Written by Todd Fast
Copyright © 1996-97 by Pencilneck
Software. All rights reserved.
Version 1.0, lego 9-25-96
Version 2.0, lego 5-7-97
Version 2.1, lego 5-12-97
Version 2.2, lego 6-19-97
Native Delphi component that encapsulates the SHBrowseForFolder interface, which allows Win32 users to select a directory using the standard shell dialog. In addition, TBrowseFolder allows the developer to add a custom button to the dialog. This feature allows you to extend the features of the shell and is found exclusively in this component.
Todd Fast
Please reach me at one of the following addresses if you have any
questions, comments, or contributions.
[email protected]
[email protected]
Alin Flaider [email protected] 7-4-97 - Multiple instance update |
Ahto Tanner [email protected] http://www.moonsoftware.ee 5-6-97 - Property editor and choice enhancement update 6-19-97 - Support for custom button type (check box) |
This component is freeware. As such, Pencilneck Software gives no warranty to its accuracy, fitness for any particular use, effects of use, or reliability. This component may not be distributed as a part of another component package without Pencilneck Software's written consent. It may be freely distributed, although it must be distributed with all original files in their original format intact. If you use this component in your software, please include an acknowledgment that portions are copyrighted by Pencilneck Software. Please contact the author, Todd Fast, at one of the above addresses with questions, comments, bug-reports or any updates you make to the component.
Version 2.2 of this component comes ready to install into Delphi 3.0. If you have Delphi 3.0, you don't have to do anything special to install the component. If you're running Delphi 20, however, you need to make a small change to the BrowseFolder.pas file before installing the component.
Installation in Delphi 2.0
Open the file BrowseFolder.pas in Delphi or another text editor. After the file header, there is a line that looks like the following:
Change this line to the following:
{ $DEFINE DELPHI3} // Add a space before the dollar ($) sign
This change will allow your component to compile properly in Delphi 2.0.
Warning! Version 2.x of this component is not backward compatible with version 1.x. I've incorporated changes into this version that I've wanted to change for some time. Unfortunately, these changes will break any code that uses any but the most basic features of the component. Essentially, code using the property CallbackParam or handling any of the component's events will need to be modified. Fortunately, the changes to the component are simple to incorporate into existing code, and ultimately offer a wealth of additional features.
CustomButtonCaption |
Published |
property CustomButtonCaption: String read FCustomButtonCaption write SetCustomButtonCaption; |
Specifies the caption of custom button in the browse dialog. The custom button allows you to add an additional, developer-specified command to the browse dialog, extending the features of the shell |
CustomButtonChecked |
Published |
property CustomButtonChecked: boolean read FCustomButtonChecked write FCustomButtonChecked default FALSE; |
Determines if the custom button is checked or not. Only relevant if CustomButtonType is btCheckBox. |
CustomButtonEnabled |
Published |
property CustomButtonEnabled: Boolean read FCustomButtonEnabled write SetCustomButtonEnabled default TRUE; |
Enables the custom button in the browse dialog. The custom button allows you to add an additional, developer-specified command to the browse dialog, extending the features of the shell |
CustomButtonHandle |
Public |
property CustomButtonHandle: HWnd read FCustomButtonHandle write FCustomButtonHandle; |
The handle of the custom button on the BrowseFolder dialog. This value is only valid after a call to Execute and until it returns. This property cannot be read-only for implementation purposes, although setting its value will have no effect. |
CustomButtonType |
Published |
property CustomButtonType: TCustomButtonType read FCustomButtonType write FCustomButtonType default btPushButton; |
Determines the type of custom button
shown in the browse dialog. The possible choices are the
following: btPushButton |
CustomButtonVisible |
Published |
property CustomButtonVisible: Boolean read FCustomButtonVisible write FCustomButtonVisible default FALSE; |
Shows the custom button in the browse dialog. The custom button allows you to add an additional, developer-specified command to the browse dialog, extending the features of the shell. |
CustomButtonWidth |
Published |
property CustomButtonWidth: Integer read FCustomButtonWidth write SetCustomButtonWidth default 75; |
Specifies the width of custom button in the browse dialog. The custom button allows you to add an additional, developer-specified command to the browse dialog, extending the features of the shell |
DialogHandle |
Public |
property DialogHandle: HWnd read FDialogHandle write FDialogHandle; |
The handle of the BrowseFolder dialog. This value is only valid after a call to Execute and until it returns. This property cannot be read-only for implementation purposes, although setting its value will have no effect. |
Directory |
Published |
property Directory: String read FDirectory write FDirectory; |
Use the Directory property to retrieve the value of the directory the user selected in the dialog after the Execute method returns. If the user chooses the Cancel button in the dialog, this property will not be affected and will remain its original value. Setting this property before calling the Execute method will open the dialog with the path selected. |
DisplayName |
Public, read-only |
property DisplayName: String read FDisplayName; |
Read-only. The display name returned from the dialog in the BROWSEINFO structure. |
Flags |
Published |
property Flags: TBrowseInfoFlagSet read FFlags write FFlags; |
Set of flags for determining what the
browse dialog will allow the user to choose. Enforces
these restrictions by enabling or disabling the OK button
when a user chooses a particular type of file item. See
the help topic "BROWSEINFO" in the Win32 Help
for more information.
ImageIndex |
Public, read-only |
property ImageIndex: Integer read FImageIndex; |
The selected item's image index in the system image list. Returned in the BROWSEINFO structure. |
ParentHandle |
Public |
property ParentHandle: HWnd read FParentHandle write FParentHandle; |
The window handle of the BrowseFolder dialog. Specify before calling Execute. Leaving this property unspecified will result in the component's owner or the MainForm of the application becoming the parent. |
RootFolder |
Published |
property RootFolder: TSHFolders read FRootFolder write FRootFolder default foDesktopExpanded; |
The top-level folder displayed in the browse dialog. foDesktopExpanded is the default. |
SelectedDirectory |
Public |
property SelectedDirectory: String read FSelectedDirectory; |
The currently selected directory in the BrowseFolder dialog. This value is independant of the Directory property, and only guaranteed to be valid after a call to Execute and before the method returns. This property should be used to retrieve the currently selected directory from within the component's event handlers. Use the Directory property to retrieve the value of the directory the user selected in the dialog after the Execute method returns. |
ShowPathInStatusArea |
Published |
property ShowPathInStatusArea: Boolean read FShowPathInStatusArea write FShowPathInStatusArea; |
Enables or disables a custom feature that shows the selected path in the status area of the browse dialog. Must have the bfStatusText flag set. |
SyncCustomButton |
Published |
property SyncCustomButton: Boolean read FSyncCustomButton write FSyncCustomButton; |
Synchronizes the enabled state of the custom button with the dialog's OK button's enabled state. This frees the developer from managing the state of the custom button for the majority of situations. |
Title |
Published |
property Title: String read FTitle write FTitle; |
The title displayed in the dialog. |
OnInitialized |
Published |
property OnInitialized: TBrowserInitializedEvent read FOnInitialized write FOnInitialized; TBrowserInitializedEvent=procedure(Sender: TBrowseFolder; DialogHandle: HWND) of object; |
Triggered after the browse dialog is
initialized and immediately before the dialog is shown. Parameters:
OnSelectionChanged |
Published |
property OnSelectionChanged: TSelectionChangedEvent read FOnSelectionChanged write FOnSelectionChanged; TSelectionChangedEvent=procedure(Sender: TBrowseFolder; DialogHandle: HWND; const ItemIDList: PItemIDList; const Directory: String) of object; |
Triggered as the user chooses a new item
in the browse dialog. You can use this event to enable or
disable the custom or OK buttons, or perform some other
required processing while the dialog is still showing. Parameters:
OnCustomButtonClick |
Published |
property OnCustomButtonClick: TCustomButtonClickEvent read FOnCustomButtonClick write FOnCustomButtonClick; TCustomButtonClickEvent=procedure(Sender: TBrowseFolder; DialogHandle: HWND) of object; |
Triggered when the user presses the
custom button on the browse dialog. You can use this
event to perform some custom processing while the dialog
is still showing, such as prompting for a new directory
name. Parameters:
Create |
Public |
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); |
Standard constructor for TComponent. |
EnableOK |
Public |
procedure EnableOK(const Hwnd: HWND; const Value: Boolean); |
Sets the enabled state of the OK button
in the browse dialog. Note: You can use this method to override the restrictions set in the Flags property, but if the user selects an item that the Flags item restricts, the returned directory will be an empty string. Parameters:
Execute |
Public |
function Execute: Boolean; |
Shows the browse dialog and allows the user to choose a directory. Returns TRUE if the user chose the OK button, FALSE if he or she chose the Cancel button. |
SetSelectionPath |
Public |
procedure SetSelectionPath(const Hwnd: HWND; const Path: String); |
Sets the selection in the browse dialog
to the folder in the Path parameter. The path can be in
long or 8.3 format. Parameters:
SetSelectionPIDL |
Public |
procedure SetSelectionPIDL(const Hwnd: HWND; const ItemIDList: PItemIDList); |
Sets the selection in the browse dialog
to the folder represented by the ItemIDList, or PIDL. The
pidl is an opaque binary value and would need to be
created by some other Shell API like
SHGetSpecialFolderLocation. Don't forget to deallocate
and pidl you obtain yourself with the CoTaskMemFree
function or equivalent. Not generally as useful as the
next method. Parameters:
SetStatusText |
Public |
procedure SetStatusText(const Hwnd: HWND; const StatusText: String); |
Sets the dialog's status area text to
the text message. You must have the bfStatusText flag set
to see the status text. Parameters:
BreakApart |
Public |
function BreakApart(const theString, Separator: String; var Tokens: TStringList): Integer; |
Breaks a string into tokens at the specified separator string |
CompressString |
Public |
function CompressString(const Path, Separator, Replacement: String; MaxLength: Integer): String; |
Compresses a string by replacing one or more components with the replacement string. |
GetIDListFromPath |
Public |
procedure GetIDListFromPath(Path: String; var ItemIDList: PItemIDList); |
This procedure compliments SHGetPathFromIDList in the Win32 API, and allows you to obtain a PIDL from a path string. |
This component wraps a few of the Win32 shell functions to display the Windows standard folder browse dialog. I originally hacked this component together over the course of a couple of evenings based on Microsoft's sketchy documentation and some of their C header files, and with some contributions and some free time, have since improved it to be the most flexible component of its type available.