/\_____________________/\ .
                        ._)                       (_:_ _
                        |                           |
                        |   t  h  e    y  a  r  d   |_ _
                        | - --------------------- - \///_ _
                        |                           |
                        | Amiga/Ascii/Graffiti/N64  |
                        | Gameboy/NeoGeoPocket/Snes |
                        | Psx/Ps2/Dc/Smd/Oldies/Mp3 |
                        | Unix/Drugs/Chiptunes/Mods |
                        |                           |
     __________    _____|      ________             |
 _ __\_ ____   \_ _\_   |__ _ _\_____  \_           |
        /  \    /      ___/       _/    /_ __ _     |
   _ __/   \\__/        |         \____/            |
      /      \_         |______                     |
        _ ___ /_________|    /___  _____ _ __ _     :
            \/          |        /\                 .
                   _____|       /  \   _______    _______
                _ _\_   |      /   .\ _\_____ \_ _\_____ \_ __ _
                     \____    /     \\    _/  _/__    /
                        |/   /       \\   \    _ /   /
                            /          \   \   //
               _ ___________\__________/____\  /_________ __ _
                        .                    \/     .
                        : AHS/DTR/AGEEMA!/ROYAL/PHT :
                     _ _| AEROSOL/LiGHTFORCE/MANGOO |
                     \\\/ LOW PROFiLE/BAD KARMA/UP! |
                        | SOiA/MOPLAYAZ/TQL/PVM/100 |
                        | H E A D   Q U A R T E R S |
                        |                           |
                        | the  idea  of  s t y l e  |
                        |                           |
                        |     is  the   k  e  y     |
                        |                           |
                        |   to  all  f o r m s  of  |
                        |                           |
                        | r   o   c   k   i   n   g |
                        |_          __             _|H2o!
                          )_______ /\_\ __ _______(
                          \/       \/_//_/\      \/
          ----<< whodini -- remorse -- 1981 -- founder -- proud >>---
         please read this using edit /h in fullscreen mode if you can.

                               hi this is whodini

                        this is my colly....





                                     _                 |   |
                                     \\                |   | ________________
                __)\  ___.    _______     __)\         |   |
               / __/__\  |____\_   _ \   / __/____ /\  |   |___
            .__\_              /   \_/.__\_       /  \ |   \  /. ____________
            |_  _________\____/_______|_  ______ /    \|       |
              \/                        \/      /      \   \   |
________________ /\   __      ______           /________   |---+
                /  \ .\ \____.\  __/_________ ________ |   |
______________ /    \|   \   |   \_         /.\     _ \|   |
              /      \  \    |               |      \_/|   |
             /________\__\---+---.___________|_________    |
                                                       |   |
                                                       |   |
                                                wH0    |___|

From: "Censored"
To: <whodini@remorse.org>
Cc: <mdunn@smegma.net>
Sent: Sunday, November 19, 2000 9:48 AM

         Drax and I have had our ops removed and are still banned from
 #ascii. We're both longtime members. Although I can't speak on his behalf, I
 would like to be unbanned and have my ops re-added immediately, without
 them ever being taken away again. Also, I'd like to get something straight,
 because neither of you are often available on irc. Has Remorse essentially
 forfeited to Mimic? If not, I think that we can rejuvenate the group. But
 we're going to have to start acting like it. I'll be frank: It doesn't
 matter if Black Jack has become cozy with one of you, or both of you, if
 we're going to compete, we need to develop the same attitude that we had a
 couple of years ago. Whether Black Jack makes like he's your personal
 friend or not, he's disrespecting Mark on thuglife.org and his group is
 disrespecting Remorse in their monthly releases. The reason that it is so
 difficult to recruit talented ascii artists into Remorse is because of this
 ambivalent attitude aired by certain high ranking members, particularly
 Whodini. People don't think that we care because of the way that we take
 everything dished out on us with a smile. We either care about our group
 affiliation more than pseudo-cyber friendships or we don't. If we don't, we
 might as well formally give up and stop holding pretensions to competing.
 This might be harsh, but I don't appreciate two-faced Mimic members,
 particularly Black Jack, practically having sex with high ranking Remorse
 members in order to disarm our competitive spirit. I would appreciate an
 immediate response.


                                _ _                        _.
   ______ wH0 ._____    _________ /    ._____  ______ ____ \|    ______ _
  .\    /_____|    /.  .\   ._  /.     |    /.\\_____)\   \____ \\_____))) )
  |    /\    /.    _|__|__  |/   |_____|_    |_______|    \   /._______.
  |           |   \\_    /.      .\   _.//   |       |    |    |       |
  |____/\_____|_____|_____|______|    \| ____|_______|____|____|_______|
                  -  - --------- |______/  ----------- -   -

  .. this one is for my son, jeffy...

                             hey ho... lets go...

i did this logo for a jawbreaker song cuz its pretty good.

           ____      __________   ____________
          /  _//____.\       _//_ \      _   /.
        __\__       |       _)  /.       |    | -[wH0]------------------/.
       .\    |      |       |    |       |    |                          |
       |     |      |       |    |       _    |                          |
       |     |      |       |    |       |    |              sea         |
       |     |      |____________|_______|____|              foam        |
       |____________|____________ ____________ ______  ____  green       |
       .\    _     /.\      _   /.\      _   /.\     \/   /.             |
       |     |      |       |    |       |    |      \/    |             |
       |     |      |       |    |       |    |       |    |             |
       |     |      |       |    |       _    |       |    |             |
       |     _)_____|       |    |       |    |       |    |             |
       |     |      |____________|_______|____|_______|____|             |
       |_____|______  ___________.__________   __________   _______ _____
       .\    _     /._\     __   |\       _//_.\       _//_.\      \    /.
       |     |      |       |/   |       _)  /.       _)  /.       \     |
       |     |      |       _   _|       |    |       |    |       |     |
       |     |      |       |   \|       |    |       |    |       |     |
       |_____.      |       |    \       |    |       |    |       |     |
       .\    |      |_______|____/____________|____________|_______|_____|

Oh look its a Remorse logo....

       ___ _ wH0
    .__\  \\ ______  ___  __  ______  ____     ___   ______
    |    _/_.\  __/_.\  \/ /._\_   /._\   \   / _/__.\  __/_.
    |   \   |   _)  |   \/  |   |   |     /_._\_    |   _)  |
    |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   \   |   |   |   |   |
    |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
    |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
    |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
    |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
    |   |   |       |   |   |       |   |   |       |       |
    |   |   |       |   |   |       |   |   |       |       |
    |___|___|___    |___|   |_______|___|   |___    |___    |
                \___|   |___|           |___|   \___|   \___|

I think spinsane requested this.  I really like what I did with it.
Fuck you and I don't know why.

 _____/\_  ___/\   __/\_      ___/\_   _/\_    __/\  ____         ____/\_
.\  .__ /._\_   \ .\  _/___ _\\__  /. /  _//__.\   \/   /. ______\\___  /.
|   |//  |  /   /_|  \\_   \   _//  |_\__     |    \/    _/         _//  |
|   |/   |  \     |   |/   /   \|   .\   |    |    |     \          \|   |
|   |    |___\____|_______/\________|____     |____|_____|\______________|
|   |    |                               \____|                          .
|   |    |                                                               |
|   |    |       ORGASMAtRON - SiteOp +Blitz - ORIGIN MEMBER SItE        |
|   |    |                                                               |
|   |    |                                                               |
|   |    |                  .......                                      |
|   |    | .___.           :::: ::::                                     |
|   |    |_|   |_    ___/\ :::: ::::_____________________________/\ _____
|   |    |\_   _/__ _\_   \:::: :::.\                              \    /.
|   |    | |   |  /.  /   /_::: ::::                               \     |
|   |    | |   |   |  \     |:: ::::                               |     |
'--------' |   |   |___\____|:: ::::_______________________________|_____|
           |   |   |wH0    :::: ::::
           |   |   |       `:::.:::'
           |   |   |

This one says Killer and I don't know why.  I just draw sometimes.

                           ______ ______ wH0
    ______  _____   ______|     /.     /. _________  ________ _
   .\    _|/    /_.(_____/__     |      |/  __    /__\__     \\\
   |     \        |        /     |      |   \____/.    /    _/_.

Trank.  Its home.

                 .\                                      /.wH0
                 |                                        |
         _____   |                                        |       _____
     .__/    /__ |   _______        _________ _____ _____ _____  /    /
     |_/    ___/__ __\__    \   ____\__     /.\    \    /.\   _|/    /_
      /    /     /.    /    /__.\    _/      |     \     |    \        \
     /     \      |    \       |     |       |     |     |     \        \
     \____________|_____\______|     i       |_____|_____|_____|\_______/
                 .             |     :       |            .
                 |    TK!A     |     .       |           _|_ _
                 |_____________|             |___________\|

Thief.  For a lotek guy.  He's not even CALLED theif anymore.

     _____       ______       ________                     _ __
 _ _|     |__   .\     |      \_______) ________   __________ /
 \\\.      _//__|      |      ._______ _)     _/__.\        /.
    |     |    /.     _|______|      /.     ._)   |     __   |
    |     |     |     \.     /|       |     |     |     _//__|
    |    _|     |      |      |       |    _|     |     |
    |     \_    |      |      |       |     \_    |     |    .
 +- |_____      |______|      |_______|_____      |_____|    |
 |        \_____|      |______|             \_____|          |
 |_______                                                    |
      wH0\______________... T H I E F / L O T E K ...________|

Cuz y'know.  I remember cable before he was goomba.
not like you know who i'm talking about in the first place.

     _________     _______ ___    .____ ______
    .\     ._//___.\__   /|  _|___|   /.\  __/_
    |      |      |   |   |  \_  /.    |   _) /.
    |      |      |       |   |   |    |   |   |
    |      |      |___|___|___    |____|_______|
    |      |      |wH0        '---'            .
    |      |      |             .            . |
    |      |      |      =\\= CABLE =\\=     | |
    |      |      |             :            | |
    |      |      | (Oldschool Trank  ASCII) | |
    |      |      |             .       _    | |
    |      |      |                     \ _  | |
    |      |      |                       \ _| |
    |      |      | ------------------------\ _|
    |      |      | --------------------------\

hi mom, its me.  that funky little shit.  the ugly little monkey
who used to suck your tit.

 ____      ____    ___  ___ _______ ___  ___    ____ .___    _  ____
|   _|____(___/_. .\  \/  /.\  .  /.\  \/  /.  (___/_|   |_  \\ ) _//_
|   \_   /.     | |   \/   |   |   |   \/   |  |     |   _/___ _\_   /.
|    |    |     | |   |    |   |   |   |    |  |     |   |   /.\  |   |
|____|    |_____| |___|____|_______|___|____|  |_____|___     |_______|
     '----'_  ___ ______ ______ _                        \____|       .
wH0     .\  \/  /.\  __/_      \\\ \                                  |
        |   \/   |   _) /.     /_           Hi mom its me!            |
        |   |    |   |   |____/// /                                  _|
        |___|____|___    |___)                                   / ///|
                     \___| -------------------------------------------|-

i live with him.  he gets a logo.

  |     |
  |     |
  |     |          _ ________    _____                   _ ______   ________
  |     | wH0   \ \\\\_______)  |     |_ _            \ \\\\_____|-|       /.
  |     |  ________   ________. |     _//// /            ________  |        |
  |     |-|       /. |        | |     |  _____________  .\       |-|________|
  |     | |        | |        | |     | |            /. |        | .________
  |     |_________ _   _______. |     |______ _       | |   ____ | |       /.
 _|     |\      _////_.\      |  _    .\   _////___ ______ /    \| |        |_
\\_            .\             |_///___|   _)      /.\     |    _/| |        _//
  |            |             _       /.    _ _                     |        |
  |     .______       .______\         ___ \\\\\ \        |______. |        |
  |     | .    \______|       \_______| . \________.______|      | |        |
  |     | |                   | .     . |             .          | |        |
  |     | |        | |        | |     | |             | |        | |        |
  |_____|-|________| |________| |_____|-|_____________| |________|-|________|

                      (  (  C  H  E  X  B  I  T  Z  )  )

I'm pretty sure spinsane requested this also.
I think its sorta neato also.

                        .___.wH0         _ _____      :::::
      ____.        ___  |   |_    _____ ._))__  \ .___.    ____ _
 _____\   |       /  /__|   _/__./  ._ \|   _/  /_|_  |_  .\ _/((__      ____.
.\   _    | ______\     \___\       |((  ___\______   _/__|  )    (._____\   |
|_________|_\___ _______/   \___________/         ))______|________     _    |
|_        |     l                                                  l_________|
.//       |_____|                            __       :::::                  |
|_              -  D i St  o R Te D  ---- - _\ \_     :::::                 _|
l/_ _                                      _\    \    :::::              _ _\l
._/// /      -    -  - --- U T O P I A ----\      \   :::::  -  -  \   \ \\\_.
l_                                                    :::::                  |
.//           _________________     ____________________________   __________|
|____________l                /____/       .__     .__     ____//_\\_       /|
|            |                ____/        l /     l /           T  .        |
|            |                7            |/      |/               l        |
|            |                |            /       /                |        |
|_____________________________                     ._________________________|

eat a bag of shit you suck i can't believe the luck you have its not
bestowed upon me and my pants are falling down.  my band covers titty

          .\   | ___   _______    ____     _______  _____   _
          |    | \__)._\   __/_  /  _/_____\   __/_|    /. =\\==========/
      ____|_   |_____|    _)  /._\__          _)  /.     |              |
     /     /              |         |         |          |____          \
    /     /               |         |         |          \   /.         |
    \     \____._____.____           ____.____     ._____     |         :
     \_____\wH0           \____.____/         \____|     \____|         |
      .____                                   _  __  ____   __          +
      |   /.      _________   ____ __.       // /_/ /___/\ /_/\  _      |
      |    |     .\   _   /. /   /   |          \_\ \___\/ \_\/ //      :
      |   _|____ |    |     /   /|   |                                  |
      |   \     \|    |     \____.   |                                  \
      |    \          |         |    |  _        ..            ..       |
      |____/     __________.     ____| =\\== ..ii|| DIESEL BOY ||ii.. ==\
          /_____/          |____/

it says yell.  cuz i dunnoh why.

     __________        __________   ___  __________        __________
    .\         |  ___ .\         |-|   |.\         | wH0  .\         |
    |__________|-|  /.|          | |   ||          |      |          |
     __________  |   ||          | |   ||          |      |          |
    .\         | |   ||          | |  _||          |      |          |
    |          | |   ||          | |__\ |          |      |          |
    |          | |   ||          |  __  |          |      |          |
    |          | |   ||          |-|_/  |          |      |          |
    |          | |   ||          |  ___ |          |  ___ |          |  ___
    |          | |   ||          | |  /.|          | |  /.|          | |  /.
    |          | |   ||          | |   ||          | |   ||          | |   |
    |          | |   ||          | |   ||          | |   ||          | |   |
    |          | |   ||          | |   ||          | |   ||          | |   |
   _|          | |   ||          | |   ||          | |   ||          | |   |_
  .\           | |   ||          | |   ||          | |   ||          | |    /.
  |  __________|-|___||__________|-|___||__________|-|___||__________|-|__   |
  |                                                                          |
  |                                                                          |
  |                                  Y E L L                                 |
  |                                                                          |
  |                                     _                                    |
  |___________________/\ .   _  /(__/\-//-/\__)\  _   . /\___________________|
                        )|___))/   _ __\\__ _   \((___|(

i always liked the logos i did for spinsane.  don't ask me why.

           ::.:...  ...
              : ::..:.:
              .     .
           ___   _______  ___ ___ ___   ___   _______ ___ ___ _______
          / _//_.\  .  /.(__/.\  \  /. / _//_.\  .  /.\  \  /.\  .  /.
         _\_    |   |   |____|   \   |_\_    |   |   |   \   |   |   |
        .\  |   |   |   :    |   |   .\  |   :   |   |   |   :   |   |
    _   |   |   |   |        |   |       |       |   |   |       |   |   _
   //  _|  _|  _|   |  _.   _|  _|  _:   |   ._  |   |_  |_  ._  |   |_  \\
   \\ \\_ \\_ \\.   .__\.  \\. \\_ \\.   |   .// .   .// _// .// .____// //
        |   |   |   |   |    |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
        |   |   :   |   |    |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
        |   |       |   |    :   |   |   |   |   |   :   |   |   |   |
      _ |   |       | . | :: :: :| SPINSANE :| ::|:: . . |   |   |   | _
   \ \\||___    .___|   |____.___|___|    ___|___|___.___|___|___    ||// /
            \___|                    |___/    ....               \___|
                                     :        ::.:...  ...
        wH0                          .           : ::..:.:
                                                 .     .

more lyrics by The Queers.  *HEART*

   .___.                           .___.                       .___.
   |   |                           |   |                       |   |
   |   |        ::::.....          |   |    I WAS A TEENAGE    |   |
   |   |               ::          |   |                       |   |
   |   |               :           |   |       BONEHEAD        |   |
   |   |   ____        .           |   |                       |   |
   |   .__/   /_                   |   |                       |   |
   |   |_/   __/__  _______  _______ _________  ________ ________    _______
   |   ./   /    /./ __   / / __   /.\   _   /._\____  /.\   ___/__./ __   /
   |   /   /         \___/_/  \___/_|    |         _/        \_       \___/_
   |   \____       __       __       ____|    .___ '    .____ |     __      |
   |   . wH0\_____|  \_____|  \_____|  . |____|   \_____|    \_____|  \_____|
   |   |                           .   |                       .   .
   |   |___ _______ _______ ______ |   |    ______  _______ ___|   |
   |  /   /.\  _  /.\  _  /.\   _/_|  _|___.\   _/_.\  _  /.\   \  |
   |  \   \|   |   |   |   |   _) /.  \_  /.   _) /.   |   |/   /  |
   |   \   \   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   _   /   /   |
   |   |\   \  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |  /   /|   |
   |   |/   /  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |  \   \|   |

#614 == i get bored easy.

                              ____ _              _ ____
           :::: ::::        /\\  //   ______     \//   /.
          :::::::::::      /  \\/    .\     |     /     |
          :::::::::::     /    \     |      |    /      |
           :::: ::::     /     /     |      |   /       |
          :::::::::::   /  ___/______|      |  /     .  |
          :::::::::::  /   \_       /.      | /     /|  |__ _
           :::: ::::  /     /        |      |_\______    _//// /
                      \______________|________|      |__|

My favorite Operation Ivy song.  Vulnerability.

               ____________________/\\ ____________________________ wH0
              .\                   _ \/                           /.
             _|                     \                              |_
         \ \\\_                                                    _/// /
   ________   |                                                    |
  /     _ / __ __.   __ ___ ____    ______   _____.___    ___   ___     ___
 /\     //-|  |  |  .\ \  /.\ _//_.\\_   /._\\__ /.  _|___\__)_|   |_  /  /--.
 \ \    /  |  |  |__|  \   |  )  /.  /  /_.   _/  | \\_  /.   \_   _//_\___  |
  \ \  /\____/|__  /.__|\__|__    |__\____|_______|_______|____|___\   |  /__|
              . \/_/         \/__/                                \/__/__/
              |                      _                             .
           _ _|_                     \                            _|_ _
              |/___________________/\  ___________________________\|

Screeching Weasel.  I gotta go hump Jeffy now.

    ___   _____    _____   _____   _____  _____   ___     ____ ___ ___ ______
wH0/ _/__.)  _/__ _\__  \ /   _/  /   _/ .)  _/__|  _|___(___/.\  \  /.\ ___/_
  _\_    |   |   |   _  /.\  _)__.\  _)__|   |   |  \_  /.____|   \   |  \_   |
 .\  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |    |   |   |   |   |
 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |    |   |   |   |   |
 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |    |   |   |   |   |
 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |    |   |   |   |   |
 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |    |   |   |   |   |
 |   ___  _____   _____  ___    _____  ____. |   |   |   |    |   |   |   |   |
 |  /  /__\  _//__\__  |/ _//__.\  _//_\   | |   |   |   |    |   |   |   |   |
 | /  /\  \ _)  /  _// |\_     \  _)  /    | |   |   |   |    |   |   |   |   |
 | \__/\__/_____\______|_______/______\____| |   |   |   |    |   |   |   |   |
 |                                           |   |   |   |    |   |   |   |   |
 |   |   |   |   |   |   Screeching Weasel   |   |   |   |    |   |   |   |   |
 |   |   |   |   |   |                       |   |   |   |    |   |   |   |   |
 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |    |   |   |   |   |
 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |    |   |   |   |   |
 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |    |   |   |   |   |
 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |    |   |   |   |   |
 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |    |   |   |   |   |
 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |    |   |   |   |   |

surge.  i think someone requested this.  its a good logo though.

          _ /   _//_       .____.  _/\_____  _/\___       _/\___
          \\\_____ /.____  |    |_\\_.__   \.\  __//____ _)  __/_____
          ______ /. |    | |    |   _|_/  _/.   \.___  /.\  __).)   /.
         .\     | | |    | |    |  \\__.    |    | |/   |   \. |     |
         |      | | |    | |    |    | |    |    | |    |    | |     |
     wH0 |      | | |    | |    |    | |    |    | |    |    | |     |
         |      | | |    | |    |    | |    |    | |    |    | |     |
         |      | | |    | |    |    | |    |    | |    |    | |     |
         |      | | |    | |    |    | |    |    | |    |    | |     |
     __. |      | | |    | |_   |    | |    |    | |    |    | |     | .__
 \ \\  | |      | | |    |-|/   |    | |    |    | |    |    | |     | |  // /
      .: |      | | |_     /    |    | |    |    |-|    |    |-|     | :.
         |______|-|__/__________|____| |    |___________|_______     |
                                       |_   |_ _                \____|
                                        /____/// /

riverfenix.  they are called fenix tx now.  sort of x-games punkish stuff.
we cover their cover of ordinary world.  yay.

          _.                 /__/\\
     _____\| ___ ___________ \__\/____  _______ _____   ___ ___  ___ ___  ___
   ._\__  \.(__/_\    /\  _/__._\__   \.\   _  .\  _//_.\  \  /.(__/_\  \/  /
   |   /  /.     |\ //|  _)  /.   /   /.    _)-|  _)  /.   \   |    /.\_  _/.
- -|---\___|_____| \/_|_______|---\____|___|   |_______|___|___|_____|__,___|_

i don't remember why i did this.  i think its a band.  or a song by
tilt.  i forget.  *shrug*

                  _/\__ wH0     _/\__= ====== LIBEL ====== =_/\__
             _ __/    /        |    /.                     /    /_
           \ \\\     /   _/\___|     |      _/\_____ _    /    /// /
               /    /  _(_____/.  _ _|_____.\     _///_. /    /
              /   _/__|__      |  \\\__   /.    __)    |/   _/_____
             /    \     /.     |     |/    |    \|     /    \     /.
            /\____       |_____|_____      |_____      \____       |
           . /   /\______|    /     /\_____|    /\_____|   /\______|
            .   / /     /    .     / /    /    / /    /   / /     /
               . /     .          . /    .    . /    .   . /     .
                .                  .           .          .

Transmission.  I was supposed to get warez for this.  As usual I got
dicked.  But again.  Decent logo.

  |      |                    ________              _____
 _|      |_ _    ___________ \\_     /.___/\ _____ /   _/________
\\_      _///___.\    _    /.   |     .\    \    /.\______      /.
  |      |      t     |_____r   _     |     \     n      /.      |
  |      |      |     |   |     |     a     |     |       |      |
  |___  _    _  |_____|   |_____|_____|__  _|_____|________ _    |
  .\  \/ \__\\__)   _____     _____    \\__)........... __/\     s_
  |   \/   |______ /   _/___./   _/___ ______:::: :::::.\   \    _//
  |   |    |     i_\___     _\___    /.     /.::: ::::::    \    |
  |   |    |     /    /.   /    /.    s_     |::: ::::::    |    |
  |   |    |    /      |  /      |    _//    |::: ::::::    |    |
  |   |____m____\______   \______     |______|::: ::::::____n    |
  WHOD|NI/ACiD/REMORSE \____s    \____|    ::::::.:::::o    |    |
  |   |                                                     :   _|_
  |   :               T R A N S M I S S I O N               .  /\__\
  |   .                                                        \/__/
 _|_           S i t e   O p :   R a d i A k t i v e             |
/__/\             W L W   A r c h i v e   S i t e                |
\__\/             M O B   A r c h i v e  S i t e                 |
  |         1 O O +  G i g a b y t e s   S t o r a g e           |
  |_                                                            _|

See it, hear it, kill it.  It was going to be a colly but you never saw it.

                                       _ ____      ______      ______
                                      ///  _//____.\  __//____.\  __//____
  ______________________________________\__.      |  _)      /.  _)      /.
 .\                                        |      |  |        |  |        |
 |                                         |      |  |        |  |        |
 |                                         |      |  |        |  |        |
 |         _____  ._____.                  |      |  |        |  |        |
 |_______ (____/ _|     |___  _ __________________|__         |__         |
         ._______\_     .__//__.                     \________|  \________|
         |        |     |      |                  wH0
         |        |_____       |  _
         |________|     \______| //
  _____________________________ ______ ______      ___________ ________/\_
 .\                            |     /.\  __//____.\  _      /.\ _       /.
 |                             |      |  _)      /.   |       |  |        |
 |                             |      |  |        |   _       |  |________|
 |                             _      |  |        |   |       |  |
 |                             |      |  |        |   |       |  |
 |         _____  ._____.      |      |  |        |   |       |  |
 |_______ (____/ _|     |___  _|______|__         |___|_______|__|
         ._______\_     .__//__.        _\________|
         |        |     |      |       /\ _
         |        |_____       |  _    \/_/
         |________|     \______| //
                 ____________    ___________   _____________ _____________
 _____________  /           /   \\__________) .\           /.\            |
.\            |/           /___.______________|             |             |
|             /                |             /.             |             |
|             \                |              |             |             |
|             |                |              |             |             |
|             |                |              |             |             |
|             |  ____  ._____. |     ___________            |             |
|             | (___/ _|     |___   |          /            |             |
|             ._______\_     .__//__.         /             |             |
|____________ |        |     |      | _______/._____________|_____________|
              |        |_____       |  ___
              |________|     \______| (___\\

No tit!  The Queers rule.  More jeffy humping.

         ________/\ ____ _______________
        .\         \   /.\   ._        /.                       /\    _
        |          \    |    |/         | ---------------------------//-+
        |          |    |    |          |                     /    \/   |
        |__________|____|______ ___ _ ___ __                .           |
           .                ___/  /__ \__))/.____                     _ |_
           |                \_/   __/_ _____|    |_ _            . /  / _/
        _ _|_                /   /   /.    /.    ./ /                   |
        // +/------------ _ /   /     |     |    | ---------------------+
                           \\___      |_____|____|
                        wH0     \_____|

He ees soooo sessy!  Rowwwr.

      /__/\_____                                  ___________________
      \__\/    /A TRIBUTE TO MY FAVORITE SINGER...\                 /.
        |                                                            |
        |  _________ _____   _________          _____      ______    |
        ___\__     / \____)._\    ___/___ _____/    /     /     /_____.
       /     /    /_.______|_    .\     /.\   /    /____./     /|     |
      /     /    /  |       /    |       |   /    /    _|\______      |
      \_____\       |_______\____        |___\         \       / _____|
        .    \______|            \_______|    \_________\_______/    .
        |                                                            |
        |                       RICKY MARTIN!                  wH0  _|_

Those transmission guys wanted this dumbuh little diz-ish thingy.

   ___    ___   ___  ___ wH0
 _/  /_  / _//_.\  \/  /.
|_   _/_.\__.  \   \/   |
/   /  /.   |   \  |    |
\______ |_______/--|____|

Not a request.  Just boredom.

          ______             ._.            ____       __
         .\ ___/_____        | |            \   \     .\ |__________
         | .\       /. ___  _| |__ _      .__\   \    |  |         /.
         | |         | __///_  ._///_/____|  /  _/____|  |          |
         | |         |       | |         /| /         |  |          |
         |_          |   wH0 |_           |_\         |_            |
           \_________|         \__________|  \________| \___________|
                    _|___ _   _
                     |            C-THRU '99         .
                                            _   _ ___|_

Uh yah.  This one isn't as good but it was fun to draw.
The crown is a joke cuz there is this really bad tagger named Chex
who puts a crown on his stuff.

             _                                         _  _ ___
           |\\/       _______________________________________ /_
          _| \   wH0 .\                                     /. |
         |    \      |                                       | |
        _|    /      |                                       | :
       |     //      |                                       | .
      _|    /        |                      /\               |
     |     /         |                 /\  / _\   __         | .
    _|    /__.--_ _____       _____   /  \/ \//  .\ | .    .__  .  .
    \    /.\   _/__   /.     .\  _/   \      / --|   -|----| /--|  |------+
     \  / |   /    \   |     |  _)_____\    /    |    |__. |/   |  |      |
      \/  |   \     \ _|_____|  \  _  //    \    |  _ |  | |  _  \/       |
          |   |\    _\\_    /__  \\/  /     .\   |  | |  | |  | ./\.      |
          |   |/   \// /    _ /  /   /   /\  \\  |  | |  | |  | |  |      |
          |   /     / /    \//  /   /   /  \ //  |  | |  | |  | |  |      |
          |___\____/--\     /+--\___\  /    \/   |  | |  | |  | |  |      |
                     . `--./         \/  --------|  |-|  |-|  |-|  |------+
                     |                           `--' '  ' `--' '  '
                     |                                       .
                     |                                  _    |
                     |                                    _  |
                     |_                                   \ _|

Hermana.  Uh.  I ferget.  I think he was an artist or something.  *SHRUG*

          .\                                        /.
          |                                          |
        ______                                       |
       /     /                          _____         ___
      /     /  _______  _______   ___  /    /        .\  \
     /   __/__.\_  __/._\___   \ .\  \/    /.  ______|_   \ ___.
    /    \      / _)  |   _/   /_|___\/     |_\\___   /.   \   |   ________
   /     /     / |    |   \      |   |      /    _/    |  \ \  | _\\___   /.
  /     /_____/__     |____\         |_____/     |    _|__|\   |/    _/    |
  \____/  .      \______|   \________|     \___________|    \  /     |     |
          |                                          .       \ \___________|
          |_                                         | wH0    \|
       _  |/                                         |
       \\/|                                         _|_
        \/|__________________________________  _ _ /\__\
                                             \/    \/__/

GOB.  Cuz I got addicted to their cover of Paint it Black.

                     .\                                 /.
                     |                                   |
                     |                                   |
                wH0  |                                   |
      ___________________   ___________________   ________________
     .\              ___//_.\              _  /.__\_______       /
     |               |     |               |   |           _____/______.
     |               |     |               |   |         .             |
     |               |     |               |   |         |             |
     |               |     |               |   |         |             |
     |_______________      |               |   |         |             |
        |             _____|___________________|_________              |
        |____________/                                   \_____________|
                     .                                   .
                     |               G O B               :
                     :                                   .

Its a good logo, but it got screen capped and turned into a neat VGA logo.

      ____ ____ _____     _________     _____         __/\ ____ wH0
     .\   |   /_\   |    _\   _   /_    |   /.       _\   \|  /_
     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    | ____  |    \    | ____
     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    | \___) |    |    | \___)
     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |       |    |    |
     |    |    |   _|____|    |    |____|_   |_______|    |    |________
     |    |    |   \_   /|    |    _\   _/   |       |    |    |       |
     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |       |    |    |       |
     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |       |    |    |       |
     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |       |    |    |       |
     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |       |    |    |       |
     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |       |    |    |       |
     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |       |    |    |       |
     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |       |    |    |       |
     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |       |    |    |       |
     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |       |    |    |       |
     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |       |    |    |       |
     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |       |    |    |       |
     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |       |    |    |       |
     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |       |    |    |       |
     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |       |    |    |       |
     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |       |    |    |       |
     |   /\    |    |    |    |    |    |    |       |    |    |       |

Okay so this is a logo for ANOTHER colly that you never saw.

        .\                                                       /.
        |                                   __________________________
    ._/\ _____  ________ wH0               .\                        /.
    |   \    /._\_     /.                  |              |           |
    |   \     |   |     |                  |              |           |
    |   |     |   |     |                  |              |           |
    |   |     |   |     |                  |              |           |
    `---|_____|    _____|          ___  ____ _______      |           |
             _|   |__      __     .\  \/   /.\   __/__    |           |
        |    \_    _/___  (_/     |   \/    |   _)   /    |           |
        |     |   |     |_________|   |     |   |     | __|           |
        |     |   |     |         |   |     |   |     | _  .__________|___
        |     |   |     |         |   |     |   |     |  | |              |
      .______ `---._____|   ._____|---|_____|---._____|  | |              |
   ___|_     |  __      .\   __/__         .             | |              |
  .\  _/     | (_/      |   _)   /.        |             | |              |
  |   |      |__________|   |     |        |             | |              |
  |   |      |          |   |     |        |             | |              |
  |   |      |          |   |     |        |             | |              |
  `---.______|---.______|---._____|        |_____________|-|______________|
        .                                                         .
        |                        NO TIME 2 DIE                    |
        |                                                         |

Okay so I had this idea that I would do a colly full of queer's song titles.
yah you never saw it.

 .______       __________ ____________
 |      |     .\ .      /.     .\  __/_ wH0
 |      |_____|  |       |    /|   _) /.
 |______     /.__________|\  / |___    |
        \_____| ___       _\/______\___|\_______ __________  ___
               / _/______.\ .      /.\  \      /.\ .      / / _/_____.
              .\_        |  |       |   |       |  |       .\_       |._
              |          |__________|___|_______|____      |_________||//
  _________.__|__________|_______                /_________|
 .\   _    |\ .      /.__\\__   /   ._____
 |    _)___|  |       |    _/  /__._|     |_ __.      ______
 |____|    |__________|____\      |\.     ./   |_____.\  __/_
                            \_____| |     |    .\   /.   _) /.
                                    |_____|____|_____|___    |
                                                         \___|             ___
       ________   ______  ____     _____    _______      |   |______      |   |
     ._\___   /__.\  __/_|    |_ __\__ /.__\\__   /  ____|_  |\  __/_ ____|_  |
     |    /  /   |   _) /.    .//  __/  |    _/  /__.\   _// |   _) /.\   _// |
     |____\      |___    |____|_________|____\      |________|___    |________|
           \_____|   \___|                    \_____|            \___|

                      *** Love Songs for the Retarded ***
                      ** .. A tribute to THE QUEERS .. **

R-Bots.  For... Spinsane maybe?

                                 _______    __________ _______    _________
                                |      /.  .\      . /.\     /.   \      _//.
                             wH0|       |  |       |  |       |   _\______  |
                          ______|       |__|       |  |       |__.\      |  |
                          \_____         __        _  _       ._/        |  |
        ___________             |       |  |       |  |       |  |       |  |
        \          \            |       |  |       |  |       |  |       |  |
  .______\          \    \  /   |       |  |       |  |       |  |       |  |
  |      /          /  ___\/___ |       |  |       |  |       |  |       |  |
  |     /          /__    /\    |    ___!__        |  |       |  |       |  |
  |     \             |  /  \   | \ \\  . /.       |  |       |  |       |  |
  |      \            |      .  |       |  |       |  |       |  |       |  |
  |      |\           |         |       |  |       |  |       |  |       |  |
  |______| \__________|         |       |  |       |  |       |  |       |  |
                                |       |  |       |  |       |  |       |  |
                                |       |  |       |  |       |  |       |  |
                                |       |  |       |  |       |  |       |  |

Hiro rules.  and he's around more often now!  I was also going to do a colly
called grandfathers.  Heh.  I have such good ideas that I never work on.

                i guess now we're the grandfathers of it all....
 .\       /.___ wH0    __ __________      _______________ ___________________
 |            |     ._(_((          )_ __(              /.___.         __   /.
 |            |     |                 |         |            |         \|    |
 |            |     |                 |         |            |          |    |
 |            |     |                 |         |            |          |    |
 |            |     |                 |         |            |          |    |
 |            |     |                 |         |            |          |    |
 |            |_____|_____            |         |            |          |    |
 |        ____|          /.___        |       __     ____/\__|          |    |
 |        \____              |        |       \ |          \                 |
_|_           |              |        |        \|           \                |
\\/           |              |        |         \            \               |
 |_           |              |________|_________|\            \______________|
  /___________|              |                    \____________\
                                        - - hiro p - -

Look I even did some diz's for it.  And another diz for ASCII Corporation.
I bet I probably released that one already.

  _______ _________________________________
._\      \ _____    _____  _______ _      /.
|    _  _/_\_   \  /    /._\      \\\ \    |
|    \           \/           _  _/_____   |
|_____\__________\/           \       _/___
+                 |____________\_____      \
 Acid Productions                 /________/
 Remorse Productions      _____ __         .
 1981                    /____//_//    _   |
 Presents                \____\\_\\ \      |
 Ryan "Whodini" Mullin                   __|
 ._____________________ "Grandfathers" __\

wH0 ______   ____   ______    _____  _____
 __\\_   /. /  _//_.\ _._//__(____/.(____/.
|   .     |_\__._  |  \|    /.     |      |
|   |     |    |/  |   |     |     |      |
. .
| |      *<< ASCII Corporation #2 >>*
| |_
|_ /_____________________________________ _
 /______________________________________ _

A diz for remorse #34.  I don't know if we used it or not.  I'm old, excuse
me.  What the hell is that second one?  RESURS?  I think its some weird lit

wH0      ________ ___      ___
      ___\__    /.\  |    |  /.
  .  .\    (_    |   |    |   |   .
  |  |      |    |   |    |   |   |
  _ _|      |    |   |____|   |__ _
\ \\\.      |    |\_______    ._/// /
  .  |      |    |        |   |   .
  |  |       ____|        |   |   |
 _|  |______/             |___|   |_
_\                                 /_
|     - -\-- Remorse #34 --/- -     |
|                                   |
|   This is how we chill from 81    |
|           til Infinity            |
|_                                 _|

+  ____  _____wH0___  ___ __   ____   ___  +
._\\_  \_\ __/_ / _/__\  | /._\\_  \ / _/__.
|  _  _/_ _)  /_\___     |  |  _  _/_\___  |
|  |    | |    |   /.    |  |  |    |   /. |
|  |    : |    :    |    |  :  |    :    | |
|__|\_____           _______,__|\___.     _|
.         \_________/               |____/ .
|                                          |
|                                       _  |
|                                       \ _|

Phluid.  Radman's always asking for diz's.  even though no one even likes
oldschool ASCII.  Mimic #19.  Aren't they up to 25 or something like that?

  _ _____.___    i   ___ ___ \/   wH0  i   .
 _\\\_   \  _|___|  .\  |  /._____ ____|_  |
/    ____   \_  /.  |   |   |    /.\   _/  |
\____|   |___|___    _______       ________|
+================!  |=======|_____|=========
|                   ! p / H / L / U / I / D
|                                          _
|      - -\-+ 11/99 Music Disk +-\- -      |

             _____________ wH0  :.
            .\   \    ___/__.    :
     ..     |    |\_____    |
   ..:      |    |     |    |
            |    |     |    |
            |    |     |    |
 _          !    !     !    !          _
_\\-- (( (  m  I   m   I  c   )  )) --//_
|           i    i     i    i           |
|           |    |     |    |           |
|           |____|     |____|           |
|                                       |
|          m I m I c   #  1 9           |
|                                       |
|_ _                                 _ _|

okay so i didn't have much to say.
i quit my job.
i broke up with my girlfriend.
i'm getting a new job.
i got a new girlfriend.
god time can move really quick some days.

the people who have the most importance in my life won't see this.
except jeffy.
jeffy doesn't like the holes in my jeans.
jeffy wants me to join the army navy air force and marines.

maybe thats why i do it.  just to say hi to jeffy.

fuck mimic.
remorse 4 life.

*SMOOCH*, jeffy. :)
                   _/   i guess.  this is the end.
                  |     of today.


                                              ¡ "bEYONd thE EdGE Of REAlitY..."
>> ¡ -------------------------------------- - |.
  .|                                          ||
  ||  AEROhOliCS / MO'PlAYAZ / dREAM thEAtRE  !| _
  |!  MANGOO / AEROSOl / diSCiPlES OF AGEEMA   | ;
  |                   bAd kARMA / ARCAdE WHQ   |   _
  |                                            |   ;
  7    liGHtfORCE / ROYAl lOW PROfilE / SOiA   |
  :          UP ROUGh / PUNGAS / 1OO PERCENt   |
  ¡       tEQUilA / PhUNk GHQ / PhANtASY EHQ   |
_ |                                            | "...dON't PlAY US ChEAP!"
; |   AMiGA/ASCii/GRAffiti/dRUGS/N64/GAMEbOY   !
  |   GAMEbOY COlOR/NEOGEOPOCkEt/SNES/OldiES    ___.     ______.      drn\lp!
  |   PSX/PS2/dC/SEGA/MP-ThREE/ChiPtUNES/MOd   \\  !___  \     !__ _ _ ________
  |   =C64/SPECCtRUM/AtARi-8/cPc/liNUX/*NiX!   \\  .__/--\\   ._   \ / ._     /
  |                                            _\  ;/     \   !/    \  !/____/_
  |   PRiVAtE SYStEM With thREE diAlUP NOdES   /___/     _____/     __ /    __\
 _!   fiVE BlAStiNG 24h tElNEt NOdES ON ADSL      `----'     `----'  `----' 
\\;     . ______   ___ _ _ _________   _______                              ¡
 \      !/  __ /___\_  \ /   _  __ /___\_    //   t h E   Y A R d   _______,| 
 _\    _/   \ /     _   /    /  \ /     /    /______________________\   ____|_
 /_____);  ______   )  __    \ ______  /_  ___,_________________________\   !
     ,_____\     `----'  `----\      `----'