---------------------------------------------- ---- -- - - - [ b O F ] (c) copyright Divine Stylers 1995 all rights of the owner and of the work represented herein reserved. public performance, commersial use, hiring or rental of this collection is prohibited Our intention in divine stylers is not to ripp styles or to start any quarrels and wars Any simularities to other artist's previous released work * are fully coincidental * There are so many packs released these days that the chance that you have a style that is 100% different from all the others is none. It is also a FACT that artists DO get influenced by others whether they want it or not. If you realize that, you can tell the difference between influenced work and rippoff. Check out if your 'own' style is so fucking extraordinary. Please remember that before you start talking shit If you find the style that strauss represent too much lookalike yours; contact him instead of writing bullshit in your own collections that he probably dont ever get the chance to view. feel free to use (if you find any:) sT^'s asciiwork in your own collections, at your board or whatever as long as the tag remains intact. (and if it is in a collection; full credit of course) __________ ______ ___ ______ __\_____ \ _______\ \,-----/___)___/ \ _________ / / \/ ____/\_ \ / / \--,/ ____/__ / / / _____/ / / \ \ ______/ `-------------/________/dNo--------/______/-------\_______\______/ _____ ________ _____ ______,-----/ /____________________ ________ / __/-----/ /_ / / / ` / ____/__ __ \/ __/-----/ \________ / __/ / / / / _____/ \ _/\________ / \______/ /___/____ ___/`--------/_______/______\ \________/ `-------/ `----' \_______/ - d - ¡ - v - ¡ - n - e - - s - t - y - l - e - r - s - i s b a c k .. ... t h i s t i m e f e a t u r i n g : __gg##mw__ __www#w_ _##"" ~""###_ ____g##WmmwZ#Q d#" 9#K __w##@""j#M#"a&5### d#' ______ 5## _d#" _awg J#Z##mW###P_## ,d#######_ 0#L j#F a###P" "*#####" 7## ####@##### 0## #F_###K ]## ########## 7## J#L7### ##L *######@" 0## J# ###K 9#W_ g##F `#x ###b_ "*##mwwwwgm#### "*Mm_9M###w_ "P@######P 9#w_"####mw____ sT^__g##@ w_ ~"#Nw_ZZ"9###########@@P"___aw#P """9@#*#mwwwwwwwgm*##@""" _______ ________, _____________, __( ___/_____\ _ __\ ___/ _______ ________ ___ __\________\ ____________( ____/_____ _______ \ _______/ \_______\___ /__-----) __________ /( ____/______ \-------` ©Mt / _____ |_____________\ _______________ / /______________| \-------` \ ________/ [ s ] t r a u s S \-------` who presents a collection of requested and some gift logos called: . .. ... .. ... .................. ______ :............. _______: ________ : / /___________________:_______/ ______/_/ ______/sT^___:_________ / ,____ / /_ ______ /_______ /_______ / ____ \ ... .. . . /_____________/_________/___________/ /_______/ /_______/_________\_____\ : :...............: :............: ·[ b l o s s A ]· ·[ oR mORE iNFORMALLY .. mERRY x-MAS 'n' hAPPY nEWyEAR!! .. ]· ·[ i n t r O ]· . . .. ......... . . ....................... . . . ................ . : ohh well .. i'm back again .. humm .. i just hate 2 write these : darn intros .. so .. let's just go on with da logos .. :) : .. credz .. n' where too reach me for complaints or ordering .. : or just for a little chat .. will be att the end ofda colly .. : .. eNOY! ....... sTRAUSS / dS! ...... : ........................................: : . . .............................................................. [ l o g O ] ______________ : __________________/ ________ /_______________________ : / \ __________/ ' \ \ \ : /_________\/_________\_________\/___/ \__________\ : sT^/_____________\ : _____________________________________________________________; lOGO o1 => sOS lOGO o2 => sAVE oUR sOULS lOGO o3 => xCLUSIWE lOGO o4 => sTAGE dIVE lOGO o5 => aMIGA wORLD lOGO o6 => fANTASY tOWER lOGO o7 => c-REAL lOGO o8 => tHE mACABRE lOGO o9 => sOUND pOLLUTION lOGO 1o => gREEDYsNITCH lOGO 11 => wHISKEY bAR lOGO 12 => nDS lOGO 13 => n!D lOGO 14 => sPEX lOGO 15 => nEO lOGO 16 => aNOTHER sTEP lOGO 17 => xAVERS lOGO 18 => vINYL lOGO 19 => dIVER lOGO 2o => aNTHRAX lOGO 21 => lEGAZY lOGO 22 => bULLS lOGO 23 => gAMES mENU lOGO 24 => dOWNLOAD lOGO 25 => uPLOAD lOGO 26 => pRIVATE lOGO 27 => lOGOFF lOGO 28 => nEW'S lOGO 29 => oNLINE gAMES lOGO 3o => aMIGA eLITE lOGO 31 => iBM eLITE lOGO 32 => aMIGA rEQUEST lOGO 33 => iBM rEQUEST lOGO 34 => aMI xPRESS lOGO 35 => pICTURES lOGO 36 => bUY n' sELL lOGO 37 => mODULES _ _µÆØØØØm__ .___________________________________._______________________°°°°ØØØØØØm | lOGO : sOS | sTRAUSS ^ dIVINE sTYLERS |ØØØ__"¶# | rEQUED bY : xCLUZIWE |______ b.L.O.S.S.A _______|ÑØØØØf | cOMMENT : s.o.s = So-Out-Standing ...... NOT!!!! 8^)) | ¶#M° _' `·-·' µ" "°^=*P ..... . .. ... ...________.....: : ________ / ______/_________:_____/ ______/___ /_________ \ ______ /_______ /...... .. . . sT^/_______/ \___________/ /_______/ :...............: ·[ s o S ]· _ _µÆØØØØm__ .___________________________________.______________________.°°°°ØØØØØØm | lOGO : sAVE oUR sOULS | sTRAUSS ^ dIVINE sTYLERS |ØØØ__"¶# | rEQUED bY : xCLUZIWE |______ b.L.O.S.S.A _______|ÑØØØØf | cOMMENT : Yeah RIGHT! .. u could say that again .. :) | ¶#M° _' `·-·' µ" "°^=*P .. .. .......... ... . . . . __________ : / ________/_________________:_______________________ /_______ / ____ \ \ / _______ / ..../_________/\_________\_____\___________/ _________/ : sT^__________________/_________/__________ :.......................\ _______ / \ \ / \____________\____________\ \_______/ __________ :............._______ _\_____\__..... / ________/_________________________/ // ________/_ : /_______ / _______ / \ \ /____ /....: . .. ./_______/\____________\____________\_______/________/ :.........................: ·[ s a v E o u R s o u l S ]· _ _µÆØØØØm__ .___________________________________.______________________.°°°°ØØØØØØm | lOGO : xCLUSIWE | sTRAUSS ^ dIVINE sTYLERS |ØØØ__"¶# | rEQUED bY : xCLUZIWE |______ b.L.O.S.S.A _______|ÑØØØØf | cOMMENT : i'm really pleased with dis one .. :) .. | ¶#M° _' `·-·' µ" "°^=*P . .. ... ......... ................. ________________:_____________________:__________ : \__ ' ___/ ___________/ /_ \ \____:_____ /______/ /___________/ /_________/____________\________/__________ /______/sT^:.....................: /_______ /________/ ____awwwwwwwwwwwww_a___ /_______/ / __gw#M@P"""~ ___ """9M##ww__ ....: /________/_____ _g##" __awM@MP""PP@&ww_ ""##&_ : / /\ \ 0# _g@"" ___awwgw__ "#_ `*#w : /_________________\ #Q J# g#""0###### J# #K:........./ ________ /.. 9#m_ #Q_ `#w___"""___g@ J# / __________/ : "#x_ X&__ """"@P""" _W#" ...../___________\....: "M*mwwa__"9@*mwmwwaa______aaaaawm*4"" _g : """9#@***mmwwww_E5WWWWWZa_awwwwwm#"" . . _ _µÆØØØØm__ .___________________________________.______________________.°°°°ØØØØØØm | lOGO : sTAGE dIVE | sTRAUSS ^ dIVINE sTYLERS |ØØØ__"¶# | rEQUED bY : nURGLE |______ b.L.O.S.S.A _______|ÑØØØØf | cOMMENT : Ohh well .. back 2 da ol' drawin' board again .. | ¶#M° _' `·-·' µ" ...... .. . . .. ........ .............. "°^=*P __________ _______ : : _____________: / ________/_/ /____:_____________________:/ ________ /: /_______ / __/ ____ \ ___ \ __________/ :.... /_______/______/ \_________\_____\________ \_________\ : _____________:__..... /________\_____ : ______/ /_________/____:_______/ ________ / ........: / ___, / / \ / __________/ : /_______,___/________/\______________/__________\sT^ : :..............: . . _ _µÆØØØØm__ .___________________________________.______________________.°°°°ØØØØØØm | lOGO : aMIGA wORLD | sTRAUSS ^ dIVINE sTYLERS |ØØØ__"¶# | rEQUED bY : bEAVIS |______ b.L.O.S.S.A _______|ÑØØØØf | cOMMENT : hope you gonna like dis more than da otha' .. :) | ¶#M° _' `·-·' µ" "°^=*P _______________ ________________ ________________\_____________/________________________ \ ____ \/ \ / ___ \ ____ \ \_________\_____\________\/_________\_______/\________ \_________\_____\ _____________________________________________/________\ sT^______ / /\ \ ________ / / /_____/ / /____________________\______________\ \_______/_________/___, / \_____\ /_______,___/ _ _µÆØØØØm__ .___________________________________.______________________.°°°°ØØØØØØm | lOGO : fANTASY tOWER | sTRAUSS ^ dIVINE sTYLERS |ØØØ__"¶# | rEQUED bY : bEAVIS |______ b.L.O.S.S.A _______|ÑØØØØf | cOMMENT : hope you gonna like dis more than da otha' .. :) | ¶#M° _' `·-·' µ" "°^=*P _________ _______ __________ \ ___\___________________________/ /____________/ ________/__________ \ _\ ____ \ ' \ __/ ____ \_____ / / / \_____\________\_____\_/ \____/ \________\_____\_______/___ / _______ /_____________\ /__________/ __/ /__________________________________ _______________________ /_ __/ ________ / /\ \/ _______ / / /______//________________\___________________\ _________/\ \_______/ /__________\sT^\_____\ _ _µÆØØØØm__ .___________________________________.______________________.°°°°ØØØØØØm | lOGO : c-REAL | sTRAUSS ^ dIVINE sTYLERS |ØØØ__"¶# | rEQUED bY : c-REAL |______ b.L.O.S.S.A _______|ÑØØØØf | cOMMENT : hope you gonna like dis more than da otha' .. :) | ¶#M° _' `·-·' µ" "°^=*P _______________ _______________________________________ ________ / ___________/___\ / _______ / ____ \/ /_ /____________//_____/\ \_______/ __________/\_________\_____\________/ \_____\ /__________\sT^ _ _µÆØØØØm__ .___________________________________.______________________.°°°°ØØØØØØm | lOGO : tHE mACABRE | sTRAUSS ^ dIVINE sTYLERS |ØØØ__"¶# | rEQUED bY : dAEMON |______ b.L.O.S.S.A _______|ÑØØØØf | cOMMENT : hope you gonna like dis more than da otha' .. :) | ¶#M° _' `·-·' µ" "°^=*P _______ ______ __/ /_/ /___________________ /_ __/______, / _______ / /______/ /______/ __________/ _____________________/__________\ _______________ / \ ____ \/ ___________/__________ /_________\/_________\________\_____\___________/ ____ \_____ \________\_____\ /_______ / ,____ /___ /_____________/ / \ \_______/_ / \______\ / / __________/ /__________\sT^ _ _µÆØØØØm__ .___________________________________.______________________.°°°°ØØØØØØm | lOGO : sOUND pOLLUTION | sTRAUSS ^ dIVINE sTYLERS |ØØØ__"¶# | rEQUED bY : hYBRIZ |______ b.L.O.S.S.A _______|ÑØØØØf | cOMMENT : hope you gonna like dis more than da otha' .. :) | ¶#M° _' `·-·' µ" "°^=*P __________ / ________/__________________________________________ /_______ / ________ / \ \ ' \ ______ /_______/_______________\_____________\_/ \______/ / /_____________\ ___, / ___________________________________________ sT^/_______,___/ / ______ /________ / / /__________ / ________/______________\________/_______/ \ \______ /_____/ \_____________\ /_______ /_ __/_____/ /______/ /________ /________/___ / /________________\ / ' \ /____/ \ /_____________\ _ _µÆØØØØm__ .___________________________________.______________________.°°°°ØØØØØØm | lOGO : gREEDYsNITCh | sTRAUSS ^ dIVINE sTYLERS |ØØØ__"¶# | rEQUED bY : gREEDYsNITCH |______ b.L.O.S.S.A _______|ÑØØØØf | cOMMENT : hope you gonna like dis more than da otha' .. :) | ¶#M° _' `·-·' µ" "°^=*P _________________________________________________ \ ___ \ / _______ / _______ / ______________ \________ \ \_______/ __________/ __________/____/ / / / /________\_____\ /__________\/__________\ ___, /_____ / __________ /_______,___/________/ / ________/______________________________________________/ /_______ /_______ / ' \_____________/ /_ ___________/____, / /_______/_/ \ / __/_________/ sT^/______/ /______________\_______//______/ _ _µÆØØØØm__ .___________________________________.______________________.°°°°ØØØØØØm | lOGO : wHISKEY bAR | sTRAUSS ^ dIVINE sTYLERS |ØØØ__"¶# | rEQUED bY : gREEDYsNITCH |______ b.L.O.S.S.A _______|ÑØØØØf | cOMMENT : hope you gonna like dis more than da otha' .. :) | ¶#M° _' `·-·' µ" "°^=*P ______ _____________________ ____________ ______________/ /____\___________/_______/__________/ _______ /_______ / /\ \____, / /_______ / / ___/_________/ / / /_________________\ /______/______/ /_______/____, /_______\_____ / ______ /______/ sT^/________/ / /_________________________________ / ,____ / ____ \ / /_____________/_________\_____\ \_______/ \_____\ _ _µÆØØØØm__ .___________________________________.______________________.°°°°ØØØØØØm | lOGO : nDS | sTRAUSS ^ dIVINE sTYLERS |ØØØ__"¶# | rEQUED bY : lINKAN |______ b.L.O.S.S.A _______|ÑØØØØf | cOMMENT : a small-one u said huh?? ohh well .. hrrm .. | ¶#M° _' `·-·' µ" "°^=*P ______ ____________________/ /________ / ' \ ___, /________/_ /____/ \____,___/______ / /_____________\ sT^/_______/ _ _µÆØØØØm__ .___________________________________.______________________.°°°°ØØØØØØm | lOGO : n!D | sTRAUSS ^ dIVINE sTYLERS |ØØØ__"¶# | rEQUED bY : lINKAN |______ b.L.O.S.S.A _______|ÑØØØØf | cOMMENT : .hehehhe .. u see !!??? VAVAVAVAVAVA!!! ?? .. | ¶#M° _' `·-·' µ" "°^=*P __________ ______ ______________ / /_____/ / / ' \/_________/ ___, / /____/ \__________\_____,___/ /_____________\sT^ _ _µÆØØØØm__ .___________________________________.______________________.°°°°ØØØØØØm | lOGO : sPEX | sTRAUSS ^ dIVINE sTYLERS |ØØØ__"¶# | rEQUED bY : lINKAN |______ b.L.O.S.S.A _______|ÑØØØØf | cOMMENT : humdie dumdie .. 'snål som en smålän...' ;)) | ¶#M° _' `·-·' µ" "°^=*P __________ / ________/___________________________________ /_______ / ______ /______ /_ ' ___/ /_______/ ________/_________/_____/ / /_____/ /__________\ /______/sT^ _ _µÆØØØØm__ .___________________________________.______________________.°°°°ØØØØØØm | lOGO : nEO | sTRAUSS ^ dIVINE sTYLERS |ØØØ__"¶# | rEQUED bY : lINKAN |______ b.L.O.S.S.A _______|ÑØØØØf | cOMMENT : u cannot b sour about da lil' joke before, can ya? | ¶#M° _' `·-·' µ" "°^=*P ______________ _________________________ / ' \ / _______ /_______ / /____/ \ __________/_____________\ /_____________\________\sT^ _ _µÆØØØØm__ .___________________________________.______________________.°°°°ØØØØØØm | lOGO : aNOTHER sTEP | sTRAUSS ^ dIVINE sTYLERS |ØØØ__"¶# | gIFT 2 : fATAL |______ b.L.O.S.S.A _______|ÑØØØØf | cOMMENT : hope your b.board is goin 2 live for a LOONG while!| ¶#M° _' `·-·' µ" "°^=*P _______ _______________ ____________________________/ /______ / ______ \ ' \_______ / __/ /_____________ /___________\_____\__/ \___________\_____/____, /_____ / /_____________\sT^ /______/________/_____ __________ _______ \________\ / / ________/_/ /______________________ \ \_______/ /_______ / __/_____ / ______ / \_____\ /_______/______/__________/ ________/ \________\/_____/ _ _µÆØØØØm__ .___________________________________.______________________.°°°°ØØØØØØm | lOGO : xAVERS | sTRAUSS ^ dIVINE sTYLERS |ØØØ__"¶# | rEQUED bY : vINYL |______ b.L.O.S.S.A _______|ÑØØØØf | cOMMENT : YO! m8 .. hows that b.board cummin'!? .. | ¶#M° _' `·-·' µ" "°^=*P ________________ \__ ' ___/____________ /______/ / ______ \_____________ /______/__________\_____\ \ /________ \______________/_____ /________ \ __________/ /________ \________\ \_______/________/_ \_____\/_______ / sT^/_______/ _ _µÆØØØØm__ .___________________________________.______________________.°°°°ØØØØØØm | lOGO : vINYL | sTRAUSS ^ dIVINE sTYLERS |ØØØ__"¶# | rEQUED bY : vINYL |______ b.L.O.S.S.A _______|ÑØØØØf | cOMMENT : whats happening at newyearz eve !??? :)) | ¶#M° _' `·-·' µ" "°^=*P _______________________________________ ________________ \ \ /_________/ ' \/ / / /_ \______________/ /__/ \____ /________/ /________/ /_____________\_____/sT^ _ _µÆØØØØm__ .___________________________________.______________________.°°°°ØØØØØØm | lOGO : dIVER | sTRAUSS ^ dIVINE sTYLERS |ØØØ__"¶# | rEQUED bY : dIVER |______ b.L.O.S.S.A _______|ÑØØØØf | cOMMENT : when are you supposed to buy an amiga ??? | ¶#M° _' `·-·' µ" "°^=*P ________________ ______________ ______/ /_________/____________/ ________ /________ / ___, / / \ / __________/ / /_______,___/________/\______________/__________\ \_______/ sT^\_____\ _ _µÆØØØØm__ .___________________________________.______________________.°°°°ØØØØØØm | lOGO : aNTHRAX | sTRAUSS ^ dIVINE sTYLERS |ØØØ__"¶# | rEQUED bY : aNTHRAX |______ b.L.O.S.S.A _______|ÑØØØØf | cOMMENT : YO! m8! .. how's yar DD board cummin' !?? | ¶#M° _' `·-·' µ" "°^=*P _______ __________________________/ /__________________________________________ / _____ \ ' \ __/ /\_ /_____ \_ ' ___/ /_________\____\_/ \____/__, /_______/________\____\___/ / /____________\ sT^/______/____\ /______/ _ _µÆØØØØm__ .___________________________________.______________________.°°°°ØØØØØØm | lOGO : lEGAZY | sTRAUSS ^ dIVINE sTYLERS |ØØØ__"¶# | rEQUED bY : lEGAZY |______ b.L.O.S.S.A _______|ÑØØØØf | cOMMENT : HEY! m8! .. how's that 'MUCK' feelin' ??!! :)) | ¶#M° _' `·-·' µ" "°^=*P ______________________________ ____________ ________________ / /_ ________ / ___ \ _____ \__\___ / / / /________/ __________/________ \_______\____\______/____ / /__________\ /________\ sT^/_______\________/ . . : : : :.................................... : .. and now for the bulletin board part .. a friend o' mine asked me too : design his entire board .. soo .. i think it's better if all who : wanna use them .. could use them .. .. use em' if ya wanna .. !! : .............................: : .............: : . . _ _µÆØØØØm__ .___________________________________.______________________.°°°°ØØØØØØm | lOGO : bULLS | sTRAUSS ^ dIVINE sTYLERS |ØØØ__"¶# | |______ b.L.O.S.S.A _______|ÑØØØØf | cOMMENT : hehe small n' nice .. :) | ¶#M° _' `·-·' µ" "°^=*P ______ __________ / /_________________________________/ ________/_ / ,____ / \ \ / /______ / /_____________/____________\_______/_______//_______/sT^ _ _µÆØØØØm__ .___________________________________.______________________.°°°°ØØØØØØm | lOGO : mENU | sTRAUSS ^ dIVINE sTYLERS |ØØØ__"¶# | |______ b.L.O.S.S.A _______|ÑØØØØf | cOMMENT : humm .. also small .. 2 be me.. :) | ¶#M° _' `·-·' µ" "°^=*P ______________ __________________/ ________ /_______________________ / \ __________/ ' \ \ \ /_________\/_________\_________\/___/ \__________\ sT^/_____________\ _ _µÆØØØØm__ .___________________________________.______________________.°°°°ØØØØØØm | lOGO : gAMES mENU | sTRAUSS ^ dIVINE sTYLERS |ØØØ__"¶# | |______ b.L.O.S.S.A _______|ÑØØØØf | cOMMENT : umn .. frsk .. zxkladåpeiie??! | ¶#M° _' `·-·' µ" "°^=*P ______________ ____________ _______________ __________________/ ________ /________ \ ___ \/ ______ \ \ __________/________/_ \________ \__________\_____\_______\/_________\_________\_______ / /________\ ______________ sT^/_______/ __________________/ ________ /_______________________ / \ __________/ ' \ \ \ /_________\/_________\_________\/___/ \__________\ /_____________\ _ _µÆØØØØm__ .___________________________________.______________________.°°°°ØØØØØØm | lOGO : dOWNLOAD | sTRAUSS ^ dIVINE sTYLERS |ØØØ__"¶# | |______ b.L.O.S.S.A _______|ÑØØØØf | cOMMENT : .......... noT so popular among sysops .. :) | ¶#M° _' `·-·' µ" "°^=*P ______ ______/ /______________________________ _____________ / ___, / ________ / /\ \/ ' \ /_______,___/________________\________________\__/ \ __/_____________\ ____________________________________ ______/ / / /_ ______ / ______ \ ___, / /_________/____________\_________\_____\_____,___/sT^ _ _µÆØØØØm__ .___________________________________.______________________.°°°°ØØØØØØm | lOGO : uPLOAD | sTRAUSS ^ dIVINE sTYLERS |ØØØ__"¶# | |______ b.L.O.S.S.A _______|ÑØØØØf | cOMMENT : VERY NICE eNDEED !!!! (swedish sysop) | ¶#M° _' `·-·' µ" "°^=*P ___________ ___________ ______ / \ \/ ______ /__________________________________ ______/ / /_____________\ ________/ /_ ______ / ______ \ ___, / /____/ sT^/_________/____________\_________\_____\_____,___/ _ _µÆØØØØm__ .___________________________________.______________________.°°°°ØØØØØØm | lOGO : pRIVATE | sTRAUSS ^ dIVINE sTYLERS |ØØØ__"¶# | |______ b.L.O.S.S.A _______|ÑØØØØf | cOMMENT : now .. humm .. ohh well .. none of yar buisness ;) | ¶#M° _' `·-·' µ" "°^=*P _____________ _______ __________________\___________/__________________________/ /__________ / ______ / / / \ /_____ \ __/_____ / / ________/\_______/________/______________/________\_____\____/__________/ /____/ \______\ \________\sT^ _ _µÆØØØØm__ .___________________________________.______________________.°°°°ØØØØØØm | lOGO : lOGOFF | sTRAUSS ^ dIVINE sTYLERS |ØØØ__"¶# | |______ b.L.O.S.S.A _______|ÑØØØØf | cOMMENT : very small indeed !!!!!!! :)) GÄÄÄK! | ¶#M° _' `·-·' µ" "°^=*P __________________________________________________________ / /_ ______ / ___ \______ / ___\ ___\ /_________/____________\________ \__________\ _\ _\ /________\ sT^\______\\_____\ _ _µÆØØØØm__ .___________________________________.______________________.°°°°ØØØØØØm | lOGO : nEW'S | sTRAUSS ^ dIVINE sTYLERS |ØØØ__"¶# | |______ b.L.O.S.S.A _______|ÑØØØØf | cOMMENT : ......... can you actually read that !??? | ¶#M° _' `·-·' µ" "°^=*P ____________ _____________ __________________________/__/________/_ / ' \ / ______ / /\ \/_______ / /___/ \__________/_________________\ /_______/ /_____________\______\sT^ _ _µÆØØØØm__ .___________________________________.______________________.°°°°ØØØØØØm | lOGO : oNLINE gAMES | sTRAUSS ^ dIVINE sTYLERS |ØØØ__"¶# | |______ b.L.O.S.S.A _______|ÑØØØØf | cOMMENT : hehehhehhhhhhhehhhhehhehehehhhhhhehhehhehhe!! | ¶#M° _' `·-·' µ" "°^=*P _____________ ___________________________ _______\___________/___________ ___________ / ______ / ' \/ /_ / ' \/ ______ / /______________\__/ \________/_______/___/ \_________/ sT^/_____________\ _/_____________\_____\ ____________ _______________ __________________/ ________ /________ \ ___ \/ ______ \ \ __________/________/_ \________ \__________\_____\_______\/_________\_________\_______ / /________\ /_______/ _ _µÆØØØØm__ .___________________________________.______________________.°°°°ØØØØØØm | lOGO : aMIGA eLITE | sTRAUSS ^ dIVINE sTYLERS |ØØØ__"¶# | |______ b.L.O.S.S.A _______|ÑØØØØf | cOMMENT : YEAH !! .. i'm a 'TANX-DAD-4-DA-MODEM' type o'guy! | ¶#M° _' `·-·' µ" "°^=*P _____________ ______________ _________________\___________/________ ______________ / ______ \/ \ / ___ \/ ______ \ /__________\_____\________\/_________\______/\________ \_________\_____\ ___________ ____________________/________\ / ______ /_____\___________/ /__________ / _________/ /_ /_ __/_____ / /________\ \________/_______/ /_____/__________/ \________\sT^ _ _µÆØØØØm__ .___________________________________.______________________.°°°°ØØØØØØm | lOGO : iBM eLITE | sTRAUSS ^ dIVINE sTYLERS |ØØØ__"¶# | |______ b.L.O.S.S.A _______|ÑØØØØf | cOMMENT : when are you supposed to buy an amiga ??? ;^)) | ¶#M° _' `·-·' µ" "°^=*P __________________ \___________/ /________________________ / / ,____ / \ /________/_____________/________\/_________\ ___________ ____________________ / ______ /_____\___________/ /__________ / _________/ /_ /_ __/_____ / /________\ \________/_______/ /_____/__________/ sT^\________\ _ _µÆØØØØm__ .___________________________________.______________________.°°°°ØØØØØØm | lOGO : aMIGA rEQUEST | sTRAUSS ^ dIVINE sTYLERS |ØØØ__"¶# | |______ b.L.O.S.S.A _______|ÑØØØØf | cOMMENT : here's a blurry one again !! | ¶#M° _' `·-·' µ" "°^=*P _____________ ______________ _________________\___________/________ ______________ / ______ \/ \ / ___ \/ ______ \ /__________\_____\________\/_________\______/\________ \_________\_____\ /________\__________ ________________________________________________ _________/ ________/________ \ /______ /______ ' / \ \ ______ /_____ / /_ \ \_______/_________/_______/ /_____________\________/ /_______/ __/ \_____\/________\ sT^/_____/ /________\ /_____/ _ _µÆØØØØm__ .___________________________________.______________________.°°°°ØØØØØØm | lOGO : iBM rEQUEST | sTRAUSS ^ dIVINE sTYLERS |ØØØ__"¶# | |______ b.L.O.S.S.A _______|ÑØØØØf | cOMMENT : when are you supposed to buy an amiga ??? (part 2) | ¶#M° _' `·-·' µ" "°^=*P __________________ \___________/ /________________________ / / ,____ / \ /________/_____________/________\/_________\__________ ________________________________________________ _________/ ________/_ ______ \ /______ /______ ' / \ \ ______ /_____ // /_ \ \_______/_________/_______/ /_____________\________/ /_______/ __/ \_____\/________\ /_____/ /________\ /_____/sT^ _ _µÆØØØØm__ .___________________________________.______________________.°°°°ØØØØØØm | lOGO : aMI xPRESS | sTRAUSS ^ dIVINE sTYLERS |ØØØ__"¶# | |______ b.L.O.S.S.A _______|ÑØØØØf | cOMMENT : ... YEAH!! .. heavy dewd !!! .. place 2 b!!! ;)) | ¶#M° _' `·-·' µ" "°^=*P _____________ ______________ _________________\___________/ / ______ \/ \ / /__________\_____\________\/_________\______/ _________________________________________________________________ \__ ' ___/ ______ / /______ /________/_________/_ /______/ / ________/ \_______/_________/______ /_____ / /______/____/ \_____\/________\ sT^/_______/ /_______/ _ _µÆØØØØm__ .___________________________________.______________________.°°°°ØØØØØØm | lOGO : pICTURES | sTRAUSS ^ dIVINE sTYLERS |ØØØ__"¶# | |______ b.L.O.S.S.A _______|ÑØØØØf | cOMMENT : seems like 'TEEN' spirit .. ;))))))))))) | ¶#M° _' `·-·' µ" "°^=*P ____________ ______ ________\__________/_________/ /_____________________________________ / ______ / /___________/ __/ \ \ /_____ /_______/_ / ________/______/________/ /_____/_____________\______/________/_____ / /____/ \_____\________\sT^/_______/ _ _µÆØØØØm__ .___________________________________.______________________.°°°°ØØØØØØm | lOGO : bUY n' sELL | sTRAUSS ^ dIVINE sTYLERS |ØØØ__"¶# | |______ b.L.O.S.S.A _______|ÑØØØØf | cOMMENT : well sell yar IBM n' buy an AMIGA !! 8) | ¶#M° _' `·-·' µ" "°^=*P ______ / /__________________ _________ / ,____ / \ \/ / / /_____________/_____________\____ / ____ /________/ ______________/ / / ' \__/ /____/ \sT^ ______/_____________\ / _______/_________________ _______ /______ /_____ / // /_ /_______/________/________/_______/ \________\ _ _µÆØØØØm__ .___________________________________.______________________.°°°°ØØØØØØm | lOGO : mODULES | sTRAUSS ^ dIVINE sTYLERS |ØØØ__"¶# | |______ b.L.O.S.S.A _______|ÑØØØØf | cOMMENT : my favourite .. :) | ¶#M° _' `·-·' µ" "°^=*P _________ ______________ ____________ ________________ ______________/ _______/_ / \ ______ /_____/ / \ \ /______ /___ / /_______\/_______\__________\ ___, /____________\______/_______/_______/ /_______,___/ sT^\________\ @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ .--[asc2]-- aµææø -[ d¡ViNE sTYLERs ]-. | ¬ØØØØø ________. | ¦ µæØ*ÑØØÑæµØØØØ#ø ØØØØØE ©Mt ¦ ·gØØØ# ¬¶ØØØØØØØF °¤ØÑØ#ææµµ____ : øØØØØL °ØØØØØ# ¸µæµæ毬°¶ÑØØØØØæw·· mØØØØØr ___ØØØØØWØØØØØF ¬¶ØØØØØ#w øØØÑÑØØ--'°¬"¯¯ ¬""ÆØØØØØK________.Ø#ÑØ#ØØø |-------------------------------------| |diViNE sTYLERs fEAt. sTRAUSS ¦ | wITH a cOLLY cALLED - b.L.O.S.S.A | `-------------------------------------' @END_FILE_ID.DIZ .. . ................ .. . ............... .. ................. .. ............... : dURATIOn : depends on brain size .. n' alphabetism .. :) : siZE : more than enuff !! : lENGHT : <---------------------------------------> (approximately) : aGE : houpefully -> 95.12.22 <- : ...............................................: :................................... : aDDITIONAL aSC² : mortimer twang + dINO .. :)) .. tanx ladz .. :) : ..................................................: :.......... :............. gREETZ 2 : · lEGAZY · aNTHRAX · sLURRY · jUMMEN · aXL · · cLUSTER · tHE yENCH · fRANZ · aNDREW · · dOC · sNOWBALL · sLANGEN · nIBBLA · mAMMA · · eSCOM · vINYL · sMALLoNE · hANINGE lIONS · · fLARE · ( dIS iS jUst hERE 2 iRRITATE ;)) · · sCANNER · aNDREW · sYRRAN & bRORSAN · sPECIAL gREETZ gOES 2 .. · dJ GiZMO · mORTIMER tWANG · tRIVIAL · 243 · · oRLINGO · rADAVI · dINO · tOMMY · mATT · dASH · · cYBER gOD · rAMIREZ · vIETCONG · aSCII rESPECTS 2 tHESE gUYS .. aCID kID, bOOMER, cHROMBACHER cRUSADER, dANZIG, dEFJAM, dESERT, fATAL, h2O, jUAN, mAZ, pHASE, mOGUE, nUP, rAPID, rIP, sANDMAN, sKIZE, sPLAT, sTYLEZ, sY-kLONE, tANGO, u-mAN, zAPHOD, bOONE, tBM, 2fAST, .. well .. thats it .. :) .. a merry x-mas n' a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!! :::::: )))))) Click .. 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