Subject: Info-Mac Digest V17 #6 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="Info-Mac-Digest" --Info-Mac-Digest Info-Mac Digest Fri, 28 Jan 00 Volume 17 : Issue 6 Today's Topics: [*] Algebra I: Equation Solving Tutor [*] AutoShare 4.1.1, a freeware list server [*] budgetBoss 1.1 - home budgeting aid [*] Business Pro 2.1-SE [*] CalcIT 1.0 [*] CalCountNote 1.2.6 [*] CatalogSearch FMP, a folder and volume indexer [*] Countdown Pro 1.01 [*] Creepin' Critter Clocks 1.1.1 - educational game [*] Creepin' Critter Math 4.2.1 - educational game [*] Creepin' Critter Math Lite - educational game [*] Email Cleaner 1.3.1 - Convenient cleaning on Emails [*] English-Polish Dictionary 1.2.4 - language learning [*] Extension Overload v4.7 [*] EZBible 1.3 [*] FastOpen 3.0; open document quickly [*] GestLab 1.0.3 - The ultimate Gestalt Manager tool [*] GestLab F-1.0.3 - L'outil ultime du Gestalt Manager [*] Language Reader 1.6.2 - foreign language learning [*] Lenses [*] Letter Drop [*] Mac Mail Purger v1.0 [*] Mac-FTP-list, Version 4.5.5 [*] MacD 1.5 - A new way to access your files [*] MacMinder 1.2b [*] MultiMode 3.0.0 [*] NetFinder 2.0.4 - FTP client. [*] NetFinder 2.0.4J - FTP client / Japanese Version [*] PandoCalendar 5.0.3 - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac. [*] PlayerPRO plugin 2.0 for Netscape & Internet Explorer [*] Real Estate Investor [*] ScannerProbePlus 2.0 [*] Sterling Silver Kaleidoscope scheme [*] Symbionts 2.8.4 [*] The On-Line Joke Book Volume 6 [*] Tongue Twisters [*] UBB Writer v1.0 (68k) Freeware [*] UBB Writer v1.0 (PPC) [C] MacLinkPlus 10.0 and Y2K DROP ZIP FOR PC G3 and USB External HDs Nikon Coolpix950 help Sony DCR-TRV510 and the Macinotsh splitting an ISDN line Windows Icons --> Mac ? The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac Digest and operates the Info-Mac Archive, a large network of FTP sites containing gigabytes of freely distributable Macintosh software. Working with the Info-Mac Digest: * To submit articles to the digest, email <>. * To subscribe, send email to <> with the words subscribe info-mac in the message. < info-mac> * To unsubscribe, send email to <> with the words unsubscribe info-mac in the message. < info-mac> * To change your address, unsubscribe from the old address, then subscribe from the new address. * Please send administrative queries to <>. Downloading and Submitting Files from the Info-Mac Archive: * A full list of Info-Mac mirror sites is available at: <> * Search the archive via the MIT HyperArchive at: <>. * To submit files for the archive, email the binhexed file with a description to <>. Submissions must be made by the author or with permission of the author. It may take up to a week to process; check mirror sites for the status of new uploads. * To submit files larger than 2 MB, email a description to <> and then use an FTP client to upload the binhexed file to, using the userid "macgifts" and the password "macgifts". Or, click <>. Info-Mac volunteers include Adam C. Engst, Demitri Muna, Hugh Lewis, Tom Coradeschi, Shawn Bunn, Christopher Li, Patrik Montgomery, and Ed Chambers. The Info-Mac Digest is sponsored in part by AOL <> who is responsible for our having the main Info-Mac machine <>. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Info-Mac Digest V17 #6" ------------------------------ Date: 4 Jan 2000 From: John Kimber <> Subject: [*] Algebra I: Equation Solving Tutor Algebra I: Equation Solving Tutor ( With this intelligent tutoring system, a student can quickly master the basic skills involved in solving linear equations. The program presents the user with an equation in symbolic form, which can then be solved by directly manipulating the the program's interface. The program comes with a curriculum that can be easily extended or adapted as required. [Archived as /info-mac/edu/aiest.hqx; 1295 K] ------------------------------ Date: 1 Jan 2000 From: Mikael Hansen <> Subject: [*] AutoShare 4.1.1, a freeware list server AutoShare is a robust and speedy list server and auto-responder for the Macintosh with EIMS or SIMS. Available for both 68K and Power Macs, requiring little memory and tested with Mac OS 9.0, AutoShare can handle hundreds of mailing lists and thousands of subscribers for each list. Full scriptability is supported, and an Admin application with balloon help makes it easy to configure the richly featured server application. Version 4.1.1 offers automated bounce and Admin application enhancements plus minor improvements and bug fixes. [Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mail/auto-share-411.hqx; 2729 K] ------------------------------ Date: 30 Dec 1999 From: "Bruce A. Pokras" <> Subject: [*] budgetBoss 1.1 - home budgeting aid budgetBoss(TM) 1.1 Copr. 1993, 1999 Bruce A. Pokras - All rights reserved worldwide Requires: HyperCard(R) Player 2.3 or higher (probably already on your Mac whether you know it or not), or any version of Hyper-Stack Player; a Mac having a 68030 processor or faster is preferred Changes in this version: Eliminated a bug which would prevent registered users from importing more than ten Expense Records. Take charge of your finances with budgetBoss! BudgetBoss gives users the information they need to plan ahead for those pay periods where bills seem to be all due at once. BudgetBoss takes information about your pay schedule and your expenses, and generates a list of your expenses for the whole year, grouped and totaled by pay period. In this way, users are warned well in advance of those instances where lots of bills are due in a short amount of time. The list also lets you see in advance those rare pay periods where less bills than usual are due. If you find that some bills are grouped too closely to payday to allow you to pay them by mail on time, budgetBoss' "Mailing Delay" feature can eliminate that problem. You set the Mailing Delay to the number of days you need to comfortably pay by mail. This adjusts the grouping of expenses so that those that are due too close to payday are grouped for payment with the previous pay period. The power of BudgetBoss is that it allows you to save the list that it generates in a form that is specially formatted to be opened as a "live" spreadsheet by a spreadsheet program. The spreadsheet uses a formula to add up your expenses for each pay period, so you can insert last-minute expenses and the total will instantly update. Alternatively, you may save the list of expenses as a text file which can be opened and printed by any word processing program. Shareware $10 May be registered worldwide through the Kagi payment service Brought to you by the Mac-Stacks Emporium: [Archived as /info-mac/app/bus/budget-boss-11.hqx; 521 K] ------------------------------ Date: 3 Jan 2000 From: moj <> Subject: [*] Business Pro 2.1-SE Dr. Feelgood slèpper nu den eminenta FileMakerapplikationen Business Pro i version 2.1-SE. Applikationen finns bîde till MasOS och Windows 95/98. Business Pro èr ett hèndelsestyrningssystem byggd i FileMaker Pro. Business Pro loggar och hîller reda pî alla aktiviteter ditt fÜretag har. Med Business Pro kan du hîlla reda pî skickade E-post meddelanden, skrivna fax eller brev och hîlla reda pî dina telefonsamtal och mÜten. Allt samlas i en vèlfungerande applikation med ett snyggt och intuitivt grènssnitt. Du kan i efterhand gî tillbaka till dina hèndelser och titta vad du har gjort med en viss kund eller vad du skall gÜra. Business Pro kan anvèndas direkt frîn paketet och behÜver normalt inga stÜrre anpassningar. Business Pro kan ocksî anvèndas som ett embryo till ett stÜrre system eftersom det sèljs som ett Üppet system med full tillgîng till alla manus, fèltdefinitioner och layouter. Business Pro har fullt nètverksstÜd och har inga begrènsningar i hur mînga anvèndare som samtidigt kan kÜra applikationen. Business Pro har ett komplett hjèlpsystem inbyggd vilket tordes borga fÜr att du inte "kÜr fast" Flera stora fÜretag i Sverige har redan valt Business Pro som sitt kundvîrdssystem tack vara enkelheten och mÜjligheten till att pîverka de sista smî detaljerna sjèlv. Business Pro krèver FileMaker 4.1 eller senare. Efter registreringen av produkten kommer du att fî: Registreringskod som ger dig full tillgîng till hela systemet inkl fèltdefinitioner, scripts mm. Registreringsbevis till de Plug-ins som medfÜljer Business Pro Gratis uppgradering till kommande versioner av Business Pro. Upphovsman: Carsten Dyhr CDSoft [Archived as /info-mac/app/bus/business-pro-21-se.hqx; 699 K] ------------------------------ Date: 1 Jan 2000 From: Ethan Rutter <> Subject: [*] CalcIT 1.0 Need a more powerful calculator than the one that ships with the Mac? CalcIT is a full-featured scientific calculator with larger (i.e., easy-to-read) buttons and display, decimal/hex/binary and degrees/radians/gradients modes, units conversions, and customizable interface. [Archived as /info-mac/sci/calc/calc-it-10.hqx; 1041 K] ------------------------------ Date: 2 Jan 2000 From: Brian Stevens<> Subject: [*] CalCountNote 1.2.6 CalCountNote (CCN) has four integrated components: Ñ Calendar - a monthly calendar with a digital clock and an hourly chime.. Ñ Countdown - a realtime Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds countdown to the date of your choice. Similar to my Freeware program, Y2KCD, but with the important flexibility to choose the date. Ñ Notes - a general notepad for collecting To Dos and other important ideas you want to save. Ñ Day Notes (notes associated with a date) are just one click away. All four components emphasize small desktop size and easy click-to-use philosophy. [Archived as /info-mac/app/time/cal-count-note-126.hqx; 250 K] ------------------------------ Date: 4 Jan 2000 From: Subject: [*] CatalogSearch FMP, a folder and volume indexer CatalogSearch FMP is a FileMaker Pro 5 database for rapidly indexing folders and volumes. It catalogs every file and folder (including invisibles, but not icon files) of a given container. It uses a relationship to very quickly locate files that are duplicates (duplicate files are only duplicates if their name, size and modification dates are exactly the same). It can reveal, open, move and delete files and folders that it has indexed. It can use Sherlock to find items by name from it's Name field (right now, only "name is, on local volumes - but not CDs" searches can be performed). Requires OS 8.5+. [Archived as /info-mac/disk/catalog-search-fmp.hqx; 278 K] ------------------------------ Date: 4 Jan 2000 From: "Immortal Software" <> Subject: [*] Countdown Pro 1.01 Countdown Pro 1.01 Ever wanted to know how long left exactly until next weekend or how long you have been married? This software is what you need. Countdown Pro calculates the time until or since any event, counts down any period of time, shows the time until the next occurring of a repeating event or counts up the time from now on. All the data is displayed in a customizable window which you can leave in background while you're working. What's new in version 1.01 ? - Changes made in the preferences dialog are now shown immediately - Fixed a bug that caused Countdown Pro to calculate the time wrong if "show months" was selected - It is now possible to let Countdown Pro switch between Countdowns without a graphical transition effect - Several minor bug fixes System Requirements ß Any Power Macintosh ß Mac OS 8 or higher ß 700 KB or free RAM Pricing Countdown Pro is shareware and costs US $ 7. For more information visit: [Archived as /info-mac/app/time/countdown-pro-101.hqx; 168 K] ------------------------------ Date: 30 Dec 1999 From: "Bruce A. Pokras" <> Subject: [*] Creepin' Critter Clocks 1.1.1 - educational game Creepin' Critter(TM) Clocks 1.1.1 Requires HyperCard Player 2.2 or later (probably already on your Mac whether you know it or not), or any version of Hyper-Stack Player. Changes in this version: For Mac OS 9 users running CCC in the black & white "evaluation mode", a button will appear on the title screen which allows them to turn off the transition effects that CCC displays as the user navigates from screen-to-screen. In some models of Mac running OS 9, these transition effects occur EXTREMELY slowly. The button, which toggles between "Turn Transitions On" and "Turn Transitions Off", allows those OS 9 users who experience the problem to use CCC without having to deal with ultra-slow navigation. OS 9 does not cause any problems in CCC's full color "licensed mode." Welcome to Creepin' Critter Clocks, the fun way for kids to practice their time-telling skills! Creepin' Critter Clocks is an arcade-style learning game that is both challenging and fun. Kids swat bugs (the "Creepin' Critters") or pop bubbles that correspond to the correct answer to a time-telling problem. Points are earned, in true arcade game fashion, for correct answers. The amount of time available to answer a problem can be adjusted to suit the skill level of the child. The arcade-style scoring provides an incentive for decreasing the amount of time, since lower time settings increase the possible scores. There are four types of time-telling practice in Creepin' Critter Clocks: 1) Analog-to-Digital, 2) Digital-to-Analog, 3) Words-to-Analog, and 4) Words-to-Digital. Each type of time-telling practice can be performed by swatting bugs or by popping bubbles. The Analog-to-Digital and Words-to-Digital games are only available to registered users. Upon registering, you will receive a password which will unlock the following additional features: 1) built-in color; 2) the ability to repeat just the incorrectly answered problems; 3) arcade-style "Top Ten" lists for each type of time-telling game; 4) Teaching Mode where the hour can be held constant while the minutes are varied (or vice versa); and 5) the Report feature which records the results of each problem the student attempts in a text file for later review by their parent or teacher. Shareware $10/Mac. $50 for a Site license for an entire school. [Archived as /info-mac/edu/yng/creepin-critter-clocks-111.hqx; 586 K] ------------------------------ Date: 30 Dec 1999 From: "Bruce A. Pokras" <> Subject: [*] Creepin' Critter Math 4.2.1 - educational game Creepin' Critter(TM) Math 4.2.1 Copr. 1993-96, 1999 Bruce A. Pokras - All rights reserved worldwide Requires HyperCard Player 2.2 or later (probably already on your Mac whether you know it or not), or any version of Hyper-Stack Player. Changes in version 4.2.1: For Mac OS 9 users running CCM in the black & white "evaluation mode", a button will appear on the title screen which allows them to turn off the transition effects that CCM displays as the user navigates from screen-to-screen. In some models of Mac running OS 9, these transition effects occur EXTREMELY slowly. The button, which toggles between "Turn Transitions On" and "Turn Transitions Off", allows those OS 9 users who experience the problem to use CCM without having to deal with ultra-slow navigation. OS 9 does not cause any problems in CCM's full color "licensed mode." Creepin' Critter¬ Math 4.2.1 is an arcade-style learning game which provides children with math practice in a way that is both challenging and fun. They swat bugs (the "Creepin' Critters") or pop bubbles that correspond to the correct answer to a math problem. Points are earned, in true arcade game style, for correct answers. The amount of time available to answer a problem can be adjusted to suit the math skill level of the child. The arcade-style scoring provides an incentive for decreasing the amount of time, since lower time settings increase the possible scores. 1) COUNTING objects up to 10; 2) BEGINNER Math addition and subtraction problems involving numbers no higher than 10; 3) BASIC math facts for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division; and 4) ADVANCED two step problems for older children which involve carrying, borrowing and remainders. Upon registering, you will receive a password which will unlock the following features: 1) color; 2) ability to repeat just the incorrectly answered problems; 3) arcade-style "Top Ten" lists for each math operation (includes the date and the maximum possible score, so parents can keep track of their child's progress); and 4) a "report" feature which records the result of each problem in a game and saves them as a text file. Shareware $10.00/Mac; $50.00 for a Site License that covers an entire school. Brought to you by the Mac-Stacks Emporium: [Archived as /info-mac/edu/yng/creepin-critter-math-421.hqx; 496 K] ------------------------------ Date: 30 Dec 1999 From: "Bruce A. Pokras" <> Subject: [*] Creepin' Critter Math Lite - educational game Creepin' Critter(TM) Math Lite 1.0 Copr. 1993-96, 1999 Bruce A. Pokras - All rights reserved worldwide Requires HyperCard Player 2.2 or later (probably already on your Mac whether you know it or not), or any version of Hyper-Stack Player. CCM Lite is a "light" version of the regular, shareware Creepin' Critter(TM) Math educational game. Creepin' Critter Math Lite has enabled all the bonus features of the licensed regular version of CCM, but contains just the "Beginner" math module (in both the Creepin' Critter and Bubble Poppin' formats) instead of the four modules of the regular version. The bonus features include, among other things, a full color interface, Top Ten lists, and the ability to repeat those problems that were answered incorrectly. The Creepin' Critter format is a multiple-choice challenge in which children choose the answer to a question by swatting one of four bugs which are creeping up a wall towards "picture frames" which contain four possible answers. If the incorrect bug is swatted, the other three continue creeping up the wall giving the child further chances to swat the correct bug. If the correct bug is not swatted by the time one of the bugs crawls underneath one of the picture frames, then the correct answer flashes several times and another problem is presented. After finishing a game, the problems which were answered incorrectly or not at all may be repeated. The distance the bugs creep before reaching the picture frames may be decreased, giving the child less time to swat the correct bug, but increasing the possible score. An arcade-style "Top Ten List" shows the child's highest scores, and so gives an incentive to improve. For children who do not like swatting bugs, an alternative Bubble Poppin' game is included. As the name implies, this alternative requires popping the correct bubble among four bubbles which are rising from a bubble bath towards a steam enshrouded ceiling. Floating in the steam are four possible answers to the problem. The regular, shareware version of CCM is available for download in "evaluation mode," and may be upgraded to the fully enabled version by the entry of a password after paying the license fee. CCM Lite is Freeware (Regular CCM is Shareware ($10/Mac; $50 Site License)) [Archived as /info-mac/edu/yng/creepin-critter-mathlite-10.hqx; 344 K] ------------------------------ Date: 1 Jan 2000 From: Theo <> Subject: [*] Email Cleaner 1.3.1 - Convenient cleaning on Emails Email Cleaner cleans up emails and newsgroup posts. It fixes badly wrapped lines. It can wrap your emails to any width, keeping all your precious quote marks on the right lines. Email Cleaner is an expert at cleaning up messy emails. Its easy on the user. It used from inside any of your programs, from a small window that floats in front of all your programs. All automatically and reliably. Email Cleaner has a lot of support for AppleScript. It needs any PowerMac at all, and MacOS 7.5 or later. [Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mail/email-cleaner-131.hqx; 853 K] ------------------------------ Date: 4 Jan 2000 From: Jacek Iwanski <> Subject: [*] English-Polish Dictionary 1.2.4 - language learning The English-Polish Dictionary is a module for the 'Verbs & Nouns' and 'V&N Lookup' programs. It will be useful to Poles who are learning English and to English speakers who are learning Polish. The Demo version consists of 6,600 English words (letters a to c). The complete version consists of 32,000 English words. The 'Verbs & Nouns' application allows you to add new entries and modify the existing entries, to add comments to every word, search for the English word or its Polish translation, and do translation exercises. With 'V&N Lookup' you can translate English text into Polish (word-for-word), search for English or Polish words, check spelling, and add comments to existing words. You can download the latest version of 'Verbs & Nouns' and 'V&N Lookup' from Info-Mac mirror sites. They are located in the directory /edu/lang. More information you can find on <> Jacek Iwanski. [Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/english-polish-dict-124.hqx; 852 K] ------------------------------ Date: 2 Jan 2000 From: Teng Chou Ming <> Subject: [*] Extension Overload v4.7 Extension Overload is your all round extension & control panel management solution. It offers detail information of 2400 extensions and control panels in your system. It also lets you activate and deactivate them, so that you can always easily tailor your system to your current requirements. In addition, Extension Overload includes a useful collection of helpful information and tidbits. Extension Overload Features * Allows you to enable and disable you extensions and control panels on the fly without going to the Extensions or Control Panels folders. * Provide detailed descriptions of 2400 extensions and control panels, both from Apple and from other companies. * Covers extensions and control panels from System 7, 7.5, 7.6, Mac OS 8, 8.1, 8.5, 8.6, 9.0, iMac, G3 and G4. * Searching for a particular extensions or control panels within the database can be done either by name or description. * Searchable system error codes to help make your troubleshooting process easier and faster. * Generate reports to keep track of your extensions and control panels. * A Tidbits menu that contains interesting tidbits of information including: -What is an extension, control panel, shared library? - Tips to speed up your Macintosh. - Easter eggs (little gimmicks hidden somewhere in the software). - A guide on how to get software updates. New features in version 4.7 released December 28, 1999: * Contains descriptions of 2400 extensions and control panels. * New searchable error code database (with 1205 error code). * More URLs and emails added. * Many details have been updated. * Better support for non-English Mac OS. * New splash screen and icon. Thanks to Dennis Ionov. * A 'Show All' button have been added in 'Search database...' * Removed SIVC (Simple Internet Version Control) feature. * A new 'Websites' menu added. * Updated the user manual. [Archived as /info-mac/info/sft/extension-overload-47.hqx; 1213 K] ------------------------------ Date: 1 Jan 2000 From: Ethan Rutter <> Subject: [*] EZBible 1.3 Have you ever wanted to read through the Bible in a year? Were you intimidated by its size or unsure how much you'd need to read each day? EZ Bible is a simple application to help you read through the Bible in one year. The entire Bible is broken into daily readings of roughly equal size, allowing for full-context passages where possible. The text is fully searchable; search results can be saved and reloaded later. Version 1.3 adds the ability to use different translations. The King James Version is now available at <> under Shareware. User can also select display font/size. [Archived as /info-mac/app/ez-bible-13.hqx; 3872 K] ------------------------------ Date: 4 Jan 2000 From: Han <> Subject: [*] FastOpen 3.0; open document quickly FastOpen is a system utility that allows you to open any document with the application of your choice quickly and instantly from the contextual menu. For each file type, FastOpen will let you add a customized list of applications to use in opening that kind of file. All you need to do is highlight the file and simply select the application from the contextual menu. It's that easy. FastOpen even lets you create application sets to open files whose names end in ".html", ".hqx", ".bin", ".uu", or any other suffix you like. News (Version 2.5 -> 3.0): - If the original application of an alias doesn't existe, send open doc AppleEvent - Added Auto Repair feature. You need repair FastOpen settings in case of the original application of an alias doesn't existe. Now repair can be done automatically. - Added Pre-Settings feature. You needn't start at zero to select your favorite name suffix, document types and applications. - Added many options in preferences: mark symbol, default applications, priority, the native application. - Fixed some minor bugs. For more information, please read the Readme file enclosed, or visit my web page: Thanks, Guoniu Han [Archived as /info-mac/gui/fast-open-30.hqx; 713 K] ------------------------------ Date: 31 Dec 1999 From: Jean-Pierre Curcio <> Subject: [*] GestLab 1.0.3 - The ultimate Gestalt Manager tool GestLab is the Gestalt.Appl successor, a tool that allows you to check all Gestalt selectors posted by Mac OS or by any other piece of software. It is also a database including information about your system environment. You see not only some technical infos but also understandable interpretation of most codes (in English). There are too many new features in GestLab to be listed here (a mini doc is included). You have to know that GestLab user interface needs at least Appearance Manager 1.0.1 (version found in Mac OS 8.1 and next). You can install the Appearance extensions in Mac OS 7.1 and next (these extensions are available at Without Appearance Manager, you will only allowed to save your configuration, not to examine it. So, if your machine has at least Mac OS 8.1, use GestLab. With older systems, continue to use Gestalt.Appl. GestLab main goal is to maintain the more exhaustive Gestalt selector database. When using it, if your configuration is displaying info not yet in the database (what it is very easy to realize, this info is displayed in red), don't hesitate to send it to me: I'll analyse it and update the database for the next release. Your collaboration is essential in this domain. As Rene G. A. Ros said in his Gestalt Selectors List, GestLab is the new 'official' Gestalt hunters tool! Version 1.0.3 is mainly a maintenance release and its database contains 789 selectors. [Archived as /info-mac/dev/gest-lab-103.hqx; 530 K] ------------------------------ Date: 31 Dec 1999 From: Jean-Pierre Curcio <> Subject: [*] GestLab F-1.0.3 - L'outil ultime du Gestalt Manager GestLab est le successeur de Gestalt.Appl, un outil qui permet d'examiner tous les selecteurs Gestalt postes par Mac OS ou n'importe quel autre logiciel. C'est aussi une base de donnees qui inclut des informations sur votre environnement systeme. Vous voyez non seulement des infos techniques mais aussi une interpretation comprehensible de la plupart des codes (en francais). Il y a beaucoup trop de nouvelles fonctionnalites dans GestLab pour les lister ici (une mini doc est incluse). Il faut savoir que l'interface utilisateur de GestLab exige la presence de l'Appearance Manager 1.0.1 minimum (version incluse dans Mac OS 8.1 et suivantes). Vous pouvez installer les extensions de l'Appearance Manager a partir de Mac OS 7.1 (elles sont disponibles sur le site Sans l'Appearance Manager, vous pourrez simplement enregistrer votre configuration, pas l'examiner. Donc, si vous avez Mac OS 8.1, utilisez GestLab. Avec des systemes plus anciens, continuez a utiliser Gestalt.Appl. Le but principal de GestLab est de maintenir une base de selecteurs Gestalt la plus exhaustive possible. Si, lors de son utilisation, votre configuration affiche des informations qui n'y sont pas encore (ce qui est evident, puisque ces infos sont affichees en rouge), n'hesitez surtout pas a me l'envoyer : je l'analyserai et mettrai la base a jour pour la version suivante. Votre collaboration est essentielle dans ce domaine. Comme l'a dit Rene G. A. Ros dans sa Gestalt Selectors List, GestLab est le nouvel outil de reference des chasseurs Gestalt. La version 1.0.3 est essentiellement une version de maintenance et sa base contient 789 sÄlecteurs. [Archived as /info-mac/dev/gest-lab-103-fr.hqx; 540 K] ------------------------------ Date: 4 Jan 2000 From: Jacek Iwanski <> Subject: [*] Language Reader 1.6.2 - foreign language learning Language Toolkit Reader is an interactive multimedia program for language learning. It features the integrated use of text, illustrations, sound, QuickTime Movies, vocabulary, exercises based on text and sound, and notes on grammar. You use the program to access 'lessons' which are prepared separately. A teacher can prepare multimedia lessons for any target language by using the companion program 'Language Toolkit Writer'. An associated program 'Verbs & Nouns' gives access to additional support in the way of dictionaries, and offers the opportunity for further practice of inflection and translation at the level of single words. You can visit to find more information. Jacek Iwanski. [Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/language-toolkit-reader-162.hqx; 2303 K] ------------------------------ Date: 4 Jan 2000 From: (Robert Ludyk) Subject: [*] Lenses This is a Sherlock plugin for Macintosh that searches contact lens sites for the best available prices on a given lens requirements for use Power PC Mac OS 8.5 or higher [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/lenses-src.hqx; 0 K] ------------------------------ Date: 31 Dec 1999 From: Joe Hammons <> Subject: [*] Letter Drop Letter Drop teaches young children how to match upper and lower case letters as well as learning which letter comes before and after. Letter Drop is freeware and requires the free Hypercard Player. [Archived as /info-mac/edu/yng/letter-drop.hqx; 205 K] ------------------------------ Date: 3 Jan 2000 From: Frederick Cheung <> Subject: [*] Mac Mail Purger v1.0 Stop wasting time if you have been mailbombed ! If you have been trawling through hundreds or thousands of unwanted mails, Mac Mail Purger will allow to eliminate them in record time ( just over 20 seconds using a 33.6 modem in a test involving 2657 messages). Requires any PPC mac with Open Transport, OS 8 and a POP mailbox (ie not web-based accounts such as hotmail) [Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mail/mac-mail-purger-10.hqx; 39 K] ------------------------------ Date: 2 Jan 2000 From: Bruce Grubb <> Subject: [*] Mac-FTP-list, Version 4.5.5 This is the latest edition (Jan 1, 2000) of the Mac-FTP-list. The Mac-FTP-list lists over 150 mac anonymous ftp sites (some with notes), over 110 Mac web pages, and contains some instructions on how to use anonymous ftp and find files as well a format chart showing which programs decompress and decode which files. Also there is a section on how to use certain files. This archive contains both the text and html versions of the Mac-FTP-list. To ensure that the columns in the Format Chart section line up correctly the document's text must be in a monospaced font such as Courier 10pt, Monaco 9pt, or a PC equivalent. Changes: Format chart updated; moved to; Added sites/URLs: None; Defunct sites/URLs: None; [Archived as /info-mac/comm/info/mac-ftp-list-455.hqx; 72 K] ------------------------------ Date: 9 Jan 2000 From: Antoine Beyeler <> Subject: [*] MacD 1.5 - A new way to access your files MacD is a new way to access your files. Press a shortcut key and type any folder's first letters in the displayed dialog box, and the chosen folder's window will appear. In case of ambiguity, MacD shows you a list where you can choose the folder you want to open. In this new version, you can also launch applications in the same way! All is done to provide a quick, mouseless access to any of your files without preliminary manual configuration. It is the perfect complement of the Apple Menu, contextual menus or any toolbar application. Use one of them to open your Documents or Applications folder, and MacD to open that hidden folder you never thought you would have to look at. Requirements: PowerMac - System 7.5 Author: Antoine Beyeler [Archived as /info-mac/gui/macd-15.hqx; 341 K] ------------------------------ Date: 4 Jan 2000 From: Warren Furman <> Subject: [*] MacMinder 1.2b MacMinder is a fun and user-friendly appointments book that will alert you with sounds or speech to upcoming appointments, birthdays, etc each time you start your computer. It also contains a securable diary, an alert to let you know when your extensions have loaded and a log for archiving old appointments. [Archived as /info-mac/app/time/mac-minder-12b.hqx; 631 K] ------------------------------ Date: 4 Jan 2000 From: Chris Smolinski <> Subject: [*] MultiMode 3.0.0 MultiMode allows your Macintosh to decode and transmit several different modes of non-voice communication often heard on shortwave radio. In the past, dedicated hardware, often costing hundreds or thousands of dollars, was necessary to demodulate and decode this transmissions. Today, you can use the processing power of your Macintosh to decode and display these modes, without any additional hardware, other than your Mac and a radio. MultiMode supports the following modes: Morse Code (CW) RTTY (Baudot) ASCII SSTV (Slow Scan TV) SITOR-A SITOR-B / FEC / NAVTEX WEATHER / SATELLITE FAX ACARS (Aircraft Message System) PSK31 Hellschreiber DTMF, EIA, CCIR Tone Modes Audio Spectrum Display to aid in properly tuning in stations Requires a PPC Macintosh Shareware: $89 [Archived as /info-mac/comm/multi-mode-30.hqx; 507 K] ------------------------------ Date: 1 Jan 2000 From: "Peter Li" <> Subject: [*] NetFinder 2.0.4 - FTP client. The most Finder-like FTP client for the MacOS has just got better. NetFinder was the first FTP client to use the Finder hierarchy listing paradigm. With an intuitive user interface that everyone is familiar with, users can begin to use this program in no time at all. NetFinder v1.x started the FTP client war, by being the first FTP client to: - support resume downloading after you quit or crash. - add drag and drop support for all operations including moving files from one folder to another, server to server coping as well as the standard uploading, downloading and trashing... - inline filename editing, just like the Finder. - integrated BBEdit support for transparent file editing. - support for setting permissions on files and folders (even recursively). The Finder-like listing window supports viewing by name, date, size, and permissions. Other features include automatic binhex, macbinary and text translation for uploads and downloads. Supports many ftp servers. Has speech support. Internet Config savvy. Supports bookmark lists. What's New in 2.0.4: v2.0.4 removes the "beta expired" message that appears in v2.0.3. v2.0.3 adds support for Finder Progress Icons and WebSTAR FTP servers. Improved VMS server support, BBEdit support and remote server file copying support. Various parts of the user interface have been improved, including smoother drawing of listings and the GUI should be even more robust. Various bug fixes also included. [Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/net-finder-204.hqx; 2928 K] ------------------------------ Date: 1 Jan 2000 From: Subject: [*] NetFinder 2.0.4J - FTP client / Japanese Version This is the Japanese version of the NetFinder package. The most Finder-like FTP client for the MacOS has just got better. NetFinder was the first FTP client to use the Finder hierarchy listing paradigm. With an intuitive user interface that everyone is familiar with, users can begin to use this program in no time at all. NetFinder v1.x started the FTP client war, by being the first FTP client to: - support resume downloading after you quit or crash. - add drag and drop support for all operations including moving files from one folder to another, server to server coping as well as the standard uploading, downloading and trashing... - inline filename editing, just like the Finder. - integrated BBEdit support for transparent file editing. - support for setting permissions on files and folders (even recursively). The Finder-like listing window supports viewing by name, date, size, and permissions. Other features include automatic binhex, macbinary and text translation for uploads and downloads. Supports many ftp servers. Has speech support. Internet Config savvy. Supports bookmark lists. What's New in 2.0.4: v2.0.4 removes the "beta expired" message that appears in v2.0.3. v2.0.3 adds support for Finder Progress Icons and WebSTAR FTP servers. Improved VMS server support, BBEdit support and remote server file copying support. Various parts of the user interface have been improved, including smoother drawing of listings and the GUI should be even more robust. Various bug fixes also included. [Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/net-finder-204-jp.hqx; 3483 K] ------------------------------ Date: 30 Dec 1999 From: Panda Systems <> Subject: [*] PandoCalendar 5.0.3 - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac. PandoCalendar is a freeware Macintosh application that places a small customizable calendar on your desktop. The calendar may be customized by changing the frame, background color, text color, font, and font size. You can also attach notes to specific days for past or future events, and have PandoCalendar automatically plot the days you work. Great for people who don't have a Monday-Friday work schedule! Version 5.0.3 - Fixed a bug that was introduced in 5.0.2 that caused PandoCalendar to crash on startup on some machines. Panda Systems [Archived as /info-mac/app/time/pando-calendar-503.hqx; 840 K] ------------------------------ Date: 3 Jan 2000 From: Rosset Antoine <> Subject: [*] PlayerPRO plugin 2.0 for Netscape & Internet Explorer PlayerPRO Plugin is an extension for your Netscape Communicator¬ or Internet Explorer software. It will allow you to include, control and play music files. It supports soundtracker files : MOD, S3M, MADx, IT and XM. For more informations about these music files, download the PlayerPRO application, a full music editor ( About distribution You can copy, distribute this plugin EVERYWHERE freely!! Even on commercial products!! How to use it Simply drag "PlayerPRO Plugin" file in your "Plug-ins" folder in Netscape or Internet Explorer folder. [Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/player-pro-plugin-20.hqx; 947 K] ------------------------------ Date: 1 Jan 2000 From: Subject: [*] Real Estate Investor "Real Estate Investor" is a financial management program for the small real estate investor or anyone. [Archived as /info-mac/app/bus/real-estate-investor.hqx; 2779 K] ------------------------------ Date: 2 Jan 2000 From: ldrake <> Subject: [*] ScannerProbePlus 2.0 ScannerProbePlus helps overcome some of the difficulties associated with the use of Apple(r) Scanners. Applications which perform scanning chores using scanners, such as those made by Apple Computer(r), rely on a driver which is installed into the memory of the computer at boot time. Sometimes this does not happen and, as a result, applications cannot communicate with the Scanner due to the missing driver. The net result is that you cannot perform any scanning until the driver is in place and it has successfully communicated with the Scanner. ScannerProbePlus is only meant to work with scanners that are connected via a SCSI bus - not USB. [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/scanner-probe-plus-20.hqx; 209 K] ------------------------------ Date: 1 Jan 2000 From: royerm <> Subject: [*] Sterling Silver Kaleidoscope scheme Sterling Silver is a Kaleidoscope 2.0+ scheme. It decorates your desktop in gleaming silver tones.... Please post on your recent additions page. -Martha Royer See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here: Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there [Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/sterling-silver-ks.hqx; 348 K] ------------------------------ Date: 30 Dec 1999 From: Nivek Research <> Subject: [*] Symbionts 2.8.4 Symbionts is an extension that monitors the startup process. Symbionts displays the name and number of bytes of memory each system extension allocates from the system heap. The name and number appear beneath the extension's icon, and since the name is usually truncated, Symbionts also displays it in the menu bar. Symbionts even shows the icons for those extensions that don't normally reveal themselves. Symbionts 2.8.4 adds additional features and support for Mac OS 9. [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/symbionts-284.hqx; 182 K] ------------------------------ Date: 31 Dec 1999 From: Edward Goss <> Subject: [*] The On-Line Joke Book Volume 6 Announcing the availability of "The On-Line Joke Book - Volume 6", a compilation of clean jokes and stories received on-line by Edward Goss - <>. Created in the DOCMaker format, OLJB Volume 6 can be read by any Mac System 6.08 or later. Published twice yearly, The On-Line Joke Book is free, and you can join a mailing list for future editions. Start your day with a good joke! Read The On-Line Joke Book [Archived as /info-mac/art/book/on-line-joke-book-60.hqx; 129 K] ------------------------------ Date: 2 Jan 2000 From: Joe Hammons <> Subject: [*] Tongue Twisters Have fun with over 80 tongue twisters in this fully functional freeware program. The computer will say the tongue twisters with different voices. Then, you can write your own tongue twister and have the computer say it. Requires Hypercard Player to run. Best Wishes, Joe Hammons [Archived as /info-mac/game/word/tongue-twisters.hqx; 43 K] ------------------------------ Date: 3 Jan 2000 From: Garrett Ostromecki <> Subject: [*] UBB Writer v1.0 (68k) Freeware Requirements: 68k - 68030 or 68040 processor Mac OS 7.5.5 thru Mac OS 8.1 UBB Writer v1.0 (Freeware) is a UBB code editor that allows the user to add function and style to posts at forums like MacAddict, MacFixIt and NoWonder. It is designed to allow users who have no experience with UBB code to take advantage of all the features of UBB code with the click of a button. For experienced UBB code writers, UBB Writer makes enhancing your posts simpler, quicker and more fun. This product may be included on a commercial CD. I would like to be notified if this occurs. Author: Garrett I. Ostromecki [Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/ubb-writer-10-68k.hqx; 478 K] ------------------------------ Date: 3 Jan 2000 From: Garrett Ostromecki <> Subject: [*] UBB Writer v1.0 (PPC) Requirements: Power PC processor Mac OS 7.5.5 thru Mac OS 9.0 UBB Writer 1.0 is a UBB code editor that allows the user to add function and style to posts at forums like MacAddict, MacFixIt and NoWonder. It is designed to allow users who have no experience with UBB code to take advantage of all the features of UBB code with the click of a button. For experienced UBB code writers, UBB Writer makes enhancing your posts simpler, quicker and more fun. This product may be included on a commercial CD. I would like to be notified if this occurs. Author: Garrett I. Ostromecki [Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/ubb-writer-10-ppc.hqx; 571 K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 1 Jan 00 23:52:42 -0500 From: "Stephen J. Wright" <> Subject: [C] MacLinkPlus 10.0 and Y2K Folks, >From time to time, I use MacLinkPlus v10. I know I should upgrade, but really why should I when: *DataViz reported last year that it wasn't compliant, yet my copy runs OK. I suspect a scheme inspired by greed to get people to upgrade. *The times are few and far between when I find something in an email attachment or a Net download that I don't have the OEM software for (be it from Win/PC, Unix or some other plat), and when I do, I often trash it anyhow. Concerned Netizens please comment. Steve Wright. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 30 Dec 1999 17:36:15 -0500 From: Louis Bergeron <> Subject: DROP ZIP FOR PC Hi, We have known the great products from Aladdin for a while on the Macintosh side, mostly from the Stuffit family. However, they are trying to push the stuffit standard on the PC side. They have a new product called DropZip and also Unzip, the same combo we have on the Macintosh side. With Windows 98, this is drag and drop. For those using Virtual PC or having to cope with people using PCs or even having to work on a real PC, this could be helpful. If you are already registered on the Mac side, you can get DropZip for a mere 10$. Check their web site for more details. You can try the product for free and register later. Louis Louis Bergeron C.P. 68 Granby Qc Canada J2G 8E2 Telephone Phone (450) 776-1074 Telecopieur Fax (450) 776-1113 E-mails Partenaire du CSE du Cegep de Granby - Haute-Yamaska 385 Principale Granby (Quebec) J2G 2W5 Telephone Phone (450) 372-6614 #172 Telecopieur multi-usagers (non confidentiel) Multi-users fax (450) 777-5842 (not confidential) ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2000 13:49:36 -0700 From: Ted Logan <> Subject: G3 and USB External HDs I want to connect an external LaCie HD to my non-USB G3. The only externals offered now (that I can find) require USB. Can I simply use an adapter at the port ( as I have for a Jaz 1GB drive with USB ports) or must I install a USB card? Any suggestions for any better external HDs for a G3 would also be appreciated. Ted Logan Logan Writing, Inc. Lake Havasu City, AZ 86404-1365 Email: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 03 Jan 2000 23:09:30 GMT From: (iBuyer Support Team) Subject: Nikon Coolpix950 help Nikon Coolpix950 help Help needed! :) I need to know what you guys think of the Nikon Cool Pix 950. Let me know if it's worth the bucks being spent on it. Let me know all the dirty little secrets about it. And let me know how well it worked for you. Please send your comments to me via email, or you can just post it here:, I will be checking it daily and will email you back individually with other responses etc. Remember what we did with Abit? (They actually read your comments! and liked that you as users are responding to their thirst for feedback. We hope to be able to speak with Nikon soon. We are already meeting with Nokia, and will try to get feedback on their product as soon as we have selected one :) So email me!!! I'm excited to see what you have to say about this digital camera. Thanks in advance for responding! iBuyer Support Aque ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2000 08:11:27 From: "Bill.lists" <> Subject: Sony DCR-TRV510 and the Macinotsh Gentleones, I recently bought a Sony DCR-TRV510 (a Digital8 camcorder with still picture RAM) and am disappointed, though not surprised, to see that their software, PictureGear Lite, only runs on PeeCees. PictureGear is the software that is used to "suck" still pictures out of the camera's RAM into the computer via a serial connection (a standard 232 connection). The camera has FireWire but only for moving video. A call to Sony got a knowledgeable, though perhaps misinformed, support person. He informed me that "the only way to get the stills out of the camera is with a PeeCee or a Windows 95/98 shell on your Mac." So far, no surprises. Could I have their information so that I could write my own software? No way. Hell would freeze over first. Still not surprising. Then the surprise. I asked him about Mac software and he told me that "it's a copyright issue (huh?) and it's tied up in legal. Macintosh (sic) won't provide the information we need to give to our engineering staff. That's Macintosh for you." Expressing incredulity got me nowhere--his brainwashing was complete. He countered that Sony "knows" there are third-party solutions out there, but Sony can't tell me anything about them, or, like me, can't find them either. (Funny thing is, Epson has made it work... rather well, actually. And the Macintosh info that anybody would need to know to write it is in Inside Macintosh volumes I-IV! Have they visited!) Bottom line: Has anybody successfully written transfer software or know of the mysterious third-party source for this software? Or have the details of the transfer protocol? Many thanks for any help! Bill ----------------- <- just remove the ".nospam" before replying. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 30 Dec 1999 23:44:06 +0900 From: Tito and Shari Poza <> Subject: splitting an ISDN line I presently have one telephone line in my apartment, an ISDN line. I'm using it with my G3 but would like to split the line between two ISDN modems so my iMac can share the line. My question is, is it possible to use a telephone line splitter (similar to the analog splitters that are cheaply and commonly available to connect multiple phones in a house to the same line...the kind that has one input jack on one side and two output jacks on the other side) to split the line for use in two ISDN modems? I know this works with analog lines but will it work with ISDN? If so, does it requre a special splitter device? Thanks for any advice! Shari ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2000 15:42:27 -0800 From: "Jim Wickman" <> Subject: Windows Icons --> Mac ? How does one convert .ico files -- Windows icons -- to Mac-usable icons? Thanks -- Jim Wickman - - - Pasco WA A friend is someone who knows the song of your soul and sings it back to you when you've forgotten the words. -------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest-- End of Info-Mac Digest ******************************