Edition 1
, the libvirt command shell.
Mono-spaced Bold
To see the contents of the filemy_next_bestselling_novel
in your current working directory, enter thecat my_next_bestselling_novel
command at the shell prompt and press Enter to execute the command.
Press Enter to execute the command.Press Ctrl+Alt+F2 to switch to the first virtual terminal. Press Ctrl+Alt+F1 to return to your X-Windows session.
mono-spaced bold
. For example:
File-related classes includefilesystem
for file systems,file
for files, anddir
for directories. Each class has its own associated set of permissions.
Choose Mouse Preferences. In the Buttons tab, click the Left-handed mouse check box and click to switch the primary mouse button from the left to the right (making the mouse suitable for use in the left hand).→ → from the main menu bar to launchTo insert a special character into a gedit file, choose → → from the main menu bar. Next, choose → from the Character Map menu bar, type the name of the character in the Search field and click . The character you sought will be highlighted in the Character Table. Double-click this highlighted character to place it in the Text to copy field and then click the button. Now switch back to your document and choose → from the gedit menu bar.
Mono-spaced Bold Italic
or Proportional Bold Italic
To connect to a remote machine using ssh, typessh
at a shell prompt. If the remote machine isusername
and your username on that machine is john, typessh [email protected]
.Themount -o remount
command remounts the named file system. For example, to remount thefile-system
file system, the command ismount -o remount /home
.To see the version of a currently installed package, use therpm -q
command. It will return a result as follows:package
Publican is a DocBook publishing system.
mono-spaced roman
and presented thus:
books Desktop documentation drafts mss photos stuff svn books_tests Desktop1 downloads images notes scripts svgs
mono-spaced roman
but add syntax highlighting as follows:
package org.jboss.book.jca.ex1; import javax.naming.InitialContext; public class ExClient { public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { InitialContext iniCtx = new InitialContext(); Object ref = iniCtx.lookup("EchoBean"); EchoHome home = (EchoHome) ref; Echo echo = home.create(); System.out.println("Created Echo"); System.out.println("Echo.echo('Hello') = " + echo.echo("Hello")); } }
Command | Availability | Description |
From libvirt 0.2.3
Attach device from an XML file
| |
From libvirt 0.3.0
Attach disk device
| |
From libvirt 0.3.0
Attach network interface
| |
From libvirt 0.2.1
Enable and disable the automatic starting of a guest domain when the libvirt daemon starts
| |
From libvirt 0.2.0
Connect the virtual serial console for the guest
| |
From libvirt 0.7.7
Compute baseline CPU
| |
From libvirt 0.7.5
Compare host CPU with a CPU described by an XML file
| |
From libvirt 0.1.0
Create a guest domain from an XML file
| |
From libvirt 0.1.6
Define, but don't start, a guest domain from an XML file
| |
From libvirt 0.0.1
Immediately terminates a running guest domain, releasing any resources in use by it
| |
From libvirt 0.2.3
Detach a device from an XML file
| |
From libvirt 0.3.0
Detach a disk device
| |
From libvirt 0.3.0
Detach a network interface
| |
From libvirt 0.1.0
Prior to version 0.1.0, this command was known as idof
Convert a domain name or UUID to domain id
| |
From libvirt 0.7.7
Aborts the currently running guest domain job
| |
From libvirt 0.7.7
Returns information about jobs running on a domain
| |
From libvirt 0.1.0
Prior to version 0.1.0, this command was known as nameof
Convert a guest domain id or UUID to guest domain name
| |
From libvirt 0.1.1
Convert a guest domain name or id to guest domain UUID
| |
From libvirt 0.6.4
Convert native guest configuration format to domain XML format
| |
From libvirt 0.6.4
Convert guest domain XML config to a native guest configuration format
| |
From libvirt 0.1.9
Core dump a guest domain
| |
From libvirt 0.0.1
Output the guest domain information as an XML dump to stdout
| |
From libvirt 0.4.6
Edit the XML configuration for a guest domain
| |
From libvirt 0.8.0
Save and destroy a running guest domain, so it can be restarted from the same state at a later time. When the virsh start command is next run for the guest domain, it will automatically be started from this saved state
| |
From libvirt 0.8.3
Remove an existing managed save state file from a guest domain
| |
From libvirt 0.8.5
Show maximum number of virtual CPUs for guest domains on this connection
| |
From libvirt 0.8.5
Gets or sets the current memory parameters for a guest domain
| |
From libvirt 0.3.2
Migrates a guest domain to another host
| |
From libvirt 0.8.0
Set maximum tolerable downtime of a guest domain which is being live-migrated to another host
| |
From libvirt 0.1.0
Run a reboot command in a guest domain
| |
From libvirt 0.0.2
Restore a guest domain
| |
From libvirt 0.0.1
Resume a guest domain
| |
From libvirt 0.0.2
Save the running state of a guest domain to a file
| |
From libvirt 0.2.3
Show or set scheduler parameters
| |
From libvirt 0.1.4
Change the maximum memory allocation limit in the guest domain
| |
From libvirt 0.1.4
Change the current memory allocation in the guest domain
| |
From libvirt 0.1.4
Change the number of virtual CPUs in the guest domain
| |
From libvirt 0.0.1
Run shutdown in a guest domain
| |
From libvirt 0.1.6
Start a guest domain, either from the last managedsave state, or via a fresh boot if no managedsave state is present
| |
From libvirt 0.0.1
Suspend a running guest domain
| |
From libvirt 0.3.2
Output the device for the TTY console
| |
From libvirt 0.1.6
Remove the configuration for an inactive guest domain
| |
From libvirt 0.8.0
Update device from an XML file
| |
From libvirt 0.8.5
Returns the number of virtual CPUs used by a guest domain
| |
From libvirt 0.1.4
Returns basic information about a guest domains virtual CPUs
| |
From libvirt 0.1.4
Pin guest domain virtual CPUs to physical host CPUs
| |
From libvirt 0.0.1
Display the system version information
| |
From libvirt 0.2.0
Output the IP address and port number for the VNC display
Command | Availability | Description |
From libvirt 0.8.1
Get block device size info for a guest domain
| |
From libvirt 0.3.2
Get device block stats for a running guest domain
| |
From libvirt 0.3.2
Get network interface stats for a running guest domain
| |
From libvirt 0.1.0
Returns basic information about a guest domain
| |
From libvirt 0.7.5
Get memory statistics for a runnng guest domain
| |
From libvirt 0.1.0
Prior to version 0.1.0, this command was known as dstate
Returns state about a guest domain
| |
From libvirt 0.0.1
Returns a list of guest domains
Command | Availability | Description |
From libvirt 0.2.1
Returns capabilities of hypervisor/driver
| |
From libvirt 0.0.1
Connect to local hypervisor
| |
From libvirt 0.3.3
Display available free memory for a NUMA cell
| |
From libvirt 0.3.0
Display the name of the hypervisor host
| |
From libvirt 0.1.0
Returns basic information about the node
| |
From libvirt 0.8.6
Qemu monitor command
| |
From libvirt 0.3.0
Display the hypervisor canonical URI
Command | Availability | Description |
From libvirt 0.7.0
Define a physical host network interface
| |
From libvirt 0.7.0
Shut down and disable a physical host network interface
| |
From libvirt 0.7.0
Output information for a physical host network interface, as an XML dump to stdout
| |
From libvirt 0.7.0
Edit the XML configuration for a physical host network interface
| |
From libvirt 0.7.0
Returns a list of physical host network interfaces
| |
From libvirt 0.7.0
Returns the MAC address for a physical host network interface
| |
From libvirt 0.7.0
Returns the physical host interface name for a MAC address
| |
From libvirt 0.7.0
Enables and starts a physical host network interface
| |
From libvirt 0.7.0
Removes the configuration information for a physical host network interface
Command | Availability | Description |
From libvirt 0.8.0
Define a new network filter or update an existing one
| |
From libvirt 0.8.0
Output the network filter information as an XML dump to stdout
| |
From libvirt 0.8.0
Edit the XML configuration for a network filter
| |
From libvirt 0.8.0
Returns the list of network filters
| |
From libvirt 0.8.0
Undefine a network filter
Command | Availability | Description |
From libvirt 0.2.1
Enable or disable the automatic starting of a virtual network, when the libvirt daemon starts
| |
From libvirt 0.2.0
Creates a new transient virtual network from an XML file
| |
From libvirt 0.2.0
Adds a new permanent virtual network from an XML file, without starting it
| |
From libvirt 0.2.0
Shuts down a running virtual network
| |
From libvirt 0.2.0
Displays the XML configuration for a virtual network (to stdout)
| |
From libvirt 0.4.6
Allows the user to edit the XML configuration of a virtual network, using their preferred editor
| |
From libvirt 0.8.6
Displays basic information for a virtual network
| |
From libvirt 0.2.0
Lists the virtual networks libvirt is aware of
| |
From libvirt 0.2.0
When given a network UUID, returns its corresponding network name
| |
From libvirt 0.2.0
Starts a (previously defined) inactive virtual network
| |
From libvirt 0.2.0
Removes an inactive virtual network from the libvirt configuration
| |
From libvirt 0.2.0
When given a network name, returns its corresponding UUID
Command | Availability | Description |
From libvirt 0.6.5
Create a device on the physical host, which can then be assigned to a guest domain
| |
From libvirt 0.6.5
Destroys a device on a physical host
| |
From libvirt 0.6.1
Dettach a node device from its device driver before assigning to a guest domain
| |
From libvirt 0.5.0
Output the details for a node device as an XML dump to stdout
| |
From libvirt 0.5.0
Enumerate devices on the host
| |
From libvirt 0.6.1
Reattach a node device to its device driver, once released by the guest domain
| |
From libvirt 0.6.1
Reset a node device before or after assigning to a domain
Command | Availability | Description |
From libvirt 0.7.1
Define or modify a secret
| |
From libvirt 0.7.1
Output attributes of a secret as an XML dump to stdout
| |
From libvirt 0.7.1
Output a secret value to stdout
| |
From libvirt 0.7.1
Returns a list of secrets
| |
From libvirt 0.7.1
Set a secret value
| |
From libvirt 0.7.1
Undefine a secret
Command | Availability | Description |
From libvirt 0.8.0
Creates a snapshot of a domain
| |
From libvirt 0.8.0
Gets the current snapshot for a domain
| |
From libvirt 0.8.0
Removes a snapshot, and all of it's children, from a domain
| |
From libvirt 0.8.0
Displays the XML fragment for a domain snapshot
| |
From libvirt 0.8.0
Lists the snapshots for a domain
| |
From libvirt 0.8.0
Reverts a domain to a given snapshot
Command | Availability | Description |
From libvirt 0.4.6
Discover potential storage pool sources
| |
From libvirt 0.4.6
Discover potential storage pool sources
| |
From libvirt 0.4.1
Enable or disable the automatic starting of a storage pool, when the libvirt daemon starts
| |
From libvirt 0.4.1
Build a storage pool
| |
From libvirt 0.4.1
Create and start a transient storage pool, that will not persist across system restarts, using settings from an XML file
| |
From libvirt 0.4.1
Create and start a transient storage pool, that will not persist across system restarts, using settings passed as options
| |
From libvirt 0.4.1
Add a new persistent storage pool to the configuration, without starting it, using settings from an XML file
| |
From libvirt 0.4.1
Add a new persistent storage pool to the configuration, without starting it, using settings passed as options
| |
From libvirt 0.4.1
Delete a storage pool
| |
From libvirt 0.4.1
Shuts down a storage pool (from the libvirt point of view), releasing any resources in use by it
| |
From libvirt 0.4.1
Displays the XML configuration for a storage pool (to stdout)
| |
From libvirt 0.4.6
Allows the user to edit the XML configuration of a storage pool, using their preferred editor
| |
From libvirt 0.4.1
Returns basic information about a storage pool
| |
From libvirt 0.4.1
Displays a list of the storage pools libvirt is aware of
| |
From libvirt 0.4.1
When given a pool UUID, returns the name of the corresponding storage pool
| |
From libvirt 0.4.1
Re-examines the storage in a storage pool, updating the internal list of volumes present and their details
| |
From libvirt 0.4.1
Starts a (previously defined) inactive storage pool
| |
From libvirt 0.4.1
Removes an inactive storage pool from the libvirt configuration
| |
From libvirt 0.4.1
When given a storage pool name, returns the corresponding storage pool UUID
Command | Availability | Description |
From libvirt 0.6.4
Copies an existing storage volume, including data, to a new storage volume
| |
From libvirt 0.4.1
Creates a new storage volume, on a given storage pool, using settings from an XML file
| |
From libvirt 0.4.1
Creates a new storage volume, on a given storage pool, using settings passed as options
| |
From libvirt 0.6.4
Create a new storage volume from an existing storage volume
| |
From libvirt 0.4.1
Removes a storage volume from a storage pool
| |
From libvirt 0.4.1
Displays the XML configuration for a storage volume, to stdout
| |
From libvirt 0.4.1
Returns basic information about a storage volume
| |
From libvirt 0.4.1
When given a storage volume name or path, returns the corresponding key for that volume
| |
From libvirt 0.4.1
Displays a list of the storage volumes libvirt is aware of, in a given storage pool
| |
From libvirt 0.4.1
When given a storage volume path or key, returns the corresponding name for that volume
| |
From libvirt 0.4.1
When given a storage volume name or key, returns the corresponding path for that volume
| |
From libvirt 0.8.2
Returns the storage pool name or UUID for a given storage volume
| |
From libvirt 0.8.0
Ensure data previously on a volume is not accessible to future reads
Command | Availability | Description |
From libvirt 0.7.0
Change the current directory
| |
From libvirt 0.8.5
Echo back arguments, possibly with quoting
| |
From libvirt 0.8.0
Quit this interactive terminal. Alternative name for the quit command, doing exactly the same thing.
| |
From libvirt 0.0.1
Prints global help, command specific help, or help for a group of related commands
| |
From libvirt 0.7.0
Displays the current directory
| |
From libvirt 0.0.1
Quit this interactive terminal. Alternative name for the exit command, doing exactly the same thing.
Name | Required? | Description |
--domain <domain-identifier>
The name, id, or UUID of the guest domain
The word "--domain" itself is optional.
--hard-limit <limit>
Maximum memory the guest domain can use.
Limit is in kilobytes.
Applies to QEMU and LXC only.
--soft-limit <limit>
A soft limit is enforced when the host is running short on free resources or during resource contention. The guest domains' resources are then reduced to the soft-limit as an attempt to regain free resources.
Limit is in kilobytes.
Applies to QEMU and LXC only.
--swap-hard-limit <limit>
Maximum swap memory the guest domain can use.
Limit is in kilobytes.
Applies to QEMU and LXC only.
--min-guarantee <quantity>
Minimum amount of memory required to start a guest domain.
Quantity is in kilobytes.
VMware ESX and vSphere only.
virsh # memtune domain-id
virsh # memtune domain-id --hard-limit kilobytes
virsh # memtune domain-id --soft-limit kilobytes
virsh # memtune domain-id --swap-hard-limit kilobytes
<memtune> <hard_limit>131072</hard_limit> <soft_limit>65536</soft_limit> <swap_hard_limit>262144</swap_hard_limit> </memtune>
virsh # memtune lxcbb1 hard_limit : 131072 soft_limit : 65536 swap_hard_limit: 262144
virsh # memtune lxcbb1 --hard-limit 262144
virsh # memtune lxcbb1 hard_limit : 262144 soft_limit : 65536 swap_hard_limit: 262144
Name | Required? | Description |
--network network-identifier
The name or UUID for the virtual network being configured.
The word "--network" itself is optional.
Disables the automatic starting of the virtual network.
virsh # net-autostart default --disable
virsh # net-autostart --network default --disable
virsh # net-autostart bfbc4c69-7d6a-cc9a-904c-09910ce179c0 --disable
virsh # net-autostart --network bfbc4c69-7d6a-cc9a-904c-09910ce179c0 --disable
virsh # net-autostart default
virsh # net-autostart --network default
<network> <name>examplenetwork</name> <bridge name="virbr100" /> <forward mode="route" /> <ip address="" netmask="" /> </network>
# ls -al /root/examplenetwork.xml -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 162 Nov 7 16:43 /root/examplenetwork.xml
# virsh Welcome to virsh, the virtualization interactive terminal. Type: 'help' for help with commands 'quit' to quit
virsh # net-list Name State Autostart ----------------------------------------- default active yes
virsh # net-define /root/examplenetwork.xml Network examplenetwork defined from /root/examplenetwork.xml
virsh # net-list --all Name State Autostart ----------------------------------------- default active yes examplenetwork inactive no <-- this is the important piece
virsh # net-autostart examplenetwork Network examplenetwork marked as autostarted
virsh # net-list --all Name State Autostart ----------------------------------------- default active yes examplenetwork inactive yes <-- this is the important piece
# net-autostart --disable examplenetwork Network examplenetwork unmarked as autostarted
virsh # net-list --all Name State Autostart ----------------------------------------- default active yes examplenetwork inactive no <-- this is the important piece
Name | Required? | Description |
--file file-name
The full path (and file name) to an XML file containing the network settings required.
The word "--file" itself is optional.
virsh # net-create /root/examplenetwork.xml
virsh # net-create --file /root/examplenetwork.xml
<network> <name>examplenetwork</name> <bridge name="virbr100" /> <forward mode="route" /> <ip address="" netmask="" /> </network>
# ls -al /root/examplenetwork.xml -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 162 Nov 7 16:43 /root/examplenetwork.xml
# virsh Welcome to virsh, the virtualization interactive terminal. Type: 'help' for help with commands 'quit' to quit
virsh # net-list Name State Autostart ----------------------------------------- default active yes
virsh # net-create /root/examplenetwork.xml Network examplenetwork created from /root/examplenetwork.xml
virsh # net-list Name State Autostart ----------------------------------------- default active yes examplenetwork active no
virsh # net-dumpxml examplenetwork <network> <name>examplenetwork</name> <uuid>97ce3914-231e-4026-0a78-822e1e2e7226</uuid> <forward mode='route'/> <bridge name='virbr100' stp='on' delay='0' /> <ip address='' netmask=''> </ip> </network>
# ifconfig virbr100 virbr100 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 02:95:C3:06:A5:BF inet addr: Bcast: Mask: UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:11 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 RX bytes:0 (0.0 b) TX bytes:2653 (2.5 KiB)
Name | Required? | Description |
--file file-name
The full path (and file name) to an XML file containing the network settings required.
The word "--file" itself is optional.
virsh # net-define /root/examplenetwork.xml
virsh # net-define --file /root/examplenetwork.xml
<network> <name>examplenetwork</name> <bridge name="virbr100" /> <forward mode="route" /> <ip address="" netmask="" /> </network>
# ls -al /root/examplenetwork.xml -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 162 Nov 7 16:43 /root/examplenetwork.xml
# virsh Welcome to virsh, the virtualization interactive terminal. Type: 'help' for help with commands 'quit' to quit
virsh # net-list Name State Autostart ----------------------------------------- default active yes
virsh # net-define /root/examplenetwork.xml Network examplenetwork defined from /root/examplenetwork.xml
virsh # net-list --all Name State Autostart ----------------------------------------- default active yes examplenetwork inactive no
virsh # net-start examplenetwork
Network examplenetwork started
virsh # net-list Name State Autostart ----------------------------------------- default active yes examplenetwork active no
virsh # net-dumpxml examplenetwork <network> <name>examplenetwork</name> <uuid>97ce3914-231e-4026-0a78-822e1e2e7226</uuid> <forward mode='route'/> <bridge name='virbr100' stp='on' delay='0' /> <ip address='' netmask=''> </ip> </network>
# ifconfig virbr100 virbr100 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr A6:45:97:AE:8E:08 inet addr: Bcast: Mask: UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:11 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 RX bytes:0 (0.0 b) TX bytes:2653 (2.5 KiB)
Name | Required? | Description |
--network network-identifier
The name or UUID of the network to be shut down.
The word "--network" itself is optional.
virsh # net-dumpxml examplenetwork <network> <name>examplenetwork</name> <uuid>b7005dec-be1a-fe9a-338a-0cb1301dfcfd</uuid> <forward mode='route'/> <bridge name='virbr100' stp='on' delay='0' /> <ip address='' netmask=''> </ip> </network>
# ifconfig virbr100 virbr100 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr D2:43:D9:47:FA:AA inet addr: Bcast: Mask: UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:7 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 RX bytes:0 (0.0 b) TX bytes:1553 (1.5 KiB)
# ifconfig virbr100
virbr100: error fetching interface information: Device not found
virsh # net-destroy mynetwork
virsh # net-destroy --network mynetwork
virsh # net-destroy bfbc4c69-7d6a-cc9a-904c-09910ce179c0
virsh # net-destroy --network bfbc4c69-7d6a-cc9a-904c-09910ce179c0
virsh # net-list Name State Autostart ----------------------------------------- default active yes examplenetwork active yes
# net-destroy examplenetwork Network examplenetwork destroyed
virsh # net-list --all Name State Autostart ----------------------------------------- default active yes examplenetwork inactive yes
Name | Required? | Description |
--network network-identifier
The name or UUID of the network whose XML configuration is to be displayed.
The word "--network" itself is optional.
virsh # net-dumpxml mynetwork
virsh # net-dumpxml --network mynetwork
virsh # net-dumpxml bfbc4c69-7d6a-cc9a-904c-09910ce179c0
virsh # net-dumpxml --network bfbc4c69-7d6a-cc9a-904c-09910ce179c0
virsh # net-list --all Name State Autostart ----------------------------------------- default active yes examplenetwork active no
virsh # net-dumpxml examplenetwork <network> <name>examplenetwork</name> <uuid>b7005dec-be1a-fe9a-338a-0cb1301dfcfd</uuid> <forward mode='route'/> <bridge name='virbr100' stp='on' delay='0' /> <ip address='' netmask=''> </ip> </network>
Name | Required? | Description |
--network network-identifier
The name or UUID of the virtual network whose XML configuration is to be edited.
The word "--network" itself is optional.
virsh # net-edit mynetwork
virsh # net-edit --network mynetwork
virsh # net-edit bfbc4c69-7d6a-cc9a-904c-09910ce179c0
virsh # net-edit --network bfbc4c69-7d6a-cc9a-904c-09910ce179c0
virsh # net-list --all Name State Autostart ----------------------------------------- default active yes examplenetwork active no
virsh # net-dumpxml examplenetwork <network> <name>examplenetwork</name> <uuid>b7005dec-be1a-fe9a-338a-0cb1301dfcfd</uuid> <forward mode='route'/> <bridge name='virbr100' stp='on' delay='0' /> <ip address='' netmask=''> </ip> </network>
virsh # net-edit examplenetwork
<network> <name>examplenetwork</name> <uuid>b7005dec-be1a-fe9a-338a-0cb1301dfcfd</uuid> <forward mode='route'/> <bridge name='virbr100' stp='on' delay='30' /> <-- changed to 30 here <ip address='' netmask=''> </ip> </network> ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "/tmp/virsht2UZ6L" 8L, 238C
Network examplenetwork XML configuration edited.
Name | Required? | Description |
--network network-identifier
The name or UUID of the virtual network to display information for.
The word "--network" itself is optional.
virsh # net-info default Name default UUID 1c42888c-82c9-4dda-bc9c-4387962a0c0e Active: yes Persistent: yes Autostart: yes Bridge: virbr0
virsh # net-info --network default Name default UUID 1c42888c-82c9-4dda-bc9c-4387962a0c0e Active: yes Persistent: yes Autostart: yes Bridge: virbr0
virsh # net-list --all Name State Autostart ----------------------------------------- default active yes
# net-info default Name default UUID 1c42888c-82c9-4dda-bc9c-4387962a0c0e Active: yes Persistent: yes Autostart: yes Bridge: virbr0
virsh # net-dumpxml default <network> <name>default</name> <uuid>1c42888c-82c9-4dda-bc9c-4387962a0c0e</uuid> <forward mode='nat'/> <bridge name='virbr0' stp='on' delay='0' /> <ip address='' netmask=''> <dhcp> <range start='' end='' /> </dhcp> </ip> </network>
Name | Required? | Description |
Instructs net-list to display both active and inactive virtual networks.
Instructs net-list to only display inactive virtual networks.
virsh # net-list
virsh # net-list --all
virsh # net-list --inactive
virsh # net-list --all Name State Autostart ----------------------------------------- default active yes <-- this is a virtual network examplenetwork inactive no <-- this is a virtual network
Name | Required? | Description |
--network network-UUID
The UUID of the virtual network you want the name for.
The word "--network" itself is optional.
virsh # net-name b7005dec-be1a-fe9a-338a-0cb1301dfcfd
virsh # net-name --network b7005dec-be1a-fe9a-338a-0cb1301dfcfd
virsh # net-name b7005dec-be1a-fe9a-338a-0cb1301dfcfd examplenetwork
virsh # net-dumpxml examplenetwork <network> <name>examplenetwork</name> <-- the name is here <uuid>b7005dec-be1a-fe9a-338a-0cb1301dfcfd</uuid> <-- the UUID is here <forward mode='route'/> <bridge name='virbr100' stp='on' delay='1' /> <ip address='' netmask=''> </ip> </network>
Name | Required? | Description |
--network network-identifier
The name or UUID of the virtual network to start.
The word "--network" itself is optional.
virsh # net-start examplenetwork
virsh # net-start --network examplenetwork
virsh # net-start b7005dec-be1a-fe9a-338a-0cb1301dfcfd
virsh # net-start --network b7005dec-be1a-fe9a-338a-0cb1301dfcfd
<network> <name>examplenetwork</name> <bridge name="virbr100" /> <forward mode="route" /> <ip address="" netmask="" /> </network>
# ls -al /root/examplenetwork.xml -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 162 Nov 7 16:43 /root/examplenetwork.xml
# virsh Welcome to virsh, the virtualization interactive terminal. Type: 'help' for help with commands 'quit' to quit
virsh # net-list Name State Autostart ----------------------------------------- default active yes
virsh # net-define /root/examplenetwork.xml Network examplenetwork defined from /root/examplenetwork.xml
virsh # net-list --all Name State Autostart ----------------------------------------- default active yes examplenetwork inactive no <-- new persistent networks start out inactive
virsh # net-start examplenetwork <-- this is net-start in action Network examplenetwork started
virsh # net-list Name State Autostart ----------------------------------------- default active yes examplenetwork active no <-- the persistent network is now running (active)
virsh # net-dumpxml examplenetwork <network> <name>examplenetwork</name> <uuid>b7005dec-be1a-fe9a-338a-0cb1301dfcfd</uuid> <forward mode='route'/> <bridge name='virbr100' stp='on' delay='0' /> <-- the "virbr100" here <ip address='' netmask=''> </ip> </network>
# ifconfig virbr100 virbr100 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr A6:45:97:AE:8E:08 inet addr: Bcast: Mask: UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:11 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 RX bytes:0 (0.0 b) TX bytes:2653 (2.5 KiB)
Name | Required? | Description |
--network network-identifier
The name or UUID of the virtual network to remove.
The word "--network" itself is optional.
virsh # net-undefine examplenetwork
virsh # net-undefine --network examplenetwork
virsh # net-undefine b7005dec-be1a-fe9a-338a-0cb1301dfcfd
virsh # net-undefine --network b7005dec-be1a-fe9a-338a-0cb1301dfcfd
virsh # net-list
Name State Autostart
default active yes
examplenetwork active yes
# net-destroy examplenetwork
Network examplenetwork destroyed
virsh # net-undefine examplenetwork <-- this is net-undefine in action Network examplenetwork has been undefined
virsh # net-list --all Name State Autostart ----------------------------------------- default active yes
Name | Required? | Description |
--network network-name
The name of the virtual network you want the UUID for.
The word "--network" itself is optional.
virsh # net-uuid mynetwork fa3642ab-e113-7eaa-528f-14ed78bca20
virsh # net-uuid --network mynetwork fa3642ab-e113-7eaa-528f-14ed78bca20
virsh # net-uuid examplenetwork bfbc4c69-7d6a-cc9a-904c-09910ce179c0
virsh # net-dumpxml bfbc4c69-7d6a-cc9a-904c-09910ce179c0 <network> <name>examplenetwork</name><-- the name is here <uuid>b7005dec-be1a-fe9a-338a-0cb1301dfcfd</uuid><-- the UUID is here <forward mode='route'/> <bridge name='virbr100' stp='on' delay='1' /> <ip address='' netmask=''> </ip> </network>
Revision History | |||
Revision 3-0 | Tue Jan 11 2011 | ||
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Revision 2-0 | Wed Jan 05 2011 | ||
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Revision 1-0 | Wed Dec 07 2010 | ||
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Revision 0-0 | Wed Nov 10 2010 | ||