If you have found a bug in one of GNOME applications, please report it! Developers do read all the bug reports and try to fix these bugs. Please try to be as specific as possible when describing the circumstances under which the bug shows (what commands did you enter? which buttons did you click?). If there were any error messages, be sure to include them, too.
The easiest way to report bugs is by using Bug Report Tool (bug-buddy), available in the Utilities submenu of Main Menu. This utility will guide you through the bug reporting process; it will also automatically collect some information necessary for developers, such as versions of the operating system and libraries you are using.
You can also submit bugs and browse the list of known bugs by connecting to the GNOME bug tracking database. You will need to register before you can submit any bugs this way and do not forget to read Bug Writing Guidelines.
Please note that some of GNOME applications are developed by commercial companies (these products are still free software). For example, Nautilus file manager is developed by Eazel while Evolution groupware suite is developed by Ximian (formerly Helix Code). Bugs reports and comments about these products should be directed to the respective companies. If you are using Bug Report Tool, it will automatically send bug reports to the correct database.
If you have a suggestion or want to request a new feature for one of the applications, it can also be done using the bug tracking database. Submit your suggestion as a bug report as described in and at the appropriate step select Severity: Enhancement.
If you found an inaccuracy or misprint in one of GNOME documents, or have any comments or suggestions about documentation, please let us know! The easiest way of doing so is by submitting a bug report as explained before and selecting Component: docs at appropriate steps (or general if there is no docs component). If your comment is about general GNOME documentation (such as GNOME Users Guide) rather than specific application manual, select Product: gnome-user-docs.
Alternatively, you can just send your comments by email to GNOME Documentation Project; our address is <[email protected]>. And by the way: if you are not a developer but want to help GNOME join the GDP and help us improve GNOME documentation.