This is a purely informative rendering of an RFC that includes verified errata. This rendering may not be used as a reference.

The following 'Verified' errata have been incorporated in this document: EID 1467, EID 1473, EID 5927, EID 5928
Network Working Group                                           V. Popov
Request for Comments: 4357                                   I. Kurepkin
Category: Informational                                      S. Leontiev
                                                            January 2006

    Additional Cryptographic Algorithms for Use with GOST 28147-89,
   GOST R 34.10-94, GOST R 34.10-2001, and GOST R 34.11-94 Algorithms

Status of This Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  It does
   not specify an Internet standard of any kind.  Distribution of this
   memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006).


   This document describes the cryptographic algorithms and parameters
   supplementary to the original GOST specifications, GOST 28147-89,
   GOST R 34.10-94, GOST R 34.10-2001, and GOST R 34.11-94, for use in
   Internet applications.

Table of Contents

   1. Introduction ....................................................2
      1.1. Terminology ................................................2
   2. Cipher Modes and Parameters .....................................3
      2.1. GOST 28147-89 CBC Mode .....................................4
      2.2. GOST 28147-89 Padding Modes ................................4
      2.3. Key Meshing Algorithms .....................................4
           2.3.1. Null Key Meshing ....................................5
           2.3.2. CryptoPro Key Meshing ...............................5
   3. HMAC_GOSTR3411 ..................................................6
   4. PRF_GOSTR3411 ...................................................6
   5. Key Derivation Algorithms .......................................6
      5.1. VKO GOST R 34.10-94 ........................................6
      5.2. VKO GOST R 34.10-2001 ......................................7
   6. Key Wrap Algorithms .............................................7
      6.1. GOST 28147-89 Key Wrap .....................................7
      6.2. GOST 28147-89 Key Unwrap ...................................8
      6.3. CryptoPro Key Wrap .........................................8
      6.4. CryptoPro Key Unwrap .......................................9
      6.5. CryptoPro KEK Diversification Algorithm ....................9

   7. Secret Key Diversification .....................................10
   8. Algorithm Parameters ...........................................10
      8.1. Encryption Algorithm Parameters ...........................10
      8.2. Digest Algorithm Parameters ...............................11
      8.3. GOST R 34.10-94 Public Key Algorithm Parameters ...........12
      8.4. GOST R 34.10-2001 Public Key Algorithm Parameters .........13
   9. Security Considerations ........................................14
   10. Appendix ASN.1 Modules ........................................15
      10.1. Cryptographic-Gost-Useful-Definitions ....................15
      10.2. Gost28147-89-EncryptionSyntax ............................17
      10.3. Gost28147-89-ParamSetSyntax ..............................19
      10.4. GostR3411-94-DigestSyntax ................................21
      10.5. GostR3411-94-ParamSetSyntax ..............................22
      10.6. GostR3410-94-PKISyntax ...................................23
      10.7. GostR3410-94-ParamSetSyntax ..............................25
      10.8. GostR3410-2001-PKISyntax .................................27
      10.9. GostR3410-2001-ParamSetSyntax ............................29
   11. Appendix Parameters ...........................................30
      11.1. Encryption Algorithm Parameters ..........................30
      11.2. Digest Algorithm Parameters ..............................33
      11.3. GOST R 34.10-94 Public Key Algorithm Parameters ..........34
      11.4. GOST R 34.10-2001 Public Key Algorithm Parameters ........42
   12. Acknowledgements ..............................................46
   13. References ....................................................47
      13.1. Normative References .....................................47
      13.2. Informative References ...................................47

1.  Introduction

   Russian cryptographic standards that define the algorithms GOST
   28147-89 [GOST28147], GOST R 34.10-94 [GOSTR341094], GOST R
   34.10-2001 [GOSTR341001], and GOST R34.11-94 [GOSTR341194] provide
   basic information about how the algorithms work, but supplemental
   specifications are needed to effectively use the algorithms (a brief
   English technical description of these algorithms can be found in

   This document is a proposal put forward by the CRYPTO-PRO Company to
   provide supplemental information and specifications needed by the
   "Russian Cryptographic Software Compatibility Agreement" community.

1.1.  Terminology

   In this document, the key words MUST, MUST NOT, REQUIRED, SHOULD,
   SHOULD NOT, RECOMMENDED, and MAY are to be interpreted as described
   in [RFC2119].

   The following functions and operators are also used in this document:

   '|' stands for concatenation.

   '~' stands for bitwise NOT operator.

   '^' stands for the power operator.

   encryptECB (K, D) is D, encrypted with key K using GOST 28147-89 in
   "prostaya zamena" (ECB) mode.

   decryptECB (K, D) is D, decrypted with key K using GOST 28147-89 in
   ECB mode.

   encryptCFB (IV, K, D) is D, encrypted with key K using GOST 28147-89
   in "gammirovanie s obratnoj svyaziyu" (64-bit CFB) mode, and IV is
   used as the initialization vector.

   encryptCNT (IV, K, D) is D, encrypted with key K using GOST 28147-89
   in "gammirovanie" (counter) mode, and IV is used as the
   initialization vector.

   gostR3411 (D) is the 256-bit result of the GOST R 34.11-94 hash
   function, used with zero initialization vector, and S-Box parameter,
   defined by id-GostR3411-94-CryptoProParamSet (see Section 11.2).

   gost28147IMIT (IV, K, D) is the 32-bit result of the GOST 28147-89 in
   "imitovstavka" (MAC) mode, used with D as plaintext, K as key and IV
   as initialization vector.  Note that the standard specifies its use
   in this mode only with an initialization vector of zero.

   When keys and initialization vectors are converted to/from byte
   arrays, little-endian byte order is assumed.

2.  Cipher Modes and Parameters

   This document defines four cipher properties that allow an
   implementer to vary cipher operations.  The four parameters are the
   cipher mode, the key meshing algorithm, the padding mode, and the

   [GOST28147] defines only three cipher modes for GOST 28147-89: ECB,
   CFB, and counter mode.  This document defines an additional cipher
   mode, CBC.

   When GOST 28147-89 is used to process large amounts of data, a
   symmetric key should be protected by a key meshing algorithm.  Key
   meshing transforms a symmetric key after some amount of data has been
   processed.  This document defines the CryptoPro key meshing

   The cipher mode, key meshing algorithm, padding mode, and S-box are
   specified by algorithm parameters.

2.1.  GOST 28147-89 CBC Mode

   This section provides the supplemental information for GOST 28147-89
   (a block-to-block primitive) needed to operate in CBC mode.

   Before each plaintext block is encrypted, it is combined with the
   cipher text of the previous block via a bitwise XOR operation.  This
   ensures that even if the plaintext contains many identical blocks,
   each block will encrypt to a different cipher text block.  The
   initialization vector is combined with the first plaintext block by a
   bitwise XOR operation before the block is encrypted.

2.2.  GOST 28147-89 Padding Modes

   This section provides the supplemental information for GOST 28147-89,
   needed to operate on plaintext where the length is not divisible by
   GOST 28147-89 block size (8 bytes).

   Let x (0 < x <= 8) be the number of bytes in the last, possibly
   incomplete, block of data.

   There are three padding modes:
    * Zero padding: 8-x remaining bytes are filled with zero
    * PKCS#5 padding: 8-x remaining bytes are filled with the value of
      8-x.  If there's no incomplete block, one extra block filled with
      value 8 is added.
    * Random padding: 8-x remaining bytes of the last block are set to

2.3.  Key Meshing Algorithms

   Key meshing algorithms transform the key after processing a certain
   amount of data.  In applications that must be strictly robust to
   attacks based on timing and EMI analysis, one symmetric key should
   not be used for quantities of plaintext larger than 1024 octets.

   A key meshing algorithm affects internal cipher state; it is not a
   protocol level feature.  Its role is similar to that of a cipher
   mode.  The choice of key meshing algorithm is usually dictated by the
   encryption algorithm parameters, but some protocols explicitly
   specify applicable key meshing algorithms.

   All encryption parameter sets defined in this document specify the
   use of the CryptoPro key meshing algorithm, except for id-Gost28147-
   89-TestParamSet, which specifies use of null key meshing algorithm.

2.3.1.  Null Key Meshing

   The null key meshing algorithm never changes a key.

   The identifier for this algorithm is:

       id-Gost28147-89-None-KeyMeshing OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
           { iso(1) member-body(2) ru(643) rans(2) cryptopro(2)
               keyMeshing(14) none(0) }

   There are no meaningful parameters to this algorithm.  If present,
   AlgorithmIdentifier.parameters MUST contain NULL.

2.3.2.  CryptoPro Key Meshing

   The CryptoPro key meshing algorithm transforms the key and
   initialization vector every 1024 octets (8192 bits, or 256 64-bit
   blocks) of plaintext data.

   This algorithm has the same drawback as OFB cipher mode: it is
   impossible to re-establish crypto synch while decrypting a ciphertext
   if parts of encrypted data are corrupted, lost, or processed out of
   order.  Furthermore, it is impossible to re-synch even if an IV for
   each data packet is provided explicitly.  Use of this algorithm in
   protocols such as IPsec ESP requires special care.

   The identifier for this algorithm is:

       id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-KeyMeshing  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
           { iso(1) member-body(2) ru(643) rans(2) cryptopro(2)
               keyMeshing(14) cryptoPro(1) }

   There are no meaningful parameters to this algorithm.  If present,
   AlgorithmIdentifier.parameters MUST contain NULL.

   GOST 28147-89, in encrypt, decrypt, or MAC mode, starts with key K[0]
   =  K, IV0[0] = IV, i = 0.  Let IVn[0] be the value of the
   initialization vector after processing the first 1024 octets of data.

   Processing of the next 1024 octets will start with K[1] and IV0[1],
   which are calculated using the following formula:

       K[i+1] = decryptECB (K[i], C);
       IV0[i+1] = encryptECB (K[i+1],IVn[i])

   Where C = {0x69, 0x00, 0x72, 0x22,   0x64, 0xC9, 0x04, 0x23,
              0x8D, 0x3A, 0xDB, 0x96,   0x46, 0xE9, 0x2A, 0xC4,
              0x18, 0xFE, 0xAC, 0x94,   0x00, 0xED, 0x07, 0x12,
              0xC0, 0x86, 0xDC, 0xC2,   0xEF, 0x4C, 0xA9, 0x2B};

   After processing each 1024 octets of data:
    * the resulting initialization vector is stored as IVn[i];
    * K[i+1] and IV0[i+1] are calculated;
    * i is incremented;
    * Encryption or decryption of next 1024 bytes starts, using
      the new key and IV;
   The process is repeated until all the data has been processed.

3.  HMAC_GOSTR3411

   HMAC_GOSTR3411 (K,text) function is based on the hash function GOST R
   34.11-94, as defined in [HMAC], with the following parameter values:
   B = 32, L = 32.

4.  PRF_GOSTR3411

   PRF_GOSTR3411 is a pseudorandom function, based on HMAC_GOSTR3411.
   It is calculated as P_hash, defined in Section 5 of [TLS].
   PRF_GOSTR3411(secret,label,seed) = P_GOSTR3411 (secret,label|seed).

5.  Key Derivation Algorithms

   Standards [GOSTR341094] and [GOSTR341001] do not define any key
   derivation algorithms.

   Section 5.1 specifies algorithm VKO GOST R 34.10-94, which generates
   GOST KEK using two GOST R 34.10-94 keypairs.

   Section 5.2 specifies algorithm VKO GOST R 34.10-2001, which
   generates GOST KEK using two GOST R 34.10-2001 keypairs and UKM.

   Keypairs MUST have identical parameters.

5.1.  VKO GOST R 34.10-94

   This algorithm creates a key encryption key (KEK) using the sender's
   private key and the recipient's public key (or vice versa).

   Exchange key KEK is a 256-bit hash of the 1024-bit shared secret that
   is generated using Diffie-Hellman key agreement.

   1) Let K(x,y) = a^(x*y) (mod p), where
      x - sender's private key, a^x - sender's public key
      y - recipient's private key, a^y - recipient's public key
      a, p - parameters
   2) Calculate a 256-bit hash of K(x,y):
      KEK(x,y) = gostR3411 (K(x,y))

   Keypairs (x,a^x) and (y,a^y) MUST comply with [GOSTR341094].

   This algorithm MUST NOT be used when a^x = a (mod p) or a^y = a (mod

5.2.  VKO GOST R 34.10-2001

   This algorithm creates a key encryption key (KEK) using 64 bit UKM,
   the sender's private key, and the recipient's public key (or the
   reverse of the latter pair).

   1) Let K(x,y,UKM) = ((UKM*x)(mod q)) . (y.P) (512 bit), where
      x - sender's private key (256 bit)
      x.P - sender's public key (512 bit)
      y - recipient's private key (256 bit)
      y.P - recipient's public key (512 bit)
      UKM - non-zero integer, produced as in step 2 p. 6.1 [GOSTR341001]
      P - base point on the elliptic curve (two 256-bit coordinates)
      UKM*x - x multiplied by UKM as integers
      x.P - a multiple point
   2) Calculate a 256-bit hash of K(x,y,UKM):
      KEK(x,y,UKM) = gostR3411 (K(x,y,UKM))

   Keypairs (x,x.P) and (y,y.P) MUST comply with [GOSTR341001].

   This algorithm MUST NOT be used when x.P = P, y.P = P

6.  Key Wrap Algorithms

   This document defines two key wrap algorithms: GOST 28147-89 Key Wrap
   and CryptoPro Key Wrap.  These are used to encrypt a Content
   Encryption Key (CEK) with a Key Encryption Key (KEK).

6.1.  GOST 28147-89 Key Wrap

   This algorithm encrypts GOST 28147-89 CEK with a GOST 28147-89 KEK.

   Note: This algorithm MUST NOT be used with a KEK produced by VKO GOST
   R 34.10-94, because such a KEK is constant for every sender-recipient
   pair.  Encrypting many different content encryption keys on the same
   constant KEK may reveal that KEK.

   The GOST 28147-89 key wrap algorithm is:

    1) For a unique symmetric KEK, generate 8 octets at random and call
       the result UKM.  For a KEK, produced by VKO GOST R 34.10-2001,
       use the UKM that was used for key derivation.
    2) Compute a 4-byte checksum value, gost28147IMIT (UKM, KEK, CEK).
       Call the result CEK_MAC.
    3) Encrypt the CEK in ECB mode using the KEK.  Call the ciphertext
    4) The wrapped content-encryption key is (UKM | CEK_ENC | CEK_MAC).

6.2.  GOST 28147-89 Key Unwrap

   This algorithm decrypts GOST 28147-89 CEK with a GOST 28147-89 KEK.
   The GOST 28147-89 key unwrap algorithm is:

    1) If the wrapped content-encryption key is not 44 octets, then
    2) Decompose the wrapped content-encryption key into UKM, CEK_ENC,
       and CEK_MAC.  UKM is the most significant (first) 8 octets.
       CEK_ENC is next 32 octets, and CEK_MAC is the least significant
       (last) 4 octets.
    3) Decrypt CEK_ENC in ECB mode using the KEK.  Call the output CEK.
    4) Compute a 4-byte checksum value, gost28147IMIT (UKM, KEK, CEK),
       compare the result with CEK_MAC.  If they are not equal, then

6.3.  CryptoPro Key Wrap

   This algorithm encrypts GOST 28147-89 CEK with a GOST 28147-89 KEK.
   It can be used with any KEK (e.g., produced by VKO GOST R 34.10-94 or
   VKO GOST R 34.10-2001) because a unique UKM is used to diversify the

   The CryptoPro key wrap algorithm is:

    1) For a unique symmetric KEK or a KEK produced by VKO GOST R
       34.10-94, generate 8 octets at random.  Call the result UKM.  For
       a KEK, produced by VKO GOST R 34.10-2001, use the UKM that was
       used for key derivation.
    2) Diversify KEK, using the CryptoPro KEK Diversification Algorithm,
       described in Section 6.5.  Call the result KEK(UKM).

    3) Compute a 4-byte checksum value, gost28147IMIT (UKM, KEK(UKM),
       CEK).  Call the result CEK_MAC.
    4) Encrypt CEK in ECB mode using KEK(UKM).  Call the ciphertext
    5) The wrapped content-encryption key is (UKM | CEK_ENC | CEK_MAC).

6.4.  CryptoPro Key Unwrap

   This algorithm encrypts GOST 28147-89 CEK with a GOST 28147-89 KEK.
   The CryptoPro key unwrap algorithm is:

    1) If the wrapped content-encryption key is not 44 octets, then it
       is an error.
    2) Decompose the wrapped content-encryption key into UKM, CEK_ENC,
       and CEK_MAC.  UKM is the most significant (first) 8 octets.
       CEK_ENC is next 32 octets, and CEK_MAC is the least significant
       (last) 4 octets.
    3) Diversify KEK using the CryptoPro KEK Diversification Algorithm,
       described in section 6.5.  Call the result KEK(UKM).
    4) Decrypt CEK_ENC in ECB mode using KEK(UKM).  Call the output CEK.
    5) Compute a 4-byte checksum value, gost28147IMIT (UKM, KEK(UKM),
       CEK), compare the result with CEK_MAC.  If they are not equal,
       then it is an error.

6.5.  CryptoPro KEK Diversification Algorithm

   Given a random 64-bit UKM and a GOST 28147-89 key K, this algorithm
   creates a new GOST 28147-89 key K(UKM).

    1) Let K[0] = K;
    2) UKM is split into components a[i,j]:
       UKM = a[0]|..|a[7] (a[i] - byte, a[i,0]..a[i,7] - it's bits)
    3) Let i be 0.
    4) K[1]..K[8] are calculated by repeating the following algorithm
       eight times:
     A) K[i] is split into components k[i,j]:
        K[i] = k[i,0]|k[i,1]|..|k[i,7] (k[i,j] - 32-bit integer)
     B) Vector S[i] is calculated:
        S[i] = ((a[i,0]*k[i,0] + ... + a[i,7]*k[i,7]) mod 2^32) |
        (((~a[i,0])*k[i,0] + ... + (~a[i,7])*k[i,7]) mod 2^32);
     C) K[i+1] = encryptCFB (S[i], K[i], K[i])
     D) i = i + 1
    5) Let K(UKM) be K[8].

7.  Secret Key Diversification

   This algorithm creates a GOST 28147-89 key Kd, produced from given  
256-bit secret key K and diversification data D of size 4..40 bytes.

EID 1473 (Verified) is as follows:

Section: 7

Original Text:

This algorithm creates a GOST 28147-89 key Kd, given GOST R 34.10-94
or GOST R 34.10-2001 secret key K and diversification data D of size
4..40 bytes.

Corrected Text:

This algorithm creates a GOST 28147-89 key Kd, produced from given 
256-bit secret key K and diversification data D of size 4..40 bytes.
In this place "secret key" means any key, which MUST NOT be used to
protect of raw data. For example, private keys, shared secret keys,
wrap/unwrap keys, etc.

Russian-English terminology translation bug
1) 40-byte blob B is created from D by cloning it enough times to fill all 40 bytes. For example, if D is 40-bytes long, B = D; If D is 6-bytes long, B = D|D|D|D|D|D|D[0..3]. 2) B is split into 8-byte UKM and 32-byte SRCKEY (B = UKM|SRCKEY). 3) The algorithm from Section 6.5 is used to create K(UKM) from key K and UKM, with two differences: * Instead of S[i], vector (0,0,0,UKM[i],ff,ff,ff,ff XOR UKM[i]) is used. * During each encryption step, only 8 out of 32 GOST 28147-89 rounds are done. 4) Kd is calculated: Kd = encryptCFB (UKM, K(UKM), SRCKEY). 8. Algorithm Parameters Standards [GOST28147], [GOST341194], [GOSTR341094], and [GOSTR341001] do not define specific values for algorithm parameters. This document introduces the use of ASN.1 object identifiers (OIDs) to specify algorithm parameters. Identifiers for all of the proposed parameter sets can be found in Appendix ASN.1 modules. Corresponding parameter values for proposed parameter sets can be found in Section 11. 8.1. Encryption Algorithm Parameters GOST 28147-89 can be used in several modes; additional CBC mode is defined in Section 2.1. It also has an S-Box parameter. (See the Algorithm Parameters part in [GOST28147] in Russian; for a description in English, see [Schneier95], ch. 14.1, p. 331.) This table contains the list of proposed parameter sets for GOST 28147-89: Gost28147-89-ParamSetAlgorithms ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER ::= { { Gost28147-89-ParamSetParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-Gost28147-89-TestParamSet } | { Gost28147-89-ParamSetParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-A-ParamSet } | { Gost28147-89-ParamSetParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-B-ParamSet } | { Gost28147-89-ParamSetParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-C-ParamSet } | { Gost28147-89-ParamSetParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-D-ParamSet } } Identifier values are in the Appendix ASN.1 modules, and corresponding parameters are in Section 11.1. Parameters for GOST 28147-89 are presented in the following form: Gost28147-89-ParamSetParameters ::= SEQUENCE { eUZ Gost28147-89-UZ, mode INTEGER { gost28147-89-CNT(0), gost28147-89-CFB(1), cryptoPro-CBC(2) }, shiftBits INTEGER { gost28147-89-block(64) }, keyMeshing AlgorithmIdentifier } Gost28147-89-UZ ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (64)) Gost28147-89-KeyMeshingAlgorithms ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER ::= { { NULL IDENTIFIED BY id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-KeyMeshing } | { NULL IDENTIFIED BY id-Gost28147-89-None-KeyMeshing } } where eUZ - S-box value; mode - cipher mode; shiftBits - cipher parameter; keyMeshing - key meshing algorithm identifier. 8.2. Digest Algorithm Parameters This table contains the list of proposed parameter sets for [GOST341194]: GostR3411-94-ParamSetAlgorithms ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER ::= { { GostR3411-94-ParamSetParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-GostR3411-94-TestParamSet } | { GostR3411-94-ParamSetParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-GostR3411-94-CryptoProParamSet } } Identifier values are in the Appendix ASN.1 modules, and corresponding parameters are in Section 11.2. Parameters for [GOST341194] are presented in the following form: GostR3411-94-ParamSetParameters ::= SEQUENCE { hUZ Gost28147-89-UZ, -- S-Box for digest h0 GostR3411-94-Digest -- start digest value } GostR3411-94-Digest ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (32)) 8.3. GOST R 34.10-94 Public Key Algorithm Parameters This table contains the list of proposed parameter sets for GOST R 34.10-94: GostR3410-94-ParamSetAlgorithm ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER ::= { { GostR3410-94-ParamSetParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-GostR3410-94-TestParamSet } | { GostR3410-94-ParamSetParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-A-ParamSet } | { GostR3410-94-ParamSetParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-B-ParamSet } | { GostR3410-94-ParamSetParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-C-ParamSet } | { GostR3410-94-ParamSetParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-D-ParamSet } | { GostR3410-94-ParamSetParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-XchA-ParamSet } | { GostR3410-94-ParamSetParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-XchB-ParamSet } | { GostR3410-94-ParamSetParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-XchC-ParamSet } } Identifier values are in the Appendix ASN.1 modules, and corresponding parameters are in Section 11.3. Parameters for GOST R 34.10-94 are presented in the following form: GostR3410-94-ParamSetParameters ::= SEQUENCE { t INTEGER, p INTEGER, q INTEGER, a INTEGER, validationAlgorithm AlgorithmIdentifier {{ GostR3410-94-ValidationAlgorithms }} OPTIONAL } GostR3410-94-ValidationParameters ::= SEQUENCE { x0 INTEGER, c INTEGER, d INTEGER OPTIONAL } Where t - bit length of p (512 or 1024 bits); p - modulus, prime number, 2^(t-1)<p<2^t; q - order of cyclic group, prime number, 2^254<q<2^256, q is a factor of p-1; a - generator, integer, 1<a<p-1, at that aq (mod p) = 1; validationAlgorithm - constant p, q and a calculating algorithm. x0 - seed; c - used for p and q generation; d - used for a generation. 8.4. GOST R 34.10-2001 Public Key Algorithm Parameters This table contains the list of proposed parameter sets for GOST R 34.10-2001: GostR3410-2001-ParamSetAlgorithm ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER ::= { { GostR3410-2001-ParamSetParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-GostR3410-2001-TestParamSet } | { GostR3410-2001-ParamSetParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-A-ParamSet } | { GostR3410-2001-ParamSetParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-B-ParamSet } | { GostR3410-2001-ParamSetParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-C-ParamSet } | { GostR3410-2001-ParamSetParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-XchA-ParamSet } | { GostR3410-2001-ParamSetParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-XchB-ParamSet } } Identifier values are in the Appendix ASN.1 modules, and corresponding parameters are in Section 11.4. Parameters for GOST R 34.10-2001 are presented in the following form: GostR3410-2001-ParamSetParameters ::= SEQUENCE { a INTEGER, b INTEGER, p INTEGER, q INTEGER, x INTEGER, y INTEGER } a, b - coefficients a and b of the elliptic curve E; p - prime number - elliptic curve modulus; q - prime number - order of cyclic group; x, y - base point p coordinates. 9. Security Considerations It is RECOMMENDED that software applications verify signature values and subject public keys and algorithm parameters to conform to [GOSTR341001] and [GOSTR341094] standards prior to their use. Cryptographic algorithm parameters affect rigidity of algorithms. The algorithm parameters proposed and described herein, except for the test parameter sets (id-Gost28147-89-TestParamSet, id-GostR3411- 94-TestParamSet, id-GostR3410-94-TestParamSet, id-GostR3410-2001- TestParamSet), have been analyzed by a special certification laboratory of Scientific and Technical Center, "ATLAS", and by the Center of Certificational Investigations in appropriate levels of target_of_evaluation (TOE), according to [RFDSL], [RFLLIC], and [CRYPTOLIC]. Use of the test parameter sets or parameter sets not described herein is NOT RECOMMENDED. When different parameters are used, it is RECOMMENDED that they be subjected to examination by an authorized agency with approved methods of cryptographic analysis. 10. Appendix ASN.1 Modules 10.1. Cryptographic-Gost-Useful-Definitions Cryptographic-Gost-Useful-Definitions { iso(1) member-body(2) ru(643) rans(2) cryptopro(2) other(1) modules(1) cryptographic-Gost-Useful-Definitions(0) 1 } DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- EXPORTS All -- -- The types and values defined in this module are exported for -- use in the other ASN.1 modules contained within the Russian -- Cryptography "GOST" & "GOST R" Specifications, and for the use -- of other applications that will use them to access Russian -- Cryptography services. Other applications may use them for -- their own purposes, but this will not constrain extensions and -- modifications needed to maintain or improve the Russian -- Cryptography service. -- Crypto-Pro OID branch id-CryptoPro OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso(1) member-body(2) ru(643) rans(2) cryptopro(2) } id-CryptoPro-algorithms OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= id-CryptoPro id-CryptoPro-modules OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro other(1) modules(1) } id-CryptoPro-hashes OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-algorithms hashes(30) } id-CryptoPro-encrypts OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-algorithms encrypts(31) } id-CryptoPro-signs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-algorithms signs(32) } id-CryptoPro-exchanges OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-algorithms exchanges(33) } id-CryptoPro-extensions OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro extensions(34) } id-CryptoPro-ecc-signs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-algorithms ecc-signs(35) } id-CryptoPro-ecc-exchanges OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-algorithms ecc-exchanges(36) } id-CryptoPro-private-keys OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-algorithms private-keys(37) } id-CryptoPro-policyIds OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro policyIds(38) } id-CryptoPro-policyQt OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro policyQt(39) } id-CryptoPro-pkixcmp-infos OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-algorithms pkixcmp-infos(41) } id-CryptoPro-audit-service-types OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-algorithms audit-service-types(42) } id-CryptoPro-audit-record-types OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-algorithms audit-record-types(43) } id-CryptoPro-attributes OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-algorithms attributes(44) } id-CryptoPro-name-service-types OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-algorithms name-service-types(45) } -- ASN.1 modules of Russian Cryptography "GOST" & "GOST R" -- Specifications cryptographic-Gost-Useful-Definitions OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-modules cryptographic-Gost-Useful-Definitions(0) 1 } -- GOST R 34.11-94 gostR3411-94-DigestSyntax OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-modules gostR3411-94-DigestSyntax(1) 1 } gostR3411-94-ParamSetSyntax OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-modules gostR3411-94-ParamSetSyntax(7) 1 } -- GOST R 34.10-94 gostR3410-94-PKISyntax OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-modules gostR3410-94-PKISyntax(2) 1 } gostR3410-94-SignatureSyntax OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-modules gostR3410-94-SignatureSyntax(3) 1 } gostR3410-EncryptionSyntax OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-modules gostR3410-EncryptionSyntax(5) 2 } gostR3410-94-ParamSetSyntax OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-modules gostR3410-94-ParamSetSyntax(8) 1 } -- GOST R 34.10-2001 gostR3410-2001-PKISyntax OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-modules gostR3410-2001-PKISyntax(9) 1 } gostR3410-2001-SignatureSyntax OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-modules gostR3410-2001-SignatureSyntax(10) 1 } gostR3410-2001-ParamSetSyntax OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-modules gostR3410-2001-ParamSetSyntax(12) 1 } -- GOST 28147-89 gost28147-89-EncryptionSyntax OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-modules gost28147-89-EncryptionSyntax(4) 1 } gost28147-89-ParamSetSyntax OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-modules gost28147-89-ParamSetSyntax(6) 1 } -- Extended Key Usage for Crypto-Pro gost-CryptoPro-ExtendedKeyUsage OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-modules gost-CryptoPro-ExtendedKeyUsage(13) 1 } -- Crypto-Pro Private keys gost-CryptoPro-PrivateKey OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-modules gost-CryptoPro-PrivateKey(14) 1 } -- Crypto-Pro PKIXCMP structures gost-CryptoPro-PKIXCMP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-modules gost-CryptoPro-PKIXCMP(15) 1 } -- Crypto-Pro Transport Layer Security structures gost-CryptoPro-TLS OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-modules gost-CryptoPro-TLS(16) 1 } -- Crypto-Pro Policy gost-CryptoPro-Policy OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-modules gost-CryptoPro-Policy(17) 1 } gost-CryptoPro-Constants OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-modules gost-CryptoPro-Constants(18) 1 } -- Useful types ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER ::= CLASS { &id OBJECT IDENTIFIER UNIQUE, &Type OPTIONAL } WITH SYNTAX { [&Type] IDENTIFIED BY &id } END -- Cryptographic-Gost-Useful-Definitions 10.2. Gost28147-89-EncryptionSyntax Gost28147-89-EncryptionSyntax { iso(1) member-body(2) ru(643) rans(2) cryptopro(2) other(1) modules(1) gost28147-89-EncryptionSyntax(4) 1 } DEFINITIONS EXPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN -- EXPORTS All -- -- The types and values defined in this module are exported for -- use in the other ASN.1 modules contained within the Russian -- Cryptography "GOST" & "GOST R" Specifications, and for the use -- of other applications that will use them to access Russian -- Cryptography services. Other applications may use them for -- their own purposes, but this will not constrain extensions and -- modifications needed to maintain or improve the Russian -- Cryptography service. IMPORTS id-CryptoPro-algorithms, id-CryptoPro-encrypts, ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER, cryptographic-Gost-Useful-Definitions FROM Cryptographic-Gost-Useful-Definitions { iso(1) member-body(2) ru(643) rans(2) cryptopro(2) other(1) modules(1) cryptographic-Gost-Useful-Definitions(0) 1 } ; -- GOST 28147-89 OID id-Gost28147-89 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-algorithms gost28147-89(21) } id-Gost28147-89-MAC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-algorithms gost28147-89-MAC(22) } -- GOST 28147-89 cryptographic parameter sets OIDs id-Gost28147-89-TestParamSet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-encrypts test(0) } id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-A-ParamSet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-encrypts cryptopro-A(1) } id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-B-ParamSet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-encrypts cryptopro-B(2) } id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-C-ParamSet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-encrypts cryptopro-C(3) } id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-D-ParamSet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-encrypts cryptopro-D(4) } id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-Oscar-1-1-ParamSet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-encrypts cryptopro-Oscar-1-1(5) } id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-Oscar-1-0-ParamSet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-encrypts cryptopro-Oscar-1-0(6) } id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-RIC-1-ParamSet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-encrypts cryptopro-RIC-1(7) } -- GOST 28147-89 Types Gost28147-89-UZ ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (64)) Gost28147-89-IV ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (8)) Gost28147-89-Key ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (32)) Gost28147-89-MAC ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..4)) Gost28147-89-EncryptedKey ::= SEQUENCE { encryptedKey Gost28147-89-Key, maskKey [0] IMPLICIT Gost28147-89-Key OPTIONAL, macKey Gost28147-89-MAC (SIZE (4)) } Gost28147-89-ParamSet ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER ( id-Gost28147-89-TestParamSet | -- Only for testing purposes id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-A-ParamSet | id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-B-ParamSet | id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-C-ParamSet | id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-D-ParamSet | id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-Oscar-1-1-ParamSet | id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-Oscar-1-0-ParamSet | id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-RIC-1-ParamSet ) Gost28147-89-BlobParameters ::= SEQUENCE { encryptionParamSet Gost28147-89-ParamSet, ... } -- GOST 28147-89 encryption algorithm parameters Gost28147-89-Parameters ::= SEQUENCE { iv Gost28147-89-IV, encryptionParamSet Gost28147-89-ParamSet } Gost28147-89-Algorithms ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER ::= { { Gost28147-89-Parameters IDENTIFIED BY id-Gost28147-89 } } END -- Gost28147-89-EncryptionSyntax 10.3. Gost28147-89-ParamSetSyntax Gost28147-89-ParamSetSyntax { iso(1) member-body(2) ru(643) rans(2) cryptopro(2) other(1) modules(1) gost28147-89-ParamSetSyntax(6) 1 } DEFINITIONS EXPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN -- EXPORTS All -- -- The types and values defined in this module are exported for -- use in the other ASN.1 modules contained within the Russian -- Cryptography "GOST" & "GOST R" Specifications, and for the use -- of other applications that will use them to access Russian -- Cryptography services. Other applications may use them for -- their own purposes, but this will not constrain extensions and -- modifications needed to maintain or improve the Russian -- Cryptography service. IMPORTS id-CryptoPro-algorithms, id-CryptoPro-encrypts, gost28147-89-EncryptionSyntax, ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER, cryptographic-Gost-Useful-Definitions FROM Cryptographic-Gost-Useful-Definitions { iso(1) member-body(2) ru(643) rans(2) cryptopro(2) other(1) modules(1) cryptographic-Gost-Useful-Definitions(0) 1 } Gost28147-89-UZ, Gost28147-89-ParamSet, id-Gost28147-89-TestParamSet, id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-A-ParamSet, id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-B-ParamSet, id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-C-ParamSet, id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-D-ParamSet FROM Gost28147-89-EncryptionSyntax gost28147-89-EncryptionSyntax AlgorithmIdentifier FROM PKIX1Explicit88 {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) security(5) mechanisms(5) pkix(7) id-mod(0) id-pkix1-explicit-88(1)} ; -- GOST 28147-89 cryptographic parameter sets: -- OIDs for parameter sets are imported from -- Gost28147-89-EncryptionSyntax Gost28147-89-ParamSetParameters ::= SEQUENCE { eUZ Gost28147-89-UZ, mode INTEGER { gost28147-89-CNT(0), gost28147-89-CFB(1), cryptoPro-CBC(2) }, shiftBits INTEGER { gost28147-89-block(64) }, keyMeshing AlgorithmIdentifier } Gost28147-89-ParamSetAlgorithms ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER ::= { { Gost28147-89-ParamSetParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-Gost28147-89-TestParamSet } | { Gost28147-89-ParamSetParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-A-ParamSet } | { Gost28147-89-ParamSetParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-B-ParamSet } | { Gost28147-89-ParamSetParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-C-ParamSet } | { Gost28147-89-ParamSetParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-D-ParamSet } } id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-KeyMeshing OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-algorithms keyMeshing(14) cryptoPro(1) } id-Gost28147-89-None-KeyMeshing OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-algorithms keyMeshing(14) none(0) } Gost28147-89-KeyMeshingAlgorithms ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER ::= { { NULL IDENTIFIED BY id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-KeyMeshing } | { NULL IDENTIFIED BY id-Gost28147-89-None-KeyMeshing } } END -- Gost28147-89-ParamSetSyntax 10.4. GostR3411-94-DigestSyntax GostR3411-94-DigestSyntax { iso(1) member-body(2) ru(643) rans(2) cryptopro(2) other(1) modules(1) gostR3411-94-DigestSyntax(1) 1 } DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- EXPORTS All -- -- The types and values defined in this module are exported for -- use in the other ASN.1 modules contained within the Russian -- Cryptography "GOST" & "GOST R" Specifications, and for the use -- of other applications that will use them to access Russian -- Cryptography services. Other applications may use them for -- their own purposes, but this will not constrain extensions and -- modifications needed to maintain or improve the Russian -- Cryptography service. IMPORTS id-CryptoPro-algorithms, id-CryptoPro-hashes, ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER, cryptographic-Gost-Useful-Definitions FROM Cryptographic-Gost-Useful-Definitions { iso(1) member-body(2) ru(643) rans(2) cryptopro(2) other(1) modules(1) cryptographic-Gost-Useful-Definitions(0) 1 } ; -- GOST R 34.11-94 OID id-GostR3411-94 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-algorithms gostR3411-94(9) } -- GOST R 34.11-94 cryptographic parameter set OIDs id-GostR3411-94-TestParamSet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-hashes test(0) } id-GostR3411-94-CryptoProParamSet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-hashes cryptopro(1) } -- GOST R 34.11-94 data types GostR3411-94-Digest ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (32)) -- GOST R 34.11-94 digest algorithm & parameters GostR3411-94-DigestParameters ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER ( id-GostR3411-94-TestParamSet | -- Only for testing purposes id-GostR3411-94-CryptoProParamSet ) GostR3411-94-DigestAlgorithms ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER ::= { { NULL IDENTIFIED BY id-GostR3411-94 } | -- Assume id-GostR3411-94-CryptoProParamSet { GostR3411-94-DigestParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-GostR3411-94 } } END -- GostR3411-94-DigestSyntax 10.5. GostR3411-94-ParamSetSyntax GostR3411-94-ParamSetSyntax { iso(1) member-body(2) ru(643) rans(2) cryptopro(2) other(1) modules(1) gostR3411-94-ParamSetSyntax(7) 1 } DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- EXPORTS All -- -- The types and values defined in this module are exported for -- use in the other ASN.1 modules contained within the Russian -- Cryptography "GOST" & "GOST R" Specifications, and for the use -- of other applications that will use them to access Russian -- Cryptography services. Other applications may use them for -- their own purposes, but this will not constrain extensions and -- modifications needed to maintain or improve the Russian -- Cryptography service. IMPORTS gost28147-89-EncryptionSyntax, gostR3411-94-DigestSyntax, ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER FROM Cryptographic-Gost-Useful-Definitions { iso(1) member-body(2) ru(643) rans(2) cryptopro(2) other(1) modules(1) cryptographic-Gost-Useful-Definitions(0) 1 } Gost28147-89-UZ FROM Gost28147-89-EncryptionSyntax gost28147-89-EncryptionSyntax id-GostR3411-94-TestParamSet, id-GostR3411-94-CryptoProParamSet, GostR3411-94-Digest FROM GostR3411-94-DigestSyntax gostR3411-94-DigestSyntax ; -- GOST R 34.11-94 cryptographic parameter sets: -- OIDs for parameter sets are imported from -- GostR3411-94-DigestSyntax GostR3411-94-ParamSetParameters ::= SEQUENCE { hUZ Gost28147-89-UZ, -- S-Box for digest h0 GostR3411-94-Digest -- initial digest value } GostR3411-94-ParamSetAlgorithms ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER ::= { { GostR3411-94-ParamSetParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-GostR3411-94-TestParamSet } | { GostR3411-94-ParamSetParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-GostR3411-94-CryptoProParamSet } } END -- GostR3411-94-ParamSetSyntax 10.6. GostR3410-94-PKISyntax
EID 5927 (Verified) is as follows:

Section: 10.6

Original Text:

           FROM Gost28147-89-EncryptionSyntax


       GostR3410-94-PublicKeyParameters ::=
           SEQUENCE {
                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER (
                       id-GostR3410-94-TestParamSet |
                           -- Only for testing purposes
                       id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-A-ParamSet |
                       id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-B-ParamSet |
                       id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-C-ParamSet |
                       id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-D-ParamSet |
                       id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-XchA-ParamSet |
                       id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-XchB-ParamSet |
                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER (
                       id-GostR3411-94-TestParamSet |
                           -- Only for testing purposes
               encryptionParamSet Gost28147-89-ParamSet OPTIONAL

Corrected Text:

           id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-A-ParamSet, Gost28147-89-ParamSet
           FROM Gost28147-89-EncryptionSyntax


       GostR3410-94-PublicKeyParameters ::=
           SEQUENCE {
                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER (
                       id-GostR3410-94-TestParamSet |
                           -- Only for testing purposes
                       id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-A-ParamSet |
                       id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-B-ParamSet |
                       id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-C-ParamSet |
                       id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-D-ParamSet |
                       id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-XchA-ParamSet |
                       id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-XchB-ParamSet |
                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER (
                       id-GostR3411-94-TestParamSet |
                           -- Only for testing purposes
               encryptionParamSet Gost28147-89-ParamSet DEFAULT
The parameters structures of GostR3410-94-PublicKeyParameters defined in RFC 4357 and RFC 4491 that do not match. In RFC4491, a DEFAULT is provided for the 'encryptionParamSet' object identifier, while in RFC 4357, the 'encryptionParamSet' object identifier is OPTIONAL.

---Verifier Notes:---
Paul Wouters (AD): Closed as Verified. There won't be any updates for RFC 4357 as the algorithms are not used anymore.
The current GOST algorithms are defined in RFC 6986, RFC 7801 and RFC 7836.
GostR3410-94-PKISyntax { iso(1) member-body(2) ru(643) rans(2) cryptopro(2) other(1) modules(1) gostR3410-94-PKISyntax(2) 1 } DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- EXPORTS All -- -- The types and values defined in this module are exported for -- use in the other ASN.1 modules contained within the Russian -- Cryptography "GOST" & "GOST R" Specifications, and for the use -- of other applications that will use them to access Russian -- Cryptography services. Other applications may use them for -- their own purposes, but this will not constrain extensions and -- modifications needed to maintain or improve the Russian -- Cryptography service. IMPORTS id-CryptoPro-algorithms, id-CryptoPro-signs, id-CryptoPro-exchanges, gost28147-89-EncryptionSyntax, gostR3411-94-DigestSyntax, ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER, cryptographic-Gost-Useful-Definitions FROM Cryptographic-Gost-Useful-Definitions { iso(1) member-body(2) ru(643) rans(2) cryptopro(2) other(1) modules(1) cryptographic-Gost-Useful-Definitions(0) 1 } Gost28147-89-ParamSet FROM Gost28147-89-EncryptionSyntax gost28147-89-EncryptionSyntax id-GostR3411-94-TestParamSet, id-GostR3411-94-CryptoProParamSet FROM GostR3411-94-DigestSyntax gostR3411-94-DigestSyntax ; -- GOST R 34.10-94 OIDs id-GostR3410-94 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-algorithms gostR3410-94(20) } id-GostR3410-94DH OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-algorithms gostR3410-94DH(99) } id-GostR3411-94-with-GostR3410-94 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-algorithms gostR3411-94-with-gostR3410-94(4) } -- GOST R 34.10-94 public key parameter set OIDs id-GostR3410-94-TestParamSet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-signs test(0) } id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-A-ParamSet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-signs cryptopro-A(2) } id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-B-ParamSet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-signs cryptopro-B(3) } id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-C-ParamSet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-signs cryptopro-C(4) } id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-D-ParamSet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-signs cryptopro-D(5) } id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-XchA-ParamSet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-exchanges cryptopro-XchA(1) } id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-XchB-ParamSet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-exchanges cryptopro-XchB(2) } id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-XchC-ParamSet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-exchanges cryptopro-XchC(3) } -- GOST R 34.10-94 data types GostR3410-94-CertificateSignature ::= BIT STRING ( SIZE(256..512) ) GostR3410-94-PublicKey ::= OCTET STRING ( SIZE( 64 | -- Only for testing purposes 128 ) ) GostR3410-94-PublicKeyParameters ::= SEQUENCE { publicKeyParamSet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ( id-GostR3410-94-TestParamSet | -- Only for testing purposes id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-A-ParamSet | id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-B-ParamSet | id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-C-ParamSet | id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-D-ParamSet | id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-XchA-ParamSet | id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-XchB-ParamSet | id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-XchC-ParamSet ), digestParamSet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ( id-GostR3411-94-TestParamSet | -- Only for testing purposes id-GostR3411-94-CryptoProParamSet ), encryptionParamSet Gost28147-89-ParamSet OPTIONAL } GostR3410-94-PublicKeyAlgorithms ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER ::= { { GostR3410-94-PublicKeyParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-GostR3410-94 } } END -- GostR3410-94-PKISyntax 10.7. GostR3410-94-ParamSetSyntax GostR3410-94-ParamSetSyntax { iso(1) member-body(2) ru(643) rans(2) cryptopro(2) other(1) modules(1) gostR3410-94-ParamSetSyntax(8) 1 } DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- EXPORTS All -- -- The types and values defined in this module are exported for -- use in the other ASN.1 modules contained within the Russian -- Cryptography "GOST" & "GOST R" Specifications, and for the use -- of other applications that will use them to access Russian -- Cryptography services. Other applications may use them for -- their own purposes, but this will not constrain extensions and -- modifications needed to maintain or improve the Russian -- Cryptography service. IMPORTS id-CryptoPro-algorithms, id-CryptoPro-signs, id-CryptoPro-exchanges, gostR3410-94-PKISyntax, ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER, cryptographic-Gost-Useful-Definitions FROM Cryptographic-Gost-Useful-Definitions { iso(1) member-body(2) ru(643) rans(2) cryptopro(2) other(1) modules(1) cryptographic-Gost-Useful-Definitions(0) 1 } id-GostR3410-94, id-GostR3410-94-TestParamSet, id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-A-ParamSet, id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-B-ParamSet, id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-C-ParamSet, id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-D-ParamSet, id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-XchA-ParamSet, id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-XchB-ParamSet, id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-XchC-ParamSet FROM GostR3410-94-PKISyntax gostR3410-94-PKISyntax AlgorithmIdentifier FROM PKIX1Explicit88 {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) security(5) mechanisms(5) pkix(7) id-mod(0) id-pkix1-explicit-88(1)} ; -- GOST R 34.10-94 public key parameter sets: -- OIDs for parameter sets are imported from -- GostR3410-94-PKISyntax GostR3410-94-ParamSetParameters-t ::= INTEGER (512 | 1024) -- 512 - only for testing purposes GostR3410-94-ParamSetParameters ::= SEQUENCE { t GostR3410-94-ParamSetParameters-t, p INTEGER, -- 2^1020 < p < 2^1024 or 2^509 < p < 2^512 q INTEGER, -- 2^254 < q < 2^256 a INTEGER, -- 1 < a < p-1 < 2^1024-1 validationAlgorithm AlgorithmIdentifier OPTIONAL -- {{ GostR3410-94-ValidationAlgorithms }} } GostR3410-94-ParamSetAlgorithm ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER ::= { { GostR3410-94-ParamSetParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-GostR3410-94-TestParamSet } | { GostR3410-94-ParamSetParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-A-ParamSet } | { GostR3410-94-ParamSetParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-B-ParamSet } | { GostR3410-94-ParamSetParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-C-ParamSet } | { GostR3410-94-ParamSetParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-D-ParamSet } | { GostR3410-94-ParamSetParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-XchA-ParamSet } | { GostR3410-94-ParamSetParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-XchB-ParamSet } | { GostR3410-94-ParamSetParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-XchC-ParamSet } } -- GOST R 34.10-94 validation/constructor id-GostR3410-94-a OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-GostR3410-94 a(1) } id-GostR3410-94-aBis OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-GostR3410-94 aBis(2) } id-GostR3410-94-b OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-GostR3410-94 b(3) } id-GostR3410-94-bBis OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-GostR3410-94 bBis(4) } GostR3410-94-ValidationParameters-c ::= INTEGER (0 .. 65535) GostR3410-94-ValidationParameters ::= SEQUENCE { x0 GostR3410-94-ValidationParameters-c, c GostR3410-94-ValidationParameters-c, d INTEGER OPTIONAL -- 1 < d < p-1 < 2^1024-1 } GostR3410-94-ValidationBisParameters-c ::= INTEGER (0 .. 4294967295) GostR3410-94-ValidationBisParameters ::= SEQUENCE { x0 GostR3410-94-ValidationBisParameters-c, c GostR3410-94-ValidationBisParameters-c, d INTEGER OPTIONAL -- 1 < d < p-1 < 2^1024-1 } GostR3410-94-ValidationAlgorithms ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER ::= { { GostR3410-94-ValidationParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-GostR3410-94-a } | { GostR3410-94-ValidationBisParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-GostR3410-94-aBis } | { GostR3410-94-ValidationParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-GostR3410-94-b } | { GostR3410-94-ValidationBisParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-GostR3410-94-bBis } } END -- GostR3410-94-ParamSetSyntax 10.8. GostR3410-2001-PKISyntax
EID 5928 (Verified) is as follows:

Section: 10.8

Original Text:

           FROM Gost28147-89-EncryptionSyntax


       GostR3410-2001-PublicKeyParameters ::=
           SEQUENCE {
                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER (
                       id-GostR3410-2001-TestParamSet |
                           -- Only for testing purposes
                       id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-A-ParamSet |
                       id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-B-ParamSet |
                       id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-C-ParamSet |
                       id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-XchA-ParamSet |
                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER (
                       id-GostR3411-94-TestParamSet |
                           -- Only for testing purposes
               encryptionParamSet Gost28147-89-ParamSet OPTIONAL

Corrected Text:

           id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-A-ParamSet, Gost28147-89-ParamSet
           FROM Gost28147-89-EncryptionSyntax


       GostR3410-2001-PublicKeyParameters ::=
           SEQUENCE {
                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER (
                       id-GostR3410-2001-TestParamSet |
                           -- Only for testing purposes
                       id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-A-ParamSet |
                       id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-B-ParamSet |
                       id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-C-ParamSet |
                       id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-XchA-ParamSet |
                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER (
                       id-GostR3411-94-TestParamSet |
                           -- Only for testing purposes
               encryptionParamSet Gost28147-89-ParamSet DEFAULT
The parameters structures of GostR3410-2001-PublicKeyParameters defined in RFC 4357 and RFC 4491 do not match. In RFC4491, a DEFAULT is provided for the 'encryptionParamSet' object identifier, while in RFC 4357, the 'encryptionParamSet' object identifier is OPTIONAL.

---Verifier Notes:---
Paul Wouters (AD): Closed as Verified. There won't be any updates for RFC 4357 as the algorithms are not used anymore.
The current GOST algorithms are defined in RFC 6986, RFC 7801 and RFC 7836.
GostR3410-2001-PKISyntax { iso(1) member-body(2) ru(643) rans(2) cryptopro(2) other(1) modules(1) gostR3410-2001-PKISyntax(9) 1 } DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- EXPORTS All -- -- The types and values defined in this module are exported for -- use in the other ASN.1 modules contained within the Russian -- Cryptography "GOST" & "GOST R" Specifications, and for the use -- of other applications that will use them to access Russian -- Cryptography services. Other applications may use them for -- their own purposes, but this will not constrain extensions and -- modifications needed to maintain or improve the Russian -- Cryptography service. IMPORTS id-CryptoPro-algorithms, id-CryptoPro-ecc-signs, id-CryptoPro-ecc-exchanges, gost28147-89-EncryptionSyntax, gostR3411-94-DigestSyntax, ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER, cryptographic-Gost-Useful-Definitions FROM Cryptographic-Gost-Useful-Definitions { iso(1) member-body(2) ru(643) rans(2) cryptopro(2) other(1) modules(1) cryptographic-Gost-Useful-Definitions(0) 1 } Gost28147-89-ParamSet FROM Gost28147-89-EncryptionSyntax gost28147-89-EncryptionSyntax id-GostR3411-94-TestParamSet, id-GostR3411-94-CryptoProParamSet FROM GostR3411-94-DigestSyntax gostR3411-94-DigestSyntax ; -- GOST R 34.10-2001 OIDs id-GostR3410-2001 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-algorithms gostR3410-2001(19) } id-GostR3410-2001DH OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-algorithms gostR3410-2001DH(98) } id-GostR3411-94-with-GostR3410-2001 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-algorithms gostR3411-94-with-gostR3410-2001(3) } -- GOST R 34.10-2001 public key parameter set OIDs id-GostR3410-2001-TestParamSet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-ecc-signs test(0) } id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-A-ParamSet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-ecc-signs cryptopro-A(1) } id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-B-ParamSet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-ecc-signs cryptopro-B(2) } id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-C-ParamSet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-ecc-signs cryptopro-C(3) } id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-XchA-ParamSet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-ecc-exchanges cryptopro-XchA(0) } id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-XchB-ParamSet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-CryptoPro-ecc-exchanges cryptopro-XchB(1) } -- GOST R 34.10-2001 Data Types GostR3410-2001-CertificateSignature ::= BIT STRING ( SIZE(256..512) ) GostR3410-2001-PublicKey ::= OCTET STRING ( SIZE(64) ) GostR3410-2001-PublicKeyParameters ::= SEQUENCE { publicKeyParamSet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ( id-GostR3410-2001-TestParamSet | -- Only for testing purposes id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-A-ParamSet | id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-B-ParamSet | id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-C-ParamSet | id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-XchA-ParamSet | id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-XchB-ParamSet ), digestParamSet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ( id-GostR3411-94-TestParamSet | -- Only for testing purposes id-GostR3411-94-CryptoProParamSet ), encryptionParamSet Gost28147-89-ParamSet OPTIONAL } GostR3410-2001-PublicKeyAlgorithms ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER ::= { { GostR3410-2001-PublicKeyParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-GostR3410-2001 } } END -- GostR3410-2001-PKISyntax 10.9. GostR3410-2001-ParamSetSyntax GostR3410-2001-ParamSetSyntax { iso(1) member-body(2) ru(643) rans(2) cryptopro(2) other(1) modules(1) gostR3410-2001-ParamSetSyntax(12) 1 } DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- EXPORTS All -- -- The types and values defined in this module are exported for -- use in the other ASN.1 modules contained within the Russian -- Cryptography "GOST" & "GOST R" Specifications, and for the use -- of other applications that will use them to access Russian -- Cryptography services. Other applications may use them for -- their own purposes, but this will not constrain extensions and -- modifications needed to maintain or improve the Russian -- Cryptography service. IMPORTS gostR3410-2001-PKISyntax, ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER, cryptographic-Gost-Useful-Definitions FROM Cryptographic-Gost-Useful-Definitions { iso(1) member-body(2) ru(643) rans(2) cryptopro(2) other(1) modules(1) cryptographic-Gost-Useful-Definitions(0) 1 } id-GostR3410-2001, id-GostR3410-2001-TestParamSet, id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-A-ParamSet, id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-B-ParamSet, id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-C-ParamSet, id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-XchA-ParamSet, id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-XchB-ParamSet FROM GostR3410-2001-PKISyntax gostR3410-2001-PKISyntax ; GostR3410-2001-ParamSetParameters ::= SEQUENCE { a INTEGER, -- 0 < a < p < 2^256 b INTEGER, -- 0 < b < p < 2^256 p INTEGER, -- 2^254 < p < 2^256 q INTEGER, -- 2^254 < q < 2^256 x INTEGER, -- 0 < x < p < 2^256 y INTEGER -- 0 < y < p < 2^256 } -- GOST R 34.10-2001 public key parameter set: -- OIDs for parameter sets are imported from -- GostR3410-2001-PKISyntax GostR3410-2001-ParamSetAlgorithm ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER ::= { { GostR3410-2001-ParamSetParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-GostR3410-2001-TestParamSet } | { GostR3410-2001-ParamSetParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-A-ParamSet } | { GostR3410-2001-ParamSetParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-B-ParamSet } | { GostR3410-2001-ParamSetParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-C-ParamSet } | { GostR3410-2001-ParamSetParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-XchA-ParamSet } | { GostR3410-2001-ParamSetParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-XchB-ParamSet } } END -- GostR3410-2001-ParamSetSyntax 11. Appendix Parameters Parameters here are given as SEQUENCE OF AlgorithmIdentifier in ASN.1 DER encoding [X.660], stored in the same format as the examples in [RFC4134], can be extracted using the same program. If you want to extract without the program, copy all the lines between the "|>" and "|<" markers, remove any page breaks, and remove the "|" in the first column of each line. The result is a valid Base64 blob that can be processed by any Base64 decoder. 11.1. Encryption Algorithm Parameters For each AlgorithmIdentifier in this sequence, the parameters field contains Gost28147-89-ParamSetParameters. 0 30 480: SEQUENCE { 4 30 94: SEQUENCE { 6 06 7: OBJECT IDENTIFIER : id-Gost28147-89-TestParamSet 15 30 83: SEQUENCE { 17 04 64: OCTET STRING : 4C DE 38 9C 29 89 EF B6 FF EB 56 C5 5E C2 9B 02 : 98 75 61 3B 11 3F 89 60 03 97 0C 79 8A A1 D5 5D : E2 10 AD 43 37 5D B3 8E B4 2C 77 E7 CD 46 CA FA : D6 6A 20 1F 70 F4 1E A4 AB 03 F2 21 65 B8 44 D8 83 02 1: INTEGER 0 86 02 1: INTEGER 64 89 30 9: SEQUENCE { 91 06 7: OBJECT IDENTIFIER : id-Gost28147-89-None-KeyMeshing : } : } : } 100 30 94: SEQUENCE { 102 06 7: OBJECT IDENTIFIER : id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-A-ParamSet 111 30 83: SEQUENCE { 113 04 64: OCTET STRING -- K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 K8 -- 9 3 E E B 3 1 B -- 6 7 4 7 5 A D A -- 3 E 6 A 1 D 2 F -- 2 9 2 C 9 C 9 5 -- 8 8 B D 8 1 7 0 -- B A 3 1 D 2 A C -- 1 F D 3 F 0 6 E -- 7 0 8 9 0 B 0 8 -- A 5 C 0 E 7 8 6 -- 4 2 F 2 4 5 C 2 -- E 6 5 B 2 9 4 3 -- F C A 4 3 4 5 9 -- C B 0 F C 8 F 1 -- 0 4 7 8 7 F 3 7 -- D D 1 5 A E B D -- 5 1 9 6 6 6 E 4 : 93 EE B3 1B 67 47 5A DA 3E 6A 1D 2F 29 2C 9C 95 : 88 BD 81 70 BA 31 D2 AC 1F D3 F0 6E 70 89 0B 08 : A5 C0 E7 86 42 F2 45 C2 E6 5B 29 43 FC A4 34 59 : CB 0F C8 F1 04 78 7F 37 DD 15 AE BD 51 96 66 E4 179 02 1: INTEGER 1 182 02 1: INTEGER 64 185 30 9: SEQUENCE { 187 06 7: OBJECT IDENTIFIER : id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-KeyMeshing : } : } : } 196 30 94: SEQUENCE { 198 06 7: OBJECT IDENTIFIER : id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-B-ParamSet 207 30 83: SEQUENCE { 209 04 64: OCTET STRING : 80 E7 28 50 41 C5 73 24 B2 00 C2 AB 1A AD F6 BE : 34 9B 94 98 5D 26 5D 13 05 D1 AE C7 9C B2 BB 31 : 29 73 1C 7A E7 5A 41 42 A3 8C 07 D9 CF FF DF 06 : DB 34 6A 6F 68 6E 80 FD 76 19 E9 85 FE 48 35 EC 275 02 1: INTEGER 1 278 02 1: INTEGER 64 281 30 9: SEQUENCE { 283 06 7: OBJECT IDENTIFIER : id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-KeyMeshing : } : } : } 292 30 94: SEQUENCE { 294 06 7: OBJECT IDENTIFIER : id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-C-ParamSet 303 30 83: SEQUENCE { 305 04 64: OCTET STRING : 10 83 8C A7 B1 26 D9 94 C7 50 BB 60 2D 01 01 85 : 9B 45 48 DA D4 9D 5E E2 05 FA 12 2F F2 A8 24 0E : 48 3B 97 FC 5E 72 33 36 8F C9 C6 51 EC D7 E5 BB : A9 6E 6A 4D 7A EF F0 19 66 1C AF C3 33 B4 7D 78 371 02 1: INTEGER 1 374 02 1: INTEGER 64 377 30 9: SEQUENCE { 379 06 7: OBJECT IDENTIFIER : id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-KeyMeshing : } : } : } 388 30 94: SEQUENCE { 390 06 7: OBJECT IDENTIFIER : id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-D-ParamSet 399 30 83: SEQUENCE { 401 04 64: OCTET STRING : FB 11 08 31 C6 C5 C0 0A 23 BE 8F 66 A4 0C 93 F8 : 6C FA D2 1F 4F E7 25 EB 5E 60 AE 90 02 5D BB 24 : 77 A6 71 DC 9D D2 3A 83 E8 4B 64 C5 D0 84 57 49 : 15 99 4C B7 BA 33 E9 AD 89 7F FD 52 31 28 16 7E 467 02 1: INTEGER 1 470 02 1: INTEGER 64 473 30 9: SEQUENCE { 475 06 7: OBJECT IDENTIFIER : id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-KeyMeshing : } : } : } : } |>Gost28147-89-ParamSetParameters.bin |MIIB4DBeBgcqhQMCAh8AMFMEQEzeOJwpie+2/+tWxV7CmwKYdWE7ET+JYAOXDHmK |odVd4hCtQzdds460LHfnzUbK+tZqIB9w9B6kqwPyIWW4RNgCAQACAUAwCQYHKoUD |AgIOADBeBgcqhQMCAh8BMFMEQJPusxtnR1raPmodLyksnJWIvYFwujHSrB/T8G5w |iQsIpcDnhkLyRcLmWylD/KQ0WcsPyPEEeH833RWuvVGWZuQCAQECAUAwCQYHKoUD |AgIOATBeBgcqhQMCAh8CMFMEQIDnKFBBxXMksgDCqxqt9r40m5SYXSZdEwXRrsec |srsxKXMceudaQUKjjAfZz//fBts0am9oboD9dhnphf5INewCAQECAUAwCQYHKoUD |AgIOATBeBgcqhQMCAh8DMFMEQBCDjKexJtmUx1C7YC0BAYWbRUja1J1e4gX6Ei/y |qCQOSDuX/F5yMzaPycZR7Nflu6luak167/AZZhyvwzO0fXgCAQECAUAwCQYHKoUD |AgIOATBeBgcqhQMCAh8EMFMEQPsRCDHGxcAKI76PZqQMk/hs+tIfT+cl615grpAC |Xbskd6Zx3J3SOoPoS2TF0IRXSRWZTLe6M+mtiX/9UjEoFn4CAQECAUAwCQYHKoUD |AgIOAQ== |<Gost28147-89-ParamSetParameters.bin 11.2. Digest Algorithm Parameters For each AlgorithmIdentifier in this sequence, the parameters field contains GostR3411-94-ParamSetParameters. 0 30 226: SEQUENCE { 3 30 111: SEQUENCE { 5 06 7: OBJECT IDENTIFIER : id-GostR3411-94-TestParamSet 14 30 100: SEQUENCE { 16 04 64: OCTET STRING -- pi1 pi2 pi3 pi4 pi5 pi6 pi7 pi8 -- 4 E 5 7 6 4 D 1 -- A B 8 D C B B F -- 9 4 1 A 7 A 4 D -- 2 C D 1 1 0 1 0 -- D 6 A 0 5 7 3 5 -- 8 D 3 8 F 2 F 7 -- 0 F 4 9 D 1 5 A -- E A 2 F 8 D 9 4 -- 6 2 E E 4 3 0 9 -- B 3 F 4 A 6 A 2 -- 1 8 C 6 9 8 E 3 -- C 1 7 C E 5 7 E -- 7 0 6 B 0 9 6 6 -- F 7 0 2 3 C 8 B -- 5 5 9 5 B F 2 8 -- 3 9 B 3 2 E C C : 4E 57 64 D1 AB 8D CB BF 94 1A 7A 4D 2C D1 10 10 : D6 A0 57 35 8D 38 F2 F7 0F 49 D1 5A EA 2F 8D 94 : 62 EE 43 09 B3 F4 A6 A2 18 C6 98 E3 C1 7C E5 7E : 70 6B 09 66 F7 02 3C 8B 55 95 BF 28 39 B3 2E CC 82 04 32: OCTET STRING : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 : } : } 116 30 111: SEQUENCE { 118 06 7: OBJECT IDENTIFIER : id-GostR3411-94-CryptoProParamSet 127 30 100: SEQUENCE { 129 04 64: OCTET STRING : A5 74 77 D1 4F FA 66 E3 54 C7 42 4A 60 EC B4 19 : 82 90 9D 75 1D 4F C9 0B 3B 12 2F 54 79 08 A0 AF : D1 3E 1A 38 C7 B1 81 C6 E6 56 05 87 03 25 EB FE : 9C 6D F8 6D 2E AB DE 20 BA 89 3C 92 F8 D3 53 BC 195 04 32: OCTET STRING : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 : } : } : } |>GostR3411-94-ParamSetParameters.bin |MIHiMG8GByqFAwICHgAwZARATldk0auNy7+UGnpNLNEQENagVzWNOPL3D0nRWuov |jZRi7kMJs/SmohjGmOPBfOV+cGsJZvcCPItVlb8oObMuzAQgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA |AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAwbwYHKoUDAgIeATBkBECldHfRT/pm41THQkpg |7LQZgpCddR1PyQs7Ei9UeQigr9E+GjjHsYHG5lYFhwMl6/6cbfhtLqveILqJPJL4 |01O8BCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA== |<GostR3411-94-ParamSetParameters.bin 11.3. GOST R 34.10-94 Public Key Algorithm Parameters For each AlgorithmIdentifier in this sequence, the parameters field contains GostR3410-94-ParamSetParameters. 0 30 2882: SEQUENCE { 4 30 209: SEQUENCE { 7 06 7: OBJECT IDENTIFIER : id-GostR3410-94-TestParamSet 16 30 197: SEQUENCE { 19 02 2: INTEGER 512 23 02 65: INTEGER : 00 EE 81 72 AE 89 96 60 8F B6 93 59 B8 9E B8 2A : 69 85 45 10 E2 97 7A 4D 63 BC 97 32 2C E5 DC 33 : 86 EA 0A 12 B3 43 E9 19 0F 23 17 75 39 84 58 39 : 78 6B B0 C3 45 D1 65 97 6E F2 19 5E C9 B1 C3 79 : E3 90 02 33: INTEGER : 00 98 91 5E 7E C8 26 5E DF CD A3 1E 88 F2 48 09 : DD B0 64 BD C7 28 5D D5 0D 72 89 F0 AC 6F 49 DD : 2D 125 02 65: INTEGER : 00 9E 96 03 15 00 C8 77 4A 86 95 82 D4 AF DE 21 : 27 AF AD 25 38 B4 B6 27 0A 6F 7C 88 37 B5 0D 50 : F2 06 75 59 84 A4 9E 50 93 04 D6 48 BE 2A B5 AA : B1 8E BE 2C D4 6A C3 D8 49 5B 14 2A A6 CE 23 E2 : 1C 192 30 22: SEQUENCE { 194 06 7: OBJECT IDENTIFIER id-GostR3410-94-a 203 30 11: SEQUENCE { 205 02 2: INTEGER 24265 209 02 2: INTEGER 29505 213 02 1: INTEGER 2 : } : } : } : } 216 30 342: SEQUENCE { 220 06 7: OBJECT IDENTIFIER : id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-A-ParamSet 229 30 329: SEQUENCE { 233 02 2: INTEGER 1024 237 02 129: INTEGER : 00 B4 E2 5E FB 01 8E 3C 8B 87 50 5E 2A 67 55 3C : 5E DC 56 C2 91 4B 7E 4F 89 D2 3F 03 F0 33 77 E7 : 0A 29 03 48 9D D6 0E 78 41 8D 3D 85 1E DB 53 17 : C4 87 1E 40 B0 42 28 C3 B7 90 29 63 C4 B7 D8 5D : 52 B9 AA 88 F2 AF DB EB 28 DA 88 69 D6 DF 84 6A : 1D 98 92 4E 92 55 61 BD 69 30 0B 9D DD 05 D2 47 : B5 92 2D 96 7C BB 02 67 18 81 C5 7D 10 E5 EF 72 : D3 E6 DA D4 22 3D C8 2A A1 F7 D0 29 46 51 A4 80 : DF 369 02 33: INTEGER : 00 97 24 32 A4 37 17 8B 30 BD 96 19 5B 77 37 89 : AB 2F FF 15 59 4B 17 6D D1 75 B6 32 56 EE 5A F2 : CF 404 02 129: INTEGER : 00 8F D3 67 31 23 76 54 BB E4 1F 5F 1F 84 53 E7 : 1C A4 14 FF C2 2C 25 D9 15 30 9E 5D 2E 62 A2 A2 : 6C 71 11 F3 FC 79 56 8D AF A0 28 04 2F E1 A5 2A : 04 89 80 5C 0D E9 A1 A4 69 C8 44 C7 CA BB EE 62 : 5C 30 78 88 8C 1D 85 EE A8 83 F1 AD 5B C4 E6 77 : 6E 8E 1A 07 50 91 2D F6 4F 79 95 64 99 F1 E1 82 : 47 5B 0B 60 E2 63 2A DC D8 CF 94 E9 C5 4F D1 F3 : B1 09 D8 1F 00 BF 2A B8 CB 86 2A DF 7D 40 B9 36 : 9A 536 30 24: SEQUENCE { 538 06 7: OBJECT IDENTIFIER id-GostR3410-94-bBis 547 30 13: SEQUENCE { 549 02 4: INTEGER 1376285941 555 02 5: INTEGER : 00 EE 39 AD B3 : } : } : } : } 562 30 427: SEQUENCE { 566 06 7: OBJECT IDENTIFIER : id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-B-ParamSet 575 30 414: SEQUENCE { 579 02 2: INTEGER 1024 583 02 129: INTEGER : 00 C6 97 1F C5 75 24 B3 0C 90 18 C5 E6 21 DE 15 : 49 97 36 85 4F 56 A6 F8 AE E6 5A 7A 40 46 32 B1 : BC F0 34 9F FC AF CB 0A 10 31 77 97 1F C1 61 2A : DC DB 8C 8C C9 38 C7 02 25 C8 FD 12 AF F0 1B 1D : 06 4E 0A D6 FD E6 AB 91 59 16 6C B9 F2 FC 17 1D : 92 F0 CC 7B 6A 6B 2C D7 FA 34 2A CB E2 C9 31 5A : 42 D5 76 B1 EC CE 77 A9 63 15 7F 3D 0B D9 6A 8E : B0 B0 F3 50 2A D2 38 10 1B 05 11 63 34 F1 E5 B7 : AB 715 02 33: INTEGER : 00 B0 9D 63 4C 10 89 9C D7 D4 C3 A7 65 74 03 E0 : 58 10 B0 7C 61 A6 88 BA B2 C3 7F 47 5E 30 8B 06 : 07 750 02 128: INTEGER : 3D 26 B4 67 D9 4A 3F FC 9D 71 BF 8D B8 93 40 84 : 13 72 64 F3 C2 E9 EB 16 DC A2 14 B8 BC 7C 87 24 : 85 33 67 44 93 4F D2 EF 59 43 F9 ED 0B 74 5B 90 : AA 3E C8 D7 0C DC 91 68 24 78 B6 64 A2 E1 F8 FB : 56 CE F2 97 2F EE 7E DB 08 4A F7 46 41 9B 85 4F : AD 02 CC 3E 36 46 FF 2E 1A 18 DD 4B EB 3C 44 F7 : F2 74 55 88 02 96 49 67 45 46 CC 91 87 C2 07 FB : 8F 2C EC E8 E2 29 3F 68 39 5C 47 04 AF 04 BA B5 881 30 110: SEQUENCE { 883 06 7: OBJECT IDENTIFIER id-GostR3410-94-bBis 892 30 99: SEQUENCE { 894 02 4: INTEGER 1536654555 900 02 4: INTEGER 1855361757 906 02 85: INTEGER : 00 BC 3C BB DB 7E 6F 84 82 86 E1 9A D9 A2 7A 8E : 29 7E 5B 71 C5 3D D9 74 CD F6 0F 93 73 56 DF 69 : CB C9 7A 30 0C CC 71 68 5C 55 30 46 14 7F 11 56 : 8C 4F DD F3 63 D9 D8 86 43 83 45 A6 2C 3B 75 96 : 3D 65 46 AD FA BF 31 B3 12 90 D1 2C AE 65 EC B8 : 30 9E F6 67 82 : } : } : } : } 993 30 351: SEQUENCE { 997 06 7: OBJECT IDENTIFIER : id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-C-ParamSet 1006 30 338: SEQUENCE { 1010 02 2: INTEGER 1024 1014 02 129: INTEGER : 00 9D 88 E6 D7 FE 33 13 BD 2E 74 5C 7C DD 2A B9 : EE 4A F3 C8 89 9E 84 7D E7 4A 33 78 3E A6 8B C3 : 05 88 BA 1F 73 8C 6A AF 8A B3 50 53 1F 18 54 C3 : 83 7C C3 C8 60 FF D7 E2 E1 06 C3 F6 3B 3D 8A 4C : 03 4C E7 39 42 A6 C3 D5 85 B5 99 CF 69 5E D7 A3 : C4 A9 3B 2B 94 7B 71 57 BB 1A 1C 04 3A B4 1E C8 : 56 6C 61 45 E9 38 A6 11 90 6D E0 D3 2E 56 24 94 : 56 9D 7E 99 9A 0D DA 5C 87 9B DD 91 FE 12 4D F1 : E9 1146 02 33: INTEGER : 00 FA DD 19 7A BD 19 A1 B4 65 3E EC F7 EC A4 D6 : A2 2B 1F 7F 89 3B 64 1F 90 16 41 FB B5 55 35 4F : AF 1181 02 128: INTEGER : 74 47 ED 71 56 31 05 99 07 0B 12 60 99 47 A5 C8 : C8 A8 62 5C F1 CF 25 2B 40 7B 33 1F 93 D6 39 DD : D1 BA 39 26 56 DE CA 99 2D D0 35 35 43 29 A1 E9 : 5A 6E 32 D6 F4 78 82 D9 60 B8 F1 0A CA FF 79 6D : 13 CD 96 11 F8 53 DA B6 D2 62 34 83 E4 67 88 70 : 84 93 93 7A 1A 29 44 25 98 AE C2 E0 74 20 22 56 : 34 40 FE 9C 18 74 0E CE 67 65 AC 05 FA F0 24 A6 : 4B 02 6E 7E 40 88 40 81 9E 96 2E 7E 5F 40 1A E3 1312 30 34: SEQUENCE { 1314 06 7: OBJECT IDENTIFIER id-GostR3410-94-bBis 1323 30 23: SEQUENCE { 1325 02 4: INTEGER 1132758852 1331 02 5: INTEGER : 00 B5 0A 82 6D 1338 02 8: INTEGER : 7F 57 5E 81 94 BC 5B DF : } : } : } : } 1348 30 371: SEQUENCE { 1352 06 7: OBJECT IDENTIFIER : id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-D-ParamSet 1361 30 358: SEQUENCE { 1365 02 2: INTEGER 1024 1369 02 129: INTEGER : 00 80 F1 02 D3 2B 0F D1 67 D0 69 C2 7A 30 7A DA : D2 C4 66 09 19 04 DB AA 55 D5 B8 CC 70 26 F2 F7 : A1 91 9B 89 0C B6 52 C4 0E 05 4E 1E 93 06 73 5B : 43 D7 B2 79 ED DF 91 02 00 1C D9 E1 A8 31 FE 8A : 16 3E ED 89 AB 07 CF 2A BE 82 42 AC 9D ED DD BF : 98 D6 2C DD D1 EA 4F 5F 15 D3 A4 2A 66 77 BD D2 : 93 B2 42 60 C0 F2 7C 0F 1D 15 94 86 14 D5 67 B6 : 6F A9 02 BA A1 1A 69 AE 3B CE AD BB 83 E3 99 C9 : B5 1501 02 33: INTEGER : 00 F0 F5 44 C4 18 AA C2 34 F6 83 F0 33 51 1B 65 : C2 16 51 A6 07 8B DA 2D 69 BB 9F 73 28 67 50 21 : 49 1536 02 128: INTEGER : 6B CC 0B 4F AD B3 88 9C 1E 06 AD D2 3C C0 9B 8A : B6 EC DE DF 73 F0 46 32 59 5E E4 25 00 05 D6 AF : 5F 5A DE 44 CB 1E 26 E6 26 3C 67 23 47 CF A2 6F : 9E 93 93 68 1E 6B 75 97 33 78 4C DE 5D BD 9A 14 : A3 93 69 DF D9 9F A8 5C C0 D1 02 41 C4 01 03 43 : F3 4A 91 39 3A 70 6C F1 26 77 CB FA 1F 57 8D 6B : 6C FB E8 A1 24 2C FC C9 4B 3B 65 3A 47 6E 14 5E : 38 62 C1 8C C3 FE D8 25 7C FE F7 4C DB 20 5B F1 1667 30 54: SEQUENCE { 1669 06 7: OBJECT IDENTIFIER id-GostR3410-94-bBis 1678 30 43: SEQUENCE { 1680 02 4: INTEGER 333089693 1686 02 5: INTEGER : 00 A0 E9 DE 4B 1693 02 28: INTEGER : 41 AB 97 85 7F 42 61 43 55 D3 2D B0 B1 06 9F 10 : 9A 4D A2 83 67 6C 7C 53 A6 81 85 B4 : } : } : } : } 1723 30 396: SEQUENCE { 1727 06 7: OBJECT IDENTIFIER : id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-XchA-ParamSet 1736 30 383: SEQUENCE { 1740 02 2: INTEGER 1024 1744 02 129: INTEGER : 00 CA 3B 3F 2E EE 9F D4 63 17 D4 95 95 A9 E7 51 : 8E 6C 63 D8 F4 EB 4D 22 D1 0D 28 AF 0B 88 39 F0 : 79 F8 28 9E 60 3B 03 53 07 84 B9 BB 5A 1E 76 85 : 9E 48 50 C6 70 C7 B7 1C 0D F8 4C A3 E0 D6 C1 77 : FE 9F 78 A9 D8 43 32 30 A8 83 CD 82 A2 B2 B5 C7 : A3 30 69 80 27 85 70 CD B7 9B F0 10 74 A6 9C 96 : 23 34 88 24 B0 C5 37 91 D5 3C 6A 78 CA B6 9E 1C : FB 28 36 86 11 A3 97 F5 0F 54 1E 16 DB 34 8D BE : 5F 1876 02 33: INTEGER : 00 CA E4 D8 5F 80 C1 47 70 4B 0C A4 8E 85 FB 00 : A9 05 7A A4 AC C4 46 68 E1 7F 19 96 D7 15 26 90 : D9 1911 02 129: INTEGER : 00 BE 27 D6 52 F2 F1 E3 39 DA 73 42 11 B8 5B 06 : AE 4D E2 36 AA 8F BE EB 3F 1A DC C5 2C D4 38 53 : 77 7E 83 4A 6A 51 81 38 67 8A 8A DB D3 A5 5C 70 : A7 EA B1 BA 7A 07 19 54 86 77 AA F4 E6 09 FF B4 : 7F 6B 9D 7E 45 B0 D0 6D 83 D7 AD C5 33 10 AB D8 : 57 83 E7 31 7F 7E C7 32 68 B6 A9 C0 8D 26 0B 85 : D8 48 56 96 CA 39 C1 7B 17 F0 44 D1 E0 50 48 90 : 36 AB D3 81 C5 E6 BF 82 BA 35 2A 1A FF 13 66 01 : AF 2043 30 78: SEQUENCE { 2045 06 7: OBJECT IDENTIFIER id-GostR3410-94-bBis 2054 30 67: SEQUENCE { 2056 02 5: INTEGER : 00 D0 5E 9F 14 2063 02 4: INTEGER 1177570399 2069 02 52: INTEGER : 35 AB 87 53 99 CD A3 3C 14 6C A6 29 66 0E 5A 5E : 5C 07 71 4C A3 26 DB 03 2D D6 75 19 95 CD B9 0A : 61 2B 92 28 93 2D 83 02 70 4E C2 4A 5D EF 77 39 : C5 81 3D 83 : } : } : } : } 2123 30 375: SEQUENCE { 2127 06 7: OBJECT IDENTIFIER : id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-XchB-ParamSet 2136 30 362: SEQUENCE { 2140 02 2: INTEGER 1024 2144 02 129: INTEGER : 00 92 86 DB DA 91 EC CF C3 06 0A A5 59 83 18 E2 : A6 39 F5 BA 90 A4 CA 65 61 57 B2 67 3F B1 91 CD : 05 89 EE 05 F4 CE F1 BD 13 50 84 08 27 14 58 C3 : 08 51 CE 7A 4E F5 34 74 2B FB 11 F4 74 3C 8F 78 : 7B 11 19 3B A3 04 C0 E6 BC A2 57 01 BF 88 AF 1C : B9 B8 FD 47 11 D8 9F 88 E3 2B 37 D9 53 16 54 1B : F1 E5 DB B4 98 9B 3D F1 36 59 B8 8C 0F 97 A3 C1 : 08 7B 9F 2D 53 17 D5 57 DC D4 AF C6 D0 A7 54 E2 : 79 2276 02 33: INTEGER : 00 C9 66 E9 B3 B8 B7 CD D8 2F F0 F8 3A F8 70 36 : C3 8F 42 23 8E C5 0A 87 6C D3 90 E4 3D 67 B6 01 : 3F 2311 02 128: INTEGER : 7E 9C 30 96 67 6F 51 E3 B2 F9 88 4C F0 AC 21 56 : 77 94 96 F4 10 E0 49 CE D7 E5 3D 8B 7B 5B 36 6B : 1A 60 08 E5 19 66 05 A5 5E 89 C3 19 0D AB F8 0B : 9F 11 63 C9 79 FC D1 83 28 DA E5 E9 04 88 11 B3 : 70 10 7B B7 71 5F 82 09 1B B9 DE 0E 33 EE 2F ED : 62 55 47 4F 87 69 FC E5 EA FA EE F1 CB 5A 32 E0 : D5 C6 C2 F0 FC 0B 34 47 07 29 47 F5 B4 C3 87 66 : 69 93 A3 33 FC 06 56 8E 53 4A D5 6D 23 38 D7 29 2442 30 58: SEQUENCE { 2444 06 7: OBJECT IDENTIFIER id-GostR3410-94-bBis 2453 30 47: SEQUENCE { 2455 02 4: INTEGER 2046851076 2461 02 5: INTEGER : 00 D3 1A 4F F7 2468 02 32: INTEGER : 7E C1 23 D1 61 47 77 62 83 8C 2B EA 9D BD F3 30 : 74 AF 6D 41 D1 08 A0 66 A1 E7 A0 7A B3 04 8D E2 : } : } : } : } 2502 30 380: SEQUENCE { 2506 06 7: OBJECT IDENTIFIER : id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-XchC-ParamSet 2515 30 367: SEQUENCE { 2519 02 2: INTEGER 1024 2523 02 129: INTEGER : 00 B1 94 03 6A CE 14 13 9D 36 D6 42 95 AE 6C 50 : FC 4B 7D 65 D8 B3 40 71 13 66 CA 93 F3 83 65 39 : 08 EE 63 7B E4 28 05 1D 86 61 26 70 AD 7B 40 2C : 09 B8 20 FA 77 D9 DA 29 C8 11 1A 84 96 DA 6C 26 : 1A 53 ED 25 2E 4D 8A 69 A2 03 76 E6 AD DB 3B DC : D3 31 74 9A 49 1A 18 4B 8F DA 6D 84 C3 1C F0 5F : 91 19 B5 ED 35 24 6E A4 56 2D 85 92 8B A1 13 6A : 8D 0E 5A 7E 5C 76 4B A8 90 20 29 A1 33 6C 63 1A : 1D 2655 02 33: INTEGER : 00 96 12 04 77 DF 0F 38 96 62 8E 6F 4A 88 D8 3C : 93 20 4C 21 0F F2 62 BC CB 7D AE 45 03 55 12 52 : 59 2690 02 128: INTEGER : 3F 18 17 05 2B AA 75 98 FE 3E 4F 4F C5 C5 F6 16 : E1 22 CF F9 EB D8 9E F8 1D C7 CE 8B F5 6C C6 4B : 43 58 6C 80 F1 C4 F5 6D D5 71 8F DD 76 30 0B E3 : 36 78 42 59 CA 25 AA DE 5A 48 3F 64 C0 2A 20 CF : 4A 10 F9 C1 89 C4 33 DE FE 31 D2 63 E6 C9 76 46 : 60 A7 31 EC CA EC B7 4C 82 79 30 37 31 E8 CF 69 : 20 5B C7 3E 5A 70 BD F9 3E 5B B6 81 DA B4 EE B9 : C7 33 CA AB 2F 67 3C 47 5E 0E CA 92 1D 29 78 2E 2821 30 63: SEQUENCE { 2823 06 7: OBJECT IDENTIFIER id-GostR3410-94-bBis 2832 30 52: SEQUENCE { 2834 02 4: INTEGER 371898640 2840 02 5: INTEGER : 00 93 F8 28 D3 2847 02 37: INTEGER : 00 CA 82 CC E7 8A 73 8B C4 6F 10 3D 53 B9 BF 80 : 97 45 EC 84 5E 4F 6D A4 62 60 6C 51 F6 0E CF 30 : 2E 31 20 4B 81 : } : } : } : } : } |>GostR3410-94-ParamSetParameters.bin |MIILQjCB0QYHKoUDAgIgADCBxQICAgACQQDugXKuiZZgj7aTWbieuCpphUUQ4pd6 |TWO8lzIs5dwzhuoKErND6RkPIxd1OYRYOXhrsMNF0WWXbvIZXsmxw3njAiEAmJFe |fsgmXt/Nox6I8kgJ3bBkvccoXdUNconwrG9J3S0CQQCelgMVAMh3SoaVgtSv3iEn |r60lOLS2JwpvfIg3tQ1Q8gZ1WYSknlCTBNZIviq1qrGOvizUasPYSVsUKqbOI+Ic |MBYGByqFAwICFAEwCwICXskCAnNBAgECMIIBVgYHKoUDAgIgAjCCAUkCAgQAAoGB |ALTiXvsBjjyLh1BeKmdVPF7cVsKRS35PidI/A/Azd+cKKQNIndYOeEGNPYUe21MX |xIceQLBCKMO3kCljxLfYXVK5qojyr9vrKNqIadbfhGodmJJOklVhvWkwC53dBdJH |tZItlny7AmcYgcV9EOXvctPm2tQiPcgqoffQKUZRpIDfAiEAlyQypDcXizC9lhlb |dzeJqy//FVlLF23RdbYyVu5a8s8CgYEAj9NnMSN2VLvkH18fhFPnHKQU/8IsJdkV |MJ5dLmKiomxxEfP8eVaNr6AoBC/hpSoEiYBcDemhpGnIRMfKu+5iXDB4iIwdhe6o |g/GtW8Tmd26OGgdQkS32T3mVZJnx4YJHWwtg4mMq3NjPlOnFT9HzsQnYHwC/KrjL |hirffUC5NpowGAYHKoUDAgIUBDANAgRSCHT1AgUA7jmtszCCAasGByqFAwICIAMw |ggGeAgIEAAKBgQDGlx/FdSSzDJAYxeYh3hVJlzaFT1am+K7mWnpARjKxvPA0n/yv |ywoQMXeXH8FhKtzbjIzJOMcCJcj9Eq/wGx0GTgrW/earkVkWbLny/BcdkvDMe2pr |LNf6NCrL4skxWkLVdrHsznepYxV/PQvZao6wsPNQKtI4EBsFEWM08eW3qwIhALCd 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|<GostR3410-94-ParamSetParameters.bin 11.4. GOST R 34.10-2001 Public Key Algorithm Parameters For each AlgorithmIdentifier in this sequence, the parameters field contains GostR3410-2001-ParamSetParameters. 0 30 998: SEQUENCE { 4 30 156: SEQUENCE { 7 06 7: OBJECT IDENTIFIER : id-GostR3410-2001-TestParamSet 16 30 144: SEQUENCE { 19 02 1: INTEGER 7 22 02 32: INTEGER : 5F BF F4 98 AA 93 8C E7 39 B8 E0 22 FB AF EF 40 : 56 3F 6E 6A 34 72 FC 2A 51 4C 0C E9 DA E2 3B 7E 56 02 33: INTEGER : 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 : 31 91 02 33: INTEGER : 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 : 01 50 FE 8A 18 92 97 61 54 C5 9C FC 19 3A CC F5 : B3 126 02 1: INTEGER 2 129 02 32: INTEGER : 08 E2 A8 A0 E6 51 47 D4 BD 63 16 03 0E 16 D1 9C : 85 C9 7F 0A 9C A2 67 12 2B 96 AB BC EA 7E 8F C8 : } : } 163 30 159: SEQUENCE { 166 06 7: OBJECT IDENTIFIER : id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-A-ParamSet 175 30 147: SEQUENCE { 178 02 33: INTEGER : 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF : FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FD : 94 213 02 2: INTEGER 166 217 02 33: INTEGER : 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF : FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FD : 97 252 02 33: INTEGER : 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF : FF 6C 61 10 70 99 5A D1 00 45 84 1B 09 B7 61 B8 : 93 287 02 1: INTEGER 1 290 02 33: INTEGER : 00 8D 91 E4 71 E0 98 9C DA 27 DF 50 5A 45 3F 2B : 76 35 29 4F 2D DF 23 E3 B1 22 AC C9 9C 9E 9F 1E : 14 : } : } 325 30 188: SEQUENCE { 328 06 7: OBJECT IDENTIFIER : id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-B-ParamSet 337 30 176: SEQUENCE { 340 02 33: INTEGER : 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0C : 96 375 02 32: INTEGER : 3E 1A F4 19 A2 69 A5 F8 66 A7 D3 C2 5C 3D F8 0A : E9 79 25 93 73 FF 2B 18 2F 49 D4 CE 7E 1B BC 8B 409 02 33: INTEGER : 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0C : 99 444 02 33: INTEGER : 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 : 01 5F 70 0C FF F1 A6 24 E5 E4 97 16 1B CC 8A 19 : 8F 479 02 1: INTEGER 1 482 02 32: INTEGER : 3F A8 12 43 59 F9 66 80 B8 3D 1C 3E B2 C0 70 E5 : C5 45 C9 85 8D 03 EC FB 74 4B F8 D7 17 71 7E FC : } : } 516 30 159: SEQUENCE { 519 06 7: OBJECT IDENTIFIER : id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-C-ParamSet 528 30 147: SEQUENCE { 531 02 33: INTEGER : 00 9B 9F 60 5F 5A 85 81 07 AB 1E C8 5E 6B 41 C8 : AA CF 84 6E 86 78 90 51 D3 79 98 F7 B9 02 2D 75 : 98 566 02 3: INTEGER 32858 571 02 33: INTEGER : 00 9B 9F 60 5F 5A 85 81 07 AB 1E C8 5E 6B 41 C8 : AA CF 84 6E 86 78 90 51 D3 79 98 F7 B9 02 2D 75 : 9B 606 02 33: INTEGER : 00 9B 9F 60 5F 5A 85 81 07 AB 1E C8 5E 6B 41 C8 : AA 58 2C A3 51 1E DD FB 74 F0 2F 3A 65 98 98 0B : B9 641 02 1: INTEGER 0 644 02 32: INTEGER : 41 EC E5 57 43 71 1A 8C 3C BF 37 83 CD 08 C0 EE : 4D 4D C4 40 D4 64 1A 8F 36 6E 55 0D FD B3 BB 67 : } : } 678 30 159: SEQUENCE { 681 06 7: OBJECT IDENTIFIER : id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-XchA-ParamSet 690 30 147: SEQUENCE { 693 02 33: INTEGER : 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF : FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FD : 94 728 02 2: INTEGER 166 732 02 33: INTEGER : 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF : FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FD : 97 767 02 33: INTEGER : 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF : FF 6C 61 10 70 99 5A D1 00 45 84 1B 09 B7 61 B8 : 93 802 02 1: INTEGER 1 805 02 33: INTEGER : 00 8D 91 E4 71 E0 98 9C DA 27 DF 50 5A 45 3F 2B : 76 35 29 4F 2D DF 23 E3 B1 22 AC C9 9C 9E 9F 1E : 14 : } : } 840 30 159: SEQUENCE { 843 06 7: OBJECT IDENTIFIER : id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-XchB-ParamSet 852 30 147: SEQUENCE { 855 02 33: INTEGER : 00 9B 9F 60 5F 5A 85 81 07 AB 1E C8 5E 6B 41 C8 : AA CF 84 6E 86 78 90 51 D3 79 98 F7 B9 02 2D 75 : 98 890 02 3: INTEGER 32858 895 02 33: INTEGER : 00 9B 9F 60 5F 5A 85 81 07 AB 1E C8 5E 6B 41 C8 : AA CF 84 6E 86 78 90 51 D3 79 98 F7 B9 02 2D 75 : 9B 930 02 33: INTEGER : 00 9B 9F 60 5F 5A 85 81 07 AB 1E C8 5E 6B 41 C8 : AA 58 2C A3 51 1E DD FB 74 F0 2F 3A 65 98 98 0B : B9 965 02 1: INTEGER 0 968 02 32: INTEGER : 41 EC E5 57 43 71 1A 8C 3C BF 37 83 CD 08 C0 EE : 4D 4D C4 40 D4 64 1A 8F 36 6E 55 0D FD B3 BB 67 : } : } : } |>GostR3410-2001-ParamSetParameters.bin |MIID5jCBnAYHKoUDAgIjADCBkAIBBwIgX7/0mKqTjOc5uOAi+6/vQFY/bmo0cvwq |UUwM6driO34CIQCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEMQIhAIAA |AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAFQ/ooYkpdhVMWc/Bk6zPWzAgECAiAI4qig5lFH1L1jFgMO |FtGchcl/CpyiZxIrlqu86n6PyDCBnwYHKoUDAgIjATCBkwIhAP////////////// |//////////////////////////2UAgIApgIhAP////////////////////////// |//////////////2XAiEA/////////////////////2xhEHCZWtEARYQbCbdhuJMC |AQECIQCNkeRx4Jic2iffUFpFPyt2NSlPLd8j47EirMmcnp8eFDCBvAYHKoUDAgIj |AjCBsAIhAIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAyWAiA+GvQZomml |+Gan08JcPfgK6Xklk3P/KxgvSdTOfhu8iwIhAIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA |AAAAAAAAAAAAAAyZAiEAgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAV9wDP/xpiTl5JcWG8yKGY8C |AQECID+oEkNZ+WaAuD0cPrLAcOXFRcmFjQPs+3RL+NcXcX78MIGfBgcqhQMCAiMD |MIGTAiEAm59gX1qFgQerHshea0HIqs+EboZ4kFHTeZj3uQItdZgCAwCAWgIhAJuf |YF9ahYEHqx7IXmtByKrPhG6GeJBR03mY97kCLXWbAiEAm59gX1qFgQerHshea0HI |qlgso1Ee3ft08C86ZZiYC7kCAQACIEHs5VdDcRqMPL83g80IwO5NTcRA1GQajzZu |VQ39s7tnMIGfBgcqhQMCAiQAMIGTAiEA//////////////////////////////// |/////////ZQCAgCmAiEA/////////////////////////////////////////ZcC |IQD/////////////////////bGEQcJla0QBFhBsJt2G4kwIBAQIhAI2R5HHgmJza |J99QWkU/K3Y1KU8t3yPjsSKsyZyenx4UMIGfBgcqhQMCAiQBMIGTAiEAm59gX1qF |gQerHshea0HIqs+EboZ4kFHTeZj3uQItdZgCAwCAWgIhAJufYF9ahYEHqx7IXmtB |yKrPhG6GeJBR03mY97kCLXWbAiEAm59gX1qFgQerHshea0HIqlgso1Ee3ft08C86 |ZZiYC7kCAQACIEHs5VdDcRqMPL83g80IwO5NTcRA1GQajzZuVQ39s7tn |<GostR3410-2001-ParamSetParameters.bin 12. Acknowledgements This document was created in accordance with "Russian Cryptographic Software Compatibility Agreement", signed by FGUE STC "Atlas", CRYPTO-PRO, Factor-TS, MD PREI, Infotecs GmbH, SPRCIS (SPbRCZI), Cryptocom, R-Alpha. The aim of this agreement is to achieve mutual compatibility of the products and solutions. The authors wish to thank the following: Microsoft Corporation Russia for providing information about company products and solutions, and also for technical consulting in PKI. RSA Security Russia and Demos Co Ltd for active collaboration and critical help in creation of this document. Peter Gutmann for his helpful "dumpasn1" program. Russ Hously (Vigil Security, LLC, [email protected]) and Vasilij Sakharov (DEMOS Co Ltd, [email protected]) for encouraging the authors to create this document. Derek Atkins (IHTFP Consulting, [email protected]) and his wife, Heather Anne Harrison, for making the document readable. Grigorij Chudov for navigating the IETF process for this document. This document is based on a contribution of CRYPTO-PRO Company. Any substantial use of the text from this document must acknowledge CRYPTO-PRO. CRYPTO-PRO requests that all material mentioning or referencing this document identify this as "CRYPTO-PRO CPALGS". 13. References 13.1. Normative References [GOST28147] "Cryptographic Protection for Data Processing System", GOST 28147-89, Gosudarstvennyi Standard of USSR, Government Committee of the USSR for Standards, 1989. (In Russian) [GOSTR341094] "Information technology. Cryptographic Data Security. Produce and check procedures of Electronic Digital Signatures based on Asymmetric Cryptographic Algorithm.", GOST R 34.10-94, Gosudarstvennyi Standard of Russian Federation, Government Committee of the Russia for Standards, 1994. (In Russian) [GOSTR341001] "Information technology. Cryptographic data security. Signature and verification processes of [electronic] digital signature.", GOST R 34.10-2001, Gosudarstvennyi Standard of Russian Federation, Government Committee of the Russia for Standards, 2001. (In Russian) [GOSTR341194] "Information technology. Cryptographic Data Security. Hashing function.", GOST R 34.11-94, Gosudarstvennyi Standard of Russian Federation, Government Committee of the Russia for Standards, 1994. (In Russian) [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997. [HMAC] Krawczyk, H., Bellare, M., and R. Canetti, "HMAC: Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication", RFC 2104, February 1997. 13.2. Informative References [Schneier95] B. Schneier, Applied cryptography, second edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1995. [RFDSL] "Russian Federal Electronic Digital Signature Law", 10 Jan 2002 N 1-FZ.
EID 1467 (Verified) is as follows:

Section: 13.2

Original Text:

   [RFDSL]       "Russian Federal Digital Signature Law", 10 Jan 2002 N

Corrected Text:

   [RFDSL]       "Russian Federal Electronic Digital Signature Law",
                 10 Jan 2002 N 1-FZ.
Russian-English terminology translation bug
[RFLLIC] "Russian Federal Law on Licensing of Selected Activity Categories", 08 Aug 2001 N 128-FZ [CRYPTOLIC] "Russian Federal Government Regulation on Licensing of Selected Activity Categories in Cryptography Area", 23 Sep 2002 N 691 [X.660] ITU-T Recommendation X.660 Information Technology - ASN.1 encoding rules: Specification of Basic Encoding Rules (BER), Canonical Encoding Rules (CER) and Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER), 1997. [RFC4134] Hoffman, P., "Examples of S/MIME Messages", RFC 4134, July 2005. [TLS] Dierks, T. and C. Allen, "The TLS Protocol Version 1.0", RFC 2246, January 1999. Authors' Addresses Vladimir Popov CRYPTO-PRO 38, Obraztsova, Moscow, 127018, Russian Federation EMail: [email protected] Igor Kurepkin CRYPTO-PRO 38, Obraztsova, Moscow, 127018, Russian Federation EMail: [email protected] Serguei Leontiev CRYPTO-PRO 38, Obraztsova, Moscow, 127018, Russian Federation EMail: [email protected] Grigorij Chudov CRYPTO-PRO 38, Obraztsova, Moscow, 127018, Russian Federation EMail: [email protected] Alexandr Afanasiev Factor-TS office 711, 14, Presnenskij val, Moscow, 123557, Russian Federation EMail: [email protected] Nikolaj Nikishin Infotecs GmbH p/b 35, 80-5, Leningradskij prospekt, Moscow, 125315, Russian Federation EMail: [email protected] Boleslav Izotov FGUE STC "Atlas" 38, Obraztsova, Moscow, 127018, Russian Federation EMail: [email protected] Elena Minaeva MD PREI build 3, 6A, Vtoroj Troitskij per., Moscow, Russian Federation EMail: [email protected] Serguei Murugov R-Alpha 4/1, Raspletina, Moscow, 123060, Russian Federation EMail: [email protected] Igor Ovcharenko MD PREI Office 600, 14, B.Novodmitrovskaya, Moscow, Russian Federation EMail: [email protected] Igor Ustinov Cryptocom office 239, 51, Leninskij prospekt, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation EMail: [email protected] Anatolij Erkin SPRCIS (SPbRCZI) 1, Obrucheva, St.Petersburg, 195220, Russian Federation EMail: [email protected] Full Copyright Statement Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006). This document is subject to the rights, licenses and restrictions contained in BCP 78, and except as set forth therein, the authors retain all their rights. This document and the information contained herein are provided on an "AS IS" basis and THE CONTRIBUTOR, THE ORGANIZATION HE/SHE REPRESENTS OR IS SPONSORED BY (IF ANY), THE INTERNET SOCIETY AND THE INTERNET ENGINEERING TASK FORCE DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY THAT THE USE OF THE INFORMATION HEREIN WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY RIGHTS OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Intellectual Property The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any Intellectual Property Rights or other rights that might be claimed to pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in this document or the extent to which any license under such rights might or might not be available; nor does it represent that it has made any independent effort to identify any such rights. Information on the procedures with respect to rights in RFC documents can be found in BCP 78 and BCP 79. Copies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use of such proprietary rights by implementers or users of this specification can be obtained from the IETF on-line IPR repository at The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary rights that may cover technology that may be required to implement this standard. Please address the information to the IETF at [email protected]. Acknowledgement Funding for the RFC Editor function is provided by the IETF Administrative Support Activity (IASA).