[ s o f ]
- ---( o h  m y  g o o d n e s s .   w h e r e  h a v e  y o u  b e e n ? )-- -
           /\    ·/
          //\\  //
       .-//---\-/---------- CONTENTS ---------------------------.
       |//    \/                                                |
       |/                                                       |
      //  Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION ..........line xxxxi          |
     //|  Chapter 2: PREFACE ...............line ccciv          |
    /· |  Chapter 3: THE BOOKS OF BLOOD ....line idlxvi         |
    ·  |  Chapter 4: BOOKS-2-ASCII .........line mdccclxxxix   _|_
  ·    |  Chapter 5: INFORMATION ...........line mmdxxxix      \|/
       |  Chapter 6: DIVINE STYLERS INC ....line mmdcxxxiv      |
       |  Chapter 7: FINAL WORDS ...........line mmdcclvii      |
       |                                                        |

                                     _____  :_____
- --. --- ------ -------------- - :_/ ___ \_|    /___  :________:
__  |__ __.  ___ _i_  ___  ___    |    |  ·:|    . ·:\_|  _   ·:|
\__ | / \_l_ \_/  l_, \_/_ \ ¬    |    |    |    :     | _/     |
              \                   |    :    |    |     | \______|
- --- ------ ---------------- --  |_________|____|_____|_____   |
            - i n t r o d u c t i o n


     _ __/____                _____                         ____
      __/    / ______________/    /_  _____ _  _______  __ /   / _____ _
     /  \    \/    /  ___   /   ___/_/   _____/   _   \/  \    \/   _____
 <--/   l\    \   /   \____/\   \    \   \    \   \    \   \    \   \    \-->
   /__________/__/\_____\____\___\____\___\____\___\___/____\    \___\    \
                /                                         kRm\____\  /____/
                                  - the fellow is yellow!

                                 ____ ___
                                 \__/ \_

            ·::::|..::                   ...            .·.::..
            `::::|::::            ..:·  .:::         .::·:·::::. .....
             ::::|·' .   ..:·     ::::  :··       .::··  ¦ ·:::::::::::.
 ..::::..    ::::|¸.::  :::·      ·::: ..:·  .. .::·     |  ::::::··:::::
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  ·::::   ··::::::::::::::.    .::·  :::::··'            | :::::::::..  ·::::
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                        · W I Z e M A N   S A Y S ·


          .oOOOo. ooo ooo .oOOOo. .oOOOo. .oOOOo. OOOOOo. .oOOOo.

           .     .oOOOo. .oOOO .oOOOo. OOO .oOOOo. .oOOOo.     .
          oOo    OOO OOO OOO   OOO OOO ooo OOO OOO     OOO    oOo
        .oO°Oo.  OOO OOO OOO   °OOOOo. OOO OOO OOO OOO OOO  .oO°Oo.
        °     °  OOO OOO OOO       OOO OOO OOO OOO OOO OOO  °     °
                     OOO OOO       OOO °OO OOO OOO OOO OOO
                 OOOOOO° °OOOOOOo.oOO°  °O °OOOOOO OOO OOO MRS!

              " W E   D o N T   S U C K   B I G   D I C K S "

                ____ ____ ____    __, ____   .___ _i_    __,
                \__/ \  ¬ \__/__ `--, \__/__ |  /  l__, `--,
                 \               ¯¯¯                    ¯¯¯

                        his 7th ascii collection called

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -
 _____.                             .______
 \   _|____ _________ ________._____|     /__________   _________ ___________
 /   __    \    _    \    _    \   _|  __/    ______/  /    _    \\_   _____/
/     |     \   |     \   |     \  __    \______    \ /     |     \    __|
\___________/_________/_________/___|     \_________/ \___________/____|
          _____.                                           ._____
          \   _|____ ______.     _________  _________  ____|_   /
          /   __    \\     |____/_   _    \/    _    \/    __   \
         /     |     \     |     /   |     \    |     \    |     \

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -

                            v o l u m e   f o u r

   .______    ______.
 __|_   _/__  \    _|_____ ____________
 \__    ___/__/_   __     \\______    /_
  /     |      /    |      \_   _____/ /
     ______. .______ ___________ ___________ ______.     _____|_    /
     \     |_|     //     _     \      _    \__    |____/__   __    \
     /     | |     \      |      \     |______/    |      /   |      \
     \______|______/_____________/_____|    \____________/___________/
                                          ________  _____________
                                         (________)/     _______/
                                         /        \________     \
  ____________ __________  ___________  _____|_    /
 /    _______/_    _     \/     _     \/     __    \
/     \_      /    |      \     |      \     |      \
                  ____________ __________  _____|_    /
                  \_______    \     _    \/     __    \
                  /     _/     \    |     \_    |      \

                        .______  ______.
____________ ___________|    _/__\    _|_____ _______ __________ ____________
\     _     \    _     \_    ___/___  __     \_______)     _    \    _______/_
/     |      \_  |      \    |     /   |      \_     \_    |     \_  \_      /
                                 ______.                         .______
                                 \    _|_____ ____________  _____|_    /
                                 /    __     \\_______    \/     __    \
                                /      |      \     _/     \     |      \
_____________     ._________________ ________
\_______    /_ ___|      /_____    /_    _   \___
/     _____/ /    |     /    _____/ /    |______/
 \    _|_____ ___________ ___________ _________ _________ ________ __________
 /    __     \ ______    \ _____     \____     \____    /_   _    \    _____/
/      |      \_   _/     \    ______/   ______/  _____/ /   |     \_____   \
\______|_______/__________/____|  \______|   \__________/____|______/_______/

t h e  w o r l d  i s  g o o d  &  n o t h i n g  b a d  e v e r  h a p p e n s

                                  :____:                   _____   
- --. --- ------ -------------- - |  ·:|____:___:   :___:_/ ___ \_:
__  |__ __.  ___ _i_  ___  ___    |  ______/|   |___| ·:|    |  ·:|
\__ | / \_l_ \_/  l_, \_/_ \ ¬    |    |  ·:|   |   |   |    |    |
              \                   |    :    |   :   :   |    :    |
- --- ------ ---------------- --  |_________|___________|_________|czar
            - p r e f a c e

_ ________ ________________________________________________________ ________ _

                      every body is a book of blood;
                     whenever we`re opened, we`re red.

                                         - Clive barker

_ ________ ________________________________________________________ ________ _

\__/___ ____  ___ ___.  __   ____ \
 \  \ ¬ \__/_ \_  \__l_ \___ \__/_ \                /\
   _      _    \  _ _____ __ _ _____\  /\          //\\
                                    \\//\\        //  \\
   oOooOoO                                 \\  //        \\    ooOOooo
   oOoOOoO wow!  It`s been over a month     \\//          \\   oOOoOOo
   ooOOooo since i last released something!  \/            \\  OoooooO
   oOOoOOo I just got so bored of making ascii              \\ oOOooOo
   OoooooO (the main reason was that recall installed my name\\ooOooOo
   oOOooOo  in his orderdoor, and so that i all of a sudden   \\OooOoO
   ooOooOo  got over 30 requests at one time. Need i tell you  \\OoooO
   oOooOoO  that i lost ALL inspiration whatsoever?)           O\\ooOo
   ooOoooO But, now I`m back. I spoke to Trivial at undercover oO\\ooo
   OoOooOo i joined forces with divine stylers and left my     OOO\\oO
   OOoOooo position as abandoned leader of offspring.          OOoO\\o
   OOOOOoO Speaking of which... In case you wondered what      ooOoo\\___ _
   OOoOoOo really happened i can tell you this. When Hotwire   ooOOoo\
   ooOoooO and relief realised that oS! had gone haywire they  OOoOOoO\
   ooOOooO left and founded twisted. But, since I can`t call   OoooOOO \
   OOoOOoO abroad that much i wouldn`t be able to keep in      oOOoOOo
   oooOooO touch properly with the rest of the group they      ooOooOO   ·
   oOOoooo didn`t want me in the group. Ok, it sounded ok to   OoooooO
   oOooOoO me at first, but then i started thinking about it.  oOOooOo
   oOoOOoO Why didn`t they clean up offspring and throw out    ooOooOo
   ooOOooo the members they didn`t want? Why did i have to     oOooOoO
   oOOoOOo suffer for THEIR mistakes? Well, one reason could   ooOoooO
   OoooooO be that the name of offspring now had a bad rep...  OoOooOo
   oOOooOo Ok, i can live with that. One thing however upset   OOoOooo 
   ooOooOo me a bit. Hotwire: You said that -T had reached     OOOOOoO
   oOooOoO its limit in members. Whay did you then let dV$     OOoOoOo
   ooOoooO join? I just want to know... Err, a note to all of  ooOoooO
   OoOooOo you reading this: I`m still the best of friends     ooOOooO
   OOoOooo with Hotwire and Relief, so don`t you think that    OOoOOoO
   OOOOOoO I`m trying to write some kind of slagoff text here. oooOooO
   OOoOoOo And no offence to Devistator. You`re a great artist oOOoooo
   ooOoooO man. Make me some logos whydontcha?                 oOooOoO
   ooOOooO So, as i understood the situation i was leader of   oOoOOoO
   OOoOOoO offspring (who only consisted of Me, Tommy, Snuffy  ooOOooo
   oooOooO jedi and satans fire). But, after talking to Tommy  oOOoOOo
   oOOoooo (the only other swedish member) i decided to scrap  OoooooO
   oOooOoO the whole thing. I simply couldn`t afford to call   oOOooOo
   oOoOOoO to norway and other countries. Sorry. But things    ooOooOo
   ooOOooo seem to have worked themselves out now.             oOooOoO
   oOOoOOo I joined Divine Stylers. Jedi quit the scene.       ooOoooO
   OoooooO Tommy joined Epsilon Design. Satans fire founded    OoOooOo
   oOOooOo Caustic Style and Snuffy joined his previous group. ooooOoo
   ooOOoOO Best of luck to all of you.                         OOOOOoO
   oOooOoO Well, the other reason for my inactivity            OOooOoO
   ooOoooO is that i`ve started studying at the university.    OOooOOo
   OoOooOo I`ve been so busy flunking exams that i`ve hardly   OOooOoo
   OOoOooo been in front of my amiga. (only in front of the    OOooOoO
   OOOOOoO macintosh`s (or even worse, the PC`s) in school).   OOooOoO
   OOoOoOo I have hardly had time to trade, let alone do all   oOOoOoO
   ooOoooO the ascii requests i`ve been getting. Now i atleast oOOOooo
   ooOOooO have a few weeks to spare. Thank goodness for that! OooOoOO
   OoOOooo                                                     OooOooO
   oOOooOo Well, now some other things have happened too.      OOooOOO
   OooOoOO Inhumans are dead, and I`m once again looking for   OooOooo
   OOooOOO a group to join as a trader... just check out the   OoooOoO
   ooooOOo dreamcharts and judge for yourself...               oooOooO
   oOooOoO                                                     OooOOoO
   OooOOoo And I`m NOT in unique arts either. Not that I have  oOOooOo
   OooOOoO anything against them, it`s just that i`m mot a     oooOoOO
   OOoOooO member. Respekt!                                    OOoOOoo
   oOOoOoO                                                     OooOoOO
   OooooOO Btw, some group called kinky changed name to        OOooOoO
   oooOoOo Avocado. If you know them, can you tell then that   oooOooo
   ooOOoOO Avocado Design have existed for over three years?   oOOOOoo
   OoOOoOo                                                     OooOooo
   oooOooO Wow, this was a bit longer than my previous         OOOooOo
   ooOooOo prefaces. I could go on and on, but i wont  (:      OooOoOO
   oOOoOoO                                                     oooOooO
   OOoOOoO Well, i hope you`ll enjoy this collection.          OooOoOo
   oooOooO Best wishes:                                        oOOooOO
   ooOooOo                                                     OooOooO
   oOOoooo                   vIETCONg/dIVINE sTYLERS^aVOCADO!  oOOooOO
   OooOooO                           (looking for more groups) oOOooOO
   ooOOooO                                                     OOOOooo

                   __ __                             __ __
                  /__\//                             \\/__\												luv! luv! luv!																		
                  \_ \\_ so... let`s get on with it! _// _/
                     ///                             \\\

                             :____:    :____.
- - . --- ------ --------- - |  ·:|____|  ·:|     :_______:________:________:
__  |____. ____i_ ___ ___    |  ______/|    |___  | _   ·:|  _   ·:|  _   ·:|
\__ | /\_l_\_/ l_,\_/_\ ¬    |    |  ·:|    .   \_| |     | _/     | _/     |
            \                |    :    |    :     | |_____| \______| \______|
- -- ------ ------------ --  |_________|____|_____|____|  |_____   |_____   |
           - t h e  b o o k s  o f  b l o o d             czar|____|   |____|

_ ________ ________________________________________________________ ________ _

             My life is all right now, everythings fine.
             Just heard from my doctor; my cancers benign.
             People are nice here, I love my towm.
             Got evicted two days before my house burnt down.

             The world is good and nothing bad ever happens!

                                                           © Cat Rapes Dog

_ ________ ________________________________________________________ ________ _

.--- . ----------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦ ___|           | books o f blood 4: |
| \__l -ivi ne   | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER:    1  
| ___,           | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:      carpe diem
|`---, -tyl ers! | ever h a p p e n s | lOGO rEQUESTER: can`t remember
¦¯¯¯¯            | told by: vietcong! |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

 c . .
 a . :
 r : ¦__/\_______/\___  __/\___  __/\___  __/\_____
 p ¦ |\_  _______  .  \ \_  .  \ \_  .  \ \_  ____/     . ·      __.__
 e | |/   \____/   |   \/   | _/_/   |   \/  __/________| l ____ \ ` /
   | /     \   \   .    \   .    \   .___/   \      /\__l   \__/__
== | \____      \__l     \__l     \_ | = \____      \_ ================
== | ¦dS!\_______/\_______/\_______/_l ===== \___ ___/ vC!=============
 d ¦ :                                          \/
 i : ·
 e · .
 m .

.--- . ----------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦ ___|           | books o f blood 4: |
| \__l -ivi ne   | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER:    2
| ___,           | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:      corrosion
|`---, -tyl ers! | ever h a p p e n s | lOGO rEQUESTER: infusion
¦¯¯¯¯            | told by: vietcong! |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

¦__/\_____                                                     ¦
:\_  ____/__/\___                                              | corrosion!
·/   \____\_  .  \ __/\___                                     ¦
/     \   \   |   \\_  .  \ __/\___                   .        `-----------.
\____      \_ |    \   | _/_\_  .  \ __/\___          .   ·                ¦
.dS!\_______/_      \_ .    \   |  /_\_  .  \ __/\_____   :                |
¦            \_______/_l     \_ .    \   |   \\  _____/ __/\___            |
|                     \_______/_l     \_ |    \\_____ \ \_· .  \ __/\___   |
|                              \_______/_      \_   / ·\/ · |   \\_     \  |
|                                       \_______/_    · \_· |    \   |   \ ¦
¦                                                \_______/__      \_ |    \·
`---------------------------------------------------- ¦   ¦\_______/_l     \_
                                                      ·   :      vC!\_______/

.--- . ----------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦ ___|           | books o f blood 4: |
| \__l -ivi ne   | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER:    3
| ___,           | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:      corrosion file_id
|`---, -tyl ers! | ever h a p p e n s | lOGO rEQUESTER: infusion
¦¯¯¯¯            | told by: vietcong! |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

       __/\_______/\___  __/\_____
.----- \_  _______  .  \ \  _____/ --------.
¦corro /   \____/   | _/_/\_____ \ blahuja ¦
|sion /     \   \   .    \     /  \ heppli |
¦give:\____      \__l     \__      \_ hupp ¦
`- vC!/dS!\_______/\_______/\_______/ -----´

.--- . ----------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦ ___|           | books o f blood 4: |
| \__l -ivi ne   | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER:    4
| ___,           | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:      czar file_id
|`---, -tyl ers! | ever h a p p e n s | lOGO rEQUESTER: cZAR
¦¯¯¯¯            | told by: vietcong! |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

  __/\_______/\___  __/\___  __/\___vC!/dS!
 .\_  ___________ \.\_  .  \.\_  .  \.....
¦:/   \____/ _____/\/   |   \/   | _/_   ::
|/     \   \ \      \   .    \   .    \ \|¦/
|\____      \__      \__l     \__l     \_\/
¦|   \_______/\_______/\_______/\_______/
:¦czar presents his fifth collection called:
·:          vietcong for president

.--- . ----------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦ ___|           | books o f blood 4: |
| \__l -ivi ne   | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER:    5
| ___,           | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:      divine stylers
|`---, -tyl ers! | ever h a p p e n s | lOGO rEQUESTER: all dS! members
¦¯¯¯¯            | told by: vietcong! |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

                                     ·   .
  .------------------- ·   . ------- .   . -----------------------------.
  ¦  d  i  v  i  n  e  .   .__/\.__  ·   .__/\___  s  t  y  l  e  r  s  ¦
  |          ___/\___  .   :\_  |  \ :   :\_     \  __/\_____           |
  |          \______ \ :   ¦/   |   \¦   ¦/   |   \ \_  ____/           |
  |           /    |  \¦   /    |    \   /    |    \/  __/_____         ¦
  ¦          /     |   \   \____      \_ \____l     \_ \      /         :
  :          \____      \_ ¦   \_______/ :   \_______/__      \_        ·
  ·           dS!\_______/ :         ·   .             \__ ____/        :
  :                    ·   .                              \/            ¦
  ¦    __/\______/\__  __/\.__  __/\.    __/\_______/\___  __/\_____    |
  |    \  ________   \ \   |  \ \_  l___ \_  _______  .  \ \  _____/    |
  |    /\_____ \ |    \/\____  \/   |   \/  __/___/   | _/_/\_____ \    ¦
  `-- /      /  \|     \    /   \   |    \  \     \   .    \     /  \ --´
      \____      \_     \__      \__      \__      \__l     \__      \_

      . ·     . ·
   .  . :  .  . :  .      .      .    .      .      .      .      .      .
__/|_ · ¦_/|_ · ¦_/|_  __/|_____/|___/|_  __/|_  __/|   __/|_____/|_  __/|___
_____\: \_ | \: \_   \ \_  __/\  _____  \ \  | \ \_ l__ \_  _____ . \ \  ___/
/   | ¦ |  |  ¦ |  |  \/  _/__/\___ \|   \/\___ \/  |  \/  _/__/  ` /_/\___ \
\__ ` |\¦__´  |\¦__|   \__`   \__ ´  \_   \__ ´  \__`   \__`   \__|   \__ ´  \_
  \___:_7 \___¦_7 \_____/\_____/\_____/____/\_____/\_____/\_____/\_____/\_____/
vC!/dS! .     : ·
      · .     · .

.--- . ----------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦ ___|           | books o f blood 4: |
| \__l -ivi ne   | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER:    6
| ___,           | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:      divine stylers file_id
|`---, -tyl ers! | ever h a p p e n s | lOGO rEQUESTER: all dS! members
¦¯¯¯¯            | told by: vietcong! |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

         ___/\___  __/\_____ .---.
.------- \______ \ \  _____/ |   | ---------.
| divine  /    |  \/\_____ \ ¦   ¦ cHILDISH!|
|stylers!/     |   \     /  \:___: featuring|
¦presents\____      \__      \___  vIETCONg!¦
`---- vC!/dS!\_______/\_______/__¦ ---------´

.--- . ----------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦ ___|           | books o f blood 4: |
| \__l -ivi ne   | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER:    7
| ___,           | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:      dream engine
|`---, -tyl ers! | ever h a p p e n s | lOGO rEQUESTER: shellshock
¦¯¯¯¯            | told by: vietcong! |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

           .   ·
           .   .
           :___/\___  __/\___  __/\_______/\___  __/\  _     
           ¦\______ \ \_  .  \ \_  _______  .  \ \_  \/ \
           | /    |  \/   | _/_/  __/___/   |   \/  \  / \   
           |/     |   \   .    \  \     \   .    \   \/   \  
           |\____      \__l     \__      \__l     \__/     \_
           |   .\_______/\_______/\_______/\_______/\_______/
           | d |
           | r |
   ======= | e | ====================================================
========== | a | ================================================
   ======= | m | ====================================================
           |   |
           |   |                             ·   .
           | e |  __/\_______/\___  __/\_____:   .__/\___  __/\_____
           | n |  \_  _______     \ \_  ____/¦   :\_     \ \_  ____/
           | g |  /  __/___/   |   \/   |   \|   ¦/   |   \/  __/_____
           | i ¦ /   \     \   |    \   |    \   /    |    \  \      /
           ¦ n : \____      \__l     \__      \_ \____l     \__      \_
           : e ·  dS!\_______/\_______/\_______/ ¦vC!\_______/\__ ____/
           ·   .                             ¦   :               \/
           .                                 :   .
               .                             .

.--- . ----------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦ ___|           | books o f blood 4: |
| \__l -ivi ne   | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER:    8
| ___,           | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:      dwayne goettel
|`---, -tyl ers! | ever h a p p e n s | lOGO rEQUESTER: ogilvie / royal
¦¯¯¯¯            | told by: vietcong! |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

___/\___  __/\.__  __/\___  __/\.__  __/\___  __/\_____ 
\______ \ \_  |  \ \__ .  \ \   |  \ \_     \ \_  ____/ 
 /    |  \/   |   \/   |   \/\____  \/   |   \/  __/_____
/     |   \  /¯\   \   .    \    /   \   |    \  \      /
\____      \__      \__l     \__      \__l     \__      \_
 dS!\_______/\_______/\_______/\_______/\_______/\___ ___/
                                        .        vC!\/
            ___. _oO_ _i_  _i_   ____   |
            \__| \__/  l__, l__, \__/__ l__,

  ___/\___  __/\.__  __/\___  __/\.__  __/\___  __/\_____ 
  \______ \ \_  |  \ \__ .  \ \   |  \ \_     \ \_  ____/ 
   /    |  \/   |   \/   |   \/\____  \/   |   \/  __/_____
  /     |   \  /¯\   \   .    \    /   \   |    \  \      /
  \____      \__      \__l     \__      \__l     \__      \_
   sS!\_______/\_______/\_______/\_______/\_______/\___ ___/
 __/\_______/\___  __/\______/\_____/\__  __/\_______/\.
 \_  _______  .  \ \_  ______.   ___.   \ \_  _______  l___
 /   |   \/   |   \/  __/___ |    \ |    \/  __/___/   |   \
/    |    \   |    \  \     \|     \|     \  \     \   |    \
\____      \__      \__      \_     \_     \__      \__      \_

.--- . ----------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦ ___|           | books o f blood 4: |
| \__l -ivi ne   | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER:    9
| ___,           | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:      everyware
|`---, -tyl ers! | ever h a p p e n s | lOGO rEQUESTER: shade / trsi
¦¯¯¯¯            | told by: vietcong! |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

            __/\_______/\.__  __/\_______/\___  __/\.__
            \_  _______  |  \ \_  _______  .  \ \   |  \
 _ ____ ___ /  __/___/   |   \/  __/___/   | _/_/\_____ \ ______
  -  ----- /   \     \   |    \  \     \   .    \     /  \ ----.¦
 ·         \____      \__      \__      \__l     \__      \_   ¦|
            vC!\_______/\_______/\_______/\_______/\_______/ __||__
   \             __/\.__  __/\___  __/\___  __/\_____        \ || /
    \            \_  |  \ \_  .  \ \_  .  \ \_  ____/everyware\¦¦/
   __\   __  ___ /   |   \/   |   \/   | _/_/  __/_____ _______\/
 -   \\  /\ --- /   /¯\   \   .    \   .    \  \      / --------´
      \\//\\    \____      \__l     \__l     \__      \_
       \/  \\    dS!\_______/\_______/\_______/\__ ____/
            ·\___ _______ ___   _                 \/

.--- . ----------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦ ___|           | books o f blood 4: |
| \__l -ivi ne   | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER:    10
| ___,           | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:      giants
|`---, -tyl ers! | ever h a p p e n s | lOGO rEQUESTER: rooster
¦¯¯¯¯            | told by: vietcong! |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

- -- --- ---- --------.
                      :   :
wE aRE hUGE!__/\_____ :   :__/\___  __/\______/\__  __/\_____
            \_  ____/ ¦   ¦\_  .  \ \_    ·.__.   \ \  _____/
            /   |   \ |   |/   |   \/   |   \ |    \/\_____ \
           /    |    \|   /    .    \   |    \|     \     /  \
           \____      \_  \____l     \__l     \_     \__      \_
            dS!\_______/  :vC!\_______/\_______/______/\_______/
                      :   :
                          `-------- ------- ------ ----- ---- --- -- -

.--- . ----------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦ ___|           | books o f blood 4: |
| \__l -ivi ne   | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER:    11
| ___,           | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:      holiday inn
|`---, -tyl ers! | ever h a p p e n s | lOGO rEQUESTER: wingnut
¦¯¯¯¯            | told by: vietcong! |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

                           __ ·   . ______________________  /\
                           \  .   .                       \/  \
   __/\.    __/\___  __/\.  \ .   ___/\___  __/\___  __/\.__   \  _____
- -\_  l___-\_  .  \-\_  l___-:   \______ \-\_  .  \-\   |  \  -\/---./
   /       \/   |   \/   |   \¦   |/    |  \/   |   \/\____  \       /
  /    |    \   |    \   |    \   /     |   \   .    \    /   \     /|
  \____l     \__      \__      \_ \____      \__l     \__      \_  / |
   dS!\_______/\_______/\_______/ :   \_______/\_______/\_______/ /  |
                              ·   ·                              /   |
                              :    \                            /    |
                              ¦   ·__/\___  __/\___  /\        /     |
    !-· holiday !- inn -.     |   :\_     \ \_     \·  \      /      |
                              |   ¦/   |   \/   |   \   \    /       |
                              ¦   /    |    \   |    \   \  /        |
 - --   - - - -   - -    ---- :   \____l     \__l     \_ -\/--- -  --´
                              :   :vC!\_______/\_______/   
                              ·   .       ·    ·
                              .            \  /
                                  .         \/ 

.--- . ----------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦ ___|           | books o f blood 4: |
| \__l -ivi ne   | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER:    12
| ___,           | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:      homicide
|`---, -tyl ers! | ever h a p p e n s | lOGO rEQUESTER: homicides friend
¦¯¯¯¯            | told by: vietcong! |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

                              ·  ·
                             ·    ·
·                           ·      ·
 ·                         ·homicide· 
  \                       ·········:··       .
   \                     /     .   :  \      :   .
_ __\_/\.    __/\___  __/\  _  :   ¦__/\_____¦   :__/\___  __/\_____       ·
    \_  l___ \_  .  \ \_  \/ \ ¦   |\_  ____/|   \______ \ \_  ____/
    /       \/   |   \/  \  / \|   |/   \____|   |/    |  \/  __/___     ·
   /    ¦    \   |    \   \/   \   |     \   \   |     |   \  \     \   /
   \____l     \__      \__/     \_ ¦____      \_ |____      \__      \_/__ _
    dS!\_______/\_______/\_______/ :vC!\_______/ ¦   \_______/\________/
                               :   ·         ·   :
        - w i t h   a n   i !  ·                 ·

_ ________ ________________________________________________________ ________ _

             Me and my friend, we broke up just before
             he got careless and got AIDS from a whore.                                                                                                                                       visst låter det bögigt? Det är Annelie som sjunger, så bli inte lurade...
             My good fortune, my good luck.
             Protected me from a fatal fuck.

             The world is good and nothing bad ever happens!

                                                           © Cat Rapes Dog

_ ________ ________________________________________________________ ________ _

.--- . ----------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦ ___|           | books o f blood 4: |
| \__l -ivi ne   | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER:    13
| ___,           | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:      interchange
|`---, -tyl ers! | ever h a p p e n s | lOGO rEQUESTER: princip / quartex
¦¯¯¯¯            | told by: vietcong! |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

                :   :__/\______/\__  __/\_______/\___
                ¦   ¦\_     ____   \ \_  _______  .  \
 _  ____ ______ |   |/   |   \ |    \/  __/___/   | _/_ _____________
-  -- --- ----- |   /    |    \|     \  \     \   .    \ -----------.¦
   ____________ ¦   \____l     \_     \__      \__l     \_ _______  ||
  ¦.----------- :   :dS!\_______/______/\_______/\_______/ ------.¦ ||
  ||            ·   .                                            || ||
  ||                                                             || ||
  || +46-8-6082340  3nODEZ rINGDOWN * aMIGA^cONSOLE^pC^aSCII^c64 || ||
  ||                                                             || ||
  ||                         sYSOP: PRINCIP                      || ||
  || -cOsYSOPS: hURRICANE - pITCH - lOGIC - uFOK - bILBO bAGGINS || ||
  ||    fLATLINE^sNAPCASE - sLAVER^iRONCODE - rING+rING - sYS    || ||
  ||                                                             || ||
  ||     __/\_______/\.    __/\___  __/\___  __/\_______/\_____  || ||
  ||     \_  _______  l___ \_  .  \ \_     \ \_  _______  ____/  || ||
  ||     /   \____/       \/   |   \/   |   \/   |   \/  __/_____·¦ ||
  ¦¦___ /     \   \   |    \   .    \   |    \   |    \  \      / __¦¦
  `---- \____      \__l     \__l     \__l     \__      \__      \_---´
         vC!\_______/\_______/\_______/\_______/\_______/\__ ____/¦
                                  _      ___________________\/___¦|
                                       -     ---------------------´

.--- . ----------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦ ___|           | books o f blood 4: |
| \__l -ivi ne   | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER:    14
| ___,           | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:      last rights
|`---, -tyl ers! | ever h a p p e n s | lOGO rEQUESTER: ogilvie / royal
¦¯¯¯¯            | told by: vietcong! |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

 __/\.    __/\___  __/\______/\__                .
 \_  l___ \_  .  \ \  _______.   \   ____ · ___. |___ _i_    __,
 /   |   \/   |   \/\_____ \ |    \  \  ¬ l \__| l  /  l__, `--,
/    |    \   .    \     /  \|     \        ---´            ¯¯¯
\____      \__l     \__      \_     \_

.--- . ----------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦ ___|           | books o f blood 4: |
| \__l -ivi ne   | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER:    15
| ___,           | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:      mind - t.p.i
|`---, -tyl ers! | ever h a p p e n s | lOGO rEQUESTER: ogilvie / royal
¦¯¯¯¯            | told by: vietcong! |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

          .   ·                               _i_   |___ ____
 __/\  _  .   :__/\___ ___/\___                l__, |  / \__/__           .
 \_  \/ \ :   ¦\_     \\______ \   ----,____  ____----,____ _i_  _   ___. |
 /  \  / \¦   |/   |   \/    |  \   l¯¯ \__/__\  ¬ l¯¯ \__/__l__,\__/\__l_l__
/    \/   \   /    |    \    |   \  · ___ _i_  ___ ___ __ ___ _   ___ __,___
\____/     \_ \____l     \__      \_l \ /  l__,\_/_\ ¬ \__\_/ \_/ \ ¬`--,\_/__
 dS!\_______/ :vC!\_______/\_______/                                 ¯¯¯
          ·   .                      -! mind: the perpetual intercourse !.

.--- . ----------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦ ___|           | books o f blood 4: |
| \__l -ivi ne   | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER:    16
| ___,           | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:      nivek
|`---, -tyl ers! | ever h a p p e n s | lOGO rEQUESTER: ogl/ryl or nvk/hny
¦¯¯¯¯            | told by: vietcong! |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

          ·   .
 __/\___  :   .__/\.__  __/\_______/\.__
 \_     \ ¦   :\_  |  \ \_  _______  |  \
 /   |   \|   ¦/   |   \/  __/___/    __/_
/    |    \   /    |    \  \     \   .    \
\____l     \_ \____      \__      \__l     \_
 dS!\_______/ :vC!\_______/\_______/\_______/
          ·   .

.--- . ----------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦ ___|           | books o f blood 4: |
| \__l -ivi ne   | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER:    17
| ___,           | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:      oldskool (2)
|`---, -tyl ers! | ever h a p p e n s | lOGO rEQUESTER: princip / quartex
¦¯¯¯¯            | told by: vietcong! |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

 __/\___  __/\.   ___/\___  __/\_______/\.__  __/\___  __/\___  __/\.
 \_  .  \ \_  l___\______ \ \  ________  |  \ \_  .  \ \_  .  \ \_  l___
 /   |   \/   |   \/    |  \/\_____ \/    __/_/   |   \/   |   \/   |   \vC!
/    |    \   |    \    |   \     /  \   .    \   |    \   |    \   |    \
\____      \__      \__      \__      \__l     \__      \__      \__      \_

                       __/\___  __/\.   ___/\___ 
                       \_  .  \ \_  l___\______ \
                       /   |   \/   |   \/    |  \
                      /    |    \   |    \    |   \
                      \____      \__      \__      \_
               __/\_______/\.__  __/\___  __/\___  __/\.
               \  ________  |  \ \_  .  \ \_  .  \ \_  l___
               /\_____ \/    __/_/   |   \/   |   \/   |   \
              /      /  \   .    \   |    \   |    \   |    \
              \____      \__l     \__      \__      \__      \_

.--- . ----------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦ ___|           | books o f blood 4: |
| \__l -ivi ne   | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER:    18
| ___,           | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:      orion
|`---, -tyl ers! | ever h a p p e n s | lOGO rEQUESTER: orion
¦¯¯¯¯            | told by: vietcong! |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -                                                                                       Wow! A hidden part (:
                                                                                                                                                                I hate you all!

                                                         . :
                                     .------------------ . ¦ --   -
                                     .                   :o|
                                 ·   :                   ¦r|
              __/\___  __/\___   ·   :__/\___  __/\___   |¡|
              \_  .  \ \_  .  \  ¦   ¦\_  .  \ \_     \  |o|
              /   |   \/   | _/_ |   |/   |   \/   |   \ |n|
             /    |    \        \|   /    |    \   |    \· |
             \____      \__l     \_  \____      \__l     \_¦
              vC!\_______/\_______/  ¦   \_______/\_______/:
        /\    /                  :   :                   · .
       //\\  /                   ·   .                   ·
 - - -//--\\// -- -- -   --------´                       . ·
     //    \/

.--- . ----------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦ ___|           | books o f blood 4: |
| \__l -ivi ne   | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER:    19
| ___,           | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:      phenox
|`---, -tyl ers! | ever h a p p e n s | lOGO rEQUESTER: phenox
¦¯¯¯¯            | told by: vietcong! |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

           __/\___  __/\.    __/\_______/\___  __/\___  __/\.____   
 ___ ___ __\_  .  \ \_  l___ \_  _______     \ \_  .  \ \__ | __/ _ ___ ___
  p  h  e  /   |   \/       \/  __/___/   |   \/   |   \/   .   \  n  o  x
 -- -- -- /    ____/    |    \  \     \   |    \   |    \   |    \ -- --- -
        _/     |   \____l     \__      \__l     \__      \__l     \_

.--- . ----------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦ ___|           | books o f blood 4: |
| \__l -ivi ne   | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER:    20
| ___,           | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:      phenox file_id
|`---, -tyl ers! | ever h a p p e n s | lOGO rEQUESTER: phenox
¦¯¯¯¯            | told by: vietcong! |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

.       __/\___  __/\.    __/\.____       ·
:phenox!\_  .  \ \_  l___ \__ | __/!phenox:
¦p r e s/   |   \/       \/   .   \e n t s¦
|      /    ____/    |    \   |    \      |
|    _/     |   \____l     \__l     \_    |
|    \______lvC!/dS!\_______/\_______/    |
`---    (snes) vietcong crackpatch     ---´

.--- . ----------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦ ___|           | books o f blood 4: |
| \__l -ivi ne   | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER:    21
| ___,           | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:      pitch
|`---, -tyl ers! | ever h a p p e n s | lOGO rEQUESTER: pitch / rebels
¦¯¯¯¯            | told by: vietcong! |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

                                    .     pitch: -cooler than the best!
                                    |.---------------- -- ----  --- -
                __/\___  _______/\__ ¦__/\_______/\.
                \_  .  \ \___.___   \·\_  _______  l___
                /   |   \¦   |  |    \/   \____/       \
               /    ____/|   |  |     \    \   \   |    \
             _/     |    |   |  |      \__      \__l     \_
             \______ldS! ¦   l  l_______/\_______/\_______/
                         :   ¦   vC!.·
                         ·   :      ¦: 
   --- ------ ------- -- .   · - ---´¦
                             .       |
    pitch: -hotter than the rest!    |

.--- . ----------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦ ___|           | books o f blood 4: |
| \__l -ivi ne   | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER:    22
| ___,           | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:      princip
|`---, -tyl ers! | ever h a p p e n s | lOGO rEQUESTER: princip / quartex
¦¯¯¯¯            | told by: vietcong! |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

                \/\ \\ /\ \  \\ \/   \/\  \ / /\  \/\  \/
        /\/ \/\/ \/ \/ \   \//\ //\/   /\/\/   \ /\//  \\\/ / /\ \
      \\/\ // \\/   \/// \\    \//     /\\\    \////   \/\/\  /\\ /\
   /\/\ /                    .   ·                   ·   .     \\//\
   \ /__/ __/\___  __/\___   :   :__/\___  __/\_____ :   :__/\___ \\/
    /|/   \_  .  \ \_  .  \  ¦   ¦\_     \ \_  ____/ ¦   ¦\_  .  \ //
_  _ \ _  /   |   \/   | _/_ |   |/   |   \/   \____ |   |/   |   \_ _ _ _
  _  |\  /    ____/    .    \|   /    |    \    \   \|   /    ____/ _ ___
 _ __  _/     |   \____l     \_  \____l     \__      \__/.    | __ _ ___ _
 _ __ _\______l       \_______/  :dS!\_______/\_______/\______lvC! _____ _
_____________________________·   .___________________.   ·_____________ __
________ p r i n c i p    c o m m i n `    t o    y a    l i v e _________

.--- . ----------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦ ___|           | books o f blood 4: |
| \__l -ivi ne   | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER:    23
| ___,           | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:      prodigy
|`---, -tyl ers! | ever h a p p e n s | lOGO rEQUESTER: ezco / prodigy
¦¯¯¯¯            | told by: vietcong! |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

  = == ====== ====|¦ ======================== ====  = =     = =     =
= ==   ====   ====||=================== ==. ==    == ===== =    =
  __/\___  __/\___||__/\___ ___/\___  :   :__/\_______/\.__
  \_  .  \ \_  .  \|\_  .  \\______ \ ¦   ¦\_  ______   |  \
  /   |   \/   | _/|/   |   \/    |  \|   |/   |   \/\____  \
 /    ____/    .    \   |    \    |   \   /    |    \    /   \
/     |   \____l     \__      \__      \_ \____      \__      \_
\_____l    dS!\_______/\_______/\_______/ :vC!\_______/\_______/
                  ||                  ·   .
                  ::     -! da prodigy are here to stay -.

.--- . ----------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦ ___|           | books o f blood 4: |
| \__l -ivi ne   | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER:    24
| ___,           | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:      rabies
|`---, -tyl ers! | ever h a p p e n s | lOGO rEQUESTER: ogilvie / royal
¦¯¯¯¯            | told by: vietcong! |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  I luv my fiancee! lots`n`lots`n`lots`n`lots`n`lots!

                            ·   .
 __/\___  __/\___  __/\___  :   .__/\_______/\_____
 \_  .  \ \_  .  \ \_  .  \ ¦   :\_  ______  _____/
 /   | _/_/   |   \/   | _/_|   ¦/  __/___/\_____ \
/    .    \   .    \    .   \   /   \     \     /  \
\____l     \__l     \__ |    \_ \____      \__      \_
 dS!\_______/\_______/\_______/ ¦vC!\_______/\_______/
                            :   :
                            .   ·

_ ________ ________________________________________________________ ________ _

             So many wars on this old sphere.
             But there are none being fought here.
             Here where I am the sun is shining.
             Remember; every cloud has a silver lining.

             The world is good and nothing bad ever happens!

                                                           © Cat Rapes Dog

_ ________ ________________________________________________________ ________ _

.--- . ----------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦ ___|           | books o f blood 4: |
| \__l -ivi ne   | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER:    25
| ___,           | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:      ravenloft
|`---, -tyl ers! | ever h a p p e n s | lOGO rEQUESTER: nightshade / insane
¦¯¯¯¯            | told by: vietcong! |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

  .·                  ·
   ·   ·              .
  ·:                  ¦
  :¦ /                |.--------------- --- ---- ----  --  ----  -
  ¦|/_____ ____ ___  _·¦  _    _
  |//  __/\___  __/\___  __/\.__  __/\_______/\___
  //   \_  .  \ \_  .  \ \_  |  \ \_  _______     \
 ·/¦__ /   | _/_/   |   \/   |   \/  __/___/   |   \ _______________
 /`-- /    .    \   .    \   |    \  \     \   |    \ -------------.¦
·     \____l     \__l     \__      \__      \__l     \_ ravenloft! ¦|
       dS!\_______/\_______/\_______/\_______/\_______/ - ------ - ||
                      ..                                           ||
  sysop: Nightshade!  :¦                                           ||
  cosysops: vIETCONg  ¦|        __/\.    __/\___  __/\_____/\__    ||
             sAVAGE!  ||        \_  l___ \_  .  \ \_  ______   \   ¦|
              sNIPER  || - ---- /   |   \/   |   \/  __/ - |    \ -´¦
                 gAZ  || ¯¯¯¯¯ /    |    \   |    \   | ¯¯ |     \ ¯
         BLACK DEVIL  ||       \____      \__      \_ |    |      \_
                      ¦|        vC!\_______/\_______/_l    l_______/
   -  - --- ----- ----´|
 nODE 1: +46-8-157472  ¦
 mODE 2: +46-8-6124141 :
 nODE 3-4: aNY mINUTE! ·
- -- rINGDOWN sOON -- -·

.--- . ----------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦ ___|           | books o f blood 4: |
| \__l -ivi ne   | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER:    26
| ___,           | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:      remission
|`---, -tyl ers! | ever h a p p e n s | lOGO rEQUESTER: ogilvie / royal
¦¯¯¯¯            | told by: vietcong! |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

                           .   ·                  ·   .
 __/\___  __/\_______/\  _ :   :__/\_______/\_____:   :__/\___  __/\___
 \_  .  \ \_  _______  \/ \¦   ¦\  _______  _____/¦   ¦\_  .  \ \_     \
 /   | _/_/  __/___/  \  / \   |/\_____ \/\_____ \|   |/   |   \/   |   \
/    .    \  \     \   \/   \  /      /  \     /  \   /    |    \   |    \
\____l     \__      \__/     \_\____      \__      \_ \____      \__l     \_
 dS!\_______/\_______/\_______/:vC!\_______/\_______/ :   \_______/\_______/
                           ·   .  > remission! <  ·   .

.--- . ----------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦ ___|           | books o f blood 4: |
| \__l -ivi ne   | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER:    27
| ___,           | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:      ryl^dlt^aqs^ds!
|`---, -tyl ers! | ever h a p p e n s | lOGO rEQUESTER: demax/ryl^dlt^aqs^ds!
¦¯¯¯¯            | told by: vietcong! |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

.------------ __/\___  __/\___  __/\.__  __/\___  __/\. ---------------.
¦ rOYAL sCHQ  \_  .  \ \_  .  \ \   |  \ \_  .  \ \_  l___             ¦
|dELIGHT sHQ  /   | _/_/   |   \/\____  \/   |   \/   |   \            |
aQUARIUS sHQ /    .    \   |    \    /   \   .    \   |    \           |
| dIVINE     \____l     \__      \__      \__l     \__      \_         |
|sTYLERS wHQ  dS!\_______/\_______/\_______/\_______/\_______/         |
|                                 .   ·                                |
|     ___/\___  __/\_______/\.    .   ·__/\_______/\. _ __/\__         |
|     \______ \ \_  _______  l___ :   :\_  _______  l______   \        |
|      /    |  \/  __/___/   |   \¦   ¦/   |   \/       \ |    \       |
|     /     |   \  \     \   |    \   /    |    \   |    \|     \      |
|     \____      \__      \__      \_ \____      \__l     \_     \_    |
|      vC!\_______/\_______/\_______/ ¦   \_______/\_______/______/    |
|                                 ·   :        ·   .                   |
| __/\___  __/\___  __/\.__  __/\___ .__/\___  ·   .__/\.__  __/\_____ |
| \_  .  \ \_  .  \ \_  |  \ \_  .  \ \_  .  \ :   :\_  |  \ \  _____/ |
| /   |   \/   |   \/   ¦   \/   |   \/   | _/_¦   ¦/   ¦   \/\_____ \ |
|/    .    \____    \   ;    \   .    \   .    \   /    ;    \     /  \|
|\____l     \_ |     \__      \__l     \__l     \_ \____      \__      \_
|    \_______/ l______/\_______/\_______/\_______/ ¦   \_______/\_______/
|    .                                         ·   :                   |
|  __| · __/\______/\__  __/\.__  __/\.    __/\_______/\___  __/\_____ |
|  \_l | \  ________   \ \   |  \ \_  l___ \_  _______  .  \ \  _____/ |
¦    _ · /\_____ \ |    \/\____  \/   |   \/  __/___/   | _/_/\_____ \ ¦
`- \_/ |/      /  \|     \    /   \   |    \  \     \   .    \     /  \´
 ___ ___\____      \_     \__      \__      \__      \__l     \__      \_
 \ / \_/__  \_______/______/\_______/\_______/\_______/\_______/\_______/

.--- . ----------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦ ___|           | books o f blood 4: |
| \__l -ivi ne   | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER:    28
| ___,           | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:      shellshock
|`---, -tyl ers! | ever h a p p e n s | lOGO rEQUESTER: shellshock
¦¯¯¯¯            | told by: vietcong! |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

                                                     . s ·
        -!your allmighty sysop              __/\.    : h .
                                  __/\.     \_  l___ ¦ e :
                        __/\_____ \_  l___  /   |   \  l ¦    ·
              __/\.     \_  ____/ /   |   \/    |    \ l |
    __/\_____ \_  l___  /  __/___/    |    \____      \_ |  ·
    \  _____/ /       \/   \     \____      \_ \_______/ | /
    /\_____ \/    |    \____      \_ \_______/ _ ___ .   |/___ _  _  _
   /      /  \____l     \_ \_______/  _ ___ __   _ _ | s | _   ____  _ _
   \____      \_ \_______/          _  ___ __   ___  | h | __ ___ __  _
_ _/\_/\_______/\.    __/\___  __/\_______/\.__      | o |
   /\  ________  l___ \_  .  \ \_  _______  |  \     | c |
  / /\_____ \/       \/   |   \/   \____/    __/_    | k |
 · /      /  \   |    \   |    \    \   \   .    \  /¦   |
·  \____      \__l     \__      \__      \__l     \/ _ __¦__  _ _ _  _
    dS!\_______/\_______/\_______/\_______/\________/·   :
                                                     .   ·
      has decided to exchange a few words with you-!     .

.--- . ----------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦ ___|           | books o f blood 4: |
| \__l -ivi ne   | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER:    29
| ___,           | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:      skautch
|`---, -tyl ers! | ever h a p p e n s | lOGO rEQUESTER: skautch`s friend
¦¯¯¯¯            | told by: vietcong! |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

    - s  k  a  u  t  c  h  !    ¦
  _ ___ _____ __ _______ ______ ¦
     __/\_______/\.__  __/\___ :__/\._____/\__  __/\_______/\.
     \  ________  |  \ \_  .  \·\_  | ·.___   \ \_  _______  l___
     /\_____ \/    __/_/   |   \/   ¦   \ |    \/   \____/       \
    /      /  \   .    \   .    \   ;    \|     \    \   \   |    \
    \____      \__l     \__l     \__      \_     \__      \__l     \_
                               |`------- ---- ------- ---  ---      -
                               . /. what the hell does skautch mean? .\


.--- . ----------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦ ___|           | books o f blood 4: |
| \__l -ivi ne   | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER:    30
| ___,           | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:      snuffy
|`---, -tyl ers! | ever h a p p e n s | lOGO rEQUESTER: for snuffy
¦¯¯¯¯            | told by: vietcong! |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

 __/\_______/\___  __/\.__  __/\______/\_____/\.__
 \  ________     \ \_  |  \ \_  ______  ____   |  \
 /\_____ \/   |   \/   ¦   \/  ___/ /  ___//\____  \
/      /  \   |    \   ;    \   |  /    | /     /   \
\____      \__l     \__      \_ | /     | \____      \_
 dS!\_______/\_______/\_______/_l \_____l  vC!\_______/

.--- . ----------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦ ___|           | books o f blood 4: |
| \__l -ivi ne   | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER:    31
| ___,           | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:      summer time
|`---, -tyl ers! | ever h a p p e n s | lOGO rEQUESTER: you want it? use it!
¦¯¯¯¯            | told by: vietcong! |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

   · .
   . .
   .s:   __/\_______/\.__  __/\  _  __/\  _  __/\_______/\___
   :u¦   \  ________  |  \ \_  \/ \ \_  \/ \ \_  _______  .  \
   ¦m|   /\_____ \/   ¦   \/  \  / \/  \  / \/  __/___/   | _/_
_  |m| _/      /  \   ;    \   \/   \   \/   \  \     \   .    \ _ ___ _
 _ |e| _\____      \__      \__/     \__/     \__      \__l     \_ __  _
__ |r| ____ \_______/\_______/\_______/\_______/\_______/\_______/ _ ___
dS!| | ·        \____   \  ·   .__/\  _
   | | ·\           |    \ :   :\_  \/ \  __/\_____               /
   | |  \\          |     \¦   ¦/  \  / \ \_  ____/          /\  /
__ |t¦ _ \\ ___ ___ |      \_  /    \/   \/  __/___ ___ ____//\\/___ __
vC!¦i:    \\        l_______/  \____/     \_ \     \       /   \/
   :m·     \·              :   :   \_______/__      \_    /
   ·e·      ··                 ·             \_______/
   · .       ·
   .           ·

.--- . ----------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦ ___|           | books o f blood 4: |
| \__l -ivi ne   | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER:    32
| ___,           | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:      sweet dreams
|`---, -tyl ers! | ever h a p p e n s | lOGO rEQUESTER: canaan / prestige
¦¯¯¯¯            | told by: vietcong! |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

       \  ________  |  \·\_  _______  _______   \
       /\_____ \/   l   \/  __/___/  __/___ |    \
      /         \  /¯\   \  \     \  \     \|     \
      \____      \__      \__      \__      \_     \_
                       |`----------------------- -------  ----   --    -
                                                   ¦    !- sweet /.
               ___/\___  __/\___  __/\_______/\___ ¦__/\  _  __/\_____
               \______ \ \_  .  \ \_  _______  .  \·\_  \/ \ \  _____/
                /    |  \/   | _/_/  __/___/   |   \/  \  / \/\_____ \
               /     |   \   .    \  \     \   .    \   \/   \     /  \
               \____      \__l     \__      \__l     \__/     \__      \_
                                                   ¦    =. dreams .-!
                                                   `--- ----- --- --   - -

.--- . ----------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦ ___|           | books o f blood 4: |
| \__l -ivi ne   | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER:    33
| ___,           | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:      the kestrel
|`---, -tyl ers! | ever h a p p e n s | lOGO rEQUESTER: the kestrel / ihs^sos
¦¯¯¯¯            | told by: vietcong! |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

 ·                            .
 . ·                     _i_  |___ ____
 : .                      l__,l  / \__/__
 |h¦__/\.__  __/\_______/\______/\__  __/\___  __/\_______/\.
 |e|\_  l  \ \_  ______  _______.   \ \_  .  \ \_  _______  l___
 | |/    __/_/  __/___/\_____ \ |    \/   | _/_/  __/___/   |   \
 | /    .    \  \     \     /  \|     \   .    \  \     \   ¦    \
 |k\____l     \__      \__      \_     \__l     \__      \__      \_ 
 |s| ________________________________________________________________ 
 :r¦ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

.--- . ----------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦ ___|           | books o f blood 4: |
| \__l -ivi ne   | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER:    33
| ___,           | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:      the light fantastic
|`---, -tyl ers! | ever h a p p e n s | lOGO rEQUESTER: gaston / tws
¦¯¯¯¯            | told by: vietcong! |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

 - ----- - ---- ------ ---- _i_   |___ ____ ---------------------.
                             l__, |  / \__/__                    ¦
                          .   ·                                  |
       /\        __/\.    .   ·__/\_______/\. _ __/\__           |
      //\\/\    ·\_  l___ :   :\_  _______  l______   \          ¦
 .---//--\/\\--/ /   |   \¦   ¦/   |   \/       \ |    \ --------´
 ¦  //  the \\/ /    |    \   /    |    \   |    \|     \
 | /·  light \_ \____      \_ \____      \__l     \_     \_ __ __ _
 |·  fantastic \ dS!\_______/ ¦vC!\_______/\_______/______/// // /
 ¦              `-------- ¦   : --------------------------´
 `----------------------- :   . -----------.               .   ·
   __/\______/\___  __/\_____/\__  __/\___ ¦__/\_____/\__  .   ·__/\_____
   \_  ______  .  \ \_     ___   \ \_  .  \·\  _______   \ :   :\_  ____/
   /   __/ /   |   \/   |   \|    \/   |   \/\_____ \|    \¦   ¦/   \____
  /    |  /    .    \   |    \     \   .    \     /  \     \   /     \   \ 
_/     |  \____l     \__l     \_    \__l     \__      \_    \_ \____      \_
\______l      \_______/\_______/_____/\_______/\_______/_____/ ¦   \_______/
                                           ·               ¦   :
                                           ¦               :   ·
                                           :               .   ·

.--- . ----------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦ ___|           | books o f blood 4: |
| \__l -ivi ne   | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER:    34
| ___,           | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:      trespass
|`---, -tyl ers! | ever h a p p e n s | lOGO rEQUESTER: reverend d / c!s^b!
¦¯¯¯¯            | told by: vietcong! |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

- --- - - --------.
  -      -     -  | - ---- ----- -------------------.
                  |                                 |
                  ¦                                 ¦
____/\__  __/\___ :__/\_______/\_______/\_____/\___ :__/\_______/\_____
\____   \ \_  .  \.\_  ______  ________  .  \_  .  \.\  _______  _____/
    |    \/   | _/_/  __/___/\_____ \/   |   \  |   \/\_____ \/\_____ \
    |     \   .    \  \     \     /  \   ____/  .    \     /  \     /  \
    |      \__l     \__      \__      \_ | \____l     \__      \__      \_
 dS!l_______/\_______/\_______/\_______/_l  vC!\_______/\_______/\_______/
                  ·                                 ·
                  :                                 :
                  ¦  t   r   e   s   p   a   s   s  ¦
                  |                                 |

.--- . ----------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦ ___|           | books o f blood 4: |
| \__l -ivi ne   | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER:    35
| ___,           | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:      trivial
|`---, -tyl ers! | ever h a p p e n s | lOGO rEQUESTER: my friend t^
¦¯¯¯¯            | told by: vietcong! |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

                   .   ·         ·   .
____/\__  __/\___  .   ·__/\.__  ·   .__/\___  __/\.
\____   \ \_  .  \ :   :\_  |  \ :   :\_  .  \ \_  l___
    |    \/   | _/_¦   ¦/   |   \¦   ¦/   |   \/   |   \
    |     \   .    \   /    |    \   /    .    \   |    \
    |      \__l     \_ \____      \_ \____l     \__      \_
    l_______/\_______/ ¦dS!\_______/ ¦vC!\_______/\_______/
                   :   :         ¦   :
                   .   ·         ·   .
                       .         .
                                                                                                                                                                                                    förlåt. jag är så lat... men, det är du med!

_ ________ ________________________________________________________ ________ _

             Nothing bad ever happens to me.
             I see only what I wanna see.

                                                           © Cat Rapes Dog

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           den här gömda delen är meningslös!!!

_ ________ ________________________________________________________ ________ _

.--- . ----------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦ ___|           | books o f blood 4: |
| \__l -ivi ne   | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER:    36
| ___,           | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:      twisted
|`---, -tyl ers! | ever h a p p e n s | lOGO rEQUESTER: my ex-partners
¦¯¯¯¯            | told by: vietcong! |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

  .---/------------------------------------- -------- -- -----   -
  ¦¦¯/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯    ¯
  ||/                    .   ·
  |/  ____/\__  __/\.__  .   :__/\______/\__  __/\_______/\___
  /|  \____   \ \_  |  \ :   ¦\  ________   \ \_  ___________ \
 /¦¦_____ |    \/   |   \¦   |/\_____ \ |    \/  __/___/    |  \ _____
· `------ |     \  /¯\   \   /      /  \|     \  \     \    |   \ ---.¦
  \·      |      \__      \_ \____      \_     \__      \__      \_  ||
   \\_ dS!l_______/\_______/ :vC!\_______/______/\_______/\_______/ _¦¦
   ¦\.--/\-------------- ·   . ---------------------------------------´
   ||\\//\\_ ____ _____  · __   _      _         _           _
   |¦ \/  \
   ¦:      \        !.the twisted cleanchaven scapegoats are:
   :·       ·
   ·.           HoTWire^ReLieF^sCARfACE^sAL 1^Tango^prIde^dEVISTATOR
   .          ·

                                                                                                                                                                       ve dig, hetlina, ve dig, dams, ve dig, ärrfejs, ve dig, stolthet osv (:

.--- . ----------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦ ___|           | books o f blood 4: |
| \__l -ivi ne   | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER:    37
| ___,           | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:      vision
|`---, -tyl ers! | ever h a p p e n s | lOGO rEQUESTER: rooster
¦¯¯¯¯            | told by: vietcong! |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

 - -- --- ----- ---------.   ·          ·   .--------- ----- ---- --- -- -
                __/\.__  :   :__/\_____ :   :__/\___  __/\___
                \_  |  \ ¦   ¦\  _____/ ¦   ¦\_  .  \ \_     \  !vision-
                /   |   \|   |/\_____ \ |   |/   |   \/   |   \
   -!vision    /    ¦    \   /      /  \|   /    |    \   |    \
               \____      \_ \____      \_  \____      \__l     \_
                dS!\_______/ :   \_______/  :vC!\_______/\_______/
                         .   `- ------ -´   .

-  -   - -- -----  --------------------------------------  ----- -- -   -  -

 what? He`s been inactive for nearly 2 months, and that was ALL he could do?

-  -   - -- -----  --------------------------------------  ----- -- -   -  -

                                    ________:  _____            :________:
- --. --- ------ -------------- - :_\ ______|_/ ___ \_:____:____| _    ·:|
__  |__ __.  ___ _i_  ___  ___    |  _____/ |    |  ·:|    |  ·:| |      |
\__ | / \_l_ \_/  l_, \_/_ \ ¬    |   ·:|   |    |    |    |    | |______|
              \                   |     |   |    :    |    :    |_    |czar
- --- ------ ---------------- --  |_____|   |_________|__________/____|
            - b o o k s  t o  a s c i i

_ ________ ________________________________________________________ ________ _

             Everybody in the books of blood.
             Everybody in the books of blood.
             One book. One blood.
             Everybody in the books of blood.

                                                           © East 17
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           yeah, yeah. House of love... This is more fun than i expected it to be...
_ ________ ________________________________________________________ ________ _

             well. Not really. A few days ago I thought:
             hell! Why don`t I try iff2ascii, and see
             what fuss is all about... sed & dun, I called
             a board, leeched the damn program, unpacked it,
             made an iff-pic, converted it and... 
             i was hooked. Wow, it really was fun. So, I
             made a few logos, amd, since I don`t really call
             iff2ascii-ing art i decided to release the logos
             seperately. My tag is "-vC!" instead of "vC!" whem
             I make these logos, just to show that it isn`t
             really my stuff. I mean, it takes less than 
             1/10th of the time to make an iff2ascii pic
             compared to a real ascii picture.

-  -   - -- -----  --------------------------------------  ----- -- -   -  -

             So here it is... the first iff2ascii pics by me!

-  -   - -- -----  --------------------------------------  ----- -- -   -  -

.----------------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦                | books o f blood 4: |
|  iff2ascii is  | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER: 1
| actually quite | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:   divine stylers (2)
|     lame!      | ever h a p p e n s | mADE fOR:    all dS! members
¦                | featuring vietcong |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

   ~@@P~~              mm                ,W@@i
    V@@s               @@.    ,mmWmmmi   ]@@@[                 _
     !@@W             @@@A    '@@@@**!   ]@@A`   g@W.         W@W
      'M@W.           @A!      !@@.      '*f    g@@@@.       d@@@.
        !@@i                    ]@@             @@@@@@       @@@@W
         ~M@m                   'M@s            @@[]@@      i@@V@@i
           M@W.               ms '@@i    ,g@@[  @@! @@      d@[ @@[
            V@@.              @@  ]@[i@@@@@@@!  @@  @@     ,@@  !@@
             VM@s        _g@i @@[ !@W!***f8@P   @@  @@i    ]@P   @@.
         ,____]@@     _gW@@@! M@[  @@    ,@@`   @@  @@[   ,W@[   d@[
    mmm@@@@@@@@@@i i@@@@AY@@  ]@[  @@    W@P    @@ ,@@[   M@@mmmm@@`
   d@@A*~~`  ~VM@@  ~~`  ]@[  ]@W  @@.  ,@@     @@ ]@@`   ]@@M@@@@f
  d@A           V@b      @@[   @@  @@[  ]@@    ]@@ ]@@    ]@@
 ]@@`            8@i    i@@!   @@. @@[  ]@@  iW@@A @@A    ]@[
i@@P             ]@[    ]@@    Y@[ @@[  ]@[  !*f~ ,@@[    @@!
]@@[             ]@[    W@[    ]@W @@   ]@[       ]@@!   ,@@       ,s
'@@b             ]@[    M@[     @@]@A   ]@[       ]@@    ]@P       'MWs
 Y@@s            W@[    @@[     M@@@!   ]@!      ,@@f    '@@.        M@W
 '@@@Ws.        g@@!    !@A     ]@@f             @@f      Y@[        'M@W.
   V@@@@@WmmW@@@@f                              W@P       ]@@         !@@@s
    '**********f~                     i@W       @@!       '@@.     ,___8@@@
                    W@                @@[      i@@         ]@WmW@@@@@@@@@A`
         ,_        ]@@                @@[      W@b  ,_____.'M@A*~~~~~~~~
       __@@[       W@@                @@[    'W@@@W@@@@@@@[
    g@@@@@@[       ]@@      .   imm   @@[  gms'!****~`
 ,g@@Af~           ]@@     ]@   ]@@  i@@! i@fMW.       _  ,W@@s.    _____.
i@@A`              ]@@     ]@i   @@  ]@@ ,WP  Y@s    ,W@W,W@A@@[  i@@@@@@!
!@@@@@@@@mms       i@@,gm. ]@@   @@  ]@@ ]@    !@    M@@@W@f ~~`  @@~`
 '~~~~~~V*@@Ws   ,_d@@@@@!  M@b. ]@  ]@@ ]@mmmW@*      @@@P       @@m
           !@@[ @@@@@@~`     M@@W@@  ]@@ ]@A**f        @@@[       '*@@@m__
     _.     ]@[ '~`]@@        V@@@@  ]@@ ]@`    iW@s   ]@@[         '**M@@W.
    ]@[     W@[    ]@@__gs     '`@@  ]@@ ]@      Y@@D  ]@@!              Y@[
    !@@m_ ,g@@!    'V@@@@A      ,@@  '~` !@b    m@*~    @@       mms     ]@[
     ]@@@@@@A`                ,gW@@       V@WmmWA`      ~`       VM@W.   W@[
      !**~~`                g@@@A`          V*f~                   V@@@m@@A`
                        ,m@@@Af`                           -vC!/dS!  V***`

           ]@     .
           ]@    ]@-         ,s
           ]@     `           M!
           ]@              .                 gWW.
           ]@      ,  ,s  dA     ,          dAL@A
   ,_______d@    4@@[ 'Msi@` -W. M@@@@@i   4@@*~
   V@A******@i     @[  '@W@   @[  Mb  YW    @[
    V@s_    @[     @[   '@@   Mb  '@i !@.   YW_.
      V*@@mm@[     @[    Vf   'f   'f  V`    V*f       .
          ~~~      '                                  ]@
        ,__gW              g.                    ,.    @[
      gWA**M@!  4W         Mb                  gWAf    @[
     WP`        ]@         ]@           ,_ms  i@!      ]@
     @W___.      @[        !@.  i@4W.  gA*~`   V@ms.   ]@
     '~***M@m.   @[ . ,. iW @[  @bg@@- @[        ~VMs  ]@
            ~@i,m@@@A V@.]@ Mb  M@**`  ]@.         '@i  `
    ,        @[ ~Y@    YW]@ '@i !@.     MW       -@@f   ,.
    Mb       @[  !@.    M@@. V`  YW_     M!            i@5s
     VW_    dA    M!     @A`      V*@D                 MWW@-
      '*@mmWA            @[                  -vC!/oS!  '~`
         ~~~            ]@

.----------------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦                | books o f blood 4: |
|  iff2ascii is  | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER: 2
| actually quite | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:   Lamer (zone)
|     lame!      | ever h a p p e n s | mADE fOR:    Any sysops?
¦                | featuring vietcong |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

        ,s                                      ,_.              ]@*`'*W.
      ,g@@                ,g@W       Ws       gWA*@i      gm.    ]@    V@s
     _@f]@              ,mAf @[     dA@i    ,Wf`  @[     WP~@i   ]@     '@i
   ,W*` ]@             gA~   @[     @[!@. ,gA`    @[    dA  ]@   !@.     V`
  -A`   ]@            4f     @[    ]@  !@gAf      @[   i@`   @[   @[
        ]@   ,_____gm.       @[    @[   MA`       @[  ,@!    @[   ]@
        dA   @A****f~        @[    @[            ]@   WP     @[    @[
        @[   !@.     _mmmmm_ @[    @[            WP  dA     ,@!    ]@
        @[    'Ms   WA~~~~~*@@[    @[           ,@! i@`    ,Wf     '@i
        @[     '@i  @[      ,@[    @[           dA ,@!  g_m@f       @[
        @[      ]@  VWmmmmmWM*`    ]@           @[ ]@   V*~         @[
        @[      ]@   '~~~~~`        @[         ]@  @[               @[
        @[     g@`                  !@.        WP ,@!               Mb
        Mb__mm@*`                    YW       dA  ]@                ]@
  gmmm@@@***~~    -VC!/dS!  ,  ,___mmW@!     WP   WP                ]@
  '~~~                      M@@A***~~`      WP    Mb     ,___s      'f
                                          ,Wf     '@mmmW@A***`  
           __  ___  __ ___               ,Wf       '~~~`
            /  \_/ | / \_/_             ,Wf
            ¯¯                         ,Wf __gmmmmmmmmmmm.

.----------------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦                | books o f blood 4: |
|  iff2ascii is  | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER: 3
| actually quite | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:   Magic
|     lame!      | ever h a p p e n s | mADE fOR:    Oden / Razor 1911
¦                | featuring vietcong |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

                                          '@'V***m     !@
                                           M          gi]
                                           ].         P ]      ,.
                   ,_          _.           [        ]  d      ][
                  zfVi       iZ~Y        ,_ W        'mzf      'W
       izes.     W`  @      mf  ][       'T8@mz       _         M
      ,@  ~[    Wf   @     df   ][      imf~YPM.    ,WY[        ].
      ]!   Y.  if    @    W`    ][     mf   ][ ~W  gf`][      mz=Wi
      Z    ]b  d    ,P    !     ][   ,g!     [  @ -*  ][    ,Z`  '`
      N     M  @    d           ][   ][      N ,@     ][   ,P
      ].    !i,@   iA           ][   !b______dz*~     ][  ,A`
      ][     b][   d`     _vY*W ][     ~~~~~~Vb       ][  ][
      !W     @]!  ,[    ,Z~   'Nd[            @       ][  !b
       Y.    YA   W!   gP       Y[            ]        [   @.          ,_gm
        @.   '`  ,P   df        ]W            ]b_      `   'V*MmmW***~~`
         N      ,@   W!         ]A       ,mA*VW@ Vb.
         !W.    @`  d`  ,_mmW***~~     ,Z~     @.  Vs
          'N   d`  '~~~~~              A       ][   Yb
    __gmmmmY  iP       -vC!/dS!       ]`       '@    @
 '~~~~`      ,/                       ]         Vm  ,@
             W` _gmz=f~~~~~~~`        's           gf`
            iWzf~~                     Yi        ,Z~
            !`                          N_.   ,_g*`

.----------------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦                | books o f blood 4: |
|  iff2ascii is  | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER: 4
| actually quite | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:   ©Mt!
|     lame!      | ever h a p p e n s | mADE fOR:    Mortimer Twang/dS!^hOS
¦                | featuring vietcong |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

              ,gmm.                            gW
           ,_g@f~~                ,m.         i@@i           ,
           V@A*@@mms_             ]@Mm.      ,@!@[          ,@!
          ,Wf    ~~V*@m_          ]@ ~Ms     ]@ ]@          ]@
         gA`          ~*@s        !@. '@i    @[ ]@          @[
       ,Wf               V@s       @[  ]@    @[ ]@         i@`
      ,Wf                  VW.     @[   @[  ]@  ]@         WP
     gA`           iW       'Ms    ]@   ]@  ]@  ]@        ,@!
    dA             ]@        'Ms   ]@    @[ @[  @[        ]@      _.
   gA`        ,____.@[         Mb  !@.   ]@ @[  @[        dA,_mm@@*f
  i@`      ,gWA****M@!         '@i  @[   '@i@[ ]@   ,mmm@@@@A*~~
  @[      gAf`                  !@. Mb    YW@[ WP    ~~~ ,@!
 ]@      dA                      Mb ]@     M@[,@!        ]@
 @[      @[                      '@i!@.    'M!]@         WP
i@`      ]@                       YW @[       @[         YW
]@        MW_    ,__gmm@@-        '@iMb      ]@           V@@@WmmmmW@-
 @[        ~*@@@@A**f~~            Mb]@      WP               '~~~~`
 !@.                               ]@]@     ,@!
  VW.                       ,mmW@@@@@@f     ]@
   !@.                       ~~`   ]@       @[
    'MW_                           ]@      ]@
      '*@m_.                       WP      WP
         ~*MWm__                  dA       @[      ,_____.
            '~**@@mms__      ,__gWA        M@@@@@@@A*****M@@-    -vC!/dS!

.----------------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦                | books o f blood 4: |
|  iff2ascii is  | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER: 5
| actually quite | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:   Phoenix 2
|     lame!      | ever h a p p e n s | mADE fOR:    Citruz / Royal
¦                | featuring vietcong |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

                                                     g@i         gm.
             ___                   ,m@@s     g@@s   ]@@A  ims   i@@@@s
   ,_m@@@@m.]@@@i                 ,@f~M@i  ,Wf '@i  '*`   ]@@   ]@@@A`
 ,m@P~  'Y@@ V@@b         g@@m.   ]P  dA   ]@  i@[    _.  !@@   @@@`
  V@@    ]@@  M@@,_mms   i@@'@W   @W d@`   !@. ]@   i@@@   V@b ]@@!
   @@[  _@@f  '@@@@A*@[  W@P Y@[ W@@W*`  i@s@[ @[   Vf]@.   Y@i@@[
   !@@@@@*f    @@@`  Y@i @@W d@@ '@P` ,_ '*@A i@      ]@[    M@@A
    @@W.       @@@i  ]@W !@@s@@P  @[  *@W    ,@`   _  W@W    W@@b
    ]@@W      i@@@`  '@@W V@@Af   @@.  d@-   dA ,g@@[i@@@i  i@@@@b
    d@@@b      '~     MA*` '`     V@@@@A`   g@@@@@A*`'*@A` _W@PVM@W_.
    @@@@@D                          ~~`     '~*~~         !@@@  'M@@@-
    @@@@f                                                   '`   '*f
   !*~`                               ,_gms_.
                              ,m@@@Af~`' 'Y@@
                             g@@*~        d@!
                            '*`         gWA`
                                      gWAf            .`
                                   ,g@A~            ./
                    ,_mmmm_.    _g@@Af             ='
                   i@@*****@@mgW@@A~             _~
                   ]@W____mW@@@@f`            v//
                   !@@@@@@****@@W.        ,_zK/
                     '~       'VM@@@ms_mm@@*~
                    -vC!/dS!     '~*****~`

.----------------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦                | books o f blood 4: |
|  iff2ascii is  | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER: 6
| actually quite | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:   ©t^
|     lame!      | ever h a p p e n s | mADE fOR:    Trivial / dS!
¦                | featuring vietcong |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

                 ,__mmmmms_                    gm.          ,m.
            ,m@@@@@@@@@@@@@@W.                ]@@!         ,W@@
         _g@@@A***f~`V*M@@@@@b_               ]@P          d@@@.
       g@@@Af~          '~VM@@@@s             W@[         ]@@M@Wi
      W@@f~                 '~Y@@.           i@@[        ,W@P M@Wi
    ,W@A`                      V@@i          W@A        ,@@P   V@@s_.
   g@@f              _m.        M@@.         @@[        @@A`    !M@@@@WW.
  m@@f        __gmmmm@@@i        M@Wi        @@[       !@@!       ~~*@@P`
  @@[      g@@@@@@@@@@@@@i        Y@W.       @@[        ~`
  @@[     ]@A*f~~     ~Vf          M@@.      @@[
  @@[     @@[                      'M@W      @@[
 ,@@[    ]@@`                       !@@[     @@[   _gmW@m
 ]@@     ]@@                        ]@@      @@WW@@@@@@A!
 ]@@.    'M@b                       d@@g@@@@@@@@@***~
  @@b     !@@b.                  WW.@@PV******M@[
  Y@@i     'M@@ms             ,mW@@Y@@`       ]@W
   @@b       'M@@@@m_.     _W@@@@*`]@@        ]@@i
   !@@[        'V*M@@@@@@@@@@A*~   @@A         M@W            ,.
    Y@W            '~~~~~~~~`     i@@!         ]@@ms_.      im@@i
    '@@Wm.                       _W@A          'M@@@@@@mmmmW@@A~
     'M@@@Ws                 ,g@@@@@!              ~V*M@@@@@A`
        ~*@@@m_          __m@@@@*f`      -vC!/dS!       '~`

.----------------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦                | books o f blood 4: |
|  iff2ascii is  | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER: 7   
| actually quite | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:   Underworld
|     lame!      | ever h a p p e n s | mADE fOR:    Druid / Deja Vu
¦                | featuring vietcong |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

                    ,___                 K~~~~`
     ,mmM[      -mm*~~ ~    gm*m         Yi      ,Zms       immZ**mmm
  _z*~  Z        @        vf`  @         ][    ,Z~  'Y     ,P
 !!    d`        *.      d`   ,A         'W   ,P     'b    Yi
      ][          N      @    ]!          @   ]`      @    '[
     ,P           'b     @    d       ,gY+@   W][    ,P     M
     ][            ]     ]    @     ,Z~   ]   [ Ns. _/      '[
     ][           i!     ][  i!    ,P     ]  ![  '~~~        Y
     ][          g!    __Z  ,P     W      ]   b              'b
      \s        gf   **~~`  d`    ][     ,Z   @              ,f
        \===mmmm!          Z`     'N___m=f    ]          V***`
                          ]`        ~~        !W_
                         ,P                     ~~+e__
                        ,/          -vC!/dS!      _  ~V+e   N.
                   ,_g ,Z`  ,_____.              d@         'N
               ,_z*~`  Z*f~~~~~~                '\[           N.
            emf~`                                d             \
     ,_m=4-  Vc.                                ][              M.
 mz=f~  g!     ~e.         ___.        vf~~     A                b
       g!        Vc.    ii!~~~Vm.     ![       i[                M
     ,Z`           Vs.  ![      ~c.    N       d            g/V[ ]i
     Z               Vi  W        Yi   'b      ].          ]`  ` ]
    ]!    s           Vs !s       ][   i8      'b          A     A
    d    iA.          ,f   Ve_    d!    M[      Ys        ,[    W`
    Y.  _Z Vm_.      if      ~+mzY!     '`      '~*=ei    ][  _Y`
     +=f`    '~***f~~`                                     +Yf`

.----------------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦                | books o f blood 4: |
|  iff2ascii is  | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER: 8   
| actually quite | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:   vIETCONG (3)
|     lame!      | ever h a p p e n s | mADE fOR:    Myself (:
¦                | featuring vietcong |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

      _                                                             W@@@@*`
     ]@[                                                            !@@
     ]@[  ,@@@.             ii                                ,_     @@.
     ]@[  '@@@!            i@@            ms               _mm@@i    Y@b
     ]@[   '~~             W@[           i@@             ,W@@@@@[   ,d@@mi
i@i  ]@[        _mms      ,@@          ,gW@P     d@_     ]@@A~Y@[  g@@@@@@i
]@b  ]@[  ,m  ,W@@@@b     ]@P        im@@@@[   ,W@@@s    ]@[  ]@[ i@@@@@@@W
 @@  ]@[  W@[ @@@f~@@     d@bmm@W.  W@@@*~~   ,@@AV@@@m. ]@[  ]@[ @@! @@ @@
 @@b ]@[  @@ i@@   @@ i@@@@@@@@@@! ]@@f`      ]@A  ~M@@W ]@[  ]@[ @@  @@d@A
 !@@ ]@[  @@ ]@bgmm@@ ]@@@@@@A**`  ]@[        ]@b    V@@ ]@[  ]@b @@mm@@@@!
  @@.]@[  @@ '@@@@@@A  ~~~@@`      ]@Ws_____dW]@@Ws__m@@ ]@[  '@@ *@@@@@@A
  ]@[d@[  @@  @@/~~~      @@_. __m !@@@@@@@@@@ V@@@@@@@! !@!   MP  ~~~@@~
  ]@[@@!  @@  Y@W         @@@@@@@@[  V*******`   V***f`               @@
  ]@W@@   @@. !@@s____m.  'M@@@@@A                      -vC!/dS!      @@
   @@@@   Y@[  !@@@@@@@A     ~~`                                      @@
   @@@!   ]@[   V*****f                                           gmW@@@mmmm.
   V@P     ~                                                    _W@@@@@@@@@@@
                                                               @@f    ]@@  m@
                                                               @@_    '@fiW@@
                         _gms         ,W@@@@Ws
                    ,_mW@@@@@[        ]@@@@@@@s
                _gm@@@@@@@@Af         ]@@@@@@@@W
           _gmW@@@@@@@@*f~            !@@@@@@@@@W.
       ,gm@@@@@@@@A*~`                 V@@@@@@@@@W
      g@@@@@@A*f~                       !@@@@@@@@@[
      M@@@A~                             V@@@@@@@@b
      '@@@W                               !@@@@@@@@.
       !@@@W                               Y@@@@@@@[
        !@@@b                               Y@@@@@@[
         Y@@@i                 ,W@s          M@@@@@[
   ,W@W.  M@@@i                !@@@[         !@@@@@[
   @@@@@i  M@@@.                @@@[          Y@@@@[
   '*@@@W  '@@@W             gmm@@@[           @@@@@
     ]@@@.  !@@@[          g@@@@@@@[           Y@@@@
     '@@@b   @@@W        ,W@@@A***f             M@@@
      Y@@@.  ]@@@i      ,@@@A~                  !@A!
      '@@@b   @@@b      W@@@`
       Y@@@.  Y@@@.     @@@[
       '@@@b  '@@@b     M@@@                     _.
        Y@@@.  Y@@@     ]@@@s                   W@@s
        '@@@b  !@@@[     Y@@@s                  @@@@b
         Y@@@i  @@@[      V@@@W         _gm.    @@@@@
          M@@@. @@@[       !@@@@m_____m@@@@@    'M@@A
          '@@@W @@@[        'M@@@@@@@@@@@@A`      ~~
           !@@@b@@@[ -vC!/dS! ~*@@@@@@@*~

       Vs                    M.
        YW                   ]b                                .
         Yi                  '~                               ]A
          @.          g                                       W`
          Y[         iA               m.                     iP
           M.        d!              ]PN_                    @!
           ]b       d[               ][ Vs.                 ,A
           '@      ,A`  .            ][  !M.                d!
            Yi     W`  !Ws.         ,@     @i        _.    ,@
             @    WP     'VM.        @@s    M.       ~V**@@@@ms_.
             @[  iP         Y[      i@ '*m_ ][            iP  '~V*M@@Wm
             'f i@           Yi     ]@    ~*@Wm_.        ]A
                W`           ]@     ]@         ~V!      iP
               iP             Y[    ]@                 gf`
               !`              `    !@                gZ~
  -vC!/dS!                           @                ~  _gmm_
                                     !b                ,g*`  ~N.
                                      vb              ]P      Yi
                           _mmmm.      Vs             @       '@i
       _m@@@@ms_        ,WA~    Yi      `            ][        ][
      ]P      '~*@s     d!       @.        ,_gms.    ][        !b
      W`          ~`    @        M[       Wf~~~~\i    Vmms.     @
      @                 @        ][      gZ`     ]@     ~~VNmmm*@
      M.                @        'W      @       ]@             @
      ]W                @         @      @       ][             @
       M.               M.        @      @       d!            d[
        Ms     ___Z+    ]@s____gm*f      *       *            iA`
         VNimm**f~       `V**f~`                            ,gf
                                             ,.      _gm@f~

.----------------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦                | books o f blood 4: |
|  iff2ascii is  | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER: 9  
| actually quite | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:   man
|     lame!      | ever h a p p e n s | mADE fOR:    anyone
¦                | featuring vietcong |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

                    ,mA\Af~~~V*@@ Y@@@8@@
                     ~         '@Wm@@@fY@
                   i@*~,mmmms      gmW@@AgW*@s      ~V@i
                   @[   ~~~~`  WD  '~` ,WA@s'*Ws  ,_gWA
                   V@mmmm__    '      i@f '@s_2@WWA*f`
                     ~~~~**@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@A**f~`             _.
      ,ms                    ,_mmmm@b@Wmmms.               ,mm@M@
     g@f@i               ,W@@A*~~~~'`''~~~VMs         iW. gA8@W@`
    ,@!g@W  ,m.         g@f                 YW.       !@@W5W@@@@
    M@WAY@i ]@W       g/f`                   VMs       ]@@WKX@@!
    !@W_'M@sW@@       V@s                .    d@m.    ,W@@****`
     '~*@@@@@@`        !@Ws.i@          !@s.,W@@@@Ws.g@@A`
         '**M@@s     ,m@f'*@@@           !@@@*@@@@@@@@@f
             V@Z@s__gA~     @P            Y@`  ~~M@@@Wf
              'MW8**A      dA             ]@      ]@A`
                ~*@@A     ]@_____________m@@ms     `
                        ,WA~                  YW
                       ,Wf                     Mb
                      gA`                      '@i
                     i@`                        '@i
                    ,@!             iW           ]@
                    ]@              ]@           ]@
                    ]@               @[          '@i
                    ]@.              Y@           @[
                     V@Ws.           '@i        _g@!
                       'VMWmms___gmmm@@[    __m@**`   ,ms
                          @@@V***fV@@@@@@@@@*M@!     i@8@.
                          @@@                ]@     i@G@@[
           g@@Ws          !@@                d@    ,@@f@@@
           @W@K@Ws         ]@               ,@@,_gmW@@m@Y@
           ]@M@@@VW.       !A               d@@@@@@fV@@@]@
            Y@AM@.'Mmmmmm__gW              '*******@@W@@W@
             V***MA***M@@@@@P     -vC!/dS!           ~~~~`

.----------------.--------------------.--------------------    -   -
¦                | books o f blood 4: |
|  iff2ascii is  | the world i s good | lOGO nUMBER: 10   
| actually quite | and nothing  b a d | lOGO nAME:   really ugly picture!
|     lame!      | ever h a p p e n s | mADE fOR:    noone!
¦                | featuring vietcong |
`----------------^--------------------^------------------- --    - -    -

             ~`       _m@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@W_.
                ,W@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@A`,g@@ !@@@@@@@@@b
               g@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|       ,@@@@@@@@@@b
              i@@@@@f~~~~~~'~M@@@@@@sg@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ .-----------.
              ]@@@@@ immmi gm@@@@f         '@@@@@@@@@@@@ |stop thoes |
              ]@@@@@ ]@@A`g@@@Af` Y@ ]@[ @@i'@@@@@@@@@*` |downloading|
              '@@@@@b '`,W@@@f -Y! * !*t M@[ @@@@@@@*`   |activities!| ,m.
               Y@@@@@@mW@@@A` ,___.__._     g@@@@@*`     `-----.-----´ ]@[
                M@@@@@@@@@@Wg@@@@@@@@@@@@W@@@A*~~  - -- -------´       ]@[
                 VM@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@A*~~                           @@[
                   'V*@@@@@@@@@@@@A*f~`                                @@`
        ,s             ~~***f~~~ ]@s                                   @@
       i@@i                     ,@M@                                 ,W@@
       WP@[                    _W@@@                               ,W@@@@
      ]@W@[               ,_m@@@8@@@____________m@@@@@@Wmmmms____mW@@A~WA
      ]@@@[          _gmW@A@@@@@@@@*M@@@@@***@@**********@@@@@@@@M@*@Wm@`
      @@@A     __gmW@@@@W@@AfV@@__,_d@~`]@  !@@@@@@@@@@@@*******fWP_2X7`
     i@@f,gmW@@@@@@@@**~~`    !@@@A*M@  @[                     i@@@***f
   ,,@@[4A@@@@@@@*~           W@@@@i]@ d@`                      ~~
  i@PM@LgW@@@A*~              V~@@@@d@i@P
  W@@@@@f~~~                    !@Z@@b@@
  @@@@@`                         YW!@@@A
  'Vf~`                           V@@A@[
                                    '*A` ,.
                                    ,Wf  Y@s
                                   gA\ g@MaNW.
                                  gA\@8A Mthiss
                                 gA\@@@`  VmanW.
                                gA\W@@!     Vis/@.
                               i@`W@@!       'ugly.              gWm
                              i@\W@@!          'MKMs           _W@@@W.
                             i@\@@@A             VW@b       Gs!@8@@@@@i
                            ,@WAY@@`    -vC!/dS!  'M@b    ,W@WW@@@*~@A
                            W@5s]@[                 VA,W@@@@@@@KX__W@`
              __..   ,_   _d@WW@W@                    'f      'V****f

- --. --- ------ -------------- - :_\ ______|_______/:____:____:________:
__  |__ __.  ___ _i_  ___  ___    |  _____/ |      ·:|    |  ·:|  _   ·:|
\__ | / \_l_ \_/  l_, \_/_ \ ¬    |   ·:|   |        |    |    | _/     |
              \                   |     |   |        |    :    | \______|
- --- ------ ---------------- --  |_____|   |________|\_______/|____    |
            - i n f o r m a t i o n                           czar|_____|

 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --

             I`d give my life.
             Give my life, give my life, give my life
             to be in the books of blood (?)
                                             						                                                                                                                                                                                                                   It`s actually "the book of love", but who cares anyway?
                                                           © Army Of Lovers

 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --

                . : .              .        .            .  .        
            __|________           . .                  . :
           :\_|_______/:________    : .    _|__________ ____|_
       ... |         ·:|       /__|____  :_\| ________/ ___ | \_: ...
           |           |       .  |    \_|     _____)    |    ·:|    
         . |           |       :       ·:|     ·:|       :      | .  
       . : |__|________|_______|         |       |__________|___| : .
         . :  |        :   . . |__|______|       | . .  czar|   : .  
              .              : :  |      :       : :        .        
         .                        .                               .  
         :     Main Author ........................... vIETCONg
         :     Ghost Writers ............................ sKIZE
         :     .......................................... kARMA
         :     ........................................... cZAR
         :     .......................................... 2Fast
         :     ................................. mORTIMER tWANG
         :     ......................................... mORRIS
         :     Quotes ............................ Clive Barker
         :     .................................. Cat Rapes Dog
         :     ................................. Army Of Lovers
         :     ........................................ East 17
         :     Original File Size ................ 110000 bytes
         :     Amount Of Lines ........................... 2866
         :     Published ........................... 1995-12-25
         :     First Published At ................. Interchange
         :     To Be Viewed In ................ Pot-Noodle Font


             please make me a vietcong logo, all you artists!!!

                     aSCII rESPECTS: (no order whatsoever)
- trivial - desoto - u-man - nup - v-cut! - gozz - scarface - shapechanger -
- relief - chrombacher - case - hotwire - 2fast - juan - everslick! - skin -
- biscrok - tango - t0mmy! - mogue - karma - kerosene - danzig - tbm - gem -
- crusader - phase - skize - treach - fatal - desert - manta - neurodancer -
- countzero - elvis - warlock - hijack - jedi - sal 1 - dartagnan - stylez -
- h20 - maz - mark ryder - zeus - behemoth - mortimer twang - phase! - xcz -
- data! - dino - devistator - stylez - stezothetic - style%wars - grimlock -
/ cybergod! - radavi - nike - czar - harpoon - treach! - recall - acid kid \
|                                                                          |
¦             and to the following ascii generating groups                 ¦
:                                                                          :
`--( al * hos * uc * e^d * -t! * hny * c! * wl! * -u! * sos * grt * m`s )--´

                            Ø         Ø  _w**w,_
                         ___`#       _Æ*"¯     °m
                      ¸p¤"¯¯¯"°#µ   _°         _#
                      Æ~        ]#µÆE__µæµµæ怱°   t^
                      ¬^ma___agæÑPÑÆ_          ¯¬*ç
                          ¯¯ æ°     °Ñm,__      _JP
                            ¬¶w________# ¬"°°°""¯  

                            gREETINGS:  (nO oRDER)

- ^trivial! - ogilvie - nightshade! - hotwire! - scarface - morris - case! -
- kid curry - relief - sniffet - mood - biomench - nike - santzia - savage -
- zanok - zen - shapechanger - kerosene - twister - demax - agressor - web -
- orgasmatron - phenox - cruger - fuzz - v·cut - u·man - centurion - skize -
- morgue - warhammer - citruz - vegas - biscrok - ezco - the violator - po -
- the mask - druid - recall - payday - booth - gaston - reverend d - logic -
- tbm - micflair - sal1 - muad`dib - shellshock - fury - dansken - visitor -
- xcz - markryder - spider - gaz - necronomicon - opium&razor - mr nielsen -
- mortimertwang - czar - dino - drastic - princip - pitch - krome - morgoth -
/ diz`nee - qen - mystix - canaan - distler! - shellshock - oden - cyclone \
¦                                                                          ¦
`-----( special greetings aren`t needed, since i luv you all so much )-----´                                                                                                                                                okejrå. extra pussar till: trivial.ogilvie.morris.nightshade.mark ryder.phenox & biomench! nöjda?

                         h o w    t o    c o n t a c t

                         simple: just call any +46-8-*
                          bbs (stockholm, sweden) or 
                          skyline or another step to
                                get hold of me.

                                    _______ :________     :____
- --. --- ------ -------------- - :_\ ____/_|_______/:____|  _/_:
__  |__ __.  ___ _i_  ___  ___    |_______. |      ·:|\_  :   ·:|
\__ | / \_l_ \_/  l_, \_/_ \ ¬    |     ·:| |        |    .     |
              \                   |       : |        |    :     |
- --- ------ ---------------- --  |_________|________|____|_____|czar
            d i v i n e  s t y l e r s  i n c .

    .               d i v i n e   s t y l e r s   a r e :              .
    .                                                                  .
    .      trivial . mortimer twang . tommy . cybergod . vietcong      .
    .                                                                  .
    .         dino . orlingo . 243 . dash . matt . anyone else?        .
    .                                                                  .

                       Available from Divine Records:

    Recorded in MTV live studio's New York. (c) Divine Records^Stylers '95
              PVC - PVC AFFAIR  [- tOPQ hARDtRANCE  - 179 Sek -]
             TRANCED OUT - 777! [- vERY niCE tRANCE - 179 Sek -]

                  Send Money To Divine Stylers^Bank Of Zrich        

                                               _ ________
- --. --- ------ -------------- -    _____   __\\\      /____    ____
__  |__ __.  ___ _i_  ___  ___     _/  __/__/  _\      /   _/  _/    \_
\__ | / \_l_ \_/  l_, \_/_ \ ¬    /\__    /   _/_\   //   _/__/   /   /
              \                  /__ /   /__ /   /\  /__ /   /___/   /
- --- ------ ---------------- --  2F\___/   \___/  \/   \___/   /____\
            f i n a l  w o r d s

            __/\  _  __/\_______/\___  __/\___  __/\.__
            \_  \/ \ \_  _______  .  \ \_  .  \ \   |  \
_ __ ______ /  \  / \/  __/___/   | _/_/   | _/_/\____  \ _______
 -- ------ /    \/   \  \     \   .    \   .    \    /   \ -----.¦
           \____/     \__      \__l     \__l     \__      \_    ¦|
            dS!\_______/\_______/\_______/\_______/\_______/    ||
    .------  m  e  r  r  y  --  c  h  r  i  s  t  m  a  s  -----´|
    ¦                                                            |
    |        __/\.____        __/\  _  __/\___  __/\_____        |
    |        \__ | __/        \_  \/ \ \_  .  \ \  _____/        |
    |        /   .   \  ....  /  \  / \/   |   \/\_____ \        |
    |       /    |    \·::::·/    \/   \   .    \     /  \ ______¦
    |       \____l     \_ |  \____/     \__l     \__      \_    
    |        vC!\_______/ ¦      \_______/\_______/\_______/
    |                     ·
    |    a  n  d    a    h  a  p  p  y    n  e  w    y  e  a  r
    ¦                     .

          g o   f i n d   t h o s e   h i d d e n   p a r t s !


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|vIETCONg presents: books of blood volume 4¦
the world is good & nothing bad ever happens
`--------------------------( 1995-12-25 )--'

[ e o f ]
- -- -----------------( where are we going now, dad? )------------------- -- -