MRG Realtime

rt-tests - Programs that test various rt-features

Website: git://
License: GPLv2
Vendor: Scientific Linux CERN,
rt-tests is a set of programs that test and measure various components of
real-time kernel behavior. This package measures timer, signal, and hardware
latency. It also tests the functioning of priority-inheritance mutexes.


rt-tests-0.72-1.el5rt.x86_64 [103 KiB] Changelog by Clark Williams (2010-06-25):
- changed 'diff' variable in timerthread() routine to be unsigned
  64-bit to avoid overflow issues in debugging
- included <stdint.h> and changed all 'long long' declarations to
  use uint64_t and int64_t
rt-tests-0.66-2.el5rt.x86_64 [86 KiB] Changelog by Clark Williams (2010-03-09):
- remove extraneous cruft from source tarball and respin
rt-tests-0.53-2.el5rt.x86_64 [52 KiB] Changelog by Clark Williams (2009-11-16):
- added back missing dist tag for release
rt-tests-0.50-1.x86_64 [46 KiB] Changelog by Clark Williams (2009-07-16):
- patch to cyclictest from Sebastian Andrzej Siewior <[email protected]> 
  to process options before checking for root user
- patch to cyclictest from Sebastian Andrzej Siewior <[email protected]>
  to exit with proper error code on exit
- added scripts/do-git-push script
- added push target to Makefile
- rewrite of hwlatdetect script to handle old smi_detector module

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-1.el6