This is a database for use with MobileDB or MobileDB Lite for the Palm Computing(R) Platform

Database Name: Wine Types

Database Creator Name:  Shane Reed

Database Creator Email:

Database Creator Web Site:  NA

Date Created: 11/3/98

Database Content Source: NA

Database info:

Legal Note: 
This data file is freeware and may be freely distributed but must be packaged with
this readme file.  Every effort has been given to ensure accuracy of this data.  However, no 
liability or warranty for errors or ommissions exists, expressed or implied.

Use of this database requires MobileDB or MobileDB Lite by Mobile Generation Software. The
trial version of MobileDB and the freeware version of MobileDB Lite can be obtained at the 
Mobile Generation Software web site at  While MobileDB Lite is
freeware, MobileDB is shareware and is fully functional up to 2 databases with the trial 
version.  If you find youself using MobileDB on a regular basis, please register it at for $14.95.

To install this database, use the PalmPilot installation tool to select the file and then hotsync.