For list of authors, see Credits (Chapter 19).
DRAFT, not for publication! Please do not post this document to
web sites. This incorporates Adam's "PNG-1.1 draft 1.2.5" proposal.
It does not incorporate
This document has been reviewed by W3C members and other interested parties and has been endorsed by the Director as a W3C Recommendation. It is a stable document and may be used as reference material or cited as a normative reference from another document. W3C's role in making the Recommendation is to draw attention to the specification and to promote its widespread deployment. This enhances the functionality and interoperability of the Web.
A list of current W3C Recommendations and other technical documents can be found at
The Consortium staff have encouraged the development of PNG, as have Compuserve, Inc. Most of the work has been done by the PNG Development Group, [email protected]. The Consortium does not currently have plans to work on any future versions of PNG, though were the necessity to arise, and were an activity in that area to receive the support of Members, the Consortium could in principle support some future activity.
PNG is designed to work well in online viewing applications, such as the World Wide Web, so it is fully streamable with a progressive display option. PNG is robust, providing both full file integrity checking and simple detection of common transmission errors. Also, PNG can store gamma and chromaticity data for improved color matching on heterogeneous platforms.
This specification defines a proposed Internet Media Type image/png.
Although the initial motivation for developing PNG was to replace GIF, the design provides some useful new features not available in GIF, with minimal cost to developers.
GIF features retained in PNG include:
The main part of this specification gives the definition of the file format and recommendations for encoder and decoder behavior. An appendix gives the rationale for many design decisions. Although the rationale is not part of the formal specification, reading it can help implementors understand the design. Cross-references in the main text point to relevant parts of the rationale. Additional appendixes, also not part of the formal specification, provide tutorials on gamma and color theory as well as other supporting material.
The words "must", "required", "should", "recommended", "may", and "optional" in this document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC-2119], which is consistent with their plain English meanings. The word "can" carries the same force as "may".
See Rationale: Why a new file format? (Section 12.1), Why these features? (Section 12.2), Why not these features? (Section 12.3), Why not use format X? (Section 12.4).
Unless otherwise stated, four-byte unsigned integers are limited to the range 0 to (2^31)-1 to accommodate languages that have difficulty with unsigned four-byte values. Similarly, four-byte signed integers are limited to the range -((2^31)-1) to (2^31)-1 to accommodate languages that have difficulty with the value -2^31.
See Rationale: Byte order (Section 12.5).
Sample values are not necessarily proportional to light intensity;
Source data with a precision not directly supported in PNG (for example, 5 bit/sample truecolor) must be scaled up to the next higher supported bit depth. This scaling is reversible with no loss of data, and it reduces the number of cases that decoders have to cope with. See Recommendations for Encoders: Sample depth scaling (Section 9.1) and Recommendations for Decoders: Sample depth rescaling (Section 10.4).
Three types of pixel are supported:
Optionally, grayscale and truecolor pixels can also include an alpha sample, as described in the next section.
Pixels are always packed into scanlines with no wasted bits between pixels. Pixels smaller than a byte never cross byte boundaries; they are packed into bytes with the leftmost pixel in the high-order bits of a byte, the rightmost in the low-order bits. Permitted bit depths and pixel types are restricted so that in all cases the packing is simple and efficient.
PNG permits multi-sample pixels only with 8- and 16-bit samples, so multiple samples of a single pixel are never packed into one byte. 16-bit samples are stored in network byte order (MSB first).
Scanlines always begin on byte boundaries. When pixels have fewer than 8 bits and the scanline width is not evenly divisible by the number of pixels per byte, the low-order bits in the last byte of each scanline are wasted. The contents of these wasted bits are unspecified.
An additional "filter type" byte is added to the beginning of every scanline (see Filtering, Section 2.5). The filter type byte is not considered part of the image data, but it is included in the datastream sent to the compression step.
An alpha value of zero represents full transparency, and a value of (2^bitdepth)-1 represents a fully opaque pixel. Intermediate values indicate partially transparent pixels that can be combined with a background image to yield a composite image. (Thus, alpha is really the degree of opacity of the pixel. But most people refer to alpha as providing transparency information, not opacity information, and we continue that custom here.)
Alpha channels can be included with images that have either 8 or 16 bits per sample, but not with images that have fewer than 8 bits per sample. Alpha samples are represented with the same bit depth used for the image samples. The alpha sample for each pixel is stored immediately following the grayscale or RGB samples of the pixel.
The color values stored for a pixel are not affected by the alpha value assigned to the pixel. This rule is sometimes called "unassociated" or "non-premultiplied" alpha. (Another common technique is to store sample values premultiplied by the alpha fraction; in effect, such an image is already composited against a black background. PNG does not use premultiplied alpha.)
Transparency control is also possible without the storage cost of a
full alpha channel. In an indexed-color image,
an alpha value can be defined for each palette entry. In
grayscale and truecolor images, a single
pixel value can be identified as being "transparent". These
techniques are controlled by the
If no alpha channel nor
Viewers can support transparency control partially, or not at all.
See Rationale: Non-premultiplied alpha (Section 12.8), Recommendations for Encoders: Alpha channel creation (Section 9.4), and Recommendations for Decoders: Alpha channel processing (Section 10.8).
PNG defines several different filter algorithms, including "None" which indicates no filtering. The filter algorithm is specified for each scanline by a filter type byte that precedes the filtered scanline in the precompression datastream. An intelligent encoder can switch filters from one scanline to the next. The method for choosing which filter to employ is up to the encoder.
See Filter Algorithms (Chapter 6) and Rationale: Filtering (Section 12.9).
With interlace method 0, pixels are stored sequentially from left to right, and scanlines sequentially from top to bottom (no interlacing).
Interlace method 1, known as Adam7 after its author, Adam M. Costello, consists of seven distinct passes over the image. Each pass transmits a subset of the pixels in the image. The pass in which each pixel is transmitted is defined by replicating the following 8-by-8 pattern over the entire image, starting at the upper left corner:
1 6 4 6 2 6 4 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 3 6 4 6 3 6 4 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7Within each pass, the selected pixels are transmitted left to right within a scanline, and selected scanlines sequentially from top to bottom. For example, pass 2 contains pixels 4, 12, 20, etc. of scanlines 0, 8, 16, etc. (numbering from 0,0 at the upper left corner). The last pass contains the entirety of scanlines 1, 3, 5, etc.
The data within each pass is laid out as though it were a complete image of the appropriate dimensions. For example, if the complete image is 16 by 16 pixels, then pass 3 will contain two scanlines, each containing four pixels. When pixels have fewer than 8 bits, each such scanline is padded as needed to fill an integral number of bytes (see Image layout, Section 2.3). Filtering is done on this reduced image in the usual way, and a filter type byte is transmitted before each of its scanlines (see Filter Algorithms, Chapter 6). Notice that the transmission order is defined so that all the scanlines transmitted in a pass will have the same number of pixels; this is necessary for proper application of some of the filters.
Caution: If the image contains fewer than five columns or fewer than five rows, some passes will be entirely empty. Encoders and decoders must handle this case correctly. In particular, filter type bytes are only associated with nonempty scanlines; no filter type bytes are present in an empty pass.
See Rationale: Interlacing (Section 12.6) and Recommendations for Decoders: Progressive display (Section 10.9).
Gamma correction is not applied to the alpha channel, if any. Alpha samples always represent a linear fraction of full opacity.
For high-precision applications, the exact chromaticity of the RGB
data in a PNG image can be specified via the
See Rationale: Why gamma? (Section 12.7), Recommendations for Encoders: Encoder gamma handling (Section 9.2), and Recommendations for Decoders: Decoder gamma handling (Section 10.5).
ISO/IEC 8859-1 (Latin-1) is the character set recommended for use in text strings [ISO/IEC-8859-1]. superset of 7-bit ASCII.
Character codes not defined in Latin-1 should not be used, because they have no platform-independent meaning. If a non-Latin-1 code does appear in a PNG text string, its interpretation will vary across platforms and decoders. Some systems might not even be able to display all the characters in Latin-1, but most modern systems can.
Provision is also made for the storage of compressed text.
See Rationale: Text strings (Section 12.10).
137 80 78 71 13 10 26 10This signature indicates that the remainder of the file contains a single PNG image, consisting of a series of chunks beginning with an
See Rationale: PNG file signature (Section 12.11).
The chunk data length can be any number of bytes up to the maximum; therefore, implementors cannot assume that chunks are aligned on any boundaries larger than bytes.
Chunks can appear in any order, subject to the restrictions placed on
each chunk type. (One notable restriction is that
See Rationale: Chunk layout (Section 12.12).
Four bits of the type code, namely bit 5 (value 32) of each byte, are used to convey chunk properties. This choice means that a human can read off the assigned properties according to whether each letter of the type code is uppercase (bit 5 is 0) or lowercase (bit 5 is 1). However, decoders should test the properties of an unknown chunk by numerically testing the specified bits; testing whether a character is uppercase or lowercase is inefficient, and even incorrect if a locale-specific case definition is used.
It is worth noting that the property bits are an inherent part of the chunk name, and hence are fixed for any chunk type. Thus, TEXT and Text would be unrelated chunk type codes, not the same chunk with different properties. Decoders must recognize type codes by a simple four-byte literal comparison; it is incorrect to perform case conversion on type codes.
The semantics of the property bits are:
Chunks that are not strictly necessary in order to meaningfully
display the contents of the file are known as "ancillary" chunks.
A decoder encountering an unknown chunk in which the ancillary bit
is 1 can safely ignore the chunk and proceed to display the image. The
time chunk (
Chunks that are necessary for successful display of the file's
contents are called "critical" chunks. A decoder encountering an
unknown chunk in which the ancillary bit is 0 must indicate to the
user that the image contains information it cannot safely interpret.
The image header chunk (
A public chunk is one that is part of the PNG specification or is registered in the list of PNG special-purpose public chunk types. Applications can also define private (unregistered) chunks for their own purposes. The names of private chunks must have a lowercase second letter, while public chunks will always be assigned names with uppercase second letters. Note that decoders do not need to test the private-chunk property bit, since it has no functional significance; it is simply an administrative convenience to ensure that public and private chunk names will not conflict. See Additional chunk types (Section 4.4) and Recommendations for Encoders: Use of private chunks (Section 9.8).
The significance of the case of the third letter of the chunk name is reserved for possible future expansion. At the present time all chunk names must have uppercase third letters. (Decoders should not complain about a lowercase third letter, however, as some future version of the PNG specification could define a meaning for this bit. It is sufficient to treat a chunk with a lowercase third letter in the same way as any other unknown chunk type.)
This property bit is not of interest to pure decoders, but it is needed by PNG editors (programs that modify PNG files). This bit defines the proper handling of unrecognized chunks in a file that is being modified.
If a chunk's safe-to-copy bit is 1, the chunk may be copied to a modified PNG file whether or not the software recognizes the chunk type, and regardless of the extent of the file modifications.
If a chunk's safe-to-copy bit is 0, it indicates that the chunk depends on the image data. If the program has made any changes to critical chunks, including addition, modification, deletion, or reordering of critical chunks, then unrecognized unsafe chunks must not be copied to the output PNG file. (Of course, if the program does recognize the chunk, it can choose to output an appropriately modified version.)
A PNG editor is always allowed to copy all unrecognized chunks if it has only added, deleted, modified, or reordered ancillary chunks. This implies that it is not permissible for ancillary chunks to depend on other ancillary chunks.
PNG editors that do not recognize a critical chunk must report an error and refuse to process that PNG file at all. The safe/unsafe mechanism is intended for use with ancillary chunks. The safe-to-copy bit will always be 0 for critical chunks.
Rules for PNG editors are discussed further in Chunk Ordering Rules (Chapter 7).
For example, the hypothetical chunk type name "bLOb" has the property bits:
bLOb <-- 32 bit chunk type code represented in text form |||| |||+- Safe-to-copy bit is 1 (lower case letter; bit 5 is 1) ||+-- Reserved bit is 0 (upper case letter; bit 5 is 0) |+--- Private bit is 0 (upper case letter; bit 5 is 0) +---- Ancillary bit is 1 (lower case letter; bit 5 is 1)Therefore, this name represents an ancillary, public, safe-to-copy chunk.
See Rationale: Chunk naming conventions (Section 12.13).
x^32+x^26+x^23+x^22+x^16+x^12+x^11+x^10+x^8+x^7+x^5+x^4+x^2+x+1The 32-bit CRC register is initialized to all 1's, and then the data from each byte is processed from the least significant bit (1) to the most significant bit (128). After all the data bytes are processed, the CRC register is inverted (its ones complement is taken). This value is transmitted (stored in the file) MSB first. For the purpose of separating into bytes and ordering, the least significant bit of the 32-bit CRC is defined to be the coefficient of the x^31 term.
Practical calculation of the CRC always employs a precalculated table to greatly accelerate the computation. See Sample CRC Code (Chapter 15).
Width: 4 bytes Height: 4 bytes Bit depth: 1 byte Color type: 1 byte Compression method: 1 byte Filter method: 1 byte Interlace method: 1 byteWidth and height give the image dimensions in pixels. They are 4-byte integers. Zero is an invalid value. The maximum for each is (2^31)-1 in order to accommodate languages that have difficulty with unsigned 4-byte values.
Bit depth is a single-byte integer giving the number of bits per sample or per palette index (not per pixel). Valid values are 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16, although not all values are allowed for all color types.
Color type is a single-byte integer that describes the interpretation of the image data. Color type codes represent sums of the following values: 1 (palette used), 2 (color used), and 4 (alpha channel used). Valid values are 0, 2, 3, 4, and 6.
Bit depth restrictions for each color type are imposed to simplify implementations and to prohibit combinations that do not compress well. Decoders must support all legal combinations of bit depth and color type. The allowed combinations are:
Color Allowed Interpretation Type Bit Depths 0 1,2,4,8,16 Each pixel is a grayscale sample. 2 8,16 Each pixel is an R,G,B triple. 3 1,2,4,8 Each pixel is a palette index; a PLTE chunk must appear. 4 8,16 Each pixel is a grayscale sample, followed by an alpha sample. 6 8,16 Each pixel is an R,G,B triple, followed by an alpha sample.The sample depth is the same as the bit depth except in the case of color type 3, in which the sample depth is always 8 bits.
Compression method is a single-byte integer that indicates the method used to compress the image data. At present, only compression method 0 (deflate/inflate compression with a sliding window of at most 32768 bytes) is defined. All standard PNG images must be compressed with this scheme. The compression method field is provided for possible future expansion or proprietary variants. Decoders must check this byte and report an error if it holds an unrecognized code. See Deflate/Inflate Compression (Chapter 5) for details.
Filter method is a single-byte integer that indicates the preprocessing method applied to the image data before compression. At present, only filter method 0 (adaptive filtering with five basic filter types) is defined. As with the compression method field, decoders must check this byte and report an error if it holds an unrecognized code. See Filter Algorithms (Chapter 6) for details.
Interlace method is a single-byte integer that indicates the transmission order of the image data. Two values are currently defined: 0 (no interlace) or 1 (Adam7 interlace). See Interlaced data order (Section 2.6) for details.
Red: 1 byte (0 = black, 255 = red) Green: 1 byte (0 = black, 255 = green) Blue: 1 byte (0 = black, 255 = blue)The number of entries is determined from the chunk length. A chunk length not divisible by 3 is an error.
This chunk must appear for color type 3, and can appear for color
types 2 and 6; it must not appear for color types 0 and 4. If this
chunk does appear, it must precede the first
For color type 3 (indexed color), the
For color types 2 and 6 (truecolor and truecolor with alpha), the
Note that the palette uses 8 bits (1 byte) per sample regardless of the image bit depth specification. In particular, the palette is 8 bits deep even when it is a suggested quantization of a 16-bit truecolor image.
There is no requirement that the palette entries all be used by the image, nor that they all be different.
To read the image data, reverse this process.
There can be multiple
See Filter Algorithms (Chapter 6) and Deflate/Inflate Compression (Chapter 5) for details.
The standard ancillary chunks are listed in alphabetical order. This is not necessarily the order in which they would appear in a file.
For color type 3 (indexed color), the
Palette index: 1 byteThe value is the palette index of the color to be used as background.
For color types 0 and 4 (grayscale, with or without alpha),
Gray: 2 bytes, range 0 .. (2^bitdepth)-1(If the image bit depth is less than 16, the least significant bits are used and the others are 0.) The value is the gray level to be used as background.
For color types 2 and 6 (truecolor, with or without alpha),
Red: 2 bytes, range 0 .. (2^bitdepth)-1 Green: 2 bytes, range 0 .. (2^bitdepth)-1 Blue: 2 bytes, range 0 .. (2^bitdepth)-1(If the image bit depth is less than 16, the least significant bits are used and the others are 0.) This is the RGB color to be used as background.
When present, the
See Recommendations for Decoders: Background color (Section 10.7).
White Point x: 4 bytes White Point y: 4 bytes Red x: 4 bytes Red y: 4 bytes Green x: 4 bytes Green y: 4 bytes Blue x: 4 bytes Blue y: 4 bytesEach value is encoded as a 4-byte unsigned integer, representing the x or y value times 100000. For example, a value of 0.3127 would be stored as the integer 31270.
If the encoder does not know the chromaticity values, it should not
write a
If the
See the
sample = light_out ^ gammaHere sample and light_out are normalized to the range 0.0 (minimum intensity) to 1.0 (maximum intensity). Therefore:
sample = integer_sample / (2^bitdepth - 1)The
Gamma: 4 bytesThe value is encoded as a 4-byte unsigned integer, representing gamma times 100000. For example, a gamma of 1/2.2 would be stored as 45455.
Technically, "desired display output intensity" is not specific
enough; one needs to specify the viewing conditions under which
the output is desired.
The gamma value has no effect on alpha samples, which are always a linear fraction of full opacity.
If the encoder does not know the image's gamma value, it should not
write a
If the
See the
Histogram entries are approximate, with the exception that a zero entry specifies that the corresponding palette entry is not used at all in the image. It is required that a histogram entry be nonzero if there are any pixels of that color.
When the palette is a suggested quantization of a truecolor image, the histogram is necessarily approximate, since a decoder may map pixels to palette entries differently than the encoder did. In this situation, zero entries should not appear.
See Rationale: Palette histograms (Section 12.14), and Recommendations for Decoders: Suggested-palette and histogram usage (Section 10.10).
Profile name: 1-79 bytes (character string) Null separator: 1 byte Compression method: 1 byte Compressed profile: n bytesThe format is like the
An application that creates the
When the
A file should contain at most one embedded profile, whether
explicit like
If the
Pixels per unit, X axis: 4 bytes (unsigned integer) Pixels per unit, Y axis: 4 bytes (unsigned integer) Unit specifier: 1 byteThe following values are legal for the unit specifier:
0: unit is unknown 1: unit is the meterWhen the unit specifier is 0, the
Conversion note: one inch is equal to exactly 0.0254 meters.
If this ancillary chunk is not present, pixels are assumed to be square, and the physical size of each pixel is unknown.
If present, this chunk must precede the first
See Recommendations for Decoders: Pixel dimensions (Section 10.2).
For color type 0 (grayscale), the
For color type 2 (truecolor), the
For color type 3 (indexed color), the
For color type 4 (grayscale with alpha channel), the
For color type 6 (truecolor with alpha channel), the
Each depth specified in
A decoder need not pay attention to
If the
See Recommendations for Encoders: Sample depth scaling (Section 9.1) and Recommendations for Decoders: Sample depth rescaling (Section 10.4).
Rendering intent: 1 byteThe following values are legal for the rendering intent:
0: Perceptual For images preferring good adaptation to the output device gamut at the expense of colorimetric accuracy, like photographs. 1: Relative colorimetric For images requiring color appearance matching (relative to the output device white point), like logos. 2: Saturation For images preferring preservation of saturation at the expense of hue and lightness, like charts and graphs. 3: Absolute colorimetric For images requiring preservation of absolute colorimetry, like proofs (previews of images destined for a different output device).An application that writes the
gAMA: Gamma: 45455 cHRM: White Point x: 31270 White Point y: 32900 Red x: 64000 Red y: 33000 Green x: 30000 Green y: 60000 Blue x: 15000 Blue y: 6000When the
Keyword: 1-79 bytes (character string) Null separator: 1 byte Text: n bytes (character string)The keyword and text string are separated by a zero byte (null character). Neither the keyword nor the text string can contain a null character. Note that the text string is not null-terminated (the length of the chunk is sufficient information to locate the ending). The keyword must be at least one character and less than 80 characters long. The text string can be of any length from zero bytes up to the maximum permissible chunk size less the length of the keyword and separator.
Any number of
The keyword indicates the type of information represented by the text string. The following keywords are predefined and should be used where appropriate:
Title Short (one line) title or caption for image Author Name of image's creator Description Description of image (possibly long) Copyright Copyright notice Creation Time Time of original image creation Software Software used to create the image Disclaimer Legal disclaimer Warning Warning of nature of content Source Device used to create the image Comment Miscellaneous comment; conversion from GIF commentFor the Creation Time keyword, the date format defined in section 5.2.14 of RFC 1123 is suggested, but not required [RFC-1123]. Decoders should allow for free-format text associated with this or any other keyword.
Other keywords may be invented for other purposes. Keywords of general interest can be registered with the maintainers of the PNG specification. However, it is also permitted to use private unregistered keywords. (Private keywords should be reasonably self-explanatory, in order to minimize the chance that the same keyword will be used for incompatible purposes by different people.)
Both keyword and text are interpreted according to the ISO/IEC 8859-1 (Latin-1) character set [ISO/IEC-8859-1]. The text string can contain any Latin-1 character. Newlines in the text string should be represented by a single linefeed character (decimal 10); use of other control characters in the text is discouraged.
Keywords must contain only printable Latin-1 characters and spaces; that is, only character codes 32-126 and 161-255 decimal are allowed. To reduce the chances for human misreading of a keyword, leading and trailing spaces are forbidden, as are consecutive spaces. Note also that the non-breaking space (code 160) is not permitted in keywords, since it is visually indistinguishable from an ordinary space.
Keywords must be spelled exactly as registered, so that decoders can use simple literal comparisons when looking for particular keywords. In particular, keywords are considered case-sensitive.
See Recommendations for Encoders: Text chunk processing (Section 9.7) and Recommendations for Decoders: Text chunk processing (Section 10.11).
Year: 2 bytes (complete; for example, 1995, not 95) Month: 1 byte (1-12) Day: 1 byte (1-31) Hour: 1 byte (0-23) Minute: 1 byte (0-59) Second: 1 byte (0-60) (yes, 60, for leap seconds; not 61, a common error)Universal Time (UTC, also called GMT) should be specified rather than local time.
For color type 3 (indexed color), the
Alpha for palette index 0: 1 byte Alpha for palette index 1: 1 byte ... etc ...Each entry indicates that pixels of the corresponding palette index must be treated as having the specified alpha value. Alpha values have the same interpretation as in an 8-bit full alpha channel: 0 is fully transparent, 255 is fully opaque, regardless of image bit depth. The
For color type 0 (grayscale), the
Gray: 2 bytes, range 0 .. (2^bitdepth)-1(If the image bit depth is less than 16, the least significant bits are used and the others are 0.) Pixels of the specified gray level are to be treated as transparent (equivalent to alpha value 0); all other pixels are to be treated as fully opaque (alpha value (2^bitdepth)-1).
For color type 2 (truecolor), the
Red: 2 bytes, range 0 .. (2^bitdepth)-1 Green: 2 bytes, range 0 .. (2^bitdepth)-1 Blue: 2 bytes, range 0 .. (2^bitdepth)-1(If the image bit depth is less than 16, the least significant bits are used and the others are 0.) Pixels of the specified color value are to be treated as transparent (equivalent to alpha value 0); all other pixels are to be treated as fully opaque (alpha value (2^bitdepth)-1).
Note: when dealing with 16-bit grayscale or truecolor data, it is important to compare both bytes of the sample values to determine whether a pixel is transparent. Although decoders may drop the low-order byte of the samples for display, this must not occur until after the data has been tested for transparency. For example, if the grayscale level 0x0001 is specified to be transparent, it would be incorrect to compare only the high-order byte and decide that 0x0002 is also transparent.
When present, the
Keyword: 1-79 bytes (character string) Null separator: 1 byte Compression method: 1 byte Compressed text: n bytesThe keyword and null separator are exactly the same as in the
Any number of
See Recommendations for Encoders: Text chunk processing (Section 9.7), and Recommendations for Decoders: Text chunk processing (Section 10.11).
Critical chunks (must appear in this order, except PLTE is optional): Name Multiple Ordering constraints OK? IHDR No Must be first PLTE No Before IDAT IDAT Yes Multiple IDATs must be consecutive IEND No Must be last Ancillary chunks (need not appear in this order): Name Multiple Ordering constraints OK? cHRM No Before PLTE and IDAT gAMA No Before PLTE and IDAT sBIT No Before PLTE and IDAT sRGB No Before PLTE and IDAT iCCP No Before PLTE and IDAT bKGD No After PLTE; before IDAT hIST No After PLTE; before IDAT tRNS No After PLTE; before IDAT pHYs No Before IDAT tIME No None tEXt Yes None zTXt Yes None
Standard keywords for
Title Short (one line) title or caption for image Author Name of image's creator Description Description of image (possibly long) Copyright Copyright notice Creation Time Time of original image creation Software Software used to create the image Disclaimer Legal disclaimer Warning Warning of nature of content Source Device used to create the image Comment Miscellaneous comment; conversion from GIF comment
New public chunks will only be registered if they are of use to others and do not violate the design philosophy of PNG. Chunk registration is not automatic, although it is the intent of the authors that it be straightforward when a new chunk of potentially wide application is needed. Note that the creation of new critical chunk types is discouraged unless absolutely necessary.
Applications can also use private chunk types to carry data that is not of interest to other applications. See Recommendations for Encoders: Use of private chunks (Section 9.8).
Decoders must be prepared to encounter unrecognized public or private chunk type codes. Unrecognized chunk types must be handled as described in Chunk naming conventions (Section 3.3).
Deflate-compressed datastreams within PNG are stored in the "zlib" format, which has the structure:
Compression method/flags code: 1 byte Additional flags/check bits: 1 byte Compressed data blocks: n bytes Check value: 4 bytesFurther details on this format are given in the zlib specification [RFC-1950].
For PNG compression method 0, the zlib compression method/flags code must specify method code 8 ("deflate" compression) and an LZ77 window size of not more than 32768 bytes. Note that the zlib compression method number is not the same as the PNG compression method number. The additional flags must not specify a preset dictionary. A PNG decoder must be able to decompress any legal zlib datastream that satisfies these additional constraints.
If the data to be compressed contains 16384 bytes or fewer, the encoder can set the window size by rounding up to a power of 2 (256 minimum). This decreases the encoder's memory requirements without adversely affecting the compression ratio. More importantly, it also decreases the decoder's memory requirements.
The compressed data within the zlib datastream is stored as a series of blocks, each of which can represent raw (uncompressed) data, LZ77-compressed data encoded with fixed Huffman codes, or LZ77-compressed data encoded with custom Huffman codes. A marker bit in the final block identifies it as the last block, allowing the decoder to recognize the end of the compressed datastream. Further details on the compression algorithm and the encoding are given in the deflate specification [RFC-1951].
The check value stored at the end of the zlib datastream is calculated on the uncompressed data represented by the datastream. Note that the algorithm used is not the same as the CRC calculation used for PNG chunk check values. The zlib check value is useful mainly as a cross-check that the deflate and inflate algorithms are implemented correctly. Verifying the chunk CRCs provides adequate confidence that the PNG file has been transmitted undamaged.
In a PNG file, the concatenation of the contents of all the
It is important to emphasize that the boundaries between
In the same vein,
there is no required correlation between the structure of the
image data (i.e., scanline boundaries) and deflate block boundaries
PNG also uses zlib datastreams in
Additional documentation and portable C code for deflate and inflate
are available from the Info-ZIP archives at
Type Name 0 None 1 Sub 2 Up 3 Average 4 Paeth(Note that filter method 0 in
The encoder can choose which of these filter algorithms to apply on a scanline-by-scanline basis. In the image data sent to the compression step, each scanline is preceded by a filter type byte that specifies the filter algorithm used for that scanline.
Filtering algorithms are applied to bytes, not to pixels, regardless of the bit depth or color type of the image. The filtering algorithms work on the byte sequence formed by a scanline that has been represented as described in Image layout (Section 2.3). If the image includes an alpha channel, the alpha data is filtered in the same way as the image data.
When the image is interlaced, each pass of the interlace pattern is treated as an independent image for filtering purposes. The filters work on the byte sequences formed by the pixels actually transmitted during a pass, and the "previous scanline" is the one previously transmitted in the same pass, not the one adjacent in the complete image. Note that the subimage transmitted in any one pass is always rectangular, but is of smaller width and/or height than the complete image. Filtering is not applied when this subimage is empty.
For all filters, the bytes "to the left of" the first pixel in a scanline must be treated as being zero. For filters that refer to the prior scanline, the entire prior scanline must be treated as being zeroes for the first scanline of an image (or of a pass of an interlaced image).
To reverse the effect of a filter, the decoder must use the decoded values of the prior pixel on the same line, the pixel immediately above the current pixel on the prior line, and the pixel just to the left of the pixel above. This implies that at least one scanline's worth of image data will have to be stored by the decoder at all times. Even though some filter types do not refer to the prior scanline, the decoder will always need to store each scanline as it is decoded, since the next scanline might use a filter that refers to it.
PNG imposes no restriction on which filter types can be applied to an image. However, the filters are not equally effective on all types of data. See Recommendations for Encoders: Filter selection (Section 9.6).
See also Rationale: Filtering (Section 12.9).
To compute the Sub filter, apply the following formula to each byte of the scanline:
Sub(x) = Raw(x) - Raw(x-bpp)where x ranges from zero to the number of bytes representing the scanline minus one, Raw(x) refers to the raw data byte at that byte position in the scanline, and bpp is defined as the number of bytes per complete pixel, rounding up to one. For example, for color type 2 with a bit depth of 16, bpp is equal to 6 (three samples, two bytes per sample); for color type 0 with a bit depth of 2, bpp is equal to 1 (rounding up); for color type 4 with a bit depth of 16, bpp is equal to 4 (two-byte grayscale sample, plus two-byte alpha sample).
Note this computation is done for each byte, regardless of bit depth. In a 16-bit image, each MSB is predicted from the preceding MSB and each LSB from the preceding LSB, because of the way that bpp is defined.
Unsigned arithmetic modulo 256 is used, so that both the inputs and outputs fit into bytes. The sequence of Sub values is transmitted as the filtered scanline.
For all x < 0, assume Raw(x) = 0.
To reverse the effect of the Sub filter after decompression, output the following value:
Sub(x) + Raw(x-bpp)(computed mod 256), where Raw refers to the bytes already decoded.
To compute the Up filter, apply the following formula to each byte of the scanline:
Up(x) = Raw(x) - Prior(x)where x ranges from zero to the number of bytes representing the scanline minus one, Raw(x) refers to the raw data byte at that byte position in the scanline, and Prior(x) refers to the unfiltered bytes of the prior scanline.
Note this is done for each byte, regardless of bit depth. Unsigned arithmetic modulo 256 is used, so that both the inputs and outputs fit into bytes. The sequence of Up values is transmitted as the filtered scanline.
On the first scanline of an image (or of a pass of an interlaced image), assume Prior(x) = 0 for all x.
To reverse the effect of the Up filter after decompression, output the following value:
Up(x) + Prior(x)(computed mod 256), where Prior refers to the decoded bytes of the prior scanline.
To compute the Average filter, apply the following formula to each byte of the scanline:
Average(x) = Raw(x) - floor((Raw(x-bpp)+Prior(x))/2)where x ranges from zero to the number of bytes representing the scanline minus one, Raw(x) refers to the raw data byte at that byte position in the scanline, Prior(x) refers to the unfiltered bytes of the prior scanline, and bpp is defined as for the Sub filter.
Note this is done for each byte, regardless of bit depth. The sequence of Average values is transmitted as the filtered scanline.
The subtraction of the predicted value from the raw byte must be done modulo 256, so that both the inputs and outputs fit into bytes. However, the sum Raw(x-bpp)+Prior(x) must be formed without overflow (using at least nine-bit arithmetic). floor() indicates that the result of the division is rounded to the next lower integer if fractional; in other words, it is an integer division or right shift operation.
For all x < 0, assume Raw(x) = 0. On the first scanline of an image (or of a pass of an interlaced image), assume Prior(x) = 0 for all x.
To reverse the effect of the Average filter after decompression, output the following value:
Average(x) + floor((Raw(x-bpp)+Prior(x))/2)where the result is computed mod 256, but the prediction is calculated in the same way as for encoding. Raw refers to the bytes already decoded, and Prior refers to the decoded bytes of the prior scanline.
To compute the Paeth filter, apply the following formula to each byte of the scanline:
Paeth(x) = Raw(x) - PaethPredictor(Raw(x-bpp), Prior(x), Prior(x-bpp))where x ranges from zero to the number of bytes representing the scanline minus one, Raw(x) refers to the raw data byte at that byte position in the scanline, Prior(x) refers to the unfiltered bytes of the prior scanline, and bpp is defined as for the Sub filter.
Note this is done for each byte, regardless of bit depth. Unsigned arithmetic modulo 256 is used, so that both the inputs and outputs fit into bytes. The sequence of Paeth values is transmitted as the filtered scanline.
The PaethPredictor function is defined by the following pseudocode:
function PaethPredictor (a, b, c) begin ; a = left, b = above, c = upper left p := a + b - c ; initial estimate pa := abs(p - a) ; distances to a, b, c pb := abs(p - b) pc := abs(p - c) ; return nearest of a,b,c, ; breaking ties in order a,b,c. if pa <= pb AND pa <= pc then return a else if pb <= pc then return b else return c endThe calculations within the PaethPredictor function must be performed exactly, without overflow. Arithmetic modulo 256 is to be used only for the final step of subtracting the function result from the target byte value.
Note that the order in which ties are broken is critical and must not be altered. The tie break order is: pixel to the left, pixel above, pixel to the upper left. (This order differs from that given in Paeth's article.)
For all x < 0, assume Raw(x) = 0 and Prior(x) = 0. On the first scanline of an image (or of a pass of an interlaced image), assume Prior(x) = 0 for all x.
To reverse the effect of the Paeth filter after decompression, output the following value:
Paeth(x) + PaethPredictor(Raw(x-bpp), Prior(x), Prior(x-bpp))(computed mod 256), where Raw and Prior refer to bytes already decoded. Exactly the same PaethPredictor function is used by both encoder and decoder.
We define a "PNG editor" as a program that modifies a PNG file and wishes to preserve as much as possible of the ancillary information in the file. Two examples of PNG editors are a program that adds or modifies text chunks, and a program that adds a suggested palette to a truecolor PNG file. Ordinary image editors are not PNG editors in this sense, because they usually discard all unrecognized information while reading in an image. (Note: we strongly encourage programs handling PNG files to preserve ancillary information whenever possible.)
As an example of possible problems, consider a hypothetical new
ancillary chunk type that is safe-to-copy and is required to appear
To prevent this type of problem while allowing for future extension, we put some constraints on both the behavior of PNG editors and the allowed ordering requirements for chunks.
See also Chunk naming conventions (Section 3.3).
Decoders must not assume more about the positioning of any
ancillary chunk than is specified by the chunk ordering rules.
In particular, it is never valid to assume that a specific ancillary
chunk type occurs with any particular positioning relative to other
ancillary chunks. (For example, it is unsafe to assume that your
private ancillary chunk occurs immediately before
See Rationale: Why not these features? (Section 12.3).
The possible security risks associated with future chunk types cannot be specified at this time. Security issues will be considered when evaluating chunks proposed for registration as public chunks. There is no additional security risk associated with unknown or unimplemented chunk types, because such chunks will be ignored, or at most be copied into another PNG file.
Because every chunk's length is available at its beginning, and because every chunk has a CRC trailer, there is a very robust defense against corrupted data and against fraudulent chunks that attempt to overflow the decoder's buffers. Also, the PNG signature bytes provide early detection of common file transmission errors.
A decoder that fails to check CRCs could be subject to data corruption.
The only likely consequence of such corruption is incorrectly displayed
pixels within the image. Worse things might happen if the CRC of the
A poorly written decoder might be subject to buffer overflow, because chunks can be extremely large, up to (2^31)-1 bytes long. But properly written decoders will handle large chunks without difficulty.
output = ROUND(input * MAXOUTSAMPLE / MAXINSAMPLE)where the input samples range from 0 to MAXINSAMPLE and the outputs range from 0 to MAXOUTSAMPLE (which is (2^sampledepth)-1).
A close approximation to the linear scaling method can be achieved by "left bit replication", which is shifting the valid bits to begin in the most significant bit and repeating the most significant bits into the open bits. This method is often faster to compute than linear scaling. As an example, assume that 5-bit samples are being scaled up to 8 bits. If the source sample value is 27 (in the range from 0-31), then the original bits are:
4 3 2 1 0 --------- 1 1 0 1 1Left bit replication gives a value of 222:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ---------------- 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 |=======| |===| | Leftmost Bits Repeated to Fill Open Bits | Original Bitswhich matches the value computed by the linear equation. Left bit replication usually gives the same value as linear scaling, and is never off by more than one.
A distinctly less accurate approximation is obtained by simply left-shifting the input value and filling the low order bits with zeroes. This scheme cannot reproduce white exactly, since it does not generate an all-ones maximum value; the net effect is to darken the image slightly. This method is not recommended in general, but it does have the effect of improving compression, particularly when dealing with greater-than-eight-bit sample depths. Since the relative error introduced by zero-fill scaling is small at high sample depths, some encoders may choose to use it. Zero-fill must not be used for alpha channel data, however, since many decoders will special-case alpha values of all zeroes and all ones. It is important to represent both those values exactly in the scaled data.
When the encoder writes an
When scaling up source data, it is recommended that the low-order bits be filled consistently for all samples; that is, the same source value should generate the same sample value at any pixel position. This improves compression by reducing the number of distinct sample values. However, this is not a requirement, and some encoders may choose not to follow it. For example, an encoder might instead dither the low-order bits, improving displayed image quality at the price of increasing file size.
In some applications the original source data may have a range that is
not a power of 2. The linear scaling equation still works for this
case, although the shifting methods do not. It is recommended that an
sample = intensity ^ encoding_exponent integer_sample = ROUND(sample * (2^bitdepth - 1))If the intensity in the equation is the desired display output intensity, then encoding_exponent is the gamma value to be written to the file, by the definition of gAMA (See the gAMA chunk specification). But if the intensity available to the encoder is the original scene intensity, another transformation may be needed. Sometimes the displayed image should have higher contrast than the original image; in other words, the end-to-end transfer function from original scene to display output should have an exponent greater than 1. In this case,
gamma = encoding_exponent / end_to_end_exponentIf you don't know whether the conditions under which the original image was captured (or calculated) warrant such a contrast change, you may assume that display intensities are proportional to original scene intensities; in other words, end_to_end_exponent is 1, so gamma and encoding_exponent are equal.
If the image is being written to a file only, the encoder is free to choose the encoding_exponent. Choosing a value that causes the gamma value in the gAMA chunk to be 1/2.2 is often a reasonable choice because it minimizes the work for a decoder displaying on a typical video monitor.
Some image renderers may simultaneously write the image to a PNG file and display it on-screen. The displayed pixels should be appropriate for the display system, so that the user sees a proper representation of the intended scene.
If the renderer wants to write the displayed sample values to the
PNG file, avoiding a separate gamma encoding step for file output,
then the renderer should approximate the transfer function of the
display system by a power function, and write the reciprocal of
the exponent into the
However, it is equally reasonable for a renderer to compute displayed pixels appropriate for the display device, and to perform separate gamma encoding for file storage, arranging to have a value in the gAMA chunk more appropriate to the future use of the image.
Computer graphics renderers often do not perform gamma encoding,
instead making sample values directly proportional to scene light
intensity. If the PNG encoder receives intensity samples that have
already been quantized into integers, there is no
point in doing gamma encoding on them; that would just result in
further loss of information. The encoder should just write the sample
values to the PNG file. This does not imply that the
When the sample values come directly from a piece of hardware, the correct gamma value can in principle be inferred from the transfer function of the hardware and the lighting conditions of the scene. In the case of video digitizers ("frame grabbers"), the samples are probably in the sRGB color space, because the sRGB specification was designed to be compatible with video standards. Image scanners are less predictable. Their output samples may be proportional to the input light intensity because CCD sensors themselves are linear, or the scanner hardware may have already applied a power function designed to compensate for dot gain in subsequent printing (an exponent of about 0.57), or the scanner may have corrected the samples for display on a monitor. The device documentation might describe the transformation performed, or might describe the target display or printer for the image data (which might be configurable). You can also scan a calibrated target and use calibration software to determine the behavior of the device. Remember that gamma relates file samples to desired display output, not to scanner input.
File format converters generally should not attempt to convert supplied images to a different gamma. Store the data in the PNG file without conversion, and deduce the gamma value from information in the source file if possible.
Gamma alteration at file conversion time causes re-quantization of the set of intensity levels that are represented, introducing further roundoff error with little benefit. It's almost always better to just copy the sample values intact from the input to the output file.
If the source file format describes the gamma characteristic of the image, a file format converter is strongly encouraged to write a PNG gAMA chunk. Note that some file formats specify the exponent of the function mapping file samples to display output rather than the other direction. If the source file's gamma value is greater than 1.0, it is probably a display system exponent, and you should use its reciprocal for the PNG gamma. If the source file format records the relationship between image samples and something other than display output, then deducing the PNG gamma value will be more complex.
Regardless of how an image was originally created, if an encoder or file format converter knows that the image has been displayed satisfactorily using a display system whose transfer function can be approximated by a power function with exponent display_exponent, then the image can be marked as having the gamma value:
gamma = 1 / display_exponentIt's better to write a
On the other hand, if the encoder has no way to infer the gamma
value, then it is better to omit the
Gamma does not apply to alpha samples; alpha is always represented linearly.
See also Recommendations for Decoders: Decoder gamma handling (Section 10.5).
Decoders capable of full-fledged color management [ICC] will perform more sophisticated calculations than what is described here. Otherwise, this section applies.
If it is possible for the encoder to determine the chromaticities of
the source display primaries, or to make a strong guess based on the
origin of the image or the hardware running it, then the encoder
is strongly encouraged to output the
Video created with recent video equipment probably uses the CCIR 709 primaries and D65 white point [ITU-BT709], which are:
R G B White x 0.640 0.300 0.150 0.3127 y 0.330 0.600 0.060 0.3290An older but still very popular video standard is SMPTE-C [SMPTE-170M]:
R G B White x 0.630 0.310 0.155 0.3127 y 0.340 0.595 0.070 0.3290The original NTSC color primaries have not been used in decades. Although you may still find the NTSC numbers listed in standards documents, you won't find any images that actually use them.
Scanners that produce PNG files as output should insert the filter
chromaticities into a
In the case of hand-drawn or digitally edited images, you have to
determine what monitor they were viewed on when being produced. Many
image editing programs allow you to specify what type of monitor you are
using. This is often because they are working in some device-independent
space internally. Such programs have enough information to
write valid
If the encoder is compiled as a portion of a computer image renderer
that performs full-spectral rendering, the monitor values that were
used to convert from the internal device-independent color space to RGB
should be written into the
If the computer image renderer performs calculations directly in
device-dependent RGB space, a
There are often cases where an image's exact origins are unknown,
particularly if it began life in some other format. A few image formats
store calibration information, which can be used to fill in the
It is not recommended that file format converters attempt to convert supplied images to a different RGB color space. Store the data in the PNG file without conversion, and record the source primary chromaticities if they are known. Color space transformation at file conversion time is a bad idea because of gamut mismatches and rounding errors. As with gamma conversions, it's better to store the data losslessly and incur at most one conversion when the image is finally displayed.
See also Recommendations for Decoders: Decoder color handling (Section 10.6).
Image authors should keep in mind the possibility that a decoder will ignore transparency control. Hence, the colors assigned to transparent pixels should be reasonable background colors whenever feasible.
For applications that do not require a full alpha channel,
or cannot afford the price in compression efficiency,
If the image has a known background color, this color should be
written in the
If the original image has premultiplied (also called "associated") alpha data, convert it to PNG's non-premultiplied format by dividing each sample value by the corresponding alpha value, then multiplying by the maximum value for the image bit depth, and rounding to the nearest integer. In valid premultiplied data, the sample values never exceed their corresponding alpha values, so the result of the division should always be in the range 0 to 1. If the alpha value is zero, output black (zeroes).
If an encoder chooses to provide a suggested palette, it is
recommended that a
For images of color type 2 (truecolor without alpha channel), it is
recommended that the palette and histogram be computed with reference
to the RGB data only, ignoring any transparent-color specification.
If the file uses transparency (has a
For images of color type 6 (truecolor with alpha channel), it is
recommended that a
Filter type 0 is also recommended for images of bit depths less than 8. For low-bit-depth grayscale images, it may be a net win to expand the image to 8-bit representation and apply filtering, but this is rare.
For truecolor and grayscale images, any of the five filters may prove the most effective. If an encoder uses a fixed filter, the Paeth filter is most likely to be the best.
For best compression of truecolor and grayscale images, we recommend an adaptive filtering approach in which a filter is chosen for each scanline. The following simple heuristic has performed well in early tests: compute the output scanline using all five filters, and select the filter that gives the smallest sum of absolute values of outputs. (Consider the output bytes as signed differences for this test.) This method usually outperforms any single fixed filter choice. However, it is likely that much better heuristics will be found as more experience is gained with PNG.
Filtering according to these recommendations is effective on interlaced as well as noninterlaced images.
PNG text strings are expected to use the Latin-1 character set. Encoders should avoid storing characters that are not defined in Latin-1, and should provide character code remapping if the local system's character set is not Latin-1.
Encoders should discourage the creation of single lines of text longer than 79 characters, in order to facilitate easy reading.
It is recommended that text items less than 1K (1024 bytes) in
size should be output using uncompressed
Placing large
Use an ancillary chunk type (lowercase first letter), not a critical chunk type, for all private chunks that store information that is not absolutely essential to view the image. Creation of private critical chunks is discouraged because they render PNG files unportable. Such chunks should not be used in publicly available software or files. If private critical chunks are essential for your application, it is recommended that one appear near the start of the file, so that a standard decoder need not read very far before discovering that it cannot handle the file.
If you want others outside your organization to understand a chunk type that you invent, contact the maintainers of the PNG specification to submit a proposed chunk name and definition for addition to the list of special-purpose public chunks (see Additional chunk types, Section 4.4). Note that a proposed public chunk name (with uppercase second letter) must not be used in publicly available software or files until registration has been approved.
If an ancillary chunk contains textual information that might be
of interest to a human user, you should not create a
special chunk type for it. Instead use a
Keywords in
Unknown chunk types must be handled as described in Chunk naming conventions (Section 3.3). An unknown chunk type is not to be treated as an error unless it is a critical chunk.
It is strongly recommended that decoders should verify the CRC on each chunk.
In some situations it is desirable to check chunk headers (length and type code) before reading the chunk data and CRC. The chunk type can be checked for plausibility by seeing whether all four bytes are ASCII letters (codes 65-90 and 97-122); note that this need only be done for unrecognized type codes. If the total file size is known (from file system information, HTTP protocol, etc), the chunk length can be checked for plausibility as well.
If CRCs are not checked, dropped/added data bytes or an erroneous chunk length can cause the decoder to get out of step and misinterpret subsequent data as a chunk header. Verifying that the chunk type contains letters is an inexpensive way of providing early error detection in this situation.
For known-length chunks such as
Unexpected values in fields of known chunks (for example, an
unexpected compression method in the
Conversely, viewers running on display hardware with non-square pixels are strongly encouraged to rescale images for proper display.
A simple, fast way of doing this is to reduce the image to a fixed palette. Palettes with uniform color spacing ("color cubes") are usually used to minimize the per-pixel computation. For photograph-like images, dithering is recommended to avoid ugly contours in what should be smooth gradients; however, dithering introduces graininess that can be objectionable.
The quality of rendering can be improved substantially by using a
palette chosen specifically for the image, since a color cube usually
has numerous entries that are unused in any particular image. This
approach requires more work, first in choosing the palette, and second
in mapping individual pixels to the closest available color. PNG
allows the encoder to supply a suggested palette in a
Numerous implementations of color quantization are available. The PNG reference implementation, libpng, includes code for the purpose.
The most accurate scaling is achieved by the linear equation
MAXINSAMPLE = (2^sampledepth)-1 MAXOUTSAMPLE = (2^desired_sampledepth)-1A slightly less accurate conversion is achieved by simply shifting right by sampledepth-desired_sampledepth places. For example, to reduce 16-bit samples to 8-bit, one need only discard the low-order byte. In many situations the shift method is sufficiently accurate for display purposes, and it is certainly much faster. (But if gamma correction is being done, sample rescaling can be merged into the gamma correction lookup table, as is illustrated in Decoder gamma handling, Section 10.5.)
When an
When comparing pixel values to
Decoders capable of full-fledged color management [ICC] will perform more sophisticated calculations than what is described here. Otherwise, this section applies.
For an image display program to produce correct tone reproduction, it is necessary to take into account the relationship between file samples and display output, and the transfer function of the display system. This can be done by calculating
sample = integer_sample / (2^bitdepth - 1.0) display_output = sample ^ (1.0 / gamma) display_input = inverse_display_transfer(display_output) framebuf_sample = ROUND(display_input * MAX_FRAMEBUF_SAMPLE)where integer_sample is the sample value from the file, framebuf_sample is the value to write into the frame buffer, and MAX_FRAMEBUF_SAMPLE is the maximum value of a frame buffer sample (255 for 8-bit, 31 for 5-bit, etc). The first line converts an integer sample into a normalized 0-to-1 floating point value, the second converts to a value proportional to the desired display output intensity, the third accounts for the display system's transfer function, and the fourth converts to an integer frame buffer sample.
A step could be inserted between the second and third to adjust display_output to account for the difference between the actual viewing conditions and the reference viewing conditions. However, this adjustment requires accounting for veiling glare, black mapping, and color appearance models, none of which can be well approximated by power functions. The calculations are not described here. If viewing conditions are ignored, the error will usually be small.
Typically, the display transfer function can be approximated by a power function with exponent display_exponent, in which case the second and third lines can be merged into
display_input = sample ^ (1.0 / (gamma * display_exponent)) = sample ^ decoding_exponentso as to perform only one power calculation. For color images, the entire calculation is performed separately for R, G, and B values.
The value of gamma can be taken directly from the
gamma = gamma_from_file / user_exponent decoding_exponent = 1.0 / (gamma * display_exponent) = user_exponent / (gamma_from_file * display_exponent)The user would set user_exponent greater than 1 to darken the mid-level tones, or less than 1 to lighten them.
It is not necessary to perform transcendental math for every pixel. Instead, compute a lookup table that gives the correct output value for every possible sample value. This requires only 256 calculations per image (for 8-bit accuracy), not one or three calculations per pixel. For an indexed-color image, a one-time correction of the palette is sufficient, unless the image uses transparency and is being displayed against a nonuniform background.
In some cases even the cost of computing a gamma lookup table may be a concern. In these cases, viewers can have precomputed gamma correction tables for gamma values of 1.0 (typical of rendered images), 1/2.2 (typical of images produced on PC clones), and 1.45/2.2 (typical of images produced on Macintosh computers), with some reasonable choice of display_exponent, and to use the table closest to the gamma indicated in the file. This will produce acceptable results for the majority of real files.
If floating-point calculations are not possible, gamma correction tables can be computed using integer arithmetic and a precomputed table of logarithms. Example code appears in [PNG-EXTENSIONS].
When the incoming image has unknown gamma (
In practice, it is often difficult to determine what value of display_exponent should be used. In systems with no built-in gamma correction, the display_exponent is determined entirely by the CRT. Assume a CRT_exponent of 2.2 unless detailed calibration measurements of this particular CRT are available.
Many modern frame buffers have lookup tables that are used to perform gamma correction, and on these systems the display_exponent value should be the exponent of the lookup table and CRT combined. You may not be able to find out what the lookup table contains from within an image viewer application, so you may have to ask the user what the display system's exponent is. Unfortunately, different manufacturers use different ways of specifying what should go into the lookup table, so interpretation of the system "gamma" value is system-dependent. Gamma Tutorial Gamma Tutorial (Chapter 13) gives some examples.
The response of real displays is actually more complex than can be described by a single number (display_exponent). If actual measurements of the monitor's light output as a function of voltage input are available, the third and fourth lines of the computation above can be replaced by a lookup in these measurements, to find the actual frame buffer value that most nearly gives the desired brightness.
In many cases, decoders will treat image data in PNG files as
device-dependent RGB data and display it without modification (except
for appropriate gamma correction). This provides the fastest display
of PNG images. But unless the viewer uses exactly the same display
hardware as the original image author used, the colors will not be
exactly the same as the original author saw, particularly for darker
or near-neutral colors. The
Decoders can use the
Decoders that are part of image processing applications might also transform image data into CIE LAB space for analysis.
In applications where color fidelity is critical, such as product design, scientific visualization, medicine, architecture, or advertising, decoders can transform the image data from source_RGB to the display_RGB space of the monitor used to view the image. This involves calculating the matrix to go from source_RGB to XYZ and the matrix to go from XYZ to display_RGB, then combining them to produce the overall transformation. The decoder is responsible for implementing gamut mapping.
Decoders running on platforms that have a Color Management System
(CMS) can pass the image data,
Decoders that provide color printing facilities can use the
facilities in Level 2 PostScript to specify image data in calibrated
RGB space or in a device-independent color space such as XYZ. This
will provide better color fidelity than a simple RGB to CMYK
conversion. The PostScript Language Reference manual gives examples
of this process [POSTSCRIPT].
Such decoders are responsible for implementing gamut
mapping between source_RGB (specified in the
Decoders can use the
Viewers that have a specific background against which to present the
image (such as Web browsers) should ignore the
The background color given by
Indeed, it will be common that
The equation for computing a composited sample value is
output = alpha * foreground + (1-alpha) * backgroundwhere alpha and the input and output sample values are expressed as fractions in the range 0 to 1. This computation should be performed with intensity samples (not gamma-encoded samples). For color images, the computation is done separately for R, G, and B samples.
The following code illustrates the general case of compositing a foreground image over a background image. It assumes that you have the original pixel data available for the background image, and that output is to a frame buffer for display. Other variants are possible; see the comments below the code. The code allows the sample depths and gamma values of foreground and background images to be different, and not necessarily suited to the display system. Don't assume everything is the same without checking.
This code is standard C, with line numbers added for reference in the comments below.
01 int foreground[4]; /* image pixel: R, G, B, A */ 02 int background[3]; /* background pixel: R, G, B */ 03 int fbpix[3]; /* frame buffer pixel */ 04 int fg_maxsample; /* foreground max sample */ 05 int bg_maxsample; /* background max sample */ 06 int fb_maxsample; /* frame buffer max sample */ 07 int ialpha; 08 float alpha, compalpha; 09 float gamfg, linfg, gambg, linbg, comppix, gcvideo; /* Get max sample values in data and frame buffer */ 10 fg_maxsample = (1 << fg_sample_depth) - 1; 11 bg_maxsample = (1 << bg_sample_depth) - 1; 12 fb_maxsample = (1 << frame_buffer_sample_depth) - 1; /* * Get integer version of alpha. * Check for opaque and transparent special cases; * no compositing needed if so. * * We show the whole gamma decode/correct process in * floating point, but it would more likely be done * with lookup tables. */ 13 ialpha = foreground[3]; 14 if (ialpha == 0) { /* * Foreground image is transparent here. * If the background image is already in the frame * buffer, there is nothing to do. */ 15 ; 16 } else if (ialpha == fg_maxsample) { /* * Copy foreground pixel to frame buffer. */ 17 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { 18 gamfg = (float) foreground[i] / fg_maxsample; 19 linfg = pow(gamfg, 1.0/fg_gamma); 20 comppix = linfg; 21 gcvideo = pow(comppix, 1.0/display_exponent); 22 fbpix[i] = (int) (gcvideo * fb_maxsample + 0.5); 23 } 24 } else { /* * Compositing is necessary. * Get floating-point alpha and its complement. * Note: alpha is always linear; gamma does not * affect it. */ 25 alpha = (float) ialpha / fg_maxsample; 26 compalpha = 1.0 - alpha; 27 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { /* * Convert foreground and background to floating * point, then undo gamma encoding. */ 28 gamfg = (float) foreground[i] / fg_maxsample; 29 linfg = pow(gamfg, 1.0/fg_gamma); 30 gambg = (float) background[i] / bg_maxsample; 31 linbg = pow(gambg, 1.0/bg_gamma); /* * Composite. */ 32 comppix = linfg * alpha + linbg * compalpha; /* * Gamma correct for display. * Convert to integer frame buffer pixel. */ 33 gcvideo = pow(comppix, 1.0/display_exponent); 34 fbpix[i] = (int) (gcvideo * fb_maxsample + 0.5); 35 } 36 }Variations:
/* * Gamma encode for storage in output file. * Convert to integer sample value. */ gamout = pow(comppix, outfile_gamma); outpix[i] = (int) (gamout * out_maxsample + 0.5);Also, it becomes necessary to process background pixels when alpha is zero, rather than just skipping pixels. Thus, line 15 will need to be replaced by copies of lines 17-23, but processing background instead of foreground pixel values.
/* * Convert frame buffer value into intensity sample. */ gcvideo = (float) fbpix[i] / fb_maxsample; linbg = pow(gcvideo, display_exponent);However, some roundoff error can result, so it is better to have the original background pixels available if at all possible.
Note: in floating point, no overflow or underflow checks are needed, because the input sample values are guaranteed to be between 0 and 1, and compositing always yields a result that is in between the input values (inclusive). With integer arithmetic, some roundoff-error analysis might be needed to guarantee no overflow or underflow.
When displaying a PNG image with full alpha channel, it is important to be able to composite the image against some background, even if it's only black. Ignoring the alpha channel will cause PNG images that have been converted from an associated-alpha representation to look wrong. (Of course, if the alpha channel is a separate transparency mask, then ignoring alpha is a useful option: it allows the hidden parts of the image to be recovered.)
Even if the decoder author does not wish to implement true compositing
logic, it is simple to deal with images that contain only zero and one
alpha values. (This is implicitly true for grayscale and truecolor PNG
files that use a
Starting_Row [1..7] = { 0, 0, 4, 0, 2, 0, 1 } Starting_Col [1..7] = { 0, 4, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0 } Row_Increment [1..7] = { 8, 8, 8, 4, 4, 2, 2 } Col_Increment [1..7] = { 8, 8, 4, 4, 2, 2, 1 } Block_Height [1..7] = { 8, 8, 4, 4, 2, 2, 1 } Block_Width [1..7] = { 8, 4, 4, 2, 2, 1, 1 } pass := 1 while pass <= 7 begin row := Starting_Row[pass] while row < height begin col := Starting_Col[pass] while col < width begin visit (row, col, min (Block_Height[pass], height - row), min (Block_Width[pass], width - col)) col := col + Col_Increment[pass] end row := row + Row_Increment[pass] end pass := pass + 1 endHere, the function "visit(row,column,height,width)" obtains the next transmitted pixel and paints a rectangle of the specified height and width, whose upper-left corner is at the specified row and column, using the color indicated by the pixel. Note that row and column are measured from 0,0 at the upper left corner.
If the decoder is merging the received image with a background image, it may be more convenient just to paint the received pixel positions; that is, the "visit()" function sets only the pixel at the specified row and column, not the whole rectangle. This produces a "fade-in" effect as the new image gradually replaces the old. An advantage of this approach is that proper alpha or transparency processing can be done as each pixel is replaced. Painting a rectangle as described above will overwrite background-image pixels that may be needed later, if the pixels eventually received for those positions turn out to be wholly or partially transparent. Of course, this is only a problem if the background image is not stored anywhere offscreen.
If the image has a
For images of color type 6 (truecolor with alpha channel), any
suggested palette should have been designed for display of the image
against a uniform background of the color specified by
If the viewer presents a transparent truecolor image against a background that is more complex than a single color, it is unlikely that the suggested palette will be optimal for the composite image. In this case it is best to perform a truecolor compositing step on the truecolor PNG image and background image, then color-quantize the resulting image.
The histogram chunk is useful when the viewer cannot provide as many colors as are used in the image's palette. If the viewer is only short a few colors, it is usually adequate to drop the least-used colors from the palette. To reduce the number of colors substantially, it's best to choose entirely new representative colors, rather than trying to use a subset of the existing palette. This amounts to performing a new color quantization step; however, the existing palette and histogram can be used as the input data, thus avoiding a scan of the image data.
If no palette or histogram chunk is provided, a decoder can develop its own, at the cost of an extra pass over the image data. Alternatively, a default palette (probably a color cube) can be used.
See also Recommendations for Encoders: Suggested palettes (Section 9.5).
PNG text is not supposed to contain any characters outside the ISO
8859-1 "Latin-1" character set (that is, no codes 0-31 or 127-159),
except for the newline character (decimal 10). But decoders might
encounter such characters anyway. Some of these characters can be
safely displayed (e.g., TAB, FF, and CR, decimal 9, 12, and 13,
respectively), but others, especially the ESC character (decimal 27),
could pose a security hazard because unexpected actions may be taken
by display hardware or software. To prevent such hazards, decoders
should not attempt to directly display any non-Latin-1 characters
(except for newline and perhaps TAB, FF, CR) encountered in a
Even though encoders are supposed to represent newlines as LF, it is recommended that decoders not rely on this; it's best to recognize all the common newline combinations (CR, LF, and CR-LF) and display each as a single newline. TAB can be expanded to the proper number of spaces needed to arrive at a column multiple of 8.
Decoders running on systems with non-Latin-1 character set encoding should provide character code remapping so that Latin-1 characters are displayed correctly. Some systems may not provide all the characters defined in Latin-1. Mapping unavailable characters to a visible notation such as "\nnn" is a good fallback. In particular, character codes 127-255 should be displayed only if they are printable characters on the decoding system. Some systems may interpret such codes as control characters; for security, decoders running on such systems should not display such characters literally.
Decoders should be prepared to display text chunks that contain any number of printing characters between newline characters, even though encoders are encouraged to avoid creating lines in excess of 79 characters.
output = input ^ gammawhere both input and output are scaled to the range 0 to 1. Within this specification, gamma refers specifically to the function from display output to image samples.
This appendix gives the reasoning behind some of the design decisions in PNG. Many of these decisions were the subject of considerable debate. The authors freely admit that another group might have made different decisions; however, we believe that our choices are defensible and consistent.
We have also addressed some of the widely known shortcomings of GIF. In particular, PNG supports truecolor images. We know of no widely used image format that losslessly compresses truecolor images as effectively as PNG does. We hope that PNG will make use of truecolor images more practical and widespread.
Some form of transparency control is desirable for applications in which images are displayed against a background or together with other images. GIF provided a simple transparent-color specification for this purpose. PNG supports a full alpha channel as well as transparent-color specifications. This allows both highly flexible transparency and compression efficiency.
Robustness against transmission errors has been an important consideration. For example, images transferred across Internet are often mistakenly processed as text, leading to file corruption. PNG is designed so that such errors can be detected quickly and reliably.
PNG has been expressly designed not to be completely dependent on a single compression technique. Although deflate/inflate compression is mentioned in this document, PNG would still exist without it.
PNG also does not support multiple images in one file. This restriction is a reflection of the reality that many applications do not need and will not support multiple images per file. In any case, single images are a fundamentally different sort of object from sequences of images. Rather than make false promises of interchangeability, we have drawn a clear distinction between single-image and multi-image formats. PNG is a single-image format. (But see Multiple-image extension, Section 8.4.)
GIF is no longer suitable as a universal standard because of legal entanglements. Although just replacing GIF's compression method would avoid that problem, GIF does not support truecolor images, alpha channels, or gamma correction. The spec has more subtle problems too. Only a small subset of the GIF89 spec is actually portable across a variety of implementations, but there is no codification of the most portable part of the spec.
TIFF is far too complex to meet our goals of simplicity and interchangeability. Defining a TIFF subset would meet that objection, but would frustrate users making the reasonable assumption that a file saved as TIFF from their existing software would load into a program supporting our flavor of TIFF. Furthermore, TIFF is not designed for stream processing, has no provision for progressive display, and does not currently provide any good, legally unencumbered, lossless compression method.
IFF has also been suggested, but is not suitable in detail: available image representations are too machine-specific or not adequately compressed. The overall chunk structure of IFF is a useful concept that PNG has liberally borrowed from, but we did not attempt to be bit-for-bit compatible with IFF chunk structure. Again this is due to detailed issues, notably the fact that IFF FORMs are not designed to be serially writable.
Lossless JPEG is not suitable because it does not provide for the storage of indexed-color images. Furthermore, its lossless truecolor compression is often inferior to that of PNG.
In practice, image gamma values around 1.0, 1/2.2, and 1/1.45 are all widely found. Older image standards such as GIF and JFIF often do not account for this fact. The exchange of images among a variety of systems has led to widespread problems with images appearing "too dark" or "too light".
PNG expects viewers to compensate for image gamma at the time that the image is displayed. Another possible approach is to expect encoders to convert all images to a uniform gamma at encoding time. While that method would speed viewers slightly, it has fundamental flaws:
Historical note: Version 1.0 of this specification used the
See Gamma Tutorial (Chapter 13) for more information.
Some image rendering techniques generate images with premultiplied alpha (the alpha value actually represents how much of the pixel is covered by the image). This representation can be converted to PNG by dividing the sample values by alpha, except where alpha is zero. The result will look good if displayed by a viewer that handles alpha properly, but will not look very good if the viewer ignores the alpha channel.
Although each form of alpha storage has its advantages, we did not want to require all PNG viewers to handle both forms. We standardized on non-premultiplied alpha as being the lossless and more general case.
The filter algorithms are defined to operate on bytes, rather than pixels; this gains simplicity and speed with very little cost in compression performance. Tests have shown that filtering is usually ineffective for images with fewer than 8 bits per sample, so providing pixelwise filtering for such images would be pointless. For 16 bit/sample data, bytewise filtering is nearly as effective as pixelwise filtering, because MSBs are predicted from adjacent MSBs, and LSBs are predicted from adjacent LSBs.
The encoder is allowed to change filters for each new scanline. This creates no additional complexity for decoders, since a decoder is required to contain defiltering logic for every filter type anyway. The only cost is an extra byte per scanline in the pre-compression datastream. Our tests showed that when the same filter is selected for all scanlines, this extra byte compresses away to almost nothing, so there is little storage cost compared to a fixed filter specified for the whole image. And the potential benefits of adaptive filtering are too great to ignore. Even with the simplistic filter-choice heuristics so far discovered, adaptive filtering usually outperforms fixed filters. In particular, an adaptive filter can change behavior for successive passes of an interlaced image; a fixed filter cannot.
The ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1) character set was chosen as a compromise between functionality and portability. Some platforms cannot display anything more than 7-bit ASCII characters, while others can handle characters beyond the Latin-1 set. We felt that Latin-1 represents a widely useful and reasonably portable character set. Latin-1 is a direct subset of character sets commonly used on popular platforms such as Microsoft Windows and X Windows. It can also be handled on Macintosh systems with a simple remapping of characters.
There is presently no provision for text employing character sets other than Latin-1. We recognize that the need for other character sets will increase. However, PNG already requires that programmers implement a number of new and unfamiliar features, and text representation is not PNG's primary purpose. Since PNG provides for the creation and public registration of new ancillary chunks of general interest, we expect that text chunks for other character sets, such as Unicode, eventually will be registered and increase gradually in popularity.
(decimal) 137 80 78 71 13 10 26 10 (hexadecimal) 89 50 4e 47 0d 0a 1a 0a (ASCII C notation) \211 P N G \r \n \032 \n
This signature both identifies the file as a PNG file and provides for immediate detection of common file-transfer problems. The first two bytes distinguish PNG files on systems that expect the first two bytes to identify the file type uniquely. The first byte is chosen as a non-ASCII value to reduce the probability that a text file may be misrecognized as a PNG file; also, it catches bad file transfers that clear bit 7. Bytes two through four name the format. The CR-LF sequence catches bad file transfers that alter newline sequences. The control-Z character stops file display under MS-DOS. The final line feed checks for the inverse of the CR-LF translation problem.
A decoder may further verify that the next eight bytes contain an
Note that there is no version number in the signature, nor indeed anywhere in the file. This is intentional: the chunk mechanism provides a better, more flexible way to handle format extensions, as explained in Chunk naming conventions (Section 12.13).
Limiting chunk length to (2^31)-1 bytes avoids possible problems for implementations that cannot conveniently handle 4-byte unsigned values. In practice, chunks will usually be much shorter than that anyway.
A separate CRC is provided for each chunk in order to detect badly-transferred images as quickly as possible. In particular, critical data such as the image dimensions can be validated before being used.
The chunk length is excluded from the CRC so that the CRC can be calculated as the data is generated; this avoids a second pass over the data in cases where the chunk length is not known in advance. Excluding the length from the CRC does not create any extra risk of failing to discover file corruption, since if the length is wrong, the CRC check will fail: the CRC will be computed on the wrong set of bytes and then be tested against the wrong value from the file.
A hypothetical chunk for vector graphics would be a critical chunk, since if ignored, important parts of the intended image would be missing. A chunk carrying the Mandelbrot set coordinates for a fractal image would be ancillary, since other applications could display the image without understanding what the image represents. In general, a chunk type should be made critical only if it is impossible to display a reasonable representation of the intended image without interpreting that chunk.
The public/private property bit ensures that any newly defined public chunk type name cannot conflict with proprietary chunks that could be in use somewhere. However, this does not protect users of private chunk names from the possibility that someone else may use the same chunk name for a different purpose. It is a good idea to put additional identifying information at the start of the data for any private chunk type.
When a PNG file is modified, certain ancillary chunks may need to be changed to reflect changes in other chunks. For example, a histogram chunk needs to be changed if the image data changes. If the file editor does not recognize histogram chunks, copying them blindly to a new output file is incorrect; such chunks should be dropped. The safe/unsafe property bit allows ancillary chunks to be marked appropriately.
Not all possible modification scenarios are covered by the safe/unsafe
semantics. In particular, chunks that are dependent on the total file
contents are not supported. (An example of such a chunk is an index
In some situations it may be unavoidable to make one ancillary chunk dependent on another. Although the chunk property bits are insufficient to represent this case, a simple solution is available: in the dependent chunk, record the CRC of the chunk depended on. It can then be determined whether that chunk has been changed by some other program.
The same technique can be useful for other purposes. For example, if
a program relies on the palette being in a particular order, it can
store a private chunk containing the CRC of the
Other image formats have usually addressed this problem by specifying that the palette entries should appear in order of frequency of use. That is an inferior solution, because it doesn't give the viewer nearly as much information: the viewer can't determine how much damage will be done by dropping the last few colors. Nor does a sorted palette give enough information to choose a target palette for dithering, in the case that the viewer needs to reduce the number of colors substantially. A palette histogram provides the information needed to choose such a target palette without making a pass over the image data.
It would be convenient for graphics programmers if all of the components of an imaging system were linear. The voltage coming from an electronic camera would be directly proportional to the intensity (power) of light in the scene, the light emitted by a CRT would be directly proportional to its input voltage, and so on. However, real-world devices do not behave in this way. All CRT displays, almost all photographic film, and many electronic cameras have nonlinear signal-to-light-intensity or intensity-to-signal characteristics.
Fortunately, all of these nonlinear devices have a transfer function that is approximated fairly well by a single type of mathematical function: a power function. This power function has the general equation
output = input ^ exponentwhere ^ denotes exponentiation. The exponent is often called "gamma" and denoted by the Greek letter gamma.
By convention, "input" and "output" are both scaled to the range 0 to 1, with 0 representing black and 1 representing maximum white (or red, etc). Normalized in this way, the power function is completely described by the exponent.
So, given a particular device, we can measure its output as a function of its input, fit a power function to this measured transfer function, and extract the exponent. People often say "this device has a gamma of 2.2" as a shorthand for "this device has a power-law response with an exponent of 2.2". People also talk about the gamma of a mathematical transform, or of a lookup table in a frame buffer, if its input and output are related by the power-law expression above.
But using the term "gamma" to refer to the exponents of transfer functions of many different stages in imaging pipelines has led to confusion. Therefore, this specification uses "gamma" to refer specifically to the function from display output to image samples, and simply uses "exponent" when referring to other functions.
Also, stages that are linear pose no problem, since a power function with an exponent of 1.0 is really a linear function. So a linear transfer function is just a special case of a power function, with an exponent of 1.0.
Thus, as long as our imaging system contains only stages with linear and power-law transfer functions, we can meaningfully talk about the exponent of the entire system. This is indeed the case with most real imaging systems.
One complication is that the response of the human visual system to low light levels is not a scaled-down version of its response to high light levels. Therefore, if the display device emits less intense light than entered the capture device (as is usually the case for television cameras and television sets, for example), an end-to-end linear response will not produce an image that appears correct. There are also other perceptual factors, like the affect of the ambient light level and the field of view surrounding the display, and physical factors, like reflectance of ambient light off the display.
Good end-to-end exponents are determined from experience. For example, for photographic prints it's about 1.0; for slides intended to be projected in a dark room it's about 1.5; for television it's about 1.14.
An exception to this rule is fancy "calibrated" CRTs that have internal electronics to alter their transfer function. If you have one of these, you probably should believe what the manufacturer tells you its exponent is. But in all other cases, assuming 2.2 is likely to be pretty accurate.
There are various images around that purport to measure a display
system's exponent, usually
by comparing the intensity of an area containing alternating white and
black with a series of areas of continuous gray of different intensity.
These are usually not reliable. Test images that use a "checkerboard"
pattern of black and white are the worst, because a single white pixel
will be reproduced considerably darker than a large area of white.
An image that uses alternating black and white horizontal lines (such as
the "gamma.png" test image at
is much better, but even it may be inaccurate at high "picture"
settings on some CRTs.
If you have a good photometer, you can measure the actual light output of a CRT as a function of input voltage and fit a power function to the measurements. However, note that this procedure is very sensitive to the CRT's black level adjustment, somewhat sensitive to its picture adjustment, and also affected by ambient light. Furthermore, CRTs spread some light from bright areas of an image into nearby darker areas; a single bright spot against a black background may be seen to have a "halo". Your measuring technique will need to minimize the effects of this.
Because of the difficulty of measuring the exponent, using either test images or measuring equipment, you're usually better off just assuming 2.2 rather than trying to measure it.
In all broadcast video systems, gamma correction is done in the camera. This choice was made because it was more cost effective to place the expensive processing in the small number of capture devices (studio television cameras) than in the large number of broadcast receivers. The original NTSC video standard required cameras to have a transfer function with an exponent of 1/2.2, or about 0.45. Recently, a more complex two-part transfer function has been adopted [SMPTE-170M], but its behavior can be well approximated by a power function with an exponent of 0.52. When the resulting image is displayed on a CRT with an exponent of 2.2, the end-to-end exponent is about 1.14, which has been found to be appropriate for typical television studio conditions and television viewing conditions.
These days, video signals are often digitized and stored in computer frame buffers. The digital image is intended to be sent through a CRT, which has exponent 2.2, so the image has a gamma of 1/2.2.
Computer rendering programs often produce samples proportional to scene intensity. Suppose the desired end-to-end exponent is near 1, and the program would like to write its samples directly into the frame buffer. For correct display, the CRT output intensity must be nearly proportional to the sample values in the frame buffer. This can be done with a special hardware lookup table between the frame buffer and the CRT hardware. The lookup table (often called LUT) is loaded with a mapping that implements a power function with an exponent near 1/2.2, providing "gamma correction" for the CRT gamma.
Thus, gamma correction sometimes happens before the frame buffer, sometimes after. As long as images created on a particular platform are always displayed on that platform, everything is fine. But when people try to exchange images, differences in gamma correction conventions often result in images that seem far too bright and washed out, or far too dark and contrasty.
In an ideal world, sample values would be stored in floating point, there would be lots of precision, and it wouldn't really matter much. But in reality, we're always trying to store images in as few bits as we can.
If we decide to use samples proportional to intensity, and do the gamma correction in the frame buffer LUT, it turns out that we need to use at least 12 bits for each of red, green, and blue to have enough precision in intensity. With any less than that, we will sometimes see "contour bands" or "Mach bands" in the darker areas of the image, where two adjacent sample values are still far enough apart in intensity for the difference to be visible.
However, through an interesting coincidence, the human eye's subjective perception of brightness is related to the physical stimulation of light intensity in a manner that is very much like the power function used for gamma correction. If we apply gamma correction to measured (or calculated) light intensity before quantizing to an integer for storage in a frame buffer, we can get away with using many fewer bits to store the image. In fact, 8 bits per color is almost always sufficient to avoid contouring artifacts. This is because, since gamma correction is so closely related to human perception, we are assigning our 256 available sample codes to intensity values in a manner that approximates how visible those intensity changes are to the eye. Compared to a linearly encoded image, we allocate fewer sample values to brighter parts of the tonal range and more sample values to the darker portions of the tonal range.
Thus, for the same apparent image quality, images using gamma-encoded sample values need only about two-thirds as many bits of storage as images using linearly encoded samples.
display_exponent = LUT_exponent * CRT_exponent
gamma = 1.0 / (decoding_exponent * display_exponent)
When displaying an image file, the image decoding program is responsible for making gamma equal to the value specified in the gAMA chunk, by selecting the decoding_exponent appropriately:
decoding_exponent = 1.0 / (gamma * display_exponent)The display_exponent might be known for this machine, or it might be obtained from the system software, or the user might have to be asked what it is.
On frame buffers that have hardware gamma correction tables, and that are calibrated to display samples that are proportional to display output intensity, display_exponent is 1.0.
Many workstations and X terminals and PC clones lack gamma correction lookup tables. Here, LUT_exponent is always 1.0, so display_exponent is 2.2.
On the Macintosh, there is a LUT. By default, it is loaded with a table whose exponent is 1/1.45, giving a display_exponent (LUT and CRT combined) of about 1.52. Some Macs have a "Gamma" control panel with selections labeled 1.0, 1.2, 1.4, 1.8, or 2.2. These settings load alternate LUTs, but beware: the selection labeled with the value g loads a LUT with exponent g/2.61, yielding
display_exponent = (g/2.61) * 2.2On recent SGI systems, there is a hardware gamma-correction table whose contents are controlled by the (privileged) "gamma" program. The exponent of the table is actually the reciprocal of the number g that "gamma" prints. You can obtain g from the file /etc/config/system.glGammaVal and calculate
display_exponent = 2.2 / gYou will find SGI systems with g set to 1.0 and 2.2 (or higher), but the default when machines are shipped is 1.7.
On NeXT systems the LUT has exponent 1/2.2 by default.
In summary, for images designed to need no correction on these platforms:
Platform LUT_exponent Default LUT_exponent Default gAMA PC clone 1.0 1.0 45455 Macintosh g/2.61 1.8/2.61 = 1/1.45 65909 SGI 1/g 1/1.7 77273 NeXT 1/g 1/2.2 100000 The default gAMA values assume a CRT display.
Vout = 4.5 * Vin if Vin < 0.018 Vout = 1.099 * (Vin^0.45) - 0.099 if Vin >= 0.018where Vin and Vout are measured on a scale of 0 to 1. Although the exponent remains 0.45, the multiplication and subtraction change the shape of the transfer function, so it is no longer a pure power function. It can be well approximated, however, by a power function with exponent 0.52. If you want to perform extremely precise calculations on video signals, you should use the expression above (or its inverse, as required).
The PAL and SECAM video standards specify a power-law camera transfer function with an exponent of 1/2.8 (about 0.36). However, this is too low in practice, so real cameras are likely to have exponents close to NTSC practice.
Note that displaying an image with incorrect gamma will produce much larger color errors than failing to use the chromaticity data. First be sure the monitor set-up and gamma correction are right, then worry about chromaticity.
In XYZ, X is the sum of a weighted power distribution over the whole visible spectrum. So are Y and Z, each with different weights. Thus any arbitrary spectral power distribution is condensed down to just three floating point numbers. The weights were derived from color matching experiments done on human subjects in the 1920s. CIE XYZ has been an International Standard since 1931, and it has a number of useful properties:
Color models based on XYZ have been used for many years by people who need accurate control of color --- lighting engineers for film and TV, paint and dyestuffs manufacturers, and so on. They are thus proven in industrial use. Accurate, device-independent color started to spread from high-end, specialized areas into the mainstream during the late 1980s and early 1990s, and PNG takes notice of that trend.
So why does PNG not store images in XYZ instead of RGB? Well, two reasons. First, storing images in XYZ would require more bits of precision, which would make the files bigger. Second, all programs would have to convert the image data before viewing it. Whether calibrated or not, all variants of RGB are close enough that undemanding viewers can get by with simply displaying the data without color correction. By storing calibrated RGB, PNG retains compatibility with existing programs that expect RGB data, yet provides enough information for conversion to XYZ in applications that need precise colors. Thus, we get the best of both worlds.
x = X / (X + Y + Z) y = Y / (X + Y + Z)
XYZ colors having the same chromaticity values will appear to have the same hue but can vary in absolute brightness. Notice that x,y are dimensionless ratios, so they have the same values no matter what units we've used for X,Y,Z.
The Y value of an XYZ color is directly proportional to its absolute brightness and is called the luminance of the color. We can describe a color either by XYZ coordinates or by chromaticity x,y plus luminance Y. The XYZ form has the advantage that it is linearly related to RGB intensities.
It's customary to specify monitor colors by giving the chromaticities of the individual phosphors R, G, and B, plus the white point. The white point allows one to infer the relative brightnesses of the three phosphors, which isn't determined by their chromaticities alone.
Note that the absolute brightness of the monitor is not specified. For computer graphics work, we generally don't care very much about absolute brightness levels. Instead of dealing with absolute XYZ values (in which X,Y,Z are expressed in physical units of radiated power, such as candelas per square meter), it is convenient to work in "relative XYZ" units, where the monitor's nominal white is taken to have a luminance (Y) of 1.0. Given this assumption, it's simple to compute XYZ coordinates for the monitor's white, red, green, and blue from their chromaticity values.
Why does
Xr Xg Xb m = Yr Yg Yb Zr Zg ZbRGB intensity samples normalized to the range 0 to 1 can be converted to XYZ by matrix multiplication. (If you have gamma-encoded RGB samples, first undo the gamma encoding.)
X R Y = m G Z BIn other words, X = Xr*R + Xg*G + Xb*B, and similarly for Y and Z. You can go the other way too:
R X G = im Y B Zwhere im is the inverse of the matrix m.
Different devices have different gamuts, in other words one device
will be able to display certain colors (usually highly saturated ones)
that another device cannot. The gamut of a particular RGB device can be
determined from its R, G, and B chromaticities and white point (the
same values given in the
Converting image data from one device to another generally results in gamut mismatches --- colors that cannot be represented exactly on the destination device. The process of making the colors fit, which can range from a simple clip to elaborate nonlinear scaling transformations, is termed gamut mapping. The aim is to produce a reasonable visual representation of the original image.
The sample code is in the ANSI C programming language. Non C users may find it easier to read with these hints:
/* Table of CRCs of all 8-bit messages. */ unsigned long crc_table[256]; /* Flag: has the table been computed? Initially false. */ int crc_table_computed = 0; /* Make the table for a fast CRC. */ void make_crc_table(void) { unsigned long c; int n, k; for (n = 0; n < 256; n++) { c = (unsigned long) n; for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) { if (c & 1) c = 0xedb88320L ^ (c >> 1); else c = c >> 1; } crc_table[n] = c; } crc_table_computed = 1; } /* Update a running CRC with the bytes buf[0..len-1]--the CRC should be initialized to all 1's, and the transmitted value is the 1's complement of the final running CRC (see the crc() routine below)). */ unsigned long update_crc(unsigned long crc, unsigned char *buf, int len) { unsigned long c = crc; int n; if (!crc_table_computed) make_crc_table(); for (n = 0; n < len; n++) { c = crc_table[(c ^ buf[n]) & 0xff] ^ (c >> 8); } return c; } /* Return the CRC of the bytes buf[0..len-1]. */ unsigned long crc(unsigned char *buf, int len) { return update_crc(0xffffffffL, buf, len) ^ 0xffffffffL; }
This appendix gives the locations of some Internet resources for PNG software developers. By the nature of the Internet, the list is incomplete and subject to change.
The PNG specification is available in several formats, including HTML, plain
text, and PostScript.
The reference implementation is freely usable in all
applications, including commercial applications.
Test images are available from
This is a central location for current information about PNG
and PNG-related tools.
The PNG format has been frozen since the Ninth Draft of March 7, 1995, and all future changes are intended to be backwards compatible. The revisions since the Ninth Draft are simply clarifications, improvements in presentation, and additions of supporting material.
On 1 October 1996, the PNG specification was approved as a W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) Recommendation. At that time, it was awaiting publication as an Informational RFC.
The key portions of this document are being adopted with revisions into:
International Electrotechnical Commission, "Colour Measurement and
Management in Multimedia Systems and Equipment - Part 2-1: Default
RGB Colour Space - sRGB", IEC 61966-2-1.
The authors wish to acknowledge the contributions of the Portable Network Graphics mailing list, the readers of, and the members of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
The Adam7 interlacing scheme is not patented and it is not the intention of the originator of that scheme to patent it. The scheme may be freely used by all PNG implementations. The name "Adam7" may be freely used to describe interlace method 1 of the PNG specification.
This W3C specification is being provided by the copyright holders under the following license. By obtaining, using and/or copying this specification, you agree that you have read, understood, and will comply with the following terms and conditions:
Permission to use, copy, and distribute this specification for any purpose and without fee or royalty is hereby granted, provided that the full text of this NOTICE appears on ALL copies of the specification or portions thereof, including modifications, that you make.
The name and trademarks of copyright holders may NOT be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to the specification without specific, written prior permission. Title to copyright in this specification and any associated documentation will at all times remain with copyright holders.
End of PNG Specification