What you have here is a copy of the "The World Digitized",
in a format that is easy to unpack and view with a simple viewing
utility called SWIVEL.  Therefore, the normal instructions for
installing The World Digitized do not apply to this copy.  If you
have not already done so, unzip the WORLD.ZIP file first by typing:


(PKUNZIP is a Shareware ZIPing/de-ZIPing program, and is required
to extract this database.)  If you have a hard disk (with about 3
megabytes free), you may then run the batch file SWINST.BAT to install
SWIVEL and the data for The World Digitized.  The result will be the
same as if you had followed the original instructions for installing
and unpacking The World Digitized to create the ASCII .MP1 version of
the data files.

	If you don't have a hard disk (or enough space free), you can
modify SWINST.BAT or do the unZIPing by hand.  SWINST.BAT assumes
you have the program PKXARC in your path.  This must be edited to

	Happy trails!

Ken Van Camp