Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #205 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="Info-Mac-Digest" --Info-Mac-Digest Info-Mac Digest Mon, 22 Sep 97 Volume 15 : Issue 205 Today's Topics: Re: (A) Decoding Base 64 attachments (Q) Eudora Nicknames to Unix [A] Some internet clients do not work....(IIcx con't) [Q] 2 Queries about Claris Organizer [Q]"54xx/54xx L2cache reset" & Mac OS 8? alternate universe navigator aims honda in time (A?) Automatic Restart? battery replacement Battery Replacement connecting Mac to PCAnywher/Microsoft Mail Decoding base 64 attachments fundamental picture making HP Scanner driver download stops, help Internal email-system for small AppleTalk network? Internal email-system for small AppleTalk network? LCIII and 2GB internal HD Making a Multi-System Emergency Disk Need English Child-Voice Ofoto and OS8 PC SCSI CD-Rom drives to our beloved Mac? Possible to block user from quitting an app? QuickCam & FileMaker ?? Help! QuickCam & FileMaker?? Supra Express 33.6 Vanishing icons Web browser supporting GetURL When to buy a new powerbook The Info-Mac Network operates by the volunteer efforts of: Gordon Watts, Adam C. Engst, Demitri Muna, Mike O'Bryan, Michael Bean, Matt Bauer, Liam Breck The Info-Mac Archive is available at 50 public and private sites around the world. For the site list, request it by mail (address below), or try: <> Also accessible by ftp. Help files and indexes are also in info-mac/help/. Administrative queries & info: <> Articles for digest publication: <> Files for inclusion: <> To submit a file greater than 800K, or to avoid submitting by (and segmenting for) email, send email describing the file to <> and upload it to: <> -- username/password macgifts/macgifts at As with emailed submissions, non-text files must be binhexed. See our new WWW site: <>, where you can find all of this info and more! The Info-Mac digest is sponsored in part by StarNine Technologies, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Quarterdeck corporation. StarNine develops Internet server software for the Macintosh, including World Wide Web and e-mail publishing systems. <> We'd also like to thank AOL, who has supplied the hardware the main info-mac machine runs on. <> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Info-Mac Digest V15 #205" ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Sep 97 16:52:26 -0500 From: Andrew Minuhin <> Subject: >Any other ideas why Fetch 3.0.3 would repeatedly and consistently hose a >file that ftp in Netscape 4.0.3 could deal with easily? was it in .sea (Compactor's.sea) format, Fetch, occasionaly chocks on those --Andrew Minuhin (Analyst/Programmer) University of MN, Medical School, USA e-mail: ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Sep 97 16:09:24 EDT From: Tom Coradeschi <> Subject: Re: (A) Decoding Base 64 attachments Trevor Harris <> wrote: >I have recently received several attachments embedded in email messages and >have been unable to decode them. How do I decode a base 64 encoded >'attachment' that is embedded in a mail message? Up to now I have had to >forward the complete message to a PC based network administrator who has >returned the attachment as a seperate file which is what I require. I am >using Eudora Light 3.11 and have Uuundo 1.0b1 and uucd 2.4.4 as well as >stuffit expander 4.0.2. Any help appreciated. Eudora Light should decode them by itself, IF they're properly marked via MIME headers, etc. If not, get YA-Base 64 Decoder from Info-Mac: -r 84613 Nov 20 1996 cmp/ya-base64-129.hqx tom coradeschi <+> ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 01:14:57 -0400 From: "Alan H. Stein" <> Subject: (Q) Eudora Nicknames to Unix I generally use Eudora Light to check my email but occasionally need to send email directly through a unix shell account. I'd like to be able to keep my Eudora nicknames file in synch with my list of aliases in the .mailrc file in my shell account. Is there a utility I can occasionally use to change my Eudora nickname file into the unix .mailrc alias style so that I can paste it back into my .mailrc file and not have to go through my .mailrc file line by line and manually make changes? Alan H. Stein ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Sep 97 16:57:38 -0500 From: Chris Gervais <> Subject: [A] Some internet clients do not work....(IIcx con't) B.J., >I have checked and double checked my MacTCP configurations. Everything >is in order there, and if it wasn't, I obviously would not be able to use >either email or usenet. There must be something else wrong, but I am >stumped. Any suggestions??! Thanks in advance. Make sure your ISP's domain name is typed in correctly in the MacTCP control panel. Also make sure you're using at least version 2.0.6 of MacTCP. Most Internet programs require 2.0.6 and some newer ones require Open Transport (which will work on your IIcx). Check the readmes for your browsers to make sure they don't require OT (although I'm pretty sure MacWeb doesn't). Hope this helps, Chris ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Sep 1997 13:03:50 -0400 From: "W. R. Wing" <> Subject: [Q] 2 Queries about Claris Organizer I just downloaded the demo version of Claris Organizer (which seems to arrive without much in the way of documentation). I wanted to try it as a replacement for NowContact. (NowContact 3.6 won't synchronise properly with my MP2K, only the basic First-Name, Last-Name, phone number data gets transferred, e-mail, cell-phone, pager numbers, all the good stuff gets dropped.) Now, I'm facing a new pair of problems: 1) Can anyone tell me how to get Organizer to link to Eudora, all it wants to do is fire off e-mail via Claris E-mailer, and; 2) When I try and synchronise Organizer with my Newton, NCU lets me define a field mapping which includes every field EXCEPT the e-mail field in Organizer! What am I missing? Thanks, Bill William R. Wing 423-574-8839 Network Architect for the Oak Ridge National Lab ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 20 Sep 1997 10:35:41 +0200 From: Scot Andrews <> Subject: [Q]"54xx/54xx L2cache reset" & Mac OS 8? Dear info-mac people, I'm sorry if this was already covered here but I was forced to go on vacation to thailand in August, [I _hate_ it when that happens. ;-) ] and still digging through my e-mail. Anyway, Can anyone tell me if the "54xx/54xx L2cache reset" extension has been rolled into Mac OS 8 or is it still needed? Also on a related note, is there a way for me to test if the L2 Cache is being effectively used? Will summarise, and you're all invited to stay over if you ever visit Spain. (My wife says to call first. <wink>) TIA, Scot Andrews Creative Computer Consultants Barcelona, Spain ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Sep 1997 16:08:17 -0500 (CDT) From: Paul M Sheldon <> Subject: alternate universe navigator aims honda in time (A?) Years ago, I submitted a minisuperspace simulation program with pitch, roll, and yaw in it. I also submitted it to apple for their viewing pleasure. I called it alternate universe navigator, I think infomac called it mss or minisuperspace. One military fellow complained that my abstract read like Umberto Echoe and he didn't know the format of my stuffed instructions. I gave him the connection of a tex (universal typesetting language to some) guru who lived on the Isle of Cork where Claris (with extend technology) moved some of their gurus and told him to go organize it. After all, people in the military are better at that sort of thing than theoretical physicists. Well, though few might have understood the instructions of this peculiar program, I've decided to call myself, at least for the time being, "the alternate universe navigator". I do not come with instructions for navigating me and that may be as it should be. Now to the subject line, now that you know who I am (hey, you are doing better than me!). I have made a newton program that does slightly normal navigation. I have moving map displays and you can make and follow routes, as long as they aren't too tangled (because of something called DOD selective availability, I can't, as yet use real good logic to decide between which waypoints you are with really bent up routes). Well, last night I put some touches on my ETA logic, that's estimated time of arrival. I can select a route point which newton centers on screen and at that routepoint, newton will write estimated time of arrival. It really is a load off your mind to know you don't have to speed to get there on time (it's a load off other drivers on the road, too). So, it is that this alternate universe navigator can aim his honda in time. I have developed techniques for bending lexan without owning a factory tool and have a car dash mount for the display. My program also needs a gps receiver with serial adapter to mac newton. I have instructions for this for a trimble gps scoutmaster, but had to heavily interlay them with experiments, so you might best buy a cable adapter appropriate to whatever gps signal receiver you have. I'd like to put it up at infomac and start a beta test community to help me write the instructions by misunderstanding me kindly. I don't know that I want on my beta test team the sort that wants cheap writers-work by criticizing my ability to write perfectly in the first place. Such is a useless beta tester, at least to the interests of my feelings. If you and I can learn to critique other people's writing without making them feel like dogs, we may well persevere in inspirational communications and the beginning of understanding. I am beginning such scientific communications. Now, I would make the price competitive just because it is beta and I want to help Newton Incorporated. I might instead decide to distribute uncrippled versions only through Kagi. You'd have to buy the cable, you might do well to buy Newton Press (my program actually looks inside its books for pictures, I found that more efficient than my macpicttonewton though its newton bitmap soup pictures still also work in current version), Badouin Raoult's print to pict is important to get the pictures to add to the book or soup, as is some sort of mapping program that will allow you to comment with latlons for fiducial marks that my navigator will use to make all points correspond to all latlons in a picture. Delorme's Street Atlas USA is great because I can make latlon comments in order and pull out with bbedit askii latlon's #degrees #' which I parse with another newton program. So, let's see if there are guys out there, who, though they might think specific navigational discussion doesn't belong on this list, might want to beta test. Maybe other folks have crazy ways of having macs and newtons communicate with other things and the beginners might not immediately see what to do, but might enjoy the wierd discussions. I am hoping writing can be fun and not an intimidating chore. We can "make it so". Ahead warp two. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Sep 97 14:23:12 -0400 From: (Scott L. Horton) Subject: Automatic Restart? Does anyone know of any software that will automatically restart a Mac (at a specified time or times) that is compatible with MacOS8? I used to use MacRestart, but it won't run under system 8. The software would have to quit any open applications and restart a single, non networked Mac. Thanks. Scott Horton <> ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 20 Sep 1997 11:22:04 -0500 From: Charles Stang <> Subject: battery replacement The battery for the LC II and LC III, the Centris 610 and others can be purchased at Radio Shack -- #23-026. C. Stang, S.J. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Sep 1997 20:31:07 -0400 (EDT) From: Al Bloom <> Subject: Battery Replacement On Mon, 15 Sep Jan Weijers wrote >The battery on my LC 2 ran out. Well, that is the only explanation I can >think of for the fact that the clock is set back to noon 1957 and the >start-up disk switches from external to internal every time I switch off >(or on) my Mac. And the highlight colour changes back to the default black. >Etc. Yup, your battery is a deader, Jan. >Can anyone recommend a good place to get a new battery in the UK? In the US I recommend Radio Shack. I understand they operate under the Tandy name in the UK. >Is there any part number or anything I should know? Remove the battery, take it to your friendly local Tandy store, and ask for a replacement. It's a goofy battery, about the size of a half "AA" cell. Around here,they don't carry the battery, but will order it from the home office. It arrives in the mail a couple days later. >Can someone who is screwdriver-literate (but couldn't solder to save his >life) replace a battery in an LC 2? I was never much good at soldering either, Jan. I did it, but the professionals giggled a lot at my results. Fortunately you do not need any arcane skills to replace the battery. Just a small flat-blade screwdriver. I'm not familiar with the innards of an LC2. You may have to remove the HD and/or the floppy drive to see the battery on the mother board. Then it will stand out like a sore thumb. Looks just like a battery, oddly enough. For a very small flashlight. Sorry, electric torch. Two peoples separated by a common language. It is held in place with a fiendish black plastic device, which is where the small flat-blade screwdriver comes in. Pry away one end of the plastic thing and raise it a bit. Then pry away the other end. Then take the battery to Tandy and tell the sales person you want another just like it. Then a trick. Take some emery cloth to the top and bottom of your deceased parrot, er battery, and to the contacts in the battery holder. I'll bet you are up and running again at least long enough to get the new battery. Al Bloom ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Sep 1997 19:33:24 -0400 From: Phil McIntosh <> Subject: connecting Mac to PCAnywher/Microsoft Mail Our company is about to set up intercompany e-mail using Microsoft Mail and PCAnywhere to allow us to access our email remotely. Myself and one other person are the only Macs involved, and so are on our own to figure out how to connect (the person hired to do this just barely knows how to set it up for Wintel users and ADMITS to knowing nothing about Macs). Does anyone who has been through this already know of any Mac program which will work with the above combination? Please email replies to TIA Phil McIntosh ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Sep 1997 20:56:37 -0400 (EDT) From: Al Bloom <> Subject: Decoding base 64 attachments On Wed, 17 Sep Trevor Harris wrote >I have recently received several attachments embedded in email messages and >have been unable to decode them. How do I decode a base 64 encoded >'attachment' that is embedded in a mail message? Another reason to download the I-M table of contents every once in a once. You'd find YAbase64 very quickly searching through that text file. It's my favorite. And if memory serves (It hasn't for a long time) Raymond Lau's Stuffit Expander freebie will also decode base-64 stuff. That lad is a national treasure. And too bright by half. I haven't begun to plumb the depths of what he gives away. Al Bloom ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 20 Sep 1997 17:57:47 -0800 From: glaston <> Subject: fundamental picture making I am a happily unsophisticated home user and I don't know about image setters and service bureaus. I just reproduce photographs on my Espon 800 with the help of a PowerClone and a ScanMaker IIHR. I have had some fundamental questions for awhile and perhaps somebody can take the time to share knowledge: 1) Is there a mail order source for photo glossy printer paper? I live in a small town with only a Staples, which has limited brand selection (and only in 8 1/2 by 11) and charges about $10 for 15 sheets of Kodak Photo Weight. 2) Is there a mail order photo finisher who supplies decent quality digitized photos? I've gotten prints and a disk back a couple of times, but the digital resolution was so low that I got better results scanning the prints myself. 3) I've read, but not understood, that I don't need to scan at the same resolution at which I'd like to print. Scanning a photograph at 720 dpi tends to produce an image exceeding 100 megs. If I want to print at 720 or 1440 dpi on the Epson 800 (after some very basic Photoshop manipulation), at what minimum resolution can I scan? 4) Does anybody have any experience with MagicMask and/or Mask Pro? I'd like to be able to easily separate images from background. Is either of these programs effective, or is there a shareware plug-in somewhere that would suit my modest needs? Once again, TIA to this community for its collective knowledge and willingness to share Glaston -Mind how you go. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Sep 1997 22:25:40 -0400 (EDT) From: Al Bloom <> Subject: HP Scanner driver download stops, help On Wed, 17 Sep Daly Jessup wrote >Any other ideas why Fetch 3.0.3 would repeatedly and consistently hose a >file that ftp in Netscape 4.0.3 could deal with easily? Not a one, Daly. My experience has been the reverse. Netscape chokes where Fetch finds smooth sailing. But I've always had a soft spot for the dog. Al Bloom ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 20 Sep 1997 09:01:31 +0200 From: Mars <> Subject: Internal email-system for small AppleTalk network? At 18-09-1997 00:34, Rick VanDerveer ( appeared to have written: >Although I admit I've never used it myself, Snapmail by Casady & Greene is >supposed to be fast and easy to use, and is designed for small networks. A >demo is even available: > > > Thank you very much! I will take a close look at SnapMail. It may be the answer to our problem. --------- drs. Marcel K.M. Aussendorf ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Sep 1997 17:59:51 -0400 From: "Michael G. Schabert" <> Subject: Internal email-system for small AppleTalk network? >People of a small organization (25 persons) have asked me as a general >trouble-shooting guy to implement some kind of internal e-mail system >over the AppleTalk-network. >Untill now, they are using a series of folders for every person on the >server, using aliases of these folders on their personal macs. This >didn't work, because people didn't take te effort to actually look in it. >There should be some kind of notifying to make this work. > >I was never confronted with these matters. Maybe there is an >shareware-program that will do the job. Can somebody throw me some advice >about some options and caveats ? > >Marcel Aussendorf > You might want to try EIMS (used to be AIMS, used to be MailShare). It's available free (version 1.2) from Qualcomm. You can use this with AIMS localtalk bridge. You can use NotifyMail for the notification. HTH Mike Bikers don't *DO* taglines. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Sep 1997 21:13:25 -0400 (EDT) From: Al Bloom <> Subject: LCIII and 2GB internal HD On Mon, 15 Sep Matthew Daillie wrote >I am thinking of changing the internal HD of my LCIII (presently only >80MB). I already have a 500MB external HD and don't really want yet another >noisy fan in my work environment. I have been told that I can fit a 2GB >hard disk into the space presently taken up by the original internal HD. >Has anybody had any experience with such a modification. I would be >grateful for any comments or recommendations. That's one of the joys of a Mac, Matthew. If it fits, and if it is of the proper persuasion (SCSI/IDE), it'll work. You need a SCSI drive. And you will be depressed that a 2gig drive is no larger than your 80meg drive. It may even be smaller. Recommendation? I used to think APS and LaCie were tied for best in show. Until APS sent me a dead CD-R drive and sent it back to me just as dead after being fixed and giving me grief about returning it. I've never had trouble with LaCie, and I very much like its SilverLining formatter. Esp since they started putting updaters on their web site. One person's humble opinion.Your mileage may vary. Al Bloom ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Sep 1997 20:45:49 -0400 (EDT) From: Al Bloom <> Subject: Making a Multi-System Emergency Disk On 17 Sep, Fergus Lawlor wrote in part >While my own system is a PM8200/120/32Mb running >System 7.6.1 I am also in charge of a half-dozen >or so other Macs - mainly Performa 460s amd >LCIIIs. Since I also possess a Jaz drive I would >like to use a Jaz disk as a universal Emergency >disk containing a range of diagnostic tools, >software installer images etc. to simplify >resurrecting crashed machines. Unfortunately some >of the machines under my care have only 4Mb of >RAM and even with a slimmed-down S7.6.1 this >leaves precious little room for launching tools >or installers. Heck, Fergus. Where'd you find a slim 7.6.1? My CD-ROM had no System Tools images at all. I thought that naughty of Apple. The good news is that Sys8 comes with disk tools floppy images that are downright emaciated, systemwise. Much smaller than the 7.6 stuff. I can get everything I want except Virex on a Sys8-based boot floppy. Yes, there are still separate versions for 68k and PPC Macs. That's for tools. Installers? Gee, I dunno. you might look at the System folder that comes with Norton 3.5 on CD. I've put it on M/O disks (the geezer/codger version of ZIP) successfully, but none of the machines under my purview has a piddling 4M. Al Bloom ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Sep 1997 09:07:00 +0200 From: "Peter =?iso-8859-1?Q?Peld=E1n?=" <> Subject: Need English Child-Voice I am translating a Swedish spelling game to english and need 250 english words to be recorded. I would prefer a native english speaking child with a clear pronounciation but a female voice would also be acceptable. If you are interested in helping me (it probably won't take longer than 15 minutes to record the words) please email me and I send you the words. I believe I can handle most sound formats and would like to get the sounds in a few contiguous files (I cut out the sounds later), with no sound-compression. As payment I could send you a registered version of the spelling game when finished (within a few weeks). Peter ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Sep 1997 19:43:47 -0600 From: Graeme Forbes <> Subject: Ofoto and OS8 Anybody else having trouble with Ofoto and OS8? I find that the Calibration menu in the Scan Controls is stuck. I'm using Ofoto 2.0.2. Is there an upgrade, if so can you tell me how to get it? I own Photoshop LE. Can I use that instead of Ofoto? If so, exactly how? I.e. which of the various bits and pieces in the Extensions folder has to go where? Ideally I'd like to be able to use the scanner with the palette set to the 216 Netscape colors. Setting the palette doesn't seem to be possible with Ofoto. Thanks in advance, Graeme Forbes ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Sep 1997 08:20:59 +0200 From: Mars <> Subject: PC SCSI CD-Rom drives to our beloved Mac? Maybe this is a very stupid question, but I honestly don't know and can't find the answer: is it possible to connect a (useal much cheaper) PC SCSI CD-Rom drive to our beloved Mac? Is this hardware compatible or should I always look only at Mac CD Rom-drives? Is there a difference at all and if so, what is it? Hope someone you can drop me a line. Marcel Aussendorf ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Sep 1997 08:48:36 -0400 From: (Howard M. Fried) Subject: Possible to block user from quitting an app? Is there any way to (non-permanently) prevent quitting a specified application? I'm running a web server on a machine used for lots of other things and someone accidentally quit the program. TIA, Howard M. Fried University of North Carolina ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 12:32:37 -0400 From: (Brad Schock) Subject: QuickCam & FileMaker ?? Help! Looking for a solution to use Connextix'x quickcam and FMP in a seamless fashion. We are a student body that wants to generate a database of our collective selves along with a photo of each student. We thoughtabout using a photo ID type of application but that is very limited in its capacity to collect the data we would want - and printing in a directory format not possible. Currently we would have ot use several separate applications just to get the image into the database - take the photo in QC, then go to something like P/Shop edit/crop/rename etc etc, then go over to FMP, and find the record, mess with importing the image and so on. This is a very cumbersome process, and extremely error prone! I contacted Connetic but their response was dismal said write apple scripts - we are not programmers! I think conceptually, we want the directness and simplicity of a photo ID program (and that capacity), but extended into a database so that we can after collecting a good deal of data, we can rearrange and print it into whatever directory formats we desire. Depending on how well we master FMP, we may use FMP as the application to print the database, or export it to Pagemaker or Quark - but........ we need simplicity here! Are there any third party applications etc out there that can accomplish this? Thanks for your generoous feedback. Please email me at: ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 12:35:29 -0400 From: (Brad Schock) Subject: QuickCam & FileMaker?? Looking for a solution to use Connextix'x quickcam and FMP in a seamless fashion. We are a student body that wants to generate a database of our collective selves along with a photo of each student. We thoughtabout using a photo ID type of application but that is very limited in its capacity to collect the data we would want - and printing in a directory format not possible. Currently we would have ot use several separate applications just to get the image into the database - take the photo in QC, then go to something like P/Shop edit/crop/rename etc etc, then go over to FMP, and find the record, mess with importing the image and so on. This is a very cumbersome process, and extremely error prone! I contacted Connetic but their response was dismal said write apple scripts - we are not programmers! I think conceptually, we want the directness and simplicity of a photo ID program (and that capacity), but extended into a database so that we can after collecting a good deal of data, we can rearrange and print it into whatever directory formats we desire. Depending on how well we master FMP, we may use FMP as the application to print the database, or export it to Pagemaker or Quark - but........ we need simplicity here! Are there any third party applications etc out there that can accomplish this? Thanks for your generoous feedback. Please email me at: ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Sep 97 17:31:22 -0600 From: James Atkinson <> Subject: Supra Express 33.6 To all: A friend is having beaucoup problems with a series of new Supra Express 33.6 modems. She keeps having to take the "current" one back and getting a new one "from the factory" because none of the three she's had so far have worked properly. In fact, she suspects that one of them was the culprit which burned out her serial port. The port has been replaced (along with the motherboard), but the Express modems continue to fail. The US Robotics modem she finally bought works perfectly. Has anyone else in Mac land had poor results with the Supra line? By the way, this is all happening on a 6000 series PPC Mac Performa running (I think) System 7.5 connecting to a very standard university-based ISP via MacTCP and MacSLIP. Many thanks, James Atkinson ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Sep 1997 23:33:06 +0100 From: (Ian Burt) Subject: Vanishing icons Hello y'all especially Al, I think the digest is coming back together again after the haitus a few weeks ago Al, give it time. In my case I have picked up so much useful Mac related information over the years I've been subscribing that I *don't* need to holler for help much these days. If I can ever assist anybody I usually throw in my two cents worth to keep the balance right. Just to give the guru's a work out I do have a problem, which after eradicating all the ususal suspects, is still there. I wanted to paste an icon onto a blank folder. All goes well until it came to paste the icon onto the subject folder and a Dialog Box appeared: "The command could not be completed, because it cannot be found". Wow that told me! I have a database full of screenshots of arcane error dialogs and this is a new one on me. I have rebuilt the Desktop, run Disk Doctor, Zapped PRAM, you name it. Anybody got any ideas to prevent me from having to do a clean System install? Ugh. TIA, Ian Burt But you who walk facing the sun,what images drawn on the earth can hold you? ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 20 Sep 1997 15:18:37 -0400 From: A BRODY <> Subject: Web browser supporting GetURL Dear Digest reader, I know Netscape has no trouble supporting GetURL. But with all other non-Internet Explorer/non-Netscape browsers I can't seem to GetURL. Adobe Sitemill produces results that if doubleclicked send a GetURL to the browser of choice. So far or Netscape and Explorer seem to support it. Yet both swallow too much RAM under System 8 to make it feasible to use. Partly this is due to the fact that Sitemill requires 19MB of RAM in order not to crash. I've tried Cyberdog, and its GetURL is inconsistant. Anybody know of a browser that supports GetURL, and requires less than 8MB of RAM? Thank you. Sincerely, ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 09:56:48 +0200 From: Jacob Palme <> Subject: When to buy a new powerbook I want to replace my old and somewhat slow Powerbook (5300 cs) with a newer and faster one. The fastest available today is the 3400c, which has a 603e processor at 240 Mhz plus level two cache. When will we wee Powerbooks with faster processors than 603e? Why no Powerbooks with 604e? Should I wait for this, or buy the 3400c now? What is a reasonable guess on when Apple will release a new, faster Powerbook than 3400c? Please CC me personally, send the reply not only to Info-Mac, since my reading of Info-Mac is sometimes delayed. -------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest-- End of Info-Mac Digest ******************************