What is capabilities of the program ?
The purpose of the program is to make Pascal sources looking
professionally. This purpose is achieving in such
techiques(all customizeable):
·  setting appropriative left indent;
·  case-correcting of identifiers and keywords;
·  hyphenation after specified words;
·  empty-line suppressing.
Besides this, the program provides collecting the list of
identifiers and the list of used units.

Installation instructions

There   are  no  special  installation  instructions.   Just
decompress  all  files from archive into directory  of  your

Although the software was tested and proved its reliability,
it  is  highly  recommended  to  backup  your  files  before
processing them with this software.

For ordering information, see the file ORDER.TXT.

Support is available to registered users through e-mail:

Internet: komar@topaz.kiev.ua

Registered users will be notified of bug fixes, enhancements
and new products via e-mail.

Bug reports and enhancement requests are always welcome.

Author information:
Igor Komar
114 Zabolotngo st., Apt.63
Kiev 252187, Ukraine
E-mail: komar@topaz.kiev.ua