XBL - XML Binding Language

W3C Note 23 February 2001

This version:
Latest version:
David Hyatt, (America Online, Inc), [email protected]

Copyright © 2000 Mozilla.org


This note outlines the XML Binding Language. XBL is a markup language for describing bindings that can be attached to elements in other documents. Bindings can be attached to elements using either cascading stylesheets [CSS] or the document object model [DOM]. The element that the binding is attached to, called the bound element, acquires the new behavior specified by the binding.

Bindings can contain event handlers that are registered on the bound element, an implementation of new methods and properties that become accessible from the bound element, and anonymous content that is inserted underneath the bound element.

Status of this Document

This NOTE was submitted to the World Wide Web Consortium (see Submission Request, W3C Staff Comment) on 2001-01-12 with the intention that the W3C use it as a basis for furthering the work on BECSS. For a full list of all acknowledged Submissions, please see Acknowledged Submissions to W3C.

Inquiries from the public about this submission should be directed to the mozilla.org community. The forum most appropriate for discussion of XBL and related matters in the context of Mozilla is the newsgroup netscape.public.mozilla.xbl (which may soon change to mozilla.dev.tech.xbl). The W3C forum most appropriate for discussing this submission is the www-style mailing list.

This document is a NOTE made available by the W3C for discussion only. Publication of this Note by W3C indicates no endorsement by W3C or the W3C Team, or any W3C Members. W3C has had no editorial control over the preparation of this Note. This document is a work in progress and may be updated, replaced, or rendered obsolete by other documents at any time.

A list of current W3C technical documents can be found at the Technical Reports page.


1. XBL Elements
     1.1. The bindings Element
     1.2. The binding Element
     1.3. The content Element
     1.4. The children Element
     1.5. The element Element
     1.6. The implementation Element
     1.7. The method Element
     1.8. The parameter Element
     1.9. The body Element
     1.10. The property Element
     1.11. The getter Element
     1.12. The setter Element
     1.13. The handlers Element
     1.14. The handler Element
     1.15. The script Element
     1.16. The stylesheet Element
2. Binding Attachment and Detachment
     2.1. Attachment using CSS
     2.2. Attachment using the DOM
     2.3. The bindingattached Event
     2.4. The bindingdetached Event
     2.5. Binding Documents
3. DOM Interfaces
     3.1. The DocumentXBL Interface
     3.2. The ElementXBL Interface
4. Anonymous Content
     4.1. Scoping and Access using the DOM
     4.2. Content Generation
         4.2.1. Rules for Generation
         4.2.2. The contentgenerated Event
         4.2.3. The contentdestroyed Event
     4.3. Attribute Forwarding
     4.4. Insertion Points
         4.4.1. <children> and <element>
         4.4.2. Handling DOM Changes
     4.5. Event Flow and Targeting
         4.5.1. Flow and Targeting Across Scopes
         4.5.2. Focus and Blur Events
         4.5.3. Mouseover and Mouseout Events
     4.6. Anonymous Content and CSS
         4.6.1. Selectors and Scopes
         4.6.2. Binding Stylesheets
5. Binding Implementations
     5.1. Methods
     5.2. Properties
     5.3. Inheritance of Implementations
6. Event Handlers
7. Example - Sticky Notes
A. References

1. XBL Elements

1.1. The bindings Element

<!ENTITY % bindings-content "(binding|script|stylesheet)*">
<!ELEMENT bindings %bindings-content;>
<!ATTLIST bindings
   id               ID           #IMPLIED
   type             CDATA        #IMPLIED

The bindings element is the root element of an XBL document. It contains zero or more binding elements as children. Each binding child element defines a unique binding that can be attached to elements in other documents. The bindings element can also contain script and stylesheet elements as children. These specify scripts and stylesheets that are used by the bindings.

<bindings xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/xbl">
  <binding id="binding1">
  <binding id="binding2">
The id attribute is a document-unique identifier. The value of this identifier is often used to manipulate the element through a DOM interface (e.g., using document.getElementById).
The type attribute specifies the scripting language used by all bindings in the document. Bindings can selectively override this default by specifying type attributes of their own.

1.2. The binding Element

<!ENTITY % binding-content "(content?,implementation?,handlers?)">
<!ELEMENT binding %binding-content;>
<!ATTLIST binding
   id                     ID             #REQUIRED
   extends                CDATA          #IMPLIED
   display                CDATA          #IMPLIED

The binding element describes a single XBL binding that dynamically binds new information to XML elements in other documents. Each binding has three optional components.

Content: A binding can specify new content that is placed under the bound element. This content is anonymous and is hidden from the bound element's DOM.

Methods and Properties: A binding can specify additional methods that can be invoked on the element. It can also specify additional properties that can be retrieved or set on the element. In this way the functionality of the bound element becomes extensible.

Behavior: A binding can specify event handlers for specific actions like key and mouse events that can make use of the new functionality applied in the binding.

The id attribute is a document-unique identifier. For the binding element, this attribute is required, since it is used to uniquely identify a binding.
The extends attribute is used to specify the URL of a binding that this binding inherits from. The URL specifies a particular binding document. The # notation must be used to point to a specific binding id within a binding document.

1.3. The content Element

<!ELEMENT content ANY>
<!ATTLIST content
   id                  ID           #IMPLIED
   applyauthorsheets   false        #IMPLIED

The content element contains child nodes that can be in any namespace. The subtree specified by the content element is referred to as the anonymous content template. When a binding is attached and if the conditions specified by the template are met, the content element's child nodes are cloned and inserted into the bound document under the bound element. Because the nodes are hidden from their parent and exist outside the normal document tree, they are referred to as anonymous content.

The id attribute is a document-unique identifier.
The applyauthorsheets attribute indicates whether or not rules in author style sheets associated with the bound element's document apply to the anonymous content generated by the binding. If omitted, a value of false is assumed. See section 4.6 for more information.

1.4. The children Element

<!ELEMENT children EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST children
   id                 ID                           #IMPLIED
   includes           CDATA                        #IMPLIED
   type               (explicit|inherited)         explicit
   applybindingsheets false                        #IMPLIED

The children element is used inside anonymous content to specify insertion points for explicit content that might already exist underneath the bound element or for anonymous content generated by the base binding. As far as the presentation model is concerned, any anonymous content the binding places between the bound element and the insertion point is interleaved between the bound element and its explicit children without affecting the document model.

See section 4.4 for more information.

The id attribute is a document-unique identifier.
The includes attribute can be used to indicate that only certain content should be placed at the insertion point specified by the children element. Its value is an XPath selector as described in the XPath 1.0 specification. For the purposes of the evaluation, the bound element is treated as the context node. If the selector evaluates to anything other than a node set, it is ignored. A child can only be placed within the insertion point if it is matched by the XPath selector. Only immediate children are matched against the selector.
The type attribute can be used to indicate the type of the insertion point. There are two types of insertion points. An explicit insertion point is for the explicit children of the bound element only. An inherited insertion point is used to specify that anonymous content from the base binding can be generated and placed at the insertion point.
The applybindingsheets attribute indicates whether or not style sheets loaded from an XBL document are applied to a bound element's explicit children (in addition to the bound element itself) that are inserted below this insertion point. If omitted, a value of false is assumed. See section 4.6 for more information.

1.5. The element Element

<!ELEMENT element ANY>
<!ATTLIST element
   id               ID           #IMPLIED

The element tag specifies the position of the bound element within the anonymous content of a binding. Normally anonymous content is generated underneath the bound element. If the element tag is used inside anonymous content it indicates the position at which the bound element should be placed relative to its anonymous content. This allows anonymous content ancestors to be generated by the binding (in addition to children).

If no element tag is specified, all anonymous content is generated underneath the bound element.

The id attribute is a document-unique identifier.

1.6. The implementation Element

<!ENTITY % implementation-content "(method|property)*">
<!ELEMENT implementation %implementation-content;>
<!ATTLIST implementation
   id               ID           #IMPLIED
   name             CDATA        #IMPLIED
   implements       CDATA        #IMPLIED
   type             CDATA        #IMPLIED

The implementation element describes a set of methods and properties that are attached to the bound element. Once the binding is attached, these methods and properties can be invoked directly from the bound element.

The id attribute is a document-unique identifier.
The name attribute can be used to provide a specific name for an implementation. This name can then be used to reference the implementation. For example, in Javascript the value of this attribute represents the name of the corresponding class that is constructed for the implementation. If no name attribute is specified then the binding's document URI and id are used to uniquely reference the binding's implementation.
The implements attribute can be used to describe a set of interfaces that are implemented by the binding. Its value is a comma-separated list of named interfaces. If supported, in strongly typed languages the bound element can be referenced not only as any of the interfaces that the element might already support (e.g., HTMLElement) but also as any of the interfaces described by this attribute. Support of this capability is optional.
The type attribute indicates the language used to describe the methods and properties of the implementation, e.g., text/javascript.

1.7. The method Element

<!ENTITY % method-content "(parameter*,body?)">
<!ELEMENT method %method-content;>
<!ATTLIST method
   id               ID           #IMPLIED
   name             CDATA        #REQUIRED
   type             CDATA        #IMPLIED

The method element is used to describe a single method of a binding implementation.

<method name="scrollTo">
  <parameter name="index"/>
    this.setAttribute("scrollpos", index);
The id attribute is a document-unique identifier.
The name attribute's value is the name given to the method when it is attached to the bound element. The method can be invoked directly from the bound element using this value.
The type attribute indicates the language used for the body of the method, e.g., text/javascript.

1.8. The parameter Element

<!ELEMENT parameter EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST parameter
   id               ID           #IMPLIED
   name             CDATA        #REQUIRED

The parameter element is used inside a method element. It represents a single parameter of a method.

[Editor's Note: Should we support the capability to specify types? Assuming that only dynamic scripting languages are used, this may not be a requirement.]

The id attribute is a document-unique identifier.
The value of the name attribute is used by script within a method's body element to reference this parameter.

1.9. The body Element

<!ATTLIST body
   id               ID           #IMPLIED

The body element represents the implementation of its corresponding method. Its contents are the script that is executed when the method is invoked.

The id attribute is a document-unique identifier.

1.10. The property Element

<!ENTITY % property-content "(getter?,setter?)|#PCDATA">
<!ELEMENT property %property-content;>
<!ATTLIST property
   id               ID                  #IMPLIED
   name             CDATA               #REQUIRED
   readonly         (true|false)        #IMPLIED
   onget            CDATA               #IMPLIED
   onset            CDATA               #IMPLIED
   element          IDREF               #IMPLIED
   attribute        CDATA               #IMPLIED
   property         CDATA               #IMPLIED 
   type             CDATA               #IMPLIED

The property element represents a single property of an implementation. Properties come in two flavors. One type of property consists of a pair of getter/setter functions that can be defined using onget/onset attributes or getter/setter elements underneath the property element. The other type of property is a raw value whose initial value can be specified with a script contained underneath the property element. Like methods, once the binding is attached, the property can be obtained directly from the bound element.

The id attribute is a document-unique identifier.
The name of the property. This is the name used to refer to the property on the bound element.
The readonly attribute is used to designate a property as read-only. If set to true, the value of the property cannot be altered. If this attribute is omitted, the property will be readable and writable.
The onget attribute's value is a script that executes when the value of the property is requested. If this attribute is set, any initial value contained underneath the element will be ignored. The return value of the script represents the value of the property that will be returned to the requestor. A property getter can also be specified as a child of the property element using the getter tag.
The onset attribute's value is a script that executes when the value of the property is being altered. If this attribute is set, any initial value contained underneath the element will be ignored. Within the script, the parameter val represents the new value being assigned. The script should always return the actual value assigned in order to allow for chained assignment operations. A property setter can also be specified as a child of the property element using a setter tag.
The element attribute's value is the ID of an anonymous element generated by one of the bindings attached to the bound element. When this attribute is set, any getters and setters defined are ignored. Instead whenever the property is set on the bound element, a corresponding property or attribute is set on the anonymous element. Whenever the property is retrieved, it is obtained from the corresponding property or attribute on the anonymous element.
Used in conjunction with the element attribute, the property attribute links the property named by the attribute to the property specifed on the bound element. Its value is used when the bound element's property is accessed, and its value is set when the bound element's property is set.
Used in conjunction with the element attribute, this attribute links the specified attribute to the property specifed on the bound element. Its value is obtained when the bound element's property is accessed, and its value is set when the bound element's property is set.
The type attribute indicates the language used to describe the getters/setters for the property or the initial value of the property, e.g., text/javascript.

1.11. The getter Element

<!ATTLIST getter
   id               ID                  #IMPLIED
   type             CDATA               #IMPLIED

The getter element wraps a script for retrieving a specific property. It is always the child of a property element. The type attribute on the enclosing implementation element determines the language of the script.

The id attribute is a document-unique identifier.
The type attribute indicates the language used to describe the getter.

1.12. The setter Element

<!ATTLIST setter
   id               ID                  #IMPLIED
   type             CDATA               #IMPLIED

The setter element wraps a script that is invoked when a specific property is set. It is always the child of a property element. The type attribute on the enclosing implementation element determines the language of the script. Inside the script, the parameter val represents the value being assigned into the property.

The id attribute is a document-unique identifier.
The type attribute indicates the language used to describe the setter.

1.13. The handlers Element

<!ENTITY % handlers-content "handler*">
<!ELEMENT handlers %handlers-content;>
<!ATTLIST handlers
   id               ID                  #IMPLIED
   type             CDATA               #IMPLIED

The handlers element contains event handlers that can be attached to elements within the bound document. These handlers are installed when the binding is attached and removed when the binding is detached.

The id attribute is a document-unique identifier.
The value of the type attribute is the language used by all scripts specified in the child handler elements.

1.14. The handler Element

<!ENTITY % handler-content "PCDATA">
<!ELEMENT handler %handler-content;>
<!ATTLIST handler
   id               ID                                  #IMPLIED
   event            NMREF                               #REQUIRED
   action           CDATA                               #IMPLIED
   phase            (capturing|bubbling|target)         #IMPLIED
   attachto         (element|document|window)           element
   button           (1|2|3)                             #IMPLIED
   modifiers        CDATA                               #IMPLIED
   keycode          CDATA                               #IMPLIED
   charcode         CDATA                               #IMPLIED
   type             CDATA                               #IMPLIED

The handler element describes a single event handler. This handler is attached to its target at the time the binding is attached and unhooked when the binding is detached from the bound element. It wraps a script that is executed when the event handler is matched.

The id attribute is a document-unique identifier.
The event attribute describes the specific event that this handler is listening for. Its value can be any legal DOM event name (including custom events created using the DocumentEvent interface of the DOM).
The action attribute contains script that is invoked when the handler fires. The type attribute on the enclosing handlers element determines the language of the script. The handler script can also be specified as a child of the handler element.
This attribute specifies the phase of the event flow that this handler should monitor. The possible values are capturing, bubbling, and target. If a phase is specified, the handler will only be invoked during that phase of the event handling process. If no phase is specified, a default of bubbling is assumed.
The attachto attribute specifies the DOM event receiver that the handler should be registered with. Possible values are element, document, and window. A value of element indicates that the handler should be attached to the bound element. A value of document specifies the bound document as a target. A value of window represents the window that encloses the bound document. If this attribute is omitted, the handler attaches itself to the bound element.

[Editor's Note: Should window be mentioned in the spec? The DOM makes no mention of windows.]

The button attribute imposes a filter on the handler. It is used with mouse handlers to specify a particular button. The event handler will only be matched if the value of the button field in the DOM mouse event object matches the value of the attribute.
The modifiers attribute imposes a filter on key and mouse handlers. Its value is a comma-separated list of modifier keys. Allowed keys that can be specified are shift, alt, control, meta, accel and access. If present in the list, then the modifier key must be set in the DOM event object in order for the handler to be matched. If the handler is filtered and the modifier is not present in the list, then the modifier key must not be set in the DOM event object in order for the handler to be matched. The accel value provides a hint to the user agent that the platform's primary accelerator key should be used. It is left up to the user agent to decide which modifier key represents the primary key. The access value provides a hint to the user agent that the platform's primary shortcut mnemonic key should be used.
The keycode attribute imposes a filter on key handlers. Its value is a key identifier for a specific keycode, e.g., vk_enter.

[Editor's Note: A forthcoming DOM events specification will presumably outline the list of valid keycode strings.]

If this attribute is present, then its value must match the keycode field of the DOM key event object in order for the handler to fire.

The charcode attribute imposes a filter on key handlers. Its value is a single character, e.g., "z". If this attribute is present, then its value must match the charcode field of the DOM key event object in order for the handler to fire.

[Editor's Note: As DOM Events mature more attributes may be added. For example, mutation events define several new fields such as relatedTarget that could be supported in the filtering syntax.]

The value of the type attribute is the language used for the script specified in the handler element.

1.15. The script Element

The script element is equivalent to its HTML counterpart. The supported attributes and content can be found here. The way in which the script block gets applied, however, is different. The element defines a script that is evaluated by a given document (e.g., an HTML document) the first time a binding in the XBL file is attached to a bound element in the document. The script is always evaluated only once per document.

1.16. The stylesheet Element

The stylesheet element supports the same attributes as the xml-stylesheet processing instruction with the exception of the title and alternate attributes. It is used to specify a stylesheet that can be applied to anonymous content generated by bindings and to bound elements and explicit children in documents that use the bindings. A distinction is made in XBL between stylesheets loaded through this tag that are intended to style elements in other documents and the xml-stylesheet processing instruction, which only indicates a stylesheet that is applied should the XBL document itself be presented.

2. Binding Attachment and Detachment

2.1. Attachment using CSS

Bindings can be attached to elements through CSS using the binding property.

Value:  none | [<uri>,]* <uri> | inherit
Initial Value:  none
Applies to:   all elements (not generated content or pseudo-elements)
Inherited:  no
Percentages:  N/A

The value of the binding property is a set of URLs that identify specific bindings. An individual URL in the set consists of the binding document's URL and the binding's document-unique identifier.

In the following example, a binding is referenced that will be attached to all HTML checkbox elements.

input[type="checkbox"] {
  binding: url("http://www.mozilla.org/xbl/htmlBindings.xml#checkbox");

Bindings attached through CSS will only remain on the bound element as long as the element continues to match the style rule. If at any time a resolution of style on the element determines that a different binding should be attached, the old binding (and all bindings that it explicitly extends in its inheritance chain) will be detached.

Whenever an element is removed from a document, any bindings attached via CSS loaded by the document will be detached.

2.2. Attachment using the DOM

Bindings can be attached to elements through the DOM using the DocumentXBL interface. The method addBinding takes an element and a binding URL and attaches the binding to the element.

var checkbox = document.getElementById("mycheckbox");

This attachment is not necessarily synchronous. Scripts that invoke this method should not assume that the binding is installed immediately after this method returns. See 2.5 Binding Documents for more information.

When a binding is attached using the DOM, it inherits from the current most derived binding that may already be attached to the element. Any bindings attached to an element using the addBinding method will remain on the element until the element is destroyed or a corresponding removeBinding call is made.

If a binding is attached using addBinding and it already specifies an inherited binding using the extends attribute, then the base binding at the end of the inheritance chain is the one that will inherit from the most derived binding that is already attached.

For example, given a binding d1, with an explicit inheritance chain of

d1 -> d2 -> d3

If this element is attached to an element using addBinding that already has a binding chain of

s1 -> s2 -> s3

the resulting binding chain following the addition of the binding is

d1 -> d2 -> d3 -> s1 -> s2 -> s3

The inheritance between d3 and s1 is implicit, meaning that there is no connection in the XBL documents between the two bindings. The inheritance link has been forged dynamically through the invocation of the addBinding method.

2.3. The bindingattached Event

As a document is loaded and style rules are matched for elements, any binding documents that are encountered will load as needed. Binding document loads suppress the firing of the DOM load event for the bound document. When the load event fires, and if all binding documents loaded successfully, it can be assumed that all bindings are attached to all elements in the page. For elements that are created during or after the load event is fired, no assumptions can be made regarding order of binding attachment.

When a binding is attached, the following events occur:

If the binding needs to execute any initialization code following its attachment to an element, it can do so using a bindingattached handler. This handler contains script that executes upon completion of the binding attachment. bindingattached handlers can only be attached directly to bound elements. If an attachto attribute is specified on a bindingattached handler, it will be ignored.

bindingattached handlers for bound elements constructed prior to the completion of the bound document load will be executed before the load event of the bound document fires. When a binding is attached that extends another binding, the bindingattached handler of the base binding executes first, and then the derived binding's handler executes.

For bindings attached prior to the firing of the load event, the following partial order applies: for any bound element, the bindingattached handlers for all the descendants of that element will execute before the bindingattached handler on the bound element executes. In the script for the handler, the author can thus guarantee that all children of the bound element are fully initialized. After the load event fires, however, this partial order is no longer guaranteed.

[Editor's Note: A recent idea is to replace bindingattached (and bindingdetached) with a <constructor> (and matching <destructor>) element. That would remove the need for any special XBL-only events.]

2.4. The bindingdetached Event

Bindings attached through CSS are detached when any of the following conditions are met:

Bindings attached through the DOM are detached when the following conditions are met:

When a binding is detached, the following events occur:

A binding can specify a bindingdetached handler that executes prior to the binding detachment. Using a bindingdetached handler, a binding can perform any necessary cleanup before it is torn down.

Bindings in an inheritance chain are always detached from the most derived binding to the base. Therefore the bindingdetached handler of the derived binding will execute, and then the base binding's handler will execute.

When bindings attached through style are detached because of a style change, they have no effect on any other bindings attached using the DOM. Those bindings will stay installed. If new bindings are attached through CSS, they are installed after the DOM bindings in the inheritance chain.

For example, given a bound element with a binding chain of

d1 -> d2 -> d3 -> s1 -> s2 -> s3

with s1 representing the binding attached via CSS. If a resolution of style on the bound element determines that a new binding t should be attached, then the following binding chain is detached:

s1 -> s2 -> s3

and the new binding is attached. The final inheritance chain is:

d1 -> d2 -> d3 -> t

When bindings are detached using removeBinding, any base bindings that were attached through the extends attribute on the binding will also be removed. In other words, a call to removeBinding will remove the same group of bindings that were installed via the original call to addBinding.

The rule for detachment can be summarized as follows. Whenever a binding is detached, all bindings that it explicitly inherits from are also detached.

A binding attached through CSS cannot be removed using removeBinding.

2.5. Binding Documents

Whenever a binding is attached to an element in another document, the binding document is only fetched if no binding from the binding document has been used before in the bound document. A given bound document has a unique copy of each separate binding document that it uses.

All bindings from the same binding document URL that are used in a bound document will share the same binding document. Therefore if all the bindings in a chain come from binding documents that have already been loaded by the bound document, then the attachment of a binding (either through CSS or through the DOM) is guaranteed to be synchronous.

An author can ensure that all bindings are synchronously attached by calling loadBindingDocument to pre-fetch any XBL documents that are required. If the binding document is loaded prior to the firing of the load event, then any binding attachments that are placed following the load will be synchronous if they come from one of these previously loaded binding documents.

The document obtained from loadBindingDocument is a copy of the binding document that is unique to the bound document. The bindings in the binding document can be modified using standard DOM APIs. Any subsequent binding attachments that occur on elements in the bound document for bindings in the binding document use the modified copy. Therefore new binding definitions can be generated dynamically or the anonymous content templates for bindings can be altered and used by the bound document.

3. DOM Interfaces

3.1. The DocumentXBL Interface

The DocumentXBL interface contains methods for loading and obtaining binding documents. The interface is implemented by DOM documents that support XBL.

IDL Definition
interface DocumentXBL {
  Document loadBindingDocument(in DOMString documentURL);
  readonly attribute NamedNodeMap bindingDocuments; 

The bindingDocuments property is a NamedNodeMap of all binding documents loaded by the bound document. Documents are referenced using their URLs.

The loadBindingDocument method can be used to synchronously obtain the specified binding document for use within a particular document (the one on which the loadBindingDocument method was invoked). The binding document can then be modified programmatically using the DOM. Any subsequent bindings that are attached to elements within the document will be constructed from the modified binding document.

documentURL of type DOMString
The URL of a binding document.

Return Value
The return value of loadBindingDocument is the binding document used by the calling document to attach bindings that are defined in the binding document.

3.2. The ElementXBL Interface

The ElementXBL interface contains methods for accessing anonymous content and for obtaining anonymous parents in the altered model. The interface is implemented by DOM elements that support XBL.

IDL Definition
interface ElementXBL {
  readonly attribute NodeList xblChildNodes; 
  readonly attribute Element bindingOwner;
  readonly attribute Element anonymousParent;
  void addBinding(in DOMString bindingURL);
  void removeBinding(in DOMString bindingURL);

The xblChildNodes property is a NodeList that represents the true children of the element after insertion points and element tags have been applied. This property can be used to navigate the content model according to XBL after bindings have moved explicit and anonymous children using element and children tags.

The bindingOwner property is used to obtain the bound element with the binding attached that is responsible for the generation of the specified anonymous node. This property enables an author to determine the scope of any content node. When content at the document-level scope is passed in as an argument, the property's value is null. See section 4.1 for more information.

The anonymousParent property's value is the anonymous parent for an element that was placed underneath an insertion point using the children element in XBL or for a bound element that was repositioned using the element tag. When an element that was not repositioned is passed in as an argument, the property's value is null.

The addBinding method attaches the specified binding (and any bindings that the binding inherits from) to an element. This call is not necessarily synchronous. The binding may not be attached yet when the call completes. See section 2.2 for more information.

bindingURL of type DOMString
A URI that specifies the location of a specific binding to attach.

No Return Value

The removeBinding method detaches the specified binding (and any bindings that the binding inherits from explicitly using the extends attribute) from the element. See section 2.4 for more information.

bindingURL of type DOMString
A URI that specifies the location of a specific binding to detach.

No Return Value

4. Anonymous Content

A binding can specify an anonymous content template using the content element. This template describes a content tree that will be generated under the bound element during binding attachment. An element declared in a bound document using a single tag can then be constructed out of multiple child elements, and this implementation is hidden from the bound document.

For example, the HTML file upload control appears in most browsers as a composite widget consisting of a text field and a button. A sample XBL binding for the file widget might look as follows:

<binding id="fileupload">
    <html:input type="text"/>
    <html:input type="button"/>

Because this content is not visible to its parent element, it is said to be anonymous content.

4.1. Scoping and Access Using the DOM

When a binding is attached and certain conditions are met, the children of the binding's content element are cloned. Elements and attributes in the XBL namespace are never cloned. For content generated underneath the bound element, the topmost nodes' parentNode pointers are set to the bound element. When anonymous content elements are built above the bound element, the topmost elements' parentNode pointers are set to the bound element's parentNode. All anonymous nodes' ownerDocument pointers are set to the bound document at the time of generation.

In effect the anonymous content exists in its own insulated pocket within the document. Using parentNode, anonymous content nodes can refer to their explicit parents, but explicit parents have no knowledge of their anonymous children. The anonymous content is not accessible via the childNodes list for the bound element, nor is it accessible using firstChild/nextSibling to iterate over the children of the bound element.

Anonymous content introduces the concept of scope to nodes within a document. Because anonymous content elements can also have bindings attached that generate their own anonymous content, this scoping can be taken to an arbitrary level of nesting.

Explicit content is said to be at the document-level scope. Anonymous content nodes are in their own binding-level scopes. Binding scopes are determined by the bound element that contains the binding responsible for the generation of the anonymous nodes.

The scope of an element can be determined using the getBindingParent method on the DocumentXBL interface. See section 3 for more information. This method returns the bound element in the enclosing scope that is responsible for the anonymous node. If invoked on an element at the document-level scope, it returns null.

DOM methods that can be invoked on elements (e.g., getElementsByTagName) will only see nodes that are in the same scope. Methods invoked on the document (e.g., getElementById) only see nodes that are at the document-level scope.

4.2. Content Generation

4.2.1. Rules for Generation

Whenever bindings are attached to an element, anonymous content will potentially be generated or destroyed. When a new binding is attached, the bindings in its explicit chain are checked to see if any have anonymous content templates. The most derived binding in the chain with a template is the one used to determine if anonymous content should be generated.

Anonymous content is only generated from a template if there are insertion points defined within the template for all the explicit content found underneath the bound element at the time the check for generation is made. If the binding specifies no insertion points for explicit content, then anonymous content will only be constructed if the bound element has no explicit children.

Assuming that all explicit children have valid insertion points, the anonymous content is generated underneath the bound element. The binding responsible for the generation is referred to as the primary generating binding. Whenever the primary generating binding changes on a bound element, all anonymous nodes in the scope of the bound element are destroyed.

4.2.2. The contentgenerated Event

Whenever content is built from a binding's template, a contentgenerated event fires. A binding can specify a contentgenerated handler that contains script to be executed after the binding has generated content.

Content generation handlers fire whenever the primary generating binding changes and it is determined that the binding should generate content under the bound element. The handlers for a binding chain always fire from the base binding down to the most derived binding. No handlers fire until the content from all bindings in the chain has been generated.

4.2.3. The contentdestroyed Event

Whenever the primary generating binding changes (either to another binding or to nothing at all), and if anonymous content is already currently in place under the bound element, that content is destroyed. Prior to the destruction of the content, a contentdestroyed event is fired.

The handlers execute from the most derived binding up to the base binding in the chain. All handlers fire before any content is actually destroyed. At the time the handlers fire, the primary generating binding has not yet changed.

4.3. Attribute Forwarding

Attributes on anonymous content elements can be tied to attributes on the bound element. Whenever the attribute is set or removed on the bound element, the corresponding attribute on the anonymous content is also set or removed. On any anonymous content element in a template, an inherits attribute can be used to specify a comma-separated list of attributes that should be inherited. Attributes with namespaces can be defined using a namespace prefix and the attribute name separate by a colon.

For example, on the HTML file upload control, the anonymous textfield can be set up to automatically inherit the value attribute from the bound element.

<xbl:binding id="fileUploadControl">
    <html:input type="text" xbl:inherits="value"/>
    <html:input type="button" value="Browse..."/>

Each entry in the inherits list can either simply list an attribute (such as value in the example above), or it can specify an =-separated pair consisting of the attribute on the anonymous content that should be tied to the attribute on the bound element. The anonymous content attribute is listed first.

The special value xbl:text can be used in an = separated pair, where the prefix defined is the XBL namespace. When specified on the left-hand side of the pair it indicates that the attribute on the right-hand side should be stored as text nodes underneath the anonymous element. When used on the right-hand side, it indicates that any raw text nodes that are explicit children of the bound element should be coalesced and the resulting value should be stored as the attribute on the left-hand side.

The xbl:text value cannot occur by itself in the list. It may be used only in an = separated pair.

Note that the inherits attribute is never cloned when content is generated from a template.

4.4. Insertion Points

4.4.1. <children> and <element>

XBL bindings can interleave anonymous content between bound elements and their explicit children. They do so using XBL children tags and the XBL element tag. Any number of children tags may be used in a binding's anonymous content template. The location at which a children tag occurs is called an insertion point.

There are two types of insertion points: explicit and inherited. Explicit insertion points specify locations at which the explicit children of a bound element are inserted. Explicit insertion points are only used if they are found on the primary generating binding. Explicit insertion points on other bindings are ignored.

Inherited insertion points are used to place the anonymous content generated by the next binding in the chain that contributes anonymous content. That binding can define inherited insertion points for its base binding as well. This pattern continues all the way up the binding chain.

XPath selectors specified using the includes attribute determine which insertion point a given child should be placed under. If no attribute is specified, an insertion point is considered generic and will match on all content.

The insertion point used for a given piece of content is the first encountered with a selector whose node set matches the element when doing a depth-first walk of the content template.

Any number of <element> tags may also be present. The <element> element represents an anonymous clone of the bound element. This exists so that anonymous content can conceptually decorate the bound element as well as fill it. It also bears an inherits attribute, with a default value of "*", to indicate attribute forwarding for the anonymous copy of the element.

Under no circumstances can the element generated in place of the <element> element itself be a bound element.

Note that element and children elements are never cloned when content is generated from a template. Similarly for any attributes in the XBL namespace, such as xbl:inherits.

[Editor's Note: A possible extension to this is that if the insertion point is empty, then default content specified under the <children> element could be cloned and placed at the insertion point.]

4.4.2. Handling DOM Changes

Insertion points continue to be used as elements are inserted or removed from the DOM. Whenever an element is inserted or appended, all insertion points are checked following all the same rules that applied when first placing explicit children during anonymous content generation. If no insertion point is found for the newly-inserted child, then the binding is no longer a fit for the bound element, and all anonymous content will be destroyed.

Whenever an element is removed, it simply disappears from its insertion point along with all anonymous content that was generated by the element.

It is possible to manipulate the anonymous content contained underneath a bound element using standard DOM APIs. If anonymous content that contains an insertion point is removed, then any explicit children found underneath the insertion point are relocated to any other insertion points that match. Again, if all the children cannot be relocated, then the anonymous content is destroyed.

[Editor's Note: Should there be an API for retrieving insertion points, for dynamically creating new insertion points, or for removing insertion points? Perhaps on ElementXBL?]

4.5. Event Flow and Targeting

4.5.1. Flow and Targeting Across Scopes

DOM events can fire on anonymous targets just as they can on explicit targets. As long as the event flows within the same scope, it is no different from the behavior outlined in the DOM Level 2 Events specification.

Events flow through the final transformed content model after all elements have been repositioned through the usage of children and element tags.

Whenever events flow from an anonymous element in a bound element's scope to the bound element itself, one of two actions occurs. Either the event is retargeted so that the bound element becomes the target, or the event is stopped and flow proceeds to the next phase. Whenever an event is retargeted, the target field of the event is set to the bound element. The original anonymous content responsible for the event can be obtained from a new field of the event object: originalTarget.

The action taken (retarget vs. stop) is specific to the event type. In general, UI events are retargeted and mutation events are stopped. Exceptions to the rule are noted below.

4.5.2. Focus and Blur Events

When a focus or blur event crosses a scope boundary, the bound element is checked to see if it is focusable, i.e., if the user agent would normally fire a focus or blur event on the element. If the bound element is focusable, then the event is retargeted. If not, then the event is stopped. If anonymous content underneath a focusable bound element blurs and anonymous content also underneath the bound element takes focus, then the blur and focus events are both stopped. As far as the bound element is concerned, it retains focus throughout the two events.

Anonymous content can receive focus when the user tabs through the document. The same rules apply. If the anonymous content is focusable, it can be tabbed into, but if the bound element is not focusable, the event will be stopped before it reaches the bound element.

In HTML4 the tabindex attribute can be used to specify the tab order for focusable elements. This attribute can be specified on anonymous content. Each scope has a unique tab order. The tabindex values used in one scope are ignored by other scopes.

As an example, consider the HTML file upload control. It is a focusable element that in turn is made up of two focusable anonymous elements: a textfield and a button. Tab indices can be specified on the textfield and the button to dictate the order in which the components of the file control should be accessed when tabbing.

When the user tabs such that the file control should become focused, the user agent determines if any anonymous content should also become focused, using the tab order specified by the anonymous content elements. It then generates a focus event on the textfield inside the file control. As this event flows across scopes, it is retargeted to be a focus event on the file control itself.

Focus events should also be stopped if the bound element is already focused. For example, if the user has already focused the textfield within an HTML file upload control, then the file upload control is now also focused. If the user then focuses the button inside the file upload control, the focus event generated for the button is stopped before it reaches the file control, since the file control is already focused.

Because content in multiple scopes can be focused, the CSS :focus pseudo-element is hierarchical. Style rules can be written with the assumption that they will match (in the above example) both the file control and the element focused inside the file control. In other words, an arbitrary chain of elements can be in the :focus state at the same time.

4.5.3. Mouseover and Mouseout Events

Mouseover and mouseout events are retargeted if the mouse genuinely enters or exits the bound element (in addition to entering or exiting some anonymous content). If, however, the user has simply moved the mouse from one anonymous element to another, without entering or exiting the bound element itself, then the event is stopped.

For example, if the user enters the HTML file upload control from the left, a mouseover event is generated for the anonymous textfield. Because this event also constitutes a mouseover of the file control itself, the event is retargeted when it flows across scopes. If the user then moves the mouse from the textfield to the button, a mouseout is generated for the textfield, followed by a mouseover of the button.

Since neither of these events constitutes a mouseover or mouseout of the file control itself, the events are not allowed to flow to the file control. If the user continues moving to the right and leaves the button, then the mouseout generated will be retargeted, since the file control will also have been exited.

4.6. Anonymous Content and CSS

4.6.1. Selectors and Scopes

Bindings can interleave anonymous elements between the bound element and its explicit children. See 4.4. Insertion Points for more information. In this situation, a new tree emerges that is different from the explicit content node tree. In addition to having a single explicit parent (the bound element) the explicit children also have an arbitrary set of anonymous parents (created by bindings when child insertion points or element tags were used). Child, descendant and sibling selectors will match on any path of anonymous and explicit elements.

As far as CSS is concerned, anonymous content nodes are children (or descendants) of the bound element, they are ancestors of explicit content, and they are siblings of the explicit content. Style rules using the child, descendant or sibling selectors transparently cross binding scopes and operate on the altered and original content models.

The final modified content tree determines how CSS properties (e.g., fonts and colors) are inherited. An element either ends up underneath its explicit parent (just as in the content model), or it ends up being nested through a series of insertion points. When nested, it inherits from the innermost anonymous parent.

4.6.2. Binding Stylesheets

A binding file can load stylesheets using the stylesheet element. By default these stylesheets apply to the bound element and to all anonymous content generated by all bindings attached to the bound element. These sheets have the same origin as the sheet with the rule responsible for the binding. Stylesheets loaded by bindings that are attached using the DOM are treated as author-level sheets.

[Editor's Note: Binding inheritance complicates this cascade, since an author-level DOM binding could inherit from a user-level binding. If both load sheets, what level do those sheets belong to in the cascade?]

Sheets are always walked from the innermost scope to the outermost scope. With this ordering a binding that defines a widget can define a default look for the widget that can then be easily overridden by a client of the widget. For multiple bindings attached to the same element, the sheets are walked from the base binding down to the most derived binding.

Bindings can fine-tune the control of the stylesheet scoping with two attributes. The first, applyauthorsheets, indicates whether or not author sheets defined at outer scopes affect the anonymous content generated by the binding. For the primary generating binding only, this attribute is checked to see if any author sheets at outer levels of scoping should be applied to the anonymous content generated by the bindings attached to the bound element. If this attribute is set, the rules specified in any author sheets at outer scopes are not walked.

By default, stylesheets specified in bindings files are applied only to the bound element and to anonymous content generated by bindings attached to the element. A second attribute, applybindingsheets can be used to indicate that all children of the bound element, both anonymous and explicit, can be styled by the sheets in the binding's document. This can be controlled on a per-insertion-point basis.

User agent sheets and user sheets are always applied to all scopes.

5. Binding Implementations

Bindings can define methods and properties on a bound element using the implementation tag. A binding implementation provides a new set of methods and properties that can be invoked directly from the bound element.

The methods and properties of an implementation can be defined declaratively using method and property tags in XML.

5.1. Methods

Methods are defined using the method element. The name given on the tag using the name attribute is the name that can be used to invoke the method on the element. A method with parameters specifies those parameters and their names with parameter elements declared underneath the method element.

The implementation of the method is contained inside a body element. The parameters specified are bound to their names in the method body.

<method name="scrollToIndex">
  <parameter name="index"/>
      if (index < 0)

5.2. Properties

Properties can also be defined on the bound element using property tags. There are two basic types of properties. The first type of property is a raw value that is set directly on the element itself. The second type of property is one that defines functions that are invoked when the property is either retrieved or set. These functions are called getters and setters in XBL.

For properties with raw values, an initial value can be specified as a child of the property tag. The script is evaluated at the time of binding attachment and the resulting value is stored on the element. It can be assumed that the anonymous content of the binding has been fully constructed, although the bindingattached event will not have fired. Property initialization always takes place after content generation but before the firing of a binding attachment event, since the bindingattached handler needs to be able to assume that all properties will be accessible on the binding.

Properties with getters and setters can define them using onget and onset attributes, or using the more verbose getter and setter elements. If both the attribute form and the element form are used to specify a getter or setter, then the element form is ignored.

A getter contains script whose return value is handed back when the property is requested. A setter contains a script that is invoked when a new value is assigned to the property. In script, the word val is used to represent the new value. A setter should also return val as a result in order to allow for chained assignment (e.g., a = this.b = c;) operations to succeed.

Properties can be designated as constant using the readonly attribute. When set to true, the property's value cannot be altered. If a property is readonly and a setter is defined, then the setter is ignored.

Properties also support a shorthand syntax for defining getters and setters that forward requests or assignments to an anonymous content element. The element attribute specifies the ID of anonymous content underneath the bound element that should be used when obtained the property or setting the property.

On the anonymous content element, the property can be obtained either from an attribute on the element or from a property on the element. The property attribute's value specifies the name of a property to use on the anonymous content element. The attribute attribute specifies the name of an attribute to use on the anonymous content element. If either of these attributes is specified on the property element, then any defined getters and setters are ignored. A raw initial value is also ignored. If both a property and attribute are specified, then the property takes precedence and the attribute is ignored.

5.3. Inheritance of Implementations

When two bindings in an inheritance chain both supply implementations, the derived binding's implementation inherits from the base binding's implementation. Method and property lookups are dynamic. Without disambiguating, if two bindings define the same method or property, then the most derived binding's method or property will be used.

Because bindings extend DOM elements, they can override any built-in methods or properties on the DOM element. For example, a binding could override the setAttribute method on Element or the retrieval of the value property for an HTMLInputElement.

Implementations can be named using a name attribute specified on the implementation element. When an implementation has a name, that name can be used to disambiguate the desired method or property.

[Editor's Note: The following paragraphs suggest a syntax for how JavaScript might enable access to base class methods and properties. This is an open issue. Should we attempt to define a language-independent abstraction, or specify that it must be possible to access base bindings' methods and properties?]

For example, given a binding with an implementation ColorPickerGrid that derives from an implementation ColorPicker where the two implementations both specify the setColor method, a caller could invoke ColorPicker's method with the following syntax:

... // myElement is a ColorPickerGrid
myElement.ColorPicker.setColor(); // Calls the ColorPicker method.
myElement.setColor(); // Calls the ColorPickerGrid method.

In addition to being able to specifically name a base class, the name baseBinding can be used to specify the method or property on the base binding without necessarily knowing what the base class is. This situation can occur when bindings implicitly inherit, e.g., through the use of addBinding.

myElement.baseBinding.setColor(); // Calls the ColorPicker method.

6. Event Handlers

Event handlers are defined using handler elements. A handler specifies what event it is listening for using the event attribute. The handler contains script that is executed when an event flows to the object the handler is attached to and if that event matches all of the criteria specified by the handler.

The most basic handler specifies the event to listen for and an action to take when the handler fires. This action can be specified either using an action attribute or by specifying the script as a child of the handler element. If both are specified, the attribute wins.

By default handlers are attached to the bound element, and they are registered as bubbling events. This means that

<handler event="click" action="foo()"/>
is analagous to onclick="foo()" defined on the bound element.

Event handlers can be attached to the window, the bound sdocument, or to the bound element using the attachto attribute. Bindings can use this attribute to register handlers that listen for events like load on the bound document. The value of the attribute is window, document or element.

The phase attribute specifies the phase of event flow that the handler is registered for. The default value is bubbling, which means that the event handler will fire during the bubbling phase. The other possible values are target, which means the handler will only fire if event.target is the same as the target to which the handler is attached, and capturing, which indicates the handler should fire during the capturing phase of event flow.

XBL event handlers always fire last, after all other event handlers at the same position in the event flow. Since XBL handlers usually constitute the default actions for a widget, this allows authors in the bound document to write events that potentially suppress the default actions taken by the XBL handlers.

Within an XBL inheritance chain, event handlers always fire first on the derived binding and then on the base binding in the chain. A derived handler then has a way of preventing the event from flowing to its base binding handlers.

Mouse and key handlers have certain additional properties that are supported by XBL. Additional attributes can be used to impose a filter on the event handler. When a filter is imposed, additional conditions must be met before the event handler will fire.

For both mouse and key events, modifier keys can be specified using the modifiers attribute. This attribute is a comma-separated list of modifier keys that must be down at the time the key or mouse event occurs in order for the handler to execute. Examples of common keys in the list are shift and control.

In addition, mouse events can specify the button and the clickcount. This allows XBL authors to easily define handlers for right-click, or for left double-click, without having to write script on the same handler to differentiate those cases.

Key events support the charcode and keycode attributes. When set, the corresponding fields in the event object must match for the event to fire.

[Editor's Note: Should we have section on error-handling? Probably.]

7. Example - Sticky Notes

[Warning this example is now slightly wrong since it applied to a previous version of XBL and some things that are used by it were changed.]


body {
  background-color: black;
  color: white;
  font-size: 10pt;
  font-family: Verdana;

.board {
  binding: url(notes.xml#board);

<title>Sticky Notes</title> 
<h1>Demo - Sticky Notes</h1> 
The following demo uses XBL to create a widget that functions
as a board for PostIt notes.  In this
example, we create a binding that enables the user to define
a board and to supply notes that can be dragged around on
the board.

<div class="board" style="width: 600px; height: 600px;"> 
  <div flex="1" class="note" style="left: 5; top: 5">
    <div class="caption">Pre-Checkin Tests</div>
      <li>Compose and send mail.
      <li>Read and sort mail.
      <li>Bookmark a page.
      <li>Send an instant message.
        <font face="Jokerman" size="+1">
          The Ones In Charge

  <div class="note" style="left: 250; top: 200;">
    <div class="caption">Grocery Order</div>
    Apples, oranges, milk, orange juice, bread.
      <i>Don't forget the eggs!</i> 
    <font face="Jokerman" size="+1">SWMBO</font>


<?xml version="1.0"?>  
<?xml-stylesheet href="notes.css"?>  
<bindings xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/xbl"
  <binding id="board" styleexplicitcontent="true"> 
      <property name="dragging">
      <property name="currX">
      <property name="currY">
      <handler event="mousedown">
        if (event.originalTarget.parentNode.className == 'caption') {
          this.dragging = event.originalTarget.parentNode.parentNode;
          this.currX = event.clientX;
          this.currY = event.clientY;
    <handler event="mouseup"> 
      this.dragging = null;
    <handler event="mousemove"> 
      if (!this.dragging)

      deltaX = event.clientX - this.currX;
      deltaY = event.clientY - this.currY;
      leftV = parseInt(this.dragging.style.left);
      topV = parseInt(this.dragging.style.top);
      leftV += deltaX; topV += deltaY; if (leftV < 0) leftV = 0; 
      if (topV < 0) topV = 0;
      if (leftV > 390) leftV = 390;
      if (topV > 390) topV = 390;
      this.dragging.style.left = leftV;
      this.dragging.style.top = topV;
      this.currX = event.clientX;
      this.currY = event.clientY;


.board {
  background-color: #808080;
  position: relative;

.note {
  background-color      : #FFFFCC;
  border                : 1px outset #FFFFCC;
  color                 : #000000;
  font                  : smaller;
  padding               : 3px;
  width: 200px;
  height: 200px;
  position: absolute;

.caption {
  cursor: pointer; 
  font-weight: bold;
  background-color: #ccccaa;

View this example.

A. References

  1. [CSS] Bert Bos, Håkon Wium Lie, Chris Lilley, Ian Jacobs ; "Cascading Style Sheets, level 2", W3C Recommandation, May 12 1998 (http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/)
  2. [XML] Tim Bray, Jean Paoli, C. M. Sperberg-McQueen ; "Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0", W3C Recommandation, February 10 1998 (http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml)
  3. [HTML] Dave Raggett, Arnaud Le Hors, Ian Jacobs ; "HTML 4.0 Specification", W3C Recommandation, April 24 1998 (http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/)
  4. [ACTIONS] Vidur Apparao, Brendan Eich, Ramanathan Guha, Nisheeth Ranjan ; "Action Sheets : a Modular Way of Defining Behavior for XML and HTML", Netscape Communications Corp., submission to the W3C, June 19 1998 (http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-AS)
  5. [BECSS] Vidur Apparao, Daniel Glazman, Chris Wilson ; " Behavioral Extensions to CSS ", W3C Working Draft 04 Aug 1999 (http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/WD-becss-19990804)
  6. [HTC] Chris Wilson; "HTML Components, Componentizing Web Applications", Microsoft, submission to the W3C, October 23 1998 (http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-HTMLComponents-19981023)
  7. [DOM] Vidur Apparao, Steve Byrne, Mike Champion, Scott Isaacs, Ian Jacobs, Arnaud Le Hors, Gavin Nicol, Jonathan Robie, Robert Sutor, Chris Wilson and Lauren Wood ; "Document Object Model (DOM) Level 1 Specification", W3C Recommendation, 1 October 1998 (http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-DOM-Level-1/)
  8. [DOM2] Vidur Apparao, Mike Champion, Arnaud Le Hors, Tom Pixley, Jonathan Robie, Peter Sharpe, Chris Wilson and Lauren Wood ; "Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Specification", W3C Proposed Recommendation (http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/)
  9. [XPATH] James Clark, Steve DeRose ; "XPath 1.0 Specification" W3C Specification (http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath.html)