XSLT 2.0 and XQuery 1.0 Serialization

W3C Working Draft 02 May 2003

This version:
Latest version:
Michael Kay, Software AG <[email protected]>
Norman Walsh, Sun Microsystems <[email protected]>

This document is also available in these non-normative formats: XML.


This document defines serialization for the [XSLT 2.0] and [XQuery 1.0] specifications and any other specifications that reference it.

Status of this Document

This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. The latest status of this document series is maintained at the W3C.

This is a Public Working Draft for review by W3C Members and other interested parties. It is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or made obsolete by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use W3C Working Drafts as reference material or to cite them as other than "work in progress". This is work in progress and does not imply endorsement by the W3C membership.

This document describes how [XSLT 2.0] and [XQuery 1.0] convert an instance of the [Data Model] into a sequence of octets. This material has been moved out of the XSLT draft and into a separate document so that it can be shared by both the named specifications and possibly other specifications as well.

XSLT 2.0 and XQuery 1.0 Serialization has been defined jointly by the XSL Working Group and the XML Query Working Group (both part of the XML Activity).

Comments on this document should be sent to the W3C mailing list [email protected]. (archived at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-qt-comments/).

A list of current W3C Recommendations and other technical documents can be found at http://www.w3.org/TR/.

Patent disclosures relevant to this specification may be found on the XML Query Working Group's patent disclosure page at http://www.w3.org/2002/08/xmlquery-IPR-statements and the XSL Working Group's patent disclosure page at http://www.w3.org/Style/XSL/Disclosures.html.

Table of Contents

1 Introduction
2 Serializing Arbitrary Data Models
3 Serialization Parameters
4 XML Output Method
    4.1 XML Output Method: the version Parameter
    4.2 XML Output Method: the encoding Parameter
    4.3 XML Output Method: the indent Parameter
    4.4 XML Output Method: the cdata-section-elements Parameter
    4.5 XML Output Method: the omit-xml-declaration Parameter
    4.6 XML Output Method: the doctype-system and doctype-public Parameters
    4.7 XML Output Method: the undeclare-namespaces Parameter
    4.8 XML Output Method: Other Parameters
5 XHTML Output Method
6 HTML Output Method
    6.1 HTML Output Method: Markup for Elements
    6.2 HTML Output Method: Writing Attributes
    6.3 HTML Output Method: Indentation
    6.4 HTML Output Method: Writing Character Data
    6.5 HTML Output Method: Encoding
    6.6 HTML Output Method: Document Type Declaration
    6.7 HTML Output Method: Other Parameters
7 Text Output Method
8 Character Maps


A References (Normative)

1 Introduction

This document defines serialization of the W3C XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Data Model, which is the data model of at least [XPath 2.0], [XSLT 2.0], and [XQuery 1.0], and any other specifications that reference it.

Ed. Note: This material has been moved out of the XSLT draft and into a separate document. The Working Groups also considered moving this material directly into the Data Model document, but elected to keep it separate for the moment, principally in order to advance the Data Model to Last Call. In the future, this material may be moved into the Data Model. The Working Groups solicit public opinion about which alternative is superior.

Serialization is the process of converting an instance of the [Data Model] into a sequence of octets. Serialization is well-defined for most data model instances.

Ed. Note: The document assumes the reader already knows generally what serialization is. A brief explanation will be added, especially to disabuse any reader who thinks it might mean Java (or .NET) serialization.

2 Serializing Arbitrary Data Models

The XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Data Model is richer and less constrained than XML. There are valid instances of the data model that have no direct analog in XML. In particular, data model instances can contain typed values, sequences, and sequences of typed values. And whereas XML deals only with "documents", data model instances can have as their root any node type, simple value, or sequence and may even be empty.

This section describes how to convert an arbitrary data model instance into one of several simplified forms. We then describe how these forms are serialized. This greatly simplifies the the sections which follow. Implementations are not required to implement serialization of arbitrary data model instances in this way, provided that they produce the same results as this conceptual model.

  1. If the data model instance contains any typed or untyped values, or sequences that contain typed or untyped values, convert them to strings: obtain the lexical representation of each value by casting it to an xs:string and replace the value with its string representation.

  2. If adjacent strings occur in a sequence, replace both values with their concatenation separated by a single space.

  3. If empty sequences occur, replace them with the empty string.

  4. To complete the simplification, perform the following steps interactively until a simplest form is reached:

    1. If the data model instance has as its root an attribute or namespace node, or a QName value, or if it has as its root a sequence which contains one of these items, serialization is undefined.

    2. If the data model instance has as its root a single document node, or an element, processing instruction, comment, or text node, or a sequence of only element, processing instruction, comment, and text nodes, it is already in its simplest form.

    3. If the data model instance has as its root a sequence of document nodes, or a sequence which contains document nodes, replace each document node with its children in document order.

    4. If the data model instance has as its root a string value, or a sequence which contains one or more string values, replace each string value with a text node that contains the same string.

If there are any remaining string values among the children of elements in the data model instance, replace them with text nodes that contain the same string values and merge adjacent text nodes.

3 Serialization Parameters

There are a number of parameters that influence how serialization is performed. Host languages may allow users to specify any or all of these parameters, but they are not required to be able to do so.

The following serialization parameters are defined:

Ed. Note: Here and throughout the document, the distinction between "should" and "must" will be revisited. When serialization was described in the XSLT specification, use of "should" helped to clarify that the serialization process was optional. Now that it's described here in a standalone specification, many of those clauses should use "must".

The method identifies the overall method that should be used for serializing. The value of the method parameter must be a valid QName. If the QName is in no namespace, then it identifies a method specified in this document and must be one of xml, html, xhtml, or text. If the QName is in a namespace, then it identifies the output method; the behavior in this case is not specified by this document.

The detailed semantics of each parameter will be described separately for each output method for which it is applicable. If the semantics of a parameter are not described for an output method, then it is not applicable to that output method.

Serialization can be regarded as involving four phases of processing, carried out sequentially as follows:

  1. Markup generation produces the representation of start and end tags for elements, and other constructs such as XML declarations, processing instructions, and so on. This is influenced by the parameters method, doctype-system, doctype-public, include-content-type, indent, omit-xml-declaration, standalone, and version.

  2. Character expansion is concerned with the representation of characters appearing in text and attribute nodes in the data model. The substitution processes that may apply are listed below, in priority order: a character that is handled by a one process in this list will be unaffected by processes appearing later in the list:

    • URI escaping (in the case of URI-valued attributes in the HTML and XHTML output methods), as determined by the escape-uri-attributes parameter

    • Creation of CDATA sections, as determined by the cdata-section-elements parameter. Note that this is also affected by the encoding parameter, in that characters not present in the selected encoding cannot be represented in a CDATA section.

    • Character mapping, as determined by the use-character-maps parameter.

    • Escaping of special characters according to XML or HTML rules, for example replacing < by &lt;

  3. Unicode Normalization, if requested by the normalize-unicode parameter. Unicode normalization is applied to the character stream that results after all markup generation and character expansion has taken place.

  4. Encoding, as controlled by the encoding parameter. This converts the character stream produced by the previous phases into a byte stream.

4 XML Output Method

The xml output method outputs the data model as an XML entity that should satisfy the rules for either a well-formed XML document entity, or a well-formed XML external general parsed entity, or both. If the document node of the data model has a single element node child and no text node children, then the serialized output should be a well-formed XML document entity conforming to the XML Namespaces Recommendation [XML Names]. If the data model does not take this form, then the serialized output should be an entity which, when referenced within a trivial XML document wrapper like this

<!DOCTYPE doc [
<!ENTITY e SYSTEM "entity-URI">

where entity-URI is a URI for the entity, produces a document which should itself be a well-formed XML document conforming to the XML Namespaces Recommendation [XML Names].

In addition, the output should be such that if a new tree was constructed by parsing the XML document and converting it into a data model as specified in this document, then the new data model would be the same as starting data model, with the following possible exceptions:

A consequence of this rule is that certain whitespace characters should be output as character references, to ensure that they survive the round trip through serialization and parsing. Specifically, CR characters in text nodes should be written as &#xD; or an equivalent; while CR, NL, and TAB characters in attribute nodes should be output respectively as &#xD;, &#xA;, and &#x9;, or their equivalents.

For example, an attribute with the value "x" followed by "y" separated by a newline will result in the output "x&#xA;y" (or with any equivalent character reference). The XML output cannot be "x" followed by a literal newline followed by a "y" because after parsing, the attribute value would be "x y" as a consequence of the XML attribute normalization rules.


To anticipate the proposed changes to end-of-line handling in XML 1.1, implementations may also output the characters x85 and x2028 as character references. This will not affect the way they are interpreted by an XML 1.0 parser.

It is a serialization error to request the output of a document type declaration, or of a standalone parameter, if the data model contains text nodes or multiple element nodes as children of the root node. The processor may signal the error, or may recover by ignoring the request to output a document type declaration or standalone parameter.

The result of serialization using the XML output method is not guaranteed to be well-formed XML if character maps have been specified (see 8 Character Maps) or if nodes in the data model contain characters that are invalid in XML (introduced, perhaps, by calling a user-written extension function: this is an error but the processor is not required to signal it).

4.1 XML Output Method: the version Parameter

The version parameter specifies the version of XML to be used for outputting the data model. If the processor does not support this version of XML, it should use a version of XML that it does support. The version output in the XML declaration (if an XML declaration is output) should correspond to the version of XML that the processor used for outputting the data model. The value of the version parameter should match the VersionNum production of the XML Recommendation [XML].

4.2 XML Output Method: the encoding Parameter

The encoding parameter specifies the preferred encoding to use for outputting the data model. Processors are required to respect values of UTF-8 and UTF-16. A serialization error occurs when an output encoding other than UTF-8 or UTF-16 is requested, if the implementation does not support that encoding. The processor may signal the error, or may recover by using UTF-8 or UTF-16 instead. The processor must not use an encoding whose name does not match the EncName production of the XML Recommendation [XML]. If no encoding parameter is specified, then the processor should use either UTF-8 or UTF-16.

When outputting a newline character in the data model, the implementation is free to represent it using any character sequence that will be normalized to a newline character by an XML parser, unless a specific mapping for the newline character is provided in a character map: see 8 Character Maps.

When outputting any other character that is defined in the selected encoding, the character should be output using the correct representation of that character in the selected encoding.

It is possible that the data model will contain a character that cannot be represented in the encoding that the processor is using for output. In this case, if the character occurs in a context where XML recognizes character references (that is, in the value of an attribute node or text node), then the character should be output as a character reference. A serialization error occurs if such a character appears in a context where character references are not allowed (for example if the character occurs in the name of an element). The processor should signal the error.

4.3 XML Output Method: the indent Parameter

If the indent parameter has the value yes, then the xml output method may output whitespace in addition to the whitespace in the data model (possibly based on whitespace stripped from either the source document or the stylesheet) in order to indent the result nicely; if the indent parameter has the value no, it should not output any additional whitespace. The xml output method should use an algorithm to output additional whitespace that satisfies the following constraints:

  • Whitespace characters must not be added adjacent to a text node that contains non-whitespace characters.

  • Whitespace may only be added adjacent to an element node, that is, immediately before a start tag or immediately after an end tag.

  • The new whitespace characters may replace existing whitespace characters in the same position, for example a tab may be inserted as a replacement for existing spaces. However, existing whitespace must not be removed without such a replacement.

  • Whitespace characters must not be inserted in a part of the result document that is controlled by an xml:space="preserve" attribute.


The effect of these rules is to ensure that whitespace may only be added in places where (a) XSLT's <xsl:strip-space> declaration could cause it to be removed, and (b) it does not affect the string value of any element node with simple content. It is usually not safe to indent document types that include elements with mixed content.

4.4 XML Output Method: the cdata-section-elements Parameter

The cdata-section-elements parameter contains a list of expanded-QNames. If the expanded-QName of the parent of a text node is a member of the list, then the text node should be output as a CDATA section.

If the text node contains the sequence of characters ]]>, then the currently open CDATA section should be closed following the ]] and a new CDATA section opened before the >.

If the text node contains characters that are not representable in the character encoding being used to output the data model, then the currently open CDATA section should be closed before such characters, the characters should be output using character references or entity references, and a new CDATA section should be opened for any further characters in the text node.

CDATA sections should not be used except where they have been explicitly requested by the user, either by using the cdata-section-elements parameter, or by using some other implementation-defined mechanism.


This is phrased to permit an implementor to provide an option that attempts to preserve CDATA sections present in the source document.

4.5 XML Output Method: the omit-xml-declaration Parameter

The xml output method should output an XML declaration unless the omit-xml-declaration parameter has the value yes. The XML declaration should include both version information and an encoding declaration. If the standalone parameter is specified, it should include a standalone document declaration with the same value as the value as the value of the standalone parameter. Otherwise, it should not include a standalone document declaration; this ensures that it is both an XML declaration (allowed at the beginning of a document entity) and a text declaration (allowed at the beginning of an external general parsed entity).

The omit-xml-declaration parameter should be ignored if the standalone parameter is present, or if the encoding parameter specifies a value other than UTF-8 or UTF-16.

4.6 XML Output Method: the doctype-system and doctype-public Parameters

If the doctype-system parameter is specified, the xml output method should output a document type declaration immediately before the first element. The name following <!DOCTYPE should be the name of the first element. If doctype-public parameter is also specified, then the xml output method should output PUBLIC followed by the public identifier and then the system identifier; otherwise, it should output SYSTEM followed by the system identifier. The internal subset should be empty. The doctype-public parameter should be ignored unless the doctype-system parameter is specified.

4.7 XML Output Method: the undeclare-namespaces Parameter

The Data Model allows an element to have fewer in-scope namespaces than its parent. In XML 1.1, this can be represented most accurately by undeclaring namespaces. If undeclare-namespaces is "yes" and the output method is XML and the version is greater than 1.1, serialization should undeclare namespaces.

Consider an element x:foo with three in-scope namespaces:

<x:foo xmlns:x="http://example.org/x"

Suppose that it has a child element with two in-scope namespaces:

<x:bar xmlns:x="http://example.org/x"

If namespace undeclaration is in effect, it will be serialized this way:

<x:foo xmlns:x="http://example.org/x"
      <x:bar xmlns:z="">...</x:bar>

In XML 1.0, namespace undeclaration is not possible.

4.8 XML Output Method: Other Parameters

The media-type parameter is applicable for the xml output method.

The normalize-unicode parameter is applicable for the xml output method.

The use-character-maps parameter is applicable for the xml output method.

5 XHTML Output Method

The xhtml output method serializes the data model as XML, using the HTML compatibility guidelines defined in the XHTML specification.

It is entirely the responsibility of the stylesheet author to ensure that the data model conforms to the [XHTML 1.0] or [XHTML 1.1] specification. It is not an error if the data model is invalid XHTML. Equally, it is entirely under the control of the stylesheet author whether the output conforms to XHTML Strict, XHTML Transitional, XHTML Frameset, or XHTML Basic.

The serialization of the data model follows the same rules as for the xml output method, with the exceptions noted below. These differences are based on the HTML compatibility guidelines published in Appendix C of [XHTML 1.0], which are designed to ensure that as far as possible, XHTML is rendered correctly on user agents designed originally to handle HTML.


This escaping is deliberately confined to non-ASCII characters, because escaping of ASCII characters is not always appropriate, for example when URIs or URI fragments are interpreted locally by the HTML user agent. Even in the case of non-ASCII characters, escaping can sometimes cause problems. More precise control of URI escaping is therefore available by setting escape-uri-attributes to no, and controlling the escaping of URIs by means of the fn:escape-uri function defined in [Functions and Operators].


As with the XML output method, the XHTML output method outputs an XML declaration unless it is suppressed using the omit-xml-declaration parameter. Appendix C.1 of the XHTML specification provides advice on the consequences of including, or omitting, the XML declaration.

6 HTML Output Method

The html output method outputs the data model as HTML.

For example,

<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0"

<xsl:output method="html"/>

<xsl:template match="/">



The version parameter indicates the version of the HTML. The default value is 4.0, which specifies that the result should be output as HTML conforming to the HTML 4.0 Recommendation [HTML].

6.1 HTML Output Method: Markup for Elements

The html output method should not output an element differently from the xml output method unless the expanded-QName of the element has a null namespace URI; an element whose expanded-QName has a non-null namespace URI should be output as XML. If the expanded-QName of the element has a null namespace URI, but the local part of the expanded-QName is not recognized as the name of an HTML element, the element should output in the same way as a non-empty, inline element such as span. In particular:

  1. If the result tree contains namespace nodes for namespaces other than the XML namespace, the HTML output method will represent these namespaces using attributes named xmlns or xmlns:prefix in the same way as the XML output method would represent them when the version parameter is set to 1.0.

  2. If the result tree contains elements or attributes whose names have a non-null namespace URI, the HTML output method will generate namespace-prefixed QNames for these nodes in the same way as the XML output method would do when the version parameter is set to 1.0.

  3. Where special rules are defined later in this section for serializing specific HTML elements and attributes, these rules are never applied to an element or attribute whose name has a non-null namespace URI. However, the generic rules for the HTML output method that apply to all elements and attributes, for example the rules for escaping special characters in the text and the rules for indentation, must be used also for namespaced elements and attributes.

  4. When serializing an element whose name is not defined in the HTML specification, but that is in the null namespace, the HTML output method should apply the same rules (for example, indentation rules) as when serializing a span element. The descendants of such an element should be serialized as if they were descendants of a span element.

  5. When serializing an element whose name is in a non-null namespace, the HTML output method should apply the same rules (for example, indentation rules) as when serializing a div element. The descendants of such an element should be serialized as if they were descendants of a div element.

The html output method should not output an end-tag for empty elements. For HTML 4.0, the empty elements are area, base, basefont, br, col, frame, hr, img, input, isindex, link, meta and param. For example, an element written as <br/> or <br></br> in an XSLT stylesheet should be output as <br>.

The html output method should recognize the names of HTML elements regardless of case. For example, elements named br, BR or Br should all be recognized as the HTML br element and output without an end-tag.

The html output method should not perform escaping for the content of the script and style elements.

For example, a literal result element such as:

<script>if (a &lt; b) foo()</script>


<script><![CDATA[if (a < b) foo()]]></script>

should be output as

<script>if (a < b) foo()</script>

A common requirement is to output a script element as shown in the example below:

<script type="text/javascript">
      document.write ("<em>This won't work</em>")

This is illegal HTML, for the reasons explained in section B.3.2 of the HTML 4.01 specification. Nevertheless, it is possible to output this fragment, using either of the following constructs:

Firstly, by use of a literal result element:

<script type="text/javascript">
      document.write ("<em>This won't work</em>")

Secondly, by constructing the markup from ordinary text characters:

<script type="text/javascript">
      document.write ("&lt;em&gt;This won't work&lt;/em&gt;")

As the HTML specification points out, the correct way to write this is to use the escape conventions for the specific scripting language. For JavaScript, it can be written as:

<script type="text/javascript">
      document.write ("&lt;em&gt;This will work&lt;\/em&gt;")

The HTML 4.01 specification also shows examples of how to write this in various other scripting languages. The escaping must be done manually, it will not be done by the serializer.

6.2 HTML Output Method: Writing Attributes

The html output method should not escape "<" characters occurring in attribute values.

If the indent parameter has the value yes, then the html output method may add or remove whitespace as it outputs the data model, so long as it does not change how an HTML user agent would render the output.

Unless the escape-uri-attributes parameter is present and has the value no, the html output method should escape non-ASCII characters in URI attribute values using the method recommended in [RFC2396] (section 2.4.1).


This escaping is deliberately confined to non-ASCII characters, because escaping of ASCII characters is not always appropriate, for example when URIs or URI fragments are interpreted locally by the HTML user agent. Even in the case of non-ASCII characters, escaping can sometimes cause problems. More precise control of URI escaping is therefore available by setting escape-uri-attributes to no, and controlling the escaping of URIs by means of the fn:escape-uri function defined in [Functions and Operators].

The html output method should output boolean attributes (that is attributes with only a single allowed value that is equal to the name of the attribute) in minimized form.

For example, a start-tag written in the stylesheet as

<OPTION selected="selected">

should be output as

<OPTION selected>

The html output method should not escape a & character occurring in an attribute value immediately followed by a { character (see Section B.7.1 of the HTML 4.0 Recommendation).

For example, a start-tag written in the stylesheet as

<BODY bgcolor='&{{randomrbg}};'>

should be output as

<BODY bgcolor='&{randomrbg};'>

6.3 HTML Output Method: Indentation

If the indent attribute has the value yes, then the html output method may add or remove whitespace as it outputs the result tree, so long as it does not change the way that a conforming HTML user agent would render the output. The default value is yes.


This rule can be satisfied by observing the following constraints:

Whitespace must only be added before or after an element, or adjacent to an existing whitespace character.

Whitespace must not be added or removed adjacent to an inline element, the inline elements being those included in the %inline category in the HTML 4.01 DTD.

Whitespace must not be added or removed inside a formatted element, the formatted elements being pre, script, style, and textarea.

Note that the HTML definition of whitespace is different from the XML definition: see section 9.1 of the HTML 4.01 specification.

6.4 HTML Output Method: Writing Character Data

The html output method may output a character using a character entity reference in preference to using a numeric character reference, if an entity is defined for the character in the version of HTML that the output method is using. Entity references and character references should be used only where the character is not present in the selected encoding, or where the visual representation of the character is unclear (as with &nbsp;, for example).

When outputting a sequence of whitespace characters in the data model, within an element where whitespace is treated normally, (but not in elements such as pre and textarea) the html output method is free to represent it using any character sequence that will be treated as whitespace by an HTML user agent.

Certain characters, specifically the control characters #x7F-#x9F, are legal in XML but not in HTML. It is an error to use the HTML output method when such characters appear in the data model. The processor may signal the error, but is not required to do so. If it does not signal the error, it may copy the offending characters into the serialized output, creating invalid HTML.

The html output method should terminate processing instructions with > rather than ?>.

6.5 HTML Output Method: Encoding

The encoding parameter specifies the preferred encoding to be used. If there is a HEAD element, then unless the include-content-type parameter is present and has the value "no", the html output method should add a META element immediately after the start-tag of the HEAD element specifying the character encoding actually used.

For example,

<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=EUC-JP">

The content type should be set to the value given for the media-type parameter; the default value is text/html.

It is possible that the data model will contain a character that cannot be represented in the encoding that the processor is using for output. In this case, if the character occurs in a context where HTML recognizes character references, then the character should be output as a character entity reference or decimal numeric character reference; otherwise (for example, in a script or style element or in a comment), the processor should signal a serialization error.

6.6 HTML Output Method: Document Type Declaration

If the doctype-public or doctype-system parameters are specified, then the html output method should output a document type declaration immediately before the first element. The name following <!DOCTYPE should be HTML or html. If the doctype-public parameter is specified, then the output method should output PUBLIC followed by the specified public identifier; if the doctype-system parameter is also specified, it should also output the specified system identifier following the public identifier. If the doctype-system parameter is specified but the doctype-public parameter is not specified, then the output method should output SYSTEM followed by the specified system identifier.

6.7 HTML Output Method: Other Parameters

The media-type parameter is applicable for the html output method.

The normalize-unicode parameter is applicable for the html output method.

The use-character-maps parameter is applicable for the html output method.

7 Text Output Method

The text output method outputs the data model by outputting the string-value of every text node in the data model in document order without any escaping.

A newline character in the data model may be output using any character sequence that is conventionally used to represent a line ending in the chosen system environment.

The media-type parameter is applicable for the text output method.

The encoding parameter identifies the encoding that the text output method should use to convert sequences of characters to sequences of bytes. The default is implementation-defined. If the data model contains a character that cannot be represented in the encoding that the processor is using for output, the implementation should signal a serialization error.

The default encoding for the text output method is implementation-defined.

The unicode-normalization parameter is applicable for the text output method.

The use-character-maps parameter is applicable for the html output method.

8 Character Maps

The use-character-maps parameter is a list of characters and corresponding string substitutions.

Character maps allow a specific character appearing in a text or attribute node in the data model to be substituted by a specified string of characters during serialization. The string that is substituted is output "as is", and the serializer performs no checks that the resulting document is well-formed. This mechanism can therefore be used to introduce arbitrary markup in the serialized output.

Character mapping is applied to the characters that actually appear in a text or attribute node in the data model, before any other serialization operations such as escaping or Unicode normalization are applied. If a character is mapped, then it is not subjected to XML or HTML escaping, nor to Unicode normalization. The string that is substituted for a character is not validated or processed in any way by the serializer, except for translation into the target encoding. In particular, it is not subjected to XML or HTML escaping, it is not subjected to Unicode normalization, and it is not subjected to further character mapping. If the string cannot be represented using the target encoding, the serializer takes the same action as it would if the offending characters appeared directly in the data model.

Character mapping is not applied to characters in text nodes whose parent elements are listed in the cdata-section-elements parameter, nor to characters in attribute values that are subject to the URI escaping defined for the HTML and XHTML output methods, unless URI escaping has been disabled using the escape-uri-attributes parameter in the output definition.

On serialization, occurrences of a character specified in the use-character-maps in text nodes and attribute values are replaced by the corresponding string from the use-character-maps parameter.


Using a character map can result in non-well-formed documents if the string contains XML-significant characters. For example, it is possible to create documents containing unmatched start and end tags, references to entities that are not declared, or attributes that contain tags or unescaped quotation marks.

Character mapping is applied to the characters that actually appear in a text or attribute node in the data model, before any other serialization operations such as escaping or Unicode normalization are applied.

Character mapping is not applied to characters for which output escaping has been disabled (disabling output escaping is an [XSLT 2.0] feature), nor to characters in text nodes whose parent elements are listed in the cdata-section-elements parameter, nor to characters in attribute values that are subject to the URI escaping defined for the HTML and XHTML output methods, unless URI escaping has been disabled using the escape-uri-attributes parameter.

If a character is mapped, then it is not subjected to XML or HTML escaping.

A serialization error occurs if character mapping causes the output of a string containing a character that cannot be represented in the encoding that the processor is using for output. The processor should signal the error.

A References (Normative)

Data Model
World Wide Web Consortium, XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Data Model. See http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-datamodel/.
Functions and Operators
World Wide Web Consortium, XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Functions and Operators. W3C Working Draft. See http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-functions/.
World Wide Web Consortium. HTML 4.01 specification. W3C Recommendation. See http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/.
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority. Character Sets. See http://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets.
N. Freed, J. Postel. IANA Charset Registration Procedures. IETF RFC 2278. See http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2278.txt.
T. Berners-Lee, R. Fielding, and L. Masinter. Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax. IETF RFC 2396. See http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt.
M. Baker, P. Stark. The 'application/xhtml+xml' Media Type. IETF RFC 3236. See http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3236.txt.
Unicode Normalization
Unicode Consortium. Unicode Normalization Forms. Unicode Standard Annex #15. See http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr15/.
World Wide Web Consortium. XHTML 1.0: The Extensible HyperText Markup Language (Second Edition). W3C Recommendation. See http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/.
World Wide Web Consortium. XHTML 1.1: Module-Based XHTML. W3C Recommendation. See http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/.
World Wide Web Consortium. Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Second Edition) W3C Recommendation. See http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-xml-20001006.
XML Names
World Wide Web Consortium. Namespaces in XML. W3C Recommendation. See http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/.
XPath 2.0
World-Wide Web Consortium, XML Path Language (XPath) 2.0. See http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath20/.
XQuery 1.0
World Wide Web Consortium, XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language. See http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery/.
XSLT 2.0
World Wide Web Consortium, XSL Transformations Language (XSLT) Version 2.0. See http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt20/.