Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #206
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Info-Mac Digest             Sat, 14 Nov 98       Volume 16 : Issue 206

Today's Topics:

      [*] Area Properties 3.5
      [*] aWorm 1.0.0
      [*] bedlam-2-106
      [*] Colonisation
      [*] DarkLight...Tabs Update
      [*] Desktop Resetter 1.2.1
      [*] DHNetworker 1.0b
      [*] Diet Sleuth 2.0.3
      [*] Digital Content Delivery/Compression - Media Cleaner Pro 3.1
      [*] Doublet Scan 1.1.2 FAT
      [*] DuplicaXT1.01Demo.sit
      [*] FileWhacker! 1.0 Submission
      [*] Finder Shortcut Utility: Launch Key 1.5
      [*] Gander Quill 1.5.1 update.sit
      [*] GraphicBrowser 2.0
      [*] HawkOS 1.0.1
      [*] HTML TagWriter 3.0.2 - a HyperCard HTML Editor
      [*] John's WP Find Manager 1.2
      [*] Jon's OS 8.5 mods
      [*] Kurti's Kool Ikons 2.0
      [*] LibraryCataloger1.1.0 tracks books and articles
      [*] Mac-FTP-list, Version 4.4.3
      [*] MacBattleChat 1.0
      [*] MODPlayer 1.1.2
      [*] MultiMode 1.2.0
      [*] OTCFM68KGlue abstract
      [*] PictTrasher 1.2
      [*] PlayerPRO-5-Beta-PPC-Music-Software
      [*] QPict 3.0
      [*] Rhapsody in Blue Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] SoundRecorder 1.0
      [*] Speak Text CM 1.1
      [*] StoryProject 4.0.1 [fiction writing outliner]
      [*] Text Cleaner Lite 1.5
      [*] Textureality One - Syn-Aesthetics of Sight & Touch
      [*] TidBITS#454/09-Nov-98
      [*] Troi Graphics Plug-in 1.0 for FileMaker Pro
      [*] Tropicalities 1.0 -- Download Monitor for Macintosh
      [*] Ultra-Recorder241
      [*] V&N Lookup 1.3.5 - dictionary, spellchecker, word-translator
      [*] Verbs & Nouns 2.2.3 - foreign language learning
      [*] Verbs & Nouns 2.2.4 - foreign language learning
      [*] WCCacheCleaner v1.8 - Fast Netscape Cache Utility
      [*] Web Confidential 1.1
      [*] Xconq 7.2.2 Multi-Player Strategy Game

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac
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Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:04:49 -0700
Subject: [*] Area Properties 3.5

Submitted my freeware "Area Properties 3.5", which is an update to version 3.4
(already in infomac library) several weeks past and it has not been accepted.
Attached is the same file. If there is a problem please notify me. Both ZDnet
& MacUpdate have accepted the updated version of Area Properties. Thanks for
your help.

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/calc/area-properties-351.hqx; 222K]


Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:05:22 -0700
Subject: [*] aWorm 1.0.0

aWorm is a single or dual-player worm game for mac,
based on old classic "nibbles". It has 30+ levels,
and lots of colorful graphics and stereo sound.
Shareware $10.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/aworm-10.hqx; 532K]


Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:05:24 -0700
Subject: [*] bedlam-2-106

Ground Zero Software, Inc. releases Bedlam 2 version 1.0.6.

Bedlam 2 is a fast action, arcade-style game with forty-five levels
of blistering game play.  Mankind has been virtually wiped out by an
extraterrestrial armada!  This shoot'em up game play puts you in the
seat of the XJ-777, code-named "Annihilator".  Only you can help save
the solar system from ruthless alien domination.  As you blast away at
the invading forces, your ship moves along the bottom of the screen
trying to avoid a barrage of enemy firepower, collisions with attacking
ships and the occasional chunk of floating space debris. By racking up
points along the way, you earn much-needed extra ships, and can even
capture hunks of gold bars released when you've demolished the ships of
some of the greedy trespassers. Other fun and nasty surprises
materialize during your long mission to free our galaxy from this evil

Bedlam 2 contains over 10 music tracks utilizing QuickTime technology,
tons of sprites, high-quality "stereo" sound effects, and several full
256 color images.  The many exciting and nerve-wracking features are
sure to challenge your senses and give your mouse finger a workout.

Version 1.0.6 is highly recommended, especially for MacOS 8.5.

Version 1.0.6 changes include:

  - Fixed a memory bug from 1.0.5 which caused Bedlam 2 to crash on some
    Note: v1.0.5 was a short-lived release.

Version 1.0.5 changes included:
  - This version is MacOS 8.5 compatible.
  - Better memory management.
  - Lower memory requirements (almost 700k lower than previous versions).

  - Holding down mouse button after destruction of last mothership will
    the winning scene credits.
  - Faster drawing to screen (blitting).
  - Other minor tweaks.

More information about Bedlam 2 is available at our web site

[Archived as /info-mac/game/bedlam-2-106.hqx; 4865K]


Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:05:26 -0700
Subject: [*] Colonisation

Colonisation - is a small strategic game. Build cities, destroy enemy
destroyers, tank, cites, etc.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/colonisation.hqx; 313K]


Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:05:01 -0700
Subject: [*] DarkLight...Tabs Update

DarkLight...Tabs for Kaleidoscope 2 is a twotone grayscale color scheme
featuring centered tabs on all document windows, dialogues and alerts,
instead of full width windows. These tabs allow for easy access to the
desktop. This scheme has a soft appearance and uses both French blue and
gold accents. A custom theme for Extensions Strip is included. Version
1.0.1 darkens the color of the apples in the popup windows' grow boxes and
fixes some inconsistencies in the borders of the scheme and in the custom
theme for Extensions strip. Freeware.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/dl-tabs-101.hqx; 76K]


Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:04:51 -0700
Subject: [*] Desktop Resetter 1.2.1

Do you keep your most used programs and files on your desktop for easy
access? Ever accidentally choose Clean Up in the Finder or find that after
you played that fun game which switched your monitor resolution, your icons
got all screwed up and thrown all over your desktop? Especially after you
just spent all that time placing them nice and neatly?
Desktop Resetter will 'remember' where you keep your icons, and if they ever
get moved, just run this program and it will automatically re-arrange them
to the positions you had set them to. It also works good as a startup item.
Just drop an alias in your startup items folder. Whenever your Mac boots up,
it will re-arrange your icons instantly.
What's New?
Desktop Resetter is now smart about the application switcher and will
remember its position on the desktop as well. (For 8.5 users only).
There are some other minor tweaks, including the removal of the "Resetting
Icons" window that comes up when performing a Reset.

Nick D'Amato

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/desktop-resetter-121.hqx; 123K]


Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:06:04 -0700
Subject: [*] DHNetworker 1.0b

Desktop Handler Networker 1.0b

This is a small app that will set your computers basic networking settings. It
is FREE.

Jon's Commands & FaceSpan Extension is required. URL to download both is in
the INSTALLATION document. Very simple program worth downloading.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/conn/dhnet-worker-10b.hqx; 34K]


Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:05:30 -0700
Subject: [*] Diet Sleuth 2.0.3

Diet Sleuth 2.0.3:

Diet Sleuth is a nutritional database and personal health logbook for the

Diet Sleuth allows you to keep track of what foods you eat each day, and
their nutritional value. For each day, you select the foods you have eaten,
and the number of servings of each. Diet Sleuth will automatically
calculate your caloric intake, fat grams, carbohydrates, fiber, protein,
cholesterol, along with sodium, potassium, and calcium.  You can select
from over 5000 different foods from 21 catagories, including fast food,
lunchmeat, junk food, seafood, and baby food.  In addition to the included
food groups, you can create and edit your own foods in a separate catagory.
You can also create a catagory of favorite foods to quickly access commonly
used foods. A built-in Recipe Editor allows you to quickly enter a custom
recipe, with the nutritional information automatically calculated, based on
the ingedients.

You may also track your weight, and estimate your percent body fat, and
calories burned, along with your projected weight loss. Graphing functions
are also available.

The URL to download a copy of Diet Sleuth is

Shareware, $20. Evaluation copy allows 30 days of use.

Web URL:
Shortwave Radio, Spy Number Stations, Macintosh Software

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/diet-sleuth.hqx; 827K]


Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:05:14 -0700
Subject: [*] Digital Content Delivery/Compression - Media Cleaner Pro 3.1

Media Cleaner Pro 3.1 from Terran Interactive is a professional tool for
compressing digital media. The demo version of Media Cleaner gives you all
of the
control of our Pro Version, allowing you to pre-process and compress your movies
using any of the available QuickTime codecs, like Cinepak, Sorenson Video
and the
QDesign Music Codec. You can also create RealVideo, Real Audio, AIFF, WAV and
still image files including PICT, JPEG, BMP and more. Cleaner's powerful filters
make your video compress better, and time-saving features like batch processing
help you efficiently manage your compression.  This powerful new release
many new features and improvements, including support for QuickTime 3 effects,
built-in MPEG support, video playback from RAM, and royalty-free content.


David T. Huerta
Terran Interactive, Inc.
(408) 356-7373 ext 243
(408) 356-9373 fax

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/mov/media-cleaner-demo-311.hqx; 1291K]


Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:05:38 -0700
Subject: [*] Doublet Scan 1.1.2 FAT

This really usefull program let you find all the Doublet Files on your hard
disks and move them to the trash.

1.1.2 update: Fixed bug error -1710, "Get Info" and "Open Selection" now
bring the Finder in front, web site address added, "Move to Trash" button now
use the AppleEvent manager, therefore "Put Away" becomes available in the
Finder, Doublet Scan now is unique Fat version. New and corrected ReadMe
file (thanks Patrick Sheehan!) - the free copy has been won! -

It' s very easy to use: Load your hard disks directory and Scan for the
doublet files...after this *two* easy steps, you 'll be able to select all
the doublet files you want to eliminate and move them to the trash...
Doublet Scan uses the standard MacOS interface and it's fully System 8.x
compatible. System 7.x compatible using apparence manager.

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/doublet-scan-112.hqx; 359K]


Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:04:46 -0700
Subject: [*] DuplicaXT1.01Demo.sit

Badia Duplica 1.01 is an XTension for Mac OS QuarkXPress 4 that expands the
functions of copying and pasting text and item attributes, and also offers
a powerful clone feature for duplicating boxes and lines.

Key features include:
- copy almost any kind of attribute applied not only to characters and
paragraphs, but pictures, boxes, lines and pages as well, and paste them
into other parts of the same or another document;
- copy unstyled text and paste it elsewhere, applying the text attributes
of the new insertion point;
- clone boxes and lines any number of times, and specify not only an
offset, but several of their attributes as well, including width, height,
angle, skew, corner radius, frame and shade;
- clone and rotate boxes and lines around a point within the page;
- the first contextual menu in the history of XTensions that pops up
anywhere in the document with just a click;
- full support for B=E9zier boxes and lines, text paths and other new XPress
4 features;
- complete undo/redo support;
- comes with an easy-to-read user's guide containing samples and tips.

Requires: QuarkXPress 4.03 or later for Power Mac; Mac OS 7.5 or later.
Contact: Badia Software,


Dario Badia

Badia Software

[Archived as /info-mac/text/qark/duplicaxt-101-demo.hqx; 813K]


Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:05:40 -0700
Subject: [*] FileWhacker! 1.0 Submission

FileWhacker - is a shareware ($10.00) utility for easily changing file types and
creator codes that also allows you to change a file's locked, visibilty, and
stationery status as well as it's creation and modification dates. It also
provides for batch-processing and allows you to convert text files to various
formats for use on other computer platforms.

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/file-whacker-10.hqx; 374K]


Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:04:53 -0700
Subject: [*] Finder Shortcut Utility: Launch Key 1.5

Launch Key empowers Macintosh users with a lightning-quick method to open
any Finder-selectable object, whether that object be a server alias, an
application, an AppleScript applet, a document, or anything else that
appears as an icon in the Finder. When activated via Launch Key, the object
behaves just as if it were double-clicked in the Finder. An example would
be an application, which would be launched and brought to the front.
Objects are activated simply by hitting a key combination.

Unlike similar utilities, Launch Key is an application, not an extension or
control panel. This means that it won't cause compatibility problems with
other extensions and control panels, and that it can be quit at any time to
free up additional memory. Yet, Launch Key still runs invisibly so as to
not complicate the elegant Macintosh user experience.

Version 1.5 enhances 1.0 by splitting Launch Key into two parts: a control
panel application and a background-only application. This allows Launch Key
to remain completely invisible while it's running and still have the
benefits of being an application.

Launch Key requires Mac OS 8, a PowerPC processor, and Navigation Services
(included for use with versions of Mac OS 8 prior to 8.5). It is sold as
shareware at a price of $15 for a single user license.

This program may be distributed in software compilations. Details are in
the Read Me.


[Archived as /info-mac/gui/launch-key-15-nav.hqx; 918K]


Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:05:29 -0700
Subject: [*] Gander Quill 1.5.1 update.sit

Gander Quill 1.5.1 update.sit

A bug was recently discovered in Gander Quill 1.5 (part of the Font Gander
Pro package). The bug caused some keywords in some layouts to be ignored at
print-time (i.e., when printing the plug-in layouts from Font Gander Pro).
This small and simple patcher program takes only a minute to download and
apply, but users are advised to discard their current Font Gander Pro
plug-ins, and replace them with new plug-ins, built with the new patched
version of Gander Quill.

[Archived as /info-mac/font/util/gander-quill-151-update.hqx; 38K]


Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:05:17 -0700
Subject: [*] GraphicBrowser 2.0

GraphicBrowser - is the program which supports multi-thread and helps you to
manage your large image files in efficient way. When you drag and drop any
into the GraphicBrowser's icon, contents of the folder will be displayed on the
left box such as below. If you click a folder in the box, its contents will be
displayed on the right. You can see that "Name", "Modification Date",
are displayed on the below. In addition,  "Depth", "Resolution", "Format",
"Creation Date", "Image Size", "Size", and "Label" can be also displayed.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/graphic-browser-20.hqx; 2618K]


Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:05:02 -0700
Subject: [*] HawkOS 1.0.1

HawkOS is a K2 scheme which is completely compatible with Mac OS8.5 (32 bit
icons). This scheme was a labor of love of almost 8 months time and the
culmination of talent from six different designers who are know as a group
as the Kaleidoscope Schemers Association. Included with the scheme is a
HawkOS startup screen so that you can get the most out of this scheme. No
further updates will be forthcoming until OSX is released. Until then be on
the lookout for the newest K2 scheme by Nitehawk Jarrett...the Trekker
Collection. Coming to an archive near you.

Strive to be different...

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/hawkos.hqx; 543K]


Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:04:47 -0700
Subject: [*] HTML TagWriter 3.0.2 - a HyperCard HTML Editor

HTML TagWriter is a HyperCard-based HTML editor. The interface features
floating palettes with hierarchical pop-up menus which make it easy to
insert tags. Editing tags is even easier with the contextual pop-up
menus: simply press Control and click on a tag to edit: you'll get a
pop-up menu with all possible attributes for that tag!
Also included are: text importer & converter, clickmap maker, local
image & link-checker (single file and exhaustive), dynamic embedded
files, support for style sheets, ASCII conversion and much, much more.
Lots of parameters can be set to your own taste and commonly used links,
files and e-mail addresses can be used from user-defined lists.
Included with the stack are an elaborate help, an introduction to HTML,
HTML tips, version history and a troubleshooting FAQ.

Version 3.0.2 replaces versions 3.0 and 3.0.1, fixing a bug in the ASCII
conversion table.

For the latest version, check out

Requirements: HyperCard or the HyperCard Player 2.0 (or newer, 2.4.1

[Archived as /info-mac/text/html/html-tagwriter-302.hqx; 240K]


Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:04:44 -0700
Subject: [*] John's WP Find Manager 1.2

This set of enhancements for WordPerfect 3x includes:

*QuickFind - a smaller faster Find dialog that shows find direction in its
title and doesn't stay on screen.
*Find in All Open - search for text in all open documents. Includes Find
Next in All Open and Find Previous in All Open.
*Find Recent - a menu of the five most recent strings you've found, plus
the Clipboard and any text you enter manually. Go back to any one easily.
Includes Find Recent in All Open.
*Find All - looks for every instance of text in a file. Makes a new
document with the paragraphs containing that text.
*Find Near - find any text that's in the same paragraph as some other text.

New in this version: Find Near, and a faster Find All.

Free. May be included on AMUG, Info-Mac and UMich CD's.

John Rethorst

[Archived as /info-mac/text/wp/johns-wp-find-manager-12.hqx; 30K]


Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:06:07 -0700
Subject: [*] Jon's OS 8.5 mods

Ready to start messing around with OS 8.5 yet?  Good.

How about adding some useful command keys to the Finder?  Or maybe a more
interesting Trash icon?

This is a collection of simple ResEdit resources that you can use to modify
tour System, System Resources and Finder files.

All the usual warnings about ResEdit apply.  Perhaps I'll actually write a
patch application later on...

These are free, because who would pay for them?

There is more goofy crap like this at:
<> if you care.


[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/jons-85-mods.hqx; 67K]


Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:05:06 -0700
Subject: [*] Kurti's Kool Ikons 2.0

enclosed my new icon-set.
Hope you like it.
Please put it on your server and/or CD.
Thank you,

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/kurtis-kool-ikons-20.hqx; 35K]


Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:05:50 -0700
Subject: [*] LibraryCataloger1.1.0 tracks books and articles

Library Cataloger is an application to help you keep track of your personal
library, and to help you create bibliographies for papers, reports, and
other documents which include references.

Library Cataloger requires system 7 or higher and both a PowerPC native and
a non-PowerPC application is included.  Only approximately 2 MB of free
memory are required and approximately the same amount of hard disk space is
needed. No Floating-point unit is required.

This an application which I created to fill a need of my own.  I
consistently find myself forgetting which papers I have photocopies of.
Also, just like everyone else who has to make bibliographies for papers, I
hate having to go through my papers to get all the information required to
complete the bibliographic entries.  This application will help you keep
track of the books and papers you have, and it will help you make
bibliographies when you need them by exporting bibliographic data in plain
text or LaTex format.

Version 1.1 is a major upgrade to earlier versions.  It has numerous bug
fixes which make it much more stable.

The user interface has been significantly redesigned to make it easier to
use. You may now store more information about a book or paper, you may now
add custom categories and types, and you can now also export to Rich Text
Format (RTF).

Todd Barrett
10690 Arbor Heights Lane
San Diego CA 92121

[Archived as /info-mac/data/library-cataloger-110.hqx; 636K]


Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:05:57 -0700
Subject: [*] Mac-FTP-list, Version 4.4.3

From: (Bruce Grubb)

This is the latest edition (Nov 1, 1998) of the Mac-FTP-list and should
replace version 4.4.2.

The Mac-FTP-list lists over 200 mac anonymous ftp sites (some with notes),
over 110 Mac web pages, and contains some instructions on how to use anonymous
ftp and find files as well a format chart showing which programs decompress
and decode which files.  Also there is a section on how to use certain files.

This archive contains both the text and html versions of the Mac-FTP-list.

To insure that the columns in the Format Chart section line up correctly the
document's text must be in a monospaced font such as Courier 10pt, Monaco 9pt,
or a PC equivalent.

Permission is given for this program to be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.

Changes:  Introduction changes;

Added sites/URLs:;;;

Defunct sites/URLs:  None;

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/info/mac-ftp-list-443.hqx; 79K]


Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:05:59 -0700
Subject: [*] MacBattleChat 1.0

This is a chat client and "bot" for the Macintosh to use with Blizzard's
free online service. is the meeting area for players
of Diablo and Starcraft. With this program you can chat with people who are
in the game. It features user lists, customizable preferences, and more.

MacBattleChat also has a unique "bot" mode, making it the only Macintosh
"bot" for What this means is that the "bot" can watch the
conversation and interject comments or answers based on your specifications.
It is easy to use and very powerful.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/macbattle-chat-10.hqx; 874K]


Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:05:08 -0700
Subject: [*] MODPlayer 1.1.2

MODPlayer 1.1.2 is now FREE and ready for Mac OS X. It comes with the
Navigation Services from Apple Computer. MODPlayer plays Amiga-MOD Files,
OKT-, MIFF-Files and a few more. It has a nice and quick interface and
with a new List Definition Procedure, that makes the little Player(220K
in FAT)
now stable. It runs on a 68K or PPC System with the System 7.5.5 or later.

MODPlayer is avaible for download at:

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/modplayer-112.hqx; 133K]


Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:05:53 -0700
Subject: [*] MultiMode 1.2.0

MultiMode 1.2.0 is an application which allows your Macintosh to decode
several different modes of non-voice communication often heard on shortwave

MultiMode allows you to decode and display morse code, RTTY, fax, and many
other modes on your Mac, without any extra hardware! MultiMode now also
allows you to send morse code.

In the past, dedicated hardware, often costing hundreds or thousands of
dollars, was necessary to demodulate and decode this transmissions. Today,
you can use the processing power of your Macintosh to decode and display
these modes, without any hardware.

MultiMode decodes the following signals:

       Morse Code (CW)
       RTTY (Baudot)
       WWVB Time Decode
       Audio Spectrum Display to aid in properly tuning in stations

Shareware: $25

Web URL:
Shortwave Radio, Spy Number Stations, Macintosh Software

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/multimode.hqx; 415K]


Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:05:48 -0700
Subject: [*] OTCFM68KGlue abstract

OTCFM68KGlue is a library/code resource combination that allows
applications or shared libraries executing in the CFM68K runtime
environment to call Open Transport. It is designed for projects
with the following requirements:

  - The project calls Open Transport.
  - The project is a shared library or an application that uses
    shared libraries, or must otherwise take advantage of the
    CFM runtime environment.
  - The project requires 68K support.
  - The project must run under versions of MacOS prior to 8.1.

The library is designed for application-level code (i.e.,
applications or shared libraries). Also, note that it requires
minor source code changes.

Full source is included.

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/src/otcfm-68k-glue.hqx; 281K]


Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:05:19 -0700
Subject: [*] PictTrasher 1.2

PictTrasher is a small application that you can use to quickly browse through
any image file you have. Decide which ones you want to keep and which ones
you want to get rid of. A Trash button is provided and moves the file to the
Trash. You can choose to empty it later. Yes, the name of the programme
is somewhat misleading. This latest version add some minor features and is
mainly for 8.5 compatibility.


[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/pict-trasher-12.hqx; 177K]


Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:05:16 -0700
Subject: [*] PlayerPRO-5-Beta-PPC-Music-Software

Pre-release version of PlayerPRO 5.0.0 for PowerMac (not for 68k Macs).

    * Support 255 instruments
    * Support 64 samples per instruments
    * Support 254 channels (tracks) (actually limited to 99 for GUI reasons)
    * Support stereo samples
    * Support instrument panning enveloppes
    * Quicktime 3.0 support
    * New MADI format with panning and channels informations
    * New sound driver, simplified and better sound quality
    * MacOS 8.5 savvy (navigation manager, appearance manager)
    * Adapted to support new G3 and iMac computers
    * Export to the new MacOS music format (you'll need PlayerPRO Quicktime
    * More new features to come with next release...



[Archived as /info-mac/gst/midi/player-pro-5-beta.hqx; 813K]


Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:05:20 -0700
Subject: [*] QPict 3.0

QPict is a powerful and easy to use graphics browser/viewer for Mac OS. It
helps you to organize, find and view graphics on your hard disk, CD-ROM, the
internet etc. You use QPict to organize your graphics in the same way you do
in the Finder by using drag and drop. QPict is distributed as shareware, and
is available from:

QPict 3.0 is an exciting new release that provides functionality to access,
view and organize multimedia files on harddisks, CD-ROMs, local network or
even on the Internet.

What's New in QPict 3.0
Version 3.0 provides literally dozens of new features and enhancements. Here
are just a few of the new capabilities of QPict 3.0:

    Supports all common graphic formats
    Fully Multithreaded
    Ultra fast performance
    Internet support
    Contextual menus
    Appearance Manager support
    Navigation Services support

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/qpict-30.hqx; 2117K]


Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:05:04 -0700
Subject: [*] Rhapsody in Blue Kaleidoscope scheme

Please post Rhapsody in Blue Kal. 2.0 scheme on your recent additions
-Martha Royer
"If you have it, you don't need anything else,
 and if you don't have it, it doesn't matter what else you have."
Sir James M. Barrie on Love

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/rhapsody-in-blue-for-kal.hqx; 264K]


Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:05:09 -0700
Subject: [*] SoundRecorder 1.0

Name: SoundRecorder 1.0
Author: Bernhard Jenny
License: Freeware
Type: Application
Requires: System 7.0 or higher
Source Site:
Download Size: 140 KB
SoundRecorder records sounds directly onto your hard disk. This allows
you to record sound of almost any length (until your hard disk is full).
You can use SoundRecorder in the background. SoundRecorder writes the
data in a temporary file. When you choose to save the sound, the
temporary data is written to a final file. When QuickTime is installed,
you can convert and compress the data. The final file can then be opened
with MoviePlayer or any other sound editing software. You can control
and adjust the sound level with two sliders.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/sound-recorder.hqx; 140K]


Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:05:11 -0700
Subject: [*] Speak Text CM 1.1

What is Speak Text CM?
Have you ever wanted your computer to read your e-mail to you?  Have
you noticed that reading a paper out loud helps to find mistakes?
Speak Text CM will speak the selected text in any program.  Speak Text
CM and Speak Text Engine are not INITs, but are a Contextual Menu
plugin and an application, respectively, so they should not cause any

PPC Macintosh
Requires 8.0 or newer.

Changes in Speak Text CM 1.1
Added Speak Text Engine to speak text asynchronously, and to allow
large voices in all applications

Paul Westbrook

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/speak-text-cm-11.hqx; 86K]


Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:05:33 -0700
Subject: [*] StoryProject 4.0.1 [fiction writing outliner]

StoryProject is a professional story development tool for writers of
novels, plays, and screenplays. Using events, threading, and
spotlighting it offers the non-linear tools suited to development of
story structure, while providing transparent access to the linear
product of your work. StoryProject is shareware; full details are in its
Read Me file.

Improvements in version 4.0 include drag & drop in the main window,
dynamic window resizing, list view and line numbering of events, file
hyperlinking, new shortcuts, improved documentation, and more.

Version 4.0.1 is an update fixing a problem that meant the program would
not start under MacOS 8.5.

Users of all previous versions should upgrade.

System requirements:
Apple Mac or Power Mac, 1.5MB free RAM, 3.5MB free disk space, System 7
or greater.

Karl Dolenc

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/storypro.hqx; 1597K]


Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:04:42 -0700
Subject: [*] Text Cleaner Lite 1.5

Text Cleaner Lite 1.5
by Studio 405, Inc.

Text Cleaner Lite is the free version of the commercial package Text
Cleaner. Text Cleaner Lite provides correct typesetting marks and input
error correction in one pass, eliminating the need for common search and
replace routines. The 1.5 upgrade adds text preparation for the World-Wide
Web by changing text characters with no direct HTML conversion to their
web-safe counterparts.

Summary of features:

Removes multiple spaces, returns and tabs
Creates curly or straight quotes
Corrects foot and inch measurement marks
Corrects apostrophes for year abbreviations
Creates or removes en and em dashes
Removes spaces before and after tabs, returns, hyphens and em dashes
Creates or removes ligatures and ellipses
Removes page breaks
Removes email quote symbols
Converts line breaks to wrapped text
Performs all cleaning operations in the best possible sequence
All operations are optional

The full version of Text Cleaner includes additional features.

To find out more about Text Cleaner and Text Cleaner Lite, go to:

System requirements:
Text Cleaner requires a Mac OS compatible computer with 2 megabytes of free
hard drive space,
and operating system version 7.0 or higher with 2,000K of available RAM.

[Archived as /info-mac/text/text-cleaner-lite-15.hqx; 1045K]


Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:04:57 -0700
Subject: [*] Textureality One - Syn-Aesthetics of Sight & Touch

Yet Another Texture Artist - Demitria Monde Thraam -  offers up these
clippings from her magic bag of tricks.  All sorts of shapes, sizes and
colours for your desktops and/or design works...from Eye-Bleeders to
Mellow-Outed, and everything in between.

Textureality clippings are ready-made for dragging into the Desktop
Picture control panel that comes with Mac OS 8.0+.  To use as web page
backgrounds (or in an older desktop picture program like Decor) copy
directly in Finder and paste into your favourite image editing program
for saving as a .gif or .jpeg file.  3-D designers can save them as PICT
files for use as surfaces for rendering 3-D objects.

Texturealities are FREE of such lovingly-created things
should be - but in this Kagi-happy era, often AREN'T...No Guilt Trippage
here, this is not my style of Trip... :}


[Archived as /info-mac/gui/txtr/textureality-1.hqx; 787K]


Date: Mon, 9 Nov 1998 21:00:00 -0800
From: TidBITS Editors <>
Subject: [*] TidBITS#454/09-Nov-98


HyperCard may be cool, but is there a business case for bundling it for
free with every Mac? Check out Adam's telling case studies of HyperCard's
utility. RSI sufferers should read Andrew Laurence's review of the Kinesis
Ergonomic Contoured Keyboard. We also look at Apple's new $30 per month
iMac financing model, updates to Retrospect, the releases of BBEdit 5.0 and
Web Confidential 1.1, a WebDoubler solution to the Sherlock proxy bug, and
SyQuest's troubles.

    iMac Equals Three Pizzas Per Month
    Kinesis Ergonomic Contoured Keyboard
    The Business Case for HyperCard


[Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-454.etx; 30K]


Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:05:51 -0700
Subject: [*] Troi Graphics Plug-in 1.0 for FileMaker Pro

Troi Automatisering announces the release of Troi Graphic Plug-in, for
FileMaker Pro 4.0 both on Macintosh and Windows.

What is Troi Graphic Plug-in 1.0
This plug-in adds powerful graphics functions to FileMaker Pro 4.0:

RGB Colors:
With this function you can fill container fields in any RGB (red, green,
blue combination) color you want.

Screen Capture:
Capture the state of the screen into a container field: You can capture the
complete screen or specify which part of the screen you want. This is great
for customer support.

Make Thumbnails:
If you have large images already in a FileMaker database there is no easy
way to make small preview images. But with the Graphic plug-in you now can
create small thumbnails, all within FileMaker! Ideal for speedy images in
Web Publishing.

We invite you to test drive this version and see what _you_ can do with it!
Troi Graphic Plug-in is shareware and costs $49 per user. Details on
developer licenses and multi-user discounts can be found on our web site.

System Requirements
Any Mac or Windows machine that runs FileMaker Pro 4. or higher

For more information, please read the enclosed Read Me file, or visit our
Web site at: <>.

Peter Baanen
Troi Automatisering
Vuurlaan 18
2408 NB  Alphen a/d Rijn
The Netherlands

[Archived as /info-mac/data/troi-graph-plug-in-10.hqx; 325K]


Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:05:55 -0700
Subject: [*] Tropicalities 1.0 -- Download Monitor for Macintosh

Tropicalities is a shareware program which monitors the files being
downloaded on a dialup Internet account and shuts the computer down once
they are fully transferred or an error occurs.  It's a great addition
for those who must pay for their access by the hour or people who leave
their Mac on overnight to download.  Tropicalities is compatible with
all Internet software, including Netscape, IE, Anarchie and Hotline.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/tropicalities.hqx; 852K]


Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:05:12 -0700
Subject: [*] Ultra-Recorder241

Subject: Ultra Recorder 2.4.1

Ultra Recorder is the premier application to record, play, and convert
sounds on the Macintosh. Try it today!

Ultra Recorder utilizes the power of Apple's Macintosh and QuickTime to
provide unparalleled sound conversion, DISK BASED recording, and playback.
Ultra Recorder's easy to use interface allows the user to play, convert
and record in a wide variety of sound formats. Ultra Recorder uses Apple's
latest technologies including System 8's platinum appearance, Apple's
Sound Manager 3.0 beyond, QuickTime 2.1 and beyond, Navigation Services,
and can control the GAIN SETTINGS of your recording device.  Ultra
Recorder is $20 Shareware;  the enclosed "Register" application and links
to an online ordering web site make payment easy through Kagi Shareware.

Ultra Recorder can record,play, convert, and compress sounds in the
following formats: AIFF and AIFF-C Sound Files, SoundEdit Sound Files,
Windows WAV Sound Files (up to 16-Bit), System 7 Sound Files, sound tracks
in QuickTime movies, sound tracks on Compact Disks, UNIX u-law internet
sound files, and sound resources inside applications and other files.

EJ Campbell
EJ Enterprises
31 October, 1998

What's changed from 2.4 to 2.4.1?
   -- This is a minor update to fix all known bugs in the current release.
   -- Supports Apple's new Navigation Services (must either install
      Navigation Services or use Apple's System 8.5)
   -- Error messages are now modless
   -- Fixed bugs while converting and playing sounds
   -- Sun AU sound files now have the default suffix of: '.au' instead of
      '.au '
   -- System 7 Sound Files are now correctly limited to 16 megabytes (an
      Apple imposed limit)
   -- Eliminated many memory leaks including one that would produce
      intermittent crashes while recording sounds.
   -- The links inside Ultra Recorder to its online registration form
      now work again.
   -- This is the MOST stable version of Ultra Recorder ever. Crashes
      should be a thing of the past!

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/ultra-recorder-241.hqx; 808K]


Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:05:37 -0700
Subject: [*] V&N Lookup 1.3.5 - dictionary, spellchecker, word-translator

'V&N Lookup' is an easy-to-use program that puts dictionary-power at your
fingertips. It makes use of the dictionaries for the application program
'Verbs&Nouns'. You can use 'V&N Lookup' while you are working with other
text-based applications because it searches for any word that you copy to
the clipboard. Depending on which modules you have, 'V&N Lookup' can locate
similar words in several languages at the same time. It can check the
spelling and translate passages of text word for word.

The application 'V&N Lookup' is part of my 'Foreign Language Toolkit'. To
try out the program you can download not-protected dictionaries and play
with them. The examples of them are:

You can visit to find more

Jacek Iwanski

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/verbs-and-nouns-lookup-135.hqx; 3319K]


Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:05:34 -0700
Subject: [*] Verbs & Nouns 2.2.3 - foreign language learning

Here is the new version of the 'Verbs & Nouns' application - 2.2.3

'Verbs & Nouns' is an application for practising inflection, translation
and pronunciation at the level of single words. Features include the
opportunity to do inflection exercises, and translation exercises in
both directions; to record and play sound for single words; and to do
exercises based on sound or pictures.

The program keeps a record of exercises, and identifies the words that
the student has difficulty with. Along with the program, you need a
module for the target language concerned. The program can also be used
as an authoring tool to write your own modules of inflected words for
any language. A built-in 'inflection-generator' simplifies the addition
of these words. A 'Find' feature allows the modules to be used as
bilingual dictionaries.

Ready-made modules are already available for certain languages. You can
visit my home-page to get more information:

Jacek Iwanski.

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/verbs-and-nouns-223.hqx; 1864K]


Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:05:36 -0700
Subject: [*] Verbs & Nouns 2.2.4 - foreign language learning

Here is the new version of the 'Verbs & Nouns' application - 2.2.4

'Verbs & Nouns' is an application for practising inflection, translation
and pronunciation at the level of single words. Features include the
opportunity to do inflection exercises, and translation exercises in
both directions; to record and play sound for single words; and to do
exercises based on sound or pictures.

The program keeps a record of exercises, and identifies the words that
the student has difficulty with. Along with the program, you need a
module for the target language concerned. The program can also be used
as an authoring tool to write your own modules of inflected words for
any language. A built-in 'inflection-generator' simplifies the addition
of these words. A 'Find' feature allows the modules to be used as
bilingual dictionaries.

Ready-made modules are already available for certain languages. You can
visit my home-page to get more information:

Jacek Iwanski.

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/verbs-and-nouns-224.hqx; 1867K]


Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:06:01 -0700
Subject: [*] WCCacheCleaner v1.8 - Fast Netscape Cache Utility

WCCacheCleaner v1.8 deletes the cache files produced by Netscape
Navigator and Netscape Communicator. Options for cleaning Global History,
Netscape History and MagicCookie files are also available. Because it is
not an AppleScript, WCCacheCleaner is extremely fast, deleting files at
up to 295 files per second.

Compatible with Netscape Navigator/Communicator versions 2.0 thru 4.5.
Requires system 7.1 or greater.
68K and PowerPC versions.

For more information and the WCCC FAQ, visit our web site at

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/wccache-cleaner.hqx; 56K]


Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:06:02 -0700
Subject: [*] Web Confidential 1.1

Where do you keep your confidential data?

Like most people these days, you've probably got a growing number of
user IDs, passwords, registration keys, PINs, serial numbers, and
the like, stored in various places on your Mac or scribbled on
miscellaneous pieces of paper around your home or office. When you
stop and think about it, you probably have more of these pesky bits
of information scattered about than you realize.

Now there is a software program to manage passwords and the like:
it is called Web Confidential. It uses an intuitive, easy-to-use
cardfile metaphor which will enable even novice users to get up to
speed in no time. Power users will find a large number of options
to enable them to configure Web Confidential to meet their specific

Web Confidential offers 448-bit encryption.

Web Confidential 1.1 is Mac OS 8.5-savvy and is available in
English and Japanese.

Web Confidential is $25 shareware.

Web Confidential 1.0.2 is available in German and French. Updates
to 1.1 will soon be available.

Home Page: <>

Contact: <>

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/web-confidential-11.hqx; 561K]


Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 16:05:27 -0700
Subject: [*] Xconq 7.2.2 Multi-Player Strategy Game

The uploaded file xconq-722.hqx contains version 7.2.2 of Stan Shebs'
multi-player strategy game Xconq, which is freely distributed under the GNU
Public License. The game runs on 68K and PPC Macs, and requires System 7 or
later. Xconq has basic support for networked games, but a single human
player can also play against several sides run by the computer. A large
number of game modules with scenarios ranging from the Peloponessian War to
modern times are included. Moreover, a built-in game editor makes it easy
to write new game modules using the GDL Game Design Language.

For more information see the enclosed documents and the Xconq home page:

For those interested in taking part in Xconq development, complete sources
for both the Unix and Mac versions are available at the above web site.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/xconq-722.hqx; 2731K]



End of Info-Mac Digest