IP: Next Generation Area


   o Scott Bradner:  sob@harvard.edu
   o Allison Mankin:  mankin@isi.edu

Area Summary reported by Scott Bradner/Harvard and Allison Mankin/ISI

Meetings of the three IPng Area working groups and one BOF were held
during the 33rd IETF meeting in Stockholm, Sweden.

Internet and OSI Harmonisation BOF (IOH)

The meeting was held to discuss Internet and OSI harmonisation and was
relayed on the MBone.  Note that ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 (Data Comms) and SC18
(mail) are now in liaison and SC21 (applications) will follow soon.
IETF liaison with the ITU-T has also been established.

Jack Houldsworth presented the new SC6 Strategy which aims at
coexistence between IPv6 and the ISO Connectionless Networking Protocol
(CLNP) and an enhanced Transport Protocol (TCPng?).  Alan Lloyd
presented the latest status in the OSI application layers.

During a lively discussion, it was agreed that exchanges on
architectural principles are unlikely to bear fruit.  Results will come
from concrete proposals from either side aimed at progressing specific
projects.  The key areas are coexistence, transition and convergence, in
that order.

IETF members will be welcome at SC6, SC18 and SC21 meetings and at ITU
meetings, but should be announced previously to help with logistics.
Document transfers will be handled on behalf of the IETF by Susan

Address Autoconfiguration Working Group (ADDRCONF)

The Address Autoconfiguration Working Group met twice during the week.
The open issues in the draft, including particularly duplicate node
detection, were discussed and good progress was made in resolving the
final details.  There was general consensus that it would be a good idea
to have some results from operational testing before the document be
considered for Proposed Standard status.

IPng Working Group (IPNGWG)

The IPng Working Group met a number of times during the week.  The
primary mission was to first perform a final working group check on the
IPv6 documents that were ready for advancement to Proposed Standard
status then to look at the follow-on documents (e.g., Neighbor
Discovery).  The documents for Proposed Standard were reviewed and a
number of editorial changes were suggested and will be made before the
RFCs are released.  Good progress was made on resolving the issues in
the remaining documents.

New Generation Transition Working Group (NGTRANS)

The NGTRANS Working Group met once during the Stockholm meeting.  It was
scheduled to meet twice but since the whole week's agenda was
accomplished during the first session the second one was canceled.  The
meeting objective was to do a final working group review of the NGTRANS
Internet-Draft before submitting it as a Proposed Standard RFC. A few
editorial changes were agreed to and will be made before the documents
are published as RFCs.