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The World Wide Web Consortium's Voice Browser Working Group is defining several markup languages for applications supporting speech input and output. These markup languages will enable speech applications across a range of hardware and software platforms. Specifically, the Working Group is designing markup languages for dialog, speech recognition grammar, speech synthesis, natural language semantics, and a collection of reusable dialog components. These markup languages make up the W3C Speech Interface Framework. The speech community is invited to review and comment on the working draft requirement and specification documents.
This document describes a model architecture for speech processing in voice browsers. It also briefly describes markup languages for dialog, speech recognition grammar, speech synthesis, natural language semantics, and a collection of reusable dialog components. This document is being released as a working draft, but is not intended to become a proposed recommendation.
This specification is a Working Draft of the Voice Browser working group for review by W3C members and other interested parties. It is a draft document and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use W3C Working Drafts as reference material or to cite them as other than "work in progress".
Publication as a Working Draft does not imply endorsement by the W3C membership, nor of members of the Voice Browser working groups. This is still a draft document and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite W3C Working Drafts as other than "work in progress."
This document has been produced as part of the W3C Voice Browser Activity, following the procedures set out for the W3C Process. The authors of this document are members of the Voice Browser Working Group. This document is for public review. Comments should be sent to the public mailing list <[email protected]> (archive).
A list of current W3C Recommendations and other technical documents can be found at
The Voice Browser Working Group was chartered by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) within the User Interface Activity in May 1999 to prepare and review markup languages that enable voice browsers. Members meet weekly via telephone and quarterly in face-to-face meetings.
The W3C Voice Browser Working Group is open to any member of the W3C Consortium. The Voice Browser Working Group has also invited experts whose affiliations are not members of the W3C Consortium. The four founding members of the VoiceXML Forum, as well as telelphony applications venders, speech recognition and text to speech engine venders, web portals, hardware venders, software venders, telcos and appliance manufactures have representatives who participate in the Voice Browser Working Group. Current members include AskJeves, AT&T, Avaya, BT, Canon, Cisco, France Telecon, General Magic, Hitachi, HP, IBM, isSound, Intel, Locus Dialogue, Lucent, Microsoft, Mitre, Motorola, Nokia, Nortel, Nuance, Phillips, PipeBeach, Speech Works, Sun, Telecon Italia,, and Unisys, in addition to several invited experts.
A voice browser is a device (hardware and software) that interprets voice markup languages to generate voice output, interpret voice input, and possibly accept and produce other modalities of input and output.
Currently the major deployment of voice browsers enable users to speak and listen using a telephone or cell phone to access information available on the World Wide Web. These voice browsers accept DTMF and spoken words as input, and produce synthesized speech or replay prerecorded speech as output. The voice markup languages interpreted by voice browsers are also frequently available on the World Wide Web. However, many other deployments of voice browsers are possible.
Hardware devices may include telephones or cell phones, hand-held computers, palm-sized computers, laptop PCs, and desktop PCs. Voice browser hardware processors may be embedded into appliances such as TVs, radios, VCRs, remote controls, ovens, refrigerators, coffeepots, doorbells, and practically any other electronic or electrical device.
Possible software applications include:
Our definition of a voice browser does not support a voice interface to HTML pages. A voice browser processes scripts written using voice markup languages. HTML is not among the languages which can be interpreted by a voice browser. Some venders are creating voice-enabled HTML browsers that produce voice instead of displaying text on a screen display. A voice-enabled HTML browser must determine the sequence of text to present to the user as voice, and possibly how to verbally present non-text data such as tables, illustrations, and animations. A voice browser, on the other hand, interprets a script which specifies exactly what to verbally present to the user as well as when to present each piece of information
Voice is a very natural user interface because it enables the user to speak and listen using skills learned during childhood. Currently users speak and listen to telephones and cell phones with no display to interact with voice browsers. Some voice browsers may have small screens, such as those found on cell phones and palm computers. In the future, voice browsers may also support other modes and media such as pen, video, and sensor input and graphics animation and actuator controls as output. For example, voice and pen input would be appropriate for Asian users whose spoken language does not lend itself to entry with traditional QWERTY keyboards.
Some voice browsers are portable. They can be used anywhere—at home, at work, and on the road. Information will be available to a greater audience, especially to people who have access to handsets, either telephones or cell phones, but not to networked computers.
Voice browsers present a pragmatic interface for functionally blind users or users needing Web access while keeping their hands and eyes free for other things. Voice browsers present an invisible user interface to the user, while freeing workspace previously occupied by keyboards and mice.
The Voice Browser Working group has defined the W3C Speech Interface Framework, shown in Figure 1. The white boxes represent typical components of a speech-enabled web application. The black arrows represent data flowing among these components. The blue ovals indicate data specified using markup languages used to guide components to accomplish their respective tasks. To review the latest requirement and specification documents for each of the markup languages, see the section entitled Requirements and Language specification Documents on our W3C Voice Browser home web site.
Components of the W3C Speech Interface Framework include the following:
Automatic Speech Recognizer (ASR)—accepts speech from the user and produces text. The ASR uses a grammar to recognize words from the user's spoken speech. Some ASRs use grammars specified by a developer using the Speech Grammar Markup Language. Other ASRs use statistical grammars generated from large corpra of speech data. These grammars are represented using the N-gram Stochastic Grammar Markup Language.
DTMF Tone Recognizer—accepts touch-tones produced by a telephone when the user presses the keys on the telephone's keypad. Telephone users may use touch-tones to enter digits or make menu selections.
Language Understanding Component—extracts semantics from a text string by using a prespecified grammar. The text string may by produced by an ASR or be entered directly by a user via a keyboard. The Language Understanding Component may also use grammars specified using the Speech Grammar Markup Language or the N-gram Stochastic Grammar Markup Language. The output of the Language Understanding Component is expressed using the Natural Language Semantics Markup Language.
Context Interpreter—enhances the semantics from the Language Understanding Module by obtaining context information from a dialog history (not shown in Figure 1). For example, the Context Interpreter may replace a pronoun by a noun to which the pronoun referred. The input and output from the Context Interpreter is expressed using the Natural Language Semantics Markup Language.
Dialog Manager—prompts the user for input, makes sense of the input, and determines what to do next according to instructions in a dialog script specified using VoiceXML 2.0 modeled after VoiceXML 1.0. Depending upon the input received, the dialog manager may invoke application services, or download another dialog script from the web, or cause information to be presented to the user. The Dialog Manager accepts input specified using the Natural Language Semantics Markup Language. Dialog scripts may refer to Reusable Dialog Components, portions of another dialog script which can be reused across multiple applications.
Media Planner—determines whether output from the dialog manager should be presented to the user as synthetic speech or prerecorded audio.
Recorded audio player—replays prerecorded audio files to the user, either in conjunction with, or in place of synthesized voices.
Language Generator—Accepts text from the media planner and prepares it for presentation to the user as spoken voice via a text-to-speech synthesizer (TTS). The text may contain markup tags expressed using the Speech Synthesis Markup Language which provides hints and suggestions for how acoustic sounds should be produced. These tags may be produced automatically by the Language Generator or manually inserted by a developer.
Text-to-Speech Synthesizer (TTS)—Accepts text from the Language Generator and produces acoustic signals which the user hears as a human-like voice according to hints specified using the Speech Synthesis Markup Language.
The components of any specific voice browser may differ significantly from the Components shown in Figure 1. For example, the Context Interpretation, Language Generation and Media Planning components may be incorporated into the Dialog Manager, or the tone recognizer may be incorporated into the Context Interpretation. However, most voice browser implementations will still be able to use of the various markup languages defined in the W3C Speech Interface Framework.
The Voice Browser Working Group is not defining the components in the W3C Speech Interface Framework. It is defining markup languages for representing data in each of the blue ovals in Figure 1. Specifically, the Voice Browser Working Group is defining the following markup languages:
Speech Recognition Grammar Specification
N-gram Grammar Markup Language
Speech Synthesis Markup Language
Dialog Markup Language
The Voice Browser Working Group is also defining packaged dialogs which we call Reusable Components. As their name suggests, reusable components can be reused in other dialog scripts, decreasing the implementation effort and increasing user interface consistency. The Working Group may also define a collection of reusable components such as solicit the user's credit card number and exploration date, solicit the user's address, etc.
Just as HTML formats data for screen-based interactions over the Internet, an XML-based language is needed to format data for voice-based interactions over the Internet. All markup languages recommended by the Working Group will be XML-based, so XML language processors can process any of the W3C Speech Interface Framework markup languages.
Figure 2 illustrates the W3C Speech Interface Framework extended to support multiple modes of input and output. It is anticipated that another working group will be formed to specify the Multimodal Dialog Language, an extension of the Dialog Language. We anticipate that another Working Group will be established to take over our current work in defining the Multimodal Dialog Language.
Markup languages also may be used in applications not usually associated with voice browsers. The following applications also may benefit from the use of voice browser markup languages:
To review the latest requirement and specification documents for each of the following languages, see the section titled Requirements and Language specification Documents on our W3C Voice Browser home web site
The Speech Recognition Grammar Specification supports the definition of Context-Free Grammars (CFG) and, by subsumption, Finite-State Grammars (FSG). The specification defines an XML Grammar Markup Language, and an optional Augmented Backus-Naur Format (ABNF) Markup Language. Automatic transformations between the two formats is possible, for example, by XSLT to convert the XML format to ABNF. We anticipate that development tools will be constructed that provide the familiar ABNF format to developers, and enable XML software to manipulate the XML grammar format. The ABNF and XML languages are modeled after Sun's JSpeech Grammar Format. Some of the interesting features of the draft specification:
Ability to cross-reference grammars by URI and to use this ability to define libraries of useful grammars.
Semantic tagging mechanism for interpretation of spoken input (under development).
Applicable to non-speech input modalities, e.g. DTMF input or parsing and interpretation of typed input.
A complementary speech recognition grammar language specification is defined for N-Gram language models.
Terms used in the Speech Grammar Markup Language requirements and specification documents include:
CFG | Context-Free Grammar. A formal computer science term for a language that permits embedded recursion. |
BNF | Backus-Naur Format. A language used widely in computer science for textural representations of CFGs. |
ABNF | Augmented Backus-Naur Format. The language defined in the grammar specification that extends a conventional BNF representation with regular grammar capabilities, syntax for cross-referencing between grammars and other useful syntactic features |
Grammar | The representation of constraints defining the set of allowable sentences in a language. E.g. a grammar for describing a set of sentences for ordering a pizza. |
Language | A formal computer science term for the collection of set of sentences associated with a particular domain. Language may refer to natural or program language. |
A text document may be produced automatically, authored by people, or a combination of both. The Speech Synthesis Markup Language supports high-level specifications, including the selection of voice characteristics (name, gender, and age) and the speed, volume, and emphasis of individual words. The language also may describe how to pronounce acronyms, such as "Nasa" for NASA, or spelled, such as "N, double A, C, P," for NAACP. At a lower level, designers may specify prosodic control, which includes pitch, timing, pausing, and speaking rate. The Speech Synthesis Markup Language is modeled on Sun's Java Speech Markup Language.
There is some variance in the use of terminology in the speech synthesis community. The following definitions establish a common understanding
Prosody | Features of speech such as pitch, pitch range, speaking rate and volume. |
Speech Synthesis | The process of automatic generation of speech output from data input which may include plain text, formatted text or binary objects. |
Text-To-Speech | The process of automatic generation of speech output from text or annotated text input. |
VoiceXML 2.0 Markup supports four I/O modes: speech recognition and DTMF as input with synthesized speech and prerecorded speech as output. VoiceXML 2.0 supports system-directed speech dialogs where the system prompts the user for responses, makes sense of the input, and determines what to do next. VoiceXML 2.0 also supports mixed initiative speech dialogs. In addition, VoiceXML also supports task switching and the handling of events, such as recognition errors, incomplete information entered by the user, timeouts, barge-in, and developer-defined events. Barge-in allows users to speak while the browser is speaking. VoiceXML 2.0 is modeled after VoiceXML 1.0 designed by the VoiceXML Forum, whose founding members are AT&T, IBM, Lucent, and Motorola.
Terms used in the Dialog Markup Language requirements and specification documents include:
Dialog Markup Language | a language in which voice dialog behavior is specified. The language may include reference to scripting elements which can also determine dialog behavior. |
Voice Browser | a software device which interprets a voice markup language and generates a dialog with voice output and possibly other output modalities and/or voice input and possibly other modalities. |
Dialog | a model of interactive behavior underlying the interpretation of the markup language. The model consists of states, variables, events, event handlers, inputs and outputs. |
Utterance | Used in this document generally to refer to a meaningful user input in any modality supported by the platform, not limited to spoken inputs. For example, speech, DTMF, pointing, handwriting, text and OCR. |
Mixed initiative dialog | A type of dialog in which either they system or the user can take the initiative at any point in the dialog by failing to respond directly to the previous utterance. For example, the user can make corrections, volunteer additional information, etc. Systems support mixed initiative dialog to various degrees. Compare to "directed dialog." |
Directed dialog | Also referred to as "system initiative" or "system led." A type of dialog in which the user is permitted only direct literal responses to the system's prompts. |
State | the basic interact ional unit defined in the markup language. A state can specify variables, event handlers, outputs and inputs. A state may describe output content to be presented to the user, input which the user can enter, event handlers describing, for example, which variables to bind and which state to transition to when an event occurs. |
Events | generated when a state is executed by the voice browser; for example, when outputs or inputs in a state are rendered or interpreted. Events are typed and may include information; for example, an input event generated when an utterance is recognized may include the string recognized, an interpretation, confidence score, and so on. |
Event Handlers | are specified in the voice markup language and describe how events generated by the voice browser are to be handled. Interpretation of events may bind variables, or map the current state into another state (possibly itself). |
Output | content specified in an element of the markup language for presentation to the user. The content is rendered by the voice browser; for example, audio files or text rendered by a TTS. Output can also contain parameters for the output device; for example, volume of audio file playback, language for TTS, etc. Events are generated when, for example, the audio file has been played. |
Input | content (and its interpretation) specified in an element of the markup language which can be given as input by a user; for example, a grammar for DTMF and speech input. Events are generated by the voice browser when, for example, the user has spoken an utterance and variables may be bound to information contained in the event. Input can also specify parameters for the input device; for example, timeout parameters, etc. |
The Natural Language Semantics Markup Language supports XML semantic representations. For application-specific information, it is based on the W3C XForms. The Natural Language Semantics Markup Language also includes application-independent elements defined by the W3C Voice Browser group. This application-independent information includes confidences, the grammar matched by the interpretation, speech recognizer input, and timestamps. The Natural Language Semantics Markup Language combines elements from the XForms, natural language semantics, and application-specific namespaces. For example, the text, "I want to fly from New York to Boston, and, then, to Washington, DC", could be represented as:
<result xmlns:xf="" x-model="http://flight-model" grammar="http://flight-grammar"> <interpretation confidence=100> <xf:instance> <flight:trip> <leg1> <from>New York</from> <to>Boston</to> </leg1> <leg2> <from>Boston</from> <to>DC</to> </leg2> </flight:trip> </xf:instance> <input mode="speech"> I want to fly from New York to Boston, and, then, to Washington, DC </input> </interpretation> </result>
Terms used in the Natural Language Semantics Markup Language requirements and specification documents include:
Natural language interpreter | A device which produces a representation of the meaning of a natural language expression. |
Natural language expression | An unformatted spoken or written utterance in a human language such as English, French, Japanese, etc. |
Reusable Dialog Components are dialog components (chunks of dialog script or platform-specific objects that pose frequently asked questions in dialog scripts, and can be invoked from any dialog script) that are reusable (can be used multiple times within an application or used by multiple applications) and that meet specific interface (configuration parameter and return value format) requirements. The purpose of reusable components is to reduce the effort to implement a dialog by reusing encapsulations of common dialog tasks, and to promote consistency across applications. The W3C Voice Browser Working Group is defining the interface for Reusable Dialog Components. Future specifications will define standard reusable dialog components for designated tasks that are portable across platforms.
The following speech dialog fragment illustrates the use of the speech synthesis, Speech Recognition Grammar Specification, and speech dialog markup languages:
<menu> <!-- This is an example of a menu which present the user --> <!-- with a prompt and listens for the user to utter a choice --> <prompt> <!-- This text is presented to the user as synthetic speech --> <!-- The emphasisis element adds emphasis to its content --> Welcome to Ajax Travel Do you want to fly to <emphasis>New York, Boston</emphasis> or <emphasis>Washington DC</emphasis> </prompt> <!-- When the user speaks an utterance that matches the grammar --> <!-- control is transferred to the "next" VoiceXML document --> <choice next="http://www.NY..."> <!-- The Grammar element indicates the words which --> <!-- the user may utter to select this choice --> <grammar> <choice> <item> New York </item> <item> The Big Apple </item> </choice> </grammar> </choice> <choice next="http://www.Boston..."> <grammar> <choice> <item> Boston </item> <item> Beantown </item> </choice> </grammar> </choice> <choice next="http://www.Wash...."> <grammar> <choice> <item> Washington D.C. </item> <item> Washington </item> <item> The U.S. Capital </item> </choice> </grammar> </choice> </menu>
In the example above, the Dialog Markup Language describes when a voice menu which contains a prompt to be presented to the user. The user may respond by saying and of several choices. When the user speech matches a particular grammar, control is transferred to the dialog fragment at the "next" location.
The Speech Synthesis Markup Language describes how text is rendered to the user. The Speech Synthesis Markup Language includes <emphasis> element. When rendered to the user, the word "you" will be emphasized, and the end of the sentence will raise in pitch to indicate a question.
The Speech Recognition Grammar Specification describes the words that the user must say when making a choice. The <grammar> element is shown within the <choice> element. The language understanding module will recognize "New York" or "The Big Apple" to mean New York, "Boston" or "Beantown" to mean Boston, and "Washington, D.C.," "Washington," or "The U.S. Capital" to mean Washington.
An example user-computer dialog resulting from interpreting the above dialog script is
Computer: Welcome to Ajax Travel Do you want to fly to New York, Boston, or Washington DC? User: Beantown Computer: (transfers to dialog script associated with Boston)
W3C has acknowledged the JSGF and JSML submission from the Sun Microsystems. The W3C Voice Browser Working Group plans to develop specifications for its Speech Synthesis Markup Language and Speech Grammar Specification using JSGF and JSML as a model.
W3C has acknowledged the VoiceXML 1.0 submission from the VoiceXML Forum. The W3C Voice Browser Working Group plans to adopt VoiceXML 1.0 as the basis for developing a Dialog Markup Language for interactive voice response applications. See ZDNet's article covering the announcement
The following resources are related to the efforts of the Voice Browser working group.
The W3C Voice Browser Working Group is defining markup languages for speech recognition grammars, speech dialog, natural language semantics, multimodal dialogs, and speech synthesis, as well as a collection of reusable dialog components. In addition to voice browsers, these languages can also support a wide range of applications including information storage and retrieval, robot command and control, medical transcription, and newsreader applications. The speech community is invited to review and comment on working draft requirement and specification documents.