Abstracts from files in info-mac/gui/txtr as of Sun 20 Mar 2005

#### BINHEX     3d-desktop-patterns.hqx   ****

From: kyrahn@akula.com
Subject: 3D_Desktop_patterns


These are some desktop patterns I've done for friends and my own
personal pleasure over the last few years. They are made to be displayed
at thousands or millions of colors.

They are not editable by any file editing app, (Resedit or Resorcererâ„¢),
but you can import them to the Desktop Pictures control panel for your
own use.

You'll need a ppat tool to apply/import these, Pattern Manager seems to
work well,  once in there you can drag the ppat directly into the
Desktop Pictures window or apply directly with the ppat tool of your

Free for personal use, inclusion on any media for sale must be approved
by the author. All Rights Reserved.

If you want more or just want to comment on these you can contact me at
email mactek@rocketmail.com

© J. Nekritz 1998

#### BINHEX     bladepro-extra-textures-1.hqx   ****

From: lloyd@kagi.com
Subject: Extra Textures for BladePro

Here are ten new texture images to use with BladePro, the Photoshop
filter that creates rich 3-D surfaces. Also included are ten BladePro
presets to show off the textures.

To check for updates, visit
http://ccn.cs.dal.ca/~aa731/blade.html .

#### BINHEX     bladepro-extra-textures-2.hqx   ****

From: lloyd@kagi.com
Subject: BladePro Extra Texture Pack 2

Here are ten more new texture images to use with BladePro, the Photoshop
filter that creates rich 3-D surfaces. Also included are ten BladePro
presets to show off the textures.

This is the second of several planned extension packs for BladePro. For
updates, check back to
http://ccn.cs.dal.ca/~aa731/blade.html , or write to lloyd@kagi.com .

#### BINHEX     bladepro-extra-textures-3.hqx   ****

From: lloyd@kagi.com
Subject: BladePro Extra Texture Pack 3

Here are ten more new texture images to use with BladePro, the Photoshop
filter that creates rich 3-D surfaces. Also included are ten BladePro
presets to show off the textures.

These textures, adapted from motifs of Moorish architecture, comprise
the third of several planned extension packs for BladePro. For
updates, check back to http://ccn.cs.dal.ca/~aa731/blade.html , or write
to lloyd@kagi.com .

#### BINHEX     blue-mc.hqx   ****

From: norton@bgnet.bgsu.edu
Subject: Blue MC Desktop Pattern

The Blue MC Desktop Pattern is a 128x128 racing motorcycle pattern with
colors more or less like those of the Mac OS Default pattern. It can be
viewed at and downloaded from

#### BINHEX     bluejam-skin-15.hqx   ****

From: neil.green@freeuk.com
Subject: bluejam skin for MacAMP Lite 1.5

bluejam is a predominantly blue skin with orangey bits. It's free, and 
it's been given 5 stars at the MacAMP skin archive, so it must be good!

Feel free to include this file on Info-Mac CD-ROMs.

#### BINHEX     bondi-desktop-pictures.hqx   ****

From: tsuyoshi.fukuda@nifty.ne.jp
Subject: bondi desktop patterns

iMade bondi desktop pictures.
Use these for iMac.

#### BINHEX     classy-desktop-patterns.hqx   ****

From: mfauve@icx.net
Subject: Classy Desktop Patterns

Functional Art for the Macintosh desktop . . .
Enjoy this collection of unique designs and patterns.

#### BINHEX     desk-toppers.hqx   ****

From: i.burt@netmatters.co.uk
Subject: Desktoppers

Here is a small collection of freaky Desktop Patterns in Self Extracting 
Archive format from CommunArt On-Line , a Community IT Resource Centre. 
This is email the sponsor ware. If you like the images enough to put on 
your desktop, send an email to the mailto address within the enclosed 
Read Me file. All images created by users of a drop in centre aimed at 
enabling people to lose their technophobia. You will be surprised how 
good they are too.

These patterns may be added to CDROM collections, On-Line Archives etc.

All the best,

Ian Burt

But you who walk facing the sun,what images drawn on the earth can hold 



#### BINHEX     deskpuzzle-640x480.hqx   ****

From: spirit@internorth.com
Subject: DeskPuzzle - turn your desktop into a puzzle!

What is it?
It's a desktop picture / icons puzzle thing ...

How do you use it?
1. Set the enclosed picture (jpg) as your desktop with your Desktop Picture
control panel.

2. Substitute the icons provided by clicking on the folder or file of your
choice, going to 'Get Info' and pasting in the puzzle piece icons, or for a
quick start use the folders provided.

Voila! A DeskPuzzle!

Is it shareware or what?
Free, Free, Free.

Anything else?
Sure, email me with your monitor specs (number of colours, size, etc.) and
I'll send you your own personalized DeskPuzzle with YOUR email address
embossed. Still Free, Free, Free.

How cool is this thing?
Too cool to be quantified by any existing scientific method.


Christopher Hunt - spirit@internorth.com
copyright 1999.

#### BINHEX     desktop-notebooks.hqx   ****

From: joang@cyberhighway.net
Subject: Notebook Desktop Patterns

Notebook Desktop Patterns - are 3-D, with a very real looking spiral notebook,
either plain, or with a picture paperclipped to the top right, and a written note
as to what the picture is to the left of it.  To the right of the notebook is a
3-D very real looking pencil and a tub of paperclips and thumbtacks.  The
background is black.  You could swear that you could pick out a tack, or use the
pencil!  Enjoy!  This is "E-mail Ware". This desktop pattern set was designed to
work with After Dark, 3.0 or later, on any monitor size from 13" to 17". It may
also work with other desktop pattern programs.

#### BINHEX     desktop-textures-suite-21.hqx   ****

#### BINHEX     esprit-desktop-patterns.hqx   ****

From: mfauve@icx.net
Subject: Esprit Desktop Patterns

Functional Art for your Macintosh desktop . . .
For those of us who spend hours in front of monitors, here are some
desktop patterns that are pleasant to work by. Enjoy this 11th
collection in a series of 20 by Melinda Fawver.

#### BINHEX     festive-desktop-patterns.hqx   ****

From: mfauve@icx.net
Subject: Festive Desktop Patterns

Functional Art for the Macintosh desktop . . . Here are some quality
desktop patterns for the holiday season. Enjoy this collection of
original designs featuring painterly and colorful textures.

#### BINHEX     fine-desktop-patterns.hqx   ****

From: mfauve@icx.net
Subject: Fine Desktop Patterns

Functional Art for the Macintosh desktop . . .
Enjoy this collection of unique designs and patterns.

#### BINHEX     green-desktop-patterns.hqx   ****

From: tsuyoshi.fukuda@nifty.ne.jp
Subject: green desktop patterns

Here's green desktop patterns.  Put on info-mac or
CD-ROMs.  Distribute freely.

#### BINHEX     hitam-desktop-patterns.hqx   ****

From: tsuyoshi.fukuda@nifty.ne.jp
Subject:  hitam desktop patterns

Here's hitam desktop patterns.  Put on info-mac or
CD-ROMs.  Distribute freely.

#### BINHEX     jws-kaleidoscopes-12.hqx   ****

From: jwalsh@mcia.com
Subject: JW's Kaleidoscopes 1&2.hqx

Jerry Walsh
Fringewood Design

JW's Kaleidoscopes 1&2.hqx

        This is a binhex stuffit archive containing 50 desktop textures
in two
files, each containing 25 textures.  The files are for use with Desktop
Texture Suite 2.1 and require the Texture Installer application.  The
application can be found in the gui (User Interface) folder of Info-Mac
and its mirrors.
        This archive is freeware.  These files may be included on
CD-ROM's.  These files may be distributed freely without restriction, as
long as the ReadMe file accompanies them.
        This folder was checked for viruses with Disinfectant and Virex.

        For further information, see the ReadMe file upon download in
archive's folder.

        Jerry Walsh

#### BINHEX     jws-textures-78.hqx   ****

From: jwalsh@mcia.com
Subject: JW's Textures 7&8.hqx

Jerry Walsh
Fringewood Design

JW's Textures 7&8.hqx

        This is a binhex stuffit archive containing 50 desktop textures
in two files, each containing 25 textures.  The files are for use with
Desktop Texture Suite 2.1 and require the Texture Installer
application.  The application can be found in the gui (User Interface)
folder of Info-Mac and its mirrors.
        This archive is freeware.  These files may be included on
CD-ROM's.  These files may be distributed freely without restriction, as
long as the ReadMe file accompanies them.
        This folder was checked for viruses with Disinfectant and Virex.

        For further information, see the ReadMe file upon download in
the archive's folder.

        Jerry Walsh

#### BINHEX     jws-textures-910.hqx   ****

From: jwalsh@mcia.com
Subject: JW's Textures 9&10.hqx

Jerry Walsh
Fringewood Design

JW's Textures 9&10.hqx

        This is a binhex stuffit archive containing 50 desktop textures
in two files, each containing 25 textures.  The files are for use with
Desktop Texture Suite 2.1 and require the Texture Installer
application.  The application can be found in the gui (User Interface)
folder of Info-Mac and its mirrors.
        This archive is freeware.  These files may be included on
CD-ROM's.  These files may be distributed freely without restriction, as
long as the ReadMe file accompanies them.
        This folder was checked for viruses with Disinfectant and Virex.

        For further information, see the ReadMe file upon download in
the archive's folder.

        Jerry Walsh

#### BINHEX     kvls-patterns-1.hqx   ****

From: penfold@ccs.neu.edu
Subject: KvLsPatterns1.sit.hqx - Mac Desktop Patterns

This is my first collection of Macintosh desktop patterns. The patterns
are stored as picture clipping files. The patterns are compatible with
all versions of the Desktop Patterns control panel.

				Karl J. von Laudermann
				Richard's PBeM Server ID: karlvonl

#### BINHEX     kvls-patterns-2.hqx   ****

From: penfold@ccs.neu.edu
Subject: KvLsPatterns2.sit.hqx - Macintosh Desktop Patterns

Spruce up your desktop with Karl's amazing desktop patterns! In this, my
second collection, there are 10 desktop patterns guaranteed to dazzle
and amaze! (Well, I think so anyway :-)

The patterns are stored as picture clipping files, and are compatible
with all versions of the Desktop Patterns control panel (i.e., OS 8 is
not required).


				Karl J. von Laudermann
				Richard's PBeM Server ID: karlvonl

#### BINHEX     kvls-patterns-4.hqx   ****

From: karlvonl@geocities.com
Subject:  KvLsPatterns4.sit.hqx - Macintosh Desktop Patterns

Spruce up your desktop with Karl's amazing desktop patterns! In this, my
fourth collection, there are 12 desktop patterns guaranteed to dazzle
and amaze! (Well, I think so anyway :-)

The patterns are stored as picture clipping files.


#### BINHEX     michel-textures.hqx   ****

From: mvien@nouveau.qc.ca
Subject: Textures

I have checked this program for virus with Disinfectant.
I give permission for my program to be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM or
any other CD-Rom.

Michel/ textures vol.1 (desktop texture)

System requirements:
7.5.X minimum
Texture Installer

Michel Vien

E-mail: mvien@nouveau.qc.ca

#### BINHEX     mystic-textures-vi.hqx   ****

From: mfauve@icx.net
Subject: Mystic Textures VI

Tired of the gray? Here are some colorful and uplifting textures for
your Macintosh desktop. For use with Texture Installer 2.1.

#### BINHEX     nature-patterns-1.hqx   ****

From: krmhlz@earthlink.net
Subject: NaturePatterns

NaturePatterns v.1

A  set of 10 nature-based desktop patterns designed to appeal to adults 
who have an interest in natural history, and to kids in general. These 
patterns are not easily described: please take a look at the clippings 
and see what you think. Registered users also receive a free set of ten 
matching custom icons. 

16 bit color ("thousands of colors") is required. 1024x768 resolution 
preferred, 832x624 required.

Shareware, US$5.00

#### BINHEX     natures-way.hqx   ****

From: jasonrainbows@mindspring.com
Subject: Nature's Way Textures for Desktop Textures Suite

Nature's Way Textures
by Jason Rainbows' Magic Theatre
E-Mail: rainbow@kagi.com
URL: http://www.mindspring.com/~jasonrainbows

Requires: The program "Desktop Textures Suit", color Mac.

Beautiful seamlessly-tiled natural images for your desktop.

Trees, ferns, stones, flowers, bio-degradable packaging material,
that sorta thing.

These images are suitable for any background that requires
repeating patterns; webpages, multimedia backgrounds, etc...

A nice addition to any media provider's library, or simply
to make your Mac environment more pleasant.

Be at one with your surroundings.


-Jason Rainbows

"littera scripta manet - non omnis moriar"

#### BINHEX     om-desktop-patterns.hqx   ****

From: mfauve@icx.net
Subject: Om Desktop Patterns

For those of us who spend hours in front of monitors, here are some
desktop patterns that are pleasant to work by. Functional Art for the
Macintosh desktop. Enjoy this 10th collection in a series of 20 by
Melinda Fawver

#### BINHEX     organic-desktop-patterns.hqx   ****

From: mfauve@icx.net
Subject: Organic Desktop Patterns

Organic Desktop Patterns is a collection of original designs created in
Photoshop along with Blade Pro, Corel Texture, Kai's Power Tools and
Terrazzo. If you get bored easily and are always looking for something
new and different, you should enjoy these . . .  functional art for the

#### BINHEX     patterns-1.hqx   ****

From: BPARISITE@aol.com
Subject: "DTpatterns"

"DTpatterns" are made to interface with the native Desktop Application that
comes with the Mac OS software. Simply drag and drop into the application
window. Shareware. 
Visit my web site at:

Thank you much.........
Bill Paris

#### BINHEX     patterns-2.hqx   ****

From: BPARISITE@aol.com
Subject: "DTpatterns"

"DTpatterns" are made to interface with the native Desktop Application that
comes with the Mac OS software. Simply drag and drop into the application
window. Shareware. 
Visit my web site at:

Thank you much.........
Bill Paris

#### BINHEX     shield-skin-15.hqx   ****

From: neil.green@freeuk.com
Subject: shield skin for MacAMP Lite 1.5

shield is an aqua skin with a minimalist feel. It's free, so what more 
do you need to know? Try it - you might like it!

Feel free to include this file on Info-Mac CD-ROMs.

#### BINHEX     soylent-grey.hqx   ****

From: s.friedl@magnet.at
Subject: Desktop Patterns "Soylent Grey"

three free "just grey" desktop patterns.
standard, medium and dark.
stored as 16x16 picture clipping files.


#### BINHEX     stylish-desktop-textures.hqx   ****

From: macgames@mac-email.com
Subject: Stylish Desktop Textures

This is a collection of 10 free desktop patterns to decorate your finder with.  
They don't require any special software; they're stored as picture clippings.  
These files may be included on info-mac's CD.

E-mail:   macgames@mac-email.com
Website:  http://members.tripod.com/~rcs22/macgames/index.html

#### BINHEX     table-cloths-40.hqx   ****

From: Mark Fiske <mfiske@kagi.com>
Subject: TableCloths 4.0

TableCloths has long been the ONLY source of authentic Scottish tartan
desktop patterns AND alert sounds for the Mac. What else should go on the
desktop of a machine named "Macintosh"? And speaking of that, you'll
receive the AUTHENTIC "MacIntosh" desktop pattern that your Mac's been
waiting for since '84, along with a set of "bagpipe-based" alert sounds
(now also available for Windows!), and MUCH more!
TableCloths costs only $10.


Mark Fiske
Appearance Technologies (formerly Fake-8 Technologies)

#### BINHEX     textureality-1.hqx   ****

From: monde@sirius.com
Subject: Textureality One - Syn-Aesthetics of Sight & Touch

Yet Another Texture Artist - Demitria Monde Thraam -  offers up these
clippings from her magic bag of tricks.  All sorts of shapes, sizes and
colours for your desktops and/or design works...from Eye-Bleeders to
Mellow-Outed, and everything in between.

Textureality clippings are ready-made for dragging into the Desktop
Picture control panel that comes with Mac OS 8.0+.  To use as web page
backgrounds (or in an older desktop picture program like Decor) copy
directly in Finder and paste into your favourite image editing program
for saving as a .gif or .jpeg file.  3-D designers can save them as PICT
files for use as surfaces for rendering 3-D objects.

Texturealities are FREE of charge...as such lovingly-created things
should be - but in this Kagi-happy era, often AREN'T...No Guilt Trippage
here, this is not my style of Trip... :}


#### BINHEX     xtra-desktop-patterns.hqx   ****

From: mfauve@icx.net
Subject: Xtra Desktop Patterns

Enjoy this collection of unique and functional patterns for your
Macintosh desktop. Some colorful, some neutral, all original designs.
This is the 15th in a series of 20 collections.