The cpumemusage_applet is a small monitor applet which sits in your panel and tells you about your machine's use of CPU, memory and swap. To add this applet to a Panel, right-click on the Panel and choose Panel->Add to panel->Applet->Monitors->CPU/MEM usage.
You don't need to do anything to this applet. It will sit and run in your panel.
The applet shows three bar charts, for CPU, memory and swap space. If your panel is horizontal, the top bar is CPU, the middle is memory, and the bottom is swap. If your panel is vertical, the left bar is CPU, the middle is memory, and the right is swap.
Three colours are used here. Yellow is used for CPU activity which does not need the kernel. Grey is used for CPU activity by programs talking to the kernel (typically, lots of I/O such as moving things between memory and disk). Black is the background and represents unused CPU.
Four colours are used here. Yellow is used for shared memory (memory more than one program is using). Grey is used for buffer use (memory containing data not yet written to disk). The greenish-yellow is used for other memory use. Green represents unused memory.
Two colours are used here. Red is used for swap space in use. Green is for unused swap. Swap is a section of the hard-drive where the kernel puts parts of programs which are not currently being used so that it can retrieve them easily when it needs to.
There are no known bugs for this applet.
This applet was writen by Radek Doulik (<[email protected]>). Please report problems with it to the GNOME bug tracking system. You can do this by following the guidelines on that site or by using bug-buddy from the command-line. For the package, put gnome-applets.
This guide was written by Telsa Gwynne (<[email protected]>) and Eric Baudais (<[email protected]>) and is almost entirely based on the earlier documentation from the GNOME 1.0.53 User's Guide by David Mason (<[email protected]>) and David Wheeler. Please report problems with or suggestions for it to the GNOME Documentation Project (<[email protected]>). You can also submit comments online by using the GNOME Documentation Status Table.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
A copy of the GNU General Public License is included as an appendix to the GNOME Users Guide. You may also obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License from the Free Software Foundation by visiting their Web site or by writing to
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