Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #267 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="Info-Mac-Digest" --Info-Mac-Digest Info-Mac Digest Sat, 06 Dec 97 Volume 15 : Issue 267 Today's Topics: [*] "Joy To the World" StartUp Sound (Mono) [*] A MacHead's+MEGAmac 1200+ Bkmrks 1.3 [*] Argentinian Icons Vol .3 [*] BetterBookmark in MSIE 1.0 [*] c_commander.hqx upload [*] Christmas Mac StartupScreen [*] ChristmasDeskPicts [*] Decoder 1.3.4 [*] eMerge Demo 1.1.2 [*] Extension Overload v2.5 [*] Format-Chart Version 1.2.8 [*] FreePPP Control [*] Gift Database [*] Holiday Beeps Vol. 1 (16-bit/44.1kHz) [*] Holiday Beeps Vol. 1 (8-bit/22kHz) [*] HyperKaos 1.3 [*] Joy To the World StartUp Sound (Stereo) [*] Mac-FTP-list, Version 4.3.2 [*] Mac-HaBu 4.0e [*] no_more_cookies [*] Perl script to strip AOL headers [*] sms-1.4.3 [*] StaffordSounds [*] StartThing 1.0.2 - simple and powerful screen-saver [*] Symbionts 2.8 (English) [*] Symbionts 2.8 (German) [*] Ultratech Lite for Kaleidoscope [*] Vokabeltrainer3.01 - a German vocabulary trainer [A] Finding invisible files [A] PCMCIA modems and price differences [Q] AV Mac Stalling [Q]: Tri-Data Ethernet driver? Finding invisible files Finding invisible files Finding invisible files Finding invisible files Info-Mac Digest V15 #265 L2 Cache MacWorld Expo SF '98! Setting sound levels on shutdown Setting sound levels on shutdown (A) Small network management Upper limit of HDs or partitions Windows Nt Server 4.0 and Macintosh Network The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac Digest and operates the Info-Mac Archive, a large network of FTP sites containing gigabytes of freely distributable Macintosh software. For more information, visit the Info-Mac Web site at <>. Email Addresses and Instructions: * To submit articles to the digest, email <>. * To subscribe, send email to <> with subscribe in the Subject line. <> * To unsubscribe, send email to <> with unsubscribe in the Subject line. <> * To change your address, unsubscribe from the old address, then subscribe from the new address. If that fails, try using the list maintenance form at <> before contacting us. * Please send administrative queries to <>. * To submit files for the archive, email the binhexed file with a description to <>. Submissions must be made by the author or with permission of the author. It may take up to a week to process; check mirror sites for the status of new uploads. FTP and Web Addresses and Instructions: * To submit files larger than 800K, email a description to <> and then use an FTP client to upload the binhexed file to, using the userid "macgifts and the password "macgifts". Or, click <>. * A full list of Info-Mac mirror sites is available at the URL below: <> * Search the archive at <>. Info-Mac volunteers include Gordon Watts, Adam C. Engst, Demitri Muna, Mike O'Bryan, Michael Bean, and Liam Breck. The Info-Mac Digest is sponsored in part by StarNine Technologies, developers of Internet server software for the Macintosh, including Web and email publishing systems. <> We'd also like to thank AOL for the main Info-Mac machine. <> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Info-Mac Digest V15 #267" ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 13:25:27 -0700 From: Subject: [*] "Joy To the World" StartUp Sound (Mono) Joy To the World StartUp The Holidays at last! Add some Holiday spirit to your Mac with the "Joy To the World" StartUp Sound from Clixsounds. It's a fully orchestrated intro to the classic carol and makes a grand entrance to any Mac computing session. It is available in both stereo and mono versions. Each year, Clixsounds prepares a special set of free sounds just for the Holidays. This set consists of various StartUp Sounds, ShutDown Sounds, Alert Sounds, Email Sounds, and System Clock Sounds. The sounds range from popular Holiday carols to sound effects related with the Holiday season. They are designed with the hopes that Mac users everywhere will be able to add a bit of Holiday cheer to their Macs amidst the season of "hustle-n-bustle." The complete Holiday Series is available through December 31st along with over 100 other freeware sounds at: All Mac users are invited to visit often and download these FREE sounds and share the joy of both the Holidays and the Macintosh! This file is freeware and may be redistributed freely providing it is unaltered and includes the accompanying document. Note that a portion of this archive is information concerning Clixsounds products and services. Contact Information: Internet: Support: Sales: America Online: CLIXSOUNDS World Wide Web: [Archived as /info-mac/art/snd/mon-joy-to-the-world.hqx; 486K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 13:25:04 -0700 From: Subject: [*] A MacHead's+MEGAmac 1200+ Bkmrks 1.3 Please download my NEW version of "A MacHead's+MEGAmac COMBINED 1200+ Bookmarks v1.3". I have combined the very well accepted $3 shareware 370+ sites "A MacHead's Bookmarks" (over 4,000 downloads in 2 weeks) with the "MEGAmac1001+ Bookmarks" to create the world's largest collection of Mac oriented sites on the WWW Internet and for only $2 more. Some 33 categories from Apple (60 sites) to Web A to Z (220 sites) and EVERYTHING in-between. There's a new category "A MacHead Homepages" the homepages of MacHead subscribers who CHOOSE to have their pages listed. [Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/megamac-1200-bkmrks.hqx; 45K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 13:25:31 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Argentinian Icons Vol .3 Viva Iconos present the Vol. 3 of Argentinian icons. Include icons of: Che Guevara, Carlos Gardel, Super Hijitus, Pucho, El Eternauta, Karadajian, Chocolat=EDn Jack, Dulce de Leche and many others. Are free for all, and enjoy it! Gabi Viva Iconos [Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/argentinian-icons-vol-3.hqx; 85K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 13:25:01 -0700 From: Subject: [*] BetterBookmark in MSIE 1.0 Better Bookmark HTTP in MSIE 1.0 What is it? An "Action" for Apple Data Detectors that acts on HTTP URLs. In contrast to the action that comes with "Internet Address Detectors" this one gives you the opportunity to add your own label and a description to the URL. Also URLs you bookmark are available from the Favorites menu immediately. Requirements - Mac OS 8 - Apple Data Detectors (included with Internet Address Detectors) - The free "Dialog Director" Scripting Addition. You can get it at <>. - Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.01 (obviously) Michael Schuerig <> [Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/better-bookmark-msie-10.hqx; 16K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 13:25:02 -0700 From: Subject: [*] c_commander.hqx upload CookieCommander is a standalone version of NoMoreCookies. Go to "" for application information and more. CookieCommander allows a user to select which sites can save cookies on the user's hard drive. The user also has full access and can remove unwanted data in unreadable cookie files or in history files. Enjoy your control. Clynton Caines Clynton Caines Ife Alexander [Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/c-commander.hqx; 60K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 13:25:37 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Christmas Mac StartupScreen This a Christmas startupscreen that dresses up the traditional startupscreen found on Macs. Thanks, Dave Anderson [Archived as /info-mac/art/grf/christmas-mac-startup.hqx; 11K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 13:25:36 -0700 From: Subject: [*] ChristmasDeskPicts "Christmas Desktop Pictures" is a fascinating set of 15 full screen, high-quality pictures for MacOS 8 users. This set contains a wide variety of schemes ranging from smooth, vibrant designs to tranquil, "landscape" views. It's the perfect Christmas gift for your Mac, and will keep you in the mood as you count down the days. Plus, the entire set is only US $8 shareware... All instructions are included. Feel free to distribute this shareware on CD-ROM or disk. Just keep it "as is" and notify the authors at We'd also like to get a copy of the CD-ROM/disk if possible. System requirements: MacOS 8.0 or later Deck your desktop! Merry Christmas! [Archived as /info-mac/art/grf/christmas-desktop-pictures.hqx; 2373K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 13:25:11 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Decoder 1.3.4 Decoder 1.34 FAT - This is a drag and drop program that will decode either Base64 (MIME) or UU encoded messages. Just drop the files onto the application and it will determine the correct encoding scheme and decode accordingly. Requires: System 7, PowerPC or 68020 machine. It can handle files of any size, yet still has low memory requirements. It is faster that other similar programs. File segments do not have to be concatenated prior to decoding. Handles "imperfect" files better than any other UU or Base 64 decoder. Handles multi-part files. Automatically sets file type and creator upon decoding. Can open decoded files automatically if desired. Handles files that have been concatenated by a newsreader. I am sure you will find the Decoder to be the easiest-to-use, fastest, most robust UU and Base64 decoder available. [Archived as /info-mac/cmp/decoder-134.hqx; 254K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 13:25:07 -0700 From: Subject: [*] eMerge Demo 1.1.2 eMergeDemo 1.12 - Demo Version for Mac OS. eMerge is a simple desktop application that lets you personalize form letters and send them to people on the Internet. You can use our built-in tools to create lists of names and e-mail addresses, or import all the information you need from your existing databases. Create direct mail advertising campaigns. Customize your product announcements. Move your billing system online. Make everyone on your mailing list feel like they aren't. This demo allows you to use all the features of the full version of eMerge, except that you can only send ten messages in any one session; and although you can dredge your entire hard drive for addresses, you can only save the first ten people on your list. Thanks, Colin Biggin Galleon Software Inc. [Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mail/emerge-112-demo.hqx; 1005K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 13:25:18 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Extension Overload v2.5 Extension Overload 2.5 for MacOS 8 reviews 590 extensions and 223 control panels that are commonly found in the Extensions Folder & Control Panel Folder on every Mac. For those who do not know much about extensions & Control Panel, this program gives you some insight so you can decide which ones are necessary for your computer and which are not. Extensions & Control Panels perform a number of activities on your Mac to make it more functional. However, some Extensions & Control Panels will do NOTHING but EAT UP MEMORY and it is sometimes difficult to know how much memory an extension will use (25K ? 105K ? 88K ? 800K ? .... ) because Extensions & Control Panels memory usage is volatile: They increase their memory when they are in use and shrink back when they are not. An Extension & Control Panel may take up only a little DISK SPACE, (maybe 13k) or as high as 1 MB or more. Worse, BUGS in an Extension & Control Panel can also crash and SLOW DOWN your computer. The best way of dealing with problematic Extensions & Control Panels is to drag them into the trash and dispose of them. But how do you know which ones are helping and which are hindering your machine's performance? Enter Xtension Overload, a helpful database that provides valuable information at your fingertips about some of the more common extensions you may have on your machine. It can help you if you are unsure of what a particular Extensions or Control Panels is for or what it does, and will help you decide whether you want it on your machine or not. Apple provides many Extensions & Control Panels that you don't always need as an option and service to the customer. For example, if your machine is not on a network, then you may not want the Network Extension installed on your machine. If you've disposed of the extension and connect to a local network at a later date, you can always recover that extension from the original system disk. Xtension Overload is helpful to those in the following situations: * Anyone keep recovering from a crash. * Users looking to increase RAM by cutting back the system's chunk of it. * Users looking for more disk space. * Users who have recently bought a new or used machine and don't know what those mysterious things are in there ... or what they belong to. * Experienced users who may not be familiar with some extension functions or owners. * Experienced users who may want to expand their extension vocabulary. * New users just learning their way around the machine. * Anyone who wants to know more about Macintosh extensions. Extension Overlaod v2.5 can also be downlaod at [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/extension-overload-25.hqx; 266K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 13:25:15 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Format-Chart Version 1.2.8 Archive name: format-chart128.txt category: information, help, text This is the latest version this report and should replace the previous version of format-chart127.txt I am providing the format decoding/encoding chart from the Mac-FTP-list as an aid for those who only want to know 'Which program will unmangle/uncompress this format?' Unlike the Mac-FTP-list this will be updated only as needed. All the text in the this document must be in a monospaced font such as Monaco 9pt, Courier 10pt, or PC equivalent so that the columns line up correctly. Since to be readable on-line this file is in ASCII UNIX it is recommended that something like TexEdit+ or a web browser be used to view the file. Permission is given for this file to be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM. --------------------blurb ends, report commences--------------------------- Format-Chart Version 1.2.8 >From the Mac-FTP-list (Dec 1, 1997) I am providing the format decoding/encoding chart from the Mac-FTP-list as an aid for those who only want to know 'Which program will unmangle/uncompress this format?' Unlike the Mac-FTP-list this will be updated only as needed. All the text in the this document must be in a monospaced font such as Monaco 9pt, Courier 10pt, or PC equivalent so that the columns line up correctly. Since to be readable on-line this file is in ASCII UNIX it is recommended that something like TexEdit+ or a web browser be used to view the file. Here's a handy chart to keep track which programs unmangle which formats: unix gzip .uu/ .b64/ Macintosh .cpt .sit .hqx .bin .arc .zip .tar .Z .gz/.z .uue .mime* Stuffit Expander** D D D D w/ DSEE 4.0** D X X D D D D D D D w/ DSEE 4.5** D X X D D D D D D D D ShrinkWrap*^ D D D D D D D D D D StuffIt Lite*** D X X X {see note below} StuffIt Deluxe*** D X X X D D X X D X D ArcMac X BinHex 5.0 D X Compact Pro 1.5.1 X D/N X MacCompress X [Archived as /info-mac/cmp/format-chart-128.txt; 8K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 13:25:08 -0700 From: Subject: [*] FreePPP Control FreePPP Control is a scripting addition which gives Applescript access to the main functions of the FreePPP 2.6 system extension (open/close/set/get). The FreePPP Control homepage is For more information about FreePPP please visit [Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/conn/ppp/freeppp-control-11.hqx; 32K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 13:24:54 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Gift Database This is a FileMaker Pro 3.x database to help keep track of your gift giving during the holidays. It allows you to keep track of budgeting for individuals through limits and tracking of individual gifts. Tracking of the overall budget information is available through the "Summary" layout. Price: Free! [Archived as /info-mac/data/gifts-fp3.hqx; 15K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 13:25:24 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Holiday Beeps Vol. 1 (16-bit/44.1kHz) Joy To the World StartUp The Holidays at last! Add some Holiday spirit to your Mac with the "Holiday Beeps Volume 1" set of sounds from Clixsounds. This volume is a compilation of 6 hi-fidelity Holiday sound effects that all make excellent alert sounds for the Holiday Season. It includes sleigh bells, church chimes, icicles, and more. Each year, Clixsounds prepares a special set of free sounds just for the Holidays. This set consists of various StartUp Sounds, ShutDown Sounds, Alert Sounds, Email Sounds, and System Clock Sounds. The sounds range from popular Holiday carols to sound effects related with the Holiday season. They are designed with the hopes that Mac users everywhere will be able to add a bit of Holiday cheer to their Macs amidst the season of "hustle-n-bustle." The complete Holiday Series is available through December 31st along with over 100 other freeware sounds at: All Mac users are invited to visit often and download these FREE sounds and share the joy of both the Holidays and the Macintosh! This file is freeware and may be redistributed freely providing it is unaltered and includes the accompanying document. Note that a portion of this archive is information concerning Clixsounds products and services. Contact Information: Internet: Support: Sales: America Online: CLIXSOUNDS World Wide Web: [Archived as /info-mac/art/snd/16-holiday-beeps.hqx; 1774K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 13:25:25 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Holiday Beeps Vol. 1 (8-bit/22kHz) Joy To the World StartUp The Holidays at last! Add some Holiday spirit to your Mac with the "Holiday Beeps Volume 1" set of sounds from Clixsounds. This volume is a compilation of 6 hi-fidelity Holiday sound effects that all make excellent alert sounds for the Holiday Season. It includes sleigh bells, church chimes, icicles, and more. Each year, Clixsounds prepares a special set of free sounds just for the Holidays. This set consists of various StartUp Sounds, ShutDown Sounds, Alert Sounds, Email Sounds, and System Clock Sounds. The sounds range from popular Holiday carols to sound effects related with the Holiday season. They are designed with the hopes that Mac users everywhere will be able to add a bit of Holiday cheer to their Macs amidst the season of "hustle-n-bustle." The complete Holiday Series is available through December 31st along with over 100 other freeware sounds at: All Mac users are invited to visit often and download these FREE sounds and share the joy of both the Holidays and the Macintosh! This file is freeware and may be redistributed freely providing it is unaltered and includes the accompanying document. Note that a portion of this archive is information concerning Clixsounds products and services. Contact Information: Internet: Support: Sales: America Online: CLIXSOUNDS World Wide Web: [Archived as /info-mac/art/snd/8-holiday-beeps.hqx; 488K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 13:25:39 -0700 From: Subject: [*] HyperKaos 1.3 HyperKaos is an extremely simple HyperCard application which allows You to study the emergence av chaotic behaviour in the logistic equation and related iterations. Of course there already exist plenty of programs that makes beautiful chaotic graphs, but You will never understand chaos theory without looking at the actual numbers. That is what You can do with HyperKaos, in great detail. The chaotic parameter a is given the default value 3.5699, that is just below the point where chaos sets in, but the idea is of course that You should let i vary from 2 to 4. The stack is very easy to use; just type in the a- and the x values or press the Example button followed by the GO! button, and you will get the results in the lowermost window. To save the results and the current equation, just press the Save button. To continue working with a previously saved file, press the Open button. The program was written by Fabian Lidman e-mail: [Archived as /info-mac/app/hyper-kaos-13.hqx; 14K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 13:25:34 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Joy To the World StartUp Sound (Stereo) Joy To the World StartUp The Holidays at last! Add some Holiday spirit to your Mac with the "Joy To the World" StartUp Sound from Clixsounds. It's a fully orchestrated intro to the classic carol and makes a grand entrance to any Mac computing session. It is available in both stereo and mono versions. Each year, Clixsounds prepares a special set of free sounds just for the Holidays. This set consists of various StartUp Sounds, ShutDown Sounds, Alert Sounds, Email Sounds, and System Clock Sounds. The sounds range from popular Holiday carols to sound effects related with the Holiday season. They are designed with the hopes that Mac users everywhere will be able to add a bit of Holiday cheer to their Macs amidst the season of "hustle-n-bustle." The complete Holiday Series is available through December 31st along with over 100 other freeware sounds at: All Mac users are invited to visit often and download these FREE sounds and share the joy of both the Holidays and the Macintosh! This file is freeware and may be redistributed freely providing it is unaltered and includes the accompanying document. Note that a portion of this archive is information concerning Clixsounds products and services. Contact Information: Internet: Support: Sales: America Online: CLIXSOUNDS World Wide Web: [Archived as /info-mac/art/snd/ster-joy-to-the-world.hqx; 789K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 13:24:59 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Mac-FTP-list, Version 4.3.2 From: (Bruce Grubb) This is the latest edition (Dec 1, 1997) of the Mac-FTP-list and should replace version 4.3.1. The Mac-FTP-list lists over 200 mac anonymous ftp sites (some with notes), over 75 Mac web pages, and contains some instructions on how to use anonymous ftp and find files as well a format chart showing which programs decompress and decode which files. Also there is a section on how to use certain files. This archive contains both the text and html versions of the Mac-FTP-list. To insure that the columns in the Format Chart section line up correctly the document's text must be in a monospaced font such as Courier 10pt, Monaco 9pt, or a PC equivalent. Permission is given for this program to be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM. Changes: Format chart updated; moved to; moved to; is now; comp.sys.mac.apps dropped from monthly newsgroup posting; Added sites/URLs:;; [Archived as /info-mac/comm/info/mac-ftp-list-432.hqx; 70K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 13:25:40 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Mac-HaBu 4.0e Mac-HaBu is an accounting program for private users, Clubs and small companies. The results can be displayed with different exploitations (Profit+Loss, Budget, VAT,...) and with different graphics. I give permission for my program to be included on CD-ROM. New in Version 4.0: This version is now full compatible with MacOS 8.0. And I added some new fields to the database of Mac-HaBu - so I can add some new features in the next versions. One feature you see in Version 4.0 is the "Permanent-Entry". Other ones will follow in the next versions. Naturally all known bugs are corrected. For questions or problems use following Adress, please: [Archived as /info-mac/app/mac-habu-40.hqx; 890K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 13:25:06 -0700 From: Subject: [*] no_more_cookies This is the latest release of NoMoreCookies (ver. 2.0) which is now Freeware. Go to "" for update information and more. NMC is an applescript application that deletes a cookie/history file at user-defined intervals. This version completely replaces NMC1.1.1. Thanks to all who supported the Shareware version. Clynton Caines Clynton Caines Ife Alexander [Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/no-more-cookies-20.hqx; 34K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 13:24:56 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Perl script to strip AOL headers Attached is a MacPerl droplet that will read in an America Online mail file saved as text, and will output a BBEdit Lite text file on the desktop with the trailing AOL "headers" stripped off. These headers at the end of the file tended to confuse file readers such as Easy View, and are probably not widely useful once you've debugged sendmail (but who among us has done a thorough job of that?). It requires MacPerl by Matthias Neeracher and Tim Endres (and, of course, Larry Wall), which is available for free download at the sumex-aim mirror nearest you. It should work with MacPerl 4 or MacPerl 5, though I have only used it with MacPerl 5.1.3r2 (21 Jan 1997). To use this droplet, first save AOL mail as a text file, to anywhere but the desktop. Next, select and drop the text files onto the droplet file, which will write an output text file in the desktop folder. If the output file looks satisfactory, you can delete the original file. This was a good way to begin learning Perl, which I would recommend to anyone who needs to fiddle with text files. Bill Cameron [Archived as /info-mac/comm/aol-header-strip-pl.hqx; 10K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 13:24:58 -0700 From: Subject: [*] sms-1.4.3 sms-1.4.3 - This program enables users to send SMS text messages to GSM cellulars. The program sends the message over a normal dial-up modem connection directly to the cellular GSM operator. The following GSM operators are supported: Cellnet (UK), Comviq (Sweden), D1 and D2 privat (Germany), Europolitan (Sweden), PTT Telecom (Netherlands), SwissCom (Switzerland), Tele Danmark (Denmark), Telefonica (Spain), Telia (Sweden). Messages may be sent to cellulars using other GSM operators, if there is a roaming agreement with one of the supported GSM operators. The unregistered copy of the program is fully functional, except that the letters A and E are transmitted as question marks. Minimum requirements: System 7.5, Hayes compatible modem. [Archived as /info-mac/comm/sms-143.hqx; 327K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 13:25:32 -0700 From: JMSST144@VMS.CIS.PITT.EDU Subject: [*] StaffordSounds StaffordSounds is an archive of computer-related shareware sounds. Enjoy :-) =========================== =Jamie Stafford = =University of Pittsburgh = =JMSST144@VMS.CIS.PITT.EDU= =========================== [Archived as /info-mac/art/snd/stafford-sounds.hqx; 7471K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 13:25:41 -0700 From: Subject: [*] StartThing 1.0.2 - simple and powerful screen-saver StatThning 1.0.2 Version 1.0.2 (97/11/17) - Fixes a very minor bug where the "delay" field of the control panel was not deactivated when the registration dialog was displayed. StartThing is a very cool, simple and powerful screen-saver. Install the control panel, choose the delay before the saver starts up at idle time and the application to launch. That's it! The application to launch can be a Macromind Director Projector, a SuperCard project, a Quark-Immedia Presentation, an Applet or any other application... Tips: - You can easily create your own screen saver by choosing the "QuickShow" application (by David Howel) as the startup application. QuickShow is a freeware utility that shows all pictures, jpeg, QuickTime movies, etc. from a folder. - There are also a lot of tools to convert a QuickTime movie into an application. Support: Author: Harry Alloul Price: $10 (shareware, see docs for more info) Site license: $100 Register: Info: A site license of StartThing... what for? If you intend to use StartThing on a single computer, the site license is not for you: you only need to get a $10 single-user license. However, if you are a professional designer in the field of animation or desktop publishing, you can choose to get a $100 site license for the "Pro" version of StartThing. With StartThing Pro, you will be able to: Provide StartThing Pro to your customers to play the animation you sell them, use it to display your animated logo as a screen saver on all computers of your company... StartThing Pro is the medium you need for your animations. [Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/start-thing-102.hqx; 121K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 13:25:22 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Symbionts 2.8 (English) Symbionts 2.8 (English edition) extension manager. This version contains support for Mac OS 8 and a few bug fixes. [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/symbionts-28.hqx; 178K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 13:25:20 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Symbionts 2.8 (German) Symbionts 2.8 (German edition) extension manager. This version contains support for Mac OS 8 and a few bug fixes. [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/symbionts-28-de.hqx; 180K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 13:25:29 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Ultratech Lite for Kaleidoscope The updated version of Ultratech has written-in custom folders and trash, and all the enhancements allowable in Kaleidoscope 1.8 under OS8 ( added CICN, TMPL< STR resources, indeterminate progress bar, larger grow box, etc). Shareware. Self-extracting. Best, Janet Email: [Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/ultratech.hqx; 417K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 13:24:53 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Vokabeltrainer3.01 - a German vocabulary trainer Vokabeltrainer 3.01 FAT Der Vokabeltrainer ist ein Vokabel-Lernprogramm, das bereits mit unz=E4hligen Lektionen in Englisch, Franz=F6sisch, Italienisch und Latein ausgeliefert wird. Man kann jedoch Dateien in jeder beliebigen Sprache anlegen und diese auch mit anderen Anwendern =FCber die Homepage von "S&B Software und Service" austauschen. Es gibt vier Abfrage-Modi: 1. eine schriftliche Abfrage, 2. eine "m=FCndliche" Abfrage, 3. einen Multiple-Choice-Test und 4. das "Galgenspiel". Fragen? This is a German vocabulary trainer. You can learn vocabulary in German, English, Italian, Latin with the enclosed files, but you can also enter new files in any language. There are four quizes (1. enter the correct translation, 2. a "oral" test, 3. a multiple-choice-test and 4. the game "Hangman"). You can exchange your vocabulary-files with other users over the homepage of "S&B Software und Service". Questions? [Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/vokabel-trainer-301.hqx; 1696K] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 4 Dec 1997 23:16:48 -0700 (MST) From: Neil Fiertel <> Subject: A member of Info-Mac community to whom I sent a help message regarding a file copying problem sent me a solution which worked swimmingly which I think should be transmitted to all Mac users running OS8 if they are running into the same difficulty in file copies of large files such as the backing up of the hard drive itself to a jaz. The problem is with internal to external disks or internal to internal etc. Whatever is going through i/o has the possibility of freezing the system due to this bug but the solution is simply to turn all the files into icons..all of them, including sub folders and so forth. I did this at Richard Maxon's suggestion ( ) and it solved my problem immediately and easily. It is small change but gave me the opportunity to back up which I have been unable to do without labouriously dumping a few folders at a time from one drive to the other. All I can say is I received over a dozen suggestions from Mac users from all over all with well researched and similar experiences and with suggestions that are adequate and worked to get around the bug but this one solution was very good indeed. What a bright group Mac Users are...and helpful, also. Somebody,please let Apple know of the bug first of all and of the temporary solution as I do not know to whom I should send this. Neil Fiertel ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 09:37:45 +0500 From: Douglas West <> Subject: [A] Finding invisible files >I wish the FIND command had an option to find invisible files, but >unfortunately it does not. Has anyone written a utility that can find >hidden files? (I know how to make them visible with ResEdit, but I have to >locate them first.) "Find File" actually can find invisible files. In the "Find File" window, hold the option key while selecting the left-hand pull-down menu. At the bottom of the menu, you will see 4 new options, including: contents name/icon lock custom icon visibility Doug ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 05:48:28 -0400 From: Marc Farnum Rendino <> Subject: [A] PCMCIA modems and price differences At 5:52 AM -0400 on 1997/12/05, Lewin A.R.W. Edwards wrote: > The difference is purely a software bundle price. The modems are > identical, and in any case, with PCMCIA modems (except GV, some of which > are perverse) you do not need any special magic drivers to get them to > work with your PowerBook. So I believed until I bought a USR Sportster 28.8 (model 001013) PCMCIA modem which - I'm told - does not work on a Mac. Here's a reply from USR/3Com Tech Support: > The card required for the Powerbook is 001014-xx, I'm not sure > who told you the 001013 would work but it never has because of > hardware and software differences. > > Also this card is not upgradeable by flash or sending in to either 33.6 or > 56K. Now I've heard this before, and it almost always turns out to be, shall we say, ill-informed, but I am unable to get this modem to work - it drops every connection within a few minutes. On the other hand, this may be a defect (Death Spiral Syndrome) not an incompatibility. In any event, I'd recommend doing some checking around to see if someone else has successfully used the piece of equipment you're eyeing - then you can be sure. :) - Marc ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Dec 97 06:33:53 -0500 From: Jim Gates <> Subject: [Q] AV Mac Stalling I've got a PowerMac 7100 AV, running system 7.6.1 on 16 mg RAM. It has recently started to stall. The colon that normally flashes the seconds in the clock stops, and I am unable to type, click, or do anything. This lasts around 5 seconds, and it seems to be occurring at random intervals, whether I'm connected to a file server (on an ethernet network) or not. When it releases, it tries to empty the keyboard buffer, but it always drops many characters. I have zapped PRAM, rebuilt desktop, booted with no third party extensions, and everything else that I can think of, but to no avail. To compound matters, Hypercard 2.1 has begun to run excruciatingly slow. This began about the same time as the stalling. When Hypercard needs to switch back to the Browse tool, it takes a good 5-7 seconds. If you have experienced this and discovered the answer, I would GREATLY appreciate hearing from you. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 04 Dec 1997 21:21:20 -0600 From: Pat Kane <> Subject: [Q]: Tri-Data Ethernet driver? I bought an used ethernet card for my old Mac IIsi the card says it is a "Tri-Data Systems Inc. Mac II Ethernet Interface" Do you know where I might find software for that hardware? I've done a web search but could not find any useful pointers. Pat --- ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 13:10:35 +0100 From: Bo Bjulen <> Subject: Finding invisible files At 16.30 -0800 1997-12-04, you wrote: >I wish the FIND command had an option to find invisible files, but >unfortunately it does not. But it does. Click on "More choices", then press the Option key while you change "size" to "visibility". This choice, and a few others, is only "visible" when the option key is down. -- Bo Bjulen ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 05 Dec 1997 13:31:00 +0000 From: Steve Smith <> Subject: Finding invisible files Leslie, If you have 7.5 (or later) the Find command can find invisible files. Once you have selected the "Find" dialog, hold down the Alt (or Option) key and select the pull-down menu that is set to "name" by default. In the list that appears you will now see "Visibility" at the bottom. Select this and you then can elect to find visible or invisible files using a second multi-choice tool. Hope this helps, Steve Smith > Subject: > Finding invisible files > Date: > Thu, 4 Dec 1997 16:30:42 -0800 (PST) > From: > > > > I wish the FIND command had an option to find invisible files, but > unfortunately it does not. Has anyone written a utility that can find > hidden files? (I know how to make them visible with ResEdit, but I have to > locate them first.) > > Leslie Ballentine ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 05 Dec 1997 10:20:04 -0500 From: Remove both X-es <> Subject: Finding invisible files On 97/12/04 at 16:30 -0800, you wrote: >I wish the FIND command had an option to find invisible files, but >unfortunately it does not. > It does. Keep the option key pressed down and click on the "name" popup list. It shows you four additional search items, one of which is "visibility." Pieter Stouten DuPont Merck - Computer Aided Drug Design Group Web: ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 11:17:13 -0400 From: KrishnaMohan & Bhuvaneswari <> Subject: Finding invisible files >I wish the FIND command had an option to find invisible files, but >unfortunately it does not. Has anyone written a utility that can find >hidden files? (I know how to make them visible with ResEdit, but I have to >locate them first.) > >Leslie Ballentine Well, you have it already. After pressing the Find Command, Option press the first pop-up and then select the visiblity is invisible. Alternatively, you can use the shareware FileBuddy also. HTH. Best Wishes -KrishnaMohan ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 05 Dec 1997 06:47:53 -0500 From: Robert Poland <> Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #265 > Date: Thu, 4 Dec 1997 16:30:42 -0800 (PST) From: > <> Subject: Finding invisible > files > > I wish the FIND command had an option to find invisible > files, but unfortunately it does not. Has anyone written a > utility that can find hidden files? (I know how to make > them visible with ResEdit, but I have to locate them > first.) Hold down the option key when selecting find name, you will get an expanded menu. Bob Poland ------------------------------ Date: 05 Dec 97 08:03:55 -0500 From: Bill Waits <> Subject: L2 Cache writes: >>Is there a way to tell (without 'before and after tests') of determining >>whether L2 cache is active? The best and easiest way is to use Cache-22 from Newer Technologies. You can find it along with other useful programs in a package called the Guage Series on their web site at This little gem will tell you the Level 1 and Level 2 Cache size along with the Cache Bus speed. The latest version I am aware of is v1.5.1, but with the new G3 Macs, I would expect an update soon. These programs are free and are *VERY* useful. I applaud Newer Technologies for distributing these programs as such. Hope that this helps... Bill Waits ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 4 Dec 1997 19:41:37 -0600 (CST) From: "Steven M. Fish" <> Subject: MacWorld Expo SF '98! Anyone else going to MacWorld Expo in January? I'll be there and you love to get together with other Mac people and talk about what's announced at the CEO keynotes, which are the best sessions and booths, and the future of Apple, MacOS, & Rhapsody. I also have a Hotline Server named "MacWorld Expo '98" located on tracker dedicated to getting ready for and discussing anything about the upcoming Expo. I'm also trying to collect lots of pro-Mac stuff to be available on the server and take ideas for cool T-Shirts to make and wear at the gathering in January. Anyone with any info should drop by, mail me, or respond to this message! Steven M. Fish ( ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Dec 97 13:44:33 -0000 From: steigermedia <> Subject: Setting sound levels on shutdown >I am looking for a small utility that I can put in the shutdown folder that >will set the sound level to zero when my 3400 (OS 8) is shut down. I >frequently use the PB for sound applications and constantly forget to >manually turn of the volume when shutting down. Unfortunately, I frequently >have to start it up in environments where the startup chord is not >appreciated. Hence, the need for the shutdown utility. Thanks, > > -- Doug Here's a tip from Macwordl daily tips: And now for today's tip... Level: Beginner Okay, so you're at this very important meeting in your very important suit and a very important person marches into the very plush conference room and you start up your very expensive PowerBook and it makes a very loud noise and the very important person gives you a very dirty look because you're not using the company-approved very Wintel ThinkPad and you suspect that it's very likely that you'll be asked to turn in your key to the very exclusive executive washroom and march your very sorry self out the door. If you had done one of the following, you might still have your job: 1. Carry a 1/8-inch miniplug adapter and jam it into the headphone output on the PowerBook before starting up. 2. Create a new AppleScript with this one line of code: set volume 0 and place it in the Shutdown Items folder. If you want the volume automatically increased after the PowerBook starts up, create another AppleScript with this line: set volume 7 and place it in the Startup Items folder. Of course these tricks work on desktop Macs as well. Contributed by Chris Breen Visit the Macworld Daily Tips Archive: Hope this helps, Cheers, Axel Steininger ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 4 Dec 97 21:41:31 -0500 From: (Steve Davidson) Subject: Setting sound levels on shutdown (A) In Info-Mac Digest V15 #264, "Hardie, Doug HIM,CA" <> writes: >I am looking for a small utility that I can put in the shutdown folder that >will set the sound level to zero when my 3400 (OS 8) is shut down. Simple. Use AppleScript's Script Editor (typically installed in the Apple Extras folder), and create a script application (you'll know how to when you "Save as...") that has the following as its only content: set volume 0 That's all there is to it! I use it to avoid the same embarrassing situations you described (e.g., booting the PowerBook in a meeting). ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 16:14:38 +0100 (MET) From: Lars <> Subject: Small network management Subject: Small network management Dear fellow earthlings, Background: We have a partially functioning network (Ethernet) at work, existing of four PowerMacs and a shared printer. We also have an almost functioning external support company, that only charges us $115 per hour for guessing whats wrong. Problem: We have continuing problems with Postscript errors when printing. Two of the four Macs can succesfully reach each other by a shared folder, the other two Macs are out of contact (they can print fairly OK, though). We are stuck with the almost functioning support company in a binding contract, well into springtime. Not so good. What I want: Each one of the four Macs should be able to use the shared folder. No Postscript errors. Peace in mind. Peace on earth. What I can do myself: I know how to low level format all four Macs, update the driver, install System 7.6 (System 8 will have to wait), update to 7.6.1 and then install the necessary software from the original CD-ROMs. (And use Norton, TechTool et cetera.) My questions: We are about to relocate the Macs and need to do some rearrengement of the existing cables anyway. Can I take control over the Ethernet cables between the Macs, and make the shared folder function active in all our four Macs? Is it awfully difficult for me to maintain a good functionality in a small network as this? Can you help? Can you help me out or direct me to online resources? Perhaps it's even in the manual? (I really don't want to contact the support company about this, it's bad as it is.) Please reply directly to me; I will summarize the answers and post them when I have got things right. Many, many thanks in advance! Lars ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 23:19:20 +0900 From: Magnus Hoek <> Subject: Upper limit of HDs or partitions Hi there Mac-friends Recently I bought a 4.3 GB IBM DCAS HD for my Powercenter Pro 210. I put it on my SCSI bus 1 together with the factory installed 2GB IBM DCAS. I also have a third 2GB IBM HD on SCSI bus 0 (the slow bus). The SCSI ID:1 NR:0 HD have 4 partitions (2*500MB + 1*1GB) while the SCSI ID:0 NR:2 have 1 partition (2GB). All the HDs were terminated correctly and had unique SCSI numbers ! When I try to format my new 4GB HD (at SCSI ID:1 NR:1), using FWB Hard disk toolkit, I get the message that the drive is not ready. What's going on here ? I also ran TechTool... same message... I swapped the disks on different SCSI buses... I disconnected the old drive and tried with only two drives... I changed SCSI numbers... What else can I do ??? Thanks for any help ! Magnus Hoek ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 10:54:00 +0100 From: Subject: Windows Nt Server 4.0 and Macintosh Network > From: fshefman <> > Subject: Windows Nt Server 4.0 and Macintosh Network > We are operating a Windows Nt server 4.0 (4-2 gig hardrives with a 200 > mb Pentium ).It is connected via thin ethernet to 3 Mac's. We keep the > applications on the Mac's while running all our files from the server. > We are inconsistently getting file corruptions (end of file comments) > with our large 20 mb to 120 mb image files. Suggestions? You may find some solutions at <>. Best, Christophe European Commission - Brussels - Belgium - EU -------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest-- End of Info-Mac Digest ******************************