Abstracts from files in info-mac/game/com/wolf as of Sun 5 Dec 2004

#### BINHEX     2nd-encounter.hqx   ****

From: filmman@pacificnet.net
Subject: 2nd_encounter

Laz's 2nd Encounter is a scenario for Wolfenstein 3D (3rd Encounter or full
commercial version).


#### BINHEX     48-hours.hqx   ****

From: mjhunter@scripps.edu
Subject: 48hours    

Hi all,

You have been dropped within the walls of Hitler's hideaway 
fortress. Your mission is simple.  You have fourty-eight hours 
to find and destroy Hitler.  First you must find your way into 
the fortress then work your way through a series of levels until 
you find him.  Beware!!  Hilter is very well protected. (14 levels)

Let me know if you like the levels (mjhunter@scripps.edu) or can
even check out my web page at

Mike Hunter

#### BINHEX     adolf.hqx   ****

From: filmman@pacificnet.net (LRojas)
Subject: Adolf

Auf Wiedersehen, Adolf! is a scenario for use with Wolfenstein 3D 3rd
Encounter or the commercial version of Wolfenstein 3D.  Created with Greg
Ewing's WolfEdit.

-- L

#### BINHEX     adolfs-gymnasium-v2.hqx   ****

From: wizbang@ccp.com (Jon Wigand)
Subject: Adolfs Gymnasium

Please replace Adolfs Gymnasium in the info-mac/games/com/wolf directory
with this updated version.  All other info is the same.  Thanks again.

Jon Wigand

#### BINHEX     adventures.hqx   ****

From: copperfield@worldnet.att.net
Subject: Wolfenstein Adventures

Wolfenstein Adventures

16 short n' sweet, action-packed scenarios that will keep your eyes glued to
the screen. A neverending thrill ride. Have fun!

Requires the full version of Wolfenstein 3D

If you don't have Wolfenstein 3D, e-mail me at copperfield@worldnet.att.net

Visit my site at http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/1568/wolf.html
Josh Mills

#### BINHEX     amerika-the-beautiful.hqx   ****

From: (LRojas) filmman@pacificnet.net
Subject: Amerika Demo

Amerika the Beautiful is a scenario for Wolfenstein 3D, compatible with
both 2nd and 3rd Encounters.

#### BINHEX     arena-of-death.hqx   ****

From: filmman@pacificnet.net (LRojas)
Subject: Arena of Death

Arena of Death is a scenario for Wolfenstein 3D made with Greg Ewing's
WolfEdit.  It can be used with 3rd Encounter or the commercial version of
the game.

#### BINHEX     astrostein-2.hqx   ****

From: filmman@pacificnet.net
Subject: astrostein_2.hqx

Astrostein 2 is a scenario for Wolfenstein 3D (3rd Encounter or full
commercial version) featuring new sounds and graphics.


#### BINHEX     astrostein-3.hqx   ****

From: filmman@pacificnet.net
Subject: astrostein_3

Astrostein 3 is a scenario for Wolfenstein 3D (3rd Encounter or full
commercial version) featuring new sounds and graphics.


#### BINHEX     awesome-resurrection-1.hqx   ****

From: copperfield@worldnet.att.net
Subject: Awesome Resurrection I

Awesome Resurrection

36 Wolfenstein 3D Scenarios

Wolfenstein may be six years old, but it isn't dead yet. Here are 36
scenarios created by me and other Wolfenstein scenario authors to get you
hooked back onto Wolfenstein 3D.

Castle Wolfenstein Beta-20 action-packed, challenging, and thrilling levels.
My latest scenario to date. Certainly one of the best scenarios out there.

Also with...
Dragon Cavern, Spear of Destiny, Arena of Death, Auf Wiedersehen Adolf,
Beavis and Butt-head's Dog, Boy Meets Unidentified Humanoid, Bring Home the
Cheese, Call in Sherlock Holmes, Castle Claustrophobia, Castle Xeen Dungeon,
Cooka Shoots a Cow, Four Giants and a Pistol, Fresh Prince of Castleview,
Hans Runs for His Life, If You Look Closely Enough, Just Crazy About
Killing, Let's Play Tag, Mutants' Lair, Nous Sommes Moche, Ogre/Nazi
Blowout, Operation-Annihilate, Pinky and the Brain Conquer, Road Runner
Madness, Rumble in the Bronx, Señor Yap Gets Angry, Take Your Pick-Life or
Death, The Diary of a Moose, The Killer Yodelers, Tiger Cavern, Treasure
Hunt Deluxe, Treasures for Breakfast, Wild Fat Boars, WolfMade, and The
Shadow Men

Requires the full version of Wolfenstein 3D

If you don't have Wolfenstein 3D, e-mail me at copperfield@worldnet.att.net

Visit my site at

Josh Mills

#### BINHEX     awesome-resurrection-2.hqx   ****

From: copperfield@worldnet.att.net
Subject: Awesome Resurrection II

Awesome Resurrection II
36 MORE Wolfenstein scenarios for the true Wolfenstein addict!

Some of these scenarios can be played with Wolfenstein 3D First Encounter.
The other scenarios require the full version of Wolfenstein 3D.
If you don't have Wolfenstein 3D, e-mail me at copperfield@worldnet.att.net

What's included...
February Bob, Assassin, Castle Nanner, Catacombs, Eat on Bob's Chicken
Series, Greenhouse, Nazi Annihilation, Nazi Office Pool, Nice Nazi, Nuevo
Nazi, Ryan's Wolf3D, The Killer, Tiger Cavern, Weird World, Arena Battle,
Boss World, Castle Wolfenstein Demo, Cow and Chicken and Moose, Doomenstein
Episode One, Forty-Eight Hours, Hitler's Domain, Ja Das Ist Gut, Operation
Pegasus, Pure Action, Ryan's Maze, Schabb's Zombie Project, Schabb's
Funhouse, Steinhopfen SW, The Dark Side of Wolfenstein, Through the Portal,
W-O-L-F! v1.5, Watch Your Back Stupid, Yada Yada Yada

Josh Mills

#### BINHEX     awesome-resurrection-3.hqx   ****

From: "Josh Mills" <copperfield@worldnet.att.net>
Subject: Awesome Resurrection 3-110 Wolfenstein Scenarios

Awesome Resurrection 3
The ULTIMATE Wolfenstein 3D Package!
A collection of over 110 scenarios for Wolfenstein 3D!


2 Keys, Attack of the Wild Deer, AXE, B & Z's Ultimo, BruteForce, Castle
Neuschwanstein, Castle of Lost Souls Lite, Castle Wolfenstein 3.8.2,
Chandeliers!, Crazy Wolf Levels, Crazy!, Dan 1-1, Die Geringste Aussicht,
DOOMenstein Episode 1, Escape from the Pentagon Demo, Get to It, Hide &
Seek, Jail Break!, Kill Happy, Killer-The Adventure, Luck Be a Lady Tonight,
Murder Morgue, Prison, Return to Castle Xeen '96, Ryan's Maze II, Schabbs'
Fortress, Steinhopfhen SW, The Circus, The End?, Too Many Bosses,
Wolfenstein Game 1, Zoo, Escape from Prison 1, Fort Ellerstein, Spade,
Andres' House, Assault on Fortresss K, Escape From Prison 2, Rudolf Steiner
School, Excape from Bunker Ruth, Growl Keep, Nazi Temple, SS HQ, Castlelope,
DeathMatch, NEEE!, There's the sign up ahead!, 4 easy steps to freedom,
Assault on Fortress A, Castle Hue, Mixed Nuts, Downtown NaziVille, Fort Can
Opener, A Death Level, The Game, The Little Blood Stained House, The
Mailman's Payday, Nazi HQ, Xell, Yonkers, Drokiss, Farphen Nugen, Fighting
Frenzy, Resistance is Futile, Willow, Yo!, Zeran, Achtung Schabbs!, Attack
on Hans, Once Again, Random House '98, Red Brick House, The Haunted House,
Attack on Trans, A Boss Castle, BattleFest, Pretty Bossy if you ask me, Die,
A Weird Level, The Unbeatable, The Works, Trick or Treat!, The Big House,
Triex Outpost, Tutti Frutti, Wachtendonk Escape, Assauly on Fort Brownstein,
Bloodstone HQ, Hide and Go Seek, The Quest for the Holy Grail, Castle
Winfenstein, Fun with really long halls, Klabachutz Maze, Weisenheimer
Prison, Hot Stuff, The Cloning Factory, The Saga of Stuff, Assault on
Fortress Xan, Child's Play, Danger Gardens, Santa's Surprise, Escape From
Prison X, Grosse Family Reunion, Nazi City, Hotel Hitler, Days of the Future
Past, A Quick Clean Battle, A Very Silly Level, House of Death, The
Education of Mutants, Today is Evil

Awesome Resurrection 3 requires the full version of Wolfenstein 3D and 10
megabytes of hard disk space. If you do not have Wolfenstein 3D, e-mail me
at copperfield@worldnet.att.net

Awesome Resurrection 3 may be freely distributed.

Visit my web site at:

Josh Mills

#### BINHEX     awesome-resurrection-4.hqx   ****

From: "Josh Mills" <copperfield@worldnet.att.net>
Subject: Awesome Resurrection 4-Wolfenstein 3D Forever!

A collection of 40 scenarios for Wolfenstein 3D. Requires the full version
of Wolfenstein 3D. If you do not have Wolfenstein 3D, e-mail me at

A Tribute to George Clooney, Cindy Crawford Eats an Acorn, Don Cortino and
the Mafia, Not Bad, When Good Nazis Go Bad, A Halloween Nightmare, Arabian
Nights, Ballroom Dance 1.1, Boss World, Brobst's CC, Castle Quigley, Castle
Wolfenstein, Castle Xeen 3, Commando, Doom II Level 32, DOOMenstein Episode
1e, Eins Frei Drei YOU'RE DEAD!, Finder Mike, French Kiss, Jumanji (Killing
Arena), Mad Cow City, Marastein Demo, Me Want Kill!, MK 3d EP. 1 PORTAL OF
ETERNITY, Munj #1, Nazi HQ, Nazi Networks Stuff, PacMan 3D, Paladin's
Warzone, RTW, Rumble in the Bronx, Scott's revenge, The Castle of Lost Souls
Trait, The Chase, The Courtyard, To Kill For!, Tom's Wolf Map, Ultimate
Wolf, Warstories Demo, Welcome to Atlantis, Wolfenstein Restricted DEMO

Visit my web site at:

Josh Mills

#### BINHEX     bigworld.hqx   ****

From: copperfield@worldnet.att.net
Subject: Wolfenstein Around the World

"It's a Big World Out There"
Wolfenstein Around the World

America isn't the only place where people play Wolfenstein 3D. The
masterpiece of a game is played all over the world.

Contained in this package is a collection of 15 Wolfenstein scenarios
created by Wolfenstein authors from Denmark and Japan. Most of the levels
are of high quality and will keep you playing Wolfenstein over and over

Requires either Wolfenstein 3D First Encounter w/Wolf FKEY, or Wolfenstein
3D Full Version

The Wolf FKEY is included with the package.

If you don't have Wolfenstein 3D, e-mail me at copperfield@worldnet.att.net

Josh Mills

#### BINHEX     bin-ladenstein-2.hqx   ****

From: George Rodriguez <j58roldan@yahoo.com>
Subject: Bin Ladenstein 2

 This (FREE) Wolfenstein 3d Scenario is for the third
level or commercial version only. It has three levels
and more characters including Disco man. It was done 
and tested on a PPC with WolfEdit 2.0.4. Have fun.

#### BINHEX     bin-wolfenstein.hqx   ****

From: George Rodriguez <j58roldan@yahoo.com>
Subject: game/com/Wolfenstein-3d/Bin Ladenstein

Bin Ladenstein 3D

	This is a Wolfenstein 3D third encounter based game. It was 
	created using WolfEdit 2.0.4  on a Powermac and tested with 
	no problems. It is only one level for now, soon i will be 
	making some more (free) levels. Have fun.

Comments: j58roldan@yahoo.com

#### BINHEX     bio-marine-demo.hqx   ****

From: Alan@albans.demon.co.uk (Alan Boyd)
Subject: Bio-Marine Wolfenstein levels

"A new weapon has been created."  You can still hear your Captain shouting
at you in your mission briefing."  "The united Earth military will be
commanding the assault on the castle were the weapon is contained,
according to sources it is a new biological weapon.  Obviously we can not
allow this weapon or the information on it to exist longer than normal.  So
we have decided to storm the building imediatly.  Cadet Stawdem will also
be on the mission." The captain pointed a bony finger toward you.  You can
not remeber much about the journey except that when you got there it was
decided that 4 would go in and re-inforcements would be called as needed.
You sat there with the other men.  Souldenly the radio turned
on."REINFORCEMENTS WE NEED ALL REINFO......." The radio turned itself off.
You took a pistol which you concealed in your sock and  a machine gun.  You
ran in to the building.  You sat behind a table ocasionaly shooting your
machine gun at the gaurds.  They got closer, and then you saw.  They were
mutants.  One by one your fellow officers were killed.  You threw your
hands up in the air and the last thing you remeber was geting something
thrown at you.  You then woke up in the cell.  You were sleeping until a
gaurd came in with your food.  He kicked you but your kept your eyes shut.
He had forgotten the water he left the door open while we went to get the
water.  You opened your eyes got out the gun, and walked out of your cell.
The Bio-Marine demo archive includes the Bio Marine Demo file.  A simple to
fill in registration program and  the scenario file.  Registration is free
of a money chrage although you must swap a full shareware program of yours
for the full version.

Alan Boyd (Mystara)
Can be contacted at
or visit my web site.
web address : http://www.albans.demon.co.uk

#### BINHEX     bjs-revenge.hqx   ****

From: filmman@pacificnet.net (LRojas)
Subject: B.J.'s Revenge

B.J.'s Revenge is a scenario for Wolfenstein 3D made with Greg Ewing's
WolfEdit.  It can be used with 3rd Encounter or the commercial version of
the game.

#### BINHEX     c6.hqx   ****

From: copperfield@worldnet.att.net
Subject: Compact Maps Set 6

Compact Maps Set 6

Four one-level scenarios with levels taken from Temple of Doom and Castle
Wolfenstein 3.8.1

Requires the full version of Wolfenstein 3D.

If you don't have Wolfenstein 3D, e-mail me at copperfield@worldnet.att.net

Visit my site at

Josh Mills

#### BINHEX     castle-381.hqx   ****

From: copperfield@worldnet.att.net
Subject: Castle Wolfenstein 3.8.1

Castle Wolfenstein is the latest Wolfenstein scenario released to date!
Version 3.8.1 adds more graphics, more levels, more tricks and traps,
special effects, and more
speed and stability!

*Battle ruthless enemies such as the disgusting and repulsive Gremlin, the
dumber-than-a-lemming Goon, vicious Uber-Mutants, quick-on-their-feet Elite
Corporals, and the deadly accurate Captain!

*You will find the new walls dazzling and interesting!

*The doors in Castle Wolfenstein are wooden, so make sure you don't get a

*Treasures have been replaced with goodies, such as Erdol, a delicious
delight, and small rations for the soldier on the go!

*You will be plagued by many tricks and traps! Some walls are COMPLETELY

*Plenty of action and plenty of puzzles you keep you addicted to

*TONS of new graphics

*Numerous ghosts infest Castle Wolfenstein, and you can't kill them.

*In some levels, there are multiple exits, so you never know where you're
gonna end up when you hit that switch!

Does all this sound tantalizing? Then download Castle Wolfenstein!

If you're worried about Castle Wolfenstein being shareware, it's not. When
you download Castle Wolfenstein, you're downloading the whole thing. It's
totally free.

Castle Wolfenstein requires the full version of Wolfenstein 3D. If you don't
have Wolfenstein 3D, e-mail me at copperfield@worldnet.att.net

Josh Mills

#### BINHEX     castle-of-lost-souls-10.hqx   ****

From: (horace) horace@erinet.com
Subject: Castle of Lost Souls 1.0

The Castle of Lost Souls 1.0 is the sequel to Castle Xeen! 40 more 
levels of misery to blast through, and it's even HARDER! It's like 
buying Wolfenstein 3D again! It's only for the Mac because I hate PCs. 
Also includes an 8-level demo of Castle Xeen 2.0. TCOLS 2.0 will be 
even better than this one!

#### BINHEX     castle-wolfensteinr1.hqx   ****

From: copperfield@worldnet.att.net
Subject: Castle Wolfenstein Deluxe First Release

Castle Wolfenstein 3.0

Life can be frustrating. So can Castle Wolfenstein. If you still play
Wolfenstein 3D and you want to challenge yourself, download Castle
Wolfenstein today! Absolutely free. You download the real thing. No money
payment needed!

About 30 levels of terror, tricks, traps, and puzzles.

New enemies, walls, and objects.

>From the author of Temple of Doom, First Strike, Dragon Cavern, and the
Compact Maps.

Requires the full version of Wolfenstein 3D

If you don't have Wolfenstein 3D, e-mail me at copperfield@worldnet.att.net

Visit my site at http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/1568/wolf.html

Josh Mills

#### BINHEX     castle-xeen-20.hqx   ****

From: (horace) horace@erinet.com
Subject: Castle Xeen 2.0

Castle Xeen 2.0 is a beefed-up version of Castle Xeen. The same 39 
levels, but it has one more level than the original, and the switches 
finally work, too. Just remember, downloading Castle Xeen is like 
buying Wolfenstein 3D again!

#### BINHEX     castlewolf-51.hqx   ****

From: "J. Benjamin Mills" <jbm12@po.cwru.edu>
Subject: Castle Wolfenstein 5.1

Castle Wolfenstein 5.1
For Wolfenstein 3D

Castle Wolfenstein is a 55-level scenario for Wolfenstein 3D (the old one,
not Return to Castle Wolfenstein). From the creator of other fine scenarios
such as First Strike and Temple of Doom, Castle Wolfenstein is probably the
most challenging scenario you will ever play. You will encounter ghosts,
vicious corporals, and the dreaded ENRON EXECUTIVES! Requires the full
version of Wolfenstein 3D.

Version 5.1 includes a new ending and several major bug fixes.

For all the latest news for Castle Wolfenstein and the original Wolfenstein
3D, visit my web site at geocities.com/alvon_del_camio.

#### BINHEX     cgpr-1.hqx   ****

From: copperfield@worldnet.att.net
Subject: Custom Graphics Pak Release 1

Custom Graphics Pak Release 1

A collection of graphics for use with Wolfenstein 3D and WolfEdit. Includes
new walls and enemies.

Requires Wolfenstein 3D and WolfEdit 2.0.3. If you do not have Wolfenstein
or WolfEdit, e-mail me at copperfield@worldnet.att.net

Josh Mills

#### BINHEX     come-and-get-it.hqx   ****

From: mjhunter@scripps.edu
Subject: Come and Get It!

Hi all,

Hitler is having you for dinner (literally).  That  is unless 
you can get to him first.  Your mission is straight forward: 
stop him and serve him up on a platter of his own.  Be careful, 
the dinner party is quite large.(1 level)

Let me know if you like the levels (mjhunter@scripps.edu) or can
even check out my web page at

Mike Hunter

#### BINHEX     compact-maps-5.hqx   ****

From: copperfield@worldnet.att.net
Subject: Compact Maps Set 5

Compact Maps Set 5

All of my Compact Maps I've ever created. Quick-paced, packed with enemies,
exciting, and a thrill to play. More than 30 scenarios included.

Josh Mills

#### BINHEX     compact-maps-set-1.hqx   ****

From: horace@erinet.com
Subject: 1st Encounter Compact Maps Set 1

The Compact Maps fer 1st Set 1 is 4 1-level scenerios for 1st 
Encounter. They are: Castle Xeen Dungeon, Treasures for Breakfast, Just 
Crazy 'bout Killing, and Too Hard for Bob Dole. For any version of 
Wolfenstein, but was designed for 1st Encounter.

#### BINHEX     compact-maps-set-2.hqx   ****

From: horace@erinet.com
Subject: Compact Maps Set 2

Another file for you! The Compact Maps Set 2! Another 4 1-level sets 
for the Wolfenstein player on the run. Needs at least 2nd or 3rd 
encounter and/or WolfEdit Enhanced with ResEdit 2.1.1. The four 
scenerios are: Worse than Hell On Earth, Save the Lone Guard!, Castle 
of Lost Souls Dungeon, and Chamber of Torture, and they're HARD!

#### BINHEX     compact-maps-set-3.hqx   ****

From: horace@erinet.com
Subject: Compact Maps Set 3

The Compact Maps Set 3 is another set of 4 1-level scenerios! They are: 
Call in Sherlock Holmes, If You Look Closely Enough..., Bring Home the 
Cheese!, and Let's Play Tag! For 2nd, 3rd, or the Commercial Encounters.

#### BINHEX     complete-breakthrough.hqx   ****

From: copperfield@worldnet.att.net
Subject: Breakthrough Deluxe

Over 90 levels total

When you were first imprisoned by this bunch of Nazis and thrown into their
prison you thought that escape was the only objective.
Guess what?  You were wrong.
You finally passed the 32nd level of their fortress and found only a note.


Oh, no, you think.  Not again, not them...


We are not affiliated with 20th Century Fox Television or any of their

As you continue your exhausting journey, your only thought is: "Here we go

Created by: Aaron Teplitsky (yyr57695@aol.com)
Rereleased to the public by Josh Mills

Requires the full version of Wolfenstein 3D

If you don't have Wolfenstein 3D, e-mail me at copperfield@worldnet.att.net

Visit my site at http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/1568/wolf.html
Josh Mills

#### BINHEX     complete-wolfenstein.hqx   ****

From: filmman@pacificnet.net (LRojas)
Subject: complete-wolf

The (Almost) Complete Wolfenstein is a manual in DOCMaker format by Wayne
Campbell that provides a plethora of information on the inner workings of
Wolfenstein 3D.

-- L

#### BINHEX     conflict-wolf.hqx   ****

From: rwmmid@execpc.com
Subject: conflict wolf

Conflict is the first of a new, 20 level scenario, that I'm putting together for
Castle Wolfenstein 3D.

Conflict uses the standard Wolf 3D graphics and sounds. Future scenarios will
contain custom graphics and animation's, so keep an eye out for them.

To use the Conflict scenario, just drop the file "Conflict" in your levels
folder, that's all there is to it.

This opening level to Conflict is my first attempt at distributing my Wolf 3D
scenarios, so please e-mail me with any questions, comments or suggestions you
might have.

Thank you and enjoy!

RWM rwmmid@execpc.com

#### BINHEX     crazy-wolf-levels-20.hqx   ****

From: m603016@rhein-neckar.netsurf.de (Moritz Grund)
Subject: Crazy Wolf Levels 2.0

These levels are for Wolf 2th or 3th encounter.
Have fun and happy shooting!

(c) Moritz Grund 95-96


#### BINHEX     daynite.hqx   ****

From: filmman@pacificnet.net (LRojas)
Subject: Daynite

Daynite.sit is a manual in DOCMaker format describing how to use the
daytime and nighttime landscapes in Wolfenstein 3D levels created with

-- L

#### BINHEX     de-ja-vu-wolf-3d-levels.hqx   ****

From: dbsmith@advant.com (Smith, Debbi)
Subject: Wolfenstein 3D game level

This is a game level for playing in Wolfenstein 3D.
You simply drop it inside the "levels" folder in the Wolfenstein Folder.

There are 4 levels of medium difficulty.

made with WolfEdit 1.1c and also ResEdit.

Creator of this game level - Tim Smith

#### BINHEX     death-row.hqx   ****

From: BJ <midijeep@burgoyne.com>
Subject: Death Row; Wolf 3D Files

The files, Wolf levels 1-13.sea.hqx, are levels created for Wolfenstien
3D.  It needs Wolf Edit for installation.

These files are not for sell!  Some are made by various Authors and  the
creative rights for their file are wholey their own and the selling of
is uniquely their own .

Brian James

#### BINHEX     deathmatch-revisited.hqx   ****

From: Miguel Faria <scooter_31210@yahoo.com>
Subject: Deathmatch Revisited

Please place in game/com/wolf

Easy 30 level scenario update of Deathmatch.

#### BINHEX     deathmatch.hqx   ****

From: Miguel Faria <scooter_31210@yahoo.com>
Subject: Deathmatch

Please place in game/com/wolf

An easy 30-level Wolf. scenario.

#### BINHEX     demon-warrior.hqx   ****

Subject:DemonWarrior Levels Submission

Description: This is a 15 level Scenario for Wolfenstein3D Third Encounter 
with new artwork and enhanced gameplay. Bushes, trees, moving statues, magic 
hearts, wizards and witches...abound. File also contains a Patch that will 
add new sounds to game. ReadMe has all instructions.

Robert Ritcher Jr.

#### BINHEX     die-geringste-aussicht.hqx   ****

From: mjhunter@scripps.edu
Subject: Aussicht

Subject: New Wolfenstein Levels.

You've returned to Hitler's Castle Wolfenstein to settle some unfinished
business.  However, the ghosts of fallen enemies are there to greet you. Even in
the spiritual world they are bent on protecting their master.  To get to him, you
must first get through them. (5 levels)

Let me know if you like the levels (mjhunter@scripps.edu) or can
even check out my Wolfenstein web page at

Mike Hunter

#### BINHEX     dragon-cavern-20.hqx   ****

From: horace@erinet.com
Subject: Official Dragon Cavern 2.0

This is the Official Dragon Cavern 2.0. All fixed, almost no bugs, ready 
to battle! This is 26 levels of horrid torture, mind-boggling puzzles, 
and one heckuva lot of Nazi killing! From the maker of Castle Xeen and 
the Castle of Lost Souls, DC 2.0 is the 3rd chapter in Hans D. Fritz's 
adventures. Beware of the Dragons! Given a BEST BET rating by Allen from 
J.J's Reviews, so you know it's good! E-mail him at AllenFG@aol.com to 
get the full review. Comes with demos of Return to Castle Xeen (it won't 
look like what it is in the demo), Castle Xeen 2.0, and the Castle of 
Lost Souls. Also comes with the Wolf FKEY, my guide to making scenerios 
(updated 6/7/96), Wolfenstein Funhouse Corrections, and a list of my 
other products available. Download this, and be prepared to have the time 
of your lives, because this is going to change all of Wolfenstein history 
FOREVER!!! Trust me.

                            Josh Mills
Web page: http://www.winternet.com/~radams/joel/wolfarena.html

#### BINHEX     dragon-cavern-lite.hqx   ****

From: (horace) horace@erinet.com
Subject: Dragon Cavern Lite

And now, the moment you've been waiting for: The Beta Version of the 
Dragon Cavern! About 10 levels of absolute, horrid, MISERY and it's 
even harder than The Castle of Lost Souls! Requires Wolfenstein 3D 3rd 
encounter or later! Doesn't need WolfEdit or ResEdit at all! Works 
great with my custom sounds. Hope you like it!

#### BINHEX     dungeon.hqx   ****

From: Miguel Faria <scooter_31210@yahoo.com>
Subject: Dungeon

Please place in game/com/wolf

A 3 level Wolf prison adventure.

#### BINHEX     eagles-nest-v2.hqx   ****

From: wizbang@ccp.com (Jon Wigand)
Subject: Eagles nest

Please replace the Eagles Nest in the Info-mac/games/com/wolf directory
with this updated version.  All other information is to remain the same.

Thank you,
Jon Wigand


#### BINHEX     east-tower.hqx   ****

From: Miguel Faria <scooter_31210@yahoo.com>
Subject: East Tower

please place in game/com/wolf.

#### BINHEX     fear-tiger.hqx   ****

From: copperfield@worldnet.att.net
Subject: Fortress of Fear and Tiger Cavern

Fortress of Fear, formerly the Dragon Cavern.

Simple puzzles, lots of enemies to shoot at. For the true Wolfenstein
addict. Totally free.

25 levels. Includes Enhanced version, featuring new graphics

Requires the full version of Wolfenstein 3D

If you don't have Wolfenstein 3D, e-mail me at copperfield@worldnet.att.net

Visit my site at

Josh Mills

#### BINHEX     final-solution-demo.hqx   ****

From: pandreoni@mail.enjoy.it (Pier Luigi Andreoni)
Subject: Wolfenstein scenario : Final Solution

My first/last Wolfenstein scenario.
Final Solution is a scenario for Wolfenstein 3D, compatible with both 2nd
and 3rd Encounters.

Pier Luigi Andreoni
Piacenza - Italy

#### BINHEX     first-strike-2.hqx   ****

From: copperfield@worldnet.att.net
Subject: First Strike II

First Strike II
The new and improved First Strike
Formerly known as Return to Castle Xeen

20 levels featuring new enemies, new walls, and new objects!

This scenario is for Wolfenstein players of all kinds, especially novices.
Compared to my later scenarios, such as Castle Wolfenstein and Temple of
Doom, this is a relatively easy scenario.

Requires the full version of Wolfenstein 3D. If you don't have Wolfenstein
3D, e-mail me at copperfield@worldnet.att.net

Josh Mills

#### BINHEX     first-strike.hqx   ****

From: copperfield@worldnet.att.net
Subject: First Strike

Originally Return to Castle Xeen. 20 levels, 2 secret levels. A scenario
for Wolfenstein players of all kinds. From the creator of Dragon Cavern,
Castle of Lost Souls, Tiger Cavern, and Castle Xeen.

Full version
Update later to come!

Josh Mills

#### BINHEX     fortress-of-fear.hqx   ****

From: copperfield@worldnet.att.net
Subject: Fortress of Fear

Fortress of Fear, formerly the Dragon Cavern.

Simple puzzles, lots of enemies to shoot at. For the true Wolfenstein
addict. Totally free.

25 levels.

Requires the full version of Wolfenstein 3D

If you don't have Wolfenstein 3D, e-mail me at copperfield@worldnet.att.net

Visit my site at http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/1568/wolf.html

Josh Mills

#### BINHEX     fs-202.hqx   ****

From: copperfield@worldnet.att.net
Subject:  First Strike 2.0.2

First Strike II
The new and improved First Strike
Formerly known as Return to Castle Xeen

20 levels featuring new enemies, new walls, and new objects!

This scenario is for Wolfenstein players of all kinds, especially novices.
Compared to my later scenarios, such as Castle Wolfenstein and Temple of
Doom, this is a relatively easy scenario.

Requires the full version of Wolfenstein 3D. If you don't have Wolfenstein
3D, e-mail me at copperfield@worldnet.att.net

Josh Mills

#### BINHEX     gamma.hqx   ****

From: "G.Levi 051-351120 (353634 Home)" <LEVI@Bologna.Infn.It>
Subject: Gamma

Gamma  Ia a level for Wolfenstein 3D 2nd Encounter.
You will need to install it (IN A COPY OF WOLFENSTEIN !
NON IN THE ORIGINAL !) with WolfEdit1.1 for playing it.
Is difficult but not impossible. I have tried it many times in
order to make it as nice (or terrible) as possible.
I have to thank Gregory C. Ewing, author of WolfEdit,
for the kind suggestions.
This level is offcourse free, but if you like it I will be
pleased to receive an E-mail from you.
                                         Giuseppe Levi

#### BINHEX     graveyard.hqx   ****

From: filmman@pacificnet.net
Subject: graveyard

Hitler's Graveyard is a scenario for Wolfenstein 3D (3rd Encounter or full
commercial version) featuring new sounds and graphics.


#### BINHEX     halten-sie-.hqx   ****

From: filmman@pacificnet.net (LRojas)
Subject: Halten Sie!

Halten Sie! is a scenario for Wolfenstein 3D made with Greg Ewing's
WolfEdit.  It can be used with 3rd Encounter or the commercial version of
the game.

#### BINHEX     haunted-castle.hqx   ****

From: filmman@pacificnet.net (LRojas)
Subject: Haunted Castle

The Haunted Castle is a scenario for Wolfenstein 3D made with Greg Ewing's
WolfEdit.  It can be used with 3rd Encounter or the commercial version of
the game.

#### BINHEX     hitlers-hell.hqx   ****

From: mjhunter@scripps.edu
Subject: Hitler's Hell    

Hi all,

This is a single level scenario which is actually the last level 
of 48Hours.  When making the level, I had a lot of fun playing it 
as a single level, so here it is.(1 level)

Let me know if you like the levels (mjhunter@scripps.edu) or can
even check out my web page at

Mike Hunter

#### BINHEX     laz.hqx   ****

From: copperfield@worldnet.att.net
Subject: The Scenarios of Laz

The Scenarios of Laz

Laz Rojas created some of the best scenarios for Wolfenstein 3D. Now you got
to download them all in one little package.

They are...
Arena of Death
Auf Wiedersehen, Adolf!
B.J's Revenge
Halten Sie!
Laz's 2nd Encounter
Mutants' Lair
The Haunted Castle
Treasure Hunt Deluxe

All nine scenarios require the full version of Wolfenstein 3D. 
If you don't have Wolfenstein 3D, e-mail me at copperfield@worldnet.att.net

Visit Laz's page at http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/3744

Josh Mills

#### BINHEX     little-schabbs-of-horror1.hqx   ****

From: wizbang@ccp.com
Subject: Little_Schabbs_Of_Horror1.sit

That twisted genius of the Third Reich is at it again!  Enter his mind
bending Abscheuhaus (House of Horrors), where even Hitler's soldiers are
afraid to go in, and witness first-hand the mayhem that Dr Schabbs intends
to unleash on the world!

This graphically enhance scenario for Wolfenstein 3D, Third Encounter is
just the beginning.  Schabbs, the evil genetic engineer, is the master of
clones.  There is no telling whether you will have gotten rid of him even
when you reach the end. Keep your eye out for him and while your at it,
feast your eyes on new enemies, walls and objects!  Go in and destroy 30
levels of facist socialism at its finest (?!).  The best is what you can
expect from Wizbang's Wolf Scenarios!

#### BINHEX     macinstein-3d.hqx   ****

From: copperfield@worldnet.att.net
Subject: Macinstein 3D folder.sit.hqx

Description             : Macintosh Desktop 3D world in Wolfenstein.
Additional Credits to   : Greg Ewing for his excellent editor
                          Laz Rojas who provided some nice graphics
                          id Software / MacPlay / WolfAddict Software
Distributed to the public by Josh Mills

Requires the full version of Wolfenstein 3D

If you don't have Wolfenstein 3D, e-mail me at copperfield@worldnet.att.net

Visit my site at http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/1568/wolf.html
Josh Mills

#### BINHEX     munchkinstein-demo.hqx   ****

From: LRojas, filmman@pacificnet.net
Subject: Munchkinstein Demo

Munchkinstein Demo is a scenario for Wolfenstein 3D, and is compatible with
both 2nd and 3rd Encounters.  This version replaces the original demo,
which had a bug that caused it to crash on some Macs.

#### BINHEX     mutants-lair.hqx   ****

From: filmman@pacificnet.net (LRojas)
Subject: Mutants' Lair

Mutants' Lair is a scenario for Wolfenstein 3D made with Greg Ewing's
WolfEdit.  It can be used with 3rd Encounter or the commercial version of
the game.

#### BINHEX     operation-annihilate.hqx   ****

From: filmman@pacificnet.net (LRojas)
Subject: Operation: Annihilate!

Operation: Annihilate! is a scenario for Wolfenstein 3D made with Greg
Ewing's WolfEdit.  It can be used with 3rd Encounter or the commercial
version of the game.

#### BINHEX     pharoah-adolf-v2.hqx   ****

From: wizbang@ccp.com (Jon Wigand)
Subject: Pharaoh Adolf

Please replace the existing Pharoah Adolf with this updated version.  All
other info is the same.  Thanks.

Jon Wigand

#### BINHEX     schabbs-funhouse.hqx   ****

From: filmman@pacificnet.net (LRojas)
Subject: Schabbs' Funhouse

Schabbs' Funhouse is a scenario for Wolfenstein 3D made with Greg Ewing's
WolfEdit.  It can be used with 3rd Encounter or the commercial version of
the game.

#### BINHEX     sea-wolf-demo.hqx   ****

From: wizbang@ccp.com
Subject: SeaWolf_Demo

On the southern coast of a little isle called Borkum, located in the
North Sea, is a highly secret sub-pen.  This complex, home to Hitler's
prototype nuclear U-boat, is heavily guarded.  Your mission: take it and
the submarine out of commission.  The world could meet it's destruction
if that Submarine ever reaches the coast of England, or even worse:

This all new Wolfenstein scenario, featuring never-before-seen graphics
for the Macintosh, will challenge you beyond what mere mortals could
endure. Each level consists of puzzles and challenges that could take
hours to solve.

#### BINHEX     seths-wolf-3d-levels.hqx   ****

From: dsfa@rmci.net
Subject: Seth's Wolf 3D Levels

This is a Wolfenstein levels file,please distribute this as much as possible!

This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0)

#### BINHEX     souls.hqx   ****

From: copperfield@worldnet.att.net
Subject: Castle Xeen and Castle of Lost Souls

Castle Xeen and the Castle of Lost Souls II
Updated versions!

The first two scenarios ever created by the person who created Castle
Wolfenstein, Wolfenstein Adventures, and Temple of Doom.

See how I learned to make levels. See all the mistakes I made. And while
you're at it, kill some Nazis!

Pure, raw action for those who crave death and destruction.

These new versions add speed and stability to the nostalgia!

Original Readmes are included.

Requires the FULL version of Wolfenstein 3D. If you don't have Wolfenstein
3D, e-mail me at copperfield@worldnet.att.net.

Josh Mills

#### BINHEX     sounds.hqx   ****

From: copperfield@worldnet.att.net
Subject: The All New MONDO Wolfenstein 3D Sounds

The All New MONDO Wolfenstein 3D Sounds

Replacements for almost every sound in Wolfenstein 3D. However, the sounds
are rather immature, but if you want to replace every sound in Wolfenstein,
this is the thing to download!

Requires the full version of Wolfenstein 3D and ResEdit.

If you don't have Wolfenstein 3D, e-mail me at copperfield@worldnet.att.net

Visit my site at

Josh Mills

#### BINHEX     soup-anyone.hqx   ****

From: BJ <midijeep@burgoyne.com>
Subject: Wolfenstein 3D File

This is a Wolfenstein 3D level I created.  Within the
 Soup Anyone file are the Wolfenstein 3D level file itself 
along with a README for the user.

#### BINHEX     spear-of-destiny.hqx   ****

From: copperfield@worldnet.att.net
Subject: Spear of Destiny

Spear of Destiny for the Macintosh

After taking notice of Wolfenstein 3D's immense popularity, id software
released a sequel, Spear of Destiny (SOD). SOD was never ported to the
Macintosh by MacPlay. Laz Rojas has taken the time to port SOD to the
Macintosh. You download the whole thing, all 21 levels.

Requires the full version of Wolfenstein 3D

If you don't have Wolfenstein 3D, e-mail me at copperfield@worldnet.att.net

Visit Laz's Wolfenstein 3D page at http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/3744


#### BINHEX     steinhopfhen-levels.hqx   ****

From: Jimmy Nilsson, jimmy.nilsson@mailbox.swipnet.se
Subject: Steinhopfen for Wolf 3D

I have made a few levels to Wolfenstein 3D for the Macintosh called
steinhopfen. This will need a copy of Wolfenstein 3D
2nd encounter. It´s good try it.

#### BINHEX     strangestein.hqx   ****

From: otoao@mindspring.com
Subject: Wolfenstein 3D level - Strangestein

Strangestein 3D

   This third encounter level for wolfenstein 3d was done using wolfedit
2.0.4, Stratavision 3d and Photoshop 5.5 . I have change most of the
characters, walls and objects. The characters were kept simple because
they loose a lot of definition when the image is reduced but i think the
results are still interesting.
Check it out and let me know what you think

#### BINHEX     temple-15.hqx   ****

From: copperfield@worldnet.att.net
Subject: Temple of Doom 1.5

Temple of Doom 1.5

Terror. Nazis. Frustration. Ghosts. It's all in Temple of Doom. One of the
cruelest and most complex Wolfenstein scenarios ever. Totally free. NOT

30 levels.

Second release corrects a bug concerning Power Mac compatibility.

Requires the full version of Wolfenstein 3D

If you don't have Wolfenstein 3D, e-mail me at copperfield@worldnet.att.net

Visit my site at

Josh Mills

#### BINHEX     the-art-institute-of-evil.hqx   ****

From: LeonardCRenzJr@avenew.com
Subject: The Art Institute Of Evil

The Art Institute Of Evil

This is the first scenario ive ever made for Wolfenstein 3D.In this
folder you'll also find a demo of one of scenarios in progress. Enjoy!

Visit my site at http://irongiant.acmecity.com/kent/65

#### BINHEX     the-doctor-is-in.hqx   ****

From: mjhunter@scripps.edu
Subject: The Doctor is In!

Are you ready for your check up?  The Doctor is in and he is ready for you. 
Don't avoid him; the Doctor's office is the only way out!(1 level)

Let me know if you like the levels (mjhunter@scripps.edu) or can
even check out my Wolfenstein web page at

Mike Hunter

#### BINHEX     the-gallery.hqx   ****

From: mjhunter@scripps.edu
Subject: The Gallery    

Hi all,

With the rumor of an ending war, Hitler has retreated to his 
personal gallery.  This fortress houses not only the works of 
art stolen throughout his conquest of Europe, but also personal 
works of his own.  To insure the end of the war, you must slip 
into Hitler's gallery and destroy the evil artist. (10 levels)

Let me know if you like the levels (mjhunter@scripps.edu) or can
even check out my web page at

Mike Hunter

#### BINHEX     the-ghost-of-wolfaddict.hqx   ****

From: copperfield@worldnet.att.net
Subject: The Ghost of WolfAddict

The Ghost of WolfAddict

In 1996, there existed a company, WolfAddict. Out of it came some of the
finest Wolfenstein 3D scenarios ever created. It died in 1997.

"The Ghost of WolfAddict" contains the 1995 and 1996 editions of their
catalog along with a few demos of their scenarios.

Requires Wolfenstein 3D and WolfEdit 2.0.3. If you do not have Wolfenstein
or WolfEdit, e-mail me at copperfield@worldnet.att.net

Josh Mills

#### BINHEX     the-lost-castle.hqx   ****

From: clemclan@glinx.com
Subject: the lost castle

this is an all new wolfenstein adventure featuring new graphics and levels

Carmen of the Clan

#### BINHEX     the-oswiecim-operation-demo.hqx   ****

From: wizbang@ccp.com
Subject: The_Oswiecim_Operation_Demo.sit

In The Oswiecim Operation you travel covertly to a small concentration
camp in southeast Poland where it has been learned that unspeakable
horrors are being committed.  The journey is long and cold. Numerous
times you almost get caught by Hitler's soldiers and their blood thirsty
dogs!  Finally arriving, you drop off the bottom of a the rail car you
travelled 20 miles under and slip into the cover of darkness.  You make
your way for the camp.

You will enjoy this all new original Wolfenstein 3D scenario for the
Third Encounter!  It is decked out with loads of new graphics, enemies
and objects!  If you have played Adolf's Gymnasium or Sea Wolf, and seen
with your own eyes how Hitler means to enlist the aid of the underworld,
then you will be astounded at his progress.  The hordes of hell ride
high on the almost overwhelming wave of slaughter coming your way! 
Check it out today!

#### BINHEX     the-sixth-ring.hqx   ****

From: todd@ns.shscomputer.com
Subject: The Sixth Ring.sea.hqx

The Sixth Ring

A new series of levels for Wolfenstein 3D.

#### BINHEX     third-reich.hqx   ****

From: graham <bmoore@olympus.net>
Subject: The Third Reich

This scenario is designed to be used with third encounter or the commercial
version of Wolf 3d.  it is fifteen levels guarenteed to piss you off.  it
was designed to be played on the "Bring it on" difficulty setting. Have

#### BINHEX     three-crowns.hqx   ****

From: mjhunter@scripps.edu
Subject: Three Crowns    

To all,
Originally a level set for Wolfenstein 3d: The First Encounter,
this set has been spruced up and is now ready for the commerical
version of Wolfenstein 3d.  It's a treasure hunt; collect the 
three crowns in each level and move on.  It's easy (or is it?) 
(3 levels)
Let me know if you like the levels (mjhunter@scripps.edu) or can
even check out my web page at

Mike Hunter

#### BINHEX     tigers.hqx   ****

From: horace@erinet.com
Subject: Tigers!

The Tiger Cavern is designed for Wolfenstein 1st Encounter. It is 6 
levels, and it is AWESOME! One of these levels is equivalent to a level 
from a scenerio from WolfAddict, but of course, you can't actually 
believe that until you hear that from other people! Comes with Tiger 
Sounds, some sounds for 1st Encounter. Enjoy, and try my other 
products, too!

#### BINHEX     tims-wf-levels.hqx   ****

From: dbsmith@advant.com
Subject: Wolf Maps package

This is a package of Wolf Maps or, "levels" for Wolfenstein 3D.

Simply place the Maps in the "levels" folder of the game and start it up; they
will show in the menu.

There are 6 seperate maps which Tim Smith has created: BruteForce DeJa Vu Ice Man
Kill Happy Murder Morgue Nukin' Nazis

These are FreeWare, have fun and e-mail me if you like them.

Tim Smith

#### BINHEX     toms-wolf-map.hqx   ****

From: Tom Willford, twillifo@Libris.Public.Lib.GA.US
Subject: Tom's Wolf Map

This is yet another map made for Wolfenstein.  You need the Wolfenstien 3D
program (of course), Wolfedit and Stuffit Expander (or a comprable

#### BINHEX     treasure-hunt.hqx   ****

From: filmman@pacificnet.net (LRojas)
Subject: Treasure Hunt

Treasure Hunt is a scenario for Wolfenstein 3D made with Greg Ewing's
WolfEdit.  It can be used with 3rd Encounter or the commercial version of
the game.

#### BINHEX     upsidedown.hqx   ****

From: alan.hardin@paulsson.com
Subject: wolf level

This is my first level for wolfenstein 3d.

This is my first post of a wolfenstein level.  It is called upsidedownenstein. 
That is where every enemy is flipped upsidedown.  This also makes them look like
thet are walking on the ceiling.  This level is made for the third encounter.

email me your comments at alan.hardin@paulsson.com

Alan V. Hardin    email alan.hardin@paulsson.com Geophysical Consultant Phone
Number  909-243-5891

#### BINHEX     waffenfabrik.hqx   ****

From: mjhunter@scripps.edu
Subject: waffenfabrik

Welcome to the factory!  As you can guess,  the evil Dr. Schabbs is at it again. 
This time he is hiding away in a mountain fortress (or should I say, factory)
preparing for an assalt  to end all allied opposition.  In his private factory,
the doctor is busy cloning an army of cyborg assalt weapons.  Should he succeed,
the world will be at his mercy.

You have been sent behind ememy lines as a last ditch attemp to save mankind. 
Your mission is to locate the Doctor and end his evil plans.  Be careful,  things
are not always as they seem.  I almost forgot.  Beware of the doctor's visitors. 
They are rather tempermental.

#### BINHEX     wcii-maps-70.hqx   ****

From: gseckel@bigfoot.com
Subject: Warcraft II Maps v7.0.sit

About v7.0

This file contains 5 custom maps (or PUDs) I create for Warcraft II© and 
Warcraft IIx©, Mac version (is there something else?). To play them, you 
need the "Warcraft II" or the ³Warcraft II expansion set² game, created 
by Blizzard Entertainment©.  System requirements are the ones the game 

These maps are freeware, so you can use and abuse them all you want, you 
can give them to your friends, put them on any commercially available 
CD-ROM, or you can trash them. But, if you like some of them, send me an 
email telling me so. I will be glad to receive it.

And I will be glad, too, if you do something good for our Apple or Mac 
(evangelize a Wintel user, buy another Mac [perhaps the iMac?], pay for 
the shareware you use, etc.).

These Maps were checked with Virex 5.9.

Check for more of my freewares in Info-Mac 
<http://hyperarchive.lcs.mit.edu/HyperArchive.html> or in my site 

German A. Seckel
My site - http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/6317/
The Mac Zone - http://members.tripod.com/~docgas/index.html

#### BINHEX     were-back.hqx   ****

From: copperfield@worldnet.att.net (Josh Mills/Daffy Duck/Indy/Tarzan)
Subject: Bad to the Bone, a Collection of Wolfenstein 3D Scenarios

>From the maker of Castle Xeen, The Castle of Lost Souls, and the Dragon 
Cavern comes...BAD TO THE BONE!!! Bad to the Bone is a collection of 
Wolfenstein 3D scenarios, all created by me. Most of these levels are 
high-quality, and they look like they came from WolfAddict Software. No 
custom graphics were created for any of these scenarios.
Return to Castle Xeen Beta is a beta version of the sequel to Dragon Cavern, 
Return to Castle Xeen. For the storyline of Return to Castle Xeen, go to 
http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/3745/scenerios.html or 
The beta version is 18 levels long, including three secret levels. It 
requires Wolfenstein 3D Third Encounter. There might be some bugs in 
this scenario.
All of the other scenarios are one- and three-level scenarios, all but one of 
which require Third Encounter. The Killer Yodelers is the only scenario 
you can play with any version of Wolfenstein 3D, but it requires the Wolf 
FKEY, which is not supplied with this scenario package.
Report any bugs to copperfield@worldnet.att.net.

Josh Mills
Owner of the Looney Tunes Voting Pages:
Need help with a Macintosh game? Go to:

#### BINHEX     wizbangs-wolf-sounds.hqx   ****

From: wizbang@ccp.com
Subject: Wizbangs Sounds

Wizbang's Wolfenstein Sounds is a collection of new sounds for the
Wolfenstein 3D game.  All of the sounds are new with the exception of
the gunshots. Instructions for installation are included.  Have fun!

#### BINHEX     wolf-3D-auto-typer.hqx   ****

From: (LRojas) filmman@pacificnet.net
Subject: Wolf3D Autotyper

This utility will convert Wolfenstein 3D 1st and 2nd Encounter levels made
with WolfEdit to the file format used by 3rd Encounter and the commercial

#### BINHEX     wolf-aid-11a.hqx   ****

Date: Tue, 29 Aug 1995 19:08:12 -0400 (EDT)
From: Raymond Corporation <raycorp@transit.nyser.net>
Subject: Wolf-Aid v1.1a

Attached is a program designed to aid others in developing levels for 
Wolfenstein 3D.  It is an authorized how-to guide for working with the 
FreeWare program Wolf-Edit (in particular Wolf-Edit 1.1).  The program 
will run on any COLOR Mac, system 6.0.7 and higher.  Because the program 
is a stand alone application, it has limitations.  You cannot print any 
graphics (it is best to take a "snapshot" of the screen to do so), and 
the preferred size may have to be changed to 1500K to view all the color 

Bruce Ryder (author)

#### BINHEX     wolf-carnage-tour-20.hqx   ****

From: m603016@rhein-neckar.netsurf.de (Moritz Grund)
Subject: Wolf Carnage Tour 2.0

These levels are for Wolf 2th or 3th encounter.
Have fun and happy shooting!

(c) Moritz Grund 95-96


#### BINHEX     wolf-edit-1e-2e-patch.hqx   ****

From: greg@cosc.canterbury.ac.nz
Subject: WolfEdit 2.0.4 1st/2nd Encounter Patch

This is a patch for WolfEdit 2 to enable the creation
of scenarios that can be played with the 1st or 2nd
Encounter versions of Wolfenstein 3D. Full instructions
are included.

WolfEdit 2 can be downloaded from the Info-Mac Archive.

To install the patch, you will need ResEdit, which can
be downloaded from Apple's web site.

What is WolfEdit 2?

WolfEdit 2 is a complete scenario editor for the
Macintosh version of Wolfenstein 3D. With WolfEdit 2,
not only can you design your own maps, you can replace
the artwork for walls, doors, objects, weapons and

Greg Ewing

#### BINHEX     wolf-edit-204.hqx   ****

From: greg@cosc.canterbury.ac.nz
Subject: WolfEdit Full 2.0.4

The full version of WolfEdit 2 is now freeware.

What is WolfEdit 2?

WolfEdit 2 is a complete scenario editor for the
Macintosh version of Wolfenstein 3D. With WolfEdit 2,
not only can you design your own maps, you can replace
the artwork for walls, doors, objects, weapons and

This version of WolfEdit 2 produces scenarios for the
3rd Encounter or Commercial versions of Wolfenstein 3D.
If you want to make scenarios for the 1st or 2nd Encounter,
you'll also need to download "WolfEdit 1st/2nd Encounter
Patch" and follow the instructions included.

The source code of WolfEdit 2 (Think Pascal 4) is also
available from the Info-Mac Archive.

Happy WolfEditing in the next millennium,
Greg Ewing

#### BINHEX     wolf-funhouse-preview.hqx   ****

From: horace@erinet.com
Subject: Brief Preview of Wolf Funhouse

So, you read the abstract of the Wolfenstein Funhouse, huh? Well, if 
you download this, you'll find out about this SPECIAL offer, in the 
next-to-last chapter.

#### BINHEX     wolf-hacks-rsrc.hqx   ****

From: filmman@pacificnet.net (LRojas)
Subject: wolfhacks

Wolfhacks.sit is a ResEdit file containing various hacks for WolfEdit 1.1
or 1.1c.  Includes all 2nd and 3rd Encounter items, better menus, and an
altered CODE resource which allows the installation of levels directly into
Wolfenstein 3D documents.

-- L

#### BINHEX     wolf-levels-1st-enc.hqx   ****

From: (Robert T Butler) rbutler@tiger.lsuiss.ocs.lsu.edu
Subject: Wolf levels for 1st encounter.

The attached file is a binhexed stuffit archive of about a half dozen 
levels for Wolfenstein 1st encounter.  Some of them are quite difficult, 
but can be won without cheating.  WolfEdit is needed to install them.

#### BINHEX     wolf-levels-first-encounter.hqx   ****

From: (Robert T Butler) rbutler@tiger.lsuiss.ocs.lsu.edu
Subject: wolf levels for 1st encounter

These Wolfenstein Levels are designed for the 1st encounter and must be 
installed with WolfEdit.  They are the culmination of about three years 
of trying to get the most out of a demo.  Some of the levels are very 
elaborate and very difficult but they can be completed.  There aren't any 
"completely secret" doors so the games don't wind up as easter egg hunts, 
or "wall grunters" as we refer to them.  One of the levels sports perhaps 
the most difficult single room that can actually be secured without using 
a cheat device, IMHO.

#### BINHEX     wolf-maker-20.hqx   ****

Date: Thu, 13 Apr 1995 18:25:42 +0200
From: "F.CORDIER-D.H.TRAN" <lic10@bat710.univ-lyon1.fr>
Subject: WolfMaker 2.0

WolfMaker 2.0 generates random levels for
Wolfenstein 3D First and Second Encounter.
This application requires WolfEdit and 
System 7.0 or later.

Send bug reports, comments and suggestions to
E-mail: lic10@bat710.univ-lyon1.fr

Frederic Cordier, student at the University Lyon1

#### BINHEX     wolfen-cheat-201.hqx   ****

Date: Wed, 9 Nov 1994 20:55:13 -0500
From: haynes@asel.udel.edu (Carl Haynes)
Subject: WolfenCheat2.0.1.hqx

Enclosed is a quick update to WolfenCheat 2.0 that I submitted yesterday,
unfortunately I included the wrong menu in the software.

WolfenCheat 2.0.1 is an update to Wolfenstein Cheater 1.0 which added an
extra menu to Wolfenstein 3d for easy access to the cheat codes.

WolfenCheat 2.0.1 adds hilighting of hidden doors as you explore Castle
Wolfenstein. Hidden doors are displayed as brick walls (unless they were
already brick walls in which case they are displayed as blue walls).

Freeware, enjoy.

carl haynes

#### BINHEX     wolfenpc.hqx   ****

From: copperfield@worldnet.att.net
Subject: WolfenPC 1.0


A collection of 10 sounds from the PC version of Wolfenstein 3D ported to
the Macintosh.

Requires the full version of Wolfenstein 3D and ResEdit

If you do not have Wolfenstein 3D, e-mail me at copperfield@worldnet.att.net

Josh Mills

#### BINHEX     wolfenstein-adventures.hqx   ****

From: copperfield@worldnet.att.net
Subject: Wolfenstein Adventures

Wolfenstein Adventures

16 short n' sweet, action-packed scenarios that will keep your eyes glued to
the screen. A neverending thrill ride. Have fun!

Requires the full version of Wolfenstein 3D

If you don't have Wolfenstein 3D, e-mail me at copperfield@worldnet.att.net

Visit my site at
Josh Mills

#### BINHEX     wolfenstein-threed-101-grf-patch.hqx   ****

Date: Sun, 04 Dec 1994 22:11:54 -0500 (EST)
From: Patrick Gray <PEG1485@ritvax.isc.rit.edu>
Subject: Wolf3D Graphics Patch

This is a graphics patch for Wolf3D 1.0.1 that changes the picture designated
to the "I am DEATH incarnate!" level of play.  I hate the grahpic that MacPlay
used, so I decided to create my own.  The file is only about 23K binhexed and
about 18K as a stuffed archive.  It's in no way connected with ID or Macplay,
and I've included in the description (when you launch the patch) that if the
patch is used on the demo, it should not be redistributed after the patch has
been applied.  Enjoy!

						Patrick Gray

#### BINHEX     wolfenstein-threed-101.hqx   ****

Date: Sat, 08 Oct 94 19:40:45 -0700
From: Bill Dugan <interpla@orion.oac.uci.edu>

Wolfenstein 3D: First Encounter is the shareware version of
MacPlay's "Wolfenstein 3D" game.  It contains three levels of
the game.  When you pay your $15 shareware fee, we'll mail you
"Wolfenstein 3D: Second Encounter," which is the full 30-level
Wolfenstein 3D: First Encounter works with any color Macintosh
with 2200K free memory and System 6.0.7 or later.  A 25MHz 030
or faster (e.g. a Mac IIci or LC III-class Mac) is recommended.
System 7 or later is also recommended, and so is a lot of RAM.
For all game functions to be enabled, you'll need 6000K free
Wolfenstein 3D: First Encounter (as well as the full product,
of course) is a "fat binary" and will run native if you play it
on a Power Macintosh computer.

This is version 1.0.1, which fixes several bugs.  You can now
play on a Power Macintosh with the Modern Memory Manager either
on or off.  Handling of multiple monitors has been improved, and
the guards have been sternly advised to remove the homing bullets
from their rifles which formerly allowed them to shoot you around
corners in version 1.0.
Have fun!


#### TEXT       wolfenstein-threed-format.txt   ****

Date: Wed, 30 Nov 94 15:53:56 NZD
From: greg@cosc.canterbury.ac.nz (Greg Ewing)
Subject: Wolfenstein 3D First Encounter Level Format

		Wolfenstein 3D First Encounter Level Format

				Greg Ewing

Here is a summary of what I have learned about the format of the level 
resources used by Wolfenstein 3D First Encounter.

1. Map List resource

The Map List is in BRGR resource 146.  It begins with a 2-word header:

Offset	Size	Description
	0	word	Number of levels

#### BINHEX     wolfenstein-threed-levels.hqx   ****

Date: Mon, 7 Nov 1994 16:39:21 -0600
From: Christopher Hopkins <chopkins@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu>
Subject: Wolfenstein-3d-2nd-Encounter-levels

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

I finished Wolfenstein--Second Encounter within a few days after buying
it.  I saved the game at each level so if one level is giving you a
particular problem you can skip to the next with these.  Also included is
the "secret" level 6-7.

Requires Wolfenstein 3-d Second Encounter.

Tulane Law

Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="olevels.sit"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="olevels.sit"

#### BINHEX     wolfenstein-threed-maps-1-to-3.hqx   ****

From: duong@erg.si.uqam.ca
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 1994 01:04:26 +0500
Subject: Wolf 3D maps

The enclosed document contains a binhexed self-extracting archive containing m
maps for the first 3 levels of Wolf 3D for the Macintosh. The maps display all
the secret/hidden roms for these levels and are in EPSF format (which means
you can print them with your favorite layout program or with Illustrator).


#### BINHEX     wolfenzoom-12.hqx   ****

Date: Mon, 12 Jun 1995 04:30:02 +0200
From: Bo Lindbergh <d88-bli@nada.kth.se>
Subject: Wolfenzoom 1.2

This is version 1.2 of Wolfenzoom, my freeware pixel doubler for
Wolfenstein 3D.  I've rewritten the PowerPC code again; the actual screen
update now takes 40% less time on a 6100/60.  The time Wolf3D itself needs
to render each frame hasn't changed, though....

/Bo Lindbergh