Copyright © 2002 W3C® (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved. W3C liability, trademark, document use, and software licensing rules apply.
This specification defines the features and syntax for Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Version 1.1, a modularized language for describing two-dimensional vector and mixed vector/raster graphics in XML.
This document is the second public draft of the SVG 1.1 specification. This draft serves two purposes: to provide a modularization of SVG based on SVG 1.0 and to indicate the new features of SVG 1.1. At present, it must be read in accompaniment with the SVG 1.0 specification. The next draft of this document will be a complete self-contained specification of SVG 1.1. A list of changes since the first draft of 30 October 2001 is available.
It is possible to use this document as a basis for implementation. However, no guarantee is given of stability, and the SVG Working Group will not use the existence of implementations conforming to this draft as a reason for not changing future drafts.
We explicitly invite comments on this specification. Please send them to [email protected].
This document has been produced by the W3C SVG Working Group as part of the Graphics Activity within the W3C Document Formats Domain. The goals of the W3C SVG Working Group are discussed in the W3C SVG Charter (W3C members only). The W3C SVG Working Group has maintained a public Web page which contains further background information. The authors of this document are the SVG Working Group members.
Public discussion of issues related to vector graphics on the
Web and SVG in particular takes place on the [email protected] (public mailing
list of the SVG Working Group - list
archives). To subscribe send an email to
[email protected]
with the word subscribe
in the subject line.
A list of current W3C Recommendations and other technical documents can be found at W3C publications may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. In particular it is inappropriate to use W3C Working Drafts as reference material or to cite them as other than "work in progress".
1 Introduction
1.1.1 Element and Attribute
1.2 Profiling the SVG
2 Structure
2.1 The version
2.2 The
baseProfile attribute
2.3 Full Core
Attribute Module
2.4 Full
Structure Module
2.4.1 Full Structure Content Sets
2.5 Tiny
Structure Module
2.5.1 Tiny Structure Content Sets
2.6 Full
Container Attribute Module
2.7 Full
Viewport Attribute Module
3 Coordinate Systems, Transforms and
3.1 Geographic
Coordinate System
3.2 Using Viewport
4 Style
4.1 Full Style
4.1.1 Full Style Content Set
4.1.2 Full Style Attribute Set
5 Painting
5.1 Full
Paint Attribute Module
5.2 Tiny
Paint Attribute Module
5.3 Full
Opacity Attribute Module
5.4 Full
Graphics Attribute Module
5.5 Tiny
Graphics Attribute Module
6 Hyperlinking
6.1 Full
Hyperlinking Module
6.1.1 Full Hyperlinking Content Set
6.2 Full
XLink Attribute Module
6.3 Full
ExternalResourcesRequired Attribute Module
7 Conditional Processing
7.1 The
requiredFeatureList attribute
7.2 Full
Conditional Processing Module
7.2.1 Full Conditional Processing Content Set
7.2.2 Full Conditional Processing Attribute
8 Shapes
8.1 Full Shape
8.1.1 Full Shape Content Set
9 Images
9.1 Full Image
9.1.1 Full Image Content Set
9.1.2 Full Image Attribute Set
10 Text
10.1 Simple Text
10.2 Full Text
10.2.1 Full Text Content Sets
10.2.2 Full Text Attribute Sets
10.3 Basic Text
10.3.1 Basic Text Content Sets
10.3.2 Basic Text Attribute Sets
10.4 Tiny Text
10.4.1 Tiny Text Content Sets
10.4.2 Tiny Text Attribute Set
11 Color
11.1 Color
11.2 Full Color
11.2.1 Full Color Content Set
11.2.2 Full Color Attribute Set
11.3 Tiny Color
11.3.1 Tiny Color Attribute Set
12 Gradients
12.1 Full
Gradient Module
12.1.1 Full Gradient Content Set
12.1.2 Full Gradient Attribute Set
13 Patterns
13.1 Full
Pattern Module
13.1.1 Full Pattern Content Set
14 Clipping
14.1 Full Clip
14.1.1 Full Clip Content Set
14.1.2 Full Clip Attribute Set
14.2 Basic
Clip Module
14.2.1 Basic Clip Content Set
14.2.2 Basic Clip Attribute Set
15 Masking
15.1 Full Mask
15.1.1 Full Mask Content Set
15.1.2 Full Mask Attribute Set
16 Markers
16.1 Full Marker
16.1.1 Full Marker Content Set
16.1.2 Full Marker Attribute Set
17 Fonts
17.1 Full Font
17.1.1 Full Font Content Set
17.2 Tiny Font
17.2.1 Tiny Font Content Set
18 Interactivity
18.1 Full Document Events Attribute
18.2 Full Graphical Element Events
Attribute Module
18.3 Full Animation Events
Attribute Module
19 Scripting
19.1 Full
Scripting Module
19.1.1 Full Scripting Content Set
20 Cursors
20.1 Full Cursor
20.1.1 Full Cursor Content Set
20.1.2 Full Cursor Attribute Set
21.1 Full View
21.1.1 Full View Content Set
22 Filters
22.1 Full Filter
22.1.1 Full Filter Content Sets
22.1.2 Full Filter Attribute Sets
22.2 Basic
Filter Module
22.2.1 Basic Filter Content Sets
22.2.2 Basic Filter Attribute Sets
23 Animation
23.1 Full
Animation Module
23.1.1 Full Animation Content Set
23.1.2 Full Animation Attribute Sets
24 Extensibility
24.1 Full
Extensibility Module
24.1.1 Full Extensibility Content Set
A XML Schema
C References
D Author List
This specification defines version 1.1 of the Scalable Vector Graphics Language. The definition and description of all features can be found in the SVG 1.0 [SVG 1.0] specification, although there are a number areas where future drafts of this specification will include new language features. These areas are noted but not defined at present. Unless explicitly noted, the element definitions have not changed from SVG 1.0 to SVG 1.1.
The primary goal is to draft a modularization of the SVG language which can be used to build profiles of SVG, such as SVG Mobile.
This draft references the [SVG 1.0] specification heavily. The SVG 1.1 editorial team intended for this draft to be a complete self-contained specification, but this was not possible in the short timeframe. The next version of this document will be a complete self-contained specification.
The modularization of SVG included here is a decomposition of SVG 1.0 and a small set of extra features into a collection of abstract modules that provide specific types of functionality. The modules are described in this specification and will be implemented by Document Type Definition and XML Schema in future drafts.
These modules may be combined with each other and with other modules to create SVG subset and extension document types that qualify as members of the SVG-family of document types.
Each major section of the SVG 1.0 specification produces a module named after that section, e.g. "Full Text Module". The term "Full" implies that the module includes the complete set of elements and attributes with no restrictions from the corresponding section of the specification. If there is need to provide a subset of the functionality in a Full module, then Basic and/or Tiny modules are created. A Tiny module is a subset of a Basic module which is a subset of a Full module.
It is an error for a profile of SVG 1.1 to include a module and a subset of that module (e.g. the Full Text Module and the Basic Text Module).
Most modules define a named collection of elements or attributes. These collections are used as a shorthand when describing the set of attributes allowed on an element or the set of elements allowed as children of an element. All collections have names that begin with an uppercase character.
In the case where an element or attribute collection is referred to, but the module that defines the collection has not been included in the profile, then the collection is defined to be empty. The exception to this is the collection PresentationAttrsAll, which is the union of all the presentation attribute collections (i.e. all the attribute collections with the string "Presentation" in their name).
A subset module (ie. a Basic or Tiny module) may define a different named collection from a superset module. Since it is an error to include a subset and superset module of the same group in a profile, all attribute and element collections will either be defined once by the module that includes them, or will have their default empty value.
The modularization of SVG 1.1 allows profiles to be described by listing the SVG modules they allow and possibly a small number of restrictions or extensions on the elements provided by those modules.
The Full profile of SVG 1.1 is the collection of all the Full modules listed in this specification. Future drafts of this document will include a table that lists all elements, attributes and properties, along with the modules in which they are included.
When applied to conformance, the unqualified term "SVG" implies the Full profile of SVG 1.1 defined by this specification. If an implementation does not implement the Full profile, it must state either the profile to which it conforms, or that it implements a subset of SVG.
For further details refer to [SVG 1.0] : Chapter 5 - Document Structure
The 'svg' element has an attribute version with a fixed value in SVG 1.0 [SVG 1.0]. It is redefined in SVG 1.1 as follows:
Indicates the SVG language version to which this document fragment conforms. For SVG 1.1 content, this attribute is required and should have the value "1.1".
This section is not complete. The idea is for this attribute to be a shorthand for the requiredFeatureList test attribute. The values for this attribute may be restricted in future versions of this specification.In the situations where a DOCTYPE declaration is not available, SVG user agents require a method to identify the type of SVG content that the document fragment is using. The baseProfile attribute has been added to the 'svg' element in SVG 1.1 to provide this information. Each profile of SVG is required to define a value to be used for the baseProfile attribute, preferably the name of the profile.
Indicates the SVG language profile that this document fragment is based on. An SVG user agent is required to minimally support this base profile in order to render the document fragment correctly.
The Full Core Attribute Module defines the attribute set StdAttrs that is the core set of attributes that can be present on any element.
Collection Name | Attributes in Collection |
StdAttrs | id, xml:base, xml:lang, xml:space |
Elements | Attributes | Content Model |
svg | StdAttrs, TestAttrs, StyleAttrs, x, y, width, height, viewBox, preserveAspectRatio, zoomAndPan, version, contentScriptType, contentStyleType, ExternalResourcesRequiredAttrs, PresentationAttrsAll, GraphicsElementEvents, DocumentEvents | (DescriptionElements | StructureElements | GraphicalElements | ImageElements | ViewElements | ConditionalElements | HyperlinkingElements | TextElements | ScriptElements | StyleElements | MarkerElements | ClipElements | MaskElements | GradientElements | PatternElements | FilterElements | CursorElements | FontElements | AnimationElements | ColorElements)* |
g | StdAttrs, TestAttrs, StyleAttrs, ExternalResourcesRequiredAttrs, PresentationAttrsAll, GraphicsElementEvents, transform | (DescriptionElements | StructureElements | GraphicalElements | ImageElements | ViewElements | ConditionalElements | HyperlinkingElements | TextElements | ScriptElements | StyleElements | MarkerElements | ClipElements | MaskElements | GradientElements | PatternElements | FilterElements | CursorElements | FontElements | AnimationElements | ColorElements)* |
defs | StdAttrs, TestAttrs, StyleAttrs, ExternalResourcesRequiredAttrs, PresentationAttrsAll, GraphicsElementEvents, transform | (DescriptionElements | StructureElements | GraphicalElements | ImageElements | ViewElements | ConditionalElements | HyperlinkingElements | TextElements | ScriptElements | StyleElements | MarkerElements | ClipElements | MaskElements | GradientElements | PatternElements | FilterElements | CursorElements | FontElements | AnimationElements | ColorElements)* |
desc | StdAttrs, StyleAttrs | (PCDATA)* |
title | StdAttrs, StyleAttrs | (PCDATA)* |
metadata | StdAttrs | (PCDATA)* |
symbol | StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, ExternalResourcesRequiredAttrs, viewBox, preserveAspectRatio, PresentationAttrsAll, GraphicsElementEventAttrs | (DescriptionElements | StructureElements | GraphicalElements | ImageElements | ViewElements | ConditionalElements | HyperlinkingElements | TextElements | ScriptElements | StyleElements | MarkerElements | ClipElements | MaskElements | GradientElements | PatternElements | FilterElements | CursorElements | FontElements | AnimationElements | ColorElements)* |
use | StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, TestAttrs, transform, x, y, width, height, xlink:href, XLinkRefAttrs, PresentationAttrsAll, GraphicsElementEventAttrs | (DescriptionElements | AnimationElements)* |
Elements | Attributes | Content Model |
svg | StdAttrs, TestAttrs, StyleAttrs, x, y, width, height, viewBox, preserveAspectRatio, zoomAndPan, version, contentScriptType, contentStyleType, ExternalResourcesRequiredAttrs, PresentationAttrsAll, GraphicsElementEvents, DocumentEvents | (DescriptionElements | StructureElements | GraphicalElements | ImageElements | ViewElements | ConditionalElements | HyperlinkingElements | TextElements | ScriptElements | StyleElements | MarkerElements | ClipElements | MaskElements | GradientElements | PatternElements | FilterElements | CursorElements | FontElements | AnimationElements | ColorElements)* |
g | StdAttrs, TestAttrs, StyleAttrs, ExternalResourcesRequiredAttrs, PresentationAttrsAll, GraphicsElementEvents, transform | (DescriptionElements | StructureElements | GraphicalElements | ImageElements | ViewElements | ConditionalElements | HyperlinkingElements | TextElements | ScriptElements | StyleElements | MarkerElements | ClipElements | MaskElements | GradientElements | PatternElements | FilterElements | CursorElements | FontElements | AnimationElements | ColorElements)* |
defs | StdAttrs, TestAttrs, StyleAttrs, ExternalResourcesRequiredAttrs, PresentationAttrsAll, GraphicsElementEvents, transform | (DescriptionElements | StructureElements | GraphicalElements | ImageElements | ViewElements | ConditionalElements | HyperlinkingElements | TextElements | ScriptElements | StyleElements | MarkerElements | ClipElements | MaskElements | GradientElements | PatternElements | FilterElements | CursorElements | FontElements | AnimationElements | ColorElements)* |
desc | StdAttrs, StyleAttrs | (PCDATA)* |
title | StdAttrs, StyleAttrs | (PCDATA)* |
metadata | StdAttrs | (PCDATA)* |
use | StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, TestAttrs, transform, x, y, width, height, xlink:href, XLinkRefAttrs, PresentationAttrsAll, GraphicsElementEventAttrs | (DescriptionElements | AnimationElements)* |
For further details refer to [SVG 1.0] : Chapter 7 - Coordinate Systems
In order to allow interoperability between SVG content generators and user agents dealing with maps encoded in SVG, the SVG 1.1 specification encourages the use of a common metadata definition for describing the coordinate system used in the SVG files.
These metadata should be added under the 'metadata' element of the topmost 'svg' element describing the map. They consists of an RDF description of the Coordinate Reference System definition of the SVG map.
The definition should be conformant to the XML grammar described in the OpenGIS Recommendation on the Definition of Coordinate Reference System [OpenGIS Coordinate Systems]. In order to correctly map the 2-dimensional data used by SVG, the CRS must be of subtype ProjectedCRS or Geographic2dCRS. The first axis of the described CRS maps the x-axis and the second axis maps the y-axis.
The main interest of such metadata is to indicate to the User Agent that two or more SVG documents can be overlayed or merged into a single document. Obviously, if two maps reference the same Coordinate Reference System definition then they can be overlayed without reprojecting the data. If the maps reference different Coordinate Reference Systems, then a specialised cartographic User Agent may choose to transform the coordinate data to overlay the data. However, typical SVG user agents are not required to perform these types of transformations, or even recognise the metadata.
Below are two examples of the coordinate metadata.
<svg ...> <metadata> <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf = "" xmlns:crs = "" > <rdf:Description> <!-- The Coordinate Reference System is described through an URI. Is that legal RDF/XML??? --> <crs:CoordinateReferenceSystem rdf:resource=""/> </rdf:Description> </rdf:RDF> </metadata> <!-- The actual map content --> </svg> <svg ...> <metadata> <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf = "" xmlns:crs = "" > <rdf:Description> <!-- In case of a well-known Coordinate Reference System an 'Identifier' is enough to describe the CRS --> <crs:CoordinateReferenceSystem> <crs:Identifier> <crs:code>4326</crs:code> <crs:codeSpace>EPSG</crs:codeSpace> <crs:edition>5.2</crs:edition> </crs:Identifier> </crs:CoordinateReferenceSystem> </rdf:Description> </rdf:RDF> </metadata> <!-- The actual map content --> </svg>
The SVG Working Group considered adding the ability to allow graphical elements to be described using viewport coordinates into SVG 1.1. With this feature, graphical content such as toolbars or map legends could be statically placed within the user agent viewport and be unaffected by zoom and pan.
While the benefits of such a feature are obvious, the Working Group has decided to leave this feature out of SVG 1.1 and consider it for SVG 2.0. There are two reasons behind the decision: a substantial change to the rendering and coordinate system model is inappropriate for a minor update of the SVG specification and that the feature is difficult to describe and implement, and thus warrants heavy consideration to ensure the most appropriate solution is found.
For further details refer to [SVG 1.0] : Chapter 6 - Styling
Elements | Attributes | Content Model |
style | StdAttrs, xml:space, type, media, title | (#PCDATA) |
The Full Style Module defines the StyleElements content set.
Content Set Name | Elements in Content Set |
StyleElements | style |
The Full Style Module defines the StyleAttrs attribute set.
Collection Name | Attributes in Collection |
StyleAttrs | style, class |
For further details refer to [SVG 1.0] : Chapter 11 - Painting: Filling, Stroking and Marker Symbols
The Full Paint Attribute Module defines the PaintPresentationAttrs attribute set.
Collection Name | Attributes in Collection |
PaintPresentationAttrs | fill, fill-opacity, fill-rule, stroke, stroke-dasharray stroke-dashoffset, stroke-linecap, stroke-linejoin, stroke-miterlimit, stroke-opacity, stroke-width |
The Tiny Paint Attribute Module defines the PaintPresentationAttrs attribute set.
Collection Name | Attributes in Collection |
PaintPresentationAttrs | fill, fill-rule, stroke, stroke-dasharray stroke-dashoffset, stroke-linecap, stroke-linejoin, stroke-miterlimit, stroke-width |
The Full Opacity Attribute Module defines the OpacityPresentationAttrs attribute set.
Collection Name | Attributes in Collection |
OpacityPresentationAttrs | opacity |
For further details refer to [SVG 1.0] : Chapter 17 - Linking
Elements | Attributes | Content Model |
a | StdAttrs, TestAttrs, StyleAttrs, transform, target, GraphicsElementEvents, PresentationAttrsAll, ExternalResourcesRequiredAttrs, xlink:type, xlink:role, xlink:arcrole, xlink:title, xlink:show, xlink:actuate, xlink:href | (#PCDATA | StructureElements | DescriptionElements GraphicalElements | ImageElements | | ViewElements | ConditionalElements | HyperinkingElements | FontElements | ScriptElements | StyleElements | MarkerElements | ClipElements | MaskElements | GradientElements | PatternElements | FilterElements | CursorElements | AnimationElements | ColorElements)* |
For further details refer to [SVG 1.0] : Chapter 5 - Document Structure : switch element
This section is not complete.SVG 1.1 will deprecate the requiredFeatures and requiredExtensions attributes and replace them with requiredFeatureList. This attribute will allow boolean logic expressions based on XPath to allow greater control over conditional processing. There will be a mapping from the deprecated syntax to the new syntax.
The feature strings used SVG 1.1 will be URIs.
Elements | Attributes | Content Model |
switch | StdAttrs, TestAttrs, ExternalResourcesRequiredAttrs, StyleAttrs, transform, PresentationAttrsAll, GraphicsElementsEventsAttrs | (DescriptionElements | GraphicalElements | TextElements | StructureElements | ImageElements | HyperlinkingElements | ExtensibilityElements | AnimationElements)* |
For further details refer to [SVG 1.0] : Chapter 8 - Paths and Chapter 9 - Basic Shapes
Elements | Attributes | Content Model |
path | StdAttrs, TestAttrs, ExternalResourcesRequiredAttrs, StyleAttrs, transform, d, pathLength, GraphicsElementsEventsAttrs, ColorPresentationAttrs, PaintPresentationAttrs, OpacityPresentationAttrs, GraphicsPresentationAttrs, CursorPresentationAttrs, FilterPresentationAttrs, MaskPresentationAttrs, PointerEventsPresentationAttrs, ClipPresentationAttrs, MarkerPresentationAttrs | (DescriptionElements | AnimationElements)* |
rect | StdAttrs, TestAttrs, StyleAttrs, GraphicsElementsEventsAttrs, ColorPresentationAttrs, PaintPresentationAttrs, OpacityPresentationAttrs, GraphicsPresentationAttrs, CursorPresentationAttrs, FilterPresentationAttrs, MaskPresentationAttrs, PointerEventsPresentationAttrs, ClipPresentationAttrs, x, y, width, height, rx, ry, transform | (DescriptionElements | AnimationElements)* |
circle | StdAttrs, TestAttrs, StyleAttrs, GraphicsElementsEventsAttrs, ColorPresentationAttrs, PaintPresentationAttrs, OpacityPresentationAttrs, GraphicsPresentationAttrs, CursorPresentationAttrs, FilterPresentationAttrs, MaskPresentationAttrs, PointerEventsPresentationAttrs, ClipPresentationAttrs, cx, cy, r, transform | (DescriptionElements | AnimationElements)* |
line | StdAttrs, TestAttrs, StyleAttrs, GraphicsElementsEventsAttrs, ColorPresentationAttrs, PaintPresentationAttrs, OpacityPresentationAttrs, GraphicsPresentationAttrs, CursorPresentationAttrs, FilterPresentationAttrs, MaskPresentationAttrs, PointerEventsPresentationAttrs, ClipPresentationAttrs, x1, y1, x2, y2, transform | (DescriptionElements | AnimationElements)* |
ellipse | StdAttrs, TestAttrs, StyleAttrs, GraphicsElementsEventsAttrs, ColorPresentationAttrs, PaintPresentationAttrs, OpacityPresentationAttrs, GraphicsPresentationAttrs, CursorPresentationAttrs, FilterPresentationAttrs, MaskPresentationAttrs, PointerEventsPresentationAttrs, ClipPresentationAttrs, cx, cy, rx, ry, transform | (DescriptionElements | AnimationElements)* |
polyline | StdAttrs, TestAttrs, StyleAttrs, GraphicsElementsEventsAttrs, ColorPresentationAttrs, PaintPresentationAttrs, OpacityPresentationAttrs, GraphicsPresentationAttrs, CursorPresentationAttrs, FilterPresentationAttrs, MaskPresentationAttrs, PointerEventsPresentationAttrs, ClipPresentationAttrs, points, transform | (DescriptionElements | AnimationElements)* |
polygon | StdAttrs, TestAttrs, StyleAttrs, GraphicsElementsEventsAttrs, ColorPresentationAttrs, PaintPresentationAttrs, OpacityPresentationAttrs, GraphicsPresentationAttrs, CursorPresentationAttrs, FilterPresentationAttrs, MaskPresentationAttrs, PointerEventsPresentationAttrs, ClipPresentationAttrs, points, transform | (DescriptionElements | AnimationElements)* |
For further details refer to [SVG 1.0] : Chapter 5 - Document Structure : image Element
Elements | Attributes | Content Model |
image | StdAttrs, XLinkRefAttrs, TestAttrs, StyleAttrs, ExternalResourcesRequiredAttrs, GraphicsElementsEventsAttrs, preserveAspectRatio, ColorPresentationAttrs, OpacityPresentationAttrs, GraphicsPresentationAttrs, CursorPresentationAttrs, FilterPresentationAttrs, MaskPresentationAttrs, PointerEventsPresentationAttrs, ClipPresentationAttrs, ImagePresentationAttrs, ViewportPresentationAttrs, transform, x, y, width, height, xlink:href | (DescriptionElements | AnimationElements)* |
For further details refer to [SVG 1.0] : Chapter 10 - Text
This section is not complete and is still under discussion. It is included here in its present form to give both implementors and users the earliest opportunity to provide feedback.SVG 1.1 will include new elements to support simple text wrapping, as shown in the example below.
<tblock> <!-- You can specify regions inline via <region> or reference via <regionRef>. By default, display="none" on <region> and <regionRef>, but if you say display="inline" the contents will render. Only <rect> supported in 1.1. --> <region> <rect id="foo" x="100" y="100" width="200" height="150"/> </region> <regionRef xlink:href="#Rect001"/> <flow> <p> My initial paragraph has a <span fill="red">RED</span> word, and has these other words, also. </p> <!-- Note the <br/> element below --> <p> <span>Second<br/>paragraph.</span> </p> </flow> </tblock>
There will be seven new elements: 'tblock', 'region', 'regionRef', 'flow', 'p', 'span' and 'br'. All will be included in the Full Text Module and the Basic Text Module, but not the Tiny Text Module.
Alternatively, there may be a separate Text Wrapping Module.Each 'tblock' has at least one 'region' child to define the area in which text wrapping will occur. If multiple regions are defined, then once a region is filled the text will flow into the next region. The text to wrap is defined in the 'flow' element.
The default user agent style sheet for SVG 1.1 will specify 'p' as a block element, 'span' as an inline element and 'br' as a forced linebreak. When elements from arbitrary namespaces are inserted in a 'flow' element, the content of those elements will be wrapped according to the value of their display property. The SVG user agent will position the text based on the properties, not the elements or their tag names.
The algorithm for line breaking will be very simple, basically breaking on spaces, zero-width spaces and Unicode soft hypens. If it is necessary to break a line that does not have any of these characters, then the line will break after the last character that fits. The algorithm will support multiline bidirectional text. The algorithm will produce identical results across implementations when the text is rendered with an SVG font.
Elements | Attributes | Content Model |
text | StdAttrs, TestAttrs, ExternalResourcesRequiredAttrs, StyleAttrs, transform, x, y, dx, dy, rotate, textLength, lengthAdjust, GraphicsElementsEventAttrs, ColorPresentationAttrs, PaintPresentationAttrs, FontPresentationAttrs, OpacityPresentationAttrs, GraphicsPresentationAttrs, CursorPresentationAttrs, FilterPresentationAttrs, MaskPresentationAttrs, PointerEventsPresentationAttrs, ClipPresentationAttrs, TextContentPresentationAttrs, TextElementPresentationAttrs | (#PCDATA | DescriptionElements | TextContentElements | HyperlinkingElements | AnimationElements)* |
tspan | StdAttrs, TestAttrs, ExternalResourcesRequiredAttrs, StyleAttrs, x, y, dx, dy, rotate, textLength, lengthAdjust, GraphicsElementsEventAttrs, ColorPresentationAttrs, PaintPresentationAttrs, FontPresentationAttrs, OpacityPresentationAttrs, GraphicsPresentationAttrs, CursorPresentationAttrs, FilterPresentationAttrs, MaskPresentationAttrs, PointerEventsPresentationAttrs, ClipPresentationAttrs, TextContentPresentationAttrs | (#PCDATA | DescriptionElements | TextContentElements | HyperlinkingElements | AnimationElements)* |
tref | StdAttrs, TestAttrs, ExternalResourcesRequiredAttrs, StyleAttrs, XLinkRefAttrs, xlink:href, x, y, dx, dy, rotate, textLength, lengthAdjust, GraphicsElementsEventAttrs, ColorPresentationAttrs, PaintPresentationAttrs, FontPresentationAttrs, OpacityPresentationAttrs, GraphicsPresentationAttrs, CursorPresentationAttrs, FilterPresentationAttrs, MaskPresentationAttrs, PointerEventsPresentationAttrs, ClipPresentationAttrs, TextContentPresentationAttrs | (#PCDATA | DescriptionElements | AnimationElements)* |
textPath | StdAttrs, TestAttrs, ExternalResourcesRequiredAttrs, StyleAttrs, startOffset, textLength, lengthAdjust, method, spacing, XLinkRefAttrs, xlink:href, GraphicsElementsEventAttrs, ColorPresentationAttrs, PaintPresentationAttrs, FontPresentationAttrs, OpacityPresentationAttrs, GraphicsPresentationAttrs, CursorPresentationAttrs, FilterPresentationAttrs, MaskPresentationAttrs, PointerEventsPresentationAttrs, ClipPresentationAttrs, TextContentPresentationAttrs | (#PCDATA | DescriptionElements | TextContentElements | HyperlinkingElements | AnimationElements)* |
altGlyph | StdAttrs, TestAttrs, ExternalResourcesRequiredAttrs, StyleAttrs, x, y, dx, dy, rotate, textLength, glyphRef, format, xlink:href, XLinkRefAttrs, lengthAdjust, GraphicsElementsEventAttrs, ColorPresentationAttrs, PaintPresentationAttrs, FontPresentationAttrs, OpacityPresentationAttrs, GraphicsPresentationAttrs, CursorPresentationAttrs, FilterPresentationAttrs, MaskPresentationAttrs, PointerEventsPresentationAttrs, ClipPresentationAttrs, TextContentPresentationAttrs | (PCDATA)* |
altGlyphDef | StdAttrs | (glyphRef+ | altGlyphItem+) |
altGlyphItem | StdAttrs | (glyphRef+) |
glyphRef | StdAttrs, ExternalResourcesRequiredAttrs, StyleAttrs, x, y, dx, dy, glyphRef, format, xlink:href, XLinkRefAttrs, lengthAdjust, FontPresentationAttrs | Empty |
The Full Text Module defines the TextElements and TextContentElements content sets.
Content Set Name | Elements in Content Set |
TextElements | text, altGlyphDef |
TextContentElements | tspan, tref, textPath, altGlyph |
The Full Text Module defines the TextPresentationAttrs, TextContentPresentationAttrs and FontPresentationAttrs attribute sets.
Collection Name | Attributes in Collection |
TextPresentationAttrs | writing-mode |
TextContentPresentationAttrs | alignment-baseline, baseline-shift, direction, dominant-baseline, glyph-orientation-horizontal, glyph-orientation-vertical, kerning, letter-spacing, text-anchor, text-decoration, unicode-bidi, word-spacing |
FontPresentationAttrs | font-family, font-size, font-size-adjust, font-stretch, font-style, font-variant, font-weight |
Elements | Attributes | Content Model |
text | StdAttrs, TestAttrs, ExternalResourcesRequiredAttrs, StyleAttrs, transform, x, y, rotate, GraphicsElementsEventAttrs, ColorPresentationAttrs, PaintPresentationAttrs, FontPresentationAttrs, OpacityPresentationAttrs, GraphicsPresentationAttrs, CursorPresentationAttrs, FilterPresentationAttrs, MaskPresentationAttrs, PointerEventsPresentationAttrs, ClipPresentationAttrs, TextContentPresentationAttrs, TextElementPresentationAttrs | (#PCDATA | DescriptionElements | TextContentElements | HyperlinkingElements | AnimationElements)* |
tspan | StdAttrs, TestAttrs, ExternalResourcesRequiredAttrs, StyleAttrs, x, y, rotate, GraphicsElementsEventAttrs, ColorPresentationAttrs, PaintPresentationAttrs, FontPresentationAttrs, OpacityPresentationAttrs, GraphicsPresentationAttrs, CursorPresentationAttrs, FilterPresentationAttrs, MaskPresentationAttrs, PointerEventsPresentationAttrs, ClipPresentationAttrs, TextContentPresentationAttrs | (#PCDATA | DescriptionElements | TextContentElements | HyperlinkingElements | AnimationElements)* |
tref | StdAttrs, TestAttrs, ExternalResourcesRequiredAttrs, StyleAttrs, x, y, rotate, XLinkRefAttrs, xlink:href, GraphicsElementsEventAttrs, ColorPresentationAttrs, PaintPresentationAttrs, FontPresentationAttrs, OpacityPresentationAttrs, GraphicsPresentationAttrs, CursorPresentationAttrs, FilterPresentationAttrs, MaskPresentationAttrs, PointerEventsPresentationAttrs, ClipPresentationAttrs, TextContentPresentationAttrs | (#PCDATA | DescriptionElements | AnimationElements)* |
textPath | StdAttrs, TestAttrs, ExternalResourcesRequiredAttrs, StyleAttrs, startOffset, XLinkRefAttrs, xlink:href, GraphicsElementsEventAttrs, ColorPresentationAttrs, PaintPresentationAttrs, FontPresentationAttrs, OpacityPresentationAttrs, GraphicsPresentationAttrs, CursorPresentationAttrs, FilterPresentationAttrs, MaskPresentationAttrs, PointerEventsPresentationAttrs, ClipPresentationAttrs, TextContentPresentationAttrs | (#PCDATA | DescriptionElements | TextContentElements | HyperlinkingElements | AnimationElements)* |
The Basic Text Module defines the TextElements and TextContentElements content sets.
Content Set Name | Elements in Content Set |
TextElements | text |
TextContentElements | tspan, tref, textPath |
The Basic Text Module defines the TextPresentationAttrs, TextContentPresentationAttrs and FontPresentationAttrs attribute sets.
Collection Name | Attributes in Collection |
TextPresentationAttrs | writing-mode |
TextContentPresentationAttrs | alignment-baseline, baseline-shift, direction, dominant-baseline, glyph-orientation-horizontal, glyph-orientation-vertical, kerning, letter-spacing, text-anchor, text-decoration, unicode-bidi, word-spacing |
FontPresentationAttrs | font-family, font-size, font-size-adjust, font-stretch, font-style, font-variant, font-weight |
Elements | Attributes | Content Model |
text | StdAttrs, TestAttrs, ExternalResourcesRequiredAttrs, StyleAttrs, transform, x, y, rotate, GraphicsElementsEventAttrs, ColorPresentationAttrs, PaintPresentationAttrs, FontPresentationAttrs, OpacityPresentationAttrs, GraphicsPresentationAttrs, CursorPresentationAttrs, FilterPresentationAttrs, MaskPresentationAttrs, PointerEventsPresentationAttrs, ClipPresentationAttrs, TextContentPresentationAttrs, TextElementPresentationAttrs | (#PCDATA | DescriptionElements | HyperlinkingElements | AnimationElements)* |
For further details refer to [SVG 1.0] : Chapter 12 - Color
This section is not complete.The next version of this specification will include a element called 'solidColor' that provides a paint server with a solid color fill at a specified opacity. This way, elements can reference a solid fill style in the same manner as used for the other paint servers, gradients and patterns.
Elements | Attributes | Content Model |
solidColor | StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, ColorPresentationAttributes, solid-color, solid-opacity | (DescriptionElements | AnimationElements)* |
color-profile | StdAttrs, XLinkRefAttrs, xlink:href, local, name, rendering-intent | (DescriptionElements)* |
For further details refer to [SVG 1.0] : Chapter 13 - Gradients and Patterns
Elements | Attributes | Content Model |
linearGradient | StdAttrs, XLinkRefAttrs, xlink:href, ColorPresentationAttrs, GradientPresentationAttrs, StyleAttrs, ExternalResourcesRequiredAttrs, gradientUnits, gradientTransform, x1, y1, x2, y2, spreadMethod | (DescriptionElements | AnimationElements | stop)* |
radialGradient | StdAttrs, XLinkRefAttrs, xlink:href, ColorPresentationAttrs, GradientPresentationAttrs, StyleAttrs, ExternalResourcesRequiredAttrs, gradientUnits, gradientTransform, cx, cy, r, fx, fy, spreadMethod | (DescriptionElements | AnimationElements | stop)* |
stop | StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, ColorPresentationAttrs, GradientPresentationAttrs, offset | (DescriptionElements | AnimationElements)* |
For further details refer to [SVG 1.0] : Chapter 13 - Gradients and Patterns
Elements | Attributes | Content Model |
pattern | StdAttrs,, XLinkRefAttrs, xlink:href, TestAttrs, ExternalResourcesRequiredAttrs, StyleAttrs, PresentationAttrsAll, viewBox, preserveAspectRatio, patternUnits, patternTransform, x, y, width, height | (DescriptionElements | StructureElements | GraphicalElements | TextElements | ImageElements | HyperlinkingElements | ScriptElements | StyleElements | ClipElements | MaskElements | GradientElements | PatternElements | FilterElements | CursorElements | FontElements | ColorElements | AnimationElements)* |
For further details refer to [SVG 1.0] : Chapter 14 - Clipping, Masking and Compositing
Elements | Attributes | Content Model |
clipPath | StdAttrs, TestAttrs, ExternalResourcesRequiredAttrs, StyleAttrs, PaintPresentationAttrs, FontPresentationAttrs, TextContentPresentationAttrs, TextPresentationAttrs, OpacityPresentationAttrs, GraphicsPresentationAttrs, FilterPresentationAttrs, MaskPresentationAttrs, PointerEventsPresentationAttrs, ClipPresentationAttrs, transform, clipPathUnits | (DescriptionElements | GraphicsElements | TextElements | UseElements | AnimationElements)* |
Elements | Attributes | Content Model |
clipPath | StdAttrs, TestAttrs, ExternalResourcesRequiredAttrs, StyleAttrs, PaintPresentationAttrs, FontPresentationAttrs, TextContentPresentationAttrs, TextPresentationAttrs, OpacityPresentationAttrs, GraphicsPresentationAttrs, FilterPresentationAttrs, MaskPresentationAttrs, PointerEventsPresentationAttrs, ClipPresentationAttrs, transform, clipPathUnits | (DescriptionElements* | GraphicsElements | TextElements | UseElements | AnimationElements) |
For further details refer to [SVG 1.0] : Chapter 14 - Clipping, Masking and Compositing
Elements | Attributes | Content Model |
mask | StdAttrs, TestAttrs, ExternalResourcesRequiredAttrs, StyleAttrs, PresentationAttrsAll, maskUnits, maskContentUnits, x, y, width, height | (DescriptionElements | StructureElements | GraphicsElements | TextElements | ImageElements | ScriptElements | StyleElements | MarkerElements | ClipElements | MaskElements | GradientElements | PatternElements | FilterElements | CursorElements | FontElements | ColorElements | AnimationElements)* |
For further details refer to [SVG 1.0] : Chapter 11 - Painting: Filling, Stroking and Marker Symbols
Elements | Attributes | Content Model |
marker | StdAttrs, ExternalResourcesRequiredAttrs, StyleAttrs, PresentationAttrsAll, viewBox, preserveAspectRatio, refX, refY, markerUnits, markerWidth, markerHeight, orient | (DescriptionElements | StructureElements | GraphicalElements | TextElements | ImageElements | ViewElements | ConditionalElements | HyperlinkingElements | ScriptElements | ClipElements | MaskElements | GradientElements | PatternElements | FilterElements | CursorElements | FontElements | ColorElements | AnimationElements)* |
For further details refer to [SVG 1.0] : Chapter 20 - Fonts
Elements | Attributes | Content Model |
font | StdAttrs, ExternalResourcesRequiredAttrs, StyleAttrs, PresentationAttrsAll, horiz-origin-x, horiz-origin-y, horiz-adv-x, vert-adv-y, vert-origin-x, vert-origin-y | (DescriptionElements, font-face, missing-glyph, (glyph | hkern | vkern)*) |
font-face | StdAttrs, font-family, font-style, font-variant, font-weight, font-stretch, font-size, unicode-range, units-per-em, panose-1, stemv, stemh, slope, cap-height, x-height, accent-height, ascent, descent, widths, bbox, ideographic, alphabetic, mathematical, hanging, v-ideographic, v-alphabetic, v-mathematical, v-hanging, underline-position, underline-thickness, strikethrough-position, strikethrough-thickness, overline-position, overline-thickness | (DescriptionElements, font-face-src?, definition-src?) |
glyph | StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, PresentationAttrsAll, unicode, glyph-name, d, orientation, arabic-form, lang, horiz-adv-x, vert-adv-y, vert-origin-x, vert-origin-y | (DescriptionElements | StructureElements | GraphicalElements | TextElements | ImageElements | ViewElements | ConditionalElements | HyperlinkingElements | StyleElements | MarkerElements | ClipElements | MaskElements | GradientElements | PatternElements | ColorElements | FilterElements | CursorElements | FontElements | AnimationElements)* |
missing-glyph | StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, PresentationAttrsAll, d, orientation, arabic-form, lang, horiz-adv-x, vert-adv-y, vert-origin-x, vert-origin-y | (DescriptionElements | StructureElements | GraphicalElements | TextElements | ImageElements | ViewElements | ConditionalElements | HyperlinkingElements | StyleElements | MarkerElements | ClipElements | MaskElements | GradientElements | PatternElements | ColorElements | FilterElements | CursorElements | FontElements | AnimationElements)* |
hkern | StdAttrs, g1, g2, u1, u2, k | EMPTY |
vkern | StdAttrs, g1, g2, u1, u2, k | EMPTY |
font-face-src | StdAttrs | (font-face-uri|font-face-name)+ |
font-face-uri | StdAttrs, XLinkRefAttrs, xlink:href | font-face-format* |
font-face-format | StdAttrs, string | EMPTY |
font-face-name | StdAttrs, name | EMPTY |
defintion-src | StdAttrs, XLinkRefAttrs, xlink:href | EMPTY |
Elements | Attributes | Content Model |
font | StdAttrs, ExternalResourcesRequiredAttrs, StyleAttrs, PresentationAttrsAll, horiz-origin-x, horiz-origin-y, horiz-adv-x, vert-adv-y, vert-origin-x, vert-origin-y | (DescriptionElements, font-face, missing-glyph, (glyph | hkern | vkern)*) |
font-face | StdAttrs, font-family, font-style, font-variant, font-weight, font-stretch, font-size, unicode-range, units-per-em, panose-1, stemv, stemh, slope, cap-height, x-height, accent-height, ascent, descent, widths, bbox, ideographic, alphabetic, mathematical, hanging, v-ideographic, v-alphabetic, v-mathematical, v-hanging, underline-position, underline-thickness, strikethrough-position, strikethrough-thickness, overline-position, overline-thickness | (DescriptionElements, font-face-src?) |
glyph | StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, PresentationAttrsAll, unicode, glyph-name, d, orientation, arabic-form, lang, horiz-adv-x, vert-adv-y, vert-origin-x, vert-origin-y | (DescriptionElements) |
missing-glyph | StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, PresentationAttrsAll, d, orientation, arabic-form, lang, horiz-adv-x, vert-adv-y, vert-origin-x, vert-origin-y | (DescriptionElements) |
hkern | StdAttrs, g1, g2, u1, u2, k | EMPTY |
vkern | StdAttrs, g1, g2, u1, u2, k | EMPTY |
font-face-src | StdAttrs | (font-face-name)+ |
font-face-name | StdAttrs, name | EMPTY |
For further details refer to [SVG 1.0] : Chapter 16 - Interactivity
The Full Document Events Attribute Module defines the DocumentEventsAttrs attribute set.
Collection Name | Attributes in Collection |
DocumentEventsAttrs | onunload, onabort, onerror, onresize, onscroll, onzoom |
The Full Graphical Element Events Attribute Module defines the GraphicalElementEventsAttrs attribute set.
Collection Name | Attributes in Collection |
GraphicalElementEventsAttrs | onfocusin, onfocusout, onactivate, onclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onload |
For further details refer to [SVG 1.0] : Chapter 18 - Scripting
For further details refer to [SVG 1.0] : Chapter 16 - Interactivity
Elements | Attributes | Content Model |
cursor | StdAttrs, xlinkRefAtts, xlink:href, TestAttrs, ExternalResourcesRequiredAttrs, x, y | (DescriptionElements) |
For further details refer to [SVG 1.0] : Chapter 16 - Interactivity
For further details refer to [SVG 1.0] : Chapter 15 - Filters
Elements | Attributes | Content Model |
filter | StdAttrs, XLinkRefAttrs, xlink:href, ExternalResourcesRequiredAttrs, StyleAttrs, PresentationAttrsAll, filterUnits, primitiveUnits, x, y, width, height, filterRes | (DescriptionElements | FilterPrimitiveElements | AnimationElements)* |
feBlend | StdAttrs, FilterPrimitivePresentationAttrs, FilterPrimitiveWithInAttrs, in2, mode | (AnimationElements)* |
feColorMatrix | StdAttrs, FilterPrimitivePresentationAttrs, FilterPrimitiveWithInAttrs, type, values | (AnimationElements)* |
feComponentTransfer | StdAttrs, FilterPrimitivePresentationAttrs, FilterPrimitiveWithInAttrs | (feFuncR?, feFuncG?, feFuncB?, feFuncA?) |
feComposite | StdAttrs, FilterPrimitivePresentationAttrs, FilterPrimitiveWithInAttrs, in2, operator, k1, k2, k3, k4 | (AnimationElements)* |
feConvolveMatrix | StdAttrs, FilterPrimitivePresentationAttrs, FilterPrimitiveWithInAttrs, order, kernelMatrix, divisor, bias, targetX, targetY, edgeMode, kernelUnitLength, preserveAlpha | (AnimationElements)* |
feDiffuseLighting | StdAttrs, FilterPrimitivePresentationAttrs, FilterPrimitiveWithInAttrs, StyleAttrs, ColorPresentationAttrs, lighting-color, surfaceScale, diffuseConstant, kernelUnitLength | ((feDistantLight | fePointLight | feSpotLight), (AnimationElements)*) |
feDisplacementMap | StdAttrs, FilterPrimitivePresentationAttrs, FilterPrimitiveWithInAttrs, in2, scale, xChannelSelector, yChannelSelector | (AnimationElements)* |
feFlood | StdAttrs, FilterPrimitivePresentationAttrs, FilterPrimitiveWithInAttrs, StyleAttrs, ColorPresentationAttrs, flood-color, flood-opacity | (AnimationElements)* |
feGaussianBlur | StdAttrs, FilterPrimitivePresentationAttrs, FilterPrimitiveWithInAttrs, stdDeviation | (AnimationElements)* |
feImage | StdAttrs, XLinkRefAttrs, xlink:href, FilterPrimitivePresentationAttrs, FilterPrimitiveAttrs, ExternalResourcesRequiredAttrs, StyleAttrs, PresentationAttrsAll | (AnimationElements)* |
feMerge | StdAttrs, in | (AnimationElements)* |
feMergeNode | StdAttrs, FilterPrimitivePresentationAttrs, FilterPrimitiveAttrs | (feMergeNode)* |
feMorphology | StdAttrs, FilterPrimitivePresentationAttrs, FilterPrimitiveWithInAttrs, operator, radius | (AnimationElements)* |
feOffset | StdAttrs, FilterPrimitivePresentationAttrs, FilterPrimitiveWithInAttrs, dx, dy | (AnimationElements)* |
feSpecularLighting | StdAttrs, FilterPrimitivePresentationAttrs, FilterPrimitiveWithInAttrs, StyleAttrs, ColorPresentationAttrs, lighting-color, surfaceScale, specularConstant, specularExponent, kernelUnitLength | ((feDistantLight | fePointLight | feSpotLight), (AnimationElements)*) |
feTile | StdAttrs, FilterPrimitivePresentationAttrs, FilterPrimitiveWithInAttrs | (AnimationElements)* |
feTurbulence | StdAttrs, FilterPrimitivePresentationAttrs, FilterPrimitiveAttrs, baseFrequency, numOctaves, seed, stitchTiles, type | (AnimationElements)* |
feDistantLight | StdAttrs, azimuth, elevation | (AnimationElements)* |
fePointLight | StdAttrs, x, y, z | (AnimationElements)* |
feSpotLight | StdAttrs, x, y, z, pointsAtX, pointsAtY, pointsAtZ, specularExponent, limitingConeAngle | (AnimationElements)* |
feFuncR | StdAttrs, type, tableValues, slope, intercept, amplitude, exponent, offset | (AnimationElements)* |
feFuncG | StdAttrs, type, tableValues, slope, intercept, amplitude, exponent, offset | (AnimationElements)* |
feFuncB | StdAttrs, type, tableValues, slope, intercept, amplitude, exponent, offset | (AnimationElements)* |
feFuncA | StdAttrs, type, tableValues, slope, intercept, amplitude, exponent, offset | (AnimationElements)* |
The Full Filter Module defines the FilterElements and FilterPrimitiveElements content sets.
Content Set Name | Elements in Content Set |
FilterElements | filter |
FilterPrimitiveElements | feBlend, feFlood, feColorMatrix, feComponentTransfer, feComposite, feConvolveMatrix, feDiffuseLighting, feDisplacementMap, feGaussianBlur, feImage, feMerge, feMorphology, feOffset, feSpecularLighting, feTile, feTurbulence |
The Full Filter Module defines the FilterPresentationAttrs, FilterPrimitivePresentationAttrs, FilterPrimitiveAttrs and FilterPrimitiveWithInAttrs attribute sets.
Collection Name | Attributes in Collection |
FilterPresentationAttrs | filter |
FilterPrimitivePresentationAttrs | color-interpolation-filters |
FilterPrimitiveAttrs | x, y, width, height, result |
FilterPrimitiveWithInAttrs | FilterPrimitiveAttrs, in |
Elements | Attributes | Content Model |
filter | StdAttrs, XLinkRefAttrs, xlink:href, ExternalResourcesRequiredAttrs, StyleAttrs, PresentationAttrsAll, filterUnits, primitiveUnits, x, y, width, height, filterRes | (DescriptionElements | FilterPrimitiveElements | AnimationElements)* |
feBlend | StdAttrs, FilterPrimitivePresentationAttrs, FilterPrimitiveWithInAttrs, in2, mode | (AnimationElements)* |
feColorMatrix | StdAttrs, FilterPrimitivePresentationAttrs, FilterPrimitiveWithInAttrs, type, values | (AnimationElements)* |
feComponentTransfer | StdAttrs, FilterPrimitivePresentationAttrs, FilterPrimitiveWithInAttrs | (feFuncR?, feFuncG?, feFuncB?, feFuncA?) |
feComposite | StdAttrs, FilterPrimitivePresentationAttrs, FilterPrimitiveWithInAttrs, in2, operator, k1, k2, k3, k4 | (AnimationElements)* |
feFlood | StdAttrs, FilterPrimitivePresentationAttrs, FilterPrimitiveWithInAttrs, StyleAttrs, ColorPresentationAttrs, flood-color, flood-opacity | (AnimationElements)* |
feGaussianBlur | StdAttrs, FilterPrimitivePresentationAttrs, FilterPrimitiveWithInAttrs, stdDeviation | (AnimationElements)* |
feImage | StdAttrs, XLinkRefAttrs, xlink:href, FilterPrimitivePresentationAttrs, FilterPrimitiveAttrs, ExternalResourcesRequiredAttrs, StyleAttrs, PresentationAttrsAll | (AnimationElements)* |
feMerge | StdAttrs, in | (AnimationElements)* |
feMergeNode | StdAttrs, FilterPrimitivePresentationAttrs, FilterPrimitiveAttrs | (feMergeNode)* |
feOffset | StdAttrs, FilterPrimitivePresentationAttrs, FilterPrimitiveWithInAttrs, dx, dy | (AnimationElements)* |
feTile | StdAttrs, FilterPrimitivePresentationAttrs, FilterPrimitiveWithInAttrs | (AnimationElements)* |
feFuncR | StdAttrs, type, tableValues, slope, intercept, amplitude, exponent, offset | (AnimationElements)* |
feFuncG | StdAttrs, type, tableValues, slope, intercept, amplitude, exponent, offset | (AnimationElements)* |
feFuncB | StdAttrs, type, tableValues, slope, intercept, amplitude, exponent, offset | (AnimationElements)* |
feFuncA | StdAttrs, type, tableValues, slope, intercept, amplitude, exponent, offset | (AnimationElements)* |
The Basic Filter Module defines the FilterElements and FilterPrimitiveElements content sets.
Content Set Name | Elements in Content Set |
FilterElements | filter |
FilterPrimitiveElements | feBlend, feFlood, feColorMatrix, feComponentTransfer, feComposite, feGaussianBlur, feImage, feMerge, feOffset, feTile |
The Basic Filter Module defines the FilterPresentationAttrs, FilterPrimitivePresentationAttrs, FilterPrimitiveAttrs and FilterPrimitiveWithInAttrs attribute sets.
Collection Name | Attributes in Collection |
FilterPresentationAttrs | filter |
FilterPrimitivePresentationAttrs | color-interpolation-filters |
FilterPrimitiveAttrs | x, y, width, height, result |
FilterPrimitiveWithInAttrs | FilterPrimitiveAttrs, in |
For further details refer to [SVG 1.0] : Chapter 19 - Animation
Elements | Attributes | Content Model |
animate | StdAttrs, TestAttrs, ExternalResourcesRequiredAttrs, AnimEventAttrs, AnimElementAttrs, AnimAttributeAttrs, AnimTimingAttrs, AnimValueAttrs, AnimAdditionAttrs | (DescriptionElements) |
set | StdAttrs, TestAttrs, ExternalResourcesRequiredAttrs, AnimEventAttrs, AnimElementAttrs, AnimAttributeAttrs, AnimTimingAttrs, to | (DescriptionElements) |
animateMotion | StdAttrs, TestAttrs, ExternalResourcesRequiredAttrs, AnimEventAttrs, AnimElementAttrs, AnimTimingAttrs, AnimAdditionAttrs, AnimValueAttrs, path, keyPoints, rotate, origin | (DescriptionElements | mpath) |
animateTransform | StdAttrs, TestAttrs, ExternalResourcesRequiredAttrs, AnimEventAttrs, AnimElementAttrs, AnimAttributeAttrs, AnimTimingAttrs, AnimValueAttrs, AnimAdditionAttrs, type | (DescriptionElements) |
animateColor | StdAttrs, TestAttrs, ExternalResourcesRequiredAttrs, AnimEventAttrs, AnimElementAttrs, AnimAttributeAttrs, AnimTimingAttrs, AnimValueAttrs, AnimAdditionAttrs | (DescriptionElements) |
mpath | StdAttrs, XLinkRefAttrs, xlink:href, ExternalResourcesRequiredAttrs | (DescriptionElements) |
The Full Animation Module defines the AnimationElements content set.
Content Set Name | Elements in Content Set |
AnimationElements | animate, animateColor, animateTransform, animateMotion, set |
The Full Animation Module defines the AnimElementAttrs, AnimAttributeAttrs, AnimTimingAttrs, AnimValueAttrs and AnimAdditionAttrs attribute sets.
Collection Name | Attributes in Collection |
AnimElementAttrs | XLinkRefAttrs, xlink:href |
AnimAttributeAttrs | attributeName, attributeType |
AnimTimingAttrs | begin, dur, end, min, max, restart, repeatCount, repeatDur, fill |
AnimValueAttrs | calcMode, values, keyTimes, keySplines, from, to, by |
AnimAdditionAttrs | additive, accumulate |
For further details refer to [SVG 1.0] : Chapter 23 - Extensibility
This schema is still in development and is being tested. The SVG Working Group welcomes feedback on this topic.The XML Schema for SVG 1.1 is available at:
The schema references the following files: and
The authors of this specification are the members of the W3C SVG Working Group:
The SVG Working Group wish to acknowledge the many people outside the Working Group who help with the process of developing a specification. These people are too numerous to list individually. They include, but are not limited to, the implementors of SVG tools (viewers, transcoders and authoring tools), developers of SVG content, people who have contributed on the [email protected] and [email protected] email lists, other Working Groups at the W3C, and the W3C team.