Date: Mon, 10 Feb 97 08:30:14 PST
From: The Info-Mac Moderators <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #33
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="Info-Mac-Digest"


Info-Mac Digest             Mon, 10 Feb 97       Volume 15 : Issue 33

Today's Topics:

      [*] =?iso-8859-1?Q?PasswordSaver=81?=
      [*] =?iso-8859-1?Q?SoftwareSaver=81?=
      [*] zaptballs 16 bit addon
      16" monitor [A]
      [A] New Mac purchase: should I consider PowerComputing?
      [A] Zoom 33600 PC modem on Mac. Init string?
      [Q] Is Pippin for sale?
      [Q] SAM 4.5 Conflict
      [Q] System 7.6 and MS Office
      [Q] System 7.6 and OT/PPP
      Apple LaserWriter 4/600
      Appletalk and Personal LW LS
      Assorted Mac problems
      cd problems: energy saver?
      Changing internal HD on Quadra 610, difficult?
      Disappearing Menu Bar?
      Escape Velocity for PC
      getting Amadeus, a colour scheme for Kaleidoscope.
      Getting StartupScreen to appear on PB 540's external monitor
      good outlining app?
      image gamma for the web
      Mac IIsi Hard Drive
      NEC CD-Rom
      New Mac purchase: should I consider PowerComputing?
      Problems w/Clarisworks Updater
      removing resource forks
      Repeated system beep in Netscape
      Sound recording on a Powqerbook 540C
      The NeXT Apple Mistake
      Warning to anyone who wanna buy from MacMall

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Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------"
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Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 12:05:28 -0600
From: (Rich Shiro)
Subject: [*] =?iso-8859-1?Q?PasswordSaver=81?=

PasswordSaver 1.0 (mac) is a FileMaker Pro 3.0 template for people who have
a lot of passwords to remember. With it you can file and keep track of all
of your passwords and its uses.

[Archived as /info-mac/data/password-saver-fm3.hqx; 377K]


Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 12:05:31 -0600
From: (Rich Shiro)
Subject: [*] =?iso-8859-1?Q?SoftwareSaver=81?=

SoftwareSaver 1.0 (mac) is a FileMaker Pro 3.0 template for anybody with a
computer. With it you can file all information on your commercial, demos,
shareware, and freeware software. Keep track of things like your serial
numbers and manufacturer's support phone numbers and email addresses.

[Archived as /info-mac/data/software-saver-fm3.hqx; 458K]


Date: Wed, 5 Feb 1997 18:35:44 -0700
Subject: [*] zaptballs 16 bit addon

What is this?

This file is a plug-in for Zap'T'Balls v7.1 or newer which enables 16-bit


Drop the "ZTB 16-Bit Levels" file into your Zap'T'Balls folder. Set your
to 16-bit mode and run the game.

This file is totally unsupported. Use it at your own risk.

Richard Bannister

[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/zaptballs-16-bit-addon.hqx; 3762K]


Date: Fri, 7 Feb 97 20:25:12 -0800
From: Dan & Melissa Becker <>
Subject: 16" monitor [A]


There is an adjustment a service dude can perform to adjust brightness.
But once monitors get to a certain age, they get dimmer, and no
adjustment can make them as bright as they originally were. It'll
probably take at least 1 hour of labor (the monitor needs to be
disassembled) and you may or may not get a decent improvement in
brightness. If you haven't worked on a monitor before, DON'T DO IT
YOURSELF-you really need to have someone show you how to discharge the
anode first. So you have to decide if it's worth paying for something
that may give you a negligible benefit. Off the bat, I'd say probably not.

-Dan Becker
>From: (Michael =?iso-8859-1?Q?Brostr=F6m?= )
>Subject: 16" monitor
>I've borrowed a 16" monitor (Apple) and it's horribly dark (or if I turn
>the lighting up a bit extremely fuzzy). Is there anything a qualified
>serviceman can do about this


Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 15:32:24 -0500
From: (Douglas N. West)
Subject: [A] New Mac purchase: should I consider PowerComputing?

>I'm in the middle of buying a new Mac to replace my LCIII. I'm really
>interested in the Power Computing PowerCenter 150. However, I've read
>mostly negative comments in the comp.sys.mac.* groups. Now, with Apple's
>price reduction, I'm really torn between the Mac 7600/132 and the
>PowerCenter 150. Yes, the PowerCenter is a little faster and comes with
>mucho software, but the Mac is an Apple! I already have most of the
>software that's included (or wouldn't really need it) so the software
>bundle isn't the deal maker. However, MacUser's ratings seems to bump
>the PowerCenter well above the Mac 7600...
>What do people think of the PowerCC computers? how are the keyboards (a
>biggie for me)? I've heard complaints about noisyness-- how bad are

I would second the recommendation to buy the PowerCenter.  We have 6 or 8
150s with about a dozen of the 132s.  We have had better luck with these
systems than we have with most of the Apple CPUs.  As for the keyboard, I
personally prefer the PowerCC model, but that's purely opinion.



Date: Sun, 09 Feb 1997 07:18:00 +0000
From: (Peter Grundy)
Subject: [A] Zoom 33600 PC modem on Mac. Init string?

In article <5d3cbr$i9s@nntp.Stanford.EDU>, (The Info-Mac Moderator wrote:

:I'm going to buy a Zoom 33k6 modem for PC this week and I hope it will
:work on my Performa 6200. I heard I need a specific init string for using
:it on a mac so I wonder if someone can help me about this. I know I have
:to change &D2 into &D0 but that's all, and the PC init string is on the
:floppy disks that come with the modem but I cannot read it. If you are
:using a Zoom 33k6 modem on your mac please tell me what init string works
:the best.

I surfaced this from an old archive but not sure how relevant or up to date
it may be. Good luck. Sorry unable to help with the cable problem.
Incidentally, I don't use an init string with my Motorola 28.8. Perhaps you
could try not using one.

This file is taken from the online (on Web?) version of Adam Engst's book
'The Internet Starter Kit, 3rd Edition' and is provided with Adam's kind
permission.  If you are just starting out on the Internet with a Mac I
highly recommend this book as a guide.  Even if you're a veteran surfer
it's a good reference to have handy.

The URL for the online version of TISK is:


Web Site:
FTP Site:

   * Zoom 14.4 V.32/V.32 bis ---> AT&F&C1
   * Zoom 2400 v.42bis ---> AT&Q5%C1W1&C1&D0S36=7&K3
   * Zoom V.32/V.32bis ---> AT&Q5S36=7%C1&C1&D0&K3



Date: Sun, 9 Feb 97 13:36:32 -0500
From: rrome <>
Subject: [Q] Is Pippin for sale?

Hey all.

I have yet to see a commercial in any kind of media (besides the Mac
catalogs) about Pippin.  Is it being sold?  If so, how do they expect to
it without advertizing it?

Romulo Romero


Date: Sun, 9 Feb 97 19:04:22 -0600
From: "Jason P. Torrey" <>
Subject: [Q] SAM 4.5 Conflict

I just installed SAM 4.5 on my System 7.6 hard drive and am finding that
it crashes the system.  This usually happens right after the boot process
is finished and the Finder is all loaded.  However, I found that
sometimes it found that it found a problem with "Notify Claris Emailer"
and then hung.

I tried reinstalling Emailer but this did not solve the problem.  So,
then, using the Extension Manager, I disabled the " SAM Intercept"
extension.  This did the trick.  Has anyone else had any problems with
SAM 4.5?



Date: Sun, 9 Feb 97 10:22:40 -0600
From: "Jason P. Torrey" <>
Subject: [Q] System 7.6 and MS Office

I just installed System 7.6 (clean install) and reinstalled Microsoft
Office 4.2.1.  Now, it seems to take forever to load those applications.
Does any one know what may be going on?



Date: Sun, 9 Feb 97 10:24:21 -0600
From: "Jason P. Torrey" <>
Subject: [Q] System 7.6 and OT/PPP

I just installed System 7.6 and with OT/PPP now my choice for PPP, does
anyone know of a timer program that I could use to keep track of my time
per month?  I was using PPP Premier Timer.



Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 07:42:07 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Apple LaserWriter 4/600

>>>Hi All,

I recently purchased an Apple LaserWriter 4/600. After years of using an
ink jet, I am very pleased with my new printer.

However, there are a couple of things I really miss. I was using a
DeskJet with PowerPrint software which allowed me to print in Draft mode
(to save ink) and also offered me an on-screen preview of the print job
prior to sending output to the printer.

Is there a print driver or other software which will provide these
features on my 4/600?

Any and all comments or suggestions are appreciated.

Thank you,

Rob Schilling

please respond to<<<

Hi Rob,

I also have an Apple LaserWriter 4/600. So far as I know (this is my second
LaserWriter), LaserWriters do not print in draft mode (& someone will
undoubtedly correct me if I've been missing something ;-) ). The options
available are visible when you press command-p, then the Options button.

Screen previews can be seen from within many (but not all) applications. If
I've been missing a way to access screen previews from ALL apps for lo these
many years, I trust one of the gurus on the list will let *both* of us know.


P.S. I get Info-Mac in digest form, & this digest looked weird--no headers.
Did anyone else have this problem?


Date: Sun, 9 Feb 97 23:29:41 -0500
From: Richard Friedman <>
Subject: Appletalk and Personal LW LS

I am trying to connect my Personal LW LS/300 to a Appletalk LAN. When I
try to select the LS with an active appletalk and select the printer port
(which I'm using for the appletalk connection) I am told it can't use the
port. I turned on Printer Sharing and while I get a new icon in the
choice window (printer, phone and now printer share) after I select
printer share the chooser freezes.

Is there an AT version of the LS/300 driver?

Richard Friedman


Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 19:44:30 +0100
From: (Jon Naude)
Subject: Assorted Mac problems

I would like to ask your help with 3 problems that we at present having
on our Macs:

1) On my powerbook 160 I can eMail and reach newsgroups only via an
external modem (a US Robotics 28.8), and not via the internal 14.4
SupraFax modem. I first thought this was due to a conflict with my fax
software, but its not. The internal modem does work as I have no problem
getting thru to a BBS via a normal telephone connection. Also no problem
with faxing. My newsgroup reader and Emailer is MacSoup 2.2b7. Other
internet SW: MacTCP, Config PPP 2.2, PPP 2.2. Is there a known problem
with the Suprafax internal 14.4 modem and internet connections?

2) At home my wife uses a PB Duo 230 in a Duodock,(syst. 7.1) and I use
a Powermac 8100 (syst 7.5.3). We are networked to a Laserwriter 360
Select. Everything went well with the printer until I upgraded the 8100
>From system 7.5.1 to 7.5.3. Now I cannot print from my Mac. We used to
both use the Laserwriter 8.0 driver. My system update installed the 8.4
driver, this didnt work so I have reinstalled the 8.0 driver, still no
luck. Any ideas? -All the Macs use the german versions of system sw,

3) On the Duo, something's happened to the screen (system) fonts, this
is noticeable on a DA like the Chooser. Which font is missing? Is it a
bit-mapped font?

Jon Naude


Date: Fri, 07 Feb 1997 14:43:59 -0500
From: matt fletcher <>
Subject: cd problems: energy saver?

Kevin Rexroad wrote:

"I have a 6100/60 AV Macintosh and I have an annoying problem. When I
puta musical CD into the CD player and play it, the songs start
skipping. In other words, the song will be playing and then pause for a
moment and then keep playing."

i had the same problem after upgrading to system 7.5.5. it eventually
turned out to be one of the components of energy saver.

good luck.

m. fletcher
see you in hell!


Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 13:45:06 -0600
From: Tim Rand <>
Subject: Changing internal HD on Quadra 610, difficult?

Scot Andrews <> wrote:
 >A client would like me to install a new hard drive in a Quadra 610.
 >Is it difficult?

This is SO simple.
  two hands (yours),
  replacement drive - SCSI - Low Profile (1" high).

a) Pop case off top of unit (lift up two thumb tabs at rear)

b) Unplug scsi cable and power from drive

c) Slide silver "radiation shield" off of front of drive bay.

d) Slide drive out of unit

e) unscrew mounting sled from old drive

f) Reverse steps a - e with new drive.


c) place drive in open 5 1/4 bay, connect to scsi and power and replace
cover.  This gives you TWO scsi drives.  If you do this, remove the
terminating resistors or jumper and set the SCSI ID to something other than

Things to consider - What SCSI ID is the replacement drive (Zero if it is
the only drive in the system)

Is Termination on?  Yes, if last or only drive on internal scsi bus.  Off

Last steps: Boot from floppy, Format drive as necessary, install MacOS and
applications or copy from old drive.


Date: Wed, 05 Feb 1997 23:02:44 +0000
From: Jack Countryman <>
Subject: Disappearing Menu Bar?

The powerbook 145 4/40 sys7.1  I use at work is acting strange.  The
menu bar keeps going a blank white...all menus disappearing.  However,
if I put the mouse pointer in the right place and press the button the
menus still drop and work.  Desktop has been rebuilt, PRAM zapped,
programs re-installed, viruses checked, disk defragged etc. to no
effect.  This has only started the computer dying on me,
or what?  All ideas welcome.


Date: Fri, 07 Feb 1997 19:20:56 -0600
From: Trevor Zylstra <>
Subject: Escape Velocity for PC

On 6 February 1997, David Andreasen wrote:

> I would like to know if there is a PC version for escape velocity because
> I do not have a Mac and I really enjoyed the game at my friends house
> please answer soon!!!!

No, Escape Velocity is published by Ambrosia Software, an excellent
shareware company, which only publishes Macintosh software.  Besides
Escape Velocity, they have many other really incredible games and
utilities.  Check out
for some of their other programs.  Especially look at Avara, which is an
incredible networked robot combat game.  Coming up, they have a game
called Manse, which from the tidbits they drop to us Mac owners, looks
mind-bogglingly cool.

As far as not being able to play all this, well, I'm sorry but you
should really look into buying a Macintosh.  The prices from Apple have
been cut way back, and some of the clone makers, especially Power
Computing, have some great computers at terrific prices.  If this is
still too steep for you, you can pick up a used Macintosh IIci and
monitor for less than $600.  Go Mac and you'll never go back.



Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 14:56:08 +0000 (GMT)
From: Lloyd Wood <>
Subject: getting Amadeus, a colour scheme for Kaleidoscope.

Well, I mailed copies of Amadeus, my colour scheme plugin for Greg
Landweber's Kaleidoscope, on to macgifts in January, but since none
have shown up in the info-mac archive, I assume that they've vanished
into the aether/are somewhere in a queue.

In the meantime, anyone who is interested in yet another
(better-constructed-than-most) K colour scheme can either drop me an
email requesting a binhexed copy of Amadeus (now up to 1.0.7) or
download Amadeus from:


There, you'll also find information about the Kaleidoscope scheme
designers list and an index to the world
of Kaleidoscope.





Date: Sun, 9 Feb 1997 22:43:57 -0800
From: Mike Blackwell <>
Subject: Getting StartupScreen to appear on PB 540's external monitor

I have a PowerBook 540 with its standard 64-gray LCD screen, plus an
external 640x480, 256-color monitor, which is defined in the Monitors
control panel as the "main" monitor. I recently replaced my old black &
white StartupScreen with a 256-color version. It appears on the grayscale
monitor, and translates pretty well for a moment, but quickly converts to
an awful solarized (?) mess as my extensions start to load.

Oddly, my StartupScreen used to consistently appear on my external monitor,
not the internal. With the black & white image, it didn't really matter,
but the new one is a nice photo and I'd like to see it in color. How did I
accomplish this feat, what changes do you think I made, and how do I
reverse them? (FYI, my startup icons have always appeared on the external
monitor, then and now.)

System: 7.1.2, Update 3.0; 12MB/340HD. Extensions too numerous to list. :)


Date: Sat, 8 Feb 1997 21:54:12 -0500 (EST)
From: Greg Madey <>
Subject: good outlining app?

Chao Ye Min asked:

>Can anyone recommend a good outlining application that will work with
>the current system? I know that Symantec's "More" was supposed to be
>pretty good but I understand they've discontinued it? Advice appreciated.

Take a look at Inspiration. The outliner does just about everything that
MORE 3.1 did. It doesn't have the presentation mode that MORE did, but it
has a nifty graphical display of your outlines.

Too bad about MORE ... it was a great program. Symantec bought it and let
it die. :-(

Greg Madey


Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 13:54:21 -0500
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: hiding

At 10:18 PM -0500 2/5/97, wrote:
>I've found it in the past but can't remember where.  There is a way to hide
>inactive windows on the Mac so that only the active one is visible, but
>I've forgotten how.  Please advise.

If you want to hide all application other than the one you are currently
working in, select "Hide Others" from the application menu in the upper
right corner of your screen.

If you want to hide the application you are currently in when you switch to
another, hold the option key while you switch to the other app.

>From the "?" menu, select "Shortcuts" while in the Finder.  You'll get an
Apple Guide that lists many of this sort of thing.



Date: Fri, 07 Feb 1997 14:17:03 -0500
From: matt fletcher <>
Subject: image gamma for the web

hi, everybody.

i forget who started the thread, but the question was raised as to why
web graphics created on a mac (where about 50% of web content is
produced) look like hell on a windows machine.

for a thorough description of the gamma problem with suggestions,
demonstrations and samples, look at "Making Good Looking WWW GIFs or
JPEGs for Multi-Platforms with Photoshop" at:

also at the site is more information than you can stand about gamma in

good luck.

m. fletcher
see you in hell!


Date: Mon, 10 Feb 97 06:04:11 -0800
From: Ken Laskey <>
Subject: Mac IIsi Hard Drive

My suggestion for a IIsi hard drive is to get an external SCSI.  That way
you don't have to fit it in the case and you can easily move the new drive
to your next computer when you decide to upgrade.  I've had an extra
external on my IIsi for the last year and a half, and it has the added
benefit of portability if I need to transfer files to another computer.

Just my two cents,

Ken Laskey


Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 00:54:28 +0100
From: (Johannes la Poutre')
Subject: NEC CD-Rom


>I recently picked up a used NEC CD-Rom, Model 84-1, but have been
>unable to get my Mac to see it.... are there any special drivers for it

Over here I use the "DriveCD NEC" control panel which I found on the
Info-Mac archives. First because the driver software I got with my Nec
2-speed external drive appeared corrupted (disk error), but when I fixed
that, I discovered the contol panel is very easy in use and a no-brainer
for it's simple settings. The only drawback is that you have to manually
mount the first disk if you switch on the drive after you have booted up
the system.
No compatibility errors up to now.
You can (and have to) use the Apple CD-rom extensions like foreign file
acces, ISO9660 and AudioCD.

Regards, Joe


Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 14:15:55 -0500
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: New Mac purchase: should I consider PowerComputing?

At 12:40 PM -0700 2/5/97, Benn Tannenbaum wrote:
>What do people think of the PowerCC computers? how are the keyboards (a
>biggie for me)? I've heard complaints about noisyness-- how bad are

I have a PowerCenter 120, purchased during the refurb sale in mid-December,
so for me, the fast machine for very little money was the primary selling

I got a 120MHz 604, 16MB RAM, 1.2Gb HD, 4xCD for $1100.  How can you say no
to that?

In any case, I am extremely happy with this machine, and with PCC's
customer service.

I just bought 3 new 16M DIMMs, and found that when the RAM was installed,
the machine would not boot; I called PCC and they sent out a new
motherboard overnight to try to fix the problem.  It turns out that the RAM
was actually to blame, but PCC sure did their best.

The keyboard is just fine, but to tell you the truth I don't use it because
it's got too short a cable for my particular installation [keyboard drawer
under the desk.  I'm still using my Apple Extended II.  The Power keyboard
is different, but I wouldn't say it's either inferior or superior; just

I would have liked something other than the low-profile case, but such is
the way of refurb deals.  They have what they have.

My next machine will very likley be a Power machine.



Date: Sun, 9 Feb 1997 19:48:22 -0400
From: "Elizabeth A. Hoffman" <>
Subject: Problems w/Clarisworks Updater

I recently downloaded the Clarisworks 4.0v5 Updater from the Info-Mac
Archives & have the following problem--I can update everything except the
"file conv." and the "file translators"; partway through the upgrade I get
the following message: "An unexpected error occurred while installing
Appleworks DB/SS. 1008:17,-10."

Any suggestions re what to do now?  Thanks.

Betsy Hoffman

PS: I downloaded two different copies of the Updater from two different
Mirror Sites at two different times and tried installing each both ways
(custom & easy-install) a couple of times--I think the problem may be with
the Updater, rather than with what I'm doing...No?


Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 14:37:29 -0500
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: removing resource forks

At 10:27 AM -0600 2/5/97, Lanny Chambers wrote:
>>Is there any program to remove the resource fork from files?
>You don't want to remove the resource fork of any file on your hard disk!

Why not?  I do this every day to various types of files.

Certainly, you don't want to remove the resource fork of, say, an
application or other type of file that actually needs its resource fork,
but removing the resource fork of a image file or a text file is perfectly

Harmless, that is, as long as you know exactly what it is you're stripping
away.  Some applications store style information in the resource forks of
text files, and previews and such are stored in the resource forks of image

If you are aware that you are throwing those niceties away, then you can go
ahead and strip the resource forks from gifs, jpgs, text files, and the
like and save a bit of disk space.

This plays into the recent discussion of minimum disk allocation block
size; here's a quick summary:

The MacOS is limited to 65536 allocation blocks on any disk, which means
that as the disk size goes up, so does the size of each disk allocation

One disk allocation block is the minimum size of any file on disk.

Each fork of a file [data and resource] takes up at least one disk
allocation block, regardless of actual size.

For example, assuming a 500Mb hard disk, the disk allocation block size is
9K.  A text file that contains only the letter "a" [1 byte] in its data
fork will occupy 9 Kbytes on disk.  If you get info on that file, you will
see "9K on disk, 1 byte used".

If a few bytes of formatting information are saved in a "styl" resource in
the resource fork of that file, it now occupies 18 Kbytes on disk.  If I
strip the resource fork of that file, I lose the formatting information,
but gain 9K of disk space.

Imagine you're storing nothing but tiny GIF files on that disk.  If each
has a preview, it's occupying twice the storage it needs to.  If you strip
the resource fork, you lose the preview, but you can store twice as many

Bottom line: You don't want to remove either fork of files willy-nilly, but
stripping the resource fork of image and text files on a controlled basis
is a perfectly reasonable thing to do.



Date: Sun, 09 Feb 1997 09:02:54 -0500
From: Jeff Frankel <>
Subject: Repeated system beep in Netscape

On Feb 5 Vince Martinez wrote:

> I recall seeing that someone else had a problem of the mac beeping
> repeatedly when sending a Netscape mail message with an enclosure.  This
> beeping continues until you quit.  Does anyone know what's causing this,
> and more importantly, how to stop it?

I was the person who posted such a query several months ago, and several
Info-Mac-ers solved this problem for me.  I was using Netscape v3.0.
Download v3.01.  That should fix things.

Jeff Frankel
Windsor, Maine  USA


Date: Mon, 10 Feb 1997 10:33:10 +0000
From: (Trevor Harris)
Subject: Sound recording on a Powqerbook 540C

I have a Powrbook 540C running system 7.5.3. I cannot remember when I last
tried recording via the built in microphone or an external microphone from
a Centris 610, but the result now is speeded up and distorted playback. Any
idea what the problem is?


Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 01:20:50 -0800 (PST)
From: Diamond <>
Subject: The NeXT Apple Mistake

Let me start off by saying I'm a loyal Macintosh user for about 10 years
and debate its infinitely greater OS and computers against Windoze
users. But after Apple opted to buy NeXT I feel betrayed....

Apple no longer cares about what is best for its loyal users and instead
feels it must try and attract a new market, at our expense. Apples
purchase of NeXT is less a method of creating a great new OS in a faster
amount of time and more based on trying to enter the intranet market.
NeXT with its WebObjects offers a great atempt for Apple to enter the
intranet market with a bang. But Apple needs to separate that from the
OS. The NextStep OS does not run Motorola processors, but rather Intel,
meaning we will have to wait for it to be ported to our PowerPC chips.
NextStep does not support QuickDraw, or Quicktime.  Meaning an extensive
amount of time being spent on just recreating that.  All this is before
even beginning to incorporate the MacOS into it.  We will be lucky to
have anything before 1999.

Apple had a prospect of buying Be.  Which they should have done if they
had the intentions of grouping with a company to build the new OS.  Be
already runs on PowerPC processors and supports QuickDraw and even the
current Mac ROMs.  All this would mean the immediate incorporation of
the two OSs.

Your responces??

Kevin Diamond


Date: Thu, 06 Feb 1997 20:38:51 -0500
From: (Kam)
Subject: Warning to anyone who wanna buy from MacMall

I and my wife recently have a very bad experience with MacMall, the Mac
mail order company. Here is the story:

We orderd a Apple Multiscan 15" monitor from MacMall since it's price is
about $50 less than MacConnection and MacZone last Wednesday. Along with
the Monitor, we also ordered an Apple Laser Printer toner for our
LaserWriter Pro 600. The salesperson confirmed with us that we would have
both products delivered on last Friday ( we ordered late Wednesday, so we
won't get it on Thursday ).

Fine! We thought. We were not rush.

So we waited.

Friday, when we got home from work. We saw one package, just one. JUST THE
TONER! We opened the box, and there was only the toner. Even worse, we
didn't even get the invoice. We called MacMall, and finally talked to
someone. And that person said, "That's not possible. On my screen, it shows
that your monitor has just been tested yesterday (Thursday), so it's not
possible for you to get it today! You may get it tomorrow, wait for one
more day."

"Well, just one more day!" we thought.

Saturday's gone. We saw nothing, and we waited at home for the whole day
w/o doing anything. So, we called again, this time, we were kept on hold
for half an hour to reach the customer services. Then a lazy voice asked us
all kinds of questions. And finally, she decided that it's the shipping
company's problem, so she said she would called Fedex and told us to wait
for call from Fedex.

About an hour later, Fedex called and again, asked us all kind of
questions. Then the Fedex person came up with a real funny question, "We
have to know your monitor's serial # and part # in order to track it for
you, since your package's tracking# returns nothing on my computer!"

SERIAL # and PART #! Come on, I didn't even get my package, how could I
possibly tell you?

So the Fedex person said she would called MacMall and found it out. And it
turned out that MacMall closed and she had to called them on this Monday
(2/3). She promised to call us that day.

Of course, she didn't call. So we called on Tuesday. This time we knew that
the package was lost. Fedex is now tracking it for us. What makes us so
angry is that, MacMall still has to charge our credit card for the monitor,
and when we asked if we can have another unit delivered to us, they said,
"Yes, of course, if you PAY!". What an attitude! After that, they add
another one, "However, this monitor is out of stock."

Now Fedex finally found out that the package was lost in delivery, admit
that it's their fault and told us they are waiting for MacMall to file a
claim. So we called MacMall, after an hour long hold, we described the
situation to the customer service person again, well, here is what MacMall
said, "We have to find out from Fedex first". We said, "Isn't that MacMall
is responsoble to follow up with that and not us. And now, not only you
don't know that Fedex has admitted this is their fault and you don't even
know that you can file a claim?!" That MacMall person then hanged up. Yes,
they hanged up!

We don't know if we will still have to pay for the monitor or not even
though we have never seen it. But MacMall's handling of this problem gave
us a very bad perception and we thought that other Mac users may experience
similar problems with them in the future, so we send this letter to these
newsgroups to warn all people who want to purchase from MacMall:

"They will promise anything. But when you have a problem, they will just
leave you in the cold!"

Kam and Karen



End of Info-Mac Digest