Subject: The Info-Mac Digest V15 Issue 68
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Info-Mac Digest              Sun, 30 Mar 97       Volume 15 : Issue 68

Today's Topics:

      [!] The first new digest!!!
      [*] TidBITS#370/17-Mar-97
      [*] TidBITS#371/24-Mar-97
      100-time size difference between excel and pict charts!
      512k Hack
      [Q] Two Questions/Word
      A Few Questions
      A great place
      Australia info mac site
      bar code font
      Can I use Global Village software on USR Modem?
      Design Problems with PB1400c
      Epson Stylus Pro/PC Compatability Printing?
      family tree maker for mac
      Help With Modem String (USR & FaxSTF)
      hosed LC520
      Info-Mac Digest V15 #61
      IOMEGA ALERT!!!!!!
      IP via appletalk
      looking for SCHEME for Mac
      Mount multiple CD's from 1 volume?
      need help with Apple IP Gateway [Q]
      Need replacement monitor cable
      Personal Laserwriter and 7.5.3
      PowerBook 520 Power PC upgrade
      question about Netscape and MacTCP
      RAM Doubler and/or Speed Doubler testimony...
      ResEdit aete editor
      Scsi Wierdness
      Searching for Web site grabber
      Stuffit Deluxe 4.0 crashes 7.6
      System 7.6 Type 11 error (C)
      system for Japanese Performa/was Info-Mac Digest V15 #37
      win95/MacOS lan

The Info-Mac Network operates by the volunteer efforts of:
Gordon Watts, Adam C. Engst, Demitri Muna, Mike O'Bryan,
Matt Bauer, Brian Wessels, Liam Breck

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See our new WWW site: <>, where you can find
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The Info-Mac digest is sponsored in part by StarNine Technologies, Inc., a
wholly-owned subsidiary of the Quarterdeck corporation. StarNine develops
Internet server software for the Macintosh, including World Wide Web and e-mail
publishing systems. <>


Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------"
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Date: Sun, 30 Mar 1997 14:26:11 -0600
From: "Gordon Watts (Info-Mac Moderator)" <>
Subject: [!] The first new digest!!!

Hi Folks!
  Here is the first digest comming at you from the new info-mac machine,!
  First, a word from our sponsor: is a sun workstation
dontated to us by AOL! Yay! Also, to our new hosts, at MIT.
  Second, we are all sorry to see go, and would like
to thank, again, the folks at Stanford for supporting info-mac for the
first 14 years of its existance. And thanks to all of the info-mac crew for
putting in hours above and beyond the call of duty to get this new machine
up in such short notice.
  The digest is now being produced by a completely new set of scripts.
Mostly written in Python and a little bit in perl. At the moment it runs on
the Sun workstation, but parts of it will be ported to the mac to make our
lives simpler.  The point of rewriting the digest scripts was to make it
simpler to modify the digest format, or introduce new formats. I've been
keeping all your suggestions in mind (URLs, totally MIME, upload only,
  As a first step to get this software running smoothly, I've kept the
format of the digest as close as possible to what was produced by the old
scripts. If you notice differences -- especially ones that break your
digest parsers or emailers, please let me know! 
  Sorry this took so long. It is almost all my fault; I've been snowed
under at work.
  EMAIL addresses.  You want to know this. The old address at sumex-aim
will continue to work for another month or so... but you need to change: -> -> ->
moderator is for questions about the archive, the digest, etc. digest is
for message submission to the digest, and archivist is for questions about
the status of uploads, file removal, etc.


Gordon Watts, Info-Mac Moderator (


Date: Mon, 17 Mar 1997 17:47:57 -0800
From: TidBITS Editors <>
Subject: [*] TidBITS#370/17-Mar-97


Last week brought us "black Friday" as Apple announced employee layoffs and
another restructuring; this week, Adam looks at what Apple's keeping,
setting aside, and putting into maintenance mode. We also bring you news on
Java and Shockwave security problems and a PowerPC update to QuicKeys, plus
a detailed review of Digital Chisel, an easy-to-use multimedia authoring
and Web publishing tool aimed at kids.

    Apple Computer '97: What's In, What's Out
    Digital Chisel: An Elegant Eye-Opener


[Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-370.etx; 30K]


Date: Mon, 24 Mar 1997 20:31:41 -0800
From: TidBITS Editors <>
Subject: [*] TidBITS#371/24-Mar-97


Apple's PowerBooks not only redefined the laptop computer industry, but
also embodied a nebulous combination of style, innovation, and prestige -
elements Apple has been trying regain. In this issue, we take real-world
looks at the newest contenders: the PowerBook 1400 and 3400, the latter
currently holding the title as fastest laptop in the world. Also, Adam
raises some interesting questions about Apple's decision to drop Open
Transport in Rhapsody.

    Rhapsody and Networks: Some Questions
    PowerBook 1400/133: Poise and Punch
    PowerBook 3400: The Ultimate Laptop?


[Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-371.etx; 28K]


Date: Mon, 17 Mar 1997 18:29:01 +0100
From: (Joram Rozewicz)


Most of the time, when I try to connect to my ISP, our modems do not
connect. I can hear them negociating but it seems that they can't agree on
the final amount. It usually take 3 or more attempts before I succeed the
connection. My ISP can't help, all he could advise is that I buy a new
modem which would be cheaper than running the tests at his place. I'm sorry
but I paid a substantial amount for my PCMCIA card (in a PB 5300cs) and I
would love to see it connecting at the first step. My ISP uses US Robotics

Anybody knwos how to configure it right? Is it a connceting script problem
? Connection is PPP dialup and everthing works fine once connected.

A friend of mine has exactly the same problem with his PCMCIA card and the
same ISP.




Date: Fri, 21 Mar 1997 17:59:09 +0200
From: (Erkko Autio)
Subject: 100-time size difference between excel and pict charts!

Hello everyone

I thought some of you out there might find the following info amusing.

My colleague emailed me a MS Word file that contained 18 simple bar charts
that had been transported from MS Excel. The size of this 44-page document
was a chopping 14 MB. Yes, 14 megabytes!

I converted the bar charts to pict format using Claris Draw Pro, and
imported the charts back to the original text file. Size of the file after
saving: 170 k. That is, 170 kilobytes.

This difference is mindboggling. If you use the porcedure recommended by
Microsoft, you end up with files that take up nearly 100 times as much disk
space as do the mac alternatives. The difference in speed is almost equal.

This kind of disregard to customer needs, that Microsoft consistently
demonstrates, is donwright criminal. This is another demonstration of how
power corrupts.


Date: Sun, 16 Mar 1997 19:37:50 -0700
From: (Grant Stockly)
Subject: 512k Hack

I recently bought a 512k and it is faster than a Mac IIsi!  Under testing
products.  It is a hack that is wired in.  All the onboard memory has been
taken out, there are 19 wires linking the card to the computer and the
prossesor.  It has a NCR 5380 CPO7139 006-1082073 90 40k chip to controll
the hot wired SCSI capability, 4 Malaysia chips, and 4 Simm sockets which
each have 1MB in them.  Written on the motherboard in permenant marker is
Limited, C492, Copyright Apple 1983, and RAM ritten in a white block by
Apple Computer.  The card has "DIGI-GRAPHICS "SIMMER" (C) 1989 MADE IN
USA".  It has all together 4MB or RAM, SCSI (the fonnector fits in the
battery hole), it does something to the speed, and it some how allows the
computer to use an 800k disk drive with the orrigional disk drive roms on
the mother board.  Please help he identify how much, or if at all this
computer is worth.  I would also like to have information on the company
Grant Stockly
please e-mail because my mail server isn't that great


Date: Sat, 15 Mar 1997 15:11:51 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [Q] Two Questions/Word

From: (Edward Ver Hoef)

>>>1. Does anyone know the highest version number associated with Word 5 for
the Mac?<<<

Hi Ed,

Word 5.0.1a is the last, & IMHO the best, version of Word in the 5 series.



Date: Tue, 18 Mar 1997 19:46:30 -0500 (EST)
From: Al Bloom <>
Subject: A Few Questions

A couple questions for the gurus in the group:

1. System 7.6 installs two ethernet-related extensions: Apple Builtin
   Ethernet and Ethernet (Builtin). Flat eliminated any possibility of
   an actual enet connection on my PB5300 until I trashed Enet (Builtin).

   Why both? Why does only one work?

2. System 7.6 installed an extension called StdCLibInit on my PB5300. Its
   medallion came up X-d out upon startup. Apple's "What's in Extensions"
   doesn't mention the fool thing. What is it? Why is it X-d out? Do I
   need it? I do seem to be living well without it.

3. PB Cards. After intalling 7.6, something came over me and I decided to
   see what still worked. Took a while. After I got the PB talking to the
   home ethernetlet, I decided to try my AT&T Worldnet connection. Without
   removing the ethernet card, I put the modem card in the other slot and
   fired up FreePPP and died. Can't connect. Is your serial port in use?

   I don't want the serial port, you moron! I want my USR Sportster card!

   Turns out if I disable the enet card (switch appletalk from alternate
   ethernet -- the PC card -- to IRTalk, and eject the enet card), FreePPP
   works like a charm. Huh? Why?

   This may not be a 7.6 feature. I've never before tried having the enet
   and modem cards plugged in at the same time.

4. VIREX. There are a couple features of SAM that I miss with Virex on the
   PB (SAM 4.5 prety much killed the PC card memory modules for Leslye's
   new Kodak DC50 camera, so I switched). I could tell SAM to scan the boot
   disk on startup no more than once daily. Can Virex be told the same thing?
   I can stop a SAM scan with a hotkey combination (splat-period). Virex
   seems to have only a cancel button. Rather more awkward -- esp with the
   PB's trackpad. I thought I saw an equivalent in the manual, but I can't
   seem to get it to work. Any help here much appreciated. I'd hate to
   actually read the manual thoroughly. So un-Maclike.

Thanks much, folk.

Al Bloom, Virginia Tech


Date: Thu, 13 Mar 1997 21:38:09 -0500 (EST)
From: Gonzale Blocks <>
Subject: A great place

Hi Everybody:

Im new at the list and I want give the better of me to the list members. Im
Stefhan, lover of the internet surf, I really love nice webs and original
moving gifs. The last year made a trip to Peru with some friends. In that
days I cant found information at the web sites about Peru, Its a great
country for adventure trips... some days ago I found a www of the tour
operator than made a trip for me and my friends... PERU EXPEDITIONS, I whant
to recommend that site, of course they have a original web page... (they
have a little truck moving on the page..) That trip was one of the better in
my live. I think its not the subject
of the list... but I dont ant to say only HI... Im new

Kind regards

PD: I loose the contact with them, but I remember they were very frindly.


Date: Sat, 29 Mar 1997 12:30:47 +1100 (EST)
From: (Keith Ryding)
Subject: Australia info mac site

With the taking over of the locally maintained site by the country's phone
carrier (Micro$oft aligned)
we lost our info mac site.
Does anyone know of a replacement site that carries all the categories ?

Many thanks

Keith Ryding

Remember: Wherever you go, there you are


Date: 22 Mar 1997 14:01:36 -0500
From: "Adkins, Steve" <>
Subject: bar code font

Thanks for you help in the past.  Can you please post this.

Does someone know where I can get a bar-code font for Microsoft Word and
Excel?  I want to use it with labels I make with these programs.  Please
respond to me directly.

Steve Adkins


Date: Wed, 26 Mar 1997 14:40:34 GMT
From: (Drew Provan)
Subject: Can I use Global Village software on USR Modem?

I have a USR 14.4 modem at home and Global Village modem at work. Can I use
the GV software to run the USR modem? I have tried installing the GV
software (GlobalFax v2.6.2) but it seems to fail to recognise the modem.

I know it sounds like a stupid thing to do but I like the GV software much
more than the USR stuff.

many thanks



Date: Mon, 17 Mar 1997 13:04:23 +0000
From: (Antony D'Emanuele)
Subject: Design Problems with PB1400c

Just when you thought it was safe.........

Two nice problems with the PB1400c:

1) I recently upgraded the memory on my PB100c/133 from 40MB to 64MB but
could not get my machine to work with the 2nd piggyback 24 MB card
installed. I returned the card thinking it was faulty only for the same
thing to happen with the replacement. It materialises from my dealer that I
have to remove the 8MB memory card (next to the piggybacked units) before
the 2nd 24MB card will be recognied. Where does it tell you this in the
manual. I now have a 56MB machine and an 8MB card sitting on my desk as
when it is installed the PB does not recognise the piggyback cards! OK
Apple, how do I get all my memory recognised - 64MB in all. There is
nothing about this i the manual

2) Newertech have just announced their 16-but video card for the 1440c, quote:

Where Does The VIEWpowr 1400/16 Card Go?

     It fits in the single internal expansion slot. When a card is
     plugged into this slot it lays directly over part of the CPU card
     and the Apple 4MB, or 8MB, memory card. It lays directly under the
     heatsink which in turn lays directly under the keyboard. This card
     also extends over the area in the computer where third-party
     memory cards are installed. A single third-party memory card may
     be used in conjunction with the VIEWpowr. We manufacture up to
     32MB modules. This means that a stock PowerBook 1400 with 16MB of
     RAM (8MB soldered + 8MB in the Apple memory slot), could be
     expanded to as much as 48MB by employing a NewerRAM 32MB module.

This means that I can not use this 16-bit card in my PB without removing my
new memory!

I will not comment on PB design or communications between Apple and third
party vendors, the above says it all.....

I purchased the PB1400c as a presentation machine in good faith, knowing
what I do now I would not have purchased the machine.

Dr. Antony D'Emanuele,


Date: Thu, 13 Mar 1997 16:48:11 -0800
From: (Lori Zehren)
Subject: downloading

I know I must be some kind of idiot, but I can't seem to figure out how to
download any of the shareware listed in the InfoMac Digests. I tried going
to your site, but nothing seems to lead me to the shareware I'm trying to
get-- ie:

Date: Tue, 11 Mar 1997 19:45:54 -0700
Subject: [*] GNTAX96.hqx

This is an EXCEL 5 Spreadsheet to be used to calculate your 1996 Federal Taxes

[Archived as /info-mac/app/bus/gntax-96.hqx; 20K]

I have a Mac-- Can I download from your pages??

Thanks for your help.
Lori Zehren


Date: Mon, 17 Mar 1997 01:40:20 +0000
From: Joshua Hart <>
Subject: Epson Stylus Pro/PC Compatability Printing?

Hi All --

Got a quick question for all...

I have a PowerMac 7200/120 Dos Compatable machine.. And a Epson Stylus
Pro.  From the Mac side
I can print just fine.. All neccessary drivers are installed and I can
print just fine.
>From the PC side (which is running Win95)

On the PC side I have the Epson Stylus Driver for Win95 (2.1BE)
installed.  On the Mac side, 
the Printer Extension application is version 1.5.

At first when I was printing from the Windows95 side, I has the prefs in
the PC Printer Extension
set to interpreting the PC data as postscript.  That did not work so
well.. When I printed from 
the PC side it told me that Postscript was not supported with the
currently selected driver.

Then I changed the preferences in the PC Printer Extension Application
to interpret the data as
"Printer Specific"  and I also tried as "Epson"  and when I printed from
the PC side I got 
nothing... And I do mean nothing.  There was no spool file created on
the Mac side, and no 
error messages were generated.

Help?  :)

Sys Specifics:

Sys 7.5.3R2
32 Megs of ram (VM on)

PC Printer Extension version 1.5

Thanks.. :)



Date: Fri, 14 Mar 1997 01:32:34 -0500 (EST)
Subject: family tree maker for mac

Karen Schlosberg writes:

>Pardon my skepticism, but i'm not going to start giving broderbund any
>awards just yet. I've taken over the keeping of our family tree after my
>father died in December. He was using FTM for Windows. I asked if the
>yet-to-be-released Mac version would be able to read the Windows
>files--not an unusual request, given the precedents set even by
>Mac-hating Microsoft, where a Word file is a Word file is a Word file.
>The Broderbund service person I spoke to was abrupt to the point of
>rudeness, and acted as if I had asked something incredibly stupid, and
>answered that the new Mac version was not compatible. Well, I'm
>switching over to Reunion. Damned if I'm going to spend $90 (not to
>mention re-type our rather large family history) on a piece of software
>designed by a company not smart enough (or who didn't care enough) to do
>something as basic as making the files cross-platform compatible.

As it happens in the Genealogy world there is a higher goal than
cross-platform compatibility and that is cross-application compatibility.

The GEDCOM format is designed for interchange of data between
different programs and should be supported by Family Tree Maker
or Reunion or Personal Ancestral File or whatever.

I suppose there is a possibility FTM supports GEDCOM and the telephone
support staffer didn't know enough about the software to bring that up.

Larry Kilgallen


Date: Thu, 20 Mar 1997 18:12:27 -0800 (PST)
From: Gregg  <>
Subject: Fonts

I too, have the Adobe Font library, but I only load what I know I'll be
needing through suitcase in Permanent. The rest I load as needed in
Temporary. I've found that it takes forever to load up in the morning if all
the fonts are installed, and thus have created my own type book with
TypeBook.  Creating my own font book, along with loading Temporary and Adobe
Type Reunion works great.
Hope you find your program.



Date: Mon, 17 Mar 1997 00:15:02 -0700
From: Gordon Moynes <>
Subject: Help With Modem String (USR & FaxSTF)

I am posting on behalf of my brother-in-law who has a Power Mac 6100 w. 40
megs Ram & System 7.5.5.

The problem: when sending a fax to his machine from a computer it succeeds,
however, when sending from my stand-alone fax machine I continually get
three error messages;

receiving fax busy
receiving fax out of paper
power failure or others

What also seems to happen is that I can hear his phone ring, answer,
provide a fax tone, and then within a second or two of my hitting the send
key my machine goes dead as if the phone line has been disconnected - sure
enough it has dropped the connection giving me the erros mentioned.

He has tried from other stand-alones and encounters the same trouble,
although when sending from his school it will indicate the following:

"Seems the modem hangs up right off the bat, but only on bona fide
stand alone regular fax machines, not computer generated faxes,  and when it
fails the sending modem gets the message "Line Error"."

What he often gets at home on his screen is:

"On screen at home I sometimes get "Voice call" messages, even though I
know it's a fax."

He has used FaxSTF 3.2.2 as well as 3.2.3 and the MacCom Center Software
which was bundled with his modem, a USRobotics Sportster 28.8 V34 and 33.6
Fax Modem.

This modem string is what the modem shows from USR's auto-modem-detect
software MacComm Center's settings.


Can anyone decipher this string and better still, recommend some strings
that may solve this. He tried AT&F and AT&F1 as defaults but it did not
help. I'm guessing there might be something, either in the string or a
setting, that is causing the modem to not be able to slow to 9600 which
seems to be a standard speed for stand-alone machines.

Please e-mail me privately if you have any advice.

Thanks for any assistance,


"If you need nothing you have everything"


Date: Fri, 21 Mar 97 13:33:05 EST
Subject: hosed LC520

  I'm not on this list, so please respond directly to the address below.
  I recently picked up an old LC520 as part of a bunch of computer equipment 
  at an auction.  I took it home and tried to fire it up, but no dice.  I get 
  the BZZZT sound a monitor usually gives when it gets power, but after that, 
  nothing seems to happen.  Well actually something does happen.  I get a 
  chirping "beep" sound that appears to be coming from the circuit board of 
  the monitor, and it just keeps beeping until I turn off power.  The screen 
  never seems to go "on" and nothing happens as far as the disk warming up or 
  the fan going on.  I checked the fuse, and it's ok.
  Any hints on where to start?  If all else fails, I'll gut the thing for the 
  floppy, hard drive and CD ROM, and the whopping 4MB SIMM on it.  But I'd 
  rather get it up and running so I can use it or sell it.  Thanks in 
        -ron zinnato


Date: Mon, 17 Mar 1997 13:43:27 -0900
From: John Vogee <>
Subject: InFo

I am looking for information on a software program called InFoCAD can
you please help.


Date: Sat, 15 Mar 1997 10:27:31 +1000
From: (Veda Chang)
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #61

> Date: Tue, 11 Mar 1997 09:41:49 +0100
> From: Peter Peldan <>
> Subject: Even more Pb100 questions!
> I have a problem of waking up my PowerBook 100 from hard drive sleep.
> If the hard drive has gone to rest, almost every application i have
> crashes when i do something that requires reading from the hard drive.
> This is especially true for the finder.
I noticed this when I upgraded the HD from 20 to 160MB.  When spinning up,
the drive draws too much current from the AC adaptor.  Presumably this
sets up ripples in the current - if I unplug the adaptor and run off the
battery for ten seconds or so as the system is about to crash, everything
is fine.



Date: Wed, 19 Mar 1997 01:31:49 -0800
From: "Wayne D. Hobbs" <>
Subject: IOMEGA ALERT!!!!!!

To all concerned,

After much work and haranging I finally recieved both my 'Hold
Everything' promotion rebate of fifty dollars and my free carrying case
for my Zip Drive.

For whatever reason Iomega has chosen to make it very difficult to talk
with someone in person without spending money $$$$$.  It's time to
change that.  The Corporate address for Iomega in Utah is as follows:
			Iomega Corporation
			1821 West Iomega Way
			Roy, Utah  84067

The direct line to their switchboard (where you are guaranteed to get a
live person, at least to answer) is: ----------801.778.100----------  Be
advised that this is not a toll free call. I suggest asking for Tiana
(I'm not sure on the spelling), pronounced TEE-ANNA.  I spoke with her
on a Tuesday or Wednesday and my carrying case arrived on Saturday (not

Please pass the address and especially the phone number on to all who
are in need (I kinda feel like Robin Hood) so that they may get their
'Stuff' too.

Best of luck to all.


W. Hobbs,
loNewOf hAckIng


Date: Mon, 24 Mar 1997 00:34:04 +0100
From: Edward Hoenkamp <>
Subject: IP via appletalk

I tried to install 'Apple IP Gateway' so others in my house could connect
via appletalk to my machine that runs system 7.5.5 with OT. Nothing worked
anymore, and I had to reinstall my system. Anyone in the know? Edward.
(BTW I already checked apple's product data sheets on the subject.)


Date: Mon, 17 Mar 1997 15:22:33 +0100
From: (Michael Howitz)
Subject: looking for SCHEME for Mac

hi, I'm looking for SCHEME for Mac.
SCHEME is an programming language of the LISP-family.
Does anyone know where to get an Mac-implementation??



Date: Fri, 21 Mar 1997 16:45:15 -0500
From: jeffmar@MIT.EDU (Jeff Martin)
Subject: Mount multiple CD's from 1 volume?

Does anyone know of a way to fool multiple CD's stored on
a hard disk into thinking they are volumes on the Macintosh

Jeff Martin +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- +-+-+-+-


Date: Sun, 30 Mar 1997 00:24:56 +0100
From: Eduard Hoenkamp <>
Subject: need help with Apple IP Gateway [Q]

I'm trying to set up Apple IP Gateway. It should allow me to use IP via
Appletalk (To connect Macs that don't have an IP connection). I know it is
OT incompatible, so I went back from 7.6 to 7.5.3. Starting the gateway it
says: "the gateway could not start because a system error occured". En it
gives error -43 (file not found). Could anyone who has gateway running,
please help? Edward.


Date: Sat, 22 Mar 1997 14:10:06 +0000
From: Tom Wilson <>
Subject: Need replacement monitor cable

I've been highly unsuccessful in locating a Replacement for my Apple
1705 Monitor Cable.  Do you have them or can you direct me to someone
who can find one for me?  I got a faulty one with my system last year
and have been unable to get a repalcement warranty or no.

Please reply to <>


Date: Fri, 28 Mar 1997 08:19:07 -0500 (EST)
From: Russell Aminzade <>
Subject: Personal Laserwriter and 7.5.3

I just upgraded to 7.5.3 (in time for everyone else to run 7.6) and my
Personal Laserwriter LS started
acting up.  I did a search through the old Info-Mac archives and discovered
this posting form September from (Ivor Williams):

>I run a Power-Mac 6100/66 with System 7.5.1 and have a Personal Laserwriter
>SC connected to it - a combination that has worked just fine.
>When I installed Update 2 I found that the printer wouldn't work with the
>majority of my fonts. Lines were superimposed, and the margins were totally

but I didn't hear any replies.  This is very annoying since I depend on the
LW for my checks, billing, etc.  Lately I've just been faxing things to
people and then asking them to send me a copy!

** Russell Aminzade - Computing As If People Matter - 802-351-4357**


Date: Sat, 22 Mar 1997 22:12:33 +0900
From: Joel Petersen <>
Subject: PowerBook 520 Power PC upgrade

Does anyone know of a retailer who sells a Power PC chip upgrade for the
Powerbook 520 series.  I've got the original 520.  I would like to
upgrade to Power PC, but have heard varying things.  Anything info good
or bad or just informational would be appreciated.  I live in Japan thus
I have a little difficulty keeping up with current stuff.

Any replies appreciated.


Date: Mon, 24 Mar 1997 12:58:36 +0800
From: (James Berger)
Subject: question about Netscape and MacTCP

Hi.  My name is James Berger and I was refered to this e-mail address by a
friend who so said you might be able to help.  I am trying to establish a
connection to the world wide web via Netscape over a ppp connection in
China - you wouldn't think it possible, right???  Well, the thing is, I
just set myself up with MacPPP and I've got Eudora e-mail working fine over
the server.  When I try to use Netscape, however, it says "connection
refused by server."  Now, I'd think was just how it is, but one of my
friends here is able to do it using a Windows based Netscape so I know it's
possible.  I asssume something is just configured wrong.  I'm wondering if
ya'll have any idea as to what I might want to do - and what might be
different about Netscape and Eudora - isn't it the same server???  Anyhow,
thank you very much and I'd really love a little advice as I've been
struggling with this for a while.  Thanks --- James (Changsha PRC)


Date: Sat, 15 Mar 1997 15:11:54 -0500 (EST)
Subject: RAM Doubler and/or Speed Doubler testimony...

From: Mark Fiske <>

>>>Hey guys:

I would appreciate it if anyone out there using RAM Doubler 2.0 and/or
Speed Doubler 2.0 would e-mail me privately.  I'm considering it for
addition to my computer, and would like to know how well they work.


TableCloths- percision, high-quality desktop patterns...<<<

Hey Mark,

I've been using both Ram Doubler 2.0 & Speed Doubler 2.0 on my PowerWave
604/132 with OS 7.6 for about a month. Absolutely no problems (yet?).

I started using RD 1.x when it first came out (whenever that was) on my Mac
IIci with only 8 MB of RAM. It has worked like a charm for all these years.
Although I have 32 MB of RAM on my PW & am planning to add some more "real"
RAM to both machines, I wouldn't be without RD. In addition to doubling or
tripling your RAM (RD 2 has a control panel), it enables the computer to use
less RAM per app. With OS 7.6 the "Get Info" box tells you how much extra RAM
you'll use without RD.

Speed Doubler 2.0 has some neat features &, it seems to me, does speed up
various functions. Actually, I'm planning to temporarily disable SD one fine
day so that I can really test the added speed. Because I switch back & forth
between 132 MHz (the PW) & 25 MHz (the IIci), I need to focus before I can
accurately appraise the additional speed due to SD.

I highly recommend both if you have a power Mac. Speed Doubler doesn't do
much for a 68k machine.

Good luck,


Date: Wed, 19 Mar 1997 21:41:09 +0900
From: (Hiroshi Oda)
Subject: ResEdit aete editor

I wrote a ResEdit extension which make editting aete resourve easier.
I wish if a lot people would use it.
How I can contribute to your site ?
Can I send the program directly to this address ?

Hiroshi Oda


Date: Mon, 17 Mar 97 15:20:21 +0900
From: Daniel Griffith <>
Subject: Scsi Wierdness

  I had a Jaz drive play up on me last week - and as I had one blow-up on 
me a month ago (the Japanese distributer got me a replacement back in 4 
days!) , I just cursed Iomega, and sent it back.
 However I've just got _exactly_ the same problem on a Syquest drive!!

What happens is if when you try to read particular files, everything just 
stops, the finder waits giving no error, while the disk grinds away. It 
also sometimes does the same on write.

    The obvious thing is cable trouble, but I was using different cables 
on a different Mac both times...
Any Ideas?


Date: Sat, 2 Jan 1904 00:17:03 +0000
From: Michael Thomson <>
Subject: Searching for Web site grabber

Hello All,

Once again I am begging for help.

I'm looking for some software that will download a web site with
all links / graphics to my local disk.

Variations on a theme are welcome. Commercial software OK too.

Please email to <> and I'll summarise
to the list.


Mike Thomson, Berkshire, England.(Home)
Unix Sysadmin, Nortel Limited    (Work)

Minds are like parachutes; they only work when open.


Date: Fri, 14 Mar 1997 23:40:21 -0500
From: abrody <>
Subject: Stuffit Deluxe 4.0 crashes 7.6

Dear Digest readers,
Whether my extensions are on or off, if I try to drag and drop from any
Stuffit 4.0 archive to the desktop, I get a flashing dialog box "A System
Error has Occurred" forcing me to
 control-apple-reset reboot.  If I select the files in the archive, and
click Unstuff everything is OK.   This is using System 7.6 on a PowerMac
7200/75 with virtual memory off.

Sometimes it gives me a Type 11 error doing the same.

Hope this helps someone find the source of some of the System 7.6 bugs.



Date: Sat, 22 Mar 1997 22:49:56 -0500
From: abrody <>
Subject: System 7.6 Type 11 error (C)

Dear Digest readers,
Well, it seems Apple still hasn't found a way to eliminate the Type 11

Either it happens when I try to drag-drop a Stuffit (4.0 Deluxe) Archive
content to my desktop,
or when I go to specific sites with Netscape 3.0.1 Gold.

With 64MB of RAM, and virtual memory off, and a cache of 1024k, I don't
think that any of that is behind the error either.   I use a RAM disk as my
cache folder for Netscape.  .

Desktop rebuilt, zapped PRAM, etc... I've done it all, but still these two
programs don't cooperate with System 7.6 

Java seems to be the biggest problem for Netscape, yet my other Java capable
browser, Internet Explorer, won't read all Java based web pages.



Date: Sun, 23 Mar 1997 17:12:47 -0500 (EST)
Subject: system for Japanese Performa/was Info-Mac Digest V15 #37

From: davidyon <>

>HI,  I live in japan and a friend has just bought a japanese Performa with
>Kanji Talk installed. He reads no Japanese and wants to put an english
>system in. I run 7.5.5 on my 7200 and intend to stick that on for him. My
>question is will it work. His performa is a 54xx model PPC. Any ideas?
>thnx. Dave

Hi Dave,

It should be okay. The Performa 54xx will run OS 7.5.5. When I taught in
China & Taiwan, the Macs in the Dept. of Foreign Languages ran English
(U.S.), English (British), & Chinese. The language of choice was selected
from the menu at the upper right corner of the Mac monitors. The Macs had no
problems running both English & Chinese--which, like Japanese, does not use
the Roman alphabet. If your friend leaves the Kanji Talk in place, he/she
will be able to sell the Mac in Japan should she/he wish to do so before
returning home.

The Performa 54xx comes with only 8 MB of RAM. This is insufficient for doing
anything substantial on 7.5.5 & with the usual apps, so your friend should
add more RAM now while the prices are still down (at least they are in the



Date: Wed, 26 Mar 1997 02:23:22 -0500
From: Dave Birdsong <>
Subject: win95/MacOS lan

I am looking for a easy and cheap way to connect my Mac's and Win95
machines together on per to per lan.
I have both the Mac's and Win95 share the same hub and from time to time
it would be nice to share files via ethernet.
I am not interested in the program Dave because of the configuring of
TCP/IP that has to be done everytime you want to switch between
networking and the internet.

Please reply via E-mail

Dave Birdsong



End of Info-Mac Digest