1mX11 Input Extension Protocol Specification0m 1mVersion 1.00m 1mX Consortium Standard0m 1mX Version 11, Release 6.40m 1mMark Patrick Ardent Computer0m 1mGeorge Sachs Hewlett-Packard0m Copyright © 1989, 1990, 1991 by Hewlett-Packard Company and Ardent Computer Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this docu- mentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. Ardent and Hewlett-Packard make no representations about the suitability for any pur- pose of the information in this document. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. Copyright © 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 X Consortium Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documenta- tion files (the ``Software''), to deal in the Software with- out restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the fol- lowing conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PUR- POSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE X CONSOR- TIUM BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of the X Con- sortium shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from the X Consortium. 4mX24m 4mWindow24m 4mSystem24m is a trademark of X Consortium, Inc. 1m1.1. Input Extension Overview0m This document defines an extension to the X11 protocol to support input devices other than the core X keyboard and pointer. An accompanying document defines a corresponding extension to Xlib (similar extensions for languages other than C are anticipated). This first section gives an over- view of the input extension. The next section defines the new protocol requests defined by the extension. We conclude with a description of the new input events generated by the additional input devices. 1m1.2. Design Approach0m The design approach of the extension is to define requests and events analogous to the core requests and events. This allows extension input devices to be individually distin- guishable from each other and from the core input devices. These requests and events make use of a device identifier and support the reporting of n-dimensional motion data as well as other data that is not reportable via the core input events. 1m1.3. Core Input Devices0m The X server core protocol supports two input devices: a pointer and a keyboard. The pointer device has two major functions. First, it may be used to generate motion infor- mation that client programs can detect. Second, it may also be used to indicate the current location and focus of the X keyboard. To accomplish this, the server echoes a cursor at the current position of the X pointer. Unless the X key- board has been explicitly focused, this cursor also shows the current location and focus of the X keyboard. The X keyboard is used to generate input that client pro- grams can detect. The X keyboard and X pointer are referred to in this docu- ment as the 4mcore24m 4mdevices24m, and the input events they generate (1mKeyPress22m, 1mKeyRelease22m, 1mButtonPress22m, 1mButtonRelease22m, and 1mMotionNotify22m) are known as the 4mcore24m 4minput24m 4mevents24m. All other input devices are referred to as 4mextension24m 4minput24m 4mdevices24m and the input events they generate are referred to as 4mextension0m 4minput24m 4mevents24m. Note This input extension does not change the behavior or functionality of the core input devices, core events, or core protocol requests, with the excep- tion of the core grab requests. These requests may affect the synchronization of events from extension devices. See the explanation in the 1m10m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m section titled "Event Synchronization and Core Grabs". Selection of the physical devices to be initially used by the server as the core devices is left implementation-depen- dent. Requests are defined that allow client programs to change which physical devices are used as the core devices. 1m1.4. Extension Input Devices0m The input extension controls access to input devices other than the X keyboard and X pointer. It allows client pro- grams to select input from these devices independently from each other and independently from the core devices. A client that wishes to access a specific device must first determine whether that device is connected to the X server. This is done through the 1mListInputDevices 22mrequest, which will return a list of all devices that can be opened by the X server. A client can then open one or more of these devices using the 1mOpenDevice 22mrequest, specify what events they are interested in receiving, and receive and process input events from extension devices in the same way as events from the X keyboard and X pointer. Input events from these devices are of extension types (1mDeviceKeyPress22m, 1mDeviceKeyRelease22m, 1mDeviceButtonPress22m, 1mDeviceButtonRelease22m, 1mDeviceMotionNotify22m, etc.) and contain a device identifier so that events of the same type coming from different input devices can be distinguished. Any kind of input device may be used as an extension input device. Extension input devices may have 0 or more keys, 0 or more buttons, and may report 0 or more axes of motion. Motion may be reported as relative movements from a previous position or as an absolute position. All valuators report- ing motion information for a given extension input device must report the same kind of motion information (absolute or relative). This extension is designed to accommodate new types of input devices that may be added in the future. The protocol requests that refer to specific characteristics of input devices organize that information by 1minput classes22m. Server implementors may add new classes of input devices without changing the protocol requests. Input classes are unique numbers registered with the X Consortium. Each extension input device may support multiple input classes. All extension input devices are treated like the core X key- board in determining their location and focus. The server does not track the location of these devices on an individ- ual basis, and therefore does not echo a cursor to indicate their current location. Instead, their location is 1m20m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m determined by the location of the core X pointer. Like the core X keyboard, some may be explicitly focused. If they are not explicitly focused, their focus is determined by the location of the core X pointer. Input events reported by the server to a client are of fixed size (32 bytes). In order to represent the change in state of an input device the extension may need to generate a sequence of input events. A client side library (such as Xlib) will typically take these raw input events and format them into a form more convenient to the client. 1m1.4.1. Event Classes0m In the core protocol a client registers interest in receiv- ing certain input events directed to a window by modifying that window's event-mask. Most of the bits in the event mask are already used to specify interest in core X events. The input extension specifies a different mechanism by which a client can express interest in events generated by this extension. When a client opens a extension input device via the 1mOpenDe-0m 1mvice 22mrequest, an 1mXDevice 22mstructure is returned. Macros are provided that extract 32-bit numbers called 1mevent classes0m from that structure, that a client can use to register interest in extension events via the 1mSelectExtensionEvent0m request. The event class combines the desired event type and device id, and may be thought of as the equivalent of core event masks. 1m1.4.2. Input Classes0m Some of the input extension requests divide input devices into classes based on their functionality. This is intended to allow new classes of input devices to be defined at a later time without changing the semantics of these requests. The following input device classes are currently defined: 1mKEY 22mThe device reports key events. 1mBUTTON0m The device reports button events. 1mVALUATOR0m The device reports valuator data in motion events. 1mPROXIMITY0m The device reports proximity events. 1mFOCUS0m The device can be focused and reports focus events. 1m30m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m 1mFEEDBACK0m The device supports feedbacks. 1mOTHER0m The 1mChangeDeviceNotify22m, 1mDeviceMappingNotify22m, and 1mDeviceStateNotify 22mmacros may be invoked passing the 1mXDevice 22mstructure returned for this device. Each extension input device may support multiple input classes. Additional classes may be added in the future. Requests that support multiple input classes, such as the 1mListInputDevices 22mfunction that lists all available input devices, organize the data they return by input class. Client programs that use these requests should not access data unless it matches a class defined at the time those clients were compiled. In this way, new classes can be added without forcing existing clients that use these requests to be recompiled. 1m2. Requests0m Extension input devices are accessed by client programs through the use of new protocol requests. This section sum- marizes the new requests defined by this extension. The syntax and type definitions used below follow the notation used for the X11 core protocol. 1m2.1. Getting the Extension Version0m The 1mGetExtensionVersion 22mrequest returns version information about the input extension. GetExtensionVersion name: STRING => present: BOOL protocol-major-version: CARD16 protocol-minor-version: CARD16 The protocol version numbers returned indicate the ver- sion of the input extension supported by the target X server. The version numbers can be compared to con- stants defined in the header file 1mXI.h22m. Each version is a superset of the previous versions. 1m2.2. Listing Available Devices0m A client that wishes to access a specific device must first determine whether that device is connected to the X server. This is done through the 1mListInputDevices 22mrequest, which will return a list of all devices that can be opened by the X server. ListInputDevices 1m40m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m => input-devices: LISTofDEVICEINFO where DEVICEINFO: [type: ATOM id: CARD8 num_classes: CARD8 use: {IsXKeyboard, IsXPointer, IsExten- sionDevice} info: LISTofINPUTINFO name: STRING8] INPUTINFO: {KEYINFO, BUTTONINFO, VALUATORINFO} KEYINFO: [class: CARD8 length: CARD8 min-keycode: KEYCODE max-keycode: KEYCODE num-keys: CARD16] BUTTONINFO: [class: CARD8 length: CARD8 num-buttons: CARD16] VALUATORINFO: [class: CARD8 length: CARD8 num_axes: CARD8 mode: SETofDEVICEMODE motion_buffer_size: CARD32 axes: LISTofAXISINFO] AXISINFO: [resolution: CARD32 min-val: CARD32 max-val: CARD32] DEVICEMODE: {Absolute, Relative} Errors: None This request returns a list of all devices that can be opened by the X server, including the core X keyboard and X pointer. Some implementations may open all input devices as part of X initialization, while others may not open an input device until requested to do so by a client program. · The information returned for each device is as follows: The 1mtype 22mfield is of type 1mAtom 22mand indicates the nature of the device. Clients may determine device types by invoking the 1mXInternAtom 22mrequest passing one of the names defined in the header file 1mXI.h22m. The following names have been defined to date: 1m50m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m 1mMOUSE0m 1mTABLET0m 1mKEYBOARD0m 1mTOUCHSCREEN0m 1mTOUCHPAD0m 1mBUTTONBOX0m 1mBARCODE0m 1mKNOB_BOX0m 1mTRACKBALL0m 1mQUADRATURE0m 1mSPACEBALL0m 1mDATAGLOVE0m 1mEYETRACKER0m 1mCURSORKEYS0m 1mFOOTMOUSE0m 1mID_MODULE0m 1mONE_KNOB0m 1mNINE_KNOB0m The 1mid 22mis a small cardinal value in the range 0-128 that uniquely identifies the device. It is assigned to the device when it is initialized by the server. Some implemen- tations may not open an input device until requested by a client program, and may close the device when the last client accessing it requests that it be closed. If a device is opened by a client program via 1mXOpenDevice22m, then closed via 1mXCloseDevice22m, then opened again, it is not guaranteed to have the same id after the second open request. The 1mnum_classes 22mfield is a small cardinal value in the range 0-255 that specifies the number of input classes supported by the device for which information is returned by 1mListIn-0m 1mputDevices22m. Some input classes, such as class 1mFocus 22mand class 1mProximity 22mdo not have any information to be returned by 1mListInputDevices22m. The 1muse 22mfield specifies how the device is currently being used. If the value is 1mIsXKeyboard22m, the device is currently being used as the X keyboard. If the value is 1mIsXPointer22m, the device is currently being used as the X pointer. If the value is 1mIsXExtensionDevice22m, the device is available for use as an extension device. The 1mname 22mfield contains a pointer to a null-terminated string that corresponds to one of the defined device types. · 1mInputInfo 22mis one of: 1mKeyInfo22m, 1mButtonInfo 22mor 1mValuatorInfo22m. The first two fields are common to all three: The 1mclass 22mfield is a cardinal value in the range 0-255. It uniquely identifies the class of input for which information is returned. 1m60m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m The 1mlength 22mfield is a cardinal value in the range 0-255. It specifies the number of bytes of data that are contained in this input class. The length includes the class and length fields. The remaining information returned for input class 1mKEYCLASS0m is as follows: 1mmin_keycode 22mis of type KEYCODE. It specifies the minimum keycode that the device will report. The minimum keycode will not be smaller than 8. 1mmax_keycode 22mis of type KEYCODE. It specifies the maximum keycode that the device will report. The maximum keycode will not be larger than 255. 1mnum_keys 22mis a cardinal value that specifies the number of keys that the device has. The remaining information returned for input class 1mBUTTON-0m 1mCLASS 22mis as follows: 1mnum_buttons 22mis a cardinal value that specifies the number of buttons that the device has. The remaining information returned for input class 1mVALUATOR-0m 1mCLASS 22mis as follows: 1mmode 22mis a constant that has one of the following values: 1mAbsolute 22mor 1mRelative22m. Some devices allow the mode to be changed dynamically via the 1mSetDeviceMode 22mrequest. 1mmotion_buffer_size 22mis a cardinal number that specifies the number of elements that can be contained in the motion his- tory buffer for the device. The 1maxes 22mfield contains a pointer to an AXISINFO struture. · The information returned for each axis reported by the device is: The 1mresolution 22mis a cardinal value in counts/meter. The 1mmin_val 22mfield is a cardinal value in that contains the minimum value the device reports for this axis. For devices whose mode is 1mRelative22m, the min_val field will contain 0. The 1mmax_val 22mfield is a cardinal value in that contains the maximum value the device reports for this axis. For devices whose mode is 1mRelative22m, the max_val field will contain 0. 1m70m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m 1m2.3. Enabling Devices0m Client programs that wish to access an extension device must request that the server open that device. This is done via the 1mOpenDevice 22mrequest. OpenDevice id: CARD8 => DEVICE: [device_id: XID num_classes: INT32 classes: LISTofINPUTCLASSINFO] INPUTCLASSINFO: [input_class: CARD8 event_type_base: CARD8] Errors: Device This request returns the event classes to be used by the client to indicate which events the client program wishes to receive. Each input class may report several event classes. For example, input class 1mKeys 22mreports 1mDeviceKeyPress 22mand 1mDeviceKeyRelease 22mevent classes. Input classes are unique numbers registered with the X Consortium. Input class 1mOther0m exists to report event classes that are not specific to any one input class, such as 1mDeviceMappingNotify22m, 1mChangeDevi-0m 1mceNotify22m, and 1mDeviceStateNotify22m. · The information returned for each device is as follows: The 1mdevice_id 22mis a number that uniquely identifies the device. The 1mnum_classes 22mfield contains the number of input classes supported by this device. · For each class of input supported by the device, the 1mInputClassInfo 22mstructure contains the following informa- tion: The 1minput_class 22mis a small cardinal number that identifies the class of input. The 1mevent_type_base 22mis a small cardinal number that speci- fies the event type of one of the events reported by this input class. This information is not directly used by client programs. Instead, the 1mDevice 22mis used by macros that return extension event types and event classes. This is described in the section of this document entitled 1m80m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m "Selecting Extension Device Events". Before it exits, the client program should explicitly request that the server close the device. This is done via the 1mCloseDevice 22mrequest. A client may open the same extension device more than once. Requests after the first successful one return an additional 1mXDevice 22mstructure with the same information as the first, but otherwise have no effect. A single 1mCloseDevice 22mrequest will terminate that client's access to the device. Closing a device releases any active or passive grabs the requesting client has established. If the device is frozen only by an active grab of the requesting client, the queued events are released when the client terminates. If a client program terminates without closing a device, the server will automatically close that device on behalf of the client. This does not affect any other clients that may be accessing that device. CloseDevice device: DEVICE Errors: Device 1m2.4. Changing The Mode Of A Device0m Some devices are capable of reporting either relative or absolute motion data. To change the mode of a device from relative to absolute, use the 1mSetDeviceMode 22mrequest. The valid values are 1mAbsolute 22mor 1mRelative22m. This request will fail and return 1mDeviceBusy 22mif another client already has the device open with a different mode. It will fail and return 1mAlreadyGrabbed 22mif another client has the device grabbed. The request will fail with a 1mBadMatch0m error if the requested mode is not supported by the device. SetDeviceMode device: DEVICE mode: {Absolute, Relative} Errors: Device, Match, Mode => status: {Success, DeviceBusy, AlreadyGrabbed} 1m90m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m 1m2.5. Initializing Valuators on an Input Device0m Some devices that report absolute positional data can be initialized to a starting value. Devices that are capable of reporting relative motion or absolute positional data may require that their valuators be initialized to a starting value after the mode of the device is changed to 1mAbsolute22m. To initialize the valuators on such a device, use the 1mSetDe-0m 1mviceValuators 22mrequest. SetDeviceValuators device: DEVICE first_valuator: CARD8 num_valuators: CARD8 valuators: LISTOFINT32 Errors: Length, Device, Match, Value => status: {Success, AlreadyGrabbed} This request initializes the specified valuators on the specified extension input device. Valuators are numbered beginning with zero. Only the valuators in the range speci- fied by first_valuator and num_valuators are set. If the number of valuators supported by the device is less than the expression first_valuator + num_valuators, a 1mValue 22merror will result. If the request succeeds, 1mSuccess 22mis returned. If the specifed device is grabbed by some other client, the request will fail and a status of 1mAlreadyGrabbed 22mwill be returned. 1m2.6. Getting Input Device Controls0m GetDeviceControl device: DEVICE control: XID Errors: Length, Device, Match, Value => controlState: {DeviceState} where DeviceState: DeviceResolutionState Errors: Length, Device, Match, Value 1m100m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m This request returns the current state of the specified device control. The device control must be supported by the target server and device or an error will result. If the request is successful, a pointer to a generic DeviceState structure will be returned. The information returned varies according to the specified control and is mapped by a structure appropriate for that control. GetDeviceControl will fail with a BadValue error if the server does not support the specified control. It will fail with a BadMatch error if the device does not support the specified control. Supported device controls and the information returned for them include: DEVICE_RESOLUTION: [control: CARD16 length: CARD16 num_valuators: CARD8 resolutions: LISTofCARD32 min_resolutions: LISTofCARD32 max_resolutions: LISTofCARD32] This device control returns a list of valuators and the range of valid resolutions allowed for each. Valuators are numbered beginning with 0. Resolutions for all valuators on the device are returned. For each valuator i on the device, resolutions[i] returns the current setting of the resolu- tion, min_resolutions[i] returns the minimum valid setting, and max_resolutions[i] returns the maximum valid setting. When this control is specified, XGetDeviceControl will fail with a BadMatch error if the specified device has no valua- tors. ChangeDeviceControl device: DEVICE XID: controlId control: DeviceControl where DeviceControl: DeviceResolutionControl Errors: Length, Device, Match, Value => status: {Success, DeviceBusy, AlreadyGrabbed} 1m110m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m ChangeDeviceControl changes the specifed device control according to the values specified in the DeviceControl structure. The device control must be supported by the tar- get server and device or an error will result. The information passed with this request varies according to the specified control and is mapped by a structure appropri- ate for that control. ChangeDeviceControl will fail with a BadValue error if the server does not support the specified control. It will fail with a BadMatch error if the server supports the specified control, but the requested device does not. The request will fail and return a status of DeviceBusy if another client already has the device open with a device control state that conflicts with the one specified in the request. It will fail with a status of AlreadyGrabbed if some other client has grabbed the specified device. If the request succeeds, Success is returned. If it fails, the device con- trol is left unchanged. Supported device controls and the information specified for them include: DEVICE_RESOLUTION: [control: CARD16 length: CARD16 first_valuator: CARD8 num_valuators: CARD8 resolutions: LISTofCARD32] This device control changes the resolution of the specified valuators on the specified extension input device. Valua- tors are numbered beginning with zero. Only the valuators in the range specified by first_valuator and num_valuators are set. A value of -1 in the resolutions list indicates that the resolution for this valuator is not to be changed. num_valuators specifies the number of valuators in the reso- lutions list. When this control is specified, XChangeDeviceControl will fail with a BadMatch error if the specified device has no valuators. If a resolution is specified that is not within the range of valid values (as returned by XGetDeviceControl) the request will fail with a BadValue error. If the number of valuators supported by the device is less than the expression first_valuator + num_valuators, a BadValue error will result. If the request fails for any reason, none of the valuator resolutions will be changed. 1m120m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m 1m2.7. Selecting Extension Device Events0m Extension input events are selected using the 1mSelectExten-0m 1msionEvent 22mrequest. SelectExtensionEvent window: WINDOW interest: LISTofEVENTCLASS Errors: Window, Class, Access This request specifies to the server the events within the specified window which are of interest to the client. As with the core 1mXSelectInput 22mfunction, multiple clients can select input on the same window. 1mXSelectExtensionEvent 22mrequires a list of 4mevent24m 4mclasses24m. An event class is a 32-bit number that combines an event type and device id, and is used to indicate which event a client wishes to receive and from which device it wishes to receive it. Macros are provided to obtain event classes from the data returned by the 1mXOpenDevice 22mrequest. The names of these macros correspond to the desired events, i.e. the 1mDeviceKeyPress 22mis used to obtain the event class for 1mDeviceKeyPress 22mevents. The syntax of the macro invocation is: DeviceKeyPress (device, event_type, event_class); device: DEVICE event_type: INT event_class: INT The value returned in 1mevent_type 22mis the value that will be contained in the event type field of the 1mXDeviceKeyPressEv-0m 1ment 22mwhen it is received by the client. The value returned in 1mevent_class 22mis the value that should be passed in making an 1mXSelectExtensionEvent 22mrequest to receive 1mDeviceKeyPress0m events. For 1mDeviceButtonPress 22mevents, the client may specify whether or not an implicit passive grab should be done when the but- ton is pressed. If the client wants to guarantee that it will receive a 1mDeviceButtonRelease 22mevent for each 1mDeviceBut-0m 1mtonPress 22mevent it receives, it should specify the 1mDeviceBut-0m 1mtonPressGrab 22mevent class as well as the 1mDeviceButtonPress0m event class. This restricts the client in that only one client at a time may request 1mDeviceButtonPress 22mevents from the same device and window if any client specifies this class. If any client has specified the 1mDeviceButtonPressGrab 22mclass, any requests by any other client that specify the same device and window and specify 1mDeviceButtonPress 22mor 1m130m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m 1mDeviceButtonPressGrab 22mwill cause an 1mAccess 22merror to be gen- erated. If only the 1mDeviceButtonPress 22mclass is specified, no implicit passive grab will be done when a button is pressed on the device. Multiple clients may use this class to spec- ify the same device and window combination. A client may also specify the 1mDeviceOwnerGrabButton 22mclass. If it has specified both the 1mDeviceButtonPressGrab 22mand the 1mDeviceOwnerGrabButton 22mclasses, implicit passive grabs will activate with owner_events set to 1mTrue22m. If only the 1mDevice-0m 1mButtonPressGrab 22mclass is specified, implicit passive grabs will activate with owner_events set to 1mFalse22m. The client may select 1mDeviceMotion 22mevents only when a button is down. It does this by specifying the event classes 1mBut-0m 1mton1Motion 22mthrough 1mButton5Motion22m, or 1mButtonMotion22m. An input device will only support as many button motion classes as it has buttons. 1m2.8. Determining Selected Events0m To determine which extension events are currently selected from a given window, use 1mGetSelectedExtensionEvents22m. GetSelectedExtensionEvents window: WINDOW => this-client: LISTofEVENTCLASS all-clients: LISTofEVENTCLASS Errors: Window This request returns two lists specifying the events selected on the specified window. One list gives the exten- sion events selected by this client from the specified win- dow. The other list gives the extension events selected by all clients from the specified window. This information is equivalent to that returned by your-event-mask and all- event-masks in a 1mGetWindowAttributes 22mrequest. 1m2.9. Controlling Event Propagation0m Extension events propagate up the window hierarchy in the same manner as core events. If a window is not interested in an extension event, it usually propagates to the closest ancestor that is interested, unless the dont_propagate list prohibits it. Grabs of extension devices may alter the set of windows that receive a particular extension event. Client programs may control extension event propagation through the use of the following two requests. 1m140m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m 1mXChangeDeviceDontPropagateList 22madds an event to or deletes an event from the do_not_propagate list of extension events for the specified window. This list is maintained for the life of the window, and is not altered if the client termi- nates. ChangeDeviceDontPropagateList window: WINDOW eventclass: LISTofEVENTCLASS mode: {AddToList, DeleteFromList} Errors: Window, Class, Mode This function modifies the list specifying the events that are not propagated to the ancestors of the specified window. You may use the modes 1mAddToList 22mor 1mDeleteFromList22m. GetDeviceDontPropagateList window: WINDOW Errors: Window => dont-propagate-list: LISTofEVENTCLASS This function returns a list specifying the events that are not propagated to the ancestors of the specified window. 1m2.10. Sending Extension Events0m One client program may send an event to another via the 1mXSendExtensionEvent 22mfunction. The event in the 1mXEvent 22mstructure must be one of the events defined by the input extension, so that the X server can correctly byte swap the contents as necessary. The contents of the event are otherwise unaltered and unchecked by the X server except to force send_event to 1mTrue 22min the forwarded event and to set the sequence number in the event correctly. XSendExtensionEvent returns zero if the conversion-to-wire protocol failed, otherwise it returns nonzero. SendExtensionEvent device: DEVICE destination: WINDOW propagate: BOOL eventclass: LISTofEVENTCLASS event: XEVENT Errors: Device, Value, Class, Window 1m150m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m 1m2.11. Getting Motion History0m GetDeviceMotionEvents device: DEVICE start, stop: TIMESTAMP or CurrentTime => nevents_return: CARD32 mode_return: {Absolute, Relative} axis_count_return: CARD8 events: LISTofDEVICETIMECOORD where DEVICETIMECOORD: [data:LISTofINT32 time:TIMESTAMP] Errors: Device, Match This request returns all positions in the device's motion history buffer that fall between the specified start and stop times inclusive. If the start time is in the future, or is later than the stop time, no positions are returned. The data field of the DEVICETIMECOORD structure is a sequence of data items. Each item is of type INT32, and there is one data item per axis of motion reported by the device. The number of axes reported by the device is returned in the axis_count variable. The value of the data items depends on the mode of the device, which is returned in the mode variable. If the mode is Absolute, the data items are the raw values generated by the device. These may be scaled by the client program using the maximum values that the device can generate for each axis of motion that it reports. The maximum and minimum values for each axis are reported by the 1mListInputDevices0m request. If the mode is Relative, the data items are the relative values generated by the device. The client program must choose an initial position for the device and maintain a current position by accumulating these relative values. 1m2.12. Changing The Core Devices0m These requests are provided to change which physical device is used as the X pointer or X keyboard. 1m160m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m Note Using these requests may change the characteris- tics of the core devices. The new pointer device may have a different number of buttons than the old one did, or the new keyboard device may have a different number of keys or report a different range of keycodes. Client programs may be running that depend on those characteristics. For exam- ple, a client program could allocate an array based on the number of buttons on the pointer device, and then use the button numbers received in button events as indicies into that array. Changing the core devices could cause such client programs to behave improperly or abnormally termi- nate. These requests change the X keyboard or X pointer device and generate an 1mChangeDeviceNotify 22mevent and a 1mMappingNotify0m event. The 1mChangeDeviceNotify 22mevent is sent only to those clients that have expressed an interest in receiving that event via the 1mXSelectExtensionEvent 22mrequest. The specified device becomes the new X keyboard or X pointer device. The location of the core device does not change as a result of this request. These requests fail and return 1mAlreadyGrabbed 22mif either the specified device or the core device it would replace are grabbed by some other client. They fail and return 1mGrabFrozen 22mif either device is frozen by the active grab of another client. These requests fail with a 1mBadDevice 22merror if the specified device is invalid, or has not previously been opened via 1mOpenDevice22m. To change the X keyboard device, use the 1mChangeKeyboardDe-0m 1mvice 22mrequest. The specified device must support input class Keys (as reported in the ListInputDevices request) or the request will fail with a 1mBadMatch 22merror. Once the device has successfully replaced one of the core devices, it is treated as a core device until it is in turn replaced by another ChangeDevice request, or until the server termi- nates. The termination of the client that changed the device will not cause it to change back. Attempts to use the CloseDevice request to close the new core device will fail with a BadDevice error. The focus state of the new keyboard is the same as the focus state of the old X keyboard. If the new keyboard was not initialized with a 1mFocusRec22m, one is added by the 1mChangeKey-0m 1mboardDevice 22mrequest. The X keyboard is assumed to have a 1m170m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m 1mKbdFeedbackClassRec22m. If the device was initialized without a 1mKbdFeedbackClassRec22m, one will be added by this request. The 1mKbdFeedbackClassRec 22mwill specify a null routine as the control procedure and the bell procedure. ChangeKeyboardDevice device: DEVICE Errors: Device, Match => status: Success, AlreadyGrabbed, Frozen To change the X pointer device, use the 1mChangePointerDevice0m request. The specified device must support input class Val- uators (as reported in the ListInputDevices request) or the request will fail with a BadMatch error. The valuators to be used as the x- and y-axes of the pointer device must be specified. Data from other valuators on the device will be ignored. The X pointer device does not contain a 1mFocusRec22m. If the new pointer was initialized with a 1mFocusRec22m, it is freed by the 1mChangePointerDevice 22mrequest. The X pointer is assumed to have a 1mButtonClassRec 22mand a 1mPtrFeedbackClassRec22m. If the device was initialized without a 1mButtonClassRec 22mor a 1mPtr-0m 1mFeedbackClassRec22m, one will be added by this request. The 1mButtonClassRec 22madded will have no buttons, and the 1mPtrFeed-0m 1mbackClassRec 22mwill specify a null routine as the control pro- cedure. If the specified device reports absolute positional informa- tion, and the server implementation does not allow such a device to be used as the X pointer, the request will fail with a 1mBadDevice 22merror. Once the device has successfully replaced one of the core devices, it is treated as a core device until it is in turn replaced by another ChangeDevice request, or until the server terminates. The termination of the client that changed the device will not cause it to change back. Attempts to use the CloseDevice request to close the new core device will fail with a BadDevice error. ChangePointerDevice device: DEVICE xaxis: CARD8 yaxis: CARD8 Errors: Device, Match => status: Success, AlreadyGrabbed, Frozen 1m180m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m 1m2.13. Event Synchronization And Core Grabs0m Implementation of the input extension requires an extension of the meaning of event synchronization for the core grab requests. This is necessary in order to allow window man- agers to freeze all input devices with a single request. The core grab requests require a 1mpointer_mode 22mand 1mkey-0m 1mboard_mode 22margument. The meaning of these modes is changed by the input extension. For the 1mXGrabPointer 22mand 1mXGrabBut-0m 1mton 22mrequests, 1mpointer_mode 22mcontrols synchronization of the pointer device, and 1mkeyboard_mode 22mcontrols the synchroniza- tion of all other input devices. For the 1mXGrabKeyboard 22mand 1mXGrabKey 22mrequests, 1mpointer_mode 22mcontrols the synchronization of all input devices except the X keyboard, while 1mkey-0m 1mboard_mode 22mcontrols the synchronization of the keyboard. When using one of the core grab requests, the synchroniza- tion of extension devices is controlled by the mode speci- fied for the device not being grabbed. 1m2.14. Extension Active Grabs0m Active grabs of extension devices are supported via the 1mGrabDevice 22mrequest in the same way that core devices are grabbed using the core GrabKeyboard request, except that a 4mDevice24m is passed as a function parameter. A list of events that the client wishes to receive is also passed. The 1mUngrabDevice 22mrequest allows a previous active grab for an extension device to be released. To grab an extension device, use the 1mGrabDevice 22mrequest. The device must have previously been opened using the 1mOpen-0m 1mDevice 22mrequest. GrabDevice device: DEVICE grab-window: WINDOW owner-events: BOOL event-list: LISTofEVENTCLASS this-device-mode: {Synchronous, Asynchronous} other-device-mode: {Synchronous, Asynchronous} time:TIMESTAMP or CurrentTime => status: Success, AlreadyGrabbed, Frozen, InvalidTime, NotViewable Errors: Device, Window, Value This request actively grabs control of the specified input device. Further input events from this device are reported only to the grabbing client. This request overrides any previous active grab by this client for this device. 1m190m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m The event-list parameter is a pointer to a list of event classes. These are used to indicate which events the client wishes to receive while the device is grabbed. Only event classes obtained from the grabbed device are valid. If owner-events is 1mFalse22m, input events generated from this device are reported with respect to grab-window, and are only reported if selected by being included in the event- list. If owner-events is 1mTrue22m, then if a generated event would normally be reported to this client, it is reported normally, otherwise the event is reported with respect to the grab-window, and is only reported if selected by being included in the event-list. For either value of owner- events, unreported events are discarded. If this-device-mode is 1mAsynchronous22m, device event processing continues normally. If the device is currently frozen by this client, then processing of device events is resumed. If this-device-mode is 1mSynchronous22m, the state of the grabbed device (as seen by means of the protocol) appears to freeze, and no further device events are generated by the server until the grabbing client issues a releasing 1mAllowDe-0m 1mviceEvents 22mrequest or until the device grab is released. Actual device input events are not lost while the device is frozen; they are simply queued for later processing. If other-device-mode is 1mAsynchronous22m, event processing is unaffected by activation of the grab. If other-device-mode is 1mSynchronous22m, the state of all input devices except the grabbed one (as seen by means of the protocol) appears to freeze, and no further events are generated by the server until the grabbing client issues a releasing 1mAllowDe-0m 1mviceEvents 22mrequest or until the device grab is released. Actual events are not lost while the devices are frozen; they are simply queued for later processing. This request generates 1mDeviceFocusIn 22mand 1mDeviceFocusOut0m events. This request fails and returns: · 1mAlreadyGrabbed 22mIf the device is actively grabbed by some other client. · 1mNotViewable 22mIf grab-window is not viewable. · 1mInvalidTime 22mIf the specified time is earlier than the last-grab-time for the specified device or later than the current X server time. Otherwise, the last-grab-time for the specified device is set to the specified time and 1mCurrentTime 22mis replaced by the current X server time. · 1mFrozen 22mIf the device is frozen by an active grab of another client. 1m200m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m If a grabbed device is closed by a client while an active grab by that client is in effect, that active grab will be released. Any passive grabs established by that client will be released. If the device is frozen only by an active grab of the requesting client, it is thawed. To release a grab of an extension device, use 1mUngrabDevice22m. UngrabDevice device: DEVICE time: TIMESTAMP or CurrentTime Errors: Device This request releases the device if this client has it actively grabbed (from either 1mGrabDevice 22mor 1mGrabDeviceKey22m) and releases any queued events. If any devices were frozen by the grab, 1mUngrabDevice 22mthaws them. The request has no effect if the specified time is earlier than the last- device-grab time or is later than the current server time. This request generates 1mDeviceFocusIn 22mand 1mDeviceFocusOut0m events. An 1mUngrabDevice 22mis performed automatically if the event win- dow for an active device grab becomes not viewable. 1m2.15. Passively Grabbing A Key0m Passive grabs of buttons and keys on extension devices are supported via the 1mGrabDeviceButton 22mand 1mGrabDeviceKey0m requests. These passive grabs are released via the 1mUngrab-0m 1mDeviceKey 22mand 1mUngrabDeviceButton 22mrequests. To passively grab a single key on an extension device, use 1mGrabDeviceKey22m. That device must have previously been opened using the 1mOpenDevice 22mrequest. GrabDeviceKey device: DEVICE keycode: KEYCODE or AnyKey modifiers: SETofKEYMASK or AnyModifier modifier-device: DEVICE or NULL grab-window: WINDOW owner-events: BOOL event-list: LISTofEVENTCLASS this-device-mode: {Synchronous, Asynchronous} other-device-mode: {Synchronous, Asynchronous} Errors: Device, Match, Access, Window, Value 1m210m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m This request is analogous to the core 1mGrabKey 22mrequest. It establishes a passive grab on a device. Consequently, In the future: · IF the device is not grabbed and the specified key, which itself can be a modifier key, is logically pressed when the specified modifier keys logically are down on the specified modifier device (and no other keys are down), · AND no other modifier keys logically are down, · AND EITHER the grab window is an ancestor of (or is) the focus window OR the grab window is a descendent of the focus window and contains the pointer, · AND a passive grab on the same device and key combination does not exist on any ancestor of the grab window, · THEN the device is actively grabbed, as for 1mGrabDevice22m, the last-device-grab time is set to the time at which the key was pressed (as transmitted in the 1mDeviceKeyPress0m event), and the 1mDeviceKeyPress 22mevent is reported. The interpretation of the remaining arguments is as for 1mGrabDevice22m. The active grab is terminated automatically when logical state of the device has the specified key released (independent of the logical state of the modifier keys). Note that the logical state of a device (as seen by means of the X protocol) may lag the physical state if device event processing is frozen. A modifier of 1mAnyModifier 22mis equivalent to issuing the request for all possible modifier combinations (including the combination of no modifiers). It is not required that all modifiers specified have currently assigned keycodes. A key of 1mAnyKey 22mis equivalent to issuing the request for all possible keycodes. Otherwise, the key must be in the range specified by min-keycode and max-keycode in the 1mListInputDe-0m 1mvices 22mrequest. If it is not within that range, 1mGrabDe-0m 1mviceKey 22mgenerates a 1mValue 22merror. 1mNULL 22mmay be passed for the modifier_device. If the modi- fier_device is 1mNULL22m, the core X keyboard is used as the mod- ifier_device. An 1mAccess 22merror is generated if some other client has issued a 1mGrabDeviceKey 22mwith the same device and key combination on the same window. When using 1mAnyModifier 22mor 1mAnyKey22m, the request fails completely and the X server generates a 1mAccess0m error and no grabs are established if there is a conflicting grab for any combination. 1m220m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m This request cannot be used to grab a key on the X keyboard device. The core 1mGrabKey 22mrequest should be used for that purpose. To release a passive grab of a single key on an extension device, use 1mUngrabDeviceKey22m. UngrabDeviceKey device: DEVICE keycode: KEYCODE or AnyKey modifiers: SETofKEYMASK or AnyModifier modifier-device: DEVICE or NULL grab-window: WINDOW Errors: Device, Match, Window, Value, Alloc This request is analogous to the core 1mUngrabKey 22mrequest. It releases the key combination on the specified window if it was grabbed by this client. A modifier of 1mAnyModifier 22mis equivalent to issuing the request for all possible modifier combinations (including the combination of no modifiers). A key of 1mAnyKey 22mis equivalent to issuing the request for all possible keycodes. This request has no effect on an active grab. 1mNULL 22mmay be passed for the modifier_device. If the modi- fier_device is 1mNULL22m, the core X keyboard is used as the mod- ifier_device. 1m2.16. Passively Grabbing A Button0m To establish a passive grab for a single button on an exten- sion device, use 1mGrabDeviceButton22m. GrabDeviceButton device: DEVICE button: BUTTON or AnyButton modifiers: SETofKEYMASK or AnyModifier modifier-device: DEVICE or NULL grab-window: WINDOW owner-events: BOOL event-list: LISTofEVENTCLASS this-device-mode: {Synchronous, Asynchronous} other-device-mode: {Synchronous, Asynchronous} Errors: Device, Match, Window, Access, Value This request is analogous to the core 1mGrabButton 22mrequest. It establishes an explicit passive grab for a button on an extension input device. Since the server does not track 1m230m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m extension devices, no cursor is specified with this request. For the same reason, there is no confine-to parameter. The device must have previously been opened using the 1mOpenDevice0m request. The 1mGrabDeviceButton 22mrequest establishes a passive grab on a device. Consequently, in the future, · IF the device is not grabbed and the specified button is logically pressed when the specified modifier keys logi- cally are down (and no other buttons or modifier keys are down), · AND the grab window contains the device, · AND a passive grab on the same device and button/ key combination does not exist on any ancestor of the grab window, · THEN the device is actively grabbed, as for 1mGrabDevice22m, the last-grab time is set to the time at which the button was pressed (as transmitted in the 1mDeviceButtonPress0m event), and the 1mDeviceButtonPress 22mevent is reported. The interpretation of the remaining arguments is as for 1mGrabDevice22m. The active grab is terminated automatically when logical state of the device has all buttons released (independent of the logical state of the modifier keys). Note that the logical state of a device (as seen by means of the X protocol) may lag the physical state if device event processing is frozen. A modifier of 1mAnyModifier 22mis equivalent to issuing the request for all possible modifier combinations (including the combination of no modifiers). It is not required that all modifiers specified have currently assigned keycodes. A button of 1mAnyButton 22mis equivalent to issuing the request for all possible buttons. It is not required that the specified button be assigned to a physical button. 1mNULL 22mmay be passed for the modifier_device. If the modi- fier_device is 1mNULL22m, the core X keyboard is used as the mod- ifier_device. An 1mAccess 22merror is generated if some other client has issued a 1mGrabDeviceButton 22mwith the same device and button combina- tion on the same window. When using 1mAnyModifier 22mor 1mAnyBut-0m 1mton22m, the request fails completely and the X server generates a 1mAccess 22merror and no grabs are established if there is a conflicting grab for any combination. The request has no effect on an active grab. 1m240m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m This request cannot be used to grab a button on the X pointer device. The core 1mGrabButton 22mrequest should be used for that purpose. To release a passive grab of a button on an extension device, use 1mUngrabDeviceButton22m. UngrabDeviceButton device: DEVICE button: BUTTON or AnyButton modifiers: SETofKEYMASK or AnyModifier modifier-device: DEVICE or NULL grab-window: WINDOW Errors: Device, Match, Window, Value, Alloc This request is analogous to the core UngrabButton request. It releases the passive button/key combination on the speci- fied window if it was grabbed by the client. A modifiers of 1mAnyModifier 22mis equivalent to issuing the request for all possible modifier combinations (including the combination of no modifiers). A button of 1mAnyButton 22mis equivalent to issu- ing the request for all possible buttons. This request has no effect on an active grab. The device must have previously been opened using the 1mOpenDevice 22mrequest otherwise a 1mDevice0m error will be generated. 1mNULL 22mmay be passed for the modifier_device. If the modi- fier_device is 1mNULL22m, the core X keyboard is used as the mod- ifier_device. This request cannot be used to ungrab a button on the X pointer device. The core 1mUngrabButton 22mrequest should be used for that purpose. 1m2.17. Thawing A Device0m To allow further events to be processed when a device has been frozen, use 1mAllowDeviceEvents22m. AllowDeviceEvents device: DEVICE event-mode: {AsyncThisDevice, SyncThisDevice, Asyn- cOtherDevices, ReplayThisdevice, AsyncAll, or SyncAll} time:TIMESTAMP or CurrentTime Errors: Device, Value The 1mAllowDeviceEvents 22mrequest releases some queued events if the client has caused a device to freeze. The request has no effect if the specified time is earlier than the last- 1m250m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m grab time of the most recent active grab for the client, or if the specified time is later than the current X server time. The following describes the processing that occurs depending on what constant you pass to the event-mode argument: · If the specified device is frozen by the client, event processing for that device continues as usual. If the device is frozen multiple times by the client on behalf of multiple separate grabs, AsyncThisDevice thaws for all. AsyncThisDevice has no effect if the specified device is not frozen by the client, but the device need not be grabbed by the client. · If the specified device is frozen and actively grabbed by the client, event processing for that device continues normally until the next button or key event is reported to the client. At this time, the specified device again appears to freeze. However, if the reported event causes the grab to be released, the specified device does not freeze. SyncThisDevice has no effect if the specified device is not frozen by the client or is not grabbed by the client. · If the specified device is actively grabbed by the client and is frozen as the result of an event having been sent to the client (either from the activation of a GrabDe- viceButton or from a previous AllowDeviceEvents with mode SyncThisDevice, but not from a Grab), the grab is released and that event is completely reprocessed. This time, however, the request ignores any passive grabs at or above (towards the root) the grab-window of the grab just released. The request has no effect if the speci- fied device is not grabbed by the client or if it is not frozen as the result of an event. · If the remaining devices are frozen by the client, event processing for them continues as usual. If the other devices are frozen multiple times by the client on behalf of multiple separate grabs, AsyncOtherDevices ``thaws'' for all. AsyncOtherDevices has no effect if the devices are not frozen by the client, but those devices need not be grabbed by the client. · If all devices are frozen by the client, event processing (for all devices) continues normally until the next but- ton or key event is reported to the client for a grabbed device (button event for the grabbed device, key or motion event for the device), at which time the devices again appear to freeze. However, if the reported event causes the grab to be released, then the devices do not freeze (but if any device is still grabbed, then a subse- quent event for it will still cause all devices to 1m260m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m freeze). SyncAll has no effect unless all devices are frozen by the client. If any device is frozen twice by the client on behalf of two separate grabs, SyncAll "thaws" for both (but a subsequent freeze for SyncAll will only freeze each device once). · If all devices are frozen by the client, event processing (for all devices) continues normally. If any device is frozen multiple times by the client on behalf of multiple separate grabs, AsyncAll "thaws" for all. AsyncAll has no effect unless all devices are frozen by the client. AsyncThisDevice, SyncThisDevice, and ReplayThisDevice have no effect on the processing of events from the remaining devices. AsyncOtherDevices has no effect on the processing of events from the specified device. When the event_mode is SyncAll or AsyncAll, the device parameter is ignored. It is possible for several grabs of different devices (by the same or different clients) to be active simultaneously. If a device is frozen on behalf of any grab, no event pro- cessing is performed for the device. It is possible for a single device to be frozen because of several grabs. In this case, the freeze must be released on behalf of each grab before events can again be processed. 1m2.18. Controlling Device Focus0m The current focus window for an extension input device can be determined using the 1mGetDeviceFocus 22mrequest. Extension devices are focused using the 1mSetDeviceFocus 22mrequest in the same way that the keyboard is focused using the 1mSetInputFo-0m 1mcus 22mrequest, except that a device is specified as part of the request. One additional focus state, 1mFollowKeyboard22m, is provided for extension devices. To get the current focus state, revert state, and focus time of an extension device, use 1mGetDeviceFocus22m. GetDeviceFocus device: DEVICE => focus: WINDOW, PointerRoot, FollowKeyboard, or None revert-to: Parent, PointerRoot, FollowKeyboard, or None focus-time: TIMESTAMP Errors: Device, Match This request returns the current focus state, revert-to state, and last-focus-time of an extension device. 1m270m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m To set the focus of an extension device, use 1mSetDeviceFocus22m. SetDeviceFocus device: DEVICE focus: WINDOW, PointerRoot, FollowKeyboard, or None revert-to: Parent, PointerRoot, FollowKeyboard, or None focus-time: TIMESTAMP Errors: Device, Window, Value, Match This request changes the focus for an extension input device and the last-focus-change-time. The request has no effect if the specified time is earlier than the last-focus-change- time or is later than the current X server time. Otherwise, the last-focus-change-time is set to the specified time, with CurrentTime replaced by the current server time. The action taken by the server when this request is requested depends on the value of the focus argument: · If the focus argument is 1mNone22m, all input events from this device will be discarded until a new focus window is set. In this case, the revert-to argument is ignored. · If a window ID is assigned to the focus argument, it becomes the focus window of the device. If an input event from the device would normally be reported to this window or to one of its inferiors, the event is reported normally. Otherwise, the event is reported relative to the focus window. · If you assign 1mPointerRoot 22mto the focus argument, the focus window is dynamically taken to be the root window of whatever screen the pointer is on at each input event. In this case, the revert-to argument is ignored. · If you assign 1mFollowKeyboard 22mto the focus argument, the focus window is dynamically taken to be the same as the focus of the X keyboard at each input event. The specified focus window must be viewable at the time of the request (else a 1mMatch 22merror). If the focus window later becomes not viewable, the X server evaluates the revert-to argument to determine the new focus window. · If you assign 1mRevertToParent 22mto the revert-to argument, the focus reverts to the parent (or the closest viewable ancestor), and the new revert-to value is taken to be 1mRevertToNone22m. · If you assign 1mRevertToPointerRoot22m, 1mRevertToFollowKey-0m 1mboard22m, or 1mRevertToNone 22mto the revert-to argument, the focus reverts to that value. 1m280m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m When the focus reverts, the X server generates 1mDeviceFocusIn0m and 1mDeviceFocusOut 22mevents, but the last-focus-change time is not affected. This request causes the X server to generate 1mDeviceFocusIn0m and 1mDeviceFocusOut 22mevents. 1m2.19. Controlling Device Feedback0m To get the settings of feedbacks on an extension device, use 1mGetFeedbackControl22m. This request provides functionality equivalent to the core 1mGetKeyboardControl 22mand 1mGetPointerCon-0m 1mtrol 22mfunctions. It also provides a way to control displays associated with an input device that are capable of display- ing an integer or string. GetFeedbackControl device: DEVICE => num_feedbacks_return: CARD16 return_value: LISTofFEEDBACKSTATE where FEEDBACKSTATE: {KbdFeedbackState, PtrFeedbackState, IntegerFeedbackState, StringFeedback- State, BellFeedbackState, LedFeedback- State} Feedbacks are reported by class. Those feedbacks that are reported for the core keyboard device are in class 1mKbdFeed-0m 1mback22m, and are returned in the 1mKbdFeedbackState 22mstructure. The members of that structure are as follows: CLASS Kbd: [class: CARD8 length: CARD16 feedback id: CARD8 key_click_percent: CARD8 bell_percent: CARD8 bell_pitch: CARD16 bell_duration: CARD16 led_value: BITMASK global_auto_repeat: {AutoRepeatModeOn, AutoRepeatModeOff} auto_repeats: LISTofCARD8] Those feedbacks that are equivalent to those reported for the core pointer are in feedback class 1mPtrFeedback 22mand are reported in the 1mPtrFeedbackState 22mstructure. The members of that structure are: 1m290m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m CLASS Ptr: [class: CARD8 length: CARD16 feedback id: CARD8 accelNumerator: CARD16 accelDenominator: CARD16 threshold: CARD16] Some input devices provide a means of displaying an integer. Those devices will support feedback class 1mIntegerFeedback22m, which is reported in the 1mIntegerFeedbackState 22mstructure. The members of that structure are: CLASS Integer: [class: CARD8 length: CARD16 feedback id: CARD8 resolution: CARD32 min-val: INT32 max-val: INT32] Some input devices provide a means of displaying a string. Those devices will support feedback class 1mStringFeedback22m, which is reported in the 1mStringFeedbackState 22mstructure. The members of that structure are: CLASS String: [class: CARD8 length: CARD16 feedback id: CARD8 max_symbols: CARD16 num_keysyms_supported: CARD16 keysyms_supported: LISTofKEYSYM] Some input devices contain a bell. Those devices will sup- port feedback class 1mBellFeedback22m, which is reported in the 1mBellFeedbackState 22mstructure. The members of that structure are: CLASS Bell: [class: CARD8 length: CARD16 feedback id: CARD8 percent: CARD8 pitch: CARD16 duration: CARD16] The percent sets the base volume for the bell between 0 (off) and 100 (loud) inclusive, if possible. Setting to -1 1m300m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m restores the default. Other negative values generate a 1mValue 22merror. The pitch sets the pitch (specified in Hz) of the bell, if possible. Setting to -1 restores the default. Other nega- tive values generate a 1mValue 22merror. The duration sets the duration (specified in milliseconds) of the bell, if possible. Setting to -1 restores the default. Other negative values generate a 1mValue 22merror. A bell generator connected with the console but not directly on the device is treated as if it were part of the device. Some input devices contain LEDs. Those devices will support feedback class 1mLed22m, which is reported in the 1mLedFeedback-0m 1mState 22mstructure. The members of that structure are: CLASS Led: [class: CARD8 length: CARD16 feedback id: CARD8 led_mask: BITMASK led_value: BITMASK] Each bit in led_mask indicates that the corresponding led is supported by the feedback. At most 32 LEDs per feedback are supported. No standard interpretation of LEDs is defined. This function will fail with a 1mBadMatch 22merror if the device specified in the request does not support feedbacks. Errors: Device, Match To change the settings of a feedback on an extension device, use 1mChangeFeedbackControl22m. ChangeFeedbackControl device: DEVICE feedbackid: CARD8 value-mask: BITMASK value: FEEDBACKCONTROL Errors: Device, Match, Value FEEDBACKCONTROL: {KBDFEEDBACKCONTROL, PTRFEEDBACKCONTROL, INTEGERFEEDBACKCONTROL, STRINGFEEDBACK- CONTROL, BELLFEEDBACKCONTROL, LEDFEED- BACKCONTROL} 1m310m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m Feedback controls are grouped by class. Those feedbacks that are equivalent to those supported by the core keyboard are controlled by feedback class 1mKbdFeedbackClass 22musing the 1mKbdFeedbackControl 22mstructure. The members of that structure are: KBDFEEDBACKCTL: [class: CARD8 length: CARD16 feedback id: CARD8 key_click_percent: INT8 bell_percent: INT8 bell_pitch: INT16 bell_duration: INT16 led_mask: INT32 led_value: INT32 key: KEYCODE auto_repeat_mode: {AutoRepeatModeOn, AutoRepeatModeOff, AutoRepeatModeDe- fault}] The key_click_percent sets the volume for key clicks between 0 (off) and 100 (loud) inclusive, if possible. Setting to -1 restores the default. Other negative values generate a 1mValue 22merror. If both auto_repeat_mode and key are specified, then the auto_repeat_mode of that key is changed, if possible. If only auto_repeat_mode is specified, then the global auto- repeat mode for the entire keyboard is changed, if possible, without affecting the per-key settings. It is a 1mMatch 22merror if a key is specified without an auto_repeat_mode. The order in which controls are verified and altered is server-dependent. If an error is generated, a subset of the controls may have been altered. Those feedback controls equivalent to those of the core pointer are controlled by feedback class 1mPtrFeedbackClass0m using the 1mPtrFeedbackControl 22mstructure. The members of that structure are as follows: PTRFEEDBACKCTL: [class: CARD8 length: CARD16 feedback id: CARD8 accelNumerator: INT16 accelDenominator: INT16 threshold: INT16] The acceleration, expressed as a fraction, is a multiplier for movement. For example, specifying 3/1 means the device moves three times as fast as normal. The fraction may be 1m320m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m rounded arbitrarily by the X server. Acceleration only takes effect if the device moves more than threshold pixels at once and only applies to the amount beyond the value in the threshold argument. Setting a value to -1 restores the default. The values of the do-accel and do-threshold argu- ments must be nonzero for the device values to be set. Oth- erwise, the parameters will be unchanged. Negative values generate a 1mValue 22merror, as does a zero value for the accel- denominator argument. Some devices are capable of displaying an integer. This is done using feedback class 1mIntegerFeedbackClass 22musing the 1mIntegerFeedbackControl 22mstructure. The members of that structure are as follows: INTEGERCTL: [class: CARD8 length: CARD16 feedback id: CARD8 int_to_display: INT32] Some devices are capable of displaying an string. This is done using feedback class 1mStringFeedbackClass 22musing the 1mStringFeedbackCtl 22mstructure. The members of that structure are as follows: STRINGCTL: [class: CARD8 length: CARD16 feedback id: CARD8 syms_to_display: LISTofKEYSYMS] Some devices contain a bell. This is done using feedback class 1mBellFeedbackClass 22musing the 1mBellFeedbackControl 22mstruc- ture. The members of that structure are as follows: BELLCTL: [class: CARD8 length: CARD16 feedback id: CARD8 percent: INT8 pitch: INT16 duration: INT16] Some devices contain leds. These can be turned on and off using the 1mLedFeedbackControl 22mstructure. The members of that structure are as follows: 1m330m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m LEDCTL: [class: CARD8 length: CARD16 feedback id: CARD8 led_mask: BITMASK led_value: BITMASK] Errors: Device, Match, Value 1m2.20. Ringing a Bell on an Input Device0m To ring a bell on an extension input device, use 1mDeviceBell22m. DeviceBell device: DEVICE feedbackclass: CARD8 feedbackid: CARD8 percent: INT8 Errors: Device, Value This request is analogous to the core 1mBell 22mrequest. It rings the specified bell on the specified input device feed- back, using the specified volume. The specified volume is relative to the base volume for the feedback. If the value for the percent argument is not in the range -100 to 100 inclusive, a 1mValue 22merror results. The volume at which the bell rings when the percent argument is nonnegative is: base - [(base * percent) / 100] + percent The volume at which the bell rings when the percent argument is negative is: base + [(base * percent) / 100] To change the base volume of the bell, use 1mChangeFeedback-0m 1mControl 22mrequest. 1m2.21. Controlling Device Encoding0m To get the keyboard mapping of an extension device that has keys, use 1mGetDeviceKeyMapping22m. GetDeviceKeyMapping 1m340m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m device: DEVICE first-keycode: KEYCODE count: CARD8 => keysyms-per-keycode: CARD8 keysyms: LISTofKEYSYM Errors: Device, Match, Value This request returns the symbols for the specified number of keycodes for the specified extension device, starting with the specified keycode. The first-keycode must be greater than or equal to min-keycode as returned in the connection setup (else a 1mValue 22merror), and first-keycode + count - 1 must be less than or equal to max-keycode as returned in the connection setup (else a 1mValue 22merror). The number of ele- ments in the keysyms list is count * keysyms-per-keycode and KEYSYM number N (counting from zero) for keycode K has an index (counting from zero) of (K - first-keycode) * keysyms-per-keycode + N in keysyms. The keysyms-per-keycode value is chosen arbi- trarily by the server to be large enough to report all requested symbols. A special KEYSYM value of 1mNoSymbol 22mis used to fill in unused elements for individual keycodes. If the specified device has not first been opened by this client via 1mOpenDevice22m, or if that device does not support input class Keys, this request will fail with a 1mDevice0m error. To change the keyboard mapping of an extension device that has keys, use 1mChangeDeviceKeyMapping22m. ChangeDeviceKeyMapping device: DEVICE first-keycode: KEYCODE keysyms-per-keycode: CARD8 keysyms: LISTofKEYSYM num_codes: CARD8 1m350m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m Errors: Device, Match, Value, Alloc This request is analogous to the core 1mChangeKeyMapping0m request. It defines the symbols for the specified number of keycodes for the specified extension device. If the speci- fied device has not first been opened by this client via 1mOpenDevice22m, or if that device does not support input class Keys, this request will fail with a 1mDevice 22merror. The number of elements in the keysyms list must be a multi- ple of keysyms_per_keycode. Otherwise, 1mChangeDeviceKeyMap-0m 1mping 22mgenerates a 1mLength 22merror. The specified first_keycode must be greater than or equal to the min_keycode value returned by the 1mListInputDevices 22mrequest, or this request will fail with a 1mValue 22merror. In addition, if the following expression is not less than the max_keycode value returned by the 1mListInputDevices 22mrequest, the request will fail with a 1mValue 22merror: first_keycode + (num_codes / keysyms_per_keycode) - 1 To obtain the keycodes that are used as modifiers on an extension device that has keys, use 1mGetDeviceModifierMap-0m 1mping22m. GetDeviceModifierMapping device: DEVICE => keycodes-per-modifier: CARD8 keycodes: LISTofKEYCODE Errors: Device, Match This request is analogous to the core 1mGetModifierMapping0m request. This request returns the keycodes of the keys being used as modifiers. The number of keycodes in the list is 8*keycodes-per-modifier. The keycodes are divided into eight sets, with each set containing keycodes-per-modifier elements. The sets are assigned in order to the modifiers 1mShift22m, 1mLock22m, 1mControl22m, 1mMod122m, 1mMod222m, 1mMod322m, 1mMod422m, and 1mMod522m. The keycodes-per-modifier value is chosen arbitrarily by the server; zeroes are used to fill in unused elements within each set. If only zero values are given in a set, the use of the corresponding modifier has been disabled. The order of keycodes within each set is chosen arbitrarily by the server. To set which keycodes that are to be used as modifiers for an extension device, use 1mSetDeviceModifierMapping22m. 1m360m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m SetDeviceModifierMapping device: DEVICE keycodes-per-modifier: CARD8 keycodes: LISTofKEYCODE => status: {Success, Busy, Failed} Errors: Device, Match, Value, Alloc This request is analogous to the core 1mSetModifierMapping0m request. This request specifies the keycodes (if any) of the keys to be used as modifiers. The number of keycodes in the list must be 8*keycodes-per-modifier (else a 1mLength0m error). The keycodes are divided into eight sets, with the sets, with each set containing keycodes-per-modifier ele- ments. The sets are assigned in order to the modifiers 1mShift22m, 1mLock22m, 1mControl22m, 1mMod122m, 1mMod222m, 1mMod322m, 1mMod422m, and 1mMod522m. Only non-zero keycode values are used within each set; zero values are ignored. All of the non-zero keycodes must be in the range specified by min-keycode and max-keycode in the 1mListInputDevices 22mrequest (else a 1mValue 22merror). The order of keycodes within a set does not matter. If no non-zero val- ues are specified in a set, the use of the corresponding modifier is disabled, and the modifier bit will always be zero. Otherwise, the modifier bit will be one whenever at least one of the keys in the corresponding set is in the down position. A server can impose restrictions on how modifiers can be changed (for example, if certain keys do not generate up transitions in hardware or if multiple keys per modifier are not supported). The status reply is 1mFailed 22mif some such restriction is violated, and none of the modifiers are changed. If the new non-zero keycodes specified for a modifier differ from those currently defined, and any (current or new) keys for that modifier are logically in the down state, then the status reply is 1mBusy22m, and none of the modifiers are changed. This request generates a DeviceMappingNotify event on a 1mSuccess 22mstatus. The 1mDeviceMappingNotify 22mevent will be sent only to those clients that have expressed an interest in receiving that event via the 1mXSelectExten-0m 1msionEvent 22mrequest. A X server can impose restrictions on how modifiers can be changed, for example, if certain keys do not generate up transitions in hardware or if multiple modifier keys are not supported. If some such restriction is violated, the status reply is 1mMappingFailed 22m, and none of the modifiers are changed. If the new keycodes specified for a modifier 1m370m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m differ from those currently defined and any (current or new) keys for that modifier are in the logically down state, the status reply is 1mMappingBusy22m, and none of the modifiers are changed. 1m2.22. Controlling Button Mapping0m These requests are analogous to the core 1mGetPointerMapping0m and 1mChangePointerMapping 22mrequests. They allow a client to determine the current mapping of buttons on an extension device, and to change that mapping. To get the current button mapping for an extension device, use 1mGetDeviceButtonMapping22m. GetDeviceButtonMapping device: DEVICE nmap: CARD8 => map_return: LISTofCARD8 Errors: Device, Match The 1mGetDeviceButtonMapping 22mfunction returns the current map- ping of the buttons on the specified device. Elements of the list are indexed starting from one. The length of the list indicates the number of physical buttons. The nominal mapping is the identity mapping map[i]=i. 1mnmap 22mindicates the number of elements in the 1mmap_return0m array. Only the first nmap entries will be copied by the library into the map_return array. To set the button mapping for an extension device, use 1mSet-0m 1mDeviceButtonMapping22m. SetDeviceButtonMapping device: DEVICE map: LISTofCARD8 nmap: CARD8 => status: CARD8 Errors: Device, Match, Value The 1mSetDeviceButtonMapping 22mfunction sets the mapping of the specified device and causes the X server to generate a 1mDeviceMappingNotify 22mevent on a status of 1mMappingSuccess22m. Elements of the list are indexed starting from one. The 1m380m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m length of the list, specified in 1mnmap22m, must be the same as 1mGetDeviceButtonMapping 22mwould return. Otherwise, 1mSetDevice-0m 1mButtonMapping 22mgenerates a 1mValue 22merror. A zero element dis- ables a buttons, and elements are not restricted in value by the number of physical buttons. However, no two elements can have the same nonzero value. Otherwise, this function generates a 1mValue 22merror. If any of the buttons to be altered are in the down state, the status reply is 1mMapping-0m 1mBusy 22mand the mapping is not changed. 1m2.23. Obtaining The State Of A Device0m To obtain vectors that describe the state of the keys, but- tons and valuators of an extension device, use 1mQueryDeviceS-0m 1mtate22m. QueryDeviceState device: DEVICE => device-id: CARD8 data: LISTofINPUTCLASS where INPUTCLASS: {VALUATOR, BUTTON, KEY} CLASS VALUATOR: [class: CARD8 num_valuators: CARD8 mode: CARD8 #x01 device mode (0 = Relative, 1 = Absolute) #x02 proximity state (0 = InProximity, 1 = OutOf- Proximity) valuators: LISTofINT32] CLASS BUTTON: [class: CARD8 num_buttons: CARD8 buttons: LISTofCARD8] CLASS KEY: [class: CARD8 num_keys: CARD8 keys: LISTofCARD8] Errors: Device The 1mQueryDeviceState 22mrequest returns the current logical state of the buttons, keys, and valuators on the specified input device. The 4mbuttons24m and 4mkeys24m arrays, byte N (from 0) contains the bits for key or button 8N to 8N+7 with the least significant bit in the byte representing key or button 8N. 1m390m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m If the device has valuators, a bit in the mode field indi- cates whether the device is reporting Absolute or Relative data. If it is reporting Absolute data, the valuators array will contain the current value of the valuators. If it is reporting Relative data, the valuators array will contain undefined data. If the device reports proximity information, a bit in the mode field indicates whether the device is InProximity or OutOfProximity. 1m3. Events0m The input extension creates input events analogous to the core input events. These extension input events are gener- ated by manipulating one of the extension input devices. 1m3.1. Button, Key, and Motion Events0m DeviceKeyPress DeviceKeyRelease DeviceButtonPress, DeviceButtonRelease DeviceMotionNotify device: CARD8 root, event: WINDOW child: Window or None same-screen: BOOL root-x, root-y, event-x, event-y: INT16 detail: <see below> state: SETofKEYBUTMASK time: TIMESTAMP These events are generated when a key, button, or valuator logically changes state. The generation of these logical changes may lag the physical changes, if device event pro- cessing is frozen. Note that 1mDeviceKeyPress 22mand 1mDeviceKeyRelease 22mare generated for all keys, even those mapped to modifier bits. The ``source'' of the event is the window the pointer is in. The window with respect to which the event is normally reported is found by looking up the hierarchy (starting with the source window) for the first window on which any client has selected interest in the event. The actual window used for reporting can be modified by active grabs and by the focus window.The window the event is reported with respect to is called the ``event'' window. The root is the root window of the ``source'' window, and root-x and root-y are the pointer coordinates relative to root's origin at the time of the event. Event is the ``event'' window. If the event window is on the same screen as root, then event-x and event-y are the pointer 1m400m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m coordinates relative to the event window's origin. Other- wise, event-x and event-y are zero. If the source window is an inferior of the event window, then child is set to the child of the event window that is an ancestor of (or is) the source window. Otherwise, it is set to None. The state com- ponent gives the logical state of the buttons on the core X pointer and modifier keys on the core X keyboard just before the event. The detail component type varies with the event type: +--------------------+-------------------+ |Event | Component | +--------------------+-------------------+ |DeviceKeyPress, | KEYCODE | |DeviceKeyRelease | | +--------------------+-------------------+ |DeviceButtonPress, | BUTTON | |DeviceButtonRelease | | +--------------------+-------------------+ |DeviceMotionNotify | { Normal , Hint } | +--------------------+-------------------+ The granularity of motion events is not guaranteed, but a client selecting for motion events is guaranteed to get at least one event when a valuator changes. If 1mDeviceMotionHint0m is selected, the server is free to send only one 1mDeviceMo-0m 1mtionNotify 22mevent (with detail 1mHint22m) to the client for the event window, until either a key or button changes state, the pointer leaves the event window, or the client issues a 1mQueryDeviceState 22mor 1mGetDeviceMotionEvents 22mrequest. 1m3.2. DeviceValuator Event0m DeviceValuator device: CARD8 device_state: SETofKEYBUTMASK num_valuators: CARD8 first_valuator: CARD8 valuators: LISTofINT32 DeviceValuator events are generated to contain valuator information for which there is insufficient space in DeviceKey, DeviceButton, DeviceMotion, and Proximity wire events. For events of these types, a second event of type DeviceValuator follows immediately. The library combines these events into a single event that a client can receive via XNextEvent. DeviceValuator events are not selected for by clients, they only exist to contain information that will not fit into some event selected by clients. The device_state component gives the state of the buttons and modifiers on the device generating the event. 1m410m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m Extension motion devices may report motion data for a vari- able number of axes. The valuators array contains the val- ues of all axes reported by the device. If more than 6 axes are reported, more than one DeviceValuator event will be sent by the server, and more than one DeviceKey, DeviceBut- ton, DeviceMotion, or Proximity event will be reported by the library. Clients should examine the corresponding fields of the event reported by the library to determine the total number of axes reported, and the first axis reported in the current event. Axes are numbered beginning with zero. For Button, Key and Motion events on a device reporting absolute motion data the current value of the device's valu- ators is reported. For devices that report relative data, Button and Key events may be followed by a DeviceValuator event that contains 0s in the num_valuators field. In this case, only the device_state component will have meaning. 1m3.3. Device Focus Events0m DeviceFocusIn DeviceFocusOut device: CARD8 time: TIMESTAMP event: WINDOW mode: { Normal, WhileGrabbed, Grab, Ungrab} detail: { Ancestor, Virtual, Inferior, Nonlinear, Non- linearVirtual, Pointer, PointerRoot, None} These events are generated when the input focus changes and are reported to clients selecting 1mDeviceFocusChange 22mfor the specified device and window. Events generated by 1mSetDevice-0m 1mFocus 22mwhen the device is not grabbed have mode 1mNormal22m. Events generated by 1mSetDeviceFocus 22mwhen the device is grabbed have mode 1mWhileGrabbed22m. Events generated when a device grab actives have mode 1mGrab22m, and events generated when a device grab deactivates have mode 1mUngrab22m. All 1mDeviceFocusOut 22mevents caused by a window unmap are gen- erated after any 1mUnmapNotify 22mevent, but the ordering of 1mDeviceFocusOut 22mwith respect to generated 1mEnterNotify22m, 1mLeaveNotify22m, 1mVisibilityNotify 22mand 1mExpose 22mevents is not con- strained. 1mDeviceFocusIn 22mand 1mDeviceFocusOut 22mevents are generated for focus changes of extension devices in the same manner as focus events for the core devices are generated. 1m3.4. Device State Notify Event0m DeviceStateNotify 1m420m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m time: TIMESTAMP device: CARD8 num_keys: CARD8 num_buttons: CARD8 num_valuators: CARD8 classes_reported: CARD8 {SetOfDeviceMode | SetOfInput- Class} SetOfDeviceMode: #x80 ProximityState 0 = InProxmity, 1 = OutOfProximity #x40 Device Mode (0 = Relative, 1 = Absolute) SetOfInputClass: #x04 reporting valuators #x02 reporting buttons #x01 reporting keys buttons: LISTofCARD8 keys: LISTofCARD8 valuators: LISTofCARD32 This event reports the state of the device just as in the 1mQueryDeviceState 22mrequest. This event is reported to clients selecting 1mDeviceStateNotify 22mfor the device and window and is generated immediately after every 1mEnterNotify 22mand 1mDeviceFo-0m 1mcusIn22m. If the device has no more than 32 buttons, no more than 32 keys, and no more than 3 valuators, This event can report the state of the device. If the device has more than 32 buttons, the event will be immediately followed by a DeviceButtonStateNotify event. If the device has more than 32 keys, the event will be followed by a DeviceKeyStateNo- tify event. If the device has more than 3 valuators, the event will be followed by one or more DeviceValuator events. 1m3.5. Device KeyState and ButtonState Notify Events0m DeviceKeyStateNotify device: CARD8 keys: LISTofCARD8 DeviceButtonStateNotify device: CARD8 buttons: LISTofCARD8 These events contain information about the state of keys and buttons on a device that will not fit into the DeviceS- tateNotify wire event. These events are not selected by clients, rather they may immediately follow a DeviceStateNo- tify wire event and be combined with it into a single DeviceStateNotify client event that a client may receive via XNextEvent. 1m430m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m 1m3.6. DeviceMappingNotify Event0m DeviceMappingNotify time: TIMESTAMP device: CARD8 request: CARD8 first_keycode: CARD8 count: CARD8 This event reports a change in the mapping of keys, modi- fiers, or buttons on an extension device. This event is reported to clients selecting 1mDeviceMappingNotify 22mfor the device and window and is generated after every client 1mSetDe-0m 1mviceButtonMapping22m, 1mChangeDeviceKeyMapping22m, or 1mChangeDevice-0m 1mModifierMapping 22mrequest. 1m3.7. ChangeDeviceNotify Event0m ChangeDeviceNotify device: CARD8 time: TIMESTAMP request: CARD8 This event reports a change in the physical device being used as the core X keyboard or X pointer device. 1mChangeDe-0m 1mviceNotify 22mevents are reported to clients selecting 1mChangeDeviceNotify 22mfor the device and window and is gener- ated after every client 1mChangeKeyboardDevice 22mor 1mChangePoin-0m 1mterDevice 22mrequest. 1m3.8. Proximity Events0m ProximityIn ProximityOut device: CARD8 root, event: WINDOW child: Window or None same-screen: BOOL root-x, root-y, event-x, event-y: INT16 state: SETofKEYBUTMASK time: TIMESTAMP device-state: SETofKEYBUTMASK axis-count: CARD8 first-axis: CARD8 axis-data: LISTofINT32 These events are generated by some devices (such as graphics tablets or touchscreens) to indicate that a stylus has moved into or out of contact with a positional sensing surface. 1m440m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m The ``source'' of the event is the window the pointer is in. The window with respect to which the event is normally reported is found by looking up the hierarchy (starting with the source window) for the first window on which any client has selected interest in the event. The actual window used for reporting can be modified by active grabs and by the focus window.The window the event is reported with respect to is called the ``event'' window. The root is the root window of the ``source'' window, and root-x and root-y are the pointer coordinates relative to root's origin at the time of the event. Event is the ``event'' window. If the event window is on the same screen as root, then event-x and event-y are the pointer coordi- nates relative to the event window's origin. Otherwise, event-x and event-y are zero. If the source window is an inferior of the event window, then child is set to the child of the event window that is an ancestor of (or is) the source window. Otherwise, it is set to None. The state com- ponent gives the logical state of the buttons on the core X pointer and modifier keys on the core X keyboard just before the event. The device-state component gives the state of the buttons and modifiers on the device generating the event. 1m450m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m 1mAppendix A0m 1mInput Extension Protocol Encoding0m 1mSyntactic Conventions0m All numbers are in decimal, unless prefixed with #x, in which case they are in hexadecimal (base 16). The general syntax used to describe requests, replies, errors, events, and compound types is: 1mNameofThing0m encode-form ... encode-form Each encode-form describes a single component. For components described in the protocol as: name: TYPE the encode-form is: N TYPE name N is the number of bytes occupied in the data stream, and TYPE is the interpretation of those bytes. For example, depth: CARD8 becomes: 1 CARD8 depth For components with a static numeric value the encode-form is: N value name The value is always interpreted as an N-byte unsigned inte- ger. For example, the first two bytes of a Window error are always zero (indicating an error in general) and three 1m460m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m (indicating the Window error in particular): 1 0 Error 1 3 code For components described in the protocol as: name: 1m{Name1, ..., NameI}0m the encode-form is: N name value1 Name1 ... valueI NameI The value is always interpreted as an N-byte unsigned inte- ger. Note that the size of N is sometimes larger than that strictly required to encode the values. For example: class: 1m{InputOutput, InputOnly, CopyFromParent}0m becomes: 2 class 0 CopyFromParent 1 InputOutput 2 InputOnly For components described in the protocol as: NAME: TYPE or 1mAlternative1 ... or AlternativeI0m the encode-form is: N TYPE NAME value1 Alternative1 ... valueI AlternativeI The alternative values are guaranteed not to conflict with the encoding of TYPE. For example: 1m470m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m destination: WINDOW or 1mPointerWindow 22mor 1mInputFocus0m becomes: 4 WINDOW destination 0 PointerWindow 1 InputFocus For components described in the protocol as: value-mask: BITMASK the encode-form is: N BITMASK value-mask mask1 mask-name1 ... maskI mask-nameI The individual bits in the mask are specified and named, and N is 2 or 4. The most-significant bit in a BITMASK is reserved for use in defining chained (multiword) bitmasks, as extensions augment existing core requests. The precise interpretation of this bit is not yet defined here, although a probable mechanism is that a 1-bit indicates that another N bytes of bitmask follows, with bits within the overall mask still interpreted from least-significant to most-sig- nificant with an N-byte unit, with N-byte units interpreted in stream order, and with the overall mask being byte- swapped in individual N-byte units. For LISTofVALUE encodings, the request is followed by a sec- tion of the form: VALUEs encode-form ... encode-form listing an encode-form for each VALUE. The NAME in each encode-form keys to the corresponding BITMASK bit. The encoding of a VALUE always occupies four bytes, but the num- ber of bytes specified in the encoding-form indicates how many of the least-significant bytes are actually used; the remaining bytes are unused and their values do not matter. In various cases, the number of bytes occupied by a compo- nent will be specified by a lowercase single-letter variable name instead of a specific numeric value, and often some 1m480m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m other component will have its value specified as a simple numeric expression involving these variables. Components specified with such expressions are always interpreted as unsigned integers. The scope of such variables is always just the enclosing request, reply, error, event, or compound type structure. For example: 2 3+n request length 4n LISTofPOINT points For unused bytes (the values of the bytes are undefined and do not matter), the encode-form is: N unused If the number of unused bytes is variable, the encode-form typically is: p unused, p=pad(E) where E is some expression, and pad(E) is the number of bytes needed to round E up to a multiple of four. pad(E) = (4 - (E mod 4)) mod 4 1mCommon Types0m LISTofFOO In this document the LISTof notation strictly means some number of repetitions of the FOO encoding; the actual length of the list is encoded elsewhere. SETofFOO A set is always represented by a bitmask, with a 1-bit indicating presence in the set. BITMASK: CARD32 WINDOW: CARD32 BYTE: 8-bit value INT8: 8-bit signed integer INT16: 16-bit signed integer INT32: 32-bit signed integer 1m490m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m CARD8: 8-bit unsigned integer CARD16: 16-bit unsigned integer CARD32: 32-bit unsigned integer TIMESTAMP: CARD32 EVENTCLASS: CARD32 INPUTCLASS 0 KeyClass 1 ButtonClass 2 ValuatorClass 3 FeedbackClass 4 ProximityClass 5 FocusClass 6 OtherClass INPUTCLASS 0 KbdFeedbackClass 1 PtrFeedbackClass 2 StringFeedbackClass 3 IntegerFeedbackClass 4 LedFeedbackClass 5 BellFeedbackClass INPUTINFO 0 KEYINFO 1 BUTTONINFO 2 VALUATORINFO DEVICEMODE 0 Relative 1 Absolute PROXIMITYSTATE 0 InProximity 1 OutOfProximity 1m500m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m BOOL 0 False 1 True KEYSYM: CARD32 KEYCODE: CARD8 BUTTON: CARD8 SETofKEYBUTMASK #x0001 Shift #x0002 Lock #x0004 Control #x0008 Mod1 #x0010 Mod2 #x0020 Mod3 #x0040 Mod4 #x0080 Mod5 #x0100 Button1 #x0200 Button2 #x0400 Button3 #x0800 Button4 #x1000 Button5 #xe000 unused but must be zero SETofKEYMASK encodings are the same as for SETofKEYBUTMASK, except with #xff00 unused but must be zero STRING8: LISTofCARD8 STR 1 n length of name in bytes n STRING8 name 1mErrors0m Request 1 0 Error 1 1 code 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 unused 2 CARD16 minor opcode 1 CARD8 major opcode 21 unused 1m510m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m Value 1 0 Error 1 2 code 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 <32-bits> bad value 2 CARD16 minor opcode 1 CARD8 major opcode 21 unused Window 1 0 Error 1 3 code 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 CARD32 bad resource id 2 CARD16 minor opcode 1 CARD8 major opcode 21 unused Match 1 0 Error 1 8 code 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 unused 2 CARD16 minor opcode 1 CARD8 major opcode 21 unused Access 1 0 Error 1 10 code 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 unused 2 CARD16 minor opcode 1 CARD8 major opcode 21 unused Alloc 1 0 Error 1 11 code 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 unused 2 CARD16 minor opcode 1 CARD8 major opcode 21 unused 1m520m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m Name 1 0 Error 1 15 code 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 unused 2 CARD16 minor opcode 1 CARD8 major opcode 21 unused Device 1 0 Error 1 CARD8 code 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 unused 2 CARD16 minor opcode 1 CARD8 major opcode 21 unused Event 1 0 Error 1 CARD8 code 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 unused 2 CARD16 minor opcode 1 CARD8 major opcode 21 unused Mode 1 0 Error 1 CARD8 code 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 unused 2 CARD16 minor opcode 1 CARD8 major opcode 21 unused Class 1 0 Error 1 CARD8 code 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 unused 2 CARD16 minor opcode 1 CARD8 major opcode 21 unused Keyboards 1m530m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m KEYCODE values are always greater than 7 (and less than 256). KEYSYM values with the bit #x10000000 set are reserved as vendor-specific. The names and encodings of the standard KEYSYM values are contained in appendix F. Pointers BUTTON values are numbered starting with one. Requests GetExtensionVersion 1 CARD8 input extension opcode 1 1 GetExtensionVersion opcode 2 2+(n+p)/4 request length 2 n length of name 2 unused n STRING8 name p unused, p=pad(n) => 1 1 Reply 1 1 GetExtensionVersion opcode 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 0 reply length 2 CARD16 major version 2 CARD16 minor version 1 BOOL present 19 unused ListInputDevices 1 CARD8 input extension opcode 1 2 ListInputDevices opcode 2 1 request length => 1 1 Reply 1 2 ListInputDevices opcode 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 (n+p)/4 reply length 1 CARD8 number of input devices 23 unused n LISTofDEVICEINFO info for each input device p unused, p=pad(n) 1m540m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m DEVICEINFO 4 CARD32 device type 1 CARD8 device id 1 CARD8 number of input classes this device reports 1 CARD8 device use 0 IsXPointer 1 IsXKeyboard 2 IsXExtensionDevice 1 unused n LISTofINPUTINFO input info for each input class m STR name p unused, p=pad(m) INPUTINFO KEYINFO or BUTTONINFO or VALUATORINFO KEYINFO 1 0 class id 1 8 length 1 KEYCODE minimum keycode 1 KEYCODE maximum keycode 2 CARD16 number of keys 2 unused BUTTONINFO 1 1 class id 1 4 length 2 CARD16 number of buttons VALUATORINFO 1 2 class id 1 8+12n length 1 n number of axes 1 SETofDEVICEMODE mode 4 CARD32 size of motion buffer 12n LISTofAXISINFO valuator limits AXISINFO 4 CARD32 resolution 4 CARD32 minimum value 4 CARD32 maximum value 1m550m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m OpenDevice 1 CARD8 input extension opcode 1 3 OpenDevice opcode 2 2 request length 1 CARD8 device id 3 unused => 1 1 Reply 1 3 OpenDevice opcode 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 (n+p)/4 reply length 1 CARD8 number of input classes 23 unused n LISTofINPUTCLASSINFO input class information p unused, p=pad(n) INPUTCLASSINFO 1 CARD8 input class id 0 KEY 1 BUTTON 2 VALUATOR 3 FEEDBACK 4 PROXIMITY 5 FOCUS 6 OTHER 1 CARD8 event type base code for this class CloseDevice 1 CARD8 input extension opcode 1 4 CloseDevice opcode 2 2 request length 1 CARD8 device id 3 unused SetDeviceMode 1 CARD8 input extension opcode 1 5 SetDeviceMode opcode 2 2 request length 1 CARD8 device id 1 CARD8 mode 2 unused 1m560m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m => 1 1 Reply 1 5 SetDeviceMode opcode 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 0 reply length 1 CARD8 status 0 Success 1 AlreadyGrabbed 3 + first_error DeviceBusy 23 unused SelectExtensionEvent 1 CARD8 input extension opcode 1 6 SelectExtensionEvent opcode 2 3+n request length 4 Window event window 2 CARD16 count 2 unused 4n LISTofEVENTCLASS desired events GetSelectedExtensionEvents 1 CARD8 input extension opcode 1 7 GetSelectedExtensionEvents opcode 2 2 request length 4 Window event window => 1 1 Reply 1 7 GetSelecteExtensionEvents opcode 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 n + m reply length 2 n this client count 2 m all clients count 20 unused 4n LISTofEVENTCLASS this client list 4m LISTofEVENTCLASS all clients list 1m570m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m ChangeDeviceDontPropagateList 1 CARD8 input extension opcode 1 8 ChangeDeviceDontPropagateList opcode 2 3+n request length 4 Window event window 2 n count of events 1 mode 0 AddToList 1 DeleteFromList 1 unused 4n LISTofEVENTCLASS desired events GetDeviceDontPropagateList 1 CARD8 input extension opcode 1 9 GetDeviceDontPropagateList opcode 2 2 request length 4 Window event window => 1 1 Reply 1 9 GetDeviceDontPropagateList opcode 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 n reply length 2 n count of events 22 unused 4n LISTofEVENTCLASS don't propagate list GetDeviceMotionEvents 1 CARD8 input extension opcode 1 10 GetDeviceMotionEvents opcode 2 4 request length 4 TIMESTAMP start 0 CurrentTime 4 TIMESTAMP stop 0 CurrentTime 1 CARD8 device id 3 unused 1m580m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m => 1 1 Reply 1 10 GetDeviceMotionEvents opcode 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 (m+1)n reply length 4 n number of DEVICETIMECOORDs in events 1 m number of valuators per event 1 CARD8 mode of the device 0 Absolute 1 Relative 18 unused (4m+4)n LISTofDEVICETIMECOORDevents DEVICETIMECOORD 4 TIMESTAMP time 4m LISTofINT32 valuators ChangeKeyboardDevice 1 CARD8 input extension opcode 1 11 ChangeKeyboardDevice opcode 2 2 request length 1 CARD8 device id 3 unused => 1 1 Reply 1 11 ChangeKeyboardDevice opcode 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 0 reply length 1 status 0 Success 1 AlreadyGrabbed 2 DeviceFrozen 23 unused ChangePointerDevice 1 CARD8 input extension opcode 1 12 ChangePointerDevice opcode 2 2 request length 1 CARD8 x-axis 1 CARD8 y-axis 1 CARD8 device id 1 unused 1m590m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m => 1 1 Reply 1 12 ChangePointerDevice opcode 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 0 reply length 1 status 0 Success 1 AlreadyGrabbed 2 DeviceFrozen 23 unused GrabDevice 1 CARD8 input extension opcode 1 13 GrabDevice opcode 2 5+n request length 4 WINDOW grab-window 4 TIMESTAMP time 0 CurrentTime 2 n count of events 1 this-device-mode 0 Synchronous 1 Asynchronous 1 other-devices-mode 0 Synchronous 1 Asynchronous 1 BOOL owner-events 1 CARD8 device id 2 unused 4n LISTofEVENTCLASS event list => 1 1 Reply 1 13 GrabDevice opcode 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 0 reply length 1 status 0 Success 1 AlreadyGrabbed 2 InvalidTime 3 NotViewable 4 Frozen 23 unused 1m600m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m UngrabDevice 1 CARD8 input extension opcode 1 14 UngrabDevice opcode 2 3 request length 4 TIMESTAMP time 0 CurrentTime 1 CARD8 device id 3 unused GrabDeviceKey 1 CARD8 input extension opcode 1 15 GrabDeviceKey opcode 2 5+n request length 4 WINDOW grab-window 2 n count of events 2 SETofKEYMASK modifiers #x8000 AnyModifier 1 CARD8 modifier device #x0FF UseXKeyboard 1 CARD8 grabbed device 1 KEYCODE key 0 AnyKey 1 this-device-mode 0 Synchronous 1 Asynchronous 1 other-devices-mode 0 Synchronous 1 Asynchronous 1 BOOL owner-events 2 unused 4n LISTofEVENTCLASS event list UngrabDeviceKey 1 CARD8 input extension opcode 1 16 UngrabDeviceKey opcode 2 4 request length 4 WINDOW grab-window 2 SETofKEYMASK modifiers #x8000 AnyModifier 1 CARD8 modifier device #x0FF UseXKeyboard 1 KEYCODE key 0 AnyKey 1 CARD8 grabbed device 3 unused 1m610m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m GrabDeviceButton 1 CARD8 input extension opcode 1 17 GrabDeviceButton opcode 2 5+n request length 4 WINDOW grab-window 1 CARD8 grabbed device 1 CARD8 modifier device #x0FF UseXKeyboard 2 n count of desired events 2 SETofKEYMASK modifiers 1 this-device-mode 0 Synchronous 1 Asynchronous 1 other-device-mode 0 Synchronous 1 Asynchronous 1 BUTTON button 0 AnyButton 1 BOOL owner-events #x8000 AnyModifier 2 unused 4n LISTofEVENTCLASS event list UngrabDeviceButton 1 CARD8 input extension opcode 1 18 UngrabDeviceButton opcode 2 4 request length 4 WINDOW grab-window 2 SETofKEYMASK modifiers #x8000 AnyModifier 1 CARD8 modifier device #x0FF UseXKeyboard 1 BUTTON button 0 AnyButton 1 CARD8 grabbed device 3 unused 1m620m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m AllowDeviceEvents 1 CARD8 input extension opcode 1 19 AllowDeviceEvents opcode 2 3 request length 4 TIMESTAMP time 0 CurrentTime 1 mode 0 AsyncThisDevice 1 SyncThisDevice 2 ReplayThisDevice 3 AsyncOtherDevices 4 AsyncAll 5 SyncAll 1 CARD8 device id 2 unused GetDeviceFocus 1 CARD8 input extension opcode 1 20 GetDeviceFocus opcode 2 2 request length 1 CARD8 device 3 unused => 1 1 Reply 1 20 GetDeviceFocus opcode 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 0 reply length 4 WINDOW focus 0 None 1 PointerRoot 3 FollowKeyboard 4 TIMESTAMP focus time 1 revert-to 0 None 1 PointerRoot 2 Parent 3 FollowKeyboard 15 unused 1m630m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m SetDeviceFocus 1 CARD8 input extension opcode 1 21 SetDeviceFocus opcode 2 4 request length 4 WINDOW focus 0 None 1 PointerRoot 3 FollowKeyboard 4 TIMESTAMP time 0 CurrentTime 1 revert-to 0 None 1 PointerRoot 2 Parent 3 FollowKeyboard 1 CARD8 device 2 unused GetFeedbackControl 1 CARD8 input extension opcode 1 22 GetFeedbackControl opcode 2 2 request length 1 CARD8 device id 3 unused => 1 1 Reply 1 22 GetFeedbackControl opcode 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 m/4 reply length 2 n number of feedbacks supported 22 unused m LISTofFEEDBACKSTATE feedbacks FEEDBACKSTATE KBDFEEDBACKSTATE, PTRFEEDBACKSTATE, INTEGERFEEDBACKSTATE, STRINGFEEDBACKSTATE, BELLFEEDBACKSTATE, or LEDFEEDBACKSTATE 1m640m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m KBDFEEDBACKSTATE 1 0 feedback class id 1 CARD8 id of this feedback 2 20 length 2 CARD16 pitch 2 CARD16 duration 4 CARD32 led_mask 4 CARD32 led_values 1 global_auto_repeat 0 Off 1 On 1 CARD8 click 1 CARD8 percent 1 unused 32 LISTofCARD8 auto_repeats PTRFEEDBACKSTATE 1 0 feedback class id 1 CARD8 id of this feedback 2 12 length 2 unused 2 CARD16 acceleration-numerator 2 CARD16 acceleration-denominator 2 CARD16 threshold INTEGERFEEDBACKSTATE 1 0 feedback class id 1 CARD8 id of this feedback 2 16 length 4 CARD32 resolution 4 INT32 minimum value 4 INT32 maximum value STRINGFEEDBACKSTATE 1 1 feedback class id 1 CARD8 id of this feedback 2 4n+8 length 2 CARD16 max_symbols 2 n number of keysyms supported 4n LISTofKEYSYM key symbols supported 1m650m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m BELLFEEDBACKSTATE 1 1 feedback class id 1 CARD8 id of this feedback 2 12 length 1 CARD8 percent 3 unused 2 CARD16 pitch 2 CARD16 duration LEDFEEDBACKSTATE 1 1 feedback class id 1 CARD8 id of this feedback 2 12 length 4 CARD32 led_mask 4 BITMASK led_values #x0001 On #x0002 Off ChangeFeedbackControl 1 CARD8 input extension opcode 1 23 ChangeFeedbackControl opcode 2 3+n/4 request length 4 BITMASK value-mask (has n bits set to 1) #x0001 keyclick-percent #x0002 bell-percent #x0004 bell-pitch #x0008 bell-duration #x0010 led #x0020 led-mode #x0040 key #x0080 auto-repeat-mode #x0001 string #x0001 integer #x0001 acceleration-numerator #x0002 acceleration-denominator #x0004 acceleration-threshold 1 CARD8 device id 1 CARD8 feedback class id 2 unused n FEEDBACKCLASS FEEDBACKCLASS KBDFEEDBACKCTL, PTRFEEDBACKCTL, INTEGERFEEDBACKCTL, STRINGFEEDBACKCTL, BELLFEEDBACKCTL, or LEDFEEDBACKCTL 1m660m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m KBDFEEDBACKCTL 1 0 feedback class id 1 CARD8 id of this feedback 2 20 length 1 KEYCODE key 1 auto-repeat-mode 0 Off 1 On 2 Default 1 INT8 key-click-percent 1 INT8 bell-percent 2 INT16 bell-pitch 2 INT16 bell-duration 4 CARD32 led_mask 4 CARD32 led_values PTRFEEDBACKCTL 1 1 feedback class id 1 CARD8 id of this feedback 2 12 length 2 unused 2 INT16 numerator 2 INT16 denominator 2 INT16 threshold STRINGCTL 1 2 feedback class id 1 CARD8 id of this feedback 2 4n+8 length 2 unused 2 n number of keysyms to display 4n LISTofKEYSYM list of key symbols to display INTEGERCTL 1 3 feedback class id 1 CARD8 id of this feedback 2 8 length 4 INT32 integer to display 1m670m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m LEDCTL 1 4 feedback class id 1 CARD8 id of this feedback 2 12 length 4 CARD32 led_mask 4 BITMASK led_values #x0001 On #x0002 Off BELLCTL 1 5 feedback class id 1 CARD8 id of this feedback 2 8 length 1 INT8 percent 3 unused 2 INT16 pitch 2 INT16 duration GetDeviceKeyMapping 1 CARD8 input extension opcode 1 24 GetDeviceKeyMapping opcode 2 2 request length 1 CARD8 device 1 KEYCODE first-keycode 1 CARD8 count 1 unused => 1 1 Reply 1 24 GetDeviceKeyMapping opcode 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 nm reply length (m = count field from the request) 1 n keysyms-per-keycode 23 unused 4nm LISTofKEYSYM keysyms ChangeDeviceKeyMapping 1 CARD8 input extension opcode 1 25 ChangeDeviceKeyMapping opcode 2 2+nm request length 1 CARD8 device 1 KEYCODE first-keycode 1 m keysyms-per-keycode 1 n keycode-count 4nm LISTofKEYSYM keysyms 1m680m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m GetDeviceModifierMapping 1 CARD8 input extension opcode 1 26 GetDeviceModifierMapping opcode 2 2 request length 1 CARD8 device 3 unused => 1 1 Reply 1 26 GetDeviceModifierMapping opcode 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 2n reply length 1 n keycodes-per-modifier 23 unused 8n LISTofKEYCODE keycodes SetDeviceModifierMapping 1 CARD8 input extension opcode 1 27 SetDeviceModifier opcode 2 2+2n request length 1 CARD8 device 1 n keycodes-per-modifier 2 unused 8n LISTofKEYCODE keycodes => 1 1 Reply 1 27 SetDeviceModifierMapping opcode 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 0 reply length 1 status 0 Success 1 Busy 2 Failed 23 unused GetDeviceButtonMapping 1 CARD8 input extension opcode 1 28 GetDeviceButtonMapping opcode 2 2 request length 1 CARD8 device 3 unused 1m690m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m => 1 1 Reply 1 28 GetDeviceButtonMapping opcode 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 (n+p)/4 reply length 1 n number of elements in map list 23 unused n LISTofCARD8 map p unused, p=pad(n) SetDeviceButtonMapping 1 CARD8 input extension opcode 1 29 SetDeviceButtonMapping opcode 2 2+(n+p)/4 request length 1 CARD8 device 1 n length of map 2 unused n LISTofCARD8 map p unused, p=pad(n) => 1 1 Reply 1 29 SetDeviceButtonMapping opcode 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 0 reply length 1 status 0 Success 1 Busy 23 unused QueryDeviceState 1 CARD8 input extension opcode 1 30 QueryDeviceState opcode 2 2 request length 1 CARD8 device 3 unused => 1 1 Reply 1 30 QueryDeviceState opcode 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 m/4 reply length 1 n number of input classes 23 unused m LISTofINPUTSTATE 1m700m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m INPUTSTATE KEYSTATE or BUTTONSTATE or VALUATORSTATE KEYSTATE 1 CARD8 key input class id 1 36 length 1 CARD8 num_keys 1 unused 32 LISTofCARD8 status of keys BUTTONSTATE 1 CARD8 button input class id 1 36 length 1 CARD8 num_buttons 1 unused 32 LISTofCARD8 status of buttons VALUATORSTATE 1 CARD8 valuator input class id 1 4n + 4 length 1 n number of valuators 1 mode #x01 DeviceMode (0 = Relative, 1 = Absolute) #x02 ProximityState (0 = InProximity, 1 = OutOfProximity) 4n LISTofCARD32 status of valuators SendExtensionEvent 1 CARD8 input extension opcode 1 31 SendExtensionEvent opcode 2 4 + 8n + m request length 4 WINDOW destination 1 CARD8 device 1 BOOL propagate 2 CARD16 eventclass count 1 CARD8 num_events 3 unused 32n LISTofEVENTSevents to send 4m LISTofEVENTCLASS desired events 1m710m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m DeviceBell 1 CARD8 input extension opcode 1 32 DeviceBell opcode 2 2 request length 1 CARD8 device id 1 CARD8 feedback id 1 CARD8 feedback class 1 INT8 percent SetDeviceValuators 1 CARD8 input extension opcode 1 33 SetDeviceValuators opcode 2 2 + n request length 1 CARD8 device id 1 CARD8 first valuator 1 n number of valuators 1 unused 4n LISTofINT32 valuator values to set => 1 1 Reply 1 33 SetDeviceValuators opcode 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 0 reply length 1 CARD8 status 0 Success 1 AlreadyGrabbed 23 unused GetDeviceControl 1 CARD8 input extension opcode 1 34 GetDeviceControl opcode 2 2 request length 2 CARD16 device control type 1 CARD8 device id 1 unused 1m720m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m => 1 1 Reply 1 34 GetDeviceControl opcode 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 n/4 reply length 1 CARD8 status 0 Success 1 AlreadyGrabbed 3 + first_error DeviceBusy 23 unused n DEVICESTATE DEVICESTATE DEVICERESOLUTIONSTATE DEVICERESOLUTIONSTATE 2 0 control type 2 8 + 12n length 4 n num_valuators 4n LISTOfCARD32 resolution values 4n LISTOfCARD32 resolution min_values 4n LISTOfCARD32 resolution max_values ChangeDeviceControl 1 CARD8 input extension opcode 1 35 ChangeDeviceControl opcode 2 2+n/4 request length 2 CARD16 control type 1 CARD8 device id 1 unused n DEVICECONTROL DEVICECONTROL DEVICERESOLUTIONCTL DEVICERESOLUTIONCTL 2 1 control type 2 8 + 4n length 1 CARD8 first_valuator 1 n num_valuators 2 unused 4n LISTOfCARD32 resolution values 1m730m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m => 1 1 Reply 1 35 ChangeDeviceControl opcode 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 0 reply length 1 CARD8 status 0 Success 1 AlreadyGrabbed 3 + first_error DeviceBusy 23 unused Events DeviceKeyPress, DeviceKeyRelease, DeviceButtonPress, Device- ButtonRelease, ProximityIn, ProximityOut, and DeviceStateNo- tify events may be followed by zero or more DeviceValuator events. DeviceMotionNotify events will be followed by one or more DeviceValuator events. DeviceValuator 1 CARD8 code 1 CARD8 device id 2 CARD16 sequence number 2 SETofKEYBUTMASK state 1 n number of valuators this device reports 1 m number of first valuator in this event 24 LISTofINT32 valuators DeviceKeyPress 1 CARD8 code 1 KEYCODE detail 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 TIMESTAMP time 4 WINDOW root 4 WINDOW event 4 WINDOW child 0 None 2 INT16 root-x 2 INT16 root-y 2 INT16 event-x 2 INT16 event-y 2 SETofKEYBUTMASK state 1 BOOL same-screen 1 CARD8 device id #x80 MORE_EVENTS follow 1m740m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m DeviceKeyRelease 1 CARD8 code 1 KEYCODE detail 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 TIMESTAMP time 4 WINDOW root 4 WINDOW event 4 WINDOW child 0 None 2 INT16 root-x 2 INT16 root-y 2 INT16 event-x 2 INT16 event-y 2 SETofKEYBUTMASK state 1 BOOL same-screen 1 CARD8 device id #x80 MORE_EVENTS follow DeviceButtonPress 1 CARD8 code 1 BUTTON detail 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 TIMESTAMP time 4 WINDOW root 4 WINDOW event 4 WINDOW child 0 None 2 INT16 root-x 2 INT16 root-y 2 INT16 event-x 2 INT16 event-y 2 SETofKEYBUTMASK state 1 BOOL same-screen 1 CARD8 device id #x80 MORE_EVENTS follow 1m750m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m DeviceButtonRelease 1 CARD8 code 1 BUTTON detail 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 TIMESTAMP time 4 WINDOW root 4 WINDOW event 4 WINDOW child 0 None 2 INT16 root-x 2 INT16 root-y 2 INT16 event-x 2 INT16 event-y 2 SETofKEYBUTMASK state 1 BOOL same-screen 1 CARD8 device id #x80 MORE_EVENTS follow DeviceMotionNotify 1 CARD8 code 1 detail 0 Normal 1 Hint 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 TIMESTAMP time 4 WINDOW root 4 WINDOW event 4 WINDOW child 0 None 2 INT16 root-x 2 INT16 root-y 2 INT16 event-x 2 INT16 event-y 2 SETofKEYBUTMASK state 1 BOOL same-screen 1 CARD8 device id #x80 MORE_EVENTS follow 1m760m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m DeviceFocusIn 1 CARD8 code 1 detail 0 Ancestor 1 Virtual 2 Inferior 3 Nonlinear 4 NonlinearVirtual 5 Pointer 6 PointerRoot 7 None 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 TIMESTAMP time 4 WINDOW event 1 mode 0 Normal 1 Grab 2 Ungrab 3 WhileGrabbed 1 CARD8 device id 18 unused DeviceFocusOut 1 CARD8 code 1 detail 0 Ancestor 1 Virtual 2 Inferior 3 Nonlinear 4 NonlinearVirtual 5 Pointer 6 PointerRoot 7 None 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 TIMESTAMP time 4 WINDOW event 1 mode 0 Normal 1 Grab 2 Ungrab 3 WhileGrabbed 1 CARD8 device id 18 unused 1m770m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m ProximityIn 1 CARD8 code 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 TIMESTAMP time 4 WINDOW root 4 WINDOW event 4 WINDOW child 0 None 2 INT16 root-x 2 INT16 root-y 2 INT16 event-x 2 INT16 event-y 2 SETofKEYBUTMASK state 1 BOOL same-screen 1 CARD8 device id #x80 MORE_EVENTS follow ProximityOut 1 CARD8 code 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 TIMESTAMP time 4 WINDOW root 4 WINDOW event 4 WINDOW child 0 None 2 INT16 root-x 2 INT16 root-y 2 INT16 event-x 2 INT16 event-y 2 SETofKEYBUTMASK state 1 BOOL same-screen 1 CARD8 device id #x80 MORE_EVENTS follow DeviceStateNotify events may be immediately followed by zero or one DeviceKeyStateNotify and/ or zero or more DeviceValu- ator events. 1m780m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m DeviceStateNotify 1 CARD8 code 1 CARD8 device id #x80 MORE_EVENTS follow 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 TIMESTAMP time 1 CARD8 num_keys 1 CARD8 num_buttons 1 CARD8 num_valuators 1 CARD8 valuator mode and input classes reported #x01 reporting keys #x02 reporting buttons #x04 reporting valuators #x40 device mode (0 = Relative, 1 = Absolute) #x80 proximity state (0 = InProximity, 1 = OutOfProximity) 4 LISTofCARD8 first 32 keys (if reported) 4 LISTofCARD8 first 32 buttons (if reported) 12 LISTofCARD32 first 3 valuators (if reported) DeviceKeyStateNotify 1 CARD8 code 1 CARD8 device id #x80 MORE_EVENTS follow 2 CARD16 sequence number 28 LISTofCARD8 state of keys 33-255 DeviceButtonStateNotify 1 CARD8 code 1 CARD8 device id #x80 MORE_EVENTS follow 2 CARD16 sequence number 28 LISTofCARD8 state of buttons 33-255 DeviceValuator 1 CARD8 code 1 CARD8 device id 2 CARD16 sequence number 2 SETofKEYBUTMASK state 1 n number of valuators this device reports 1 n number of first valuator in this event 24 LISTofINT32 valuators 1m790m 1mX Input Extension Protocol Specification X11, Release 6.40m DeviceMappingNotify 1 CARD8 code 1 CARD8 device id 2 CARD16 sequence number 1 request 0 MappingModifier 1 MappingKeyboard 2 MappingPointer 1 KEYCODE first-keycode 1 CARD8 count 1 unused 4 TIMESTAMP time 20 unused ChangeDeviceNotify 1 CARD8 code 1 CARD8 id of device specified on change request 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 TIMESTAMP time 1 request 0 NewPointer 1 NewKeyboard 23 unused 1m800m 1mTable of Contents0m 1.1. Input Extension Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2. Design Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.3. Core Input Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.4. Extension Input Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.4.1. Event Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.4.2. Input Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2. Requests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.1. Getting the Extension Version . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.2. Listing Available Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.3. Enabling Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.4. Changing The Mode Of A Device . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.5. Initializing Valuators on an Input Device . . . . . 10 2.6. Getting Input Device Controls . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2.7. Selecting Extension Device Events . . . . . . . . . 13 2.8. Determining Selected Events . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2.9. Controlling Event Propagation . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2.10. Sending Extension Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2.11. Getting Motion History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.12. Changing The Core Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.13. Event Synchronization And Core Grabs . . . . . . . 19 2.14. Extension Active Grabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.15. Passively Grabbing A Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2.16. Passively Grabbing A Button . . . . . . . . . . . 23 2.17. Thawing A Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 2.18. Controlling Device Focus . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2.19. Controlling Device Feedback . . . . . . . . . . . 29 2.20. Ringing a Bell on an Input Device . . . . . . . . 34 2.21. Controlling Device Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . 34 2.22. Controlling Button Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 2.23. Obtaining The State Of A Device . . . . . . . . . 39 3. Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 3.1. Button, Key, and Motion Events . . . . . . . . . . 40 3.2. DeviceValuator Event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 3.3. Device Focus Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 3.4. Device State Notify Event . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 3.5. Device KeyState and ButtonState Notify Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 3.6. DeviceMappingNotify Event . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 3.7. ChangeDeviceNotify Event . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 3.8. Proximity Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Appendix A - Input Extension Protocol Encoding . . . . . 46 1mi0m