Written by William Schroeder (lqdshadow@yahoo.com) of
Fields Financial Services, Inc.

This code is freeware and may be used along with the supplied
DLL in any form. This code and the associated DLL may be modified.
All legal restrictions of use apply to the use of this code and
the DLL.

GIFVIEW.DLL exports only two functions:

function GetGIFBuffer(Buf: Pointer; BufSize: Integer): HBITMAP; stdcall;
* Returns the handle to a Windows bitmap holding the image data
  extracted from a buffer that contains the entire contents of a
  GIF file.
* DLL Function Index is 1.

function GetGIFFile(AFileName: PChar): HBITMAP; stdcall;
* Returns the handle to a Windows bitmap holding the image data
  extracted from the specified GIF file.
* DLL Function Index is 2.

See TGif.SetFileName and TGif.SetGifBuffer in GIF.PAS for examples of use.

GIFVIEW.DLL has been successfully used in Borland Delphi 4.

Current version is 1.0