Date: Tue, 23 Nov 93 18:04:57 -0500
From: (William Edwards)
Subject: $99 14.4 KB MacWarehouse FAX modem SUMMARY

Thanks *very* much to all who responded.  Attached please find all the
messages that I have received so far.  Reviews were so positive that I
called in my order, but MacWarehouse is back-ordered. -- Bill Edwards
---CUT HERE------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1993 01:09:48 -0600
From: (Glenn R. Howes)
Subject: RE: $99 14.4 KB modem from MacWarehouse

 Yes, it is real, I'm using it right now over a SLIP connection, and I've
used it with various CTB applications--mostly SITcomm--with little trouble.
Someone has already gone to the trouble of compiling a FAQ on this modem
which has been posted on comp.sys.mac.comm; look for it. 

Glenn R. Howes          \\
            Hometown: FrostBite Falls, MN

Date: 23 Nov 1993 09:17:03 -0500 (EST)
From: "Andrew M. Sopchak" <SOPCHAKA@VAX.CS.HSCSYR.EDU>
Subject: $99 modem
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	Yes indeed it sounds too good to be true. However, it seems that
it isn't. I have two of the modems in use. They connect flawlessly every
time at 14.4. I have called one of them from home with my Courier Dual
Standard modem (bought several years ago at the bargain price of ~$700!)
and connected flawlessly at 9600b (fastest my modem will go). I have not
tried the fax part yet but have read online that it also works very well.

Andrew Sopchak

Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1993 09:23:56 -0500
From: (Rocky Olive)
Subject: $99 modem

I bought this modem when I first saw it, and it works fine.  It comes with a
high speed modem cable, and MAcknowledge (useless) and AccuWeather (also
useless).  I use it with ZTerm and PacerLink software and it works fine.  Word
is, you can also use it for faxing if you have some existing fax s/w.  It
supports v32.bis (for 14.4k) and v42.bis (compression).  Once in a while it
goes off hook when the s/w tries to initialize it, but it's seldom enough that
I don't mind trying again.

Rocky Olive <>       (919) 387-5392
Data General Corporation              fax: (919) 387-1252
Apex, NC  27502    USA

Subject: $99 modem from MacWarehouse
From: (Eloise Kleban)
Date:    Tue, 23 Nov 93 12:01:31 EST

My daughter and I both own this modem, and I have suggested it to
several other people.  All my own experiences and the feedback
I have received from others is positive.  However, none of us
make extremely heavy use of the modem, nor are we travellers or
otherwise subject the thing to stress.  Also none of us wants fax.
I've heard that with the right software, it will act as a fax
modem, but that's not something I'm interested in.

When I recommend it to people, I always say the above so people
will realize that for $99 you may not get a top quality item!
By the way, when I use it with a SLIP server, I'm running it
at 38,400 bps (at least that's what I tell my software).  When
I'm connecting through ordinary serial, I run it at 19,200 with
good results.

Eloise Kleban

Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1993 16:57:42 -0600
From: Bienvenu Jay  <>
Subject: $99 modem from MacWarehouse

I ordered it some time ago.  Overall I've been satisfied with it.  It includes
the MacKnwledge terminal program (the first tiem you run it, download ZTerm and
use that instead) and AccuWeather (an online service you can get weather maps
from).  It has fax capabilities; you'd need to get the MaxFax package (an add-
itional $30).  Also has only one IO light instead of separate send/receive 

Jay Bienvenu