This is a purely informative rendering of an RFC that includes verified errata. This rendering may not be used as a reference.
The following 'Verified' errata have been incorporated in this document:
EID 95, EID 743, EID 745
Network Working Group E. Mannie, Ed.
Request for Comments: 4427 Perceval
Category: Informational D. Papadimitriou, Ed.
March 2006
Recovery (Protection and Restoration) Terminology
for Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS)
Status of This Memo
This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does
not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this
memo is unlimited.
Copyright Notice
Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006).
This document defines a common terminology for Generalized Multi-
Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS)-based recovery mechanisms (i.e.,
protection and restoration). The terminology is independent of the
underlying transport technologies covered by GMPLS.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ....................................................3
2. Contributors ....................................................4
3. Conventions Used in this Document ...............................5
4. Recovery Terminology Common to Protection and Restoration .......5
4.1. Working and Recovery LSP/Span ..............................6
4.2. Traffic Types ..............................................6
4.3. LSP/Span Protection and Restoration ........................6
4.4. Recovery Scope .............................................7
4.5. Recovery Domain ............................................8
4.6. Recovery Types .............................................8
4.7. Bridge Types ..............................................10
4.8. Selector Types ............................................10
4.9. Recovery GMPLS Nodes ......................................11
4.10. Switch-over Mechanism ....................................11
4.11. Reversion operations .....................................11
4.12. Failure Reporting ........................................12
4.13. External commands ........................................12
4.14. Unidirectional versus Bi-Directional Recovery Switching ..13
4.15. Full versus Partial Span Recovery Switching ..............14
4.16. Recovery Schemes Related Time and Durations ..............14
4.17. Impairment ...............................................15
4.18. Recovery Ratio ...........................................15
4.19. Hitless Protection Switch-over ...........................15
4.20. Network Survivability ....................................15
4.21. Survivable Network .......................................16
4.22. Escalation ...............................................16
5. Recovery Phases ................................................16
5.1. Entities Involved During Recovery .........................17
6. Protection Schemes .............................................17
6.1. 1+1 Protection ............................................18
6.2. 1:N (N >= 1) Protection ...................................18
6.3. M:N (M, N > 1, N >= M) Protection .........................18
6.4. Notes on Protection Schemes ...............................19
7. Restoration Schemes ............................................19
7.1. Pre-Planned LSP Restoration ...............................19
7.1.1. Shared-Mesh Restoration ............................19
7.2. LSP Restoration ...........................................20
7.2.1. Hard LSP Restoration ...............................20
7.2.2. Soft LSP Restoration ...............................20
8. Security Considerations ........................................20
9. References .....................................................20
9.1. Normative References ......................................20
9.2. Informative References ....................................20
10. Acknowledgements ..............................................21
1. Introduction
This document defines a common terminology for Generalized Multi-
Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS)-based recovery mechanisms (i.e.,
protection and restoration).
The terminology proposed in this document is independent of the
underlying transport technologies and borrows from the G.808.1 ITU-T
Recommendation [G.808.1] and from the G.841 ITU-T Recommendation
[G.841]. The restoration terminology and concepts have been gathered
from numerous sources including IETF documents.
In the context of this document, the term "recovery" denotes both
protection and restoration. The specific terms "protection" and
"restoration" will only be used when differentiation is required.
This document focuses on the terminology for the recovery of Label
Switched Paths (LSPs) controlled by a GMPLS control plane. The
proposed terminology applies to end-to-end, segment, and span (i.e.,
link) recovery. Note that the terminology for recovery of the
control plane itself is not in the scope of this document.
Protection and restoration of switched LSPs under tight time
constraints is a challenging problem. This is particularly relevant
to optical networks that consist of Time Division Multiplex (TDM)
and/or all-optical (photonic) cross-connects referred to as GMPLS
nodes (or simply nodes, or even sometimes "Label Switching Routers,
or LSRs") connected in a general topology [RFC3945].
Recovery typically involves the activation of a recovery (or
alternate) LSP when a failure is encountered in the working LSP.
A working or recovery LSP is characterized by an ingress interface,
an egress interface, and a set of intermediate nodes and spans
through which the LSP is routed. The working and recovery LSPs are
typically resource disjoint (e.g., node and/or span disjoint). This
ensures that a single failure will not affect both the working and
recovery LSPs.
A bi-directional span between neighboring nodes is usually realized
as a pair of unidirectional spans. Therefore, the end-to-end path
for a bi-directional LSP consists of a series of bi-directional
segments (i.e., Sub-Network Connections, or SNCs, in the ITU-T
terminology) between the source and destination nodes, traversing
intermediate nodes.
2. Contributors
This document is the result of a joint effort by the CCAMP Working
Group Protection and Restoration design team. The following are the
authors that contributed to the present document:
Deborah Brungard (AT&T)
Rm. D1-3C22 - 200 S. Laurel Ave.
Middletown, NJ 07748, USA
EMail: [email protected]
Sudheer Dharanikota
EMail: [email protected]
Jonathan P. Lang (Sonos)
506 Chapala Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101, USA
EMail: [email protected]
Guangzhi Li (AT&T)
180 Park Avenue,
Florham Park, NJ 07932, USA
EMail: [email protected]
Eric Mannie
Rue Tenbosch, 9
1000 Brussels
Phone: +32-2-6409194
EMail: [email protected]
Dimitri Papadimitriou (Alcatel)
Francis Wellesplein, 1
B-2018 Antwerpen, Belgium
EMail: [email protected]
Bala Rajagopalan
Microsoft India Development Center
Hyderabad, India
EMail: [email protected]
Yakov Rekhter (Juniper)
1194 N. Mathilda Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94089, USA
EMail: [email protected]
3. Conventions Used in this Document
The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].
4. Recovery Terminology Common to Protection and Restoration
This section defines the following general terms common to both
protection and restoration (i.e., recovery). In addition, most of
these terms apply to end-to-end, segment, and span LSP recovery.
Note that span recovery does not protect the nodes at each end of the
span, otherwise end-to-end or segment LSP recovery should be used.
The terminology and the definitions were originally taken from
[G.808.1]. However, for generalization, the following language,
which is not directly related to recovery, has been adapted to GMPLS
and the common IETF terminology:
An LSP is used as a generic term to designate either an SNC (Sub-
Network Connection) or an NC (Network Connection) in ITU-T
terminology. The ITU-T uses the term transport entity to designate
either a link, an SNC, or an NC. The term "Traffic" is used instead
of "Traffic Signal". The term protection or restoration "scheme" is
used instead of protection or restoration "architecture".
The reader is invited to read [G.841] and [G.808.1] for references to
SDH protection and Generic Protection Switching terminology,
respectively. Note that restoration is not in the scope of
4.1. Working and Recovery LSP/Span
A working LSP/span is an LSP/span transporting "normal" user traffic.
A recovery LSP/span is an LSP/span used to transport "normal" user
traffic when the working LSP/span fails. Additionally, the recovery
LSP/span may transport "extra" user traffic (i.e., pre-emptable
traffic) when normal traffic is carried over the working LSP/span.
4.2. Traffic Types
The different types of traffic that can be transported over an
LSP/span, in the context of this document, are defined hereafter:
A. Normal traffic:
User traffic that may be protected by two alternative LSPs/spans (the
working and recovery LSPs/spans).
B. Extra traffic:
User traffic carried over recovery resources (e.g., a recovery
LSP/span) when these resources are not being used for the recovery of
normal traffic (i.e., when the recovery resources are in standby
mode). When the recovery resources are required to recover normal
traffic from the failed working LSP/span, the extra traffic is pre-
empted. Extra traffic is not protected by definition, but may be
restored. Moreover, extra traffic does not need to commence or be
terminated at the ends of the LSPs/spans that it uses.
C. Null traffic:
Traffic carried over the recovery LSP/span if it is not used to carry
normal or extra traffic. Null traffic can be any kind of traffic
that conforms to the signal structure of the specific layer, and it
is ignored (not selected) at the egress of the recovery LSP/span.
4.3. LSP/Span Protection and Restoration
The following subtle distinction is generally made between the terms
"protection" and "restoration", even though these terms are often
used interchangeably [RFC3386].
The distinction between protection and restoration is made based on
the resource allocation done during the recovery LSP/span
establishment. The distinction between different types of
restoration is made based on the level of route computation,
signaling, and resource allocation during the restoration LSP/span
A. LSP/Span Protection
LSP/span protection denotes the paradigm whereby one or more
dedicated protection LSP(s)/span(s) is/are fully established to
protect one or more working LSP(s)/span(s).
For a protection LSP, this implies that route computation took place,
that the LSP was fully signaled all the way, and that its resources
were fully selected (i.e., allocated) and cross-connected between the
ingress and egress nodes.
For a protection span, this implies that the span has been selected
and reserved for protection.
Indeed, it means that no signaling takes place to establish the
protection LSP/span when a failure occurs. However, various other
kinds of signaling may take place between the ingress and egress
nodes for fault notification, to synchronize their use of the
protection LSP/span, for reversion, etc.
B. LSP/Span Restoration
LSP/span restoration denotes the paradigm whereby some restoration
resources may be pre-computed, signaled, and selected a priori, but
not cross-connected to restore a working LSP/span. The complete
establishment of the restoration LSP/span occurs only after a failure
of the working LSP/span, and requires some additional signaling.
Both protection and restoration require signaling. Signaling to
establish the recovery resources and signaling associated with the
use of the recovery LSP(s)/span(s) are needed.
4.4. Recovery Scope
Recovery can be applied at various levels throughout the network. An
LSP may be subject to local (span), segment, and/or end-to-end
Local (span) recovery refers to the recovery of an LSP over a link
between two nodes.
End-to-end recovery refers to the recovery of an entire LSP from its
source (ingress node end-point) to its destination (egress node end-
Segment recovery refers to the recovery over a portion of the network
of a segment LSP (i.e., an SNC in the ITU-T terminology) of an end-
to-end LSP. Such recovery protects against span and/or node failure
over a particular portion of the network that is traversed by an
end-to-end LSP.
4.5. Recovery Domain
A recovery domain is defined as a set of nodes and spans, over which
one or more recovery schemes are provided. A recovery domain served
by one single recovery scheme is referred to as a "single recovery
domain", while a recovery domain served by multiple recovery schemes
is referred to as a "multi recovery domain".
The recovery operation is contained within the recovery domain. A
GMPLS recovery domain must be entirely contained within a GMPLS
domain. A GMPLS domain (defined as a set of nodes and spans
controlled by GMPLS) may contain multiple recovery domains.
4.6. Recovery Types
The different recovery types can be classified depending on the
number of recovery LSPs/spans that are protecting a given number of
working LSPs/spans. The definitions given hereafter are from the
point of view of a working LSP/span that needs to be protected by a
recovery scheme.
A. 1+1 type: dedicated protection
One dedicated protection LSP/span protects exactly one working
LSP/span, and the normal traffic is permanently duplicated at the
ingress node on both the working and protection LSPs/spans. No extra
traffic can be carried over the protection LSP/span.
This type is applicable to LSP/span protection, but not to LSP/span
B. 0:1 type: unprotected
No specific recovery LSP/span protects the working LSP/span.
However, the working LSP/span can potentially be restored through any
alternate available route/span, with or without any pre-computed
restoration route. Note that no resources are pre-established for
this recovery type.
This type is applicable to LSP/span restoration, but not to LSP/span
protection. Span restoration can be achieved, for instance, by
moving all the LSPs transported over a failed span to a dynamically
selected span.
C. 1:1 type: dedicated recovery with extra traffic
One specific recovery LSP/span protects exactly one specific working
LSP/span, but the normal traffic is transmitted over only one LSP
(working or recovery) at a time. Extra traffic can be transported
using the recovery LSP/span resources.
This type is applicable to LSP/span protection and LSP restoration,
but not to span restoration.
D. 1:N (N > 1) type: shared recovery with extra traffic
A specific recovery LSP/span is dedicated to the protection of up to
N working LSPs/spans. The set of working LSPs/spans is explicitly
identified. Extra traffic can be transported over the recovery
LSP/span. All these LSPs/spans must start and end at the same nodes.
Sometimes, the working LSPs/spans are assumed to be resource disjoint
in the network so that they do not share any failure probability, but
this is not mandatory. Obviously, if more than one working LSP/span
in the set of N are affected by some failure(s) at the same time, the
traffic on only one of these failed LSPs/spans may be recovered over
the recovery LSP/span. Note that N can be arbitrarily large (i.e.,
infinite). The choice of N is a policy decision.
This type is applicable to LSP/span protection and LSP restoration,
but not to span restoration.
Note: a shared recovery where each recovery resource can be shared by
a maximum of X LSPs/spans is not defined as a recovery type but as a
recovery scheme. The choice of X is a network resource management
policy decision.
E. M:N (M, N > 1, N >= M) type:
A set of M specific recovery LSPs/spans protects a set of up to N
specific working LSPs/spans. The two sets are explicitly identified.
Extra traffic can be transported over the M recovery LSPs/spans when
available. All the LSPs/spans must start and end at the same nodes.
Sometimes, the working LSPs/spans are assumed to be resource disjoint
in the network so that they do not share any failure probability, but
this is not mandatory. Obviously, if several working LSPs/spans in
the set of N are concurrently affected by some failure(s), the
traffic on only M of these failed LSPs/spans may be recovered. Note
that N can be arbitrarily large (i.e., infinite). The choice of N
and M is a policy decision.
This type is applicable to LSP/span protection and LSP restoration,
but not to span restoration.
4.7. Bridge Types
A bridge is the function that connects the normal traffic and extra
traffic to the working and recovery LSP/span.
A. Permanent bridge
Under a 1+1 type, the bridge connects the normal traffic to both the
working and protection LSPs/spans. This type of bridge is not
applicable to restoration types. There is, of course, no extra
traffic connected to the recovery LSP/span.
B. Broadcast bridge
For 1:N and M:N types, the bridge permanently connects the normal
traffic to the working LSP/span. In the event of recovery switching,
the normal traffic is additionally connected to the recovery
LSP/span. Extra traffic is either not connected or connected to the
recovery LSP/span.
C. Selector bridge
For 1:N and M:N types, the bridge connects the normal traffic to
either the working or the recovery LSP/span. Extra traffic is either
not connected or connected to the recovery LSP/span.
4.8. Selector Types
A selector is the function that extracts the normal traffic from
either the working or the recovery LSP/span. Extra traffic is either
extracted from the recovery LSP/span, or is not extracted.
A. Selective selector
Is a selector that extracts the normal traffic from either the
working LSP/span output or the recovery LSP/span output.
B. Merging selector
For 1:N and M:N protection types, the selector permanently extracts
the normal traffic from both the working and recovery LSP/span
outputs. This alternative works only in combination with a selector
4.9. Recovery GMPLS Nodes
This section defines the GMPLS nodes involved during recovery.
A. Ingress GMPLS node of an end-to-end LSP/segment LSP/span
The ingress node of an end-to-end LSP/segment LSP/span is where the
normal traffic may be bridged to the recovery end-to-end LSP/segment
LSP/span. Also known as source node in the ITU-T terminology.
B. Egress GMPLS node of an end-to-end LSP/segment LSP/span
The egress node of an end-to-end LSP/segment LSP/span is where the
normal traffic may be selected from either the working or the
recovery end-to-end LSP/segment LSP/span. Also known as sink node in
the ITU-T terminology.
C. Intermediate GMPLS node of an end-to-end LSP/segment LSP
A node along either the working or recovery end-to-end LSP/segment
LSP route between the corresponding ingress and egress nodes. Also
known as intermediate node in the ITU-T terminology.
4.10. Switch-over Mechanism
A switch-over is an action that can be performed at both the bridge
and the selector. This action is as follows:
A. For the selector:
The action of selecting normal traffic from the recovery LSP/span
rather than from the working LSP/span.
B. For the bridge:
In case of permanent connection to the working LSP/span, the action
of connecting or disconnecting the normal traffic to or from the
recovery LSP/span. In case of non-permanent connection to the
working LSP/span, the action of connecting the normal traffic to the
recovery LSP/span.
4.11. Reversion operations
A revertive recovery operation refers to a recovery switching
operation, where the traffic returns to (or remains on) the working
LSP/span when the switch-over requests are terminated (i.e., when the
working LSP/span has recovered from the failure).
Therefore, a non-revertive recovery switching operation is when the
traffic does not return to the working LSP/span when the switch-over
requests are terminated.
4.12. Failure Reporting
This section gives (for information) several signal types commonly
used in transport planes to report a failure condition. Note that
fault reporting may require additional signaling mechanisms.
A. Signal Degrade (SD): a signal indicating that the associated data
has degraded.
B. Signal Fail (SF): a signal indicating that the associated data has
C. Signal Degrade Group (SDG): a signal indicating that the
associated group data has degraded.
D. Signal Fail Group (SFG): a signal indicating that the associated
group has failed.
Note: SDG and SFG definitions are under discussion at the ITU-T.
4.13. External commands
This section defines several external commands, typically issued by
an operator through the Network Management System (NMS)/Element
Management System (EMS), that can be used to influence or command the
recovery schemes.
A. Lockout of recovery LSP/span:
A configuration action, initiated externally, that results in the
recovery LSP/span being temporarily unavailable to transport traffic
(either normal or extra traffic).
B. Lockout of normal traffic:
A configuration action, initiated externally, that results in the
normal traffic being temporarily not allowed to be routed over its
recovery LSP/span. Note that in this case extra-traffic is still
allowed on the recovery LSP/span.
C. Freeze:
A configuration action, initiated externally, that prevents any
switch-over action from being taken, and, as such, freezes the
current state.
D. Forced switch-over for normal traffic:
A switch-over action, initiated externally, that switches normal
traffic to the recovery LSP/span, unless an equal or higher priority
switch-over command is in effect.
E. Manual switch-over for normal traffic:
A switch-over action, initiated externally, that switches normal
traffic to the recovery LSP/span, unless a fault condition exists on
other LSPs/spans (including the recovery LSP/span) or an equal or
higher priority switch-over command is in effect.
F. Manual switch-over for recovery LSP/span:
A switch-over action, initiated externally, that switches normal
traffic to the working LSP/span, unless a fault condition exists on
the working LSP/span or an equal or higher priority switch-over
command is in effect.
G. Clear:
An action, initiated externally, that clears the active external
4.14. Unidirectional versus Bi-Directional Recovery Switching
A. Unidirectional recovery switching:
A recovery switching mode in which, for a unidirectional fault (i.e.,
a fault affecting only one direction of transmission), only the
normal traffic transported in the affected direction (of the LSP or
span) is switched to the recovery LSP/span.
B. Bi-directional recovery switching:
A recovery switching mode in which, for a unidirectional fault, the
normal traffic in both directions (of the LSP or span), including the
affected direction and the unaffected direction, are switched to the
recovery LSP/span.
4.15. Full versus Partial Span Recovery Switching
Bulk LSP recovery is initiated upon reception of either span failure
notification or bulk failure notification of the S LSPs carried by
this span. In either case, the corresponding recovery switching
actions are performed at the LSP level, such that the ratio between
the number of recovery switching messages and the number of recovered
LSP (in one given direction) is minimized. If this ratio equals 1,
one refers to full span recovery; otherwise, if this ratio is greater
than 1, one refers to partial span recovery.
A. Full Span Recovery
All the S LSP carried over a given span are recovered under span
failure condition. Full span recovery is also referred to as "bulk
B. Partial Span Recovery
Only a subset s of the S LSP carried over a given span is recovered
under span failure condition. Both selection criteria of the
entities belonging to this subset, and the decision concerning the
recovery of the remaining (S - s) LSP, are based on local policy.
4.16. Recovery Schemes Related Time and Durations
This section gives several typical timing definitions that are of
importance for recovery schemes.
A. Detection time:
The time between the occurrence of the fault or degradation and its
detection. Note that this is a rather theoretical time because, in
practice, this is difficult to measure.
B. Correlation time:
The time between the detection of the fault or degradation and the
reporting of the signal fail or degrade. This time is typically used
in correlating related failures or degradations.
C. Notification time:
The time between the reporting of the signal fail or degrade and the
reception of the indication of this event by the entities that decide
on the recovery switching operation(s).
D. Recovery Switching time:
The time between the initialization of the recovery switching
operation and the moment the normal traffic is selected from the
recovery LSP/span.
E. Total Recovery time:
The total recovery time is defined as the sum of the detection, the
correlation, the notification, and the recovery switching time.
F. Wait To Restore time:
A period of time that must elapse after a recovered fault before an
LSP/span can be used again to transport the normal traffic and/or to
select the normal traffic from.
Note: the hold-off time is defined as the time between the reporting
of signal fail or degrade, and the initialization of the recovery
switching operation. This is useful when multiple layers of recovery
are being used.
4.17. Impairment
A defect or performance degradation, which may lead to SF or SD
4.18. Recovery Ratio
The quotient of the actual recovery bandwidth divided by the traffic
bandwidth that is intended to be protected.
4.19. Hitless Protection Switch-over
Protection switch-over, which does not cause data loss, data
duplication, data disorder, or bit errors upon recovery switching
4.20. Network Survivability
The set of capabilities that allows a network to restore affected
traffic in the event of a failure. The degree of survivability is
determined by the network's capability to survive single and multiple
4.21. Survivable Network
A network that is capable of restoring traffic in the event of a
4.22. Escalation
A network survivability action caused by the impossibility of the
survivability function in lower layers.
5. Recovery Phases
It is commonly accepted that recovery implies that the following
generic operations need to be performed when an LSP/span or a node
failure occurs:
- Phase 1: Failure Detection
The action of detecting the impairment (defect of performance
degradation) as a defect condition and the consequential activation
of SF or SD trigger to the control plane (through internal interface
with the transport plane). Thus, failure detection (which should
occur at the transport layer closest to the failure) is the only
phase that cannot be achieved by the control plane alone.
- Phase 2: Failure Localization (and Isolation)
Failure localization provides, to the deciding entity, information
about the location (and thus the identity) of the transport plane
entity that causes the LSP(s)/span(s) failure. The deciding entity
can then make an accurate decision to achieve finer grained recovery
switching action(s).
- Phase 3: Failure Notification
| The failure notification phase is used 1) to inform intermediate
nodes that LSP(s)/span(s) failure has occurred and has been detected
and 2) to inform the recovery deciding entities (which can correspond
to any intermediate or end-point of the failed LSP/span) that the
corresponding LSP/span is not available.
EID 743 (Verified) is as follows:Section: 5
Original Text:
Failure notification phase is used 1) to inform intermediate nodes
that LSP(s)/span(s) failure has occurred and has been detected and 2)
to inform the recovery deciding entities (which can correspond to any
intermediate or end-point of the failed LSP/span) that the
corresponding LSP/span is not available.
Corrected Text:
| The failure notification phase is used 1) to inform intermediate
nodes that LSP(s)/span(s) failure has occurred and has been detected
and 2) to inform the recovery deciding entities (which can correspond
to any intermediate or end-point of the failed LSP/span) that the
corresponding LSP/span is not available.
missing article
from pending
- Phase 4: Recovery (Protection or Restoration)
See Section 4.3.
- Phase 5: Reversion (Normalization)
See Section 4.11.
The combination of Failure Detection and Failure Localization and
Notification is referred to as Fault Management.
5.1. Entities Involved During Recovery
The entities involved during the recovery operations can be defined
as follows; these entities are parts of ingress, egress, and
intermediate nodes, as defined previously:
A. Detecting Entity (Failure Detection):
An entity that detects a failure or group of failures; thus providing
a non-correlated list of failures.
B. Reporting Entity (Failure Correlation and Notification):
An entity that can make an intelligent decision on fault correlation
and report the failure to the deciding entity. Fault reporting can
be automatically performed by the deciding entity detecting the
C. Deciding Entity (part of the failure recovery decision process):
An entity that makes the recovery decision or selects the recovery
resources. This entity communicates the decision to the impacted
LSPs/spans with the recovery actions to be performed.
D. Recovering Entity (part of the failure recovery activation
An entity that participates in the recovery of the LSPs/spans.
The process of moving failed LSPs from a failed (working) span to a
protection span must be initiated by one of the nodes that terminates
the span, e.g., A or B. The deciding (and recovering) entity is
referred to as the "master", while the other node is called the
"slave" and corresponds to a recovering only entity.
Note: The determination of the master and the slave may be based on
configured information or protocol-specific requirements.
6. Protection Schemes
This section clarifies the multiple possible protection schemes and
the specific terminology for the protection.
6.1. 1+1 Protection
1+1 protection has one working LSP/span, one protection LSP/span, and
a permanent bridge. At the ingress node, the normal traffic is
permanently bridged to both the working and protection LSP/span. At
the egress node, the normal traffic is selected from the better of
the two LSPs/spans.
Due to the permanent bridging, the 1+1 protection does not allow an
unprotected extra traffic signal to be provided.
6.2. 1:N (N >= 1) Protection
1:N protection has N working LSPs/spans that carry normal traffic and
1 protection LSP/span that may carry extra-traffic.
At the ingress, the normal traffic is either permanently connected to
its working LSP/span and may be connected to the protection LSP/span
(case of broadcast bridge), or is connected to either its working
LSP/span or the protection LSP/span (case of selector bridge). At
the egress node, the normal traffic is selected from either its
working or protection LSP/span.
Unprotected extra traffic can be transported over the protection
LSP/span whenever the protection LSP/span is not used to carry a
normal traffic.
6.3. M:N (M, N > 1, N >= M) Protection
M:N protection has N working LSPs/spans carrying normal traffic and M
protection LSP/span that may carry extra-traffic.
At the ingress, the normal traffic is either permanently connected to
its working LSP/span and may be connected to one of the protection
LSPs/spans (case of broadcast bridge), or is connected to either its
working LSP/span or one of the protection LSPs/spans (case of
selector bridge). At the egress node, the normal traffic is selected
from either its working or one of the protection LSPs/spans.
Unprotected extra traffic can be transported over the M protection
LSPs/spans whenever the protection LSPs/spans is not used to carry a
normal traffic.
EID 745 (Verified) is as follows:Section: 6.3
Original Text:
At the egress node, the normal traffic is selected
| from either its working or one of the protection LSP/span.
Unprotected extra traffic can be transported over the M protection
| LSP/span whenever the protection LSPs/spans is not used to carry a
normal traffic.
Corrected Text:
At the egress node, the normal traffic is selected
| from either its working or one of the protection LSPs/spans.
Unprotected extra traffic can be transported over the M protection
| LSPs/spans whenever the protection LSPs/spans is not used to carry a
normal traffic.
from pending
6.4. Notes on Protection Schemes
All protection types are either uni- or bi-directional; obviously,
the latter applies only to bi-directional LSPs/spans and requires
coordination between the ingress and egress node during protection
All protection types except 1+1 unidirectional protection switching
require a communication channel between the ingress and the egress
In the GMPLS context, span protection refers to the full or partial
span recovery of the LSPs carried over that span (see Section 4.15).
7. Restoration Schemes
This section clarifies the multiple possible restoration schemes and
the specific terminology for the restoration.
7.1. Pre-Planned LSP Restoration
Also referred to as pre-planned LSP re-routing. Before failure
detection and/or notification, one or more restoration LSPs are
instantiated between the same ingress-egress node pair as the working
LSP. Note that the restoration resources must be pre-computed, must
be signaled, and may be selected a priori, but may not be cross-
connected. Thus, the restoration LSP is not able to carry any
EID 95 (Verified) is as follows:Section: 7.1
Original Text:
Note that the restoration resources must be pre-computed, must
be signaled, and may be selected a priori, but may not cross-
connected. Thus, the restoration LSP is not able to carry any
Corrected Text:
Note that the restoration resources must be pre-computed, must
be signaled, and may be selected a priori, but may not be cross-
connected. Thus, the restoration LSP is not able to carry any
missing verb
from pending
The complete establishment of the restoration LSP (i.e., activation)
occurs only after failure detection and/or notification of the
working LSP and requires some additional restoration signaling.
Therefore, this mechanism protects against working LSP failure(s) but
requires activation of the restoration LSP after failure occurrence.
After the ingress node has activated the restoration LSP, the latter
can carry the normal traffic.
Note: when each working LSP is recoverable by exactly one restoration
LSP, one refers also to 1:1 (pre-planned) re-routing without extra-
7.1.1. Shared-Mesh Restoration
"Shared-mesh" restoration is defined as a particular case of pre-
planned LSP re-routing that reduces the restoration resource
requirements by allowing multiple restoration LSPs (initiated from
distinct ingress nodes) to share common resources (including links
and nodes.)
7.2. LSP Restoration
Also referred to as LSP re-routing. The ingress node switches the
normal traffic to an alternate LSP that is signaled and fully
established (i.e., cross-connected) after failure detection and/or
notification. The alternate LSP path may be computed after failure
detection and/or notification. In this case, one also refers to
"Full LSP Re-routing."
The alternate LSP is signaled from the ingress node and may reuse the
intermediate node's resources of the working LSP under failure
condition (and may also include additional intermediate nodes.)
7.2.1. Hard LSP Restoration
Also referred to as hard LSP re-routing. A re-routing operation
where the LSP is released before the full establishment of an
alternate LSP (i.e., break-before-make).
7.2.2. Soft LSP Restoration
Also referred to as soft LSP re-routing. A re-routing operation
where the LSP is released after the full establishment of an
alternate LSP (i.e., make-before-break).
8. Security Considerations
Security considerations are detailed in [RFC4428] and [RFC4426].
9. References
9.1. Normative References
[RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.
9.2. Informative References
[RFC3386] Lai, W. and D. McDysan, "Network Hierarchy and
Multilayer Survivability", RFC 3386, November 2002.
[RFC3945] Mannie, E., "Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching
(GMPLS) Architecture", RFC 3945, October 2004.
[RFC4426] Lang, J., Rajagopalan B., and D.Papadimitriou, Editors,
"Generalized Multiprotocol Label Switching (GMPLS)
Recovery Functional Specification", RFC 4426, March
[RFC4428] Papadimitriou D. and E.Mannie, Editors, "Analysis of
Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS)-based
Recovery Mechanisms (including Protection and
Restoration)", RFC 4428, March 2006.
For information on the availability of the following documents,
please see
[G.808.1] ITU-T, "Generic Protection Switching - Linear trail and
subnetwork protection," Recommendation G.808.1, December
[G.841] ITU-T, "Types and Characteristics of SDH Network
Protection Architectures," Recommendation G.841, October
10. Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Adrian Farrel for having thoroughly review this
Editors' Addresses
Eric Mannie
Rue Tenbosch, 9
1000 Brussels
Phone: +32-2-6409194
EMail: [email protected]
Dimitri Papadimitriou
Francis Wellesplein, 1
B-2018 Antwerpen, Belgium
Phone: +32 3 240-8491
EMail: [email protected]
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