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This document defines syntax for representing N-Gram (Markovian) stochastic grammars within the W3C Speech Interface Framework. The use of stochastic N-Gram models has a long and successful history in the research community and is now more and more effecting commercial systems, as the market asks for more robust and flexible solutions. The primary purpose of specifying a stochastic grammar format is to support large vocabulary and open vocabulary applications. In addition, stochastic grammars can be used to represent concepts or semantics. This specification defines the mechanism for combining stochastic and structured (in this case Context-Free) grammars as well as methods for combined semantic definitions.
This document is a W3C Working Draft for review by W3C members and other interested parties. It is a draft document and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use W3C Working Drafts as reference material or to cite them as other than "work in progress". A list of current public W3C Working Drafts can be found at
This specification describes markup for representing statistical language models, and forms part of the proposals for the W3C Speech Interface Framework. This document has been produced as part of the W3C Voice Browser Activity, following the procedures set out for the W3C Process. The authors of this document are members of the Voice Browser Working Group (W3C Members only). This document is for public review, and comments and discussion are welcomed on the public mailing list <[email protected]>. To subscribe, send an email to <[email protected]> with the word subscribe in the subject line (include the word unsubscribe if you want to unsubscribe). The archive for the list is accessible online.
This document defines syntax for representing N-Gram (Markovian) stochastic grammars within the W3C Voice Browser Markup Language. The parent language for specification of a stochastic grammar is XML, however for efficiency some variance from strict XML syntax will be used. Elements of the grammar specification already defined in the XML specification will not be repeated here (e.g. character encoding), thus avoiding any potential inconsistency with the current or future XML specifications.
The primary purpose of specifying a stochastic grammar format is to support large vocabulary and open vocabulary applications. In addition, stochastic grammars can be used to represent concepts or semantics. This specification defines the mechanism for combining stochastic and structured (in this case Context-Free) grammars as well as methods for combined semantic definitions. Since some structured grammars are also stochastic, we will avoid confusion from here on by only referring to these grammars as N-Gram grammars, or in some cases simply N-Grams.
An N-Gram grammar is a representation of an N-th order Markov language model in which the probability of occurrence of a symbol is conditioned upon the prior occurrence of N-1 other symbols. N-Gram grammars are typically constructed from statistics obtained from a large corpus of text using the co-occurrences of words in the corpus to determine word sequence probabilities. N-Gram grammars have the advantage of be able to cover a much larger language than would normally be derived directly from a corpus. Open vocabulary applications are easily supported with N-Gram grammars.
This specification is influenced by a variety of preceding N-Gram grammar formats. This specification is not explicitly based on any particular preceding format. Concepts are similar but the syntax is largely original in this specification due to the XML parent language.
This specification is written to be consistent with the corresponding Context-Free Grammar (CFG) XML format specified in a companion document entitled "Speech Recognition Grammar Specification for the W3C Speech Interface Framework". At some point in the near future it is expected that these documents will be unified to ensure consistency among the common components of the specifications. To simplify this unification this document also borrows from some of the CFG examples. In maintaining such consistency the XML form of the deterministic grammar format will the primary definition followed in this specification to maintain compatibility with the XML based N-Gram format defined here. Specifications will be defined in lavender boxes and examples will be given in green boxes.
In simple speech recognition/speech understanding systems, the expected input sentences are often modeled by a strict grammar (such as a CFG). In this case, the user is only allowed to utter those sentences, that are explicitly covered by the (often hand-written) grammar. Experience shows that a context free grammar with reasonable complexity can never foresee all the different sentence patterns, users come up with in spontaneous speech input. This approach is therefore not sufficient for robust speech recognition/understanding tasks or free text input applications such as dictation.
N-Gram language models are traditionally used in large vocabulary speech recognition systems to provide the recognizer with an a-priori likelihood P(W) of a given word sequence W. The N-Gram language model is usually derived from large training texts that share the same language characteristics as expected input. This information complements the acoustic model P(W|O) that models the articulatory features of the speakers. Together, these two components allow a system to compute the most likely input sequence W' = argmaxW P(W|O), where O is the input signal observations as W' = argmaxW P(O|W) P(W).
In contrast, N-Gram language models rely on the likelihood of sequences of words, such as word pairs (in the case of bigrams) or word triples (in the case of trigrams) and are therefore less restrictive. The use of stochastic N-Gram models has a long and successful history in the research community and is now more and more effecting commercial systems, as the market asks for more robust and flexible solutions.
There are many possible ways to combine N-Gram models and context free grammars within a single voice browser system such as
For this reason, cross-referencing between N-Gram models and CFGs is an important feature of the markup described below.
Element | Attributes | see chapter |
<n-gram> | type | 3. Grammar Declaration |
<import> | uri name [opt] |
4. Grammar Importation |
<lexicon> | order [opt] | 5. Lexicon Declaration |
<token> | index [opt] | 5. Lexicon Declaration |
<tree> | gap[opt] depth[opt] |
6. N-Gram Event Count Declaration 7. Backoff Weight Declaration 8. Distant N-Gram Declaration |
<interpolation> | type[opt] | 9. Interpolation of Models |
<component> | weight | 9. Interpolation of Models |
Most former publicly available N-Gram grammar file formats use log probabilities to represent the word sequence probabilities. For small amount of training data or missing data sequences, backoff weights are also often precomputed and included in the format. In the format presented here we depart from this tradition and represent the core statistical information with word sequence event counts.
Motivations for using counts includes:
Backoff weights are eliminated from the required components of the format since these weights may be computed easily from the count data. Backoff weights may optionally be included as an addendum, to be described later.
Another departure from traditional N-Gram file formats is the presentation of data in depth-first rather than breadth-first order. The two main advantages of this ordering are the elimination of some redundancy, hence reducing file size, and more convenient ordering for stream processing and data loading.
The file format consists lines of data tuples, each representing a branch and the succeeding node of the grammar tree. The branch data is a list of indices representing the word sequence of the N-Gram. Following the word sequence data is a list of one or two integers representing the node branching factor and event count. Consistent with this tuple per line format, the first entry is a 'zerogram', a virtual null branch with successor node being the actual root of the grammar tree (see pseudo-code example later).
The root node is followed by the corresponding unigram branch and node data, followed by similar data for p=2,3,...,L until the leaf ply L is reached (a ply is the set of branches at a given depth). If cutoff has been applied, then L<N, the order of the N-Gram model. This is followed by other set members of plies (L-1) and (L) until the branch set of ply (L-1) is exhausted, at which point another member of ply (L-2) is presented and the process repeated at ply (L-1). This process is continued until all branches of ply p=1 have been exhausted.
The N-Gram Grammar declaration is consistent with the XML format of the structural grammar specification as described in Section 4.2 of that document. The document type definition for the N-Gram specification is given in Section 11.
The following example, borrowed and modified from that specification, is extended as shown, where []'s indicate optional components. Following the XML convention the language and variant are indicated by a "xml:lang" attribute on the root "grammar" element.
<N-Gram xml:lang="en-US"> [importation declarations] [lexicon declaration [N-Gram event counts [backoff weights] [semantic tags]]] [interpolation of models] </n-gram>
A single optional grammar declaration is allowed in the XML grammar document. This grammar declaration may be imported into a parent N-Gram or CFG declaration and may in turn import other N-Gram or CFG declarations as described by import rules (cf. Section 4). The lexicon, which is required if N-Gram counts are specified, contains index definition of symbols that may represent speech events (i.e. words) or references to other grammars or grammar rules (cf. Section 5). The N-Gram event counts are presented in a depth-first order format described in Section 6. Optionally, precomputed backoff weights may be declared (cf. Section 7), and optional distant or skip N-Grams may be declared (cf. Section 8). In the event that all optional sections of the grammar declaration are missing, the grammar is a null grammar equivalent to an epsilon-transition or zerogram model.
Importation declarations in the superior grammar may be used to import components of an inferior grammar. Importation declarations of inferior N-Gram grammars may be used to declare additional event counts to be added to the union of N-Gram event counts in the superior grammar. If desired, the entire superior N-Gram grammar may be constructed solely from imported grammars. This is particularly useful for applying variable count cutoff computation at the server using a CGI query, as illustrated in the first example, thus altering the default cutoff to save download time. Importation of backoff weights is generally not useful since modification of the event counts generally alters the full set of backoff weights, which should be recomputed after all N-Gram event counts are compiled.
An arbitrary number of importation rules may optionally be declared as follows:
<import uri="protocol://host/path/path_info?query_string" name="namestring"/>
The name
attribute is optional. The absence of the
name attribute indicates that the imported grammar, which must be
an N-Gram grammar, will be treated as a contribution to the
superior N-Gram grammar and added to the union of N-Gram event
counts of the superior grammar. The presence of a
attribute indicates that the imported grammar is
an inferior grammar to be referenced by the superior grammar as
described later.
For example:
<import uri= ""/> <import uri= "" name="places"/> ... <gramref import="mygrammar"/> ... ... <ruleref import="places#start"/> ...
In the first import example the general purpose Perl script
can process any raw N-Gram event count
file, such as mygrammar.g
, to produce the proper XML
formatted N-Gram declaration while trimming the file contents at
the server. The second import example is a simple file transfer
of an inferior named N-Gram grammar.
The corresponding CFG compatible references are shown. The first example shows a reference to a grammar. Generally starting tokens are determined by the monogram probabilities of the N-Gram model. The second example shows a reference to a grammar and a particular starting symbol. The starting symbol in this case can be acoustically null and used simply to set preconditions for the real starting symbols. Then the real starting symbols will be conditioned only on the start symbol or histories starting with the start symbol.
In principle, it is possible to import named N-Gram grammars into a CFG and vice versa. Yet another alternative is to import a named inferior N-Gram grammar into a superior N-Gram grammar. In practice, the utility of some combinations may be limited, however since it is easy to define the appropriate syntax, this is done to provide maximum flexibility.
Each of these alternatives requires an additional reference
mechanism. To be consistent with the CFG rule reference
Section 2.2, this rule reference format may also be used
in the N-Gram lexicon declaration (cf. Section
5). Hence, a symbol in an N-Gram lexicon can reference a
named N-Gram grammar, N-Gram rule, or a CFG rule. Several start
symbols can be defined for an N-Gram grammar and referenced by an
appropriate <ruleref ...>
The N-Gram lexicon section consists of a single lexicon tag set containing lexical entries to define indices for the succeeding N-Gram event count rules. A lexical entry may contain a word symbol or rule reference. Rule references are always references to an external inferior grammar rule.
A lexicon may optionally be declared as follows:
<lexicon> <token index="1"> word1 </token> <token index="4"> how many </token> <token index="2"> <ruleref import="cfg_places#city"/> </token> <token index="3"> <ruleref import="ngram_places#ngram_places"/> </token> <token index="5"> <ruleref import="ngram_class#ngram_class"/> </token> ... </lexicon>
or as follows:
<lexicon order="sequential"> <token> word1 </token> <token> how many </token> <token> <ruleref import="cfg_places#city"/> </token> <token> <ruleref import="ngram_places#ngram_places"/> </token> <token> <ruleref import="ngram_class#ngram_class"/> </token> ... </lexicon>
Tokens must be indexed with non-negative integers. Numbering
should be contiguous to minimize storage needed for indexing, but
this is not required and the data can be presented in any
particular order. If the order="sequential"
attribute is present then indexing is implicitly numbered
sequentially starting from one.
In the first example a simple word token is declared. This is the most conventional lexicon entry. The second example indicates a "super-word" or word phrase that is used when the co-occurrence of words is so frequent that they might as well be treated as a single word.
The third example shows a reference to an external CFG rule. In practice such grammars have not been used, but in principle it is possible to parse and count small CFG phrase sequences in a corpus to generate event counts. The fourth and fifth examples are references to external named N-Gram grammars, the last being treated as a class or category grammar element (cf. Section 10).
The format of the N-Gram event count declaration deviates from the pure XML format because of the need for the efficiency of a compact representation. N-Gram grammars are generally quite large and would require very large file sizes, thus putting a burden on the communications network.
To clearly explain the depth-first N-Gram event count specification format a pseudo-code example is first presented. Suppose we have the pseudo-corpus "A B A B C".
Then the pseudo-coded N-Gram specification for N=3 is:
// zerogram: 3 seen unigrams; total token count is 5 "" <3> 5 // unigram: 1 seen bigram preconditioned on "A"; 2 instances "A" <1> 2 // bigram: 2 trigrams preconditioned on "A B"; 2 instances "A B" <2> 2 "A B A" <0> 1 // trigram: leaf of tree; 1 instance "A B C" <0> 1 "B" <2> 2 "B A" <1> 1 "B A B" <0> 1 "B C" <0> 1 "C" <0> 1
Zerogram information represents the root node of a tree. In this case 5 token instances of 3 distinct token types were seen in the corpus. The leaf nodes are indicated by specifying zero inferior branches. Since this value is always zero at the leaves, this information can simply be deleted.
The token types can be super-word tokens or even grammar instances. For example, if "A B" is a token then the pseudo-corpus would appear to consist of 3 tokens total and there would be 2 token types. In the event that tokens like "A A" are chosen and the corpus contains long strings of "A" then it is the responsibility of the N-Gram designer to determine the proper interpretation.
A grammar token example can be treated in similar manner.
Consider a token defined by the grammar "A B (A | C)", that is
the string "A B" followed by either "A" or "C". Then the
pseudo-corpus has 2 instances of this "token". Interpretation of
string overlaps in the corpus is at the discretion of the N-Gram
designer. The N-Gram declaration is defined with the
element and requires a lexicon
declaration. The <tree>
element can have an
additional 'gap' attribute which is used for distant N-Grams (see
Section 8).
Following the example a complete declaration is:
<lexicon> <token index="1"> A </token> <token index="2"> B </token> <token index="3"> C </token> </lexicon> <tree> 3,5; 1,1,2; 2,2,2; 1,1; 3,1; 2,2,2; 1,1,1; 2,1; 3,1; 3,1; </tree>
Intraline delimiters are commas and semi-colons are used to indicate the end of an N-Gram rule. White space is not significant within the <tree> scope. Note that if pruning has been performed then the branching values must be recomputed accordingly. The depth of the tree is implied by the structure of the data. Line breaks are significant in this format since the leaf branch counts have been elided.
Backoff weights can be declared in the case of a simple N-Gram declaration without importation.
Following the example a declaration of backoff weights is:
<lexicon> <token index="1"> A </token> <token index="2"> B </token> <token index="3"> C </token> </lexicon> <tree> 3,5; 1,1,2:0.543; 2,2,2:0.54; 1,1; 3,1; 2,2,2:0.54; 1,1,1:0.543; 2,1; 3,1; 3,1; </tree>
Weight delimiters are colons. Backoff weights may only be attached to non-leaf elements and are indicated by a leading colon. The computation of backoff weights follows the well-known ARPA format.
In addition to floating point format, a scaled integer format is supported. The <tree> element is modified to include a scale attribute as follows:
Following the example a scaled integer equivalent declaration of backoff weights is:
<lexicon> <token index="1"> A </token> <token index="2"> B </token> <token index="3"> C </token> </lexicon> <tree backoff-scale="1000"> 3,5; 1,1,2:543; 2,2,2:540; 1,1; 3,1; 2,2,2:540; 1,1,1:543; 2,1; 3,1; 3,1; </tree>
Weight delimiters are colons. Backoff weights may only be attached to non-leaf elements and are indicated by a leading colon. Backoff weights are computed by dividing the scaled integer by the backoff-scale.
Distant or skip N-Grams are used to cover long-range dependencies with N-Gram models with a small N. This is done by introducing a gap of a certain length between a word and its history.
For the corpus "A B C D E F G H", a regular trigram model would provide counts for the events "A B C", "B C D", and so on. From these counts, the likelihood P(C | A B), P(D | B C) and so on can be derived. In contrast, a distant N-Gram with a gap of 1 provides counts for AB..D, BC..E, and so on to create likelihood Pgap(D | A B), Pgap(E | B C).
For the corpus "A B C A B D E" we could get the following
<tree gap="1" depth="3"> 5,7; // "" <5> 7 zerogram 1,1,2; // "A" <1> 2 unigram; 1 seen (regular) bigram; 2 instances 2,2,2; // "AB" <2> 2 bigram; 2 distant trigrams, 2 instances 3,1; // "AB_C <0> 1 4,1; // "AB_D <0> 1 2,2,2; // "B" <2> 2 unigram; 2 seen (regular) bigram; 2 instances 3,1,1; // "BC" <1> 1 bigram; 1 distant trigram, 1 instance 1,1; // "BC_A <0> 1 4,1,1; // "BD" <1> 1 bigram; 1 distant trigram, 1 instance 5,1; // "BD_E <0> 1 3,1,1; // "C" <1> 1 unigram; 1 seen (regular) bigram; 1 instance 1,1,1; // "CA" <1> 1 bigram; 1 distant trigram, 1 instance 2,1; // "CA_B <0> 1 4,1,1; // "D" <1> 1 unigram; 1 seen (regular) bigram; 1 instance 5,1; // "DE" <1> 1 bigram; 0 distant trigram, 1 instance </tree>
Distant N-Grams are stored in the same tree structure as
regular N-Grams. Assuming that the 'gap' always occurs between
the current word and its history, only the length of the gap has
to be specified. This is done using the 'gap' attribute of the
tag. The value of this optional
parameter defaults to zero, which is identical to a regular
N-Gram model.
Note: In this tree format, we can only fall back from the distant trigram to a regular bigram, not to a distant bigram. Fallback to gap N-Grams would require a different ordering of the tree.
An N-Gram language model can be constructed from a linear interpolation of several models. In this case, the overall likelihood P(w|h) of a word w occurring after the history h is computed as the arithmetic average of P(w|h) for each of the models.
Interpolated models are represented by the
element. This contains
multiple <component>
elements, which represent
each model. The 'weight' attribute on the
element is used to specify the
relative weight of each model. The sum of all weights for each
element does not have to add
up to 1.0, and the platform is responsible for normalization.
For interpolated models, no common lexicon is defined. Instead
each of the <component>
models specifies its
own lexicon. The platform is responsible for combining these
<n-gram> <import uri="" name="lm1" /> <import uri="" name="lm2" /> <interpolation type="linear"> <component weight=0.25> <ruleref import="lm1"/> </component> <component weight=0.75> <ruleref import="lm2"/> </component> </interpolation> </n-gram>
The default interpolation method is linear interpolation. In
addition, log-linear interpolation of models is possible. In this
case, the 'type' attribute on the
must be set to "log".
Class grammars, sometimes also called category grammars, can be declared using the N-Gram grammar format with N=1. Therefore no additional special markup language is needed for the declaration of class grammars. Continuing the example of Section 6, let us declare that "A" and "C" are equally probable members of a class named "firstclass".
Declare the class in a separate grammar file as follows:
<n-gram> <lexicon> <token index="1"> A </token> <token index="2"> C </token> </lexicon> <tree> 2,2; 1,1; 2,1; </tree> </n-gram>
Note that since this is a grammar of depth one it can easily be recognized and treated as a class. If desirable, non-uniform probability distribution can be assigned by defining the appropriate counts.
Then the class based N-Gram grammar for our pseudo-corpus is declared as follows:
<n-gram> <import uri="" name="firstclass" /> <lexicon> <token index="1"> <ruleref import="firstclass#firstclass"/> </token> <token index="2"> B </token> </lexicon> <tree> 2,5; 1,1,3; 2,1,2; 1,2; 2,1,2; 1,1,2; 2,1; </tree> </n-gram>
Given this N-Gram declaration the input string "A B A B C" is now interpreted to yield "X(A) B X(A) B X(C)" where "X(A)" represents an instance of member "A" of class "firstclass".
This is the XML document type definition for the N-Gram specification:
<!-- W3C Stochastic Language Model (N-Gram) Specification --> <!-- this is the root element --> <!ELEMENT N-Gram (import*, ((lexicon, tree) | interpolation)?)> <!ATTLIST N-Gram xml:lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT import> <!ATTLIST import uri CDATA #REQUIRED name NMTOKEN #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT lexicon (token+)> <!ATTLIST lexicon order (default | sequential) "default"> <!ELEMENT token (#PCDATA | ruleref | gramref)> <!ATTLIST token index NMTOKEN #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT ruleref> <!ATTLIST ruleref import CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT gramref> <!ATTLIST gramref import CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT tree (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST tree backoff-scale NMTOKEN #IMPLIED gap NMTOKEN "1" depth NMTOKEN #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT interpolation (component+)> <!ATTLIST interpolation type (linear | log) "linear"> <!ELEMENT component (ruleref | gramref)> <!ATTLIST component weight NMTOKEN #IMPLIED>
The following pure XML format is not required for compliance, but is suggested for those who prefer use a pure XML reader.
The N-Gram declaration is defined with the tree
element and requires a lexicon
Following the example a complete declaration is:
<lexicon> <token index="1"> A </token> <token index="2"> B </token> <token index="3"> C </token> </lexicon> <tree> <node branches="3" count="5" /> <node index="1" branches="1" count="2" /> <node index="2" branches="2" count="2" /> <node index="1" count="1" /> <node index="3" count="1" /> <node index="2" branches="2" count="2" /> <node index="1" branches="1" count="1" /> <node index="2" count="1" /> <node index="3" count="1" /> <node index="3" count="1" /> </tree>
Note that if pruning has been performed then the branching values must be recomputed accordingly. The depth of the tree is implied by the structure of the data.
Yet another suggested XML format is somewhat more compact and less readable, but is not dependent upon line breaks for proper reading.
The N-Gram declaration is defined with the tree
element and requires a lexicon
Following the example a complete declaration is:
<lexicon> <token index="1"> A </token> <token index="2"> B </token> <token index="3"> C </token> </lexicon> <tree> <node> 3 5 </node> <node> 1 1 2 </node> <node> 2 2 2 </node> <node> 1 1 </node> <node> 3 1 </node> <node> 2 2 2 </node> <node> 1 1 1 </node> <node> 2 1 </node> <node> 3 1 </node> <node> 3 1 </node> </tree>
Semantic tags can be attached to N-Gram events. This may be particularly useful for class grammars where several alternative expressions with the same semantics should yield the same output, i.e. the semantic tag. If defined, semantic tags take precedence over other interpretations.
Continuing our example, we declare the occurrence of "B X" and "X B" to be identical semantic events of type "BX", where "X" represents an instance of class "firstclass".
Then the class based N-Gram grammar for our pseudo-corpus is declared as follows:
<n-gram> <import uri="" name="firstclass" /> <lexicon> <token index="1"> <ruleref import="firstclass#firstclass"/> </token> <token index="2"> B </token> </lexicon> <tree> 2,5; 1,1,3; 2,1,2;<tag name="BX"/>; 1,2; 2,1,2; 1,1,2;<tag name="BX"/>; 2,1; </tree> </n-gram>
Semantic tags are written in XML format and appended to the appropriate N-Gram count declaration. Please note that further study is planned for semantic markup for N-Grams.
The following pure XML format is not required for compliance, but is suggested for those who prefer to use a pure XML reader.
Following the example a complete declaration is:
<n-gram> <import uri="" name="firstclass" /> <lexicon> <token index="1"> <ruleref import="firstclass#firstclass"/> </token> <token index="2"> B </token> </lexicon> <tree> <node branches="2" count="5" /> <node index="1" branches="1" count="3" /> <node index="2" branches="1" count="2" name="BX" /> <node index="1" count="2" /> <node index="2" branches="1" count="2" /> <node index="1" branches="1" count="2" name="BX" /> <node index="2" count="1" /> </tree> </n-gram>
Naming a node replaces the normal syntactic output with the semantic tag name. Hence, input string "A B A B C" will now yield the interpretation "BX BX X(C)" indicating the occurrence of two semantic events "BX" followed by an instance of member "C" of class "X". This can be treated as the only interpretation if precedence of semantic tags is imposed. Without precedence other possible interpretations include: "BX X(A) BX"; "BX X(A) B X(C)"; "X(A) BX BX"; "X(A) BX B X(C)"; "X(A) B BX X(C)"; "X(A) B X(A) BX"; "X(A) B X(A) B X(C)".
For further information on stochastic language models, you are recommended to look at:
"Speech and Language Processing: An introduction to Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, and Speech Processing", Daniel Jurafsky & James H. Martin, published 2000 by Prentice-Hall. ISBN 0-13-095069-6.