts); local formats.
See www.cstug.cz

The General Meeting of GUST

Bogusław Jackowski, Piotr Strzelczyk, Piotr Pianowski (e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected])
Utilities for a TEX-PostScript link

Abstract: A release of a few tools that facilitate using TeX+PostScript will be announced:


Marek Battek (e-mail: [email protected])
Why the Publishers Don't Like TEX?

2 May, Saturday

Krzysztof Leszczyński (email: [email protected])
TEX at a WWW server

Abstract: TeX can work not only on a console but also in a non-terminal environment, for example on a WWW server. The use of TeX in such an environment requires extra treatment. TeX is not allowed to announce error messages nor hang down the server. Safety is another problem: a wrongly written macro can, in unfriendly hands, bring a danger upon our system.

Janusz M. Nowacki (e-mail: [email protected])
Problems with a Computer Reconstructoin of the Półtawski's Antykwa font

Streszczenie: The graphical sources of the font, their availability and quality. The creation of letter outlines in graphical programs. The basic requirements concerning the outlines according to Adobe. Moving the images of letters to programs like FontoGraph er itp. Processing the font in FontoGrapher and the like (copying the characters, margins of a character, adding new elements to a character). Kerning. Hints. Generating the font and its estimation. Other methods of creating the font (MetaPo st).

Tomasz Przechlewski (e-mail: [email protected])
Electronic Publications: TEX and Acrobat/PDF (tutorial)

Abstract: The basic features of the PDF format were discussed, together with the components of the Acrobat technology (Acrobat reader, exchange, pdf-writer, distiller, distiller assistant, catalog, capture). Creating documents in the PDF format: TeX -> dv ips -> distiller and straight TeX -> PDF. The PDFmark instruction. Integration of documents in the PDF format on WWW. Forms.

Andrzej Tomaszewski (e-mail: [email protected])
Designing a Scientific Book (tutorial)

Workshop I

3 May, Sunday

Workshop II


BachoTeX's logo: Sławomir Kilian

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